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Lag as I try to change the dexterity on my legs midmatch in Crucible. I ended up just giving up because it kept locking up even after this. To be clear as well, I’m moving my cursor the entire time - the times it completely stops moving is due to the game, not me.

This is with a Solid State Hard drive on an X1

Edit: So, from the responses to this thread this seems to be a problem mostly with consoles regardless of it being a 1X or PS4Pro. Others are saying they also have the issue on PC regardless of having a high end rig while others are claiming that shouldn’t be possible.

Either way, this is obviously an issue and hopefully it is one that can be resolved sooner than later as it really makes going into these menu systems a frustrating experience.

Have also had multiple people point out that an SSD isn’t something that factors into loading a menu system like this, which I’ll take your word for it - but, it’s still worth mentioning as it stops the “get an SSD” conversation before it happens.

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about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

I have encountered this as well, in a few activities. I'll be sure to send this report over to the team, but I believe they're in the process of investigating this perf issue, among others.

Will give updates when we can!