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If you kill a target enemy and quickly pass through the smoke to turn invisible many times it does not select a new target even if enemies are nearby. Maybe has something to do with passing through the smoke too quickly so I guess wait a sec before jumping in.

Secondly, the successful hunt buff does not give you any class, melee, grenade energy when you’re at 3 stacks. Works with 1 and 2 stacks but not at 3.

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Hey all, thanks for the report/discussion.

From our SBX minded team members:

1) On the Prowl has a 1 second internal cooldown. This can be adjusted in the future if necessary.

2) This aspect is currently granting the small chunk of ability energy over the 7 second duration of each stack instead of all at once. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future update. That said, the energy is fully awarded by the time the buff runs out.