over 4 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey everyone I hope you can hear me just
3s fine today we're gonna be streaming eco
7s 19.0 I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show
10s you guys some new ash flower stone
12s buildings yeah this is my first time
15s ever streaming anything on my own so I'm
18s gonna try and keep an eye on chat and
20s just let me know if there's anything
21s wrong with the audio or anything like
23s that and that'd be much appreciated but
25s yeah I'm Keegan I'm a developer at
28s Strange Loop Games working on eco and
31s yeah often times my specialty is these
35s builder blocks in the game and 9.0 is an
39s exciting patch cuz we're gonna have a
41s lot of new stuff for building and for
43s people who like to build like me so I
46s was thinking with this stream I'm just
48s gonna basically casually be building
51s stuff with the ash Lara Stone showing
54s you guys the new kind of shapes that you
55s can accomplish with it and we're gonna
58s be transforming this peaceful little
61s mountain pond into some kind of monument
65s or structure I have a few ideas about
68s what I might like to build but I'm
69s mostly just playing around as I go and
72s I'll show you as much of the new ash
74s Larr stuff as I can and I'll be happy to
76s answer any of your guys's questions so
78s feel free to hit me up with those and
84s until oh yeah let's see I'm gonna have
89s to minimize and switch back to chat a
90s bit I'll have a second monitor so pardon
93s the pauses but I will check in with chat
96s every couple minutes so let's see so
100s yeah I've got this nice lake you're
102s thinking I'm gonna create a platform
103s maybe some kind of archway even so you
106s can so I can you know create a frame
109s around this beautiful little waterfall
111s we have here highlight the natural
113s environment with my buildings in this
115s stream I'm going to be flying around and
117s using the dev tool we have a number of
119s exciting updates coming to build
122s in eco with nine out with the hammer
125s we're gonna be adding some new modes of
127s placing blocks that's going to be really
129s powerful and in fact it's kind of funny
131s I'm shooting in this stream I'm flying
134s and using the dev tool but in some ways
136s some of the functionality that's going
139s to be in the real tools and I know will
141s actually be kind of not more powerful in
144s terms of where you're positioned from
146s when you're placing blocks but in terms
148s of the actual block placing they'll
150s actually be kind of more powerful than
151s the dev tool because you'll be able to
152s create lines of blocks and things like
155s that so that'll be really exciting to
157s give players that amount of power and
160s see what people are able to to build
163s with that kind of stuff so let's go yeah
169s so if you didn't see the previous stream
171s this is the new form selection it's
174s actually going to be different in nine
175s oh we're working on a brand new
176s interface for it this is just an in
179s development thing that allowed us to
180s just get them all in there to test but
184s as you can see there are a lot more
185s forms for this new set and basically as
188s we go the the higher tier sets the goal
192s will be to have as many options as
194s possible in the high tier sets so as
196s you're going and extracting rock from
198s the world and extracting resources and
201s building up your technology you know
203s you'll be unlocking more and more
204s options as you go so so this is going to
208s be one of the highest tier sets so we
210s wanted to have a lot of options and as
212s we go we'll still have more though
213s beyond just what's there now so let's
216s see start with a platform coming out
221s across the lake here
226s so right now I'm using ash law or
230s granite stone so basically in the real
234s game you'd be harvesting granite and
236s then you'd be taking it to a masonry
238s table and you could create this ash lar
240s granite stone and you can see also here
244s we have some outcrops of basalt and so
248s this is a different stone or a different
250s rock type rather in the game that you
252s can also harvest and turn into a its own
256s variety of a flower stone so we'll we'll
258s definitely use some of that as well in
260s this building I I like the idea of
263s keeping the materials local to the
267s environment from which they came that's
268s kind of a nice trend in architecture
271s that lets you reference the landscape
273s something came from
284s this is just gonna get a platform for
287s everything get into the waterfall I
299s think we're gonna want to keep that arch
303s actually not blocking the view of the
307s waterfall hitting the hitting the lake
310s there I'll try and line that up so in
322s the background here you can see some of
324s the the taiga and the tundra there with
328s a lot of the nice willow here on the
332s ground and fire weed and the lupine this
336s is a biome that was a lot of fun for me
338s to work on assembling plants for just
341s because in my life I've got to spend a
345s lot of time and subalpine in ecosystems
348s up at Mount Rainier National Park so I
351s got to use a lot of the kind of fun on
356s and foliage that I see up there when I
359s was working on the species list for
361s those biomes see here this is clearly
367s not matching up at all with the other
369s one that I made but I'm gonna just go
372s ahead and
375s do I want this to be going into the
378s ground a bit so I think I'll actually
381s make this one larger so we can have a
385s more substantial kind of parse way
387s building there's a structure in Venice
395s with the rialto bridge maybe we'll end
397s up doing something like that to kind of
399s stair-step the bridge that goes across
401s the body of water in a chit chat real
405s quick
406s oh and star star for you fire asks are
415s you only answering questions regarding
416s Ash large stone no you can feel free to
418s ask me anything you want I mean I might
420s not answer it but feel free to ask about
423s any questions you have about Maya now or
425s geek oh you know I may or may not be
427s able to answer them but I'll definitely
429s do my best
431s and let's see we've got one from
435s Minecraft Yeol for the 900 are there
438s more colours mortared stone oh yes so
441s mortared stone is the earlier set and
446s ashlar stone is the more advanced stone
450s set and like I was saying earlier we
452s want to expand your options as you're
454s going up into your level so there's
457s gonna be less options for mortared stone
459s in warfare hash lar stone however I do
461s think that we will end up adding some of
465s the other rock types to mortars stone as
469s well I think the thing is is we want to
471s err on the side of expanding outwards as
474s you increase in technology but I think
478s that also doesn't necessarily mean we
481s won't go back in and fill in those
483s earlier tiers as well once we sort of
486s have the time it's it's kind of a matter
488s of priority with what we want to get
490s done first and I just want to be sure
493s that you're not losing options as you
495s increase in technology is my is my
497s priority with that stuff so so we're
500s gonna start with as many options as
502s possible with Ashley
503s but absolutely I think I probably will
505s add some of the other stone types to
507s mortared as well it might not be in nine
509s out but it'll definitely be on the
512s docket for a some point and a similar
515s thing to that will be the the new wood
517s building blocks and I know because it
522s would be a lot to have like nine or ten
525s different options for all the different
527s tiers of wood for all the different
529s kinds of wood and also for the broad
531s wood categories which are softwood and
533s hardwood so we're gonna start with you
537s know it makes sense that like in the
540s early game you're kind of taking in a
542s bunch of trees and you're kind of just
543s like you know queuing them you're
546s processing them and kind of a rough way
548s and you just get sort of like the
550s generic types and as you get better at
552s carpentry and stuff like that you do
554s better at doing justice to the to the
558s materials you're taking from the
559s ecosystem and you're able to build more
561s celebratory unique buildings that
563s reflect those different wood types and
566s rock types and other kinds of resources
568s like that so yeah that's a long way of
574s saying that there will eventually be a
577s few more mortared stone types but it
580s might
580s and I know let's see but I'll definitely
582s show you more of the Ashe large stone
585s varieties in this little demo - okay
588s what do I want to do here I think I
589s wanted to do give this a little walled
593s border to start this off on something
602s here and definitely I'm also going to be
608s going back to some of the early sets and
610s making sure that each set has versions
613s of walls and roofs that are taking up
616s the full block as well as the skinnier
619s style walls that you see in the previous
621s sets like mortared stone in the previous
624s lumbar I'm gonna try and make sure all
626s the building steps have options for for
628s both the skinny and the full block walls
630s including adding one to Ashe large stone
633s here which isn't in this bill but it
635s should be at 9 now let's see I'm just
638s gonna go ahead and start putting a cap
642s on this level things
648s this will probably be changed as we go
651s but I just want to get something started
653s here so let's try and make an
660s interesting like arched bridge shape
663s next so now we can get into the morally
673s interesting stuff that you can start
674s doing with this set that was really not
677s there before we're going to start making
689s this arch upwards
710s so this slope kind of gives you the
713s option to make a skinny roof that you
716s can see from below or you can just
718s basically add another block on top to
720s make it into a sort of folia
722s more thick sloping sloping surface and I
730s do also intend to add this kind of these
736s blocks to the previous sets as well at
738s some point again it might not be in 904
741s that but it will happen at some point we
743s want to make it consistent so that you
745s can once you get used to building a roof
747s with the earlier says it doesn't
749s suddenly change to a new style with the
751s updated sets from there so that'll
754s happen at some point as well - and I
757s think what I'm looking for is this slope
759s flat block I want to make this be like a
765s stair stepped thing I don't know if
769s we're gonna succeed in that in not
771s blocking the view of the the waterfall
775s here with this current plan maybe maybe
781s we'll just be okay with that and
784s for the sake of time of course I would
786s not be okay with that if this was my own
788s server I would destroy this and start
790s completely from scratch but you know we
792s probably don't have time to do that a
793s ton of times on this stream so we'll
796s keep going for now and we'll we'll go in
797s a different direction
798s and I was originally thinking let's see
801s here do I look at chat again one second
817s three on this side yeah three see now is
828s now this is where the planning really
830s comes into question because is this
832s gonna meet well I guess if it's an even
835s number we can just build differently
836s than if it's an odd number
852s all right so now I've got a meeting
855s little little thing here I can work with
857s this so this all right let's and so you
861s know this is an example of having a lot
865s of ways to use these blocks and it's
867s kind of impossible to predict them all I
869s don't really know what it's gonna look
870s like when I try and do a stair-stepped
872s version of this edge here but we'll find
876s out we're in this together so as you can
881s see one thing that's happening is the
883s slopes will automatically fill in when
886s they've when they're touching something
887s above them that will kind of let you you
892s know merge those slopes with buildings
894s more easily
898s might not be the exact effect you want
900s always though and I'm always going to be
903s trying to unlock more specific
906s customizability
907s as we go but I think this will work for
911s us for now
914s and I've got this kind of stair-stepped
919s bridge here it's not so bad all right
924s I'm gonna check out chat real quick have
927s a sip of coffee helicopters now people
934s are asking about helicopters helicopters
936s would be awesome I'm I think they would
939s work really well in the voxel world of
941s eco but again that's something we don't
943s have on the immediate docket at all and
945s I won't make any promises regarding
947s helicopters but yes I agree that it
950s would be a really fun vehicle to have an
951s eco mmm
955s shuttles to get to another planet once
957s we destroyed this one with pollution
958s yeah we might be thinking about
960s something like that but again hopefully
964s you don't destroy it with pollution
965s hopefully you can find a way to avoid
967s that and I think that's the main idea
969s with eco for now we don't want to just
971s let you you know flee all of your
974s consequences we want you want you to
976s live with them will you'll be able to
979s make sharp corners see sharp corners I
987s think I'm not okay so sharp corners
990s maybe you mean vertically like like in
993s the same way that this is a slope that's
996s sharp vertically you maybe are talking
998s about horizontally on the ground
1001s I can't believe gesture really well but
1002s like if you rotated this 90 degrees
1004s basically if that's what you mean I
1007s would like to add those as well at some
1009s point for sure that would kind of fully
1011s unlock being able to do this stuff on
1014s the ground and make interesting you know
1016s diagonal walls and stuff like that so
1019s that's definitely a good idea that I'll
1022s be thinking about
1024s I accomplished as I go do
1033s fun here with some speaking of sharp
1037s yeah Western speaking of sharp corners
1038s like you know you can definitely this is
1040s definitely a pretty sharp corner you can
1042s accomplish right now vertically but yeah
1045s horizontally - it would be nice let's
1051s see here want to go from here oh yeah
1055s maybe we'll say wow I don't know if I'm
1059s gonna keep these but
1067s so this is a fun kind of a piece that
1071s I've added that's basically a way a kind
1074s of decorative brace that you can use in
1077s places where you might not want to use
1079s the slope and know like I've found the
1081s problem but I need to fix in the
1082s builders so this has been useful for me
1085s as well already so yeah this is this is
1099s the blocks extending into each other
1101s where they shouldn't see this one these
1103s blocks automatically removed they're at
1105s their top piece because they detected
1107s that this was above it but I didn't
1109s anticipate that because this was
1110s extending out further into this space it
1113s would it would also potentially
1115s intersect with the nearby block so this
1117s is a lot of the kind of problems that
1118s I'm fixing as I go but with the way that
1122s we're doing these new blocks allowing
1123s you to rotate them all individually it
1128s should be actually quite doable to fix
1130s most of those problems so this is so you
1135s can see how that removed that piece that
1137s was extending out into its neighbor
1139s block once it was filled up with
1141s something okay this is actually getting
1145s interesting I think I like where I'm
1148s going with this
1151s we can maybe aim to do is actually have
1156s this become a larger pillar do just be
1169s more like a decorative border I can
1177s actually kind of inset these the blocks
1180s hopefully
1188s since we made it too thick I'll still
1190s should still have that yeah should still
1192s have that nice bottom I thought we can
1194s put some stairs in there I mean
1197s technically as a player you can walk up
1199s these 45-degree slopes but it's you know
1202s you don't want to be you don't want to
1203s slide and fall when you're going down
1205s this bridge and in the rain or whatever
1207s so having some stairs I think is a
1210s better idea
1211s all right okay let's see well I be able
1223s start strafe or fire asks will I be able
1226s to hold right click while planting
1227s hundreds of seeds that's definitely
1230s something we can look into as an issue
1231s I'll see if that's been forwarded to the
1234s team it's probably known about let's see
1244s [Music]
1261s devyn different bracket says that's a
1263s pretty steep slope in the bridge and I
1265s agree the we do actually have another
1266s option for that then I can show you as
1269s we go let's see do ya dumb done - the
1278s shy asks will there be easier ways to
1279s build such as placing blocks in a row
1281s like with the crane so yes we are going
1284s to be adding that kind of functionality
1286s to the advanced hammers that you'll
1288s unlock as you go which I mentioned
1290s earlier in this dream and I'm really
1292s excited to to see how that plays and and
1296s see what people do with it because it
1298s will be really powerful for building
1307s yeah yeah this this bridge is a walking
1313s bridge this is not a this is not a
1314s bridge for for vehicles combat disk asks
1319s can you build upside down ramps now as
1321s well so we don't have so right now the
1325s buy ramps you probably mean the one for
1328s slope pieces and those don't have upside
1332s down versions yet maybe we'll add those
1334s again there's just like kind of an
1336s infinite amount of things that you could
1337s you can add variations of I think we're
1340s gonna be playing it as we go seeing if
1343s there are any bad impacts of adding tons
1346s and tons of blocks to the world I don't
1348s think there will be so you know the the
1351s future is looking good as far as being
1353s able to just keep keep on adding all
1355s sorts of options like that so yeah
1359s that'll be pretty good yeah speaking of
1365s okay we need to make this bridge look
1368s better I think we can do this I'm
1372s thinking of kind of making it like a
1373s covered thing I do still want to do a
1375s big arch though that's not just
1377s 45-degree slopes so in order to
1380s accomplish that I think we need some big
1383s pillars I'm going to go out from this
1385s side here
1390s so we're gonna make a real larger
1393s archway we've got probably do and so now
1414s we're gonna get some columns I think
1416s what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put
1421s okay yeah this should work I think I'm
1424s gonna do some real big columns here
1432s let's get that up to the level of the
1434s other airline
1449s let's go up one more level before we
1452s start curving it in
1466s yeah actually this should work
1475s so we'll need to change these out to the
1477s slope flat bitches let's have it oh yeah
1485s just to be thicker of course what am I
1488s thinking
1525s hi yes so we've got questions about when
1528s will nine o come out I don't know the
1531s exact date yet I can't give you an exact
1532s date but we are definitely working on
1534s getting it out you know as soon as we
1536s can
1536s we've you know we already sort of cut
1540s off the stuff we're working on for it
1543s and our you know what we want to make
1545s sure that it's a stable release so we'll
1547s go to that when we can and we'll let you
1550s know who our when we know for sure let's
1556s try and go yeah okay it's this
1560s interesting thing to experiment with
1566s if we had to do this go over first yeah
1574s don't do that go up again okay that's
1590s maybe not the right time to do this you
1599s know see I'm already seeing ideas for
1602s ways I can improve this as I as I work
1604s on it here
1610s okey-dokey
1621s now we can go up again
1628s it's a kind of thing that you can
1630s improve as you go
1639s it's kind of easier to to fix little
1644s things that are weird about it once
1645s you've you've okay yeah this is good
1651s once you've put something down to start
1655s that these you can you can fix the the
1658s weirdness is with the borders inside
1662s there by choosing the like the cube form
1665s doesn't have anything it will just fill
1667s in and the stuff that's around it
1682s I would like to be able to have the top
1688s filled in okay I think I know what we're
1692s doing here
1698s all right
1702s so this is almost at the middle now I
1707s just have to thank for that
1712s yeah the sake of time keep keep truckin
1723s see the thing that I'm sure you hear
1727s from all the streamers you've ever
1728s watched but it's remarkably hard to talk
1731s and play at the same time yeah dr. Jones
1739s brings up a serious concern about you
1742s know devastating effects on the
1744s environment and how tailings don't seem
1746s to really do as much as you might hope
1748s that they would do in terms of actually
1750s causing a significant impact and that's
1752s something that I take really seriously
1753s and also and concerned about so yeah
1757s we're I think we are a long ways off
1760s from being able to say okay we're done
1762s with the balance and and all the stuff
1764s is working as intended we have a lot of
1766s work to do with with that those kinds of
1769s effects with nine oh we're setting up a
1772s lot of foundational stuff that's gonna
1774s help us improve those aspects of the
1777s game like with tailings in particular
1779s we're adding a lot of mineral processing
1782s things that are gonna allow us to make
1785s the the waste products more realistic
1788s and relevant as you go with tailings
1792s there's going to be wet tailings and dry
1793s tailings you're gonna have more choices
1796s about which you're creating and once we
1799s kind of have the foundations of like he
1801s was all the things that you're making
1802s here's here's all the products and the
1805s waste products it'll be much easier for
1807s us to go in and say okay this one needs
1809s to be more impactful these ones can be
1812s less impactful we need to you know
1815s improve the way that you manage the
1816s different types so that you have clear
1819s strategies that you can employ to avoid
1821s the most devastating things from the
1824s most dangerous waste products but also
1827s have things that you can do to minimize
1828s impact from other things like regular
1832s garbage as opposed to mining tailings
1834s which are you know probably more
1835s polluting than regular garbage but
1838s garbage still should be bad to just dump
1841s in the oceans and the rivers so as we
1843s increase the variety of waste products
1846s and things like that which really are at
1849s a sort of minimal level right now
1850s Iko it's going to be much easier to
1852s balance them and to into really amp up
1856s the impact of different you know
1858s different different ones of them so yeah
1862s the German guy I went to three four hour
1864s asks will the update be available in
1866s summer or later Ike well I can't give
1869s you a date I can say that it will be you
1873s know not not too much later than that
1875s for sure
1876s it's not yeah it's we I guess I
1879s shouldn't say anything particular but
1881s yeah we're we're aiming for around then
1882s let's see I definitely want to
1894s acknowledge that way okay this is kind
1901s of a interesting challenge here okay
1910s we can start going up over here so that
1914s goes up just one thick thing and starts
1958s maybe I should have worked on something
1960s that requires a bit less mental
1962s gymnastics for streaming but I'm gonna
1964s finish this arch let's see here
1984s we may not be perfect but we'll see but
1990s you can always go back and make it
1992s perfect okay all right
1997s don't think that's an arch and we can
2002s actually use the pointy bits as an
2006s advantage and we're not done yet there's
2009s a lot of things we can do to make this a
2010s lot prettier so one thing we can do just
2015s give it some some actual columns perhaps
2019s side let's see here how do we want to do
2023s this I was thinking it would be columns
2026s that border to each edge like this
2036s we can also prove that interior deaf
2055s kids better get some calls on this side
2071s and we'll see if we can sneak them in
2074s here
2074s oh yeah that's kind of its kind of
2076s awkward let's see here what I was
2081s thinking actually just might do
2085s something like this as well yeah
2101s this little structure is already a bit
2102s Baroque so we might as well go for it
2122s thinking I do one more kind of flying
2126s but your style slope coming off of here
2130s because who doesn't love a good flying
2132s buttress process
2166s I'll just do it like that of course it's
2170s kind of it's got to be supportive right
2172s so all right maybe we won't work on
2176s making it super structurally sound in
2178s this stream but again something that I
2183s would definitely not let go undone or at
2185s a real structure and now we're creating
2187s just give it the illusion of structural
2190s stability would it Majesty others oh
2204s yeah I know it's making me realize that
2206s these columns would probably be better
2208s office as caps thicker columns
2227s and let's see I think is there anything
2230s else I can talk about so oh yeah all
2231s right I should probably use a different
2233s type of stone at some point too for this
2235s stuff we'll try if we just did this this
2245s could be interesting
2246s oh I see now yeah we can get you can get
2250s even more ambitious with this we like
2251s okay yeah I think I know what we're
2253s doing now see this is coming out from
2262s below
2270s so yeah so it's questions again
2288s [Music]
2293s [Music]
2296s yes our creative mode
2298s yeah red-bearded Joe asks is there a
2300s creative mode for this game yeah just in
2302s case someone wants to build too big
2304s without the grinding like an ice castle
2305s or something yes we definitely want to
2308s allow people to play with the building
2310s features in Niko in a free-form manner
2313s as well I think that's something that
2315s you know you can accomplish with your
2318s own custom server I definitely agree
2321s that we want to look into making sure we
2323s support that way of play again you know
2326s fleshed out features for supporting that
2329s it's all kind of like a matter of
2330s priority we still have a long ways to go
2332s before you go is sort of the core
2335s experience it's like something we're
2337s totally good with but yes yeah that's
2341s definitely a thing that we are very
2344s sympathetic to and particularly me
2345s building is probably one of my favorite
2347s things
2348s Iko and let's see to do yes other people
2355s are recommending that you can play
2357s single-player and use admin tools or you
2359s can always you know create a server use
2361s admin tools and then you could invite
2363s people to join you if you and give them
2365s admin permissions perhaps so that you
2367s can all just go around and build like I
2369s am right now so that's always an option
2382s [Music]
2390s peace yeah so Tish chamber 3 asks if I'm
2400s showing other things on the stream today
2401s not too much this is gonna be just a
2404s limited little little building stream we
2407s are definitely going to have more
2408s streams where we show off more of what's
2410s going to be and I know because there's
2413s there's a lot that we're adding that
2415s we're pretty excited about a lot of it
2417s just isn't quite ready to show yet but
2419s we're definitely getting close so yeah
2422s this one's just gonna be the stone
2425s buildings for today I might do another
2428s one where I show people all the all the
2430s new wood stuff because I'm really
2431s excited about all that you know we're
2434s making it so that each different type of
2436s tree gives you its own type of wood and
2439s that's gonna add you know a comparable
2442s in fact larger amount of options than
2445s you have with with rock since there's
2447s more types of trees and there are types
2449s of rock in the game right now yeah so
2453s you'll look forward to seeing more in
2455s the future
2457s I probably shouldn't drag on too long
2459s now that I think about it but yeah I
2462s think I think we want to at least throw
2464s in another stone type here or another
2466s rock type see what should we do well I
2473s was talking about the basalt earlier so
2475s let's do that and give
2482s okay so yeah you can see like here's
2485s here's the basalt coming up I like the
2488s way this basalt is coming up right here
2490s because you know basalt often intrudes
2493s things vertically in real life so these
2497s these actually look like they could be
2498s vertical intrusions that were then
2500s eroded around and are now on this lake
2503s edge like maybe this is a granite you
2507s know area that was done in treated by
2510s some some basalt I'm hopeful I'm hoping
2514s that we can get even more cool features
2515s like that in the future so the salt is
2524s pretty not too far off from the granite
2532s so it makes a nice complementary
2534s variation here
2540s we can do something with this do
2548s thinking just a little tiny March to
2552s finish off at the top there I was
2554s thinking about making a larger one
2559s to connect from the edges it would take
2562s a little bit of time though let's get
2567s this taller I can always add a secondary
2579s arch around the main one to do see so
2589s here's a good example of a place to use
2591s the just a little slope block that you
2596s have I can do this and make a sharp
2603s sharp point meeting in the middle there
2605s because this this is something you're
2608s gonna run into when you're building
2608s where it's like oh no there's no room to
2612s make these meet because I've chosen an
2614s odd number of blocks like so I want to
2616s make sure that we try and have options
2618s to support situations like that so I
2622s made this little little pointed pointed
2625s block here that can help you out in
2628s situations like that yeah we can just
2630s add it as a feature to these other other
2632s parts perhaps
2638s maybe did a bridge though I mean we can
2641s like give it some more texture it's more
2646s sculptural texture here see if that
2649s looks all right yeah it's not too bad
2655s plus it's good to get that basalt in the
2660s granite this is a perfect case in point
2670s for where the new hammer features will
2672s be useful we're gonna have the ability
2676s to define a lime I'll save you a lot of
2680s time as you're building very nice yeah
2686s that's not too bad I think you know
2691s there's a lot of improvements you could
2693s make to this but it's definitely a
2695s pretty nice decorative bridge let's see
2698s here I think if there's any other
2703s significant things I want to show oh
2705s yeah there's the there's the these these
2707s slopes are pretty nice so maybe we'll do
2711s something with this
2718s so these
2722s are the slopes part of the same slope as
2726s the ramp in the game
2728s so basically you can you can create your
2733s own ramps really in any configuration
2735s you want in any rotation manually which
2739s will give you a lot more power and
2740s ability to use them as interesting roof
2743s pieces like like I'm starting to do here
2745s I think it'll be really nice for the
2749s flexibility and to be able to make low
2751s sloped roofs and also for like if I
2754s wanted this bridge to be drivable by a
2756s vehicle you know but still have some
2758s kind of an archway you could you could
2760s use these lower slopes and that would be
2762s a lot more friendly on on the vehicle
2765s yep it's starting to get more and more
2770s interesting thinking a little bit
2780s yeah yeah so there's there's a lot you
2784s can do with this kind of stuff I'm gonna
2786s chat once more I ask Compact Disc 7 2 to
2796s 7 asks will there be a tier 3 or 4
2798s equivalent of wood blocks and there
2801s certainly will and there certainly will
2802s be there is so yeah there's with wood
2807s there's gonna be human sort of tier 1
2811s there's gonna be lumber still we're also
2815s gonna eventually add a laminated lumber
2817s but that will be between lumber and tier
2821s 4 wood block is going to be called
2823s composite lumber and so a composite
2825s lumber will be in 9 hours so you'll
2826s that'll be a you know a flexible diverse
2831s expanded carpentry set to give carpenter
2834s is so full you know top tier building
2838s building material for 9o so yep oh yes
2846s the golden dragon asks what about a thin
2848s wall a block born or not not centered
2850s okay so I haven't created the set that's
2854s at the border of the voxel there will be
2857s the centered thin walls in 904 for
2861s various sets as well as the thick walls
2863s that I've been using in this demo but
2868s that's a good idea I've been thinking
2870s about that it's again there's so many
2873s different things you can add for
2875s builders I'm hoping that you know at
2877s some point in the future you know I'm
2879s able to just spend a lot of time and and
2881s add as much as I can think of let's see
2887s no ending inside is asking we have some
2890s sort of scaffolding yeah yeah
2893s scaffolding is definitely something
2894s we've also thought about a lot you know
2896s we we've done part of the work for
2899s ourselves in the future we've already
2900s got ladders but yeah we we do want to
2903s eventually get into scaffolding that's
2905s much easier to construct and easy to
2909s climb up and down and use your tools
2911s from yeah it's it's definitely a thing
2915s we are looking at adding to improve
2917s building in the future let's see
2922s Antonio Kalulu asks what about rain and
2925s snow that's something we also are
2927s looking at for the future it's
2930s definitely been on our list for a long
2931s time so yeah it's something we're hoping
2934s to add to eco at some point for sure
2937s yeah let's see
2949s yeah I can't back disks asked about
2951s rotation in multiple directions solve
2954s the issue with duplicate blocks for
2955s stairs and ramps and yeah it would it's
2959s just a matter of that's a feature we
2961s don't have implemented in the game yet
2963s so that's maybe something we will be
2966s able to accomplish later but for now you
2969s know we can just add add different types
2972s for upside-down versus not upside-down
2975s the way it works in code is a little bit
2977s you know it's not as easy as just being
2980s like add vertical you know so that's
2982s just how it goes sometimes
2983s but absolutely you know I'm going to try
2986s and make sure that we have flexibility
2988s and verticality in all the different
2991s block sets that's good options do all
2998s right well I think this bridge is
3001s looking pretty nice you know building is
3004s an infinite thing there's plenty of that
3007s I could do to make this look a lot
3008s better I think and probably call it
3013s pretty soon though so yeah if you have
3015s any last questions in chat now you
3018s should throw them in there and I'll see
3020s if I can answer them otherwise I'll be
3024s had now pretty soon all right
3031s trying to get a feel for the experience
3033s of a person walking through here just
3036s not too bad it's pretty steep so I was
3042s thinking earlier I wanted to make this
3043s like a covered roof kind of bridge like
3047s I mentioned like the Rialto in Venice or
3050s something good you could probably do
3053s that with like adding supports pretty
3063s handy block that I didn't show off was
3065s also this fence block so it's yeah let's
3074s do that instead slopes are kind of
3078s interesting but this is more more of a
3082s traditional stately kind of a railing
3084s here this set is you know inspired by
3090s this sort of neoclassical architecture
3093s and drawing from Greek and Roman and
3095s stuff like that and I'm really excited
3098s to add other you know sets in the game
3101s that are that are inspired from places
3103s all over the world there's so much to
3106s draw from in architecture and carpentry
3109s is one of those ones that I'd love to
3111s add some stuff in the future that's sort
3113s of more inspired by like Chinese and
3115s Japanese architecture and things like
3117s that so there's a lot of places that we
3120s can go with with building and eco that I
3123s think are are pretty exciting it was
3125s unique but I also in addition to having
3129s sets like this that you know have
3131s details and forms that are inspired by
3134s like architecture and the real world I
3136s do also want to be sure that I'm giving
3138s people a really nice functionality that
3143s is not that's just like purely geometric
3145s you know I want to
3147s the goal with this set was to add the
3150s sort of geometrical flexibility of just
3152s doing slopes and there's more that we
3155s can do in the future to to increase that
3158s for sure so that people can sort of
3160s build on a larger scale and create their
3163s own you know unique shapes that aren't
3167s relying on the decoration that I can add
3170s to a set like this unlike these on these
3173s cornices for example so yep there's a
3177s lot of stuff to come and it'll be
3180s exciting to get there to see what we can
3183s do I think I'm going to call that for
3185s the stream after I check questions one
3187s more time so these stat 95 asks are
3192s boats in other forms of transportation
3193s still in the works absolutely yeah we're
3195s absolutely you know still committed to
3198s getting boats in there at some point
3200s we're you know yeah we're excited to get
3203s that in there because I know the water
3205s transportation will be a lot handier
3208s than trying to build a massive bridge or
3210s something
3210s so absolutely yeah let's see
3222s natureís is asking about the walls not
3228s attaching to the stairs let's see I'm
3232s not quite sure I understand your
3233s question fully not the wood version
3236s though don't attach with the stairs
3241s there are multiple new ways to do stairs
3245s in with the ash lar stone that I'm
3248s looking at so I'm looking at improving
3249s all that stuff with stairs with stairs
3252s I'm also looking to add for each set a
3256s kind of floating stair variety like like
3260s the framed glass has for now I have
3263s actually added this under stairs form
3265s that allows you to do upside down stairs
3267s as again this is kind of an example of
3271s that sculptural or that geometrical
3273s freedom I wanted to add with this to
3276s really let you just build your own
3277s shapes as you go but I was gonna say
3282s you've with the stairs that that have
3289s the solid bottom like this now that you
3291s have slopes you can do some more
3293s interesting stuff this is also part of
3295s why I added this this brace form because
3299s I thought the brace would be a really
3300s nice way to like get get under and
3305s surfaces underneath the stairs looking
3307s more interesting but absolutely I also
3310s added like the thing that I want to add
3312s for stairs for all the sets is to have
3315s versions that don't go to the that don't
3318s go to the edge of the box so like this
3320s but that float like the frame glass
3321s stairs so hopefully when I get all that
3325s in
3326s be enough different options I can show
3329s that real quick this is a frame glasses
3338s a set that's gonna need some updates for
3340s sure but yeah you can see like these
3342s stairs you know are like don't don't go
3346s to the edge of the box alone that allows
3348s them to just already be a slope so I'd
3350s like to add stairs like this for most
3352s sets as well so that'll also give you
3354s more options for stairs yeah hmm compact
3362s disc ads are there more plans for bigger
3364s worlds in the future yeah I so world
3370s sizes is an option you always have on
3373s your server configuration so you can
3374s always increase the size of the world
3376s you can get pretty good size worlds
3379s right now that are that are feasible for
3382s play I think something like you know
3386s twelve kilometers squared or something
3388s like that could be possible
3389s again it depends on the server hardware
3391s and things like that but yeah we
3393s absolutely want to go to be scalable and
3395s flexible I think one of the things is is
3398s we don't want to default to giving you a
3400s giant world because that kind of has a
3403s significant impact on the balance of the
3405s game but absolutely we want it to be a
3408s an option that you have at your disposal
3410s so yeah all right I think I'm gonna call
3413s it for the stream there this has been
3415s fun just showing you some kind of the
3418s egregious decorative structures you can
3420s make with steps like this but I'm gonna
3422s be really excited to see all of the like
3425s just more fundamental like structural
3427s things people start building with these
3429s sets you know you can get to the point
3431s of life let's build our entire city like
3434s as this like sloped you know a surface
3437s or something you can you can do whatever
3438s you want with stuff like this and so
3440s it's impossible for me to predict what
3442s people will do with it and that's what's
3444s most exciting to me is seeing what
3446s creative stuff people will come up with
3448s so you know and feel free to hit up bar
3452s our eco discord with feedback for
3456s for buildings and for me I'll be looking
3458s at that stuff I've got a very long list
3461s in my mind of things I want to do to
3462s keep improving this and I'll be excited
3465s to see where we go from here with all of
3467s y'all so yeah have a good one you guys
3469s and hope it's been fun for you too peace

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