over 3 years ago - /u/RavenCurrent - Direct link

Visual changes

  • Fixed an issue where weapon animations would loop while not firing them


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Custom Games from showing the correct mode options
  • Updated the Victory and Defeat screens' visual effects
  • Updated translations


  • In Oxide, some spawns have been adjusted and redundant ones removed for better outcomes when playing Extinction, Blaster ammo has been added to the upper orange area (orange walls), adjusted the position of the Rocket Launcher near red so that it's easier for new players to spot
  • In Sunken, fixed an issue where it was possible to throw the MacGuffin out of the map
  • Collision fixes to Wellspring


  • Fixed the issue of grabbing a weapon or ammo lowering your current ammo in modes where a weapon's starting ammo is higher than its maximum pickup amount
  • game_weapons is a command that can be used to set starting weapons and ammo following the format game_weapons: shaft 111, rocket_launcher 10; (weapon name, space, ammo count, then comma to separate multiple weapons), the names of the weapon are: sword, machinegun, blaster, super_shotgun, rocket_launcher, shaft, crossbow, pncr, grenade_launcher, healing_weeball, they need to be followed by an amount of ammo in order to be included


  • Fixed multiple materials that were showing up as invisible


  • The Machine Gun Ammo pickup notice now uses the correct Machine Gun color
External link →
over 3 years ago - /u/GDFireFrog - Direct link

Originally posted by jk_Chesterton

Explosions aren't working well if there are any objects whatsoever in the way, even things like door frames, etc (best watch that clip at 0.25 speed).

I was thinking about how I would code it and came up with this, I throw it out in case it inspires anything:

  • Extend something like 24 vectors a short distance, maybe 20 units or so, around the explosion centre.
  • The heads of the vectors would create a shape that looks like this but smaller.
  • Delete any of the vectors that collided with an object.
  • Check LOS from the heads of the surviving vectors to possible targets within the full 125 radius of the explosion's actual centre.

I dunno, it's just an idea.

Hey, thanks for the clip. I don't think that's an issue with the explosions, it's probably just a collision issue where the game thinks the projectile contact surface has a different orientation than it really does. I've implemented a tentative fix for 357 that will be pushed tomorrow. It's just that we have fast and slow environmental intersection queries. The slow ones provide more info and are used where it's important to accurately characterise the contacting surface (like with grenades). Linear projectiles were using the fast ones by mistake which would ruin the input to the splash logic so I think this will fix that.

At least I'm assuming that this is the issue. In your clip, unfortunately, you are dying and the round is also ending which could be factor. But I don't think so, as you seem to have 25hp when the explosion happens and that's 250ms of being shafted, minimum, so let's go with the collision theory. Let us know if this happens again after 357.

Regarding the idea, we'll try to first fix the problem that I think is there with the output of the collision query. In the future we'll probably be revisiting how the splash generally works anyway. (Though these queries are relatively expensive and we can probably get something good with less than 24.)

over 3 years ago - /u/RavenCurrent - Direct link

Originally posted by Headless_Cow

(weapon name, space, ammo count, comma and space to separate multiple weapons)

yo, you've already got the comma delimiter. Spaces are dangerous.

The space isn't necessary after the comma, that's a mistake