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Source: https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/47736

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Spring is in the air, Guardians! It’s time to kick up your heels, celebrate, and break a few rules! The people of the City love this time of year, and I wanted to share their joy with you, my good friends. Come to the Tower. Smell the flowers. And revel in all we have together.”—Eva Levante

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The Revelry is a new event available to all Destiny 2 players that celebrates the joy of Spring. The Tower is overflowing with colorful arrangements, and Eva Levante has a new activity for you to enjoy with new rewards to claim. But that's just the beginning—the celebration spans across the solar system, offering ways for your character to feel more powerful in every activity Destiny 2 has to offer. 

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Verdant Forest

The Revelry grants you access to the Verdant Forest. It may conjure up memories of the Haunted Forest from Festival of the Lost, but you’ll find it in bloom to fit the season—and in combat, you’ll discover new twists to fight through. The objective is to clear as many rooms as possible. The more spaces you clear, the more time you’ll have to defeat the onslaught of five different bosses and claim your reward. 

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If you want to fight with a team, you can bring one with you or let us matchmake one for you. If you want to go it alone, it will be dangerous, but that choice is available to you as well.

Abilities and Orbs

The Revelry is a chance for every Guardian to break the rules about how Light is wielded as a weapon. When you first visit the Tower, Eva Levante will grant you a Reveler’s Tonic. Fill your tonic with Reveler’s Essence by killing bosses in the Verdant Forest or completing other activities. Three different tonics will reduce the cooldown of your grenades, melee, or class ability. Choose which buff you prefer and let the sparks fly.

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The more pieces of Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor you equip, the more potent the tonic will be. The powerful effect applies to every activity in the game except Private Matches. Revelers will even be more dangerous in the Crucible.

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The Reveler’s Tonic is not the only way you’ll increase your output of space magic during this event. Everywhere in the game, Orbs have the chance of being generated by precision kills. The best place to create tons of Orbs will be in the Verdant Forest, as that's where they'll drop most often. 


The Revelry will feature the new Inaugural Revelry armor set. You can earn pieces of this set by defeating bosses in the Verdant Forest. The more bosses you defeat, the greater your chances to receive a drop. Eva will also have five weekly bounties that award Inaugural Revelry armor as a powerful drop. Each piece of the set you equip will boost the effect of your Reveler’s Tonic.

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You can also turn in the Reveler’s Essence you earn through activities to Eva in exchange for packages containing assorted rewards, including world drops, Enhancement Cores, and ornaments for the Inaugural Revelry helmet.

Each ornament will grow in size depending on how many pieces of Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor you have equipped.

Are you in need of some extra firepower? Complete Triumphs and turn in Reveler’s Essence to Eva to earn a new Exotic Kinetic Fusion Rifle, Arbalest. It’s the first weapon of its kind and does extra damage against enemy shields. 

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Double Drops

Similar to other recent events, Bright Engram drops will be doubled. Players at max level (depending on what content they have access to) will receive both a Bright Engram and a Revelry Engram every time they level up. There will also be a “knock-out” list for the Revelry Engram, preventing you from receiving duplicates until you’ve earned all the new items.

Here is a preview of some items that will be available: 

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Vernal Growth armor

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We will also have some exclusive items available in direct-purchase bundles.

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The Revelry begins on Tuesday, April 16.

The Revelry ends on Tuesday, May 7.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by i_forget_what_i_do

I hope that Arbalest will be like Thunderlord where it can drop from Engrams after the event. We don't know the triumphs, so tying an Exotic to something that no everyone will be able to do would be a little unfair, especially if that event only comes around once a year.

I hope that Arbalest will be like Thunderlord where it can drop from Engrams after the event.

You are correct!

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by NotAbelianGroup

I need this ladybird ghost shell

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by raydobbsy53

It’s not that I don’t appreciate the update, but with all the zany stuff going on I think some word on those things would do better than “here’s more Tess engrams”

We are currently working on fixes. Didn't want to hold info from the community while we work on them.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by QuotidianQuell

The more pieces of Inaugural Revelry or Vernal Growth armor you equip, the more potent the tonic will be. The powerful effect applies to every activity in the game except Private Matches. Revelers will even be more dangerous in the Crucible.

Including Competitive...?

Yes, any activity other than Private Matches.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by ByKuLT

PLEASE consider bringing up the fact with the developers that the competitive playlist should not be influenced like this.

I’ve brought up the concerns. Thanks for the feedback.

almost 6 years ago - /u/Cozmo23 - Direct link

Originally posted by SmasherK25

So that was a f**king lie

That I brought up this feedback? No, I did.