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Even while you're above 75+% health. Had Cyclopses oneshot me from miles away too.

And it's



EDIT: Since more than half the people try to lecture me that it's normal for Cyclopses to oneshot you (which I do believe), the first and second clip both had no Cyclopses in the whole match. Every Vex enemy has the Torch Hammer attack (except Hapries and Fanatics).

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link


Saw this thread over the weekend, wanted to hit it for sure this morning.

  1. How frequently do you have this happen?
  2. Is it only Torch Hammers?
  3. Were you experiencing any connection issues at the time?
  4. Was this in Gambit, or Gambit Prime?

I've been playing Prime over the last two weeks getting my seasonal weapon, shader, and emblem. I haven't been having the same issues occur, but we can check to see if there's a bug. I can say that there were no difficulty changes in Season of Dawn, nor any hotfixes or updates to Gambit/Prime difficulty since.

As for the current examples provided in the OP:

  • In example 1, it seems you were being hit from multiple angles by torch hammers and other combatants. While it seems off you lost all of your health so quickly, it seems likely that you were somewhat overwhelmed by firepower from multiple sources.

  • In example 2, numerous torch hammer shots were present on the ground and detonated at a single time, which led to your demise. I'll follow up with the team to see what's going on here. Could be a connection issue, or could be a weird bug that's reared its ugly head.

  • In example 3, the Cyclops nukes you from orbit. This seems natural, as the blast has incredibly high damage. I've had this happen to me countless times when not paying attention.

I don't mean for this to look like I'm spinning this to be on the part of the player, but explaining what I'm seeing when hitting the links. We have a few folks out on holiday, but we'll track this and see if there are any underlying issues.