
Eco Dev Tracker

Hello Eco Citizens,
our next release date has been set: Eco 11 will launch August 15th!

We’ve been hard at work on the road to Eco 1.0 and exiting Early Access, and this is a big step there. Feature list will be:

Adobe Blockset A new tier-1 blockset (pushing Hewn Logs/Mortared Stone to tier 2) that’s much easier to build, giving a faster start to the game.

Painting You can now mix paints and paint your constructions with a variety of tools.

Culture for Architecture We’ve added a new source for culture: Architecture! Creative and beautiful buildings can now earn culture and will give housing benefits o... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
Hello Eco Citizens,
our next release date has been set: Eco 11 will launch August 15th!

We’ve been hard at work on the road to Eco 1.0 and exiting Early Access, and this is a big step there. Feature list will be:

Adobe Blockset A new tier-1 blockset (pushing Hewn Logs/Mortared Stone to tier 2) that’s much easier to build, giving a faster start to the game.

Painting You can now mix paints and paint your constructions with a variety of tools.

Culture for Architecture We’ve added a new source for culture: Architecture! Creative and beautiful buildings can now earn culture and will give housing benefits o... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Jul

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
They need to join the settlement at its foundation or be annexed into it.

18 Jul


Originally posted by DarkMukke

In the official WhiteCheetah speedrun, Trooper found a trick that when you stand on a boat and fish, and spin circles fast, the line would automatically get closer to you and you could just pickup the fish from the water ( if you caught one ) no need to reel anything in. I wonder if that still works.

Good to know.


Nice job, might want to put that somewhere on the wiki when it's final, so it's easier to find.

17 Jul


Yes, three options:

  1. You get claim stakes and papers from a town, country or federation to use within it.
  2. You get homestead support papers from a town, country or federation to use outside of them.
  3. If you're playing a local game, you can set the difficulty to the default recommended "No Collaboration" and will receive claim stakes (usable outside of settlements) and claim papers (usable in- and outside of settlements) when reading skill scrolls, like in Update 9.

12 Jul

10 Jul


Originally posted by SomePerson225

Its always good to leave the option for players, even if its a legacy setting

Unfortunately not, as those two systems are very different and could require massive maintenance amount to keep both working over longer timeframes - for a system that is not used by any notable amount of players anymore and is simply outdated, as Eco has developed further. As such it became legacy and once problems with it appear, those simply might no longer be addressed when that wouldn't make any sense resource wise and the system removed when the issues become too much or the old system inhibits ability to develop other things.

Options always increase complexity in development and tax development and qa resources, hence decisions for settings need to take into account the debt created through these. We'd always rather use our resources for development of our roadmap than trying to figure out why something doesn't work in a discontinued old system that barely anyone uses and noone in the team actively works with anymore.

In the end this is not just a small setti...

Read more

09 Jul

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Since Update 10 building in deep ocean is no longer possible, you can change that via setting in "AllowDeepOceanBuilding": true,

The options that config variable takes are:

  • None — No logging and no notification is given.
  • LogFile — Log to file.
  • LogFileAndNotifyAdmins — Log to file and notifies the all admins connected to the server.
  • LogFileAndNotifyEveryone — Log to file and notifies the all users connected to the server.

08 Jul


Originally posted by SomePerson225

why not? personally i preferred a global government

Due to it being a legacy system, it may be removed at any time for good. If that happens, any saves that use it will no longer function and also cannot be migrated to the new system, as it's an either or choice determined when the world is generated.


Originally posted by GizelZ

I think you can disable the settlement mecanic and have a world government like before. Another solution would be to use contract board, but its a lot less convenient

This setting is legacy and should not be used anymore.

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Port forwarding needs to be setup for your local firewall and router, check the instructions for your router in its manual.

As mentioned by others, that is only possible via global federation:

In set EnableAdminUI = True. In set the last value of SettlementFoundationBaseInfluence high enough to fill the whole planet. (Depends on world size, 1200 is enough for maximum supported size of 2.56 km²)

Then, place a federation foundation in the world. Target it and execute /fe to force enable it. Open it, remove the check at "Needs Child Settlements". Then you're good to go to just set it up as any other settlement and have a global federation.

01 Jul

    SLG-Dennis on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This configuration option can only be changed via the config files of the server. The local server can be found in /Steam/steamapps/common/Eco/Server. The configs are in the configs directory.