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Hello, 3 month ago (08.01.19), me and my team were MOTW (Ghalran metal cover). My team mates received the emblem but not me.


I tried to dm Dmg04 and Cozmo on bungie.net, but no answer. It will be great. If you can something.

I tried to contact few moderator but nobody can help me... I don't know what can I do now 😥

I hope that this post can be viral, I m not the only guy in this situation.

Edit: All players in the same situation, dm me and I will tag you if dmg or cozmo contact me. We need to help our community !

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over 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Looking into this now. I saw the xbox tag that matched your reddit name and did the grant. Check your collections.