over 4 years
ago -
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Visual changes
- It's now possible to ping important items on their spawn locations and when they are dropped. This displays an item’s icon ping in the gameplay area and on the minimap, to inform teammates about it.
- It's now possible to ping the surfaces enveloped by a friendly Healing Weeball in order to display a green ping in the gameplay area and on the minimap that is shared with team-mates.
- The threshold that determines whether a player is lagging severely enough to warrant removing backwards reconciliation privileges has been slightly increased.
- The threshold that determines whether a connection is unhealthy enough to warrant stopping a player movement has been greatly increased. Improvements in this area will keep happening as the netcode is improved.
- The Ready Up message keybind, Weapon Inventory keybinds and the Active Item keybinds are now updated as soon as they're changed.
- The Ready Up message now displays [Unassigned] if there is currently no key assigned to it, one can be bound in Settings-Controls-Gameplay-Ready.
- In Monolith there have been some adjustments to the lighting.
- In Kasbah, a spawn in the center of the map has been adjusted so that it's used more often. Thank you to Pumpkin.
- Fixed an issue where players would become unable to move if they loaded a different map while having the editpad raised.