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Manage your Destiny 2 Items with DIM


We did it. You can now move your Destiny 2 items with DIM. It was an amazing effort to get the app ready before the US launch, and we did it just moments before midnight eastern.


We were hoping that the Destiny API would go live during the early hours of the launch. Once it did, we were able to see your items in the data, and got to work. /u/vid_boi did an amazing job preparing and developing most of the code to get DIM ready for D2. Give him lots of high-fives in the comments. He deserves it.


At the moment, all you can do is move items between characters and the vault. We have disabled everything else, and if we missed something, it's gonna break. We wanted to give the minimum experience so we can help players enjoy the game while we play the game, and we're happy with where we ended up.

Now this was a fast and furious effort and there will be bugs. You may have to refresh the page if your items don't load. We'll get that fixed soon.

In the coming weeks, we'll add Loadouts back to the app and more inspection features for your items. Weapon Reviews should return too. That's all we can say for now.

The game is a lot of fun so far, and we're taking it all in and listening to players. Let us know what you want from DIM by creating issues in our github. This way we can track and discuss your ideas with other players and developers.


Thank you all again for bringing us along for the ride when you play the game. We're here to help you play more Destiny and look forward to all that we'll experience with Destiny 2.

See you around the Farm.

The Team at DIM.

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about 7 years ago - /u/DeeJ_BNG - Direct link

Originally posted by fc_newbro

Yo /u/Deej_BNG can you please pass along my, and I'm sure most people's, thanks to the team for providing the info needed by the DIM team to have this up and running so quickly.

It's the little things like this that are often overlooked by companies and make a huge difference to players. Thanks a ton! <3

Wait, who runs DIM? What is that?