I get an awesome outdoor experience boost with the garden pond and small fountain. But it disappears when you put a windmill or waterwheel on the property as those are industrial. Soo what can you do?
External link →I get an awesome outdoor experience boost with the garden pond and small fountain. But it disappears when you put a windmill or waterwheel on the property as those are industrial. Soo what can you do?
External link →Yeah it's not working properly atm. The devs intention is that industrial objects reduce the outdoor bonus, but now it completely blocks it. They've said they will change it in the future, so we'll have to wait for that.
That is not correct - the behaviour works as intended and noted in the release notes, any industrial object will invalidate the housing bonus, though not all crafting tables do (e.g. those that aren't directly industrial and make sense outside).
The bonus is specifically supposed to be given to players that keep a nice residential home outside area with residential stuff, incentivizing putting industrial stuff in rooms or on a separate deed.
There was the suggestion to make it reduce housing points during playtest, but we already said there after internal discussion that this is not currently the plan.
in the case of windmills and waterwheels it shouldn't even reduce it. they should just be objects that don't affect outdoor bonus. they can't function unless outdoors which means if you need them at all you're nerfing yourself compared to people who don't need them. they really don't look awful or pollute or anything, so it also doesn't make sense even from an aesthetic perspective.
the only thing you can do to fix this is be part of a town and have the windmills and waterwheels be on town property, but it still shouldn't affect solo players.
You are supposed to create a separate deed for these with the settlement mechanics (or use the extra stakes you get when using the respective server setting). If waterwheels and windmills don't reduce score at all, you get those not very nice looking windmill towers and waterwheel lines on residential property.
The confusing (50% value) in the house status UI thing next to the minimap is quite confusing for this tbh. And I hope it will change in the future to a negative bonus instead of a complete invalidation.
Well, design team is always looking into things, so I can only assume that a colleague on discord mentioned personal plans to look into things as we always do. I'm sorry for the confusion and will let the colleague know about that. But if there is specific plans to change something, that will be noted officially by me or in a release note.
That does mean that yes, this might change - as things may always do. But there is no current plan for it to do.
I actually really like this for a design choice. I'm still not sure I'm a massive fan of more places that "require" players begging for ratings in an rp setting, but I'm a big fan of more pressure to have both residential, industrial, and commercial buildings kept separately.
We were going to test this, but is housing culture basically on par with artwork culture on a contribution level? Ie could amazing housing architecture replace the need for painting galleries and vice versa ?
Culture by deed reputation should only be granted to deeds that are "cultural deeds", for "residential deeds" it gives a multiplier to the housing experience amount. I'm not sure out of my head if culture from residential deeds also does at least count into the total culture of a settlement, I would need to look that up. I can do so when I get a bit more time and get back to you if you want.
There’s a really simple but high-trust solution of not having the industrial equipment on a deed.
Just to make clear if anyone is not aware of what that means:
This means that anyone can pick up your stuff and take it home, that is neither an intended nor an endorsed solution.
But some servers don't allow multiple deeds. In cases such as this, your only option is to leave your windmill/waterwheel on unclaimed property.
It is upon the administrators of their servers to modify the game systems to fit the restrictions they impose, we obviously can't take into account every possible rule some server may have. A limitation to just one deed is not intended by us.
but that is the situation that you force on servers that only allow one deed.
No, servers are responsible for their rules themselves.
So to confirm, the intention behind this change is to push for more collaboration within a town in regards to power generation.
By requiring a public plot to be set up for power to the town.
However unless i'm missing something a town would need to set up multiple public power plots just the get the power distributed around the town as Mechanical power doesn't spread too far and doesn't have power poles like electrical power does.I don't hate this, infact i do quite like the notion of pushing towards more collaboration.
But if i may offer an opinion, many builders like incorporating waterwheels/windmills into their builds and are able to create truely special creations, would it not be better to allow 1 per plot, or have these specific objects have an variable effect on the value ie,
1st - +2
2nd - flat 0
3rd - -2(each windmill for example)to the point 1 windmill/waterwheel would be a bonus, any more and you are reducing your outdoor bonus, or even creating an outdoor malus.
I wouldn't interpret too much into it into a specific direction of what we may have wanted, the main goal is making players think about something and make decisions, doing so as community can often solve a problem in a good way, though. That's the point of Eco as a framework.
The system interlinks with settlement mechanics, as will many future coming systems do, that's the gameplay Eco revolves around now at its core - and the idea isn't for those to be simple government dummies with use for hostile activity that not everyone enjoys, but becoming main parts of the gameplay, also affecting it directly and being used for positive activity - something that everyone will naturally try to get going in some way immediately, as it benefits their gameplay.
The general idea is linked with the architecture score - incentivizing players to separate their production operations and their residental ones, keeping the latter nice and decorative. It's not about beauty, but taking some effort. Not everyone is a great builder and noone needs to be, but everyone can make their home look just a bit better from what you typically encounter through some cleanliness and decorations, directly giving back a little gameplay benefit.
You can do that in different ways, including working in a town to provide mechanical / electrical energy - the ability to sell specifically electricity is one of the most desired features right now as well. Mechanical energy range has been increased to match the electrical one, but it's not as easy to spread as electrical energy, nontheless working together in the town to focus production for it on specific deeds can be a fine solution to the problem. Just as separating the town into residential and industrial areas can be.
It's also important to note that we didn't actually make XP gain harder in any way (the opposite for some difficulty presets, actually) - the outdoor rooms and architecture boosts are a direct thing on top to what you had so far. I of course understand that players that are interested in min-maxing will especially want to get the most out of it, but getting the most out of it is supposed to come with finding solutions to problems.
And yes, the argument that some builders can integrate those is the reason why design team is looking into potential other options - it's honestly a rare sight though outside of specialized servers.
How are you supposed to power your house?
If you are refering to housing objects that require electricity, you do not need to have a generator on the residential deed - the most common approach is a local or even global electricity grid from power plants in multiplayer, otherwise producing it on the separate industrial deed and transferring it over works as well.