Original Post — Direct link
about 5 years ago - /u/dmg04 - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback! As with other feedback concerning Firing Range style requests, I'll be sure to note this on the list.

I can say at a glance, this may be a little more complex due to the way Guardians take damage, or other variables you may find in Gambit or the Crucible.

What resilience value? Are they in Super? Do you only wish to see damage numbers, or have a Guardian moving so you can see how difficult it would be to apply damage to a walking/running target? Should Power be enabled to replicate Gambit/Iron Banner, or simply a Guardian taking damage in normal Crucible?

To look at this from a development perspective as well, what is the problem you're trying to solve? Do you believe work should be dedicated to this over other sandbox balancing or features? Do you believe a large amount of players would use this feature, or would it primarily be for content creators? Can players snag a friend and do these tests quickly on their own, or just take a weapon into Crucible as damage isn't the only factor when judging newly acquired loot?

Apologies for running through the list. Just love asking questions to get a better understanding of player feedback.