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I just lost a 4v3 gambit prime where we pulled the primeval after 3-4 waves, other team had 21 motes when we pulled. I had a SINGLE teammate that would kill the third envoy as soon as it spawned or right when the invader showed up EVERY time. (Obviously this is fine in phase 1,2 and sometimes 3 but after that come on)The game ran us out of time (after 12-14 damage phases on my team) and we lost.

Why in the world does bungie not EXPLAIN these gamemodes to players? We always go in blind to figure out a game mode like gambit or a raid mechanic or something and that’s wonderful. But after a couple weeks they should have a tutorial or something that explains it because a lot of blueberries don’t give a sh*t to look up mechanics or anything and makes anything solo absolutely infuriating.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

So, what you're telling me...

As an invader, I should run over to the last envoy and use it as a shield, so my opponents may kill it before me and miss out on some of their damage phase?

Good strat!