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Don't see any threads on this yet

Destiny does not work on pc with the new Ryzen 3000 series Cpu's. After clicking the play button on battlenet it says the game is running and the destiny 2 exe will show up in task manager but only shows that its using 5-10% cpu but it never will start. A couple threads have popped up on the bungie forums and it seems to be affecting all variants of motherboard /ryzen 3000 setups. Tried reinstalling windows 3 times over with full formats between and reinstalling drivers each time. Bungie halp

Edit: just to clear it up Specs : mb: Asus crosshair hero viii Cpu :Ryzen 9 3900x no oc Gpu : Msi RTX 2080 Ram: Corsair vengeance Rgb 3466-cl 16

Edit 2:thank you for the up votes and visibility from all on this thread.. Hopefully we catch the attention of cosmo or dmg and this can be communicated to the devs, also thanks for the silver and gold kind guardians

Edit 3: per https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/252743417?sort=0&page=0&path=1 issue has been escalated at bungie

Edit 4: pc gamer just released an article about this so hopefully we get some patches soon!

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for the report. The team is currently investigating this issue.