@szotsakos Hi Akos! Thank you for support our game! I guess you want to merge the 2 lines into 1, so you can either build a splitter, or build the 3 lines in this way: (please understand that our QA team uses Chinese language). http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/EwCRS-mVoAMmrDL.jpg
Good news, engineers! Mass Upgrade/Dismantle is implemented in the regular update today. Time to do a massive cleanup for you Spaghetti^^
Today is the tree planting day in China. Although we cut down a lot of trees in the game, but don't forget to be eco-friendly in reality ;). http://pbs.twimg.com/media/EwRn0CMWQAgg99j.png
【A forecast trailer of the new version】 - HERE IT IS!
The modified Icarus will gain the ability to manipulate metals and form a mecha brotherhood to fight against the rule of the CentreBrain.
Does it evoke some memories?
【Patch Version Available Now】
The festival egg is a jello egg, engineers!
From now on, the item will spread and float in the space when Icarus' backpack is full - You won't loss it!
Find out more new features in Patch Note here>>
【Patch Version is Available】
The fully charged Accumulator is really FULL now.
Find out more new features in Patch Note here>>
【Dyson Sphere Program Special Discount】
Hey engineers,
Good news! You can buy Dyson Sphere Program at -10% off during Gamera Game 3rd Anniversary! If you or your friends yet to make a purchase or gift it to someone, it's time!
【Dyson Sphere Program Artbook is available on Steam】
Engineers, the Artbook is ready! Check the amazing Artwork of Dyson Sphere Program world on Steam!
【For Kickstarter backers】, the Artbook key will be sent in 1 week.
【Producer Letter】
The Dyson Sphere Program Producer ZHOU Xun is greeting our engineers! Check out the video:
An official forecast is already on its way. Stay tuned!
@svarthovde It still take time before we implement the combat system, but I can tell that there'll be a switch, you can choose to turn on/off the combat system. No worries^^
【Dyson Sphere Program Roadmap in May】
Re-coded construction system, Visual Leaderboard, Foundation Coloring, New types of planets, Multi-threading... Which one are you most looking forward to?
Check out the details in Steam Announcement: