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I'm tired of situations like this:

I want to do 980 nf, I create LFG on bungie.net with 2 spots open. One guy joins so I want to invite him, I swap to Destiny and there's already 5 people in my fireteam. What now? I don't like kicking others. There's still one spot open in LFG, but we already have 5 in our team

Another absurd situation, me and 2 friends wanted to do a quick SOTP, we join a lfg with 4 open spots, then join in D2 and we have 12 people in fireteam

If you want to join the lfg then please take the spot. Before Shadowkeep there was this cool thing that you couldn't see other IDs, if you weren't in the fireteam

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over 4 years ago - /u/Achronos - Direct link

Originally posted by Mblim771_Kyle

Huh, wonder where I got that from then. Could have sworn I saw something in the app say so but I guess not

The app says so but it isn't technically required. But there are a lot of ways join can fail if you're in an activity. For example, a particular instance (like the tower) can only have so many players in it, so a join will fail if you try and invite people and there is no space.

So we just simplified the instructions to say "be in orbit". It makes the asynchronous nature between the app and the game state much easier to deal with for all involved.