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Thought it was a neat little detail.

EDIT: I've been reading a conversation that happened in the comments that I want to address. Some seem to think this post is a waste of time, and others disagree (thanks Alpha).

Time for some perspective.

I audibly gasped when I realized that the reticle was a bull. In that moment I got so excited, and sure, it may be obvious to some. It just wasn't to me. Sure, it may be minor to some. And, in truth, it was a good, albeit small part of my day. But you have to recognize that someone sat down, for a moment or a few, and they put love and effort and heart into making that reticle, probably with just a passing hope that someone would notice, and say something. Imagine something you've done or worked on, that you hoped would be recognized, but never was. Don't you wish someone would have given you some words of acknowledgement or encouragement?

Everyone's had it rough lately. So I figured, let's take this small thing, and recognize it. The person or people that made it or decided to put it in the game, may even come across this post one day, and - hopefully - it puts a smile on their face. In the way that I hope that some of your efforts will, too, be recognized.

Spread a little joy, in a time where a whole lot of people really deserve it.

Happy Holidays, Guardians.

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over 2 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Can’t even begin to tell you how much joy this post brought to the team. Much love, Guardian.