about 4 years ago - /u/RavenCurrent - Direct link


  • Fixed an issue where hitting a slanted surface would push you down to the ground at disproportionate speeds.


  • Fixed spectating mode showing the wrong weapon being held, and the HUD showing the wrong player's information when switching players to follow with the player number binds.
  • In the minimap the player pins of each team are now have their team colors.
  • In the minimap the currently spectated player's pin now has a white dot to indicate whose point of view is being shown.


  • Fixed some micro-stutters related to audio playback - thank you to Aeson.


  • Fixed issue causing some explosion and impact sounds to not be correctly spatialized sometimes.
External link →
about 4 years ago - /u/GDFireFrog - Direct link

Originally posted by Saturdayeveningposts

'Fixed an issue where hitting a slanted surface would push you down to the ground at disproportionate speeds.'

Firefrog/Raven I'm confused here...

is this relevant to what smilesythe was saying about momentum when you hit a slanted surface(wanted it to be relative to the speed you ahve, i.e more speed means more momentum when you hit)? Is it what he was asking to have implemented, or something else.

No, this was a very noticeable bug as seen here for example: https://clips.twitch.tv/PunchySuccessfulCrocodileOSsloth