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Title. I've been using it a lot, in crucible especially, and I've noticed that at random times the full-auto will just...stop. This is an issue I've encountered over and over, and my friends have as well. And I've had this issue on weapons such as Ringing Nail and Y1 Uriel's Gift.

It's only really aggravating when it happens in crucible, as it normally stops firing at the worst possible moment, causing me to lose a decent chunk of engagements where I would otherwise come out on top if I wasn't using the gun.

I play on PS4, is this a console issue or is it something else entirely?

Edit: thanks for all the comments confirming that I'm not alone in experiencing this issue and that it isn't PS4 specific. Seems like it could be an issue with the game being a bit too finicky when it comes to recognizing trigger pulls on controller. Whatever it is, I hope it's fixed soon because this weapon is really fun but I can't bring myself to use it when I'm losing my 1v1s because the gun stops shooting.

Edit 2: lots of amazing input on other people's experience as well as possible causes for the issue. It's not just this weapon and it's affecting all platforms. Personally, I'll do some testing and see if I can determine the root of it and share my experience and it sounds like a few others are going to do the same. Would be awesome if we could narrow it down and help Bungie fix the issue. Thanks everyone!

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about 5 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Thanks for the report. This is a known issue that we were able to reproduce internally and investigating a fix.