over 1 year ago - Diablo - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s I’m here today
7s to get a cool tattoo
8s and immortalize my love for Diablo
15s I waited the entire night.
17s I got here at 4am.
19s It was a nine hour train trip
21s We traveled 500 kilometres.
22s I got here at 4:30am,
24s and we drove 600 kilometres from West Germany
32s Basically I won the Diablo Hell’s Ink Tour for Berlin.
36s It was indescribable
39s and I lost my mind.
42s The first Diablo game I played was Diablo I.
46s It was always such a different world for me and I found my peace there.
52s It was our binding element in our friendship and we’ve been best friends ever since.
57s I had cancer in 2010 and 2011.
60s That time was difficult for me
63s and I tried to stay connected with my friends,
66s and that’s when the Blizzard games came to me, which all work online.
72s And that was the first time after my chemotherapy that I felt a hype, excitement.
81s I started playing and got instantly hooked.
85s It’s a game you can play for hours without getting bored.
88s It has something extremely dark,
92s I use a lot of black when I’m working.
95s I like very dark designs and I like my designs I like very dark designs and I like my designs
99s to look kind of punkish
100s kind of remind the good old days when tattooing was something
103s underground and badass.
111s I’m getting Lilith, a wonderful Lilith tattoo
112s I’m getting Lilith, a wonderful Lilith tattoo
114s from Mateo Maldini on my lower leg and I can’t wait.
119s So I’ve just got this brutal Diablo piece,
122s really awesome and dark demon with big horns,
125s which really portrays Diablo at it's fullest.
127s I got the wolf paw, and to be honest I really love the flowy design of it
131s and it holds a special meaning to me as well.
134s I got the two crossed scythes.
136s I got the two crossed scythes.
137s They were slightly broken, with lots of love from the designer.
142s We walked in here and we both had a tattoo in mind.
146s And we walked in and saw the template, we’re like,
148s “Nope, we’re gonna get a different one.”
150s And we both picked the same one, by chance.
154s To finally see it, after all that torture... I can't wait.
168s That’s not on my leg, right?
172s Especially the eyes, they really glow.
174s Mateo.
176s Yeah.
178s Insane. Oh my God.
180s I love these eyes.
183s I still can’t believe it.
189s Thank you Hell’s Ink.
191s Thank you to the whole Hell’s Ink team.
194s Diablo Hell’s Ink rocks.
196s Come here, love it.