Oddly when I started the game after reset I was greeted with a prompt for the newly tweaked solar subclasses and solar emotes. That aside. A new featured store page was in the Eververse for the solar emote and finisher and I noticed the Gunslinger's Anticipation costed 800 silver while I recall it costing 500 silver before reset.
Sure enough, in the Seasons tab it's still 500 silver. Was planning on getting it either way and bought the 800 to see if it was not a typo/graphical thing, but indeed I lost 800 silver. Refunded it and got the 500 silver one, which did in fact still cost 500.
I truly hope it's a bug..? Given the recent outrage towards the EV. Haven't taken the time to see if this also applies to Titan and Warlock.
Edit: same with Titan and Warlock.
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