over 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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1788s I hope
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1900s all right
1922s I have returned to hell
1925s for you
1945s I'm joined here by Joe Shelley who's the
1948s game director for uh Diablo 4 and then I
1950s have uh Joseph pipora who's the
1952s associate game director of uh Diablo 4.
1956s uh obviously this is our like I said our
1959s first live stream here live at blizzard
1961s uh right now that we're doing the cave
1964s live in the cave we're here you guys are
1966s seeing it for the first time this is our
1967s brand new studio that we'll be doing
1969s live streams from going forward uh you
1972s probably recognize some familiar things
1974s in the background as well uh we have uh
1976s like bail back here uh from the Diablo 2
1979s resurrected commercial that we actually
1981s did with simu simulu and uh and uh
1984s Winston Duke which is really cool and we
1986s got like the giant Diablo School in the
1988s background our skate deck I'm like
1990s trying to point in random directions
1992s right now as I look at myself on this
1994s monitor yeah and then of course
1996s that's right here um and what's cool oh
1998s and and behind Joe's head we actually
2000s have a a giant treasure Goblin treasure
2002s it's the mascot oh it's right yeah
2004s sneaking off for team Diablo there
2007s um especially in our building here at
2008s blizzard um but as you guys know we've
2011s been doing a developer quarterly update
2013s blogs uh since the announce uh back in
2015s 2019 uh with with Diablo 4 and this is
2019s kind of our new format going forward
2020s we're actually going to be doing more
2022s and more developer update live streams
2024s as we head towards launch uh for D4 and
2027s even post launch
2029s um but this gives us the opportunity of
2030s being able to connect with the community
2032s uh hear from the dev straight from them
2034s uh through a fun format like live stream
2037s so please excuse our our mistakes and
2040s slip-ups I promise you we'll have them
2042s uh that's the best part about doing live
2044s streams and so forth um the live part
2047s exactly but at the same time what's
2050s great about these is that you guys will
2052s be able to hear more and more
2054s um from the developers behind the scenes
2056s and hear their stories about how they
2058s are working on the game and what they're
2060s working on so uh in future live streams
2062s we'll have uh more information and more
2065s details about uh Diablo 4 before we head
2068s into launch
2069s um but yeah I know we we have a lot of
2072s stuff uh that we actually did announce
2074s uh over the past week and Joe I think it
2078s would be like a great opportunity for us
2080s to kind of uh dive in and and kind of
2082s talk more about like what what's a card
2084s over the past couple weeks yeah the past
2086s couple weeks have been you know really
2088s the culmination of the past year of
2091s getting the game uh getting all the
2093s content into the game testing the game
2095s you know we've had test after test this
2098s year internal tests uh the close beta
2101s end game test which was uh you know we
2103s wanted to test our end game to make sure
2105s that uh uh we have a chance to tune it
2107s and polish it before launch yeah better
2110s to better to test it before as early as
2112s possible right
2113s um and uh you know including uh the um
2117s the previous the Press previews that we
2119s that we did uh some of the press got to
2122s play and Community got to play
2124s um a little bit before the game awards
2125s and then of course we had the game
2127s awards moment that uh you know really
2129s capped off the year and uh brought in um
2132s we had the the monks take over uh the
2135s game awards the the there in LA we had
2138s um uh that that wonderful opening where
2141s the everything got dark and it you know
2144s he sort of had a little bit of mystery
2145s about what was going to happen and then
2146s of course Halsey uh performing yeah the
2150s the Halsey moment was was uh amazing uh
2154s and this this image was so cool this is
2156s uh actually a a picture she ended up uh
2159s taking right before the game Awards
2161s performance uh holding the Diablo skull
2163s uh
2165s incredibly
2166s like iconic in terms of how it was it
2169s was fantastic I had no idea she was a
2171s huge Diablo fan I mean I love how it
2173s mirrors this the statue of Lois holding
2175s the Diablos yes yeah yeah and she is a
2177s huge Diablo fan she you know she she
2179s said she her first Diablo game was
2180s actually D2 uh so it's it's pretty cool
2183s to to be working with her and having her
2186s perform her song Lilith uh there uh at
2189s the game awards and having that cool
2190s moment as we led into uh you know the
2193s the reveal of the trailer and of course
2195s you know the big announcements at the
2198s game awards being uh the release date uh
2201s for Diablo 4 which is we can finally say
2204s that's right which is June 6 2023 uh and
2209s uh during that uh you know announcement
2211s we also ended up opening up pre-orders
2213s uh for the game uh and we have multiple
2216s different versions for people to
2217s pre-order uh online or you know on the
2220s Xbox store or on PlayStation Store
2222s um but we've also gotten some questions
2223s regarded regarding the the actual
2226s different versions and I think we want
2228s to just kind of like go through a few of
2229s them so we can kind of detail out
2231s exactly what people will end up be
2233s getting for each of the different
2234s versions of the game
2236s um I know that the first version
2237s obviously the standard edition of the
2239s game itself
2240s um and if you end up pre-ordering any
2241s copy of the game uh you do get early
2244s access to uh open Beta yes it doesn't
2247s matter what version of the game you guys
2248s as long as you as long as you pre-order
2250s it you're gonna get early access to the
2251s open Beta exactly and pre-ordering the
2253s standard version of the game you know
2254s comes with
2255s benefits and itself of like within
2258s Diablo 3 Diablo Immortals and cosmetics
2261s um and of course it comes with the uh a
2264s a amounts uh in in D4 and I I think one
2268s of the coolest things is this this World
2270s of Warcraft mount uh and I have to give
2272s a huge shout out to uh the the wow team
2275s here uh they absolutely killed it I've
2277s been using this around valdraxas myself
2279s while playing dragonflight it just looks
2281s so so cool and uh it does come with uh
2284s the pre-ordering the game in it itself
2286s and if you get pre-order PC you actually
2289s get it now and if you pre-order on
2291s Console you'll end up getting at
2292s launched with console when you can link
2293s your Battlenet accounts yeah and you
2295s know that mount is based on a character
2296s in Diablo 4 yes uh spoilers
2301s but yeah we won't spoil everything but
2304s yes it most definitely is uh and then
2307s there is the digital deluxe version of
2309s the game uh and we also have an ultimate
2312s version of the game but with the digital
2313s deluxe version of the game uh you uh do
2316s actually get early access to the launch
2319s of the game uh which is uh really really
2322s awesome and it ends up coming with an
2325s additional mount in in D4 and of course
2328s uh it also does come with the battle
2331s pass in itself the the premium battle
2333s pass for the game and uh I know we have
2337s a image here for the ultimate version of
2339s the game as well uh which comes you know
2342s with the uh the emote uh that's right
2344s the wings of the uh the wing Zim out
2347s which will allow you to have anarius
2349s wings India in the game show them off in
2352s town with the remote uh the remote
2354s button yeah and we've we've gotten uh
2356s some questions from the community that
2357s we we wanted to talk about in regarding
2359s the um at least with the premium battle
2361s pass itself
2362s um because I think there's there's
2364s questions related to pricing of what the
2366s battle pass is going to be but it is
2368s going to be ten dollars in U.S US
2370s Dollars uh in in-game currency value for
2373s for the premium battle pass you get that
2374s included with the digital Deluxe and the
2376s ultimate version the ultimate version
2378s does come with like the tier skips and
2379s so forth
2380s um but then uh and there's also
2382s questions related to uh Early Access uh
2386s for uh the digital Deluxe and the
2388s ultimate version because I think some
2390s people were wanting to know like oh does
2392s that come with uh like with Early Access
2394s does that mean I have like a massive leg
2396s up on people and I know you guys wanted
2397s to talk about that a little bit more
2399s yeah so I think there are two two points
2400s there one is um getting early access to
2403s the to the games release that you get
2405s through the the deluxe version of
2407s Ultimate Edition and the thing I want to
2409s be clear about is that the game will not
2412s be launching in the in season one season
2415s one will arrive weeks after the launch
2417s of the game
2419s and when season one starts everyone will
2422s be starting at the same time everyone
2423s will have an even playing field and you
2426s know a lot of our competitive features
2427s like leaderboards and those kinds of
2429s things are going to show up in Seasons
2431s so folks who get early access to the
2434s game will get to check it out early but
2436s you don't have to worry about
2438s um you know any any uh Mis unfairness in
2442s terms of Seasons yeah and I know with
2444s like the premium battle pass and so
2446s forth like there's like some time or
2448s some some questions tied to like season
2450s journey and everything
2452s um yeah this this is a good actually I'm
2454s glad we have an opportunity to kind of
2455s talk about this a little bit so there's
2456s uh I think there's confusion about the
2458s distinction between the battle pass and
2460s the the idea of the Season journey and
2462s the season journey is still in Diablo 4
2464s in the same way that you found it in
2466s Diablo 3 and that it's a it's kind of a
2468s chapter-based mechanic that as players
2470s are progressing through the season able
2472s to complete these various objectives
2473s tied to each chapter we've made some
2474s updates the way the Future Works you'll
2476s be earning like rewards for your
2477s character as you go through the process
2479s for this but you'll also be earning
2480s favor by completing chapters of the
2482s Season journey and that favors what
2484s drives some of the progression for the
2485s battle pass itself so just by playing
2487s through the game normally completing
2488s some of these objectives and in earning
2490s this guy earning these rewards for your
2491s character you'll also be progressing
2493s your battle pass more quickly which is
2495s great because even if you don't even if
2496s you don't buy the battle pass and there
2498s are so many like items in the battle
2500s pass are still available for free
2501s they'll just get access to you as you
2503s rank with the battle pass anyway so even
2505s if you don't spend the ten dollars to
2507s purchase the uh the premium battle pass
2508s you'll still get like some minor
2511s cosmetics and a few like uh like
2512s gameplay like boost you'll be able to
2514s earn during the course of that
2515s experience but even those boosts you
2517s know um like let's say you get the
2519s accelerated version of the battle pass
2520s you know a few extra tier skips that
2522s come with the the game initially when
2523s you start playing in season one which is
2525s again when the battle pass would
2526s actually start yeah the uh like these
2528s gameplay boosts have a character level
2529s requirement attached to them in addition
2531s to the tier requirement so just you know
2533s if you've if you've managed to purchase
2534s a few tiers or if you progress that's
2535s the more quickly you'll still have to
2537s have a character of the appropriate
2538s level to make benefit to make use of any
2539s of those things it's really really
2541s important to us that we balance the the
2543s things that you'd find in the battle
2544s pass the way that they're compelling but
2546s still very fair uh we don't want to have
2548s any situations where players can feel
2549s that they can pay to win yeah yeah and
2552s of course the all of the seasonal
2554s content is completely free and you know
2557s it's not attached to the battle pass
2559s itself yeah we're gonna have we're gonna
2560s definitely do another one of these these
2562s streams at some point just talk about
2563s like season one and maybe Seasons more
2564s generically and we've done some like uh
2567s we've had like blog posts and things
2568s we've talked about this more recently
2569s but to reiterate like seasonal content
2572s like our big season updates are all
2573s completely free you know they're they're
2575s filled with new like progression
2577s mechanics new monsters to fight
2578s challenges new quests and content to go
2580s and consume there's a lot to look
2581s forward to all of that is completely
2583s comes with the box price the game you've
2585s already purchased yeah and as Joseph
2588s just mentioned here like we uh if you
2590s want to learn more about uh the battle
2592s pass itself feel free to like check out
2594s our blog back in August where we kind of
2596s detail out a lot of our plans on that
2598s and of course we we do plan on talking
2600s more about Seasons here in the future
2602s because uh see people are going to want
2604s to know what season one is about and
2605s we'll have more information as we get
2607s closer to launching we'll try to talk
2608s about it frankly yeah and there's some
2610s incredible cosmetics in the yeah yeah
2612s absolutely really cool cosmics the
2614s battle pass but yeah but no power you
2616s have to prefer yep no power uh and then
2618s uh the next big thing that I do want to
2620s also mention of course with the uh
2622s pre-ordering all the different games is
2624s the collector's box and I know we've
2626s seen a lot of chatter about this because
2627s of like all the cool items and so forth
2629s in it
2630s um uh we did want to yeah we have an
2632s image right here I mean it looks amazing
2635s um we did want to clarify in in the
2638s pricing of the collector's box uh right
2640s now it uh it is priced at
2642s 96.66
2645s and it will be available on the gear
2648s store uh in North America EU UK and
2652s Latin America after this dream itself
2654s and then in Australia New Zealand and in
2657s Korea they will have those available at
2660s select retailers for people to actually
2662s pre-order as well so there is going to
2665s be options here for people to to check
2668s out or purchase the actual collectors
2670s box there is one other question I know
2672s that a lot of people are going have
2673s asked about like hey does this actually
2675s come with a copy of the game it doesn't
2678s um this is just a collectors box of all
2680s the items that are inside by collector
2682s collectible items that people would want
2683s related to D4 but this also gives you a
2686s little bit of flexibility too because
2687s you can actually end up getting a
2689s standard version of the game and a
2691s collector's box if you prefer or you can
2693s get the ultimate version of the game and
2694s the collector's box so you can kind of
2695s mix and match depending on exactly what
2698s you specifically want for for your own
2700s needs because there's you may be like
2702s wanting the all the the collectible
2704s items and as opposed to all the digital
2706s items or so from that end but what's
2708s even cooler is that we actually have a
2711s collector's box here yeah you do
2714s um so we do want to show it off for the
2715s first time look at this yeah this thing
2718s is massive um so we're going to go
2720s through a few of the items here this
2722s this right here obviously is the box
2723s with like the Gates of Hell opening up
2725s and it actually we're trying to adjust
2726s it for the cameras make sure people can
2728s really see exactly professional hand
2729s models here yeah yeah clearly we're very
2732s good at this in particular but it's like
2733s it's really neat that like even like it
2735s just opens up like the gates and I think
2737s that there's I think there's a plan to
2739s do more heavily correct yeah without
2740s boxing videos we're gonna we're gonna
2742s show off some items here but then after
2743s this stream um we are most definitely uh
2746s hoping you guys actually check out the
2748s uh Diablo YouTube channel because the
2749s Diablo YouTube channel itself is uh
2752s gonna have a full unboxing of uh all the
2755s items and give you like a little bit of
2757s a closer look and details and so forth
2759s but uh we we do want to show off what we
2761s can here for sure yeah so the first
2763s thing we have is like one of these
2763s prints correct yeah there's two
2765s different prints that actually come or
2767s actually I guess almost three different
2768s prints that do come with uh the uh
2770s collector's box in itself of course some
2773s people may be familiar with some of this
2775s concept art that we've actually shown
2776s off in the past and now you'll have your
2777s own map prints of those and then we have
2779s another one down here
2781s if we're here
2783s of this loving couple
2786s yeah it's the happy it's the happy
2788s couple right the Nares Lilith uh uh
2792s combo here uh of the concept art between
2794s both the narius and chains there yes
2796s again so cool we'll look at these
2799s characters this way uh and then we have
2802s the things there's things yeah we have
2804s the uh the the veragam uh pen as well
2808s which is really cool
2809s um and I I you can be like material now
2812s I guess terrible now in in the story
2814s yeah it's this is so cool because uh we
2817s had to build uh the horadrics uh the
2821s Roger Marquis part of the story of
2823s Diablo 4 and so we it we needed to
2826s design
2828s um a symbol that uh appeared in game
2830s that was really iconic and part of their
2833s a symbol of their order
2836s um and it turned out to be quite
2837s important and so we decided to make this
2840s um this physical pen so that uh you
2844s could kind of be part of the secret Club
2846s that's right there you go so you two can
2848s join an order of secret demon Hunters uh
2851s going across Sanctuary trying to keep
2852s things safe exactly
2854s um this is actually one of my absolutely
2855s favorite things here that we're about to
2856s show I want to make sure that I actually
2858s get the right side up I did not there we
2861s go
2862s I did
2864s there we go live yeah uh yeah this is
2867s the cloth map here of uh and what I
2870s think the coolest part about this is
2872s this is actually a full representation
2874s of like the areas you'll be playing in
2876s Diablo for that's right we
2879s you know when we went to build the world
2882s of sanctuary for Diablo 4 one of the
2885s things we wanted to do is make sure that
2886s the game map
2888s um had the feel of the kind of map that
2890s you would have
2892s that that people made when you know they
2894s thought maybe there were a bunch of
2896s serpents uh in the water right and and
2898s so it was so cool to to build all of
2900s that art for the map and then getting to
2902s actually represent that
2904s um as a physical object in the cloth map
2906s uh is so cool and they're even more
2908s embellishments on this map you know a
2909s lot of the art there at the bottom uh
2912s and all around the outside yeah and the
2914s framing is so cool like Lila's up at the
2916s top and like kind of Center frame there
2917s and then of course like we mentioned
2919s like there's there's points in the game
2920s like skaz gland dry steps Etc that
2923s you'll that are represented in the map
2925s that you'll actually be able to see and
2926s when you open up the map in Diablo 4
2929s it's essentially this which is which is
2931s awesome so yeah I'm just a huge d d and
2933s RPG nerd so like anytime a game has a
2935s cloth map that comes with it like I'm
2937s just so ecstatic people just hang that
2939s up someplace and just put it somewhere
2940s so I'm really really stoked we actually
2943s have this uh and then we have there's
2946s more there's yeah there's certainly more
2948s uh we have the art book
2950s which is massive yes you go Adam oh yeah
2952s and that's you awkwardly yeah I will I
2954s will attempt to flip through accept it
2956s awkwardly yeah um but yeah it's got It's
2958s got it uh in itself it's um uh a bunch
2961s of different art that obviously the team
2963s has been working on within the game and
2965s so forth and uh
2967s led by our wonderful art director John
2969s John Mueller
2970s um but yeah it's it's it's pretty
2972s awesome I'm so sorry there's like super
2974s clear glossy it's very nice glossy Pages
2977s everyone uh it looks great um but yeah
2980s this this thing is massive it's super
2982s heavy uh it's hundreds of pages here
2985s it's it's that's how thick it is right
2987s like it's it's this is this is a lot of
2989s art it's really cool and honestly if
2992s you've if you've like ever pre-ordered
2994s like a collector's edition or anything
2996s like that um from from other blizzard
2998s titles like World of Warcraft and
2999s everything the art books from all the
3001s art teams here have always been so
3002s phenomenal and that's just another so
3004s that's not the last piece here we have
3006s this we have the candle yes the candle
3008s of creation here is included um this is
3011s kind of like the the main centerpiece
3013s for the the the collector's box in
3016s itself this thing is really awesome the
3018s it's pretty hefty too uh and it's great
3022s because it's got It's double-sided here
3025s so you can kind of choose sides
3026s depending on on what you would want
3028s Lilith on one side and narius on the
3030s other didn't we just do like a Twitter
3032s Poll for like team Lilith and team and
3034s areas we we did and I will say the
3037s results blew me away because uh I think
3040s if you ask me like you know a month ago
3043s I would have said Team Lilith would have
3045s been what a crush yeah yeah but it ended
3048s at a 50 50 split uh so there are most
3052s definitely a a good mixture of fans
3055s between uh uh anarius and Lois but uh
3058s yeah the candle itself is really cool
3060s there's a ton of detail on the actual
3062s base as I'm covering it with my hand
3063s yeah hand model everyone uh and then of
3066s course uh it's even got some extra
3068s details here uh on the bottom
3070s specifically Fallen skulls you can
3072s really see some of the uh the detail of
3075s anarius pauldrons it's almost hard but
3079s it's hard to show off the little detail
3080s but thankfully we have a video later
3082s we'll talk about some of these things
3083s exactly images going up as well yeah and
3085s it's got actually got a because this
3086s isn't allowed extra candle in itself
3088s this is not like something that will
3090s just disappear after using it there's so
3092s many uses and so forth but uh it is
3095s battery operated there's a switch on the
3096s side and so forth but you can then have
3098s it uh either on your desk while you're
3101s working or you know and you can flip it
3103s from side to side depending on which
3105s that's right which who you want to do be
3107s in favor with Mondays for the list and
3109s Tuesdays within ours exactly so yeah
3111s this is the collector's box itself as I
3114s said uh we will have a a unboxing on our
3118s YouTube channels immediately after the
3119s live stream so make sure to check that
3121s out and uh pre-order should be going
3123s live after this live stream on the gear
3126s store so and that is in again North
3129s America Latin America uh Europe and the
3132s UK and then in Australia and Korea it
3135s will be available at certain retailers
3137s so make sure to keep your eyes peeled
3140s for
3141s uh those specific regions and where
3144s those details are going to be so this is
3146s the collector's box so it's actually
3147s really cool
3148s um super excited I'm sad I'm not going
3151s to be able to like immediately run over
3153s and and pre-order in it itself because
3155s I'm we've got to do this I gotta do this
3158s um but we actually have a uh a lot of
3161s other things to talk about as you guys
3163s know uh from the the game awards and
3165s what you probably saw in the beginning
3166s of the live stream speaking of which I
3169s do want to apologize for our counter it
3171s clearly looks like like Belial has
3173s gotten to our counter at the the
3174s beginning of the live stream was moving
3176s a little slow Lord of Lies most
3178s definitely has taken advantage of it but
3180s we we did start perfectly on time but
3182s the uh at the game awards we did reveal
3185s uh the uh the new cinematic yeah for
3189s Diablo 4. yeah and um I think this would
3192s be uh just one more a good refresher
3194s just in case if you're jumping into the
3195s to the live stream now or if you haven't
3197s taken a look at it I've seen it a
3199s million times but let's take another
3200s look at the Denarius and are nice and
3204s little trailer
3230s [Music]
3234s foreign
3276s foreign
3304s listen
3305s leave the light
3341s [Music]
3350s foreign
3368s [Music]
3369s for you
3378s that a million times I'm probably like
3380s half the views on YouTube and in itself
3383s um I I am I am boosting the YouTube
3386s viewership all by myself uh uh it
3389s honestly it's probably one of my most
3390s favorite cinematics that you know our
3392s sft team has worked on here it's
3395s incredible blizzard it's incredible
3397s um I think
3398s um uh it'd be good to like kind of uh
3401s help inform the community because I know
3403s a lot of people if you're if you follow
3405s Diablo you know who like Lilith and rasr
3407s but then uh there's a lot of questions
3409s related to like who is little who is an
3412s artist how important are they within the
3413s Diablo universe and
3415s um it'd be kind of like great to give a
3418s little primer on that yeah so you know
3421s Diablo 4 focuses on the world of
3423s sanctuary and it's uh the world itself
3427s was created by anaris and lilas um you
3431s know the Diablo the universe of Diablo
3434s uh there's this
3435s eternal conflict between Heaven and Hell
3437s with the angels uh on one side and the
3440s demons on the other side and uh and
3443s Aries and Lilith got tired of this and
3445s wanted to have a third a third way and
3449s they created the world of sanctuary
3451s where the the humans live and and Diablo
3453s 4 takes place
3455s and sort of abandoned their
3456s responsibility sort of right like
3457s they're expected to continue this war
3459s well that's certainly the the take of of
3462s the demons and the angels both yeah yeah
3464s absolutely
3466s um and so you know these two characters
3470s uh these two antagonists are a central
3474s part of the story as As You Adventure
3477s through the world of sanctuary the these
3479s two Founders who do not see eye to eye
3482s at this point uh certainly
3485s um
3486s our key part of of the story that uh
3489s will unwind yeah so being able to
3490s explore like Lilith is a character
3492s exploringarius's characters and like
3494s their motivations kind of what led them
3496s to where they are now and why things are
3497s blowing up the way they are yeah
3498s definitely very important to the overall
3500s story very cool to explore as well yeah
3502s and I think like uh the Cinematic
3504s showcases like amazing moments
3506s especially about for an Arius I mean
3508s he's very much you know Center Stage uh
3511s for for kind of the first time that
3513s people really get to see or experience
3515s him in a Diablo game uh Beyond just like
3517s the lore the discussions and so forth
3520s and I think like uh just seeing his
3523s power and and and what he represents
3526s right there is was amazing yeah anarius
3529s is a force to be sure
3532s um and you know it's it's so cool to be
3534s able to
3536s um tell the story in a way that we can
3537s have really multifaceted characters that
3540s have real motivations you know like you
3542s were saying
3543s um but also be able to represent the raw
3546s power of some of these characters like
3547s in RS like when you think about the that
3550s shot of anarius wings you know getting
3554s to see them uh over the army
3556s there uh and like spreading out super
3559s wide yeah yeah absolutely and um you
3563s know angel wings have been uh such a
3567s beautiful part of of Diablo games for a
3571s long time you know I think back to
3573s the scene with material and the world
3575s Stone and how his wings were represented
3577s there
3578s um the way that they can move they have
3580s kind of this this quality that you know
3584s I don't think I I've seen any other
3586s other wings angel wings that are
3588s represented quite this way they're
3589s they're just incredible they feel very
3590s iconic to our angels in Diablo right
3593s absolutely and then uh of course they're
3597s not just uh they're not just visually
3599s cool they're also functional
3601s um you can see in the in the The
3603s Cinematic we just showed he when he
3605s lands he actually impales a number of
3607s fallen off screen yeah with his wings
3610s yeah this is this is honestly one of my
3612s favorite Parts where he's just like
3613s coming down and the Fallen are in awe
3616s and obviously he's just impaling them
3618s and the the the the his feet landing on
3623s the ground and like the the amount of
3625s impact he has while doing a soft Landing
3628s is just insane he's uh he you can tell
3632s he's he's got something on his mind and
3634s he clearly has an objective wants to
3637s most definitely go towards it uh it's
3639s it's just insane to see the power uh
3641s that's behind him and I think uh one of
3643s my other favorite moments is the kind of
3645s the the the the pulse he sends out uh
3649s that like completely brightens up how uh
3652s all the the Fallen are are essentially
3654s like blinded by it but it's it's got
3656s this unique sound to it and like a
3658s little bit of like fun Diablo lore is
3660s that like you know uh angels in in
3663s Diablo are beings of light and um the
3666s sound and like the resonance uh are all
3668s tuned to the crystal Arch and it's
3669s almost like you're hearing his unique
3671s sound that he actually sends out which
3674s just causes all the fall into the you
3676s know immediately move off uh and and be
3679s scared of like his power and what he
3681s brings yeah um so yeah there's there's
3683s uh so much in regards to to the story
3686s between uh anarius and loith and uh you
3691s know it's it's weird to also think that
3693s anaris is also kind of the the was
3696s originally serving under terial
3699s um which is obviously a very familiar
3701s name within within Diablos so there's a
3704s lot more to reveal that we're we're
3707s going to be doing here over the next you
3708s know couple months as we lead up to
3710s launch and of course when people jump
3711s into the game for the Diablo 4 story but
3714s that cinematic was was phenomenal for
3717s sure
3719s um the next big thing that we did want
3721s to talk about and this is a huge part
3723s because this is actually kind of a new
3725s thing that a lot of the the community
3727s had may have heard of but probably don't
3729s have a full details on and that is the
3731s Codex of power oh yeah products of power
3733s yes the Codex of power is a brand new
3736s feature that's coming into Diablo 4.
3738s it's a it's a gameplay feature and Mr
3741s Joseph Pike oh yeah yeah give us a
3744s little bit more detail we'll talk about
3745s this so this is one of those things I
3746s would have loved Bill to talk about in a
3747s blog a while ago but we weren't quite
3749s ready to reveal it at that time there
3750s was already so many things for us to
3752s discuss so the Codex of power is this
3755s new crafting feature that we'll bring
3756s online in Diablo 4. I'm really really
3759s excited about it what allows players to
3761s do is as they are progressing through
3762s this you know the massive interconnected
3764s world of sanctuary they're gonna be
3765s discovering lots and lots of dungeons as
3768s they go and when they find these
3770s Dungeons and they delve deep into them
3772s at the bottom of them uh they're gonna
3773s find uh what we call codex of power
3776s aspects and an aspect in the Codex of
3779s power is effectively a Legendary Power
3781s that's been in this in this very
3782s particular form and every one of these
3785s done is the Players progressed through
3786s in the Oval World has a unique Legendary
3789s Power via the aspect found inside of
3791s them yeah
3792s what I what I love about that is that um
3795s you you can create a new character and
3797s you can you can look at some of the
3800s powers that are available through these
3802s Dungeons and say okay I I really want to
3805s Target this power I'm going to go to
3806s this dungeon get and get that power you
3809s know so you're less dependent on like
3811s well I hope this power drops absolutely
3812s so there there are limitations in place
3815s but Joe to your point that is that is
3817s basically the intent here right is to
3818s give players some Manner and measure of
3820s control over the uh the nature of their
3822s build as they're getting are beginning
3823s to go through those steps but the uh the
3825s colors of power is a way for them to
3826s basically take these uh these aspects
3828s and then they're able to go back to uh
3830s to a crafter back in one of the major
3831s cities our new occultist crafter
3833s actually uh and when they go to the
3835s occultist they can they can hand off the
3837s actually we're showing right now our
3838s sorcerer's friend has just earned aspect
3840s of overwhelming bolts which is going to
3841s allow her charge bolts ability uh to go
3844s and fire two more projectiles of each
3845s cast She's going for like an up close
3847s and up close and personal melee
3848s lightning build so this shotgun approach
3850s for her Spenders be really really useful
3852s more bolts more damage definitely very
3854s good minor trade-off for the Mana cost
3856s but still what ends up being worth at
3857s the end here we can see that the uh the
3859s Sorceress is now heading over to the
3861s occultist and is going to be choosing to
3863s imbue this aspect into one of their
3865s existing items so she takes the uh the
3867s item this is so you're looking a lot of
3868s work in progress stuff that we're
3869s looking at here because this is a this
3871s is a live cast we'd like to be able to
3872s show some things off uh you have an
3874s opportunity to go and basically override
3876s the existing Legendary Power on this and
3878s put in the new Power they've just
3879s collected to the Codex of power so in
3881s this way players get this deterministic
3883s way to kind of collect a series of these
3885s legendary powers are out there in the
3886s game for them to find but it's not all
3888s of them you can only find some of the
3890s legendary Powers overall in the game
3891s there are over 120 dungeons in the game
3894s so this represents like a lot of really
3896s exciting and interesting things for you
3897s to collect as you're going through these
3898s uh these areas
3900s uh also uh you you don't just find
3903s legendary powers for your class you'll
3904s find legendary powers for all of the
3906s class as you go and some ones that can
3907s work in multiple classes as well and
3909s then we think this is really cool
3910s because every time you find an aspect
3912s you want to uh that you can put in your
3913s codex of power uh this is now available
3915s to all characters in that realm so
3917s thank you argument if we're playing in
3919s season one you know every character that
3921s you'd make it'll say you're playing your
3922s sorceress first and you go find a whole
3924s bunch of werewolf uh Druid you know
3926s based aspects as you're playing uh when
3928s you go and you want to build a new
3929s werewolf character or a new Druid
3931s character you have all those aspects to
3933s play with from level one as soon as you
3934s want to start kind of leveling up gear
3935s and getting into a position where you
3936s can make use of them so we love this
3938s idea of like making it so it's easier to
3939s play with other builds yeah I love to
3941s how the you know we've really been
3944s thinking about crafting India before and
3946s I love how the occultist figures into
3947s that crafting right because
3950s um you know when we think about
3950s legendary legendaries in Diablo 4 what
3954s we're really talking about is the
3956s Legendary Power
3958s um you know and that Legendary Power can
3959s be moved around you can use it to
3962s upgrade rares and the occultist is sort
3964s of the central point of all of that all
3967s of that crafting that's absolutely right
3968s so that was one big change we add with
3970s and we've talked about in previous blogs
3972s before uh but one big change in Diablo 4
3975s is allowing legendary powers of a
3977s particular type to roll lots of
3978s different item slots which gives players
3980s an interesting game of deciding where
3982s they want to play certain powers to make
3984s the maximum system for their builds now
3986s the Codex lets them put them on the
3987s slots that are appropriate for that
3988s power they can choose right but another
3990s limitation for the Codex power in
3992s addition to not actually having the
3993s ability to collect all of luxury
3994s comparison to game there's many many
3996s more if you finders
3998s those Powers also are always rolled at
4000s the lowest level of power possible so it
4003s is always better for you to go find the
4005s legendary item that has the power that
4006s you're interested in and then you can
4008s choose to use that item directly or
4010s extract the power from that item into an
4011s aspect Crystal then go in and print into
4013s your own item of your choosing those
4015s legendary items you find out in the
4016s world are always going to end up being
4018s more powerful as a general rule yeah I
4020s really like the idea that like no matter
4022s what like finding stuff is still going
4023s to lead to like you know potentially the
4026s the the best opportunity of getting the
4028s most amount of power but you still have
4029s the customization ability of being able
4031s to you know what I found this power I
4032s would still like to use this on another
4034s piece of gear and and and add that that
4037s within the Codex app and you still can
4038s yeah that's one of the things that's
4040s great about it exactly to that point is
4043s that you can have let's say that you are
4046s leveling up and you get a legendary
4047s power that you really love and you start
4049s to sort of make your build around it
4051s with the Codex of power you can acquire
4055s new gear and in fact through your
4057s Essences as well and you can extract you
4059s can you can keep bring that power with
4061s you so you can maintain that build so
4063s you're not sort of losing your losing a
4066s core part of your build as as you're
4068s getting it here yeah and the fun thing
4070s about this is we do want players at the
4071s beginning to go through their class fans
4073s they're making their skill tree
4074s selections they're they're going deeper
4076s and deeper into this they're making
4077s their fun choices we do want them to be
4079s able to still want to chase certain
4081s other powers like for example for this
4083s like you know kind of like Melee Focus
4084s lightning build yeah the player here is
4086s uh spinning it right now like there are
4088s other powers that they they really
4090s really want for this build like there's
4091s a there's a lightning bolt legendary uh
4094s that is going to allow lightning warp
4095s legendary it's going to allow them to
4096s have this fear basically around around
4098s them as part of combat which as you can
4100s see would be awesome when they're
4101s teleporting into packs of monsters
4102s trying to deal damage when they're up
4104s and close and personal there's lots more
4105s things that for that Lightning's work to
4107s collect as they're going through and
4109s then hopefully find the very best
4110s versions of those legendary Powers as
4111s well as just fine in the first place
4114s yeah so I know with the Codex power this
4116s is kind of a a new feature that's uh
4118s coming in in Diablo 4 and we'll have uh
4121s more information and more details
4123s regarding like different uh
4126s parts of the Codex of power and the
4129s different powers you can end up finding
4130s and so forth to imbue onto actual
4133s weapons and and or or gear in general
4135s here in the future plus other mechanics
4138s and other systems that I know people
4139s have been talking about and wanting to
4141s know more about here in the future but
4143s um I did want to leave some time for
4145s some q a because I know we've had a lot
4148s of different questions that we've seen
4150s pop over the community uh here in the
4153s you know last especially in the last
4154s week with all the announcements that
4156s we've actually had uh uh related to
4159s Diablo 4 and so I wanted to make sure
4161s that we spent some time on those so we
4163s did collect a lot of these questions
4164s through uh different Community channels
4166s like some of our Forums on like D3 d2r
4169s where people are posting about Diablo 4
4170s there to Reddit uh some of our our these
4175s questions actually came from like social
4176s media or even our content creators that
4179s actually do focus in on Diablo so great
4181s let's kind of like jump into a few of
4183s these uh specific questions if we can so
4186s first one we have is like what learnings
4188s did you guys apply from other Diablo
4190s games to Diablo 4. yeah this is a great
4193s question because what we when you think
4195s about the history of the Diablo IP of
4198s all the games that have come what we
4200s wanted to do is capture the things that
4203s players loved about each of those
4204s entries in the series you know and when
4206s you think about so we we really thought
4209s about how Diablo 1 really established
4213s sort of this this this tone of of Gothic
4216s horror this really dark tone that was
4218s that was quite different from other
4220s things that you would see at the time
4222s and we wanted to to carry that forward
4224s and recapture that in Diablo 4.
4227s and then
4229s um when we look again what is what do
4231s players love uh and hold close to their
4234s their hearts in in Diablo too and we
4237s really wanted to capture that essence of
4239s of having systems that
4242s um
4242s you know unfold out and have all of this
4245s depth and ability to you know look at it
4247s and nuance and and think to yourself
4250s okay well I'm really going to learn all
4252s of the details of this and I'm gonna I'm
4254s gonna buy by by having a deep
4257s understanding of this I'm going to
4258s optimize my character in ways that
4260s people who haven't don't understand
4263s these nuances will miss and I'll feel
4266s like oh I really am I'm optimizing that
4271s through the system in that yeah really
4273s the character's really like an
4274s expression of the choices you've made
4275s while you're leveling up and like making
4277s interesting decisions right like that's
4278s a great Point really really important a
4280s lot more of that power is based on
4281s decisions that players made along the
4282s way power on the character yeah
4285s itemization absolutely
4288s um and uh and of course when we think
4289s about Diablo 3 we think about uh the
4292s fluidity of combat that sort of action
4294s aspect of the action RPG
4297s um really good kill monsters in Diablo
4299s 3. yeah and
4301s um you know Diablo 3 added so much to
4304s not just the the the player
4307s um the player cast interactions you know
4310s when you talk about head frames and
4312s contact frames and all of the sort of
4313s nitty-gritty of how that
4315s um how that smoothness is achieved
4318s um but also uh the effects on the
4320s monsters monsters exploding
4323s um various ways that monsters can die
4324s death Death kits all of those kinds of
4327s things and we wanted to make sure that
4329s we represented that in Diablo 4 and and
4331s even at a grander scale I mean if you
4334s can't be had a fallen then you know what
4336s have we've been doing here yeah what are
4337s we what are we even doing exactly
4339s exactly cool
4341s um for the next question we have
4343s um as I'm like dodging the camera and so
4346s forth how does the battle pass work and
4349s how long does it go for I know we talked
4350s a little bit about battle pass but I
4352s think this is actually a really good
4353s question as well yeah it's it's a great
4355s question so the battle pass
4357s um will last for the entire duration of
4360s a season and a season is three months
4361s yep um so you'll have plenty of time to
4364s work your way through the battle pass
4366s active players are going to have no
4368s problem with that it's you're not going
4370s to run out of time yeah and you'll be
4372s earning progress like I mentioned before
4373s by completing content in the season
4374s Journey but also just by like killing
4376s monsters going doing dungeons completing
4378s quests like everything you do is be
4380s slowly earning progress towards your uh
4381s your battle pass progress yeah and I I
4383s know that
4384s um uh because we we talked about season
4386s Journey beforehand and so forth and
4388s again that's just an opportunity for
4391s people who even don't have the battle
4392s pass will still have an opportunity of
4394s actually going through a season Journey
4396s similar to what they kind of experience
4398s with Diablo 3 and earning things and so
4401s forth from that specific uh moment as
4403s well oh I want to call it one more thing
4405s so I think there's another question here
4406s that sometimes is kind of asked which is
4407s like you know how like how long am I
4409s expected to like to play in order to
4411s like progress through the battle pass
4412s and like that's that's like closely
4414s between 75 hours ish like it's in that
4417s kind of Realm for the most part and this
4419s is important because we don't want you
4420s to think like you hear that there's a
4421s battle pass it's gonna last for three
4422s months am I expected to play every
4423s single day for four hours for three
4425s months like that's not how this works
4426s really want people to engage with it at
4428s a pace is appropriate to you and feel
4430s that you've got the time necessary to
4431s like really go through the whole thing
4433s cool uh next question that we have here
4435s is uh when does the first uh season of
4438s Diablo 4 actually start that's right so
4441s we'll be able to share more details
4443s about the exact dates of when the season
4445s starts along with more details about the
4447s first season what kind of exciting
4448s things you're going to get to see coming
4450s soon but the key thing to to know is
4454s that the game will launch in a
4455s pre-season mode yes uh and the season
4458s will start some weeks after that yeah
4460s and so for those that do end up
4462s pre-ordering again on the the digital
4464s Deluxe with the ultimate version and
4466s they have the Early Access period your
4467s Early Access will be within the
4469s preseason so it's not an opportunity to
4471s get a leg up of over other people in
4473s regards to that first season uh for
4475s Diablo 4. yeah I really want to make
4476s sure people have time to like really
4477s play through and enjoy the campaign and
4479s see all this content before they uh they
4480s get ready to start fresh in uh in season
4482s one exactly
4484s next question if I want to play Diablo 4
4487s on PC and console do I need to purchase
4489s the game for each platform
4491s yes so you do need to purchase the game
4493s for each platform that you want to play
4495s on correct but the uh all of your
4498s progression uh you can play between
4500s platforms and all of your progression is
4503s is cross-platform as well yeah and and
4505s just to reiterate as well is that if you
4507s do buy the premium battle pass for like
4510s PC and you also play on Xbox for
4512s instance uh your battle pass does carry
4515s over because it is part of the your
4517s Battlenet account so you'll end up
4519s progressing both on on whichever
4521s platform that you actually do play on
4524s you don't need to purchase a battle pass
4526s for each specific platform for each uh
4529s each time you're playing on like
4530s PlayStation or on Xbox and on PC that's
4532s right
4533s cool
4535s uh will familiar Diablo items be
4538s returning to Diablo 4 sorry I'm like
4540s ducking around well they will Joe I
4542s think you have some yeah I mean there's
4544s uh there are a ton of returning there's
4546s uh so yeah a shakers come back uh wind
4548s force is coming back uh grandfather's
4550s coming back there's there's a like uh
4553s like Mage fist is coming back uh and
4556s these are unique items so yeah I'm sorry
4557s oh yeah so the that's a really good call
4560s out so there are there are legendary
4561s items we talked a little bit a little
4562s bit before they're uh that have like
4564s elliptical powers and then there are
4565s unique items that are much more powerful
4567s than legendary items are now legendary
4569s Powers control open any slot unique
4571s items come with like a pretty fixed
4572s Loadout of like types of affixes that
4574s could appear in that thing and then what
4575s the special power is tied to the unique
4577s item on its own and they're really
4579s really they're they're difficult to find
4580s they're really rare uh they're fun Chase
4582s items and you can really build exciting
4583s builds around some of these things but
4585s we've had we've taked uh taken a lot of
4587s the ideas from these uh these items from
4588s previous games kind of reinterpreted
4590s them to make sure they work with Diablo
4592s 4 but try to obtain that thematic
4593s Essence to them like it's been an
4595s exciting challenge to the team to kind
4596s of go after and try to bring in
4598s yeah we have time Diablo items returning
4602s the fan favorite a lot of new things too
4604s so there's there's a there's a mixture
4605s of both but you will see some returning
4606s favorites yeah awesome
4609s and I think that is the end of our
4612s questions that we have there uh
4613s specifically that we ended up grabbing I
4615s know that we wanted to make sure that we
4616s had enough time and so forth and uh but
4619s I did want to uh thank you guys uh for
4622s for joining in thank you guys obviously
4624s for for joining us on our last live
4626s stream but I'm gonna throw you guys
4629s before we leave some some quick like you
4632s know fast-paced shotgun questions
4633s because I want to make sure that we have
4634s all these and everything like that
4635s sounds good I'd be curious to know
4637s favorite class in Diablo 4 for each of
4638s you
4639s okay fine uh I'm sorry rogue rogue okay
4643s so that was easy uh I I guess Barbarian
4645s but I think in terms of specs so I could
4646s I could just talk for the five minutes
4647s but no barbarian right now yeah you're
4650s right there there are so many cool
4651s mechanics like when I say Rogue I'm
4653s thinking I'm thinking about the idea of
4655s being a rose and running around
4657s like that I don't say Rogue is
4659s incredibly fun like plays like like it's
4662s if you want a fast like agile character
4665s that like is dancing around like
4667s everything it doesn't disappoint it is
4669s the most I would say that and the
4672s Necromancer probably the two most fun
4674s and flashy uh like characters well
4676s actually I would say also even the
4677s Sorceress is flashy just because of all
4679s the spell effects and everything so
4680s again there's there's there's builds I
4682s love on all of the classes I I
4684s personally I'm a druid Fanboy uh always
4686s have been bear werewolf um actually I I
4689s really enjoyed like the elemental specs
4692s and so forth yeah storm is so so fun
4695s we're gonna nerve storm everybody just
4697s because I said something
4701s um we don't We're not gonna just no
4703s storm don't worry then
4704s um I'd be curious to know uh favorite
4706s enemy in Diablo 4 maybe maybe uh
4709s favorite enemy yeah uh our enemy family
4711s enemy family wow you know I love the uh
4715s I love what we were able to do with the
4716s the blood casters
4718s um there was actually an enemy in Diablo
4720s 2 under
4722s um under the the city
4725s that um is this vampire Caster very tall
4728s and thin and and uh floating and we were
4731s able to reimagine that in Diablo 4
4734s um and it moves by uh turning into bats
4737s and it can form out of bats so if you
4739s get a lot of bats in one area can turn
4741s into one of these casters we didn't move
4742s in Diablo 2 is bats no I maybe I don't
4746s know yeah like I felt I always it's it's
4748s so hard to tell with like D2 because
4750s it's like usually you find them in like
4752s catacombs or something like that and
4753s it's really dark and maybe they have
4755s been and I have had no idea but yeah
4757s yeah for me it's drowned like I just the
4759s whole monster family for the drowned I
4760s really really like there's something
4761s about like the uh like these pale clammy
4764s like Seaside monsters rising up from the
4766s waters and one of the things really fun
4768s is like they're really like strange and
4770s mysterious in the world and I I really
4772s gravitate towards that like you know
4773s they're covered with Barnacles they've
4775s got like all kind of like broken parts
4776s of like like sunken sea vessels they use
4778s in combat they they just swarm all over
4780s the place often you'll find like you're
4781s in slick areas where it's raining when
4783s you have to actually encounter them like
4784s they're they're super fun a group of
4786s monsters to fight they've got some neat
4787s a lot like they're like they're Brew
4789s like has like really really neat
4790s abilities you have to kind of trying to
4791s like Dodge and avoid they're very
4793s dangerous so yeah they're my favorite I
4794s think right now nice nice
4796s um what's a fun fact you guys
4797s encountered while developing Diablo for
4800s fun fact developing dialo4
4804s I'm gonna throw out a jail life so a fun
4807s fact I learned while developing Diablo
4809s 4. uh that it is
4812s uh in very very important while we're
4814s allowing players to like make a lot of
4816s choices and they're thinking about the
4818s way they like make a really interesting
4820s character for themselves that we unveil
4822s that kind of slowly initially otherwise
4824s we have a tendency to like get people
4825s like really like scared about making
4826s choices and uh they kind of climb up
4829s which is obviously not what we want
4830s people to like be able to engage with
4831s these kinds of features so I it's maybe
4833s not like a fun fact but I think it's
4835s very interesting went through a lot of
4836s iterations to get to the right place I'm
4838s really happy with where we landed
4839s yeah I now I have to give a serious
4841s answer no I'm sorry I should give him
4843s like I should have given some other fun
4844s fact no no no I think it's better okay
4846s you know I think uh we went through
4850s we went through a lot of um iteration on
4853s the uh the First skit when you start out
4856s in in uh the very beginning of of Diablo
4859s four
4860s um for a while you started with
4863s um one of your classes um left click
4866s basic skills and we had a lot of trouble
4870s with having that skill that we'd chosen
4873s for you feeling like well I guess I
4876s should build a spec around this because
4878s it's just you get you start with it
4880s you're familiar with it
4882s um and it sort of constrained your
4884s ability to explore the the skill tree
4885s yeah it's like it's like if sore start
4888s with like Firebolt for example like a
4889s lot of people that were testing would
4891s just make fire like spec sorcers they
4893s wouldn't think about like trying other
4894s other skills so so we ended up going
4897s with a basic uh ability we ended up
4900s adding
4901s fairly late in development a basic
4904s attack that you start with so that when
4906s you get your first level up you actually
4909s get to choose okay well which which spec
4911s do I want to start with and of course
4913s you can respect within the skill tree
4915s um pretty freely so yeah and I yeah I
4917s remember that when it was originally
4919s like that and thankfully we we test
4922s internally and so forth we get our own
4924s feedback from from within the team of
4926s what people are actually doing from that
4927s end
4928s um the of course and last last but not
4931s least the most controversial question uh
4933s Team inarias or team Lilith
4936s team in Arias even though I'm wearing my
4938s Lily that's actually that's actually
4940s really funny um I guess I guess still
4942s team Lilith I think I'm still talking I
4944s think I'm still team off yeah I split I
4946s I won't break the tiebreaker here we
4947s will keep the pole trying to stay very
4951s neutral I will stay neutral here I I I
4954s will I will choose that team team bail
4957s there we go it's behind me it's perfect
4963s it's perfect
4965s um great well I think that uh kind of
4967s wraps up our time here today on the uh
4969s developer update stream
4971s um I do want to note uh that you know we
4974s thank everyone again for tuning in for
4976s our first uh developer update stream
4977s this has actually been kind of uh a
4981s crazy process of getting a studio up uh
4984s back in the building and I'm happy that
4986s we can call this home for our our
4988s streams going forward
4989s um we do have a lot of Diablo activities
4991s that are going on that we've uh
4993s announced or will announce here I'll say
4994s in a second yeah uh for for the whole
4997s entire franchise um if you are a big fan
4999s of Diablo Immortal or a player Diablo
5001s Immortal we just had a huge update for
5002s 1.7 uh uh come out yesterday uh it's
5006s massive it's probably our biggest update
5007s yet uh so I do recommend checking it out
5009s lots of um uh big narrative moments and
5012s and whole new areas that kind of expand
5014s the campaign in Diablo Immortal as well
5016s as uh a lot of quality of life features
5019s that the community's been asking for so
5021s been hearing a lot of great positive
5022s feedback and we're excited that um
5025s that's out right before the holidays and
5027s then d2r earlier this week we announced
5029s 22 Nights of terror it's an in-game
5031s event that uh essentially changes uh the
5035s the game every single day and it's kind
5037s of a surprise think of it like a Diablo
5039s Advent calendar you could say uh so that
5042s actually started earlier this week and
5044s for Diablo 3 fans we actually have a new
5047s holiday event this is a brand new event
5049s uh for uh Diablo 3 that I'm really
5052s excited to people yeah yeah our D3 team
5055s has been working really hard and they're
5057s working really hard on the next season
5058s and uh we'll actually be revealing that
5061s tomorrow on uh on the blog so make sure
5063s to tune in for that and we'll also have
5065s news related to
5067s um of course the dark Neo Tristan which
5069s happens every single year for Diablo 3
5072s and when that will be occurring so make
5074s sure to check out Diablo 3.com from that
5077s side
5078s um any parting words from you guys yeah
5081s you know I really wanted to thank
5082s everyone for tuning in today and
5084s following us throughout the year it's
5087s been a big view for us as I was saying
5089s earlier a ton of work getting all the
5091s content into the game setting us up for
5093s next year setting it up setting us up
5095s for release
5096s um we've got a lot of bugs to fix in the
5098s the new year we've got uh to make sure
5101s that our server architecture and
5103s infrastructure is uh in good shape for
5106s for our of course our betas coming up
5109s and um uh and our release as well so
5114s some work ahead of us and we have a lot
5116s of exciting stuff to share uh next year
5118s as well through some of these some of
5121s these live streams more of these live
5122s streams
5123s um but uh you're not going to hear from
5126s us for a little while uh because we're
5128s all going to take some time off to be
5129s with our families for the holidays and
5131s really take a break from uh you know
5134s from Diablo 4 just just not think about
5136s The L4 for a little bit a restful uh uh
5140s holiday period for the team for sure
5142s sometimes we have like builds up people
5143s like sort of like log in and continue to
5144s play like it not this time we're killing
5147s all the builds for the holidays and
5148s forcing everyone to not be not be on DL
5150s for a little while be good any parting
5152s words uh yeah no shout outs to the uh
5155s the various uh Diablo updates we have
5157s coming down the road I recommend
5158s everyone take some time to play some
5160s world of the warcraft because uh
5161s dragonfly is rad really fun but uh for
5164s the community itself I think that this
5165s has been a huge year for the Diablo team
5167s much as Joe has already said we're
5169s really excited people just finally start
5170s sharing more and more about what like
5172s where the game is at and like where what
5174s we've been thinking about and what we
5175s value
5176s um it's been awesome talking to press I
5178s really can't wait to just keep this
5179s conversation going I think this is going
5181s to be the best thing for everybody both
5183s on both for the dev team build to get
5184s this feedback and like hear the sorts of
5186s things that you're interested in also
5187s make sure that we're regularly talking
5189s to you so you know what to expect and
5190s you can you know what we're kind of
5192s where our heads are at so I I am I'm
5194s really excited about like that so thank
5196s you for sticking with us this long and
5198s hopefully everyone enjoy the things that
5199s happened in the course of this last
5200s couple months yeah and like I said this
5202s is kind of the new way that we're going
5203s to be communicating out to the community
5204s through these developer update streams
5206s uh we're super excited for them
5209s especially as we get into next year we
5210s have way more information to review
5212s including details next year early next
5215s year about the the open beta and when
5217s that will actually be starting as well
5218s so again thank you everyone for tuning
5221s in and I just want to say happy holidays
5224s and we'll see you guys next year from
5226s the the Diablo team thanks again
5242s [Music]