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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/48915

Our focus this week is a streamer and a Destiny completionist who specializes in helping people – both IRL and in-game. In addition to raiding with her fellow Guardians and somehow managing to finish every challenge, Triumph, and Seal in Destiny, she works a demanding job as an emergency room nurse.

During this time of international concern, we thought it was important to introduce you to an inspiring member of the Destiny community who’s not only helping Destiny players make the most of their experience, she’s also helping people in the real world. Please meet iLulu.

Thanks for joining us. Please take a virtual seat and tell us a little bit about yourself and what your role is in the Destiny community.

iLulu: My online name is iLulu (formally known as: Lulusoccer) and I go by Melissa outside of gaming. I’ve been a part-time streamer for almost five years now with a main focus on Destiny. My passion for the game started with the Beta on the PS4 and has been ongoing since. I'd like to think my role within the Destiny community focuses more on teaching raids and completing end game content within my community. We just hit our 100th+ Garden of Salvation clear with 63 Sherpa completions! 

We play with any type of gamer, [including those who are] new to the series or raid masters. We’ve got some great “helpers” in this community that are willing to help anyone. I’m also very much a completionist in the game with a max Triumph score and all Seals acquired. Rivensbane is still one of my all-time favorite Seals.  

I’ve only done one Seal and can only marvel at how you were able to get them all. We appreciate you being brave and continuing to help others, especially now with so many people sheltering in place. Can you tell us a bit about what it's like being nurse right now and what you’re doing to keep your spirits up?

iLulu: I've been a pediatric registered nurse for 10 years this May and a year ago I decided to pursue Trauma Nursing and am currently working in a Level 1 Pediatric Emergency Department. Nursing has always been an evolving field with changing practices and advances, but currently processes are changing every day to try and keep nursing staff, patients, and families safe. 

I feel like all nurses right now are dealing with the stress of constant change and some fear of what the next month will look like. None of us knew a few months ago that COVID-19 was going to drastically change healthcare/daily life as we knew it. We have to adapt not just as nurses, but as a society. I work with an incredible group of people and we are committed to continuing to provide the best care we can, given the circumstances. I absolutely love working in a busy ER – you could call Destiny and nursing my passions in life. I couldn’t imagine not doing either of them! 

In order to stay positive with everything happening, I make sure to take time for myself outside of work. Streaming is a part of that and Destiny has always been a great way to de-stress. I'm also looking forward to other various games coming out soon. One thing I'll encourage all of you to do, though - please, stay home. Go online to see your friends, meet up in the Tower, but let’s keep as many people safe and healthy as we can.

Well said. We’re glad Destiny provides a way for you to get away from everything and we appreciate the great work you’re doing. You obviously play a lot, what has been your favorite Subclass and weapon?

iLulu: Nightstalker Hunter has always been my favorite since it was introduced back in D1. She gets the majority of my playtime … Even with the nerfs! 😉

One of my favorite weapons in D2 for PvE has always been One Thousand Voices. I don't use it as often anymore but always loved how unique it was and [the fact that] it came from one of the best raids in Destiny 2. I’d be lying also if I didn’t mention Recluse … considering it's almost always equipped for PvE stuff. However, I’m still a Hand Cannon girl at heart! For PvP when I use a controller, I have a god-roll Service Revolver and Mindbender’s Ambition that I enjoy running. Learning MnK for PvP I've been using Rose a lot, I feel like it has a pretty easy learning curve! 

Fully agree on One Thousand Voices; it feels like you are calling in an air strike. Tell us about your channel, what kind of content can we find there?

iLulu: My channel has a pretty set schedule that I balance around my night shift at the hospital! Most morning streams always start with a Garden of Salvation raid (or the most recent raid for the Season) and people just sign up in my Discord to join in. Every single Guardian is welcome and we offer Divinity if people need it! From there I usually go into end game or new content like Pinnacles, Iron Banner, etc., and also some bounty farming. I’m getting ready for those 1060 Grandmaster Nightfalls! 

I also do enjoy PvP and, while I'm not in the top 1 percent, there are times I can make some plays. I do play Trials on the weekends. You will occasionally see some fun raid challenges on the channel as well. A few of them have won Movie of the Week. Generally, we just keep things fun in stream. Life is stressful as it is, streaming/gaming is meant to be fun!

Glad to see you’re already prepping for Grandmaster. It’s going to be tough. Where can we go to find you on the internet?

iLulu: Here are links to all my channels:

What’s been your favorite Destiny moment over the last few years?

iLulu: I can’t pick just one specific moment. Some parts of Destiny that I love though are the blind raid races, the hidden puzzles, and teaming up with friends I’ve met over the years. I also love the personal satisfaction feeling of completing a challenge I was working on in the game. These include the Triumphs, Seals, or low-man raid challenges. 

This game has also given me so many opportunities - from meeting friends/people outside of the game, to traveling out to the studio. I had no idea when I started D1 it would change my life so significantly. I have so many specific moments that I’ll treasure throughout the rest of my life. These moments may mean nothing to others, but I know when I’m 80 I’ll look back and say, “Yeah, you lived a great life!” My advice to everyone out there: It doesn’t matter if people find what you do to be “silly,” “dumb,” or “stupid” – the real question is, are [you] living life how you want?

That’s a great way to see the world and live your life. Hope we’re all still gaming when we’re 80. Anything else you would like to add before we let you get back?

iLulu: Adding to that last statement, we are all just Guardians in this world, all trying our best to navigate the thing we call life. Can we all just be a little less judgmental to one another? We categorize people before we even know them. From the disconnect between “streamers” and “casuals” and “PvE players” and “PvP players,” life is not this black and white. Most people are somewhere in between. I really want to encourage people to talk to each other. Not everyone is going to like everyone along the way and we are for sure going to have different opinions but respect goes such a long way in the world.

Very true. Be excellent to each other. Even when we disagree, we can still respect others.

We’d like to thank iLulu for taking time away from her busy schedule to share about her gaming life and experiences as a healthcare professional. Please make sure you visit her stream and say hi. Maybe she can help you run a raid!

Running these Community Focus articles is great fun for us and we love getting to meet interesting people from around the world of Destiny. If you have someone you think should be in the spotlight, share them with us on Twitter or our forums.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Na1l

I wish Community Focus actually focused on people that have made a tremendous impact on the game. Sharditkeepit, the team behind Charlemagne, Afpac at light.gg, the creator of DIM, Ginsor, todayindestiny... These people deserve to be recognized as they provide us necessary tools to function well within the game.

Streamers have ways of being discovered, it's built into the platform. Let those shine that have given to the community endlessly

Fully agree that creators of community tools deserve community focus, which is why I've highlighted Charlemagne and DIM in the past.

iLulu has had a positive impact on the community and that's why we decided to give her the spotlight this week.