over 3 years ago - /u/GDFireFrog - Direct link

When we change a map we are supposed to bump the version of the game and force people to update after they finish their current game, otherwise the game server is going to see a different version of the map as if your version is outdated and you won't be able to start the game.

We updated Skybreak last night (morning?) and the client version failed to be bumped. Raven stayed around removing penalties manually for a while to people affected. (Hopefully your penalty for this would have been removed too, if it wasn't let me know). We'll make changes to the system today so this doesn't happen again.

There is still an edge case that we need to solve at a technical level, and it's to notify server instances running continuous games.

As an aside, most of these map versioning issues will be solved when we introduce the final content delivery system for map delivery that we are gonna use that allows the community to contribute maps, in this system everything will have to be versioned anywhere and these version bumps just because a map changes won't be necessary. Sorry about that!