over 3 years ago - Gamera Games - Direct link
- Now you can customize the names of celestial bodies. You can either rename them on thumbnail in the lower left corner, or on and the information panel on the right side of the planetary view / star map interface.
- Added the celestial body operation interface in the star map. Now you can view the celestial bodies easier, and you can decide to turn on/off the space labels of the celestial bodies.
- Added the heading indicator line of your target celestial body. You can open the heading indicator line after you find the target celestial body.

- Optimized the logic of takeoff / landing / acceleration / deceleration of Logistics Vessel to make it faster and in line with scientific principles after upgrades.
- Modified English translation of some item and technical descriptions.

- Hydrogen fuel rod should have higher combustion efficiency. Incrased the energy value of Hydrogen fuel rod: 40MJ - > 50MJ
- Adjusted the energy consumption of Logistics Vessel: when the sailing speed is upgraded to more than 3000m/s, no additional energy consumption will be increased according to the maximum sailing speed

Bug repair:
- Fixed the bug that the rocket could not catch up to the node around some large-mass black holes due to the Dyson spherical node's capture range is not large enough.
- Fixed bugs that the game menu will pop up directly when pressing ESC in dismantle mode and upgrade mode.

- The Mass Upgrade / Dismantle function is now available! You are now able to define the scope of batch upgrades/demolitions in the same way as laying foundations. Please notice the red mark in the screenshot above.
- LOD1 and LOD2 are added to the rendering to optimize the GPU Rendering cost of the Smelter.

- Remade the model, texture, and VFX of Thermal Power Station, and the interface position for Sorter is fine-tuned.
- Remade the model, texture, and VFX of Mini Fusion Power Station, and the interface position for Sorter is fine-tuned.

- Fixed the bug that the stored liquid may be mixed when the liquid stored in the vertical direction with different kinds of liquid in each Storage Tank.

- Fixed the bug that the facility' power consumption was not upgraded after a 'quick upgrading'.
- Fixed the bug that the facility' animation was not upgraded after a 'quick upgrading'.
- Added a function of 'Savedata Modification' log. You will be able to look up how your savedata was adjusted after the game updates. We added it In order to prevent the similar situation in the future and reduce some impact of facility data adjustment.

- From now on, the savedata will also save its creator's ID. The players will be able to see the savedata creator's ID in the right upper corner of the game.
- Improved some UI interactive SFX.

- Data reduction of Dyson shell. The length of archive data generated by Dyson shell is reduced by 50% ~ 60%, and the save/load time is reduced by 20% ~ 30%.
- Data reduction of Sorters and Assemblers.
- The research materials won't be returned immediately after the research list is suspended. This change is made to avoid the loss of items caused by the logic of "No item will be returned for fractions of a count".
- The scene at the end of the prologue is improved.
- Now you can storage/pick fluid items manually and check the information of fluid items.
- Optimized the description of some items and technologies.

- Fixed the bug that huge amounts of Mini-suns and Storages may made your planet flickering too much.
- Fixed the bug that the first frame of the game is incorrect by modifing the loading process.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes the mecha may fell into the land after skipped the prologue.
- Fixed the bug in calculating the quantity of items when held Ctrl to operate items in Fractionator.

- Add new soundFX for labs

- Optimized UI of smelters/assemblers. The mecha inventory will no longer display if no recipe is selected.
- Reduce the soundFX volume of smelter and optimize its attenuation range.

- Fix a thread safety issue in random planet generation algorithms.
- Fix a rendering glitch when building a massive number of labs. (more than 2,048)

- Canceled the restriction on keybinding of zoom in/out camera.
- Canceled the restriction on keybinding of move forward and backward.
- Optimized the operation experience of keybinding. Now you can cancel the key-binding response status by click left mouse button or click the blank space.
- Optimized the mouse picking detection of the conveyor belt and sorter.
- Now the mouse picking detection will ignore the sorter in construction mode.
- Now it will automatically optimize the conflict when View Rotate button and Move to Target button are the same.

- Fixed the bug that the panel may open automatically when copying a facility in construct mode
- Fixed the bug that the Mecha panel may open at Ctrl + C (custom) operation.
- Fixed the bug that the star map may open at Ctrl + V (custom) operation.

- Quick Upgrade: You are able to upgrade the conveyor belt, sorter, and assembling machine by directly putting the new ones (cover/overlap/move) on the lower grade ones.
- Chain Upgrade and Chain Dismantle: You are able to upgrade or dismantle a whole conveyor belt directly with this new function.
- Keybinding: You are able to rebind hotkeys.
- Added a hint message of pressing 'SHIFT' to accelerate while sailing.

- We modified the planet generation to make it easier to start. From now on, there must be 6 iron and 6 copper beside Icarus's landing place.
- We changed the saving process to relieve the memory pressure. The savedata will be written directly to the hard disk.

- Reduce the energy consumption of deceleration and steering in sail mode.

- Fixed a bug that the lights of the energy exchangers flash for no reason.
- Fixed a bug where the arrow on the energy exchanger panel might be reversed.

- All types of Logistics Station: Now you can decide a minimum distance for a Vessel to equip a Warper.
- All types of Logistics Station: Now you can decide whether warpers must be equipped on Vessels before departure when the minimum distance above is reached.
- All types of Logistics Station: Now you can set the transport distance for Drones and Vessels.
- All types of Logistics Station: Now you can set the minimum load for Drones and Vessels.
- All types of Logistics Station: Now you can choose whether the Vessels will pick up cargos from the Orbital Collector.
- Some English item and technology descriptions have been reworked.
- Now you can hear the working sound of Smelter.

- IMPORTANT FIX: Autosaves will be automatically delayed until dynamic loading of planets and planetary systems is complete to prevent thread conflicts.
- Icarus now glows with enhanced color and brightness at night.
- The minimum UI layout reference height has been changed to 900.
- Some English technology descriptions have been reworked.

- Fixed the bug that an error may occur while demolishing conveyors or builidings.

- Now you can hear the demolition of building.
- Now you can hear the working sound of 6 kinds of facilities, such as Ray Receiver and Fractionator.

- You can find a brand new pick-up collision frame for Satellite Substation and Particle Collider. It's easier to distinguish the range of mouse picking now.

- Fixed the bug that the ambient volume did not change with the main volume.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes the power UI may display incorrectly when the thermal power station was working under a low workload.
- Fixed the bug that the color of the switch button for the storage tank was incorrect.
- Modified the collision size of the Tesla tower to solve the problem that sometimes the conveyor belt was not able to connect to it correctly.

- Smart Warp: Your Icarus mecha will decelerate and turn off the engine automatically to land safely on a planet.

Bug Fix:
- Fixed the bug that sometimes the vessels can't catch up with the planets with a fast revolution.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes the rockets can't catch up with the Dyson Sphere with a fast rotation.
- Fixed the bug that sometimes the mecha walked with the wrong VisualFX and SoundFX.
- Fixed the layout that the words overlapped on each other in accumulator UI.

Game Setting:
- Now you have more choices on Max FPS Options, such as 30fps, 144fps, etc.

Bug Fix:
- Fixed a bug that the distance may not judged correctly while constructing a logistic station.

- You can find that the UI is running more smooth in manual research, technology tree and research queue than before, because the UI efficiency is optimized 0.5ms/frame.

- The advisor is bringing 2 new guidelines for you.
- Add a readable XML file for game option saving. This file can solve the game crash caused by an error on initial game options while launch the game.
- Add a path override file which can be used to solve the problem that some players are not able to launch the game due to the system disk directory.
(If you can't start the game, try the following steps: Find [Game installation path / config/ path.txt ], fill in 'archive' in [path.txt], save and exit it. and then start the game again.)

- Some texture and map have been modified in order to adapt to certain resolutions

- The probability of Deuterium fractionation has been increased from 0.5% to 1% (only apply to the new facilities build after this patch)
- Increase the generating capacity of Dyson swarm from 30kW/solar sail to 36kW/solar sail

- Now the local time in real life is displayed in Dyson Sphere Program - Don't be confused by the 'CentreBrain'!

- Now you can switch on/off the glow on Icarus at night.

Bug Fix:
- Now the '0 mineral' icon will no longer show in the map.
- Fixed the bug that the number count of items collected may not be displayed correctly.

New features:
- Icarus is glowing for you! Now it can shine your way at night.

- The 'Logistics Station' is called 'Planetary Logistic Station' now, in order not to mistaken it with the 'Interstellar Logistics Station'.
- The maximum range of the foundation cursor is increased to 10x10.
Now the storage tank panel has a different color on its switch button when it is off.

- The recipe of manufacturing a logistics station is modified - you can save some cost from it!
- The recipe of manufacturing a EM-Rail Ejector is modified - you can save some cost from it!

- Fixed a bug that the game window may not display correctly under some resolutions on certain types of monitors.
- Fixed a bug that the hotkey may still active while renaming/inserting English text for buildings.
- You may meet an error when you were planning a long-long conveyor under construction mode. Now the error won't come out again.
- The logistics vessel can't be placed on orbit collectors now.
Now the item count will be shown correctly when you add items to the energy exchanger manually.

Text Changes:
- Descriptions of some technologies and items are improved.

- You are now able to create a new Dyson swarm orbit after you delete an orbit from a full Dyson swarm orbit.
- Fixed a bug that an error may occur if there's more than 4,096 pre-built points on conveyors - roller coaster time!!
- Fixed a bug that the craft time may show as negative.
- Fixed a bug that some texts may deviate at high graphic resolution.
- Fixed a bug that the 'veins restore' may not work near the buildings.
- Modified some English text in Technology Tree.
- You may still see Chinese characters in English version - now they have gone!

- Fix a bug that the mouse pointer sparkling/flashing/repeat appearing and disappearing on certain monitors.

- Add a tip "Research speed too slow": If you see this tip, means you can build/run more Matrix Labs to speed up your research.

- Fix a bug that the FPS may decrease severely in certain situation.
- Fix a bug that Veins Bury may not work correctly in certain situation.
- Fix some English translation errors in Tech Tree.

- Now the conveyor belts can connect the oil extractor correctly.
- Now the technologies in technology tree can be shown correctly in 4K resolution.
- Fixed the bug that the language of 'Control' tag was not fully switched after switch language in the game Setting.
- Fixed the bug that the UI size didn't fit the 4K resolution.
- Fixed the bug that it may show an error when entering game Setting.

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