about 6 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s we're gonna be showing off 8.0 features
3s we're working on getting ready for that
5s so great to have you all joining us so
8s we'll be checking out chat and YouTube
11s twitch and Facebook so feel free to ask
14s us questions and we'll answer them as we
16s go
17s so to my left is Walker programmer on
21s eco it's gonna be playing and showing
23s the new features and Keegan is everybody
26s knows so artists on eco and has been
30s making some really awesome new biomes
31s and I'm John Kay signer eco and going to
37s be talking about some pipes features
39s I've been working on and other cool
42s stuff so yeah why don't we take a look
46s at these pipes you're showing so this is
50s a show the other ones behind this is the
54s new pipe features we've added 28.0 so
58s the idea with this is that plumbing is
60s going to be a new feature of the game
63s it's going to be this kind of community
66s project that you need to do with other
68s people in your village to set up access
70s to water and taking away wastes from
74s your crafting projects from your like
76s home items so this is a debug thing
79s we've spawned in here but these are what
81s the pipes look like and they're
83s mechanically powered so they will take
84s from a water source which right now I've
87s just spawned some water here to make it
90s easy to view and they'll be taken up
93s into the pump and then push into the
94s pump network so you can see these pumps
97s here are supplying water to a series of
101s houses so here you can see the the pipes
104s go underground and they come up inside
108s of this workshop remember fly to get in
111s there so we're still setting up a lot of
114s this as some of this is debug but right
115s now we just have a test workbench that's
117s rigged up to take water and if you open
120s up the workbench
122s here's our little test recipe where you
125s can see that it's it needs to 300 water
130s blocks and it's slowly going up so if
132s you click the pipes component there you
136s can see your mouse over this tells you
138s that water is incoming from these
141s different pumps and a few mouse over the
143s other one you see that it's outputting
145s waste at at this particular rate so
149s pretty much anything that takes water is
151s also gonna generate wastewater which
153s becomes sewage and that will pollute
157s your environment but it can all but you
159s can deal with it in different ways also
162s so if you want to fly through a little
164s more walkers and show so this same pump
167s Network actually you want to fly in
168s their ground and kind of see the
169s plumbing under there yeah so all the
172s plumbing has been rigged underground so
174s this will be a big like community
176s project where you have the central water
179s source and you need to like bring pipes
181s to all your buildings collaborate with
182s each other figure out property rights
184s for these kind of things can be tricky
186s so yeah it's something that's like very
189s collaborative feature so we spawned four
192s houses here that are all taking water
194s from the same plumbing source and all
197s outputting the same sewage line so this
200s sewage line here is going off yes
204s there's the fourth one and then it goes
205s up to this water filter so this is a
207s water filter here it's kind of a late
210s tier thing so look at the beginnings you
212s basically just have to pump your sewage
214s somewhere and except it's gonna pollute
216s it but as you start getting these
219s filters you can start filtering this
220s water so if you open that up you can see
223s that this one is opposite its input is
225s sewage and its output
228s water because the status tab so the way
233s this works is as it's accepting water as
236s it accepts sewage it'll start creating
243s compost blocks at a certain rate so
247s every few seconds another compost block
250s gets generated and those are stuck into
253s this stockpile so right now we don't
255s have hard for this yet something
256s Keating's looking at just like crates
259s but if you open up that stockpile so
263s these ones that are templated you can
264s see are the compost blocks that are
269s being generated from the wastewater so
272s kind of taking this waste product and
274s turn it into something that you'll be
275s able to use for farming and fertilizer
281s so that's another thing that you know
284s you can kind of omit the filtering step
285s and it'll just end up creating a lot of
287s pollution in your environment but you
289s can also do these extra kind of
291s community projects that will turn it
294s into a positive
296s so yeah this is a quick look at pipes Oh
301s Erick's is the turn-on reflections
307s so Keegan you want to talk a little bit
309s about the latest biome stuff maybe do
311s some fly rounds Roger
313s sure yeah I can talk a bit about that
317s we've just finally gotten most of our
321s new rock types implemented in the game a
323s lot of them are still gonna be in
326s progress for this first 8.0 patch but I
329s think people will be pretty excited to
331s see some of those that are more fleshed
333s out to start like limestone so yeah
337s we've added a whole new slew of rock
340s types we've added sandstone limestone
343s are the two blocks that are sort of
345s closest to done and that we've also
347s added so granite is the other main
350s default most common rock type that's
352s going to be throughout the world but
354s we're also going to be having a salt
356s which I believe that's I think that
359s might be looking at her as probably just
361s dark it's probably granite now there was
363s some limestone over there to be right
365s there yeah there's a little patch of it
366s there it was also some sandstone next to
368s it right right here is probably a border
370s between biomes which I can use to talk
374s about the fact that lots of different
377s rock types will be sort of more or less
379s prevalent based on the biome time so I
382s tried it in general sort of associate
384s different rock types with their
386s depositional environments so like
388s there's more sandstone the desert that's
389s where the sand was same for the beaches
391s and limestone which pretty much in you
395s go anyways tends to form mostly from
398s organisms is all going to be located
400s around the coast with some exceptions
403s and yeah you should fly around more and
407s see if you can find anything out perhaps
408s or something other than granite or it
411s may be better with desert if you can
412s find all those oh yeah in the opposite
417s direction yeah and so one of the other
421s things is the rock types will also be
425s cool the more we do with expanding them
430s as mineral resources in the game because
432s these rocks each Rock source is going to
435s be kind of like a host for different
437s resources let me drop blocker rather so
440s as you can see there there is sandstone
442s and then there's also that more darkly
444s band of sandstone and that's actually
446s the new higher or so iron ore is now
449s maybe gotten pretty much exclusively for
451s now from sandstone roofing the
454s real-world something like 60% of iron
456s ore comes from a thing called banded
458s iron formation which is all a
460s sedimentary deposit from a sort of a
463s one-time event in Earth's history that
466s happened over a few million years so a
468s lot of the stuff we're having with
470s geology and eco is inspired by real life
473s just like the biomes are inspired by a
475s lot of North Central and South American
478s biomes that exist in reality so it's
482s going to add a lot to the richness of
483s the world
484s to have these rock types as places where
487s you have more localized resources both
490s localized more to the biomes and also
492s more physically localized within you
496s know even just individual outcrops and
497s things like that having sort of a
499s certain certain deposits contained
502s within them yeah right now the granite
506s is going to be the host to gold and
507s copper to start as we go we can add more
512s more types of ore deposits in different
516s kinds of locations and create I think
518s the the funnest and coolest thing will
520s be that the more things we have like
522s this more really cool associations we
524s can create you know there's like obvious
527s things like sand of sandstone putting
529s the sandstone in the desert but there's
531s a lot more subtle things that can really
534s make the world feel more interesting and
537s rich and sort of also you know hopefully
541s inspire people to learn about some of
543s the really fascinating complexes even
546s real-life geology and things like that
548s so yeah it's been a lot of fun to start
551s implementing this stuff are we able to
554s break those yet we should be able to
556s yeah yep you can break them we don't
560s have a like all the art assets in yet so
563s yeah icon still template I don't have it
566s creates
581s did that make it too laggy here we go
590s pretty so yeah there's the desert is
594s probably the we shut down Texas yet oh
604s yeah pretty sure we always could yeah
619s let's go yeah so the desert is only
622s hasn't really been touched as much as a
625s lot of the other Bibles has for this
626s patch that's going to be something that
627s we're going to so those of you out of
632s wood as well cactuses
634s I mean cactuses should give you a
637s kind of wood products you know the
639s reference of water or hardwood like
643s things I think you did see some bighorn
652s sheep in the distance there oh yeah yeah
655s there's one so this isn't a manual and
657s they point out a bighorn sheep and it's
661s cool the the sandstone in the in the
663s game right now and also his bighorn
665s sheep are inspired by the the Southwest
668s parts of the United States
670s so last year I took a trip to Zion my
674s girlfriend was working as a park ranger
676s in Zion National Park and when I was
678s there I saw a bighorn sheep and just
680s these incredible sandstone cliffs so
683s that's kind of where some of the real
684s life inspiration is coming from and I'm
688s just chillin out there
693s oh yeah we've got a new fog if you want
697s to go find a forest and show that we
702s were just in one
713s there we go
724s me
726s it's pretty sweet guessing the
730s volumetric fog so Industrial Bass is
735s asking any guess on the Edo release date
737s we are not confirming any date yet
741s publicly we are working for a date so
745s hopefully we'll be able to set something
747s soon someone else can use the pipe
750s system for fountains or I'll turn it to
752s the aqueduct actually you can I would go
755s back to the pipes Walker you want to
757s show our little debug section over there
759s so here's your just one of the tests
762s that we spawn with pipes where it's
763s pipes will spray out water and you can
765s see they actually spawn blocks which
768s looks a little funny the way blocks are
769s right now but if you go over to that
770s pump and turn it off by just right-click
773s it and now you watch it the water will
776s actually go away
777s then you could turn it back on it'll go
780s up will go off so you can have you know
784s different kind of no water displays or
787s things like that it's good feed into an
788s aqueduct perhaps actually let's show
791s what happens if you don't filter your
793s water so if you fly over to the the
796s water filter over there you shudder oh
799s yeah or actually don't shut it off but
802s like break one of the pipes no not this
807s one that is keep on
812s one thing we want to have is like you
813s can have leaks in the game so yeah go
815s ahead and delete that so now you can see
820s this thing is spewing out sewage into
823s the ecosystem and over time you'll see
828s the effect that that has on the
829s environment so we'll check back is
831s restrain me to see what that does
833s someone that's industrial bass that's
836s when you pump water out of a room or say
838s an underwater cavern so not currently so
841s water just is taken from infinite
843s sources like rivers and then you can
845s bring it to other other places basically
847s and use it in crafting long term though
850s that is something I'd like to do can't
853s wait to start a sewer company yes we
856s should we should hook this up to the
859s economy we really like you have to pay
861s and in order to have it
875s so yeah overtime that'll just bust
879s things up okay let's just take a look at
881s the new neat biomes just wanna cruise
883s around and rates show some of the new
887s rivers - looks like we got a river
891s directly to the lab and it came to
900s configs at all so it's whatever the
901s default was on here any way to use water
905s for irrigation albert Coon asks yep
908s water works the same way so if you if
911s you piped water to a location it has
913s headed dumping out into the ground it
915s would change the soil moisture level and
917s change what you can grow there so you
920s can definitely use that for for
922s irrigation the same way that's true
925s that's odd question this area way in the
927s game to make toll roads not yet but that
930s is definitely something we're going to
931s add you actually have a toll object
933s that's kind of a test object in there
935s now but yeah we're gonna it's going to
938s be a future release there's all kinds of
940s switches and things like that that can
943s be connected to the economy
954s is the reverse of irrigation drainage
956s possible now we don't have drainage
958s currently eventually but not for the 8.0
962s release you can see our new riverbeds
966s now we have what used to be only canyons
968s in the game but now we have these kind
970s of flat riverbeds so you'll have a kind
974s of a more realistic look to the rivers
978s yeah it turns me distance down
989s don't lean up their sleeve move around
1002s is there any plan for a steam tiered
1005s excavation tool say a steam shovel not
1010s currently we have the excavator is the
1012s main one we do want to eventually add
1014s more vehicles so that could be something
1018s on the horizon yeah I've got lots of
1022s ideas about mining tools and processing
1027s especially the fog I think it's killing
1031s them yeah here's some little patches of
1050s limestone River and there should be yeah
1054s so this is the coast and this is where
1056s limestone is the most common and
1058s limestone will be used for a lot of
1062s things in the game we'll leave it to
1064s make cement and we'll also need
1069s limestone when you're operating a blast
1071s furnace use it as a flux basically mixed
1076s with your other performance when you're
1079s creating steel so it'll be an important
1082s stone industrially and it will also get
1085s with one of the stones that you can
1086s build buildings out of as well we'll
1089s have different versions of Lord stone to
1092s start it'll be fairly rudimentary how
1094s they're being implemented into the new
1097s builder system but as we go you know
1099s that's something
1100s is looking forward to the next time I
1102s get to improve an update speaking of my
1110s name is there any change to tailing
1112s pollution mechanics or ability to
1113s recycle it's that's something that's
1117s very high on our list of things we know
1120s is really not great with the game right
1122s now
1123s that we absolutely intend to change I
1125s don't think it's going to be changed in
1126s 8.0 but a lot of the stuff of all these
1130s improvements to the natural resources
1133s you know the next obvious step is going
1136s to be how do we improve players
1138s experiences processing and using those
1141s resources so it's definitely in the
1144s future skeeve asks have you considered
1148s adding better hand tools like a hand
1150s drill etc we have added a chainsaw so
1153s that's kind of our first in the upgraded
1155s you know it's an upgraded axe basically
1158s it would be great to have other kind of
1160s similar things and other tools but yeah
1164s kind of Azur
1165s in early access we're filling out all
1167s different systems and then as we reach
1171s the end of that will and probably pass
1174s one point out we'll keep adding new
1175s entries in those systems so we'll have
1178s like new types of tools new vehicles
1182s filling in those those gaps are they
1187s going to be any more animals other than
1189s bighorn sheep added yeah yeah so an
1192s 8-point no there's also going to be a
1194s mule deer which I just saw there but it
1196s was across the ocean now there will also
1198s be mountain goats
1199s so mountain goats will live in the
1201s tundra mule deer is a interesting one I
1204s think for the game that will eventually
1206s sort of have interesting consequences
1209s because you know so far in the game
1211s there's there's been elk and and elk are
1214s you know useful food source but I think
1217s with the deer the thing we really wanted
1219s to get at was the species that can sort
1221s of behave
1222s a little bit more like like a pest like
1224s something that can reproduce very
1225s quickly and that if things get out of
1227s whack you might end up with way too many
1229s deer and you actually have to you know
1231s species that are more likely to cause
1234s players to have to make choices about do
1237s we need to start calling the beer you
1238s know doing you to start doing X with
1240s regard to species so so I think deer is
1243s actually an exciting one for eco to
1245s finally get in I'd also make it so
1247s healthcare a little bit less common the
1250s jungle biome and check it out yeah yeah
1253s right now this is the rainforest biome
1255s in some ways you've probably more
1258s accurately described it right now it's
1259s like a tropical wetlands because right
1262s now we don't have the main rainforest
1265s tree and yet that'll hopefully be coming
1267s in eight point one or point two which
1269s will really give the keep the rainforest
1271s its primary character and you know the
1273s palms are fun tree that I think I'm
1277s really glad that we have just to get
1279s that variation in the game but yeah
1283s someone says need slots slots well
1287s here's an honor but um yeah a sloth
1290s would be great yeah rainforest we have
1293s animals slated Leone for the rainforest
1295s described but they're not gonna be able
1297s to a point out but there's some papaya
1304s fruit trees delicious papayas fly around
1311s do you have any news for this is the
1313s line of the new skill system we're hard
1316s to work in that in that's definitely
1317s gonna be a new part of 8.0 so we're kind
1321s of adding all the extra features to it
1323s like new
1323s Conn's and things like that probably
1327s show that in a future stream but for
1332s those who haven't heard the new skill
1334s system is going to work a little
1337s differently and that you will gain
1339s experience while you're doing stuff and
1342s that will be multiplied by your food and
1346s shelter rate so your food and shelter
1350s rate will continuously apply to getting
1351s new specialties that you then unlock and
1354s from there you level up those
1356s specialties by taking actions by
1359s crafting things by gathering or
1362s processing resources of working in the
1363s world basically and you divide this is
1367s that it reduces the decisions you're
1368s making about skills to choosing your
1370s specialties as well as talents so as you
1375s upgrade you to choose between two kind
1376s of special benefits you get so this is
1379s something well will hopefully show on it
1381s in the next stream some mountain goat
1384s over here so I'm going into the long
1387s lens
1399s yeah he was a mountain goat walking
1401s through the tundra taiga biome always
1405s climb the mountain yeah there he goes Oh
1407s Minds excited against it he wants to
1411s climb the mountain we can hang out and
1413s meet boss he's a handsome Philip I know
1415s that arrows will actually bounce off his
1417s horns if he hit his horns I believe
1420s that's the bighorn sheep isn't that big
1422s a mountain goats are not quite that
1423s skilled yet they have to learn from
1425s their cousins it's chicken I'll show the
1429s new moss stuff looks pretty cool yeah
1432s some some your boss we have sort of
1436s sways in the wind a little bit
1438s even Lauer's there too yeah so yeah eco
1442s the 8.0 is gonna be a very different
1443s experience that great in the current
1446s release version we don't have a lot of
1447s variety in the biomes but now every
1449s location is gonna feel very different
1452s from the others you know you have the
1454s like tropical versus cold forest vs
1457s Tundra so it'd have much more of a sense
1460s of place in those and gameplay wise it's
1463s gonna make a big difference because
1464s certain types of resources are only
1466s going to be fine in some biomes so if
1468s you set up a village and the jungle for
1470s example you might have to travel to like
1472s a Tundra region in order to get some
1473s other oil or whatever resource we have
1476s there yeah we do have one resource
1478s that's very somewhat exclusive to the
1482s tundra and Tyga and
1484s people discover what that is so that's
1490s kind of the big ideas yeah we really
1491s want different places to have different
1494s resources and just create more
1498s complexity and decision-making and
1500s setting up your settlement and coming up
1502s with the transport network and the
1505s asshole building transport networks all
1506s these different locations will be you
1508s know an even more important part of the
1509s game is that you can't do everything for
1511s missing a location you'll need to have
1512s resources coming in and out oh there's a
1514s mean deer deer and red blood as well
1519s trees do the trees have any kind of
1522s woods does the people new wood types and
1525s those new types of furniture not right
1527s now that's something that I can imagine
1530s we would be interested in adding they're
1533s not right not for now
1534s yeah well unlike a rich mahogany dresser
1537s yeah yeah I think you know I would say
1541s in my my general excitement and
1544s philosophy is that when we've sort of
1547s run through these biomes patches you
1549s know we'll be in a really good spot to
1551s just look at all the natural resources
1553s that are in the game and really start
1555s retailer and improving everything you're
1557s getting from them because we'll have the
1559s whole base things that are available
1562s down so it'll allow us much to like know
1565s what is available and have a much better
1568s ability to scope out like what can we
1571s make you know what kind of products can
1573s people make from all these resources
1574s that we have now in the game so so
1577s getting them in will be a really cool
1578s step I think for the project because it
1580s allow us to really start making making
1583s players you know experience richer with
1586s getting stuff from
1589s guys pumpkin here kinds of vegetables
1593s and things you can eat so every all the
1596s species we added have kind of keegan
1599s chose them for reasons to they affect
1602s humans in some way so they give
1604s resources yeah or either that or they're
1607s important in that in the ecosystem sort
1609s of the basic food webs that i was trying
1611s to consider when I'm setting up when I'm
1613s picking the stuff for a biome I wanna
1615s you know I want each species to play a
1617s role in the biome and ideally and
1621s wherever possible I always try and pick
1623s things that are also directly useful to
1625s people so yeah all trees have seeds
1630s that's the question yeah yes we did
1633s finally revamped the way that you get
1636s seeds from trees I could see if it's in
1639s this build so now instead of attacking
1642s the foliage with your axe to get the
1644s seeds you get the seeds from the debris
1647s of the tree I don't know if I've cut
1651s down a red whatever so this could be
1652s this could be dangerous so I just
1674s destroyed that so you can see in the
1676s debris here the different first this log
1678s off the edge you can see there's
1681s actually a little pine pine cones in
1684s here and in the debris and so that's our
1686s visual representation that when you
1687s destroy this debris now you're gonna be
1689s getting a seat yeah let's see there I
1691s got one redwood see it's got a
1693s placeholder icon until I get that in but
1695s yep so that's how you'll do tree seeds
1698s from now on
1699s I think is a much better system than we
1700s had before should go back and check out
1704s the pipe pollution from the floor Albert
1712s asks actually Sakura says can you put
1716s plants inside the planter pot now
1717s without paying attention to the
1719s environment and I believe that works you
1722s can have kind of placeholder plants now
1724s yeah I think I believe that was an issue
1726s that was fixed if I'm not mistaken a
1729s mule deer' levy asked any chance for
1733s lawn support yes we have tons of mods
1735s are already being made for the game so
1738s we're full fully mod supporting and love
1742s to support that community I think it
1743s adds a ton of value please have law is
1749s type or options like in Iraq and any
1751s order to the harvest action along with
1752s it hopefully currently coming any tree
1754s any animal etc yeah that's something
1757s we're gonna be doing 49.0 is having a
1759s revamp of the law system where you can
1761s have much more specific flexibility as
1765s well with how you design the laws how
1770s big is this map do you remember oh oh
1774s yes you can see here so this sewage that
1776s had been dumping into the environment it
1777s looks like it stopped now but it it had
1781s a pretty quick effect on the surrounding
1783s ecosystem here as you can see
1784s everything's polluted now and if that's
1787s left too long the plants will die off
1790s and this area will become kind of an
1793s eyesore
1794s you know can seep down into farms and
1797s things like that we want to do the
1800s dumping pollution into the water will
1802s make it spread much more as well so
1805s there's kind of disadvantages no don't
1809s believe the polluted plants someone
1816s asked any law that can check if last
1819s seen is greater than act
1822s I sure if you're referring to player
1824s time yeah that's something we're gonna
1825s do oh look at this Potter it's sitting
1828s on its back yes
1833s oh no it rolled over yeah look at that
1836s cuddly guy yeah so otters will actually
1840s go in the water and and the lands so we
1843s have amphibious animals like that where
1849s did it cut off the ears remember what I
1851s was mentioning yeah yes the law system
1864s in 9.0 is gonna be a add a lot more
1867s flexibility to how you can govern these
1870s things one mentss FLIR ask if you can
1875s harvest otters yeah
1876s you're a monster sir look how cute that
1879s thing is but yeah I imagine they ought
1883s to give you some pretty sweet pelts yes
1886s you can harvest the others the otters
1898s not sure as we have items yeah because I
1903s might cut some craft if you don't have
1906s this new fastest will there be player
1909s health at any point so right now we're
1912s just one with calories we don't have a
1914s health per se that is something we've
1916s thought about in terms of like fleshing
1918s out the nutrition system making a full
1921s fledge like health system oh whoa you
1924s bounce it off his horns oh oh you ducked
1934s specifically aiming for the horns so I
1936s imagine oh well animals ever become
1943s roadkill when you hit them with a
1944s vehicle as another farmer rubbish they
1947s absolutely should I mean I think yeah I
1952s think if you run into an animal with the
1954s vehicle that we should do something with
1956s that he was an Ellicott destroys the
1958s vehicle instead right right for like a
1961s bison that wouldn't mess up
1965s vicen reptak and sleary X I'm going to
1972s make this easier to approach for the
1973s younger players and we want to be pretty
1976s approachable for everybody without like
1978s reducing the levels of complexity you
1981s can do so thinking kind of like a
1983s younger players could play and uh you
1986s know in a more building sense while
1987s still you know kind of getting a sense
1990s and like learning how the more the
1992s deeper simulations work so yeah it's
1995s something we consider and blatant and
1997s just making the game accessible and then
1999s for everybody having like tutorials and
2004s new user experience all that stuff's
2006s really great for just keeping the
2007s community growing keep the community you
2010s know able to welcome in new people world
2019s anyway to breed animals coming up that's
2023s something we talked about is having an
2024s animal like domestication but nothing we
2028s have right now like this new desert
2032s biome burs feels so different mr. H asks
2046s details on bank accounts and economy
2048s changes in general yeah well that's why
2051s I was talking about is that so bank
2053s accounts and titles are going into the
2055s game and titles you can use for
2058s permissions so you can make a government
2061s title like Ministry of Transportation
2064s and make a specific bank account that
2067s only they can access and then have taxes
2069s that go into that bank account so you're
2073s gonna have a lot more flexibility and
2074s like how funds are distributed who has
2076s access to them and your ability to set
2078s that all up and that's something we're
2081s gonna keep building on as we get into
2082s 9.0 as well but we will have registrar's
2085s which is an object or create titles and
2089s banking the bank object which is an
2091s object recreate bank accounts on each of
2094s those will have kind of two levels of
2096s permissions so you could have like a
2098s manager of a bank account who can decide
2102s who's able to access it and then you
2103s have users of the bank account who are
2105s able to withdraw and add funds to it so
2109s adding the like flexibility in there or
2111s just lets you have more complex
2113s societies basically is agaves food or
2117s tequila it's both
2120s we don't have alcohol right now so you
2123s can't
2124s Hira but we do support wadding yes you
2131s just sold one copy awesome
2135s does the government system only work for
2136s sog players no government is for
2138s everybody it's like you start your own
2141s server you build your own government the
2143s players are the ones managing that are
2146s ships on the on the list it would be
2148s nice to have a small poster to go from
2149s one island to another definitely not an
2152s 8.0 but we actually do have some ship
2154s models that we built we're not going to
2155s set those up so transport overseas is
2158s gonna be to be a great addition to these
2160s new biomes so you can get to access new
2163s resources really easily game needs
2168s termites to eat wood houses that would
2170s be cool actually I would love to see
2176s like abandoned houses just kind of get
2177s reclaimed by by nature yeah what are
2183s partial bricks bricks that might be
2189s something that's a stopgap somebody did
2193s a mostly good for the tech tree but I
2197s don't think that those are supposed to
2199s be in the game there might be gotcha
2202s Oh can you tell us about the helicopter
2204s in this one
2205s [Music]
2206s no helicopter
2208s yeah we don't have that yet it's not a
2211s bad idea for a vehicle for this world
2213s voxel world not a copter goes pretty
2215s well to matter does the skill overhaul
2219s flesh out fishing so does useful past
2221s early game I believe that we should have
2225s some new talents for that so as you
2227s upgrade fishing and you can kind of
2228s choose your specialties in there not to
2231s confirm that though but yeah fishing is
2235s one of the primary resources which is we
2237s had boats
2238s I think that'll become more and more
2239s important as water always going to apply
2243s that we're distorted filter no matter
2245s what depth well for the foreseeable
2249s future I mean it would be cool them to
2250s adjust that but it's all just a matter
2252s of you know prioritizing stuff but this
2257s is something you're gonna see a lot of
2259s new changes the water and pumps in
2261s general yeah I think when we are
2263s focusing more on the underwater biome
2265s look you know kind of look at things as
2267s we get to themself you know all want you
2273s to be able to see it so yeah so maybe we
2280s call that a stream for now and yeah
2282s thanks for coming by everybody and we're
2285s always in discord so feel free to
2287s message us in there
2289s happy to answer your questions and
2291s afford some more streams later we're
2294s gonna start sharing this build out with
2295s some streamers and kind of see them
2296s getting used to it and trying out the
2298s new stuff and look forward to getting
2300s this all out to you
2301s cool thanks a lot guys thanks see ya see
2304s ya