about 2 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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551s there we
554s go now we got stuff
558s happening if everything is up and and in
561s order yeah so hello everyone and welcome
565s to another Friday stream at strange Loop
567s games my name is Jens working here at
569s lead game
570s designer and um the topic of today or
575s the topic of I think this week in terms
578s of a lot of General anticipation news
582s and
583s speculation has been our 1.0 road
588s map and
590s um yeah I think we we kind of want to
594s break through it a little bit to to kind
596s of go over and
598s see um
604s uh see there we go um so there you know
608s there there's yeah Road road trip with
610s me um there's a lot of anticipation and
613s a lot of comments and and feedback and
615s you know it it's looking like a crazy
618s crazy level of of commitment to it and
620s all the features and everything in it
622s and and so on so forth but um I will
625s agree with you in terms of like it's a
627s lot of things in there um
630s but I also think that there's a lot of
631s it that
633s are
635s basically super essential and there are
639s a lot of things in the upcoming updates
641s that we have that is super impactful in
643s terms of actual game content as um a a
647s very very very large part of
650s 10.0 has been underlaying architectural
652s improvements so just while 10.0 still
656s had a huge amount of things that content
659s wise and I do apologize for any any
662s potential cat noises you hear because I
665s sealed off a piece in the corner of the
667s room where the
669s um the um fiber devices for the outgoing
674s cable connection and
676s um yeah one of the cats really liked
679s that corner but he got himself embedded
681s in the cables which felt kind of risky
684s so
685s you it's a new learning day for him of
688s not being able to do that
690s yeah you lock the space from the cat you
692s will suffer the cat's wrath
696s um but yeah so on on the road map I
699s think we can just kind of kind of go
701s over the block and holy crap he is he's
703s really diving into that that box there
705s um I just kind of want to skim over it a
708s little bit tonight and kind of give a
711s bit of feedback from our side of what we
714s kind of how big some of these things are
716s in scope
717s and um also kind kind of the priority
720s and like I said a lot of it and and
723s almost all of it on the road map is is
725s huge content things that are directly
727s gameplay affecting or gameplay changing
730s in terms of like things like maintenance
732s and so on so forth
736s so um think we just second here to pop
739s up over to
741s uh pop that up there uh let's
745s see share that and off we go
751s so just on the offset you know whoa 1.0
755s crazy right
758s um plan to the madness I guess um it's
762s been it's been a long time coming
765s and um it's something that we've been
767s really anticipating for but we also feel
771s like there's enough things to Warrant it
775s in terms of being an enclosed Loop um
779s cuz we do want to make sure that once we
781s hit 1.0 we have
784s that
787s um we want to uh to have sort of a
790s contained game Loop
793s of all the critical parts that would
795s make up Eco in terms of Base
799s game
801s and on this road map is basically the
804s things that are left to do to hit that
806s now we have we have a a huge list of
808s other things that we'd like to get in
810s and different stretch goals in the
813s updates that we have
815s planned um with things like newspaper
818s and um you know like messaging and and
821s all kinds of other kind of bits and
823s pieces that could fit in kind of
825s anywhere um but with the big ones on
828s this road map being kind of the
829s milestones we want to hit before 1.0
831s release and really you know get that out
833s of the
836s door um and
840s as directly out of the out of the uh
843s thing um You've Got Bugs and performance
847s being a a very very big piece of the
851s puzzle in terms of making this a lot
853s more optimized um art team is
856s working really hard and streamlining a
859s lot of the objects uh making sure that
861s everything has lots the ls are looking
863s nice they fit they work um streamline
867s more with textures and making sure that
868s we don't have you know duplicate stuff
871s as we're cleaning up a lot of the
873s objects that have been added over time
875s so keeping everything kind of fresh
876s polished nice looking um but still
879s keeping it
880s on a really solid even Quality
884s Base so that will'll see more throughout
887s um we got some of the objects and
888s upgrades that are coming in 10.3 we see
891s these continually being added um along
893s the way as well with all the new
896s worktables having this new system and
898s and optimization
899s features
901s um and to that end as well if you have
905s Dev tier and you're poking on develop u
908s i put a bit of a a a notice the other
911s day about um in the backage channel for
916s um uh the develop Branch at the moment
919s has a new Unity build on it so where we
921s have a a big Unity major version upgrade
925s on the way as well when that will hit
928s not entirely sure
930s um it could be 10.3 it could be a bit
932s later but we are upgrading from 2022 to
935s 2023 unity and that comes in with a
938s whole boatload of um new ways to kind of
943s improve optimization as well as a lot
945s better uh analyzing tools to be able to
949s better kind of direct our efforts in
950s terms of what you know where things gets
953s more um where we can improve efficiency
957s and and kind of everything around that
959s so there's a lot of things in there um
961s we also have access to some of the um
963s some of the other systems that we want
965s to convert into which is uh like the
967s interaction
969s system um or you know the new input
972s system that Unity has for dealing with
974s different key map key maps and then
976s controller support and and everything
978s that we're looking into as
981s well um so there's a lot of like
983s technical stuff going on um throughout
986s this as
988s well
990s well we kind of kind of have access to
991s it in 2022 it's just like it's a it's
995s just available to us and we don't have
997s to redo things
1000s um but yeah so that's that's probably
1003s more likely going to be something that
1004s we look into now
1006s that 2023 is probably going to be the
1009s last major Unity update until
1013s 1.0 um so just's a lot of a lot of new
1016s cool things in there that we can really
1018s take ad advantage of um and dive
1023s into um but yeah so on actual game
1027s content because you know that's why
1029s everyone is here we just love new things
1032s um old things being improved new things
1035s coming um more professions one of them
1038s being the blacksmith profession that's
1039s coming in with
1041s 10.2 um I'm also looking
1045s at um chemistry and some of the other
1047s things that are related to to the other
1049s subject here that's coming
1053s afterwards um so there's a few new
1055s professions that we eyeballing we also
1057s you have of course ranching for animal
1059s husbandry for the 1.0 release um we
1063s might be able to slip
1065s in um something in between there but we
1068s are also along this update just looking
1071s at fleshing out and making sure that
1073s we're filling in the content for a lot
1075s of the intermediary
1077s professions um
1079s as there were a couple that been pointed
1080s out like hey you know we're only doing
1083s things in tier one and then you know
1084s it's a day one profession and then
1085s nothing really happens nothing really up
1087s upgrades with it I don't have a need for
1090s new housing I don't have a need for new
1091s workstations or crafting tables and so
1093s on so
1094s forth um so that's also high on priority
1097s to make sure that each of the profession
1100s is also fairly bulky in terms of time
1104s you can spend on
1105s it
1107s um which is a bit of a detriment to
1110s people that like to do a larger variety
1112s of things like you know grabbing eight
1114s different professions and doing all the
1116s things in all eight which is possible at
1118s the moment
1120s because um there's a lot of professions
1123s that are very Bare Bones um things like
1125s fertilizer paper
1127s Milling um oil
1130s drilling um that just doesn't really
1132s have a huge SWAT of things to revolve
1135s themselves around or not a lot of
1136s different variations of buying power
1140s things um so that's you know a big
1143s subject on the
1146s board um star spending star spending is
1150s an interesting subject and I think a lot
1152s of people have a lot of different ideas
1155s and anticipation about how this will
1158s come to be um we'll broaden this a bit
1161s later on but we're looking at things
1163s like scalable profession
1165s costs um perks having actual costs to
1169s them and not just be hey you get this
1171s for free once you once you get enough
1174s XP
1176s um and then also
1179s doing a bit of split in terms of what
1181s you get on the different perks and and
1184s yes logging will get its fixed things um
1188s that is coming so you
1190s know hold hold on to your horses hats
1193s and whatnot
1197s um uh so yeah we are looking at making
1201s sure that the talents are kind
1203s of not this cookie cutter plate of all
1208s crafting professions have the same
1210s talents
1211s because you know yay they don't have an
1214s intera ability the way mining or logging
1217s has um so they're definitely going to
1220s get some love in terms of passing and um
1223s we're looking at potentially branching
1225s different crafting recipes to be related
1227s to the perks and or or specific resource
1230s types that gets reduction um so you
1233s could have things like smelting where
1237s you could be focusing onto iron or you
1240s could be reducing you know gold and
1242s copper and so on so
1244s forth um so that's something that's
1246s applicable across the board um in
1249s different ways that I'm looking at um so
1254s there's a few few things in there that
1256s is just going to scale up the amount of
1258s stars you need to spend with that we're
1259s also going to be looking at things like
1261s XP rates um you're going to get more
1263s stars to account for this and we're also
1267s going to be looking at more
1268s customizability from the server config
1270s side of things um just to make it
1273s more easier to kind of fit what you're
1277s looking for in terms of your your um
1280s your community or your server that
1284s um it's just more customizability in
1286s terms of kind of dealing with vertical
1289s scalability and so
1291s on um and then we have I think
1294s maintenance is going to be astronomical
1298s in terms of potential
1304s impact
1306s uh it's an answer to to u to the
1309s question on alpen glow yeah so would the
1311s perks be at the expense of other the
1312s recipes I cheaper iron means more
1314s expensive copper and gold and so on um
1317s yeah so there's there's a lot of leeway
1319s in terms of what we can do we can
1320s increase cost we can reduce cost and
1322s kind of Shuffle things around which
1324s would mean you know you could have four
1327s four people doing the same profession in
1328s the same town but they might have access
1330s to completely different things um across
1333s the board so that would open up a lot of
1336s the hey I'm I'm the carpenter I do
1339s everything um but be more of a style of
1343s I Am A specialized Carpenter in dealing
1345s with these things versus my neighbor
1347s which is dealing in that things
1349s in which case you're still competing for
1351s the same raw
1353s ingredients but you're having a
1355s different
1356s output uh marketability because
1359s different people might be requiring
1361s different things
1362s from um from within the same profession
1364s or it can be outright I just make this a
1367s heck of a lot cheaper so I'll make more
1368s of these because that's my main
1371s income um so that's kind of how we how
1374s we intend to tackle a bit
1377s on
1379s um longevity
1383s in player count growth I guess because
1386s that is one of the big parts
1388s of um a big part of the the kind
1391s of um loss in player or the the the
1395s reduction in player retention tends to
1396s be towards hey this this place already
1399s has a carpenter so you know I'm just
1401s going to hop in on another server
1403s because I I feel like I don't have a
1405s place
1407s here
1411s um so like as industry I specialize in
1414s industrial generators and yet X less
1416s materials and so on yeah sort of
1418s something in that line um there's a lot
1420s of leeway in terms of what we can do
1423s um and we might just we might have
1426s specific recipes that are just outright
1427s locked in terms of end end output
1431s recipes
1433s um so you might have like uh you know a
1436s skid steer versus excavator or or uh
1439s generators versus non or and we might
1442s just have um resource cost reductions
1445s versus resource cost increase and so on
1448s um so there's still there's still it's
1450s still very much up on the shopping Block
1452s in terms of what we decide to kind of
1453s cut out and use
1457s um but it feels like it's important to
1460s kind of get these things out there
1461s because you know you guys are super
1465s passionate about it and I see a lot of
1466s um a lot of feedback back on hey you
1469s know why is this crazy thing not being
1471s used or this is completely underutilized
1474s and I have no purpose in life while when
1476s I'm using this profession and so on so a
1479s lot of that will hopefully mitigate it
1482s but once again you know it's not going
1484s to be one thing solves everything wrong
1487s with this particular piece of the puzzle
1490s it's going to be a lot of small pieces
1493s coming in different updates that
1495s hopefully brings it all together into a
1497s wholesome experience
1500s um and that's kind of the the big goal
1503s of the last bit in terms of the 1.0 road
1506s map um just making sure that we kind of
1510s shore up all the parts that
1512s are either inconsistent missing or um
1516s has been on kind of the back burner for
1518s a long time while we while while we've
1520s been working on all of these other
1523s aspects uh will the level six perk be
1525s active for lumber not for 10.2 um but it
1529s is definitely coming in with a bigger
1530s kind of
1532s perk perk Shuffle
1535s around
1538s um yeah some
1541s maintenance um and I think this is this
1543s is something that a large PE a large
1546s part of the community has been asking
1548s for I we've seen a couple of really cool
1550s mods that have been poking their noses
1552s into
1553s it and it is something that we have been
1556s wanting to do for a long time we
1559s just it's one of those things where it's
1563s fairly smooth to get in but it's a
1567s complex web of things once you start
1569s looking at how is this affecting
1573s individual pieces individual
1575s professions um as well as kind of
1578s getting to a point where you need to
1582s have and and this is probably why it's
1584s been kind of omitted for such a long
1586s time you need to have enough of quality
1588s of life and enough content in the
1590s general gameplay
1592s Loop
1595s um to make sure that maintenance doesn't
1599s feel like a chore
1601s or you know you have enough things to
1604s keep you occupied so you are less likely
1606s to be frustrated from it um and just
1610s kind of fits in naturally with just
1613s another thing you do in the
1616s day um versus if you you know if you're
1619s just having this one thing to do and
1622s your workbench continuously breaks and
1624s you have no kind of improvement
1626s surrounding
1627s you your energy kind of gets focused on
1630s this negative thing that is going on
1632s which would be maintenance costing you
1634s money because it things are
1638s breaking um and this is something that
1640s will be at the moment on the
1642s experimental branch that we have for it
1644s if anyone's been poking at it um it is
1647s only affec
1649s um World objects that has it
1652s enabled but it will be affecting all
1654s World
1655s objects um crafting tables in particular
1659s where you would have a consumable item
1662s on the object
1664s itself um something we talked about
1667s internally was whether or not we wanted
1669s maintenance to be like hey is the
1671s worktable going to break down is it
1673s going to go from you know have a
1674s durability on the work table go from 100
1676s to zero and then once it's broken do you
1678s need to replace it but then you get into
1681s complications of what if they have a ton
1683s of work orders for it you don't want to
1685s be replacing worktables because people
1687s have storage links and set up you know
1689s how they want it in their house and how
1691s materials gets deposited and eaten um
1694s you can have a bunch of work orders on
1695s it that has a bunch of Labor into it so
1697s would you lose the labor how do you deal
1699s with work how do you deal with the
1701s maintenance and replacing of it um do we
1703s want to have you know like a a repair
1706s wrench that people need to go around
1709s with and and head on the objects to kind
1711s of repair them back up to
1713s it and so there's a lot of a lot of
1716s things in there where you know how much
1718s of this do we want to bring into game
1721s Space
1724s um and how much do we want to kind of
1727s make
1727s it fit in with how we're approaching the
1731s enal usability of objects and craftables
1734s and everything
1736s else um so there's been a lot of kind of
1738s back and forth discussions um how we
1741s want to do it and how we want to treat
1742s it and um there is a there is kind of a
1746s difference
1747s between
1750s um
1753s um like static things like worktables
1755s versus Dynamic things like furniture and
1758s in particular
1760s vehicles so there had to be a
1762s distinction in
1764s between um you know how do we deal with
1768s a vehicle breaking down versus how do
1769s you want a a Furniture to break down you
1771s need to Jumble around and and kind of
1773s scour your house for that one broken
1775s chair and so on um so that's still
1778s something that we're looking at in terms
1780s of how we want to what degree of
1783s micromanagement are you going to be
1785s influenced by going around and kind of
1787s dealing with these things for work taes
1790s it's fairly straight on because you are
1792s always interacting with them um there is
1795s a parts component to it and then you
1797s just just slot in and use have like a
1800s repair kit or
1802s um basically like a tool kit or a
1804s utility kit for that specific work table
1807s that will allow it to be running when
1810s it's running it'll degrade it once it's
1812s out it'll break and it'll stop
1815s crafting um any thoughts on how it
1818s affects more casual players compared to
1820s high playtime player people well since a
1823s lot of it is going to be based over
1825s time um in terms of
1829s housing both of them are going to be
1831s affected
1833s equally um as for craft tables and
1835s vehicles it's going to be on on use
1837s scenario so you know if you're a high
1839s active player you make you're making
1841s 40,000 blocks versus a casual player who
1845s pops in makes like 200 you're going to
1847s have a significant difference in terms
1848s of how much maintenance you're going to
1851s be needing to be applying to it
1856s um
1858s yeah my Ser made and maintenance mod I'm
1860s I'm curious to see how it Compares with
1862s the official it it's probably going to
1865s be fairly similar in a lot of ways I
1867s think um yeah because that that's it
1870s it's it's basically what it is uh but
1874s for vehicles it'll be a bit different
1876s because we can have um specific slots
1880s for it and we can have specific effects
1883s for these
1884s slots um so you can have things like
1888s um like wheels on it and it'll reduce
1893s the movement speed as it gets
1895s worse um we can have an engine slot for
1898s the engine the vehicles that have
1899s combustion engines and and like steam
1901s engines and so on where you have a worse
1903s fuel efficiency or increasing pollution
1906s and so
1907s on
1909s um and yeah Zach uh which is a good
1912s point which is something that we are
1914s looking
1916s at
1918s so one of the things related to
1919s maintenance is of course when things
1922s break
1923s so for vehicles it was it it's kind of a
1928s if you have a broken engine you can't
1929s move your
1931s truck is it going to be an absolute
1933s nightmare to kind of grab that engine
1935s haul back and you're going to find a
1937s mechanic and you're going to see if he
1938s can you know replace it repair it and
1940s whatnot or do we just want to kind of
1943s massively reduce the efficiency of that
1946s vehicle um or create some sort of kind
1948s of penalty for omitting
1953s it um and oil spills is something that
1955s we are looking at in terms of pollutant
1958s for
1959s it so looking at something like it
1962s creates an oil spill um it acts on a
1965s separate layer and then it's it works
1968s similar
1970s to uh basically ground pollution but it
1973s would be something that doesn't mitigate
1974s by itself it stays and it spreads
1978s and you have to have that player intera
1980s ability for cleaning it up which would
1982s mean people might be wanting to do loss
1986s and um rewards penalty for causing these
1989s things as well as helping mitigate
1992s them so there you know we'll we'll break
1995s through the maintenance thing in a
1997s future proper kind of video on that
2000s whole system on its own because it's
2002s going to
2003s be
2005s um it's a lot of things in there
2009s and um we are also obviously looking at
2012s things like block maintenance and how
2014s that could be done and how that could be
2018s interactable uh would it be possible to
2020s contain possible oil spills with
2022s payments and so on yeah so like a lot of
2025s that is something that we're still
2026s actively looking at so I'm not going to
2028s get too crazy detailed in it because
2031s things change things get poking around
2035s and um it'll be on its own kind of
2038s dedicated thing but at least that gives
2040s you kind of a an idea on where we're at
2043s head space wise for these
2045s things
2047s um and yeah all of it is is obviously
2050s going to be kind of gradable in terms of
2054s how how bad is the maintenance going to
2057s be costing you um and so on so
2062s forth uh do you think mannequins for
2064s showing off clothes could be a thing
2068s um we do have mannequins in terms of
2073s assets um they just haven't been tuned
2076s up with the new Avatar system properly
2079s and be able to kind of slot clothing and
2082s so
2083s on um so it's it's it's there's there's
2086s a there's a backside to it um it'll
2090s probably make it in eventually but when
2093s it will
2095s um don't really have a uh a specific
2099s update for you on
2102s that
2105s um uh will clothing degrade the need
2108s maintenance yeah so that's like anything
2111s that we want to have that appli to um we
2115s can't sell clothing
2119s um and you know kind of basically
2121s anything
2126s um
2128s so there's a there's a lot of a lot of
2132s areas and applicants for what is going
2135s to be subject to it there might also be
2137s a discrepancy of like hey you know what
2139s maintenance 1.0 might be
2141s releasing um and we might do a portion
2146s of it and then do another update to kind
2149s of increase and expand on it later down
2151s the
2155s year um is there a chance of more
2157s earlier cosmetic clothing it's kind of a
2159s bummer the good monsters Sol
2161s wait
2163s um I think art team if they could get
2165s away with it they would just do clothing
2168s because some of the guys in there just
2170s loves doing that stuff
2173s so are we going to see more
2177s um probably if if and when that happens
2180s I don't really have an answer for
2182s you um any thoughts on having an
2184s electrical to Mechanical power converter
2186s mechanical Power is no Green Solution
2187s other than windmills and water wheels
2192s um lots of thoughts but quite the
2197s opposite um so while not mentioned in
2199s the road map one of the things that I'm
2201s looking at in terms of uh the the module
2206s upgrade is doing things like upgrading
2209s using uh using module upgrades changes
2212s out the behavior of the
2215s workbench um so you would have something
2218s that initially requires mechanical Power
2221s can be upgraded to be using electrical
2224s power
2226s instead um so you would increase and
2230s scale up and
2231s differentiate um requirements of the
2233s work tables as you upgrade them and and
2235s goes
2236s along
2238s um and that was also in in terms of
2241s Maintenance that was also kind of
2242s something that we were talking about
2244s whether or not we wanted upgrades to be
2246s related to maintenance and um if we
2249s wanted them to also
2251s Decay at the moment we' opted not to
2254s because it has such a profound
2255s economical impact in terms
2258s of um if a module stops working then
2261s suddenly you're crafting things at twice
2263s the cost and being able to calculate
2267s that on the fly if you're offline
2269s or um not really paying attention to it
2273s then you could suddenly be crafting
2274s things and selling them way cheaper than
2276s you can afford because you forgot that
2279s the module ran out and so on so that's
2281s something that we wanted to avoid um
2284s just out of player sanity
2291s basically um so speaking of
2295s upgrades I bet you didn't miss this
2298s one
2299s um obviously top and
2303s bottom um yeah
2309s um dynamite and
2312s explosives crazy
2320s right um false yeah couldn't you add an
2323s option to the work table to make it stop
2324s working if the module is broken
2326s unplugged yeah but if if
2328s like
2332s um the notion there is
2334s basically if it stops working because
2337s the the the the upgrade module ran out
2339s then what's the difference between an
2341s upgrade module and general like
2343s maintenance
2344s Parts like you kind of
2347s removed
2349s um you kind of removed the reason to
2353s have parts or it's just another piece of
2356s Parts basically
2358s inside um which then just kind of ca for
2362s confusion the modules are also the the U
2365s the modules are also supposed to be
2366s permanently attached to the work tables
2368s and so
2370s on um so yeah explosives Dynamite fun
2376s stuff
2379s um Dynamite coal sulfur clay more uses
2383s with Clay um not necessarily but you
2387s know can always Chuck in a recipe with
2389s Clay if you want
2390s it um no
2393s so and and this is this is a topic that
2396s that just recently as of like an hour
2398s ago popped in on I think Dev
2401s hangout um where people asking for the
2404s better Ways to Mine process and can I
2407s get around the mining stages especially
2410s the mid game or early transition into
2412s mid game mid game over to late game
2414s because right now you basically have
2415s pickaxe and then you have skid steer and
2418s nothing in between and this is something
2419s that I think everyone has been
2420s frustrated with for a long
2423s time um and we've done some big changes
2425s to our AOE system and the tools the the
2429s tool usability for area of effects and
2432s how that's calculated and everything so
2435s part of that is done what was done in
2437s anticipation for being able to more
2440s widely
2441s use um
2444s spatial um applications
2449s sport
2455s um
2458s um but yeah so how is this going to work
2461s why is this going to work and and what
2462s on Earth are we planning to do on it
2466s so uh just make sure the dynamite
2469s correctly checks if it can break blocks
2471s based on loss and land ownership oh yeah
2473s that that that thing's already that that
2475s thing already kind of works so the the
2478s um the way the because it's using the AE
2481s system which we refactored and and
2483s upgraded thanks to Casper um it does
2487s that it behaves in a way where it checks
2490s with internally with the atomic actions
2493s system so it already checks for if it's
2496s property access if there's a district if
2498s there's laws on it prevent it if there
2499s is um and so on so forth it checks the
2503s individual tiles that you're accessing
2505s so you know if it's a 5x5 it uh or 5x5
2509s by5 it'll check the whole Cube and each
2511s tiles inside that Cube and only do the
2513s things to the tiles it's allowed to do
2517s um similar to if you
2519s grab
2522s um um like a modern hoe and just do the
2526s five tiles straight in front or three
2527s tiles I can't remember what we set it as
2530s um it'll do like the first ones but stop
2532s you at the third
2535s one
2538s um so yeah
2541s um what is this going to be doing to
2544s well it's going to be doing it's going
2546s to change out two prospects entirely one
2550s um as charcoal was mentioned as well in
2552s that whole discussion earlier um it'll
2555s be something that you are going to be
2557s using sh coal rather than
2561s coal which is going to be the base
2563s principal differential
2565s between um Regular stone
2568s coal and charcoal
2572s however um you are also looking at
2574s another critical component people have
2576s been pointing out hey
2578s fertilizer
2581s crazy
2584s um yeah
2586s so there there's there's a mix match in
2589s between so you're going to be using
2591s fertilizer obviously because it's a
2594s great source
2596s of well critical component in any type
2599s of detonable
2601s material um so fertilizer is going to be
2604s a big part of this
2607s and I'm also looking at chemistry as I
2609s mentioned initially here as a potential
2612s future Pro um profession as
2615s well because what I want to introduce is
2618s more of
2620s a um and this is also boiling into some
2623s of the later things with oil re oil
2625s processing and upgrades um I want to
2628s introduce more on the chemical field
2631s which we don't really have anything at
2633s all in
2634s Eco um to kind of tie in with the more
2637s advanced systems um scientifically
2641s speaking um yeah the word is
2645s Nitro um but yeah so fertilizer will be
2648s able to do things like parts of
2652s explosives which will significant
2655s significantly bump up the usability for
2657s fertilizer um if it's going to transform
2660s into a separate thing and like
2663s fertilizer gets renamed and we're using
2665s that as a base for chemistry and whatnot
2668s um that's still to be
2671s decided yeah go go Alchemy first and
2673s then chemistry as the second like later
2676s tier upgrade uh no but we want to
2678s introduce stuff like sulfur as a
2682s resource as
2684s well um the new Al Alchemist uh
2688s profession can go pretty crazy on it
2693s um but yeah so um fertilizer being a
2697s critical component we've got shal that
2699s is
2700s underused um in some Fields it um was
2704s mentioned in um on voice chat I was in
2707s um while ago with
2711s um a big discrepancy between if you're
2714s using mainly coal versus short coal
2716s tends to be depending on the map
2719s generation because if you have a ton of
2720s trees
2721s nearby but very poor landscape for coal
2726s extra like the wetlands is across the
2728s world away and no one really bothers
2730s with it or it's often a distant
2733s thing um it's more likely to be using
2736s charcoal for some of it if not all of it
2739s depending on um the logger
2743s activity but we wanted to make sure that
2746s sh charal kind of has its own thing
2748s rather than just being kind of a
2753s replacement intermediary for steel
2761s um issue with shal is that you spend so
2764s much fuel just making it while wood is
2767s also needed for the construction yeah um
2770s the crafting timers on it and and the
2772s fuel consumption for it kind of
2774s got massively bumped or like the
2778s crafting time got massively reduced
2780s which makes it a lot more
2785s doable um in some of the recent updates
2787s we' also reduced cost for it
2790s significantly um there is a new dense
2792s charcoal recipe coming in 10.2 which is
2796s a h log version of
2800s charcoal um so there's some further
2803s resource reduction that you can do if
2805s you do both H logs
2809s into he logs into
2812s charcoal
2813s um and then obviously you know we're
2815s looking at at things like paper
2818s involvement um we're looking
2821s at as I mentioned sulfur so we can do
2824s things like sulfur as a byproduct for
2826s the oil
2827s manufacturing and the oil
2829s refining
2831s um as well as some of the other kind of
2834s things where bituminous coal or the
2836s stone coal uh which is what we have in
2838s in as regular like coal Coal in the game
2841s um has processing variations to split
2844s apart the pyite and sulfur production
2846s that allows you to
2848s gain um potentially as a new ground
2852s material
2855s um so just's quite a bit
2861s there
2863s um yeah and then obviously as Satsuki
2866s points out on on Twitch here um being
2870s able to do things like gain lime from
2872s different types of bone sources and or
2876s uh um like shellfish and and
2879s and sea
2881s resources um cat gold
2883s yeah
2886s um and also doing like um as I mentioned
2889s synthetic uh fertilizer so you're
2891s getting away a bit from that organic
2893s requirement but still have it in in more
2896s Advanced Machinery so we're looking at
2898s what type of workstations can that be
2900s done in um how crazy are we going to do
2903s with oil drilling and and change that
2905s out um
2906s as reprocessing in terms of catalyst
2910s usage and like I said you know kind of
2912s digging into the more chemistry and and
2915s chemical side of
2916s things um that has a lot of the
2919s components for some of the more advanced
2922s alloy making and um surrounding systems
2925s so there's a lot of a lot of very
2927s impactful gameplay stuff in there that
2929s we can
2930s use just from the you know just from the
2933s offset of like hey we want to add
2934s dynamite dynamite goes boom
2938s um and then you know kind of shuffling
2941s Shuffle things around how is this going
2942s to be applicable in game or we want to
2944s do it as a tool and then you just shove
2947s a dynamite and then it blows up or do we
2949s want it to be sequential you want to be
2951s able to do
2953s multiples um
2956s and yeah so you know a ton of things in
2959s there that we want to go through and
2960s kind of make sure that we get right um
2963s one of the things that in particular I'm
2966s looking at is shuffling around how as
2970s this like the big part of this is to
2972s help mining get into a more Revolt state
2975s of you get away from the pickaxe the
2977s pickaxe is still usable if you want to
2979s be precise and kind of pick specific
2982s pieces or you want to do specific shapes
2985s and
2986s whatnot
2988s um but in terms of bulk
2994s harvesting um as well as kind of
2996s changing out the way shape or form this
2997s happens in
2999s is um and and this is going to go
3002s absolutely freaking crazy with a lot of
3004s people is also adding a scoop front
3006s loader attachment to the steam tractor
3008s as
3011s well it can be precise with the skid
3013s steer yeah so dynamite and and I'll go
3017s over this on on a more specialized
3020s stream for this as
3021s well
3023s um is going to be not gener ating
3028s Rubble um at the moment at least the
3031s plan
3033s is so you are going to be turning it
3036s into crushed material on the offset but
3039s the assembly is going to be done by
3041s mining so you're not going to lose the
3043s mining requirement for turning it into
3046s Rubble or turning it into from Rubble
3048s into
3050s crushed however you are going to
3054s lose um the ability to use these
3057s materials for certain other things like
3061s um statues and Ash later and so
3066s on
3069s um but you're not going to have you know
3072s you place down and and blow up a whole
3074s series of a mountain side and suddenly
3076s you just fly Rubble all over the place
3079s but it is going to be doing converting
3082s it into crushed material and then kind
3084s of sliding down falling down and then
3086s you have the ability to use the steam
3088s tractor in mining operations as well um
3092s which adds a layer of infrastructure
3094s requirement and more planning in mining
3097s but I think it'll
3098s be an interesting change of
3102s pace but it's still you know you can
3104s still just shop away with a pickaxe and
3106s just handpick everything if that you
3108s know if you really want to keep doing
3110s that
3114s um but it it's
3116s um there's some there's some Ingenuity
3119s there
3122s and um Dom yeah essentially um part of
3127s it is to that and and it gives you that
3129s ability to just go absolutely crazy but
3132s it will come with side effects that you
3135s might not be anticipating for or you
3137s might not see coming um as we have a few
3140s surprises kind of tinkered in with that
3143s system in mind uh
3147s um that's still being kind of worked on
3149s um so we're not entirely ready to kind
3152s of go over
3153s that uh what we get earrings if we stay
3157s in a c when it blows up probably not out
3159s of an accessibility thing
3162s um avoiding tinitus and and like General
3167s ear damage I I think those the ear
3170s ringing effects movies has can be
3173s quite uh quite quite disruptive as is
3177s and yeah total calorie reduction if you
3180s stand next to
3181s it um so you know it it's going to be
3185s pretty cool um
3187s and I'm really looking forward to start
3190s working on it um working on I'm doing
3193s the planning right now and kind of
3194s laying out the groundwork for what it's
3196s going to be encompassing and the general
3199s design for it in terms of gameplay
3201s aspects and everything so you know if
3204s you have some concern or whatnot hit me
3206s up because I am
3208s laying down the foundations for what
3211s will be uh what this will mean in terms
3215s of
3219s implementation uh can I got stuck there
3222s I want I want Dynamite I want Dynamite
3224s probably as much as everyone else that
3226s wants to see things blowing up in Eco
3229s um it'll be fun I'm looking forward to
3232s it um hope everyone else is as well
3238s so off that um we've got ecosystem
3245s impact uh alpen yeah so a lot of that is
3248s still something that we're looking at
3251s and leaning towards more of
3254s like early ones being like hit the fuse
3259s and then shove it on a wall or something
3261s and then it's a time delay and it goes
3263s boom and then potentially have the late
3266s ones doing remote to
3268s detonation
3269s um so we'll see what we do it also we're
3273s kind of bouncing in between art and see
3275s what we want to kind of how far we want
3277s to get it because we also want it to
3280s be it it like
3284s um like biner pointed out in in the chat
3288s earlier um it needs to be better than
3292s what you currently
3294s have
3296s um having Dynamite would be then be able
3298s to make fireworks make culture things
3300s for settlements um definitely not
3302s outside the realm of
3310s possibilities
3318s uh on Angel is it realistic to realize
3321s this in 8 months um new version of unity
3324s migrations fixing bugs settlement
3326s systems and so on so forth um absolutely
3328s I think it is um because we have the
3331s systems are split up in very different
3334s parts of the game play as well as very
3337s different distinct distinctive Parts in
3340s who on the team is working on
3345s what so for things like the backend
3349s things um like the unity upgrade
3352s [Music]
3354s and
3356s very unhappy cat um so with you know the
3358s back end Tech stuff and and with the
3360s unity upgrade and a lot of the
3361s migrations and whatnot as well as the
3364s performance
3365s optimizations um it is something that
3368s Casper and Mike um as well as gregori is
3371s working on
3373s and Mike being our CTO is kind of broad
3377s spectrum in that gregori almost
3380s dedicatedly Works only on backend Tech
3383s Systems versus Gabriel for example who's
3385s been working on the exhaustion system is
3387s working only on like front end what the
3390s user is is kind of poking at so there's
3392s a very distinctive difference
3395s in in terms of the team expertise for
3398s the different
3399s subjects and a lot of this is just front
3402s end gameplay things and content so a lot
3405s of it is
3407s on
3409s um not super technical but just general
3413s content
3414s Edition
3416s which we have more leeway
3418s with um to be able to work on
3423s codewise um will laws have interesting
3426s interactions for allowing Dynamite to
3427s say destroy specific types but not other
3430s types um it's definitely doable it's it
3434s would be falling under the same thing as
3438s um like when you're actually Mining and
3440s pickaxing like you you can set a lot to
3442s only allow to mine Sandstone but not
3445s ground KN and so on so
3449s forth
3456s uh uh skids shouldn't be able to mine
3459s Rock and instead the excavator should
3460s have a rock drill on it to turn rock
3461s into Rubble no my excavator my my poor
3465s excavator
3468s um but if we
3469s [Music]
3471s um sounds like an exploit well it it
3474s really various like you can you can kind
3476s of already do this in a lot of
3479s things um in a lot of systems like you
3482s know you can prevent killing one animal
3484s but not the other you can just shoot
3485s away and and not have to worry about it
3488s or
3491s um if you're mining with a pickaxe you
3494s can you know if you don't want to be
3496s accidentally mining this material you
3498s can just set up a local law for it
3500s however that also requires its own set
3502s of infrastructure
3504s and is everyone going to be happy with
3506s it is the laws going to be you know be
3509s able to be passed and so on so forth so
3511s there's I think there's a lot of things
3513s in there that is definitely going to be
3516s subject for manipulation from the player
3518s side but it that manipulation also needs
3521s to be completely agreed upon by the
3523s community that are affecting by
3527s it
3531s um yeah there there's there's some
3533s things in there um as for the SK steer
3535s thing that you're going on on there um
3539s it was actually a a big thing in kind of
3542s the whole how steam tractor scoop versus
3545s skid steer kind of why use a skid steer
3548s if the steam tractor is going to be able
3550s to do the same thing um hence why the
3553s steam tractor is not going to be able to
3555s to actually mine it's only going to be
3557s able to dig which means you're not going
3559s to be able to break rocks with it you
3562s can pick up Rubble but you can't
3564s actually break rocks
3566s while the skid steer being the direct
3568s upgrade gives you that ability however
3571s you might still want to be using
3572s Dynamite because that removes the need
3575s to crush it
3577s um and it also makes it fall down so you
3580s can do like a wider walls and and things
3583s around that uh but I
3585s digress um ecosystem impact so that's
3589s another the another pillar in in Eco
3593s that we feel that is is really needing a
3595s bit of a bump now that a large part of
3598s the Civic stuff is
3601s done and these this thing kind of comes
3606s into two pieces one being an upgrade to
3611s oil processing I'm not sure if it was if
3613s it was mentioned here oh um a chunk of
3619s it is to oil
3622s upgrade and we're looking at how we want
3626s to deal with pipes um pipelines and
3630s potential oil transports and so on so
3634s forth um also dealing
3637s with uh partially into maintenance and
3641s vehicles
3642s um but also look finally looking
3647s at uh will mining six perks stay as is
3651s probably but we are looking at that you
3653s know you have to spend Stars off on it
3655s so it's not going to be completely free
3657s of charge in terms of specializing for
3663s it
3665s um are there any plans to make open pit
3667s mining more attractive to increase the
3669s impact of mining on the landscape and
3671s ecology at moment most mining is done
3673s completely underground and has very
3674s little effect on the
3676s terrain yeah
3679s so not entirely sure that that would
3681s make it within
3683s 1.0
3685s um but we
3687s are like ground
3690s stability
3692s and
3695s um like ground support basically is
3698s things that that would be interesting to
3700s investigate and look into however I
3702s don't think that we will have enough
3705s time um to really delve into it enough
3709s as well as making sure that it's
3710s optimized enough to not absolutely cause
3713s Mayhem um
3716s um but doing things like some sort of
3719s integral like structural support and
3722s effect um would really be something that
3724s we'd like to
3726s do but it's you know it's on that
3729s stretch Board shter of if we have time
3732s maybe we'll look into it but we're not
3735s going to plan for it because it's
3736s unlikely to
3739s happen um but for
3742s this um for this
3745s explicit ecosystem and pollutions we're
3749s looking at oil spills in terms of badly
3752s maintained objects that require and use
3757s oil um you've got garbage and recycling
3761s that we're looking at so crafting will
3764s generally always generate garbage of
3767s some type it might be very pollutant
3769s garbage it might be just you know wood
3772s scraps that you can recycle reuse burn
3774s or or whatever you feel like
3777s um garbage from research like white
3780s tiger
3782s um garbage from generly
3787s uh there we go
3789s sorry uh phone was going off in the
3792s background
3793s [Music]
3796s um yeah so recyclability from materials
3799s and things just generally producing more
3803s garbage and scraps of different types
3805s and that'll be needing to be recycled
3807s refined processed to reduce their
3809s environmental impact Save the Planet eat
3813s the rapper
3818s uh I'm not sure if that's a
3822s um a healthy advice I think we want to
3824s avoid eating the
3826s wrapper in particular if it's
3830s plastic
3831s um but yeah so things like
3835s um increasing longevity of foods
3839s um and so
3843s on uh what should happen though if you
3846s don't have enough inventory space to
3848s store the packaging oh
3851s God crazy uh crazy spiral there er no
3856s space can't eat
3857s it um but another big thing about
3861s pollution or pollutants in general is
3863s something that I've been W to look into
3865s as well and that
3867s is carbs vitamins fats proteins and
3869s plastic Perfect Balance yeah you you got
3871s to wrap those carbs and vitamins um but
3876s now something that I'm I'm kind of
3877s leaning in towards looking at and that
3880s is having variable pollution
3883s sources caused by the actual fuel type
3887s used so different types of fuels would
3890s be generating different
3892s pollutants um depending on the intens
3894s density and the machinery and so
3897s on um so you would have things like sh
3901s hoal Burns less pollutants than regular
3903s coal or gasoline burning more CO2 than
3908s uh uh biodiesel and so on so you would
3911s have an actual environmental effect by
3914s choosing fuel
3916s types
3917s um and also expanding on the general oil
3921s processing and making that a bit more
3924s dirty than it is because something that
3926s we really want to go
3930s for um
3932s is making pollution a thing in terms of
3936s like it it pollution is intended to be
3938s kind of an un unavoidable thing right
3940s now you can kind of do whatever you want
3943s a bit as long as you keep within the
3945s rins and then you just stop doing things
3947s and pollution just dissipates and runs
3949s off um so that whole system is going to
3952s be looked at in terms of permanent
3955s ability and
3957s just having the cleanup be more of an
3960s activity rather than just passively
3964s wait and he's very very unhappy in that
3969s corner
3972s um so and and in you know in that
3976s there's a lot of things that we can look
3978s into um and have plans
3980s for how in-depth that's going to be how
3983s much is that going to be imp acting and
3985s we also want to make sure that it's
3986s customizable enough to make it fit with
3988s the servers use as well um regardless if
3992s it's a small community server or if it's
3994s a huge public server
3998s um um so there's some there's a lot of
4000s things in there that we've been kind of
4002s eyeballing and wanting to take a bigger
4006s kind of hit on
4008s um the microplastics lead and
4011s asbestos um all the um
4015s all the good stuff everyone
4018s needs um and then we have kind of
4022s challenges beyond the meteor is
4024s definitely something that we're looking
4026s at um be it either by different types of
4030s scenarios or
4031s challenges um more endgame type
4034s disasters like the
4037s meteor
4039s um and we'll kind of be drafting a few
4042s ideas and post them
4045s um and then let people kind of get
4049s involved
4052s and get a bit more of a player imput on
4056s kind of what we want to focus on for
4059s those poles on bad
4062s roads
4064s um but yeah think things like
4066s earthquakes um you know ideas that been
4069s bounced around with things like
4071s wildfires and so on but wildfires are
4073s really really kind of unpredictable very
4076s RNG based and it would always you know
4079s destroy someone's house rather than
4081s someone else's and then that person is
4083s going to be very sad
4085s because rival's house got burned to the
4087s ground and then suddenly I have soul
4090s proprietary Monopoly on this
4093s material um I just got here what did I
4096s miss summarize it in in three
4100s words
4103s um
4105s yeah volcanoes are also
4106s localized um volcanoes are are are
4109s something that we're definitely looking
4111s at as a viable thing um because we have
4114s a whole biome that's basically
4117s untapped um crop disease animal
4120s husbandry and and so
4122s on um yeah so General General pollution
4126s build up uh by things like microplastics
4128s and and and kind of unavoidable
4132s disasters that you're causing while
4135s advancing through the tech ages um as
4137s well as spending time on server doing
4139s things is really what a lot of the
4141s improvements towards the pollution
4143s aspect of the game and the
4146s ecosystem
4148s um having that as a
4151s priority and kind of looking forward to
4154s Breaking this down with everyone and
4156s just going over each of these as we
4160s advance through the updates of this year
4162s and it's going to
4163s be it it is going to be packed and it's
4165s going to be an absolute roller coaster
4168s back and forth with
4170s things uh yeah dynamite dynamite
4174s dynamite everyone loves explosives
4177s right
4179s um but yeah so you know pollution and
4182s its impact and sourcing
4186s is really something that belongs in
4188s terms of the 1.0
4191s release um buildup and something that we
4194s can I really want to break
4198s into
4200s um and then we also have accessibility
4202s learning curve we want to kind of
4204s improve on the tutorial make it a lot
4206s more wholesome make it a lot more um i'
4210s almost want to say linear in terms of
4212s kind of guiding you
4214s through what you want to be opting for
4217s Building early on like we have a couple
4219s of vague suggestions in there but it's
4221s nothing really that's
4222s like hey
4225s um build this to be able to do
4228s that um it's basically build a house and
4231s have a workplace and then bam you're
4233s you're left your own devices regardless
4235s of what you do so we want to be looking
4237s at that aspect a bit we also want to be
4240s um we are also looking at a new um a new
4243s starter block material which is Adobe um
4246s it's been teased about a bit
4248s um it's currently targeted for
4252s 10.3 not making any problem promises but
4255s it will
4256s bump um H logs and mortared stone will
4260s be directly skill locked by masonry and
4264s logging so it's not going to be a
4266s workbench material
4269s anymore um Adobe would be your starter
4272s thing which then decouples it from the
4274s general economy we can make it as cheap
4276s as possible um and can help people get
4280s better situated early on in the game uh
4284s getting some infrastructure up getting
4286s some stores up and and kind of things
4288s going
4288s up
4296s um um so there's you know there there's
4299s there's some parts in there to kind of
4300s mitigate the learning care a little bit
4302s and make it easier to kind of get into
4304s but also quicker in a sense so you can
4307s see
4308s things
4310s um paint table or paintable how about
4315s both what if the paint table is
4325s paintable and then of course we have
4327s kind of the the
4329s grand the grand feature of 1.0 which I'm
4334s not going to go in too much
4337s here cuz one it it's it's way off at the
4339s end of the year but
4342s also um we have a lot of things that we
4345s need to uh yeah your cats are well it's
4347s the one cat that is going
4350s crazy she's just kind of watching him go
4352s nuts and it's like what on Earth are you
4359s doing um but yeah animals the usability
4362s the resourcing from them the pollutants
4364s they generate uh byproducts in products
4368s like um like animal feed and so on so
4374s forth hay um straw and and and
4378s everything in
4380s between um which comes with a lot of
4382s things in in surrounding it um it also
4385s makes you know grass
4387s being uh more of an appetizing thing
4390s because you want to be feeding them you
4392s want to be mixing mixing and and helping
4396s them out
4398s um interact ability with
4401s them catch ability of them and then kind
4403s of
4404s all of the um all of the different
4406s aspects for this
4408s so a lot of things on the board for this
4411s this is probably one of the
4413s bigger kind of ho encompassing feature
4415s because it contains a myriad of
4419s interactions mechanics
4422s um and it it's pretty bulky so it it it
4428s deserves a huge amount of space to kind
4430s of go over and break break this down
4433s into how you're going to be using it how
4435s it's going to be impacting
4437s things
4439s um that's going to be absolutely
4442s fantastic once that's in and that's
4443s going to be our our
4446s general kind of round off on this
4451s um can animals on a farm also catch
4454s diseases like bird flu um it'll be it'll
4458s probably be something in the um in the
4460s ranges of like dealing with health of
4462s the animal with making sure they're fed
4464s and and so on and then depending on them
4467s they'll have a different growth rates
4469s and product rates and so
4472s on um will there be more disaster
4475s challenges not caused by player
4477s influences
4479s um I'm I'm I'm leaning towards a volcano
4482s but you know let me know what you
4485s think because volcanoes are kind of hard
4487s to do anything
4488s about
4491s um but it might be something that you
4494s can uh you can protect yourselves
4497s against in terms of After Effects I mean
4499s we've seen we've seen pretty pretty
4501s disasterous results of the active
4503s volcanoes in
4504s Iceland um and we also saw some some
4509s pretty um crazy results
4513s of some of the things in the uh in the
4515s Pacific that's going on um as well as
4519s Hawaii um so we know how destructive
4522s these things can be
4527s um Lava biome um no it we haven't really
4530s talked about a lava biome but we we
4533s talked a little bit about General
4534s disasters and what we can do for
4536s something that isn't a player induced
4541s disaster uh thunderstorms is a natural
4543s disaster with tier one wreak havoc and
4545s tier one player structures yeah the
4548s the it it um that falls very heavily
4552s into like r G realm and you could have
4555s someone that is horrendously suffering
4559s lightning storm after lightning storm
4560s after lightning storm and then has his
4562s house wrecked three times a
4564s day um and then you have people that
4567s just doesn't at all and then you
4569s suddenly have a RNG
4571s induced huge benefit of this guy hasn't
4574s had his house destroyed so he has un
4577s uninterrupted experience the whole day
4579s and so
4581s on Al a
4584s [Laughter]
4587s oh boy
4592s uh the freaking
4595s cat I need to videotape
4598s this record it and and just post it or
4601s something I don't know that cat
4603s just excessively
4606s uh excessively digging into he wants to
4609s get into that corner but he's not
4610s getting into
4611s it um he's climbing vertically
4615s downwards just just you know picture
4617s that um no so we have you know and and
4622s as um as Angel was saying you know it's
4624s a huge list of things uh a lot of it is
4627s very very content Rich content
4630s heavy um you know in in direct player
4633s hands
4634s um but I'm feeling pretty confident
4637s about it um we you know we came out with
4639s 10.1 came out pretty fast um 10.2 is
4644s almost done um we're wrapping up some
4647s final things the play test should be
4649s out very
4653s soon
4659s um and on that
4662s subject uh any chance of animal drawn
4664s carts and wagons
4668s um it's not improbable but we'll see how
4671s far we take it with uh
4674s as we get closer towards um towards
4681s Autumn um socket yeah the game severely
4684s lacks in punishment for bad behavior
4686s like other games it's advertised as
4687s don't pollute your planet while trying
4689s to save it but I rarely see this having
4691s any actual impact whatsoever yeah and
4693s that's that's a big a big part of our
4696s goal with some of the content or you
4699s know a large part of the content that is
4701s coming out um throughout the year
4707s here um problem is that meteor isn't
4710s really a threat it mostly gets ignored
4712s once you get a solid
4713s Community um oh yeah we we have some we
4717s have some ideas about what to uh what to
4720s kind of Shuffle around but there's also
4722s a large part of that is
4724s also no impact sea auter we have 2
4726s meters of sea level rise and a lot of
4730s oil um no so a large part of why the
4734s meteor in at least in my personal view
4738s isn't seen as much of a threat as it
4740s generally
4742s is
4743s um it's because there's not a lot of
4747s depth to the actual resulting you know
4750s destruction of meteor it's basically you
4752s build infrastructure you build
4754s infrastructure which you're already
4755s doing and then you just expand the
4757s amount of power you have available to
4759s and then bam you just pop down the
4761s lasers and click a button and then done
4764s um and the endgame thing is also
4766s something that I'm looking at kind of
4769s redesigning to be more of a you need to
4772s do it over the span of several
4775s days um as we're looking for the like
4779s the oil upgrade in in being able to do
4781s things like having liquid as a component
4783s and a volume
4785s resource um rather than just a flow rate
4788s control for
4790s pumps which would allow us to do
4792s different types of liid liquids as um
4795s resource costs and we could do things
4797s like having coolant and you need to
4799s generate enough coolant to be able to
4800s pipe through um you know the computer
4803s lab and and kind of upgrade things
4805s and um you need to do enough research or
4809s and enough calculations to be able to
4812s Target it and track it and kind of find
4814s places where you need to build these
4816s things to cover properly and so on so
4820s there's a lot of crazy things we can do
4821s with the late game that um looking into
4824s um as well as kind of improving on
4826s resource types and Acquisitions like
4829s right now it's you know you get gold you
4831s get steel and then bam you're
4834s done so having a deeper layer of
4838s catalyst involvement and byproduct
4840s involvement from oil production as well
4842s as late game
4844s crafting
4847s um gets into being more of a long-term
4852s and more sophisticated path
4854s of um interactions and
4862s costs um so yeah there you know there
4865s there's a lot of there there's a lot of
4867s things to open up and and kind of deal
4868s with things in there
4872s um that uh we can definitely look
4882s at
4885s um thought about adding survival
4887s elements like consuming more calories
4888s when in a hot and cold
4890s biome um oh yeah it it's it's definitely
4893s on there on the pile of things
4896s um and it's part of kind of what you
4899s know having clothing as an as an effect
4902s but it also involves a lot
4905s in like General biomes and transitioning
4909s and we also don't want to make it
4911s too too much of a a clothing swapping
4915s simulator say you're out in a desert and
4918s you're Mining and then suddenly oh I
4919s need some coals I need to run over to
4920s the grassland suddenly you need to refit
4923s your
4924s outfit twice to be able to get back to
4926s the desert and or if you're going up the
4928s mountain you suddenly you need to switch
4930s around um back and
4934s forth
4937s um is that necessarily a bad thing um
4941s it's not necessarily a bad thing it's
4943s it's the it's the the generally the size
4947s of the world in where it gets highly
4951s dependent because if your biomes and and
4953s the world is too small then you're
4957s having way too many weather types and
4960s effects in very clo close proximity
4963s which means you get you know you bump
4965s around quite
4966s frequently
4972s um
4974s um where it just it it just kind of gets
4976s too
4979s overwhelming um as for an overtime thing
4981s it's it's more inclined towards that
4983s area like you
4984s spend uh you know it's kind of like an
4987s acclimatization thing
4989s where um you have an internal timer of
4992s like
4993s spending let me do like a calculation of
4996s like six hour time span and then
4998s depending on the proximity you spend
5000s more time in but then you also get into
5003s the realm of what if you spend most time
5005s in the desert and then suddenly you're
5006s in the grassland for the next hour or
5009s you're going to needing huge like
5012s undress completely to be able to get
5014s there uh or not have penalties so
5016s there's a lot of a lot of very big
5019s variables related to that type of
5023s [Music]
5024s interaction um and it's one of the
5026s reasons why we've been kind of hesitant
5029s to do that without more thought through
5032s process of making sure that it
5035s is
5038s um it it it needs to add a layer of
5041s complexity it needs to add a layer of
5043s sensibility but at the same time it also
5045s needs to
5047s be
5049s um having some type of like interaction
5052s value
5056s and um so there there's a lot to that um
5061s any plans to discourage skill pados or
5063s Furniture tombs yeah the um a lot of a
5067s lot of the surrounding maintenance stuff
5069s is going to be reducing that I'm hoping
5072s because you are going to need to
5073s interact with stuff a bit more which
5075s means you it's you're probably not going
5078s to build giant towers of Doom with
5081s crapped in
5082s Furniture when you have to go around and
5085s actually fetch it or interact with
5089s it you're going to be more likely to
5092s want to have it as an easy access thing
5096s um but we're also looking at things like
5098s occupancies space requirements and and
5100s so on as
5102s well um but yeah so coming up on on on
5106s almost an hour and a half here
5110s um a quick glance on what I was supposed
5114s to do early on in this stream just to
5117s kind of get it out of the
5119s way
5121s um
5123s but kind of briefly go over um as the
5126s topic mentioned with
5128s exhaustion and we talked about
5130s exhaustion in the last stream about kind
5133s of where we're at what we wanted to do
5135s with it um and now you know two weeks
5139s later we kind of have everything that we
5140s wanted to have out of it implemented in
5142s the game there's still a few bits that
5145s were missing that I can't show you on uh
5148s we wanted to get some of the um filter
5151s stuff on server browser so you can
5153s easily identify exhausted um exhaustion
5157s enabled servers versus non- exhaustion
5159s enabled servers and kind of the settings
5161s surrounding
5162s it uh but popping
5165s into Unity
5171s um connect to server um
5177s while or where
5180s where where did the server go that is a
5184s question there it is haha here we
5188s are uh
5191s so new settings for
5194s exhaustion previously this was basically
5196s a hey you exhaustion is enabled this is
5200s how many hours you can play per day
5203s and the quantity of time saved over to
5207s the next day if you didn't spend that
5211s time
5215s uh and so we expanded on it with a
5219s significant amount of options so this is
5221s still being worked on so some phrasing
5224s might change or some naming might
5230s change
5232s um but yeah so you have this is set up
5235s in three different categories right now
5237s we might see a fourth and a fifth um
5241s later on I'm working on vehicle stuff at
5243s the
5244s moment um so you have time
5248s designation um and this is a big change
5252s from the current working exhaustion so
5255s exhaustion in its current state in
5257s release is basing it on refresh rate on
5261s server time or the um the ingame clock
5265s so it Cycles through on the day passing
5269s through from day one to day two day two
5271s to day three and so on
5276s um and we're changing this out to be
5279s actual local server time so you can have
5281s a definitive set time on the day
5284s regardless of the state of the
5287s server um to kind of enforce this and
5289s make it more predictable for each player
5291s um to be determined and this is all
5293s shown in the tool tip in game as
5296s well so you have the refresh you set the
5301s um the hours
5304s and um minutes for daily
5314s playtime um and then you can set up and
5317s have this determined
5320s on um actual local time so exhaustion is
5324s moved into its own complete config um
5327s you still have to enable disable it
5329s inside the featu
5331s config so you have the exhaustion time
5333s enabled to true or false if it's enabled
5337s then you have all of the things set up
5339s inside the exhaustion config
5341s file and you can enable and set specific
5346s quantity of time per
5348s day um and a lot of this is a huge thank
5353s you for a lot of feedback and a lot of
5355s experimentation from
5356s Monsoon um over on
5360s uh on eco world
5363s that have been using
5365s exhaustion pretty substantially
5367s throughout the last
5370s year or two can't even remember how long
5373s they've been having exhaustion
5376s running it's been a long time
5380s um and then obviously having some extra
5383s settings to allow this to be
5386s uh um Del maybe it would be useful to
5389s players to know the average weekly play
5390s time of the actual the active
5391s demographic I so they can find a server
5393s that matches their play time um that
5396s that's all
5397s um the play time is available for the
5400s server to
5402s set
5405s uh
5407s somewhere can't remember exactly where
5410s it is but it is in here
5413s somewhere
5417s um someone might might be in here that
5421s someone in the chat probably has an an
5426s uh specific topic for it um it it's in
5429s one of the
5433s configs um and the exhaustion is going
5435s to be representing that thing as well so
5438s you can see how much time if the server
5442s has exhaustion enabled yes or no if it
5445s has it enabled how much time do you get
5448s per
5449s day um and so
5451s on and then you can also set the total
5454s banked hour like how the hard cap of how
5456s many hours a player can save up
5459s to um and then we also have something
5463s that is
5464s another massive thing
5468s um from that feedback yeah that that's
5471s the one thank you
5474s spook um the painting stuff is going to
5478s be running into 10.3 likely cuz we ran
5481s into some some general issues with
5484s client side um chunk
5487s updates that needed some more
5489s investigation in terms of um syncing and
5493s updating the chunk uh loading to make
5496s sure that it actually realized that it
5499s had been
5504s painted
5511s um yeah so another another kind of
5514s critical thing that we really needed to
5516s get in here as
5519s well
5521s um is pausing on resting and pausing on
5525s resting is essentially anytime you're
5527s sitting on a f on a piece of furniture
5529s and or uh being a passenger or you know
5532s whatever
5534s else it pauses the exhaustion
5537s time so you can sit down and it would
5540s just pause it and you wouldn't have to
5541s worry about it if you go AFK or you know
5544s you're you're just thinking for a bit on
5546s what you want to do um just sit down
5549s relax and and it's not going to run on
5551s your exhaustion
5553s time and then you also have some server
5556s specific things for allowing retroactive
5561s time
5563s um as well as giving you a bonus hour
5566s for that initial first login of a
5571s player
5573s use exhaustion to craft
5576s faster um but yeah so one of the things
5579s that I wanted to add in here as well is
5582s to set because there's two things
5583s missing that we want to get in one of
5585s them is we want to be able to
5588s discern all the general interactions so
5591s you the server can
5593s set what interaction is a viable
5596s exhaustion blocked
5598s interaction and I'll show this in the
5600s tool tape here in a second uh as well as
5602s the vehicles to be used so right now I
5605s have it set up
5607s with just expand on this a little bit
5610s and then we just pull up this UI scale
5613s just so it's a little bit more readable
5616s here which is crazy
5619s quantity so when you have exhaustion
5621s enabled and you are exhausted you get
5624s this huge block of text basically
5627s defining what you can do and what you
5630s cannot do
5632s and then it also States when you can
5635s work when you can start working again
5636s based on that refresh
5639s timer now if
5642s you see if I remember yeah there we
5645s go so when you uh when you have time
5649s available to do
5651s stuff it tells you how much time you
5654s have
5656s remaining am I losing frames oh I'm I'm
5659s running debug and everything else is is
5661s going crazy in the background don't
5663s worry about it as well as Unity being
5668s Unity
5670s um and then how much how much extra time
5673s you get on that next
5675s refresh and if you have it set up um and
5679s this
5680s is still being kind
5684s of
5690s uh
5699s see if this uh yes that that tool tip is
5702s still missing it's not plugged in yet I
5704s bring a toilet with me everywhere in
5705s real life um but it is going to list um
5710s when you have a differential of daytime
5712s it'll list specifically for that day and
5715s how much you gain on those days um
5719s surrounding it so you know that hey
5722s next um as you can see here next refresh
5724s is in 6 hours if it's variable giving
5728s you that
5729s notification um and some of the bits
5732s that are missing that I can't really
5733s show you yet is um tool tips on the
5739s client
5741s um when you are looking for a new
5744s world and you want to grab it you can
5746s grab we go tiger for example you have
5749s that active playtime hours
5752s um this being reflected
5755s in uh with exhaustion as well so you can
5758s see how much time you get per
5760s day um allowing you to kind of look at a
5764s server and see hey you know is this
5766s going to be fitting me does this work
5767s for me or am I better off just looking
5770s for another
5771s server um so we want to incorporate that
5774s into the filters as well when you search
5775s for
5780s them uh
5789s oh yeah um there there are
5793s some there are some general improvements
5796s to that that that browser
5804s thing don't have don't have that open
5807s what is going
5810s on
5815s [Music]
5817s uh I wonder I wonder do we have wonder
5821s if that was plugged in don't need that
5824s need
5829s that I don't want
5836s to oh yeah and it's not
5840s on
5842s this is not on a branch with that update
5845s I wonder if I can just show that
5848s off um I missed the raid aler yeah I I
5852s completely missed it hello everyone
5856s welcome
5857s [Music]
5858s um thank you for the raid I think it's
5861s the
5870s term
5888s see if the power hammer wants to play
5890s nice now I believe it
5893s should yeah the sound should be in
5900s there heading to
5903s lur um yeah um we're we're kind of
5907s coming up to a close here just wanted to
5909s see if I haven't heard it but apparently
5912s we're supposed to have audio done for
5913s the power hammer but the power hammer
5916s was
5917s not set up on Gabriel's Branch here so
5920s I'm
5922s just having a poke at
5927s it make no promises of how this is going
5930s to be sounding or
5932s how crazy this is going to go
5936s um Nature's quotes if you're still here
5939s um I'm not sure I follow
5948s it
5950s um not sure if that's a if it's a
5953s question to add combat
5957s or
5960s hammer
5963s do you don't want to play nice
5964s apparently
5965s not I guess we'll just have to wait and
5968s see
5971s um will luxury items make it into the
5974s game like fancy cars luxury Yachts
5976s private yets ulry yudis and and whatnot
5979s um that that's a very very very wide
5984s list of things
5988s um General housing stuff possibly
5992s probably I mean we got we already have
5994s some uh fountains and whatnot else
6000s um fancy
6003s cars uh that's a very good
6006s question maybe it wouldn't hurt with
6009s having a a more
6010s just personal speedy car I know someone
6015s wants a
6016s uh someone want wants a certain
6019s flyability vehicle um
6022s but that also has its own kind of set of
6024s complications and and whatnot I think
6027s let's get the
6030s um lot of that is basically we'll see
6034s what happens after 1.0 because there's a
6036s lot of things we need to get done before
6037s that and there's a crazy amount of
6041s technical issues with some of
6044s them uh mechanics profession repairing
6047s sports cars
6050s yes
6055s that's a shame I was hoping to be able
6057s to go through and and hear that thing
6059s make noises
6060s but maybe
6063s it maybe it can make noises
6068s anyway skills level
6074s up uh what was that
6078s smelting
6080s Smith
6082s smth and then we
6094s do I don't think it's making
6097s noises slash give
6108s steel oh I need to I need to have the I
6111s need to have the thing um is the glass
6115s work silent I thought it had
6118s sound I thought it did
6126s too should have
6133s sound yeah I'm pretty sure it does it
6135s just it might be very very very
6140s low
6143s yeah it's it's very very low that's what
6145s it
6154s is it's very very very
6159s faint but there is a there is a distinct
6161s sound to
6162s it um but yeah no we got we got a lot of
6166s things to do um we're all super stoked
6169s about the things that are on the road
6170s map and it's it's a lot of things that
6173s we have been wanting to be working on
6175s for a
6177s while um speaking sounds can we get a
6180s sound slider for rain um yeah it's some
6184s of the um some of the configs for audio
6187s and the audio channels is is in here
6190s you've got the you got the weather one
6193s should be
6195s that
6200s um but it might even not not be fully
6204s extendable I'll talk to Leonard about it
6206s and see what we can
6208s do uh because I agree I kind of like the
6210s rain to just be very very very subtle
6213s just having like a just a hint
6216s of basically breaking the silence when
6218s music isn't playing and whatnot just
6220s kind of having that fade thing going
6224s on uh yeah
6226s basically um while as we see armored for
6229s example just once it's freaking been
6231s pouring down it once just like
6234s rainstorm
6236s um you really want to feel like this is
6239s a horrible weather to be standing
6243s in
6245s um so a lot of a lot of different um
6248s opinions on it hence
6250s why we want to have uh some
6253s adjustability for
6260s it
6262s yeah it got tuned out a bit but uh you
6265s definitely hear
6268s it um but yeah I'll check in with
6270s Leonard and see what he see what he says
6272s about it um he's our Lord and Master Of
6277s Sound related
6280s settings um but yeah no with with
6283s exhaustion kind of stay there
6287s um I'm quite happy and uh
6293s also when and this is something that's
6296s might be fairly controversial um on the
6300s exhaustion
6302s stuff
6305s um what vehicles do we want to natively
6309s block with
6311s exhaustion like by default because at
6313s the moment I'm kind of leaning towards
6315s just
6317s having just having the vehicles that
6320s actually perform work as in the the en
6323s workable Vehicles like the the tractor
6325s the skid steer the plow like stuff that
6328s just
6328s helps produce
6331s things be limited versus vehicles that
6334s are just used for basically
6335s transportation and and transaction
6338s ability um not being
6349s that
6352s um as well as kind of how far I want to
6354s take the um the enal settings
6371s forth
6378s uh yeah let's what I'm leaning towards
6381s and then leaving enough customizability
6383s for any server that kind of want to
6386s fiddle around and and change out what
6388s exactly they want to do and that's uh
6390s and socket and that's that's kind of
6393s where that that's where we want to go
6395s with the tweakability of the setting
6397s right now interactions are kind of hard
6399s like exhaustion is kind of hard locked
6400s to the direct consumption of calories
6402s when used in terms of
6405s interactions
6407s um
6409s so we kind of want to decouple that but
6412s it might not be done for 10.2 it it
6414s might be something that we just kind of
6416s bump in there later on where allowing
6420s servers to
6421s completely specify which interactions
6425s are exhaust
6430s limited
6432s um versus which
6434s aren't because right now it's very much
6437s it's limiting everything that consumes
6438s calories when you're when you're doing
6440s it um so you know
6443s mining um digging and and everything
6446s including building houses which is
6448s something
6450s that
6451s um is
6454s modable like if you remove the calorie
6456s cost replacing blocks and picking up
6458s blocks with the hammer it'll avoid the
6461s exhaustion but we want to be able to
6463s still have that calorie consumption but
6467s be um be an interactable decider because
6472s Hammer is is such a very distinctive
6475s server to server basis because a hammer
6477s can be um in a lot of cases people just
6481s with exhaustion enabled they don't try
6484s to do fancy house buildings or or
6486s whatnot because I don't want to spend my
6489s exhaustive time on building houses when
6492s I can spend it on
6495s um doing you know mining or I can
6498s accumulate wealth by interactions
6502s um
6504s so just nuking it from the hammer
6507s completely is kind of hard because the
6509s hammer is also used to build a large
6511s volume of the infrastructure which makes
6513s you money in the
6515s world um mainly Road
6520s building because then road builders
6522s suddenly don't have to worry about
6524s exhaustion because they can use vehicles
6526s to transport their goods and as long as
6529s they just dig away you know and
6532s terraform prior to the exhaustion
6534s running out they can just build the road
6536s afterwards um on that thing so
6542s um it it makes it kind of
6552s tricky yeah Hammer should be replaced by
6554s something else to build roads yeah we we
6556s have some we have some ideas for that
6558s but that is
6559s uh
6562s um it is uh it's in that stretch gold
6565s Fantasy Land of maybe perhaps and if we
6569s do manage to do it we'll reveal it but
6571s it's going to be
6573s um it it's a touch and go if we can pull
6576s it off in time with the rest of the
6578s things that we have planned that are
6579s going to be coming
6581s in um and Samy yeah so assuming new
6584s animals will come with the animal
6585s husbandry like cows
6587s yes definitely looking at new animal
6589s types
6592s um but yeah I think I think we'll
6596s uh we'll call it for
6600s uh for this stream and this Friday went
6604s on a lot longer than I had planned but
6606s you
6608s know such a fun crowd to uh to just
6611s interact with and answer answer random
6616s questions
6618s um tags in store
6623s is still a cryptic thing I'll I'll I'll
6626s update when when when I know
6629s more
6632s um yeah there there's a lot of use for
6635s it and it's something that I'd like to
6637s see happen sooner rather than later but
6640s it's also fairly complicated thing to uh
6644s to do it but yeah
6646s um we are kind of ending out with like
6650s 10.2 is kind of running out at the end
6653s of its development cycle
6655s here um there's a few bits and pieces
6660s left but um yeah play test should
6664s hopefully start fairly soon and then if
6667s that doesn't reveal any super critical
6671s stuff
6674s um it
6676s um shouldn't be too far
6679s off
6683s um but yeah keep track on the Discord
6685s we'll post announcements and post news
6687s and everything
6688s so
6690s uh yeah and armored um hit me up in a DM
6693s about the rubble thing because we got um
6697s we got some stuff that is being worked
6698s on for
6700s it
6702s um but yeah know everyone take care have
6705s a great weekend and I'll catch you on
6707s the next stream which hopefully will be
6708s in two weeks
6710s um with some cool updates and uh some
6713s other
6715s stuff so thank you very much and
6719s uh take
6739s care
6752s [Music]

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