Original Post — Direct link

Our Guardian Has Fallen.

On January 25th (just a couple weeks ago), we lost killerklown736. He was a member of the Spirit Animals (our very casual clan) and lost his two-year battle with colon cancer. He had been in our clan since around the time of Destiny 2's release and had spent countless hours alongside us. He miffed the Vex. He closed the Cabal. He kicked the fallen when they were down, and he buried the hive. He brought us honor.

He was a friend to us all and some of us were even fortunate enough to have met him in real life.

To honor his memory, we are hosting a 24-hour stream in an effort to raise funds for the American Cancer Society. It will be starting this Saturday (February 22) at 12:00 PM EST and ending at 12:00 PM this Sunday (February 23rd).

We are using the fundraising platform Tiltify. All funds go directly to the American Cancer Society. We invite you to join the cause by donating (https://tiltify.com/@laser712/spirit-animals-raiding-against-cancer).

But most of all, we invite you to please participate in our stream, which will be located on Twitch for our official stream: https://www.twitch.tv/spiritanimalsclan/. Please note that this twitch account was set up specifically for this event and may not have much streaming going on between now and then. It's likely some of us will be streaming via mixer at various times as well. Find us using #raidingagainstcancer

I'm hopeful you'll be able to join us in remembering him and to help raise money for research to help treat cancer.

Eyes Up, Guardians. Eyes up.

P.S. I'm sorry for keeping the Destiny references low in this one. Part of me wanted to fill it with puns about how I don't have time to explain how we've woken the hive while the spire was forming, but the fact of the matter is that Guardians don't always get to make their own fate. There is no enhancement core for our bodies, and the truth is people -- and this community -- matter to every one of us. Cancer is very real, and it freaking hurts. Losing a friend hurts more than I think any of us want to admit. Our hearts have been dismantled into shards. I'm the "happy/goofy" dad joke guy. But right now, I'm sad. And I (and the rest of my clan) just want to do what I (we) can to honor our friend. Please join us.

Edit: The immediate response has been nothing short of amazing (I was actually concerned I'd be getting pitchforks). I'm at work right now and can't reply to everyone, but assure you I will be reading everyone's comments through the day and later tonight. I'll try to get back to everyone I can.

Also, it looks like I got gold and silver. Thank you, that means a lot. I don't want to come across as unappreciative, that is the opposite of the truth. However, please keep your money or donate it to our cause or a charity of your choice. Hopefully we can raid against cancer together.

Edit 2: A couple fellow classmates are in the comments trying to help out since I'm at work and can't really interact much right now. It was suggested that I name who they are, since they will also be in the streams and are representing us in the thread below.

carlos_bandera notryanfox jlewi34 tmeisterc ThumperZero jjworld42

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Much love, to you and yours.

See you in chat.