11 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
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181s thank you
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255s foreign
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427s thank you
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679s thank you
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683s foreign
684s [Music]
702s is on hello everyone welcome to a bit of
704s a preliminary
707s eyeball view I am
710s the scream is intended to go out at
714s around nine for real but
717s um since I didn't have Dennis to
719s supervise me I figured we'd take a
722s little bit a little bit of a
724s initial
726s view of how people are doing and what
729s we'll be seeing from this art and all
732s the chaos when everyone is running to
734s their own separate corners of the world
737s so as for introduction hello and welcome
740s to
741s a unique Friday where we're doing a bit
744s of a custom event as the title has been
748s seen we're doing a speed run it'll be it
751s just went online and will be progressing
754s until they either shoot down the meteor
756s or until the meteor blows everyone up at
759s the end of Monday
762s um yeah it'll be fun I think it's gonna
766s be interesting
768s insight into how people are really
770s nutting for optimization and kind of
773s bolting into
775s do as as well as they can on the time
778s they have
780s um
781s and I think we're just kind of an in for
783s the ride and uh switch over to uh
788s do some some overview map here while
792s they're trying to sort out who is going
794s where and
795s what to do
799s that I have all the shots here
803s yeah so it's it's a bit
806s as I mentioned the the stream was
808s originally intended to go at nine and I
810s think we'll
811s probably still keep going on and off a
814s little bit during this event
816s but I just wanted to kind of sneak in
818s and make sure that
820s everything is working we've had some
822s technical difficulties on my end dealing
824s with twitch
825s um previously so I'm hoping the quality
828s is working out and
830s everyone can hear me all right as well
835s [Music]
839s my U distance bump that up
849s it will keep
851s pretty wide bird's eye view on the mini
853s map
857s as we're kind of skulking around and
859s just tracking people
862s as they're pulling into their
866s specific jobs and getting some
869s organization here
874s and during the course of this I'll go
877s over a little bit of
879s the different elements people are using
880s and why they're being focused in certain
882s areas or what they're doing
884s I'm hopefully getting a bunch of
886s questions as well
889s I think we'll just kind of starting out
891s a bit casual and taking it a bit easy
893s and then we'll just
895s go in a bit more on
897s detailing and some
899s your technical things as belong
905s me too
908s or that I ping people
911s accordingly
952s there we go
954s [Music]
955s we're starting off in a little bit of a
957s foggy
959s afternoon setting here
961s opening this this foggy kind of calms
964s down a little bit
968s we can get some a bit better visual when
972s they hide some stuff
976s making sure we're getting into it
979s foreign
1011s layers and then we go through property
1014s and
1016s we can do that as well
1018s I'm presuming that we're not going to
1020s see a whole lot of
1022s bouncing in between
1025s you know stores and economy and
1029s all of those things because I think most
1030s of this has been pretty
1032s pretty configured in regards to just
1036s certain people are doing certain jobs
1038s and they're just providing it in that
1040s amount of stockpiles or is that that's
1045s I don't think we're gonna see much about
1048s civics or
1052s General
1054s conflicts I think it's going to be a
1056s pretty
1057s intense whack-a-mole for resources and
1060s just making sure that the resources are
1061s spent on the correct
1063s in the correct order and priority
1067s or some of these things
1071s as you can see here we're
1073s seeing some campsites that
1076s popping some wood
1079s I need to keep my heart up to be able to
1081s keep
1083s you know a couple of people that have
1085s translocated over to the desert and the
1087s jungle area which is a nice
1089s nice mish mash orb through the solid
1093s iron resources coupled with a lot of
1096s food potential
1099s which probably brings us to one of the
1102s one of the biggest environmental and
1104s impacting changes that you'll see
1107s in 10 hello Zach how are you
1113s we've got a lot of crops and
1117s I'm foreseeing that they'll probably
1119s keep running quite a substantial amount
1122s and not even sure that they're gonna
1124s need to do any any real farming at all
1126s either
1127s or this speedrun because it's just so
1131s uh
1132s just a large purpose amount of food all
1135s over the place which is going to
1137s dramatically change the gameplay
1141s a nice nice green open Landscapes here
1144s with some grassland
1151s head over up
1153s to
1154s the desert area
1158s give us a field give us a feel and see
1161s how
1163s we're doing up there
1165s close this
1171s no
1172s um
1174s that's
1175s [Music]
1182s light up here and it's just easy fly
1185s into the the void
1189s and get some Desert View here
1193s and we can see a clear disparity here
1195s where there's a lot of agave
1198s Leaf fruits and there's a lot of trees
1200s in the desert
1203s but volumetric Wise It's not
1207s oh I think the whole thing loaded and I
1209s was I was about to say it doesn't really
1211s look like it's that big of a desert but
1213s it is
1217s and we have a whole
1219s work crew here that is just
1223s going at it for the food supply here we
1226s can see they're stacking up campfires
1231s and I'm presuming we're taking a look at
1233s the skills set up so far
1236s we've got four people immediately pick
1238s the Gathering
1241s that are gonna be super helpful
1244s throughout this
1247s gameplay
1250s and they just keep churning out
1252s campfires yeah
1254s we're taking a look at the the
1257s as you can see they have the properties
1259s but they've set everyone as access on
1261s them as well so
1264s just making sure that everyone can
1265s gearab
1267s grab the food that is available and they
1269s just keep focusing on making sure that
1271s they have a food supply to cover
1273s everything
1275s so what is going to be interesting is to
1277s see the balance in between spending time
1280s building infrastructure
1283s towards the logistics
1286s um this is on the latest stable so this
1290s is 9 7 13.
1294s um as for Mr best will have
1297s and play test is coming out as soon as
1301s it can we run into
1303s the minor issues and some major issues
1306s in regards to some of the unity updates
1309s so we have some
1311s some weird physics bugs that we're
1313s trying to resolve
1315s um
1316s that have been proven a bit
1318s of a frustration to deal with so we'll
1320s we'll everyone is working really hard to
1323s just make sure that that gets out as
1325s quickly as possible but we at the same
1327s time we also want to make sure that it's
1328s stable enough
1330s to be properly played on once it reach
1333s latest as well
1335s how many cameras do we have here we have
1337s eight nine ten eleven twelve
1341s if we're gonna see another and campfires
1343s or something
1347s foreign
1351s I think there should be a workstation
1354s limit per character mass production
1356s kills the economy of most servers well
1359s yeah I I I'd agree with the sentiment
1363s that more workstations
1365s and to reduce the amount of people
1367s needed in a certain profession
1371s but
1373s at the same time
1376s um it it gets kind of messy very quickly
1379s because then you have it turns into
1383s the bigger the group the higher the
1386s benefit or the higher the advantage as
1388s is right now with professions that yet
1390s that then gets transferred over to
1392s workstations as well so it is something
1394s that we looked at
1396s but it's also a very
1400s a very Niche and risky
1403s kind of Sledgehammer approach to
1407s reducing it because you know we still
1410s want people that doesn't have the
1412s profession to be able to place a
1414s workstation because we want them to be
1416s able to use like work orders or work
1418s parties
1420s so they still need to be able to place
1421s say an electronic bench
1424s and then you have if the workbenches are
1427s limited to a set players
1430s then suddenly that group of eight people
1432s are going to be able to place eight
1433s times the amount of workbenches that you
1435s have even if they only have one guy in
1437s their group doing that profession
1442s and in that regards the limiting factor
1444s is the input ingredient volume
1447s for a group they might be able to
1450s utilize it with you know a certain
1452s amount of people that are
1455s doing a whole bunch of
1458s mining or a whole bunch of smelting and
1461s just chunk through blast furnaces and
1463s and do all kinds of
1466s stockpile the worth of materials in one
1468s go
1470s but then the solo guy could potentially
1472s do it as well if he's buying the
1474s resources for multiple people
1478s and therein lies kind of the Crux of it
1481s where
1482s it's difficult to superimpose certain
1485s restrictions because it has so much of a
1487s nested
1489s complex involvement in different areas
1493s um
1494s so we're we do try to
1499s get resource costs and time production
1504s tweaked around to make sure that they
1506s work
1509s um you work around it and make sure that
1512s it doesn't break too much but at the
1514s same time we also want to have enough
1515s restrictions
1517s or
1518s alleviating a bit of that group versus
1521s single player Dynamics and
1524s grafting in general is something that we
1526s are taking a closer look at both in
1529s terms of the UI
1532s we want to introduce things like garbage
1534s in a more cohesive manner so
1537s like spill material when you're crafting
1539s different
1541s objects and items so you'll have more of
1543s a recycling garbage
1546s Loop
1547s um
1549s that'll make it
1552s a little bit more complicated
1555s and we're also looking at potential
1557s different skill types and skill trees
1560s and all kinds of manner of
1563s a nested into intrinsic
1568s possible solutions to some of those of
1571s those issues with
1573s just you know one guy placing a bench
1575s one guy doing crafting versus
1579s 20 workbenches and he can produce enough
1581s to sustain the whole server
1589s we're taking a look here we've got some
1590s I think they're designating certain
1592s claim areas
1594s could be
1598s more larger claims we've got some very
1600s interesting claiming going on here
1603s I believe there is a plan to the madness
1605s here
1613s but it is
1614s what the plan is here is beyond me
1619s and now it should also be noted that
1622s this is a public server so if you have
1625s random people that are dominating in and
1627s aren't really
1628s super stacked to just join the fight and
1631s build it as a community and
1634s and I go nuts on it that's perfectly
1637s fine as well
1642s dang this really reminds me of a tale in
1645s the desert level cooperation for Pyramid
1647s building especially the massive cooking
1649s production to keep people Fed so they
1651s can push the large the huge quarry stone
1653s yeah it really does
1655s and I think they have a pretty pretty
1658s high level I saw a spreadsheet with some
1661s Excel stuff
1664s um
1665s with different professions and who's
1666s covering what and
1668s there were even talks about who is
1670s playing what hours and so on and so
1672s forth so there's
1673s some of the guys here have a pretty high
1675s top down
1677s organization approach to this
1687s when is that rock
1692s ing to catch it here
1702s let's see let's see
1705s yeah I'll be doing
1707s I'll be streaming here for
1712s for quite a bit and then I'll probably
1714s take an intermission and a little bit of
1715s a break and then
1718s I'll do a
1719s continued run
1722s um at the pre-designated
1724s dream time as well
1727s just to kind of get my head wrapped into
1729s nine nine seven thirteen as well I've
1731s been working on 10 for
1734s substantial amount of times my my
1736s balance head space is kinda
1739s I've moved away from this and I'm
1741s already sort of planning ahead and or
1743s I'm thinking about like Post 10 things
1745s so
1746s this is uh
1749s it's quite good just to get a better
1751s grasp on
1753s what people are doing and what action
1756s they're doing it
1758s at the speed that they're doing it is
1759s also quite a fundamental factor in it
1770s Hello Penguin
1772s um
1774s Post 10 things in general
1779s I I am I'm avoiding that that specific
1783s vehicle
1785s up
1787s we have so many other things that are
1791s fairly critical in terms of what we want
1793s to fix
1795s and I think you are gonna love the
1797s things that are being fixed in favor of
1800s said vehicle but
1802s we'll go into those once we are more
1805s closer into 10.
1812s in terms of what's available
1819s foreign
1826s I completely forgot I was gonna
1831s grab some
1833s am I using this this I mean
1840s making sure that I'm
1843s assuming something I shouldn't be doing
1845s so we've got the
1849s we've got that one there and we got the
1852s screen share and the video feed is
1854s coming from
1856s all right
1857s game capture
1860s that's fine so if I do this and that
1863s we're good yeah
1865s just making sure I don't
1869s do any documents or images
1874s that I shouldn't be showing you just yet
1887s [Laughter]
1890s what about the meteor
1893s yeah now we got some daylight coming in
1895s here
1897s this is the first Dawn
1900s on my client side looking at this
1904s I wonder if we uh kill off some of the
1906s uh
1909s some of the property there we can scroll
1911s in here
1912s a little bit and
1915s that
1916s drills
1918s natural scene I believe what we're
1920s seeing here is the first run for some
1922s research tables
1927s here we have the
1929s who the tributary
1937s it's quite uh
1939s quite a productive effort
1945s yeah so this server is running a
1947s complete full vanilla
1950s hard collaboration
1954s gameplay so they'll have a little bit
1956s tougher with in terms of gaining
1958s specialty experience
1960s I don't think we're gonna see a lot of
1963s a lot of housing in general outside of
1966s the specific professions that really
1968s need to kind of
1969s Advance quickly so I think people might
1971s be switching out housing and
1973s residentials depending on
1975s who's leveling what profession
1978s especially for the higher ones with
1979s mechanic going into industry and then
1984s I'm just general propagation I am seeing
1986s a lot of people just idling around and
1988s just chilling is that because we're
1990s waiting for food
1997s oh look at this
1998s so much delicious crops I believe that's
2001s because we do not have enough campfires
2005s that are making the food so they got a
2007s lot of raw ingredients
2010s and we are seeing some some salads being
2012s popped in here
2017s but they are definitely making progress
2019s and there is some food available but I'm
2022s not entirely sure if we
2024s a lot of
2029s yeah and I forgot to
2031s not run it in UA mode so we're getting a
2034s lot of
2035s a lot of other
2037s garbage in the shaft there
2047s I'll go over I think tomorrow
2051s we'll probably see some more
2054s our stuff being used I'll go over some
2056s of the power changes that we have in
2058s planned
2059s and installed for that
2063s um
2065s but I do have something I can I can
2067s sneak in here a little bit I know the
2070s the grassland guys I have been starting
2073s to got hunting
2077s got some non-specific ones I believe we
2079s have a lot of hunters in the grassland
2088s and then we got a little bit of an
2089s outpost down here I believe this is
2091s another our guys that are grouped up
2095s none of them seems to be and we got one
2098s Miner there
2100s now the rest have a profession yet so
2102s it's gonna be interesting to see how
2104s they're gonna challenge themselves and
2106s kind of switch in
2108s who's doing what we have one Chef so far
2112s two loggers uh
2114s they've Advanced up to level two in
2116s gathering to help a bit with food
2119s miners some hunting
2122s and the rest is
2124s as is I don't believe we have any
2127s research tables up yet we have one in
2129s here yes
2130s look at that
2133s go in here
2136s see that
2138s we have an initial start with masonry
2149s of some
2154s and I said this is running full vanilla
2156s so
2159s this will be running books and I'm
2160s presuming that they're gonna share all
2162s the books just spit out a lot of the
2164s tech and then people can just grab
2166s whatever they need for their specific
2168s purpose
2170s we'll keep a close eye on the tech tree
2173s as we move along this now see the
2175s overarching progress that is being made
2178s so we're White
2185s but so far so calmly I think
2190s a lot of people are just
2192s waiting for those first two skill books
2195s which is probably gonna be masonry and
2199s carpentry
2201s and then things I think it's really
2202s gonna kick off
2208s looking looking pretty looking pretty
2211s good we have a lot of people on
2214s quite happy to see
2216s yeah it'll be a fun fun run I think and
2219s if we do
2221s some of these biomes here
2223s go through the world and we can check
2225s out the oil fields particular
2229s I have a pretty
2231s oh yeah
2234s I don't know it's an oil group perhaps
2238s maybe and it's hitting one there
2242s pretty dense but it's also very far away
2244s from all the other people
2248s got a couple of good spots here here
2260s Amber
2268s so
2271s 410
2274s in comparison to ear we've talked or
2278s I've talked a lot about
2280s just general
2283s General changes
2285s the cropped availability has been
2288s something that a lot of people have been
2291s urged to throw the growing yeah
2294s um
2295s crop availability has been something
2297s that a lot of people have been asking us
2299s to really take a look at
2302s um
2303s on depth and really
2305s really kind of curbed the amount of wild
2308s crops
2310s move away from
2313s expect the property layers we don't have
2315s that showing up
2318s and
2319s for anyone that is wondering
2322s I do have a stream that we cover
2325s almost all of the new things that are
2327s happening with the wild plants enroll
2330s both how they're decidingly spawning the
2334s groupings and the Rarity
2337s but there is something that we have kind
2339s of emitted in that because I wasn't
2341s really sure if we would manage to get it
2344s in time properly
2347s and that is the way seeds are propagated
2351s though when a plant
2354s grows out and this is something that the
2357s reasoning why I'm bringing it up here is
2359s because what we're gonna likely see at
2362s least in terms of the Jungle here on the
2365s on the initial one
2367s down there
2368s is that you're gonna have a big area of
2370s deforestation
2372s as people are just churning out and
2374s digging into that tree
2378s as well as potential crops that they'll
2380s wreck when they're when they're cutting
2382s these trees down
2383s [Music]
2385s getting a bit of
2387s a bit of a delay we're loading there
2392s um
2394s here here we start with
2399s a bit further south
2403s a bit of a Wetlands that's why it was a
2406s not the patch here
2407s so ass
2409s people started to cut on trees and they
2412s start to kind of clear out areas
2415s at the moment
2417s things are spawning
2420s based on the appropriate tiles they can
2423s find
2425s um as long as one one plant of that type
2429s exists in the entire area so it'll pick
2432s like a two by two Square areas
2435s and it'll go like hey there is corn here
2438s and then bam it spawns a bunch of new
2440s corn which is why you see
2443s even if you clear an entire area with
2445s you know placing down stockpiles or
2448s if you're doing admin commands and
2450s leveling out the whole area
2452s you will often see that things spawn
2455s back extremely quickly
2457s or they they see the back extremely
2459s quickly
2461s and that is because it used to behave in
2463s a wave like
2466s functionality where it
2468s it saw that it could spawn something
2471s it decided that it wanted to spawn
2473s something and then it popped out like
2475s one more or two more per plant available
2478s so it could spawn like 20 new trees in
2480s the matter of a couple of minutes
2485s and that's something that we kind of
2487s kind of wanted to rework that but
2490s it was one of those things where we
2493s don't want to disrupt it
2495s until we can really do what we want it
2498s to properly do
2501s and with the big changes to the plants
2504s in general for 10 we figured that it it
2507s was about time to do that for the seeds
2511s as well
2514s um
2515s look at that beautiful Birch falling to
2518s its death
2521s so seeds will now propagate based on the
2524s growth of a plant so there is a set
2529s range of a plant has to be
2532s x amount I'm old
2535s so in
2537s or general crops
2539s 19.2 hours
2542s and then for trees
2545s um it is depending on the tree type
2548s so
2549s Palms are like three days scores or
2552s three days Oaks or seven days for like
2554s the full growth time
2556s and we're looking at adding and making
2558s sure that once they reach a certain
2562s age
2563s of say 60 70 percent of their maturation
2568s that's when they'll start producing
2570s seeds and can spawn and send out and you
2573s know
2574s keep propagates into different
2575s territories so you don't have that you
2577s level off an entire area you have one
2579s seed spawning of a plant
2582s and then another seed spawns from the
2585s from the plant that is you know just
2588s grown
2591s hopefully I'm making sense here
2597s and that'll prevent plants from just
2599s like completely littering the areas
2602s very quickly because they need to
2603s actually grow up which also mean that if
2607s players continuously Harvest these
2609s plants they're not gonna spread
2612s because they're being pruned by the
2613s players
2615s and that in combination with the fact
2617s that plants are generally fewer of in
2620s the world it's going to have a
2622s tremendous impact on things like this
2625s where you can just go blunt force
2630s straight down and here we have something
2631s that looks like a start of
2635s a ramp down from Minecraft
2643s oh yeah look at that we have some some
2646s personal campfires here just for some
2648s close close Food gain
2651s and I'm presuming that these
2653s workstations are doing
2658s don't have access to them
2661s um you're doing they're doing their
2663s traps just to get rid of all the dirt
2665s that they're digging and be able to
2667s quickly get down to iron ore and start
2668s researching
2670s I'm smelting
2676s we've got
2678s research going here how far have we
2681s gotten along here
2682s look at that we've got masonry
2685s discovered
2692s nothing yet started
2695s on the other ones but
2698s I am guessing
2702s that we'll see
2705s carpentry
2708s fairly quickly together with basic
2711s engineering
2717s mainly because
2721s mining tools and everything from from
2723s the engineering side of things
2733s oh yeah when you see that these
2735s campfires are keep expanding and someone
2737s clearly has a plan for how to organize
2739s these
2746s [Music]
2747s um
2747s alpen hello any plans for preventing
2751s weeds from growing on newly tilled land
2753s as they can start spawning before you
2755s even got off the tractor well
2759s um part of that is
2761s sort of in there with that so
2764s with the seed system being reworked we
2766s can we can preset how long or how mature
2770s a plant has to be to be able to
2772s propagate
2773s we can set how many seeds in a certain
2776s range that it randomizes
2779s um how many seeds that it's allowed to
2781s spread to so say a
2783s tomato plant might only be able to
2786s spread to one pile at a time versus a
2788s wheat that can spread to 34 tiles so you
2792s can have a bit of a difference in
2793s between which crops spreads differently
2797s and the same goes for the weeds and like
2799s any other General non-crop
2803s um
2804s plants
2806s and we can also set the amount of time
2809s for it to actually spread so even if it
2812s finds an empty tile it'll have this set
2815s timer of this minimum time from it
2818s grabbing that tile to actually placing
2821s something on it
2832s um hello pixel Paul
2835s um see a bit of a a senate authentic
2837s here but
2840s um yeah I think it'll it'll be a an
2844s interesting thing so
2846s uh in favor of everyone else uh I bet
2849s white sheeta will fail it needs a lot of
2851s collaboration to get to the goal of
2853s destroying the meat here and there's
2854s usually a lot of conflicts with so many
2856s players
2857s I'm still awesome to see such an event
2860s yeah it's it's
2862s quite
2864s it'll be quite a journey I think
2866s um
2867s it has potential to
2870s exceed
2871s in a quite spectacular Manner and
2873s everything can go
2875s amazing it can also go
2878s completely out into the woods and fail
2882s miserably and everyone dies in a burning
2884s wreck of a meteor impact who knows we'll
2887s see
2888s everyone
2890s face the course and don't burn down the
2892s planet while doing this as well
2896s um it is on a larger world as
2899s probably noticed
2901s it's running on our
2903s 2.56 kilometer
2907s um A1 the one we usually have for white
2909s tiger
2911s so there's plenty of space plenty of
2913s crops resources
2917s I am surprised to see that no one has
2919s ventured out into the wetlands to
2922s acquire Some Coal just to keep those
2925s just to save on resources for the wood
2928s I do have someone here that is dinosaur
2931s Dundee is making landfall in the cold or
2935s in the warm Forest
2944s as Iron and steel in particular will be
2947s quite significant to get in a bulk
2950s volume I'm presuming that you're gonna
2951s build some sort of Road over here
2954s or bridge over and be able to kind of
2956s Ferry coal out quickly too
2959s going through the blast furnaces
2968s that is a lot of campfires
2972s at Williams having the camper cooking
2974s yeah look it up
2976s I have all three campfire cook
2980s and we've got one more guy doing
2984s Empire cooking as well now
2987s we'll be without our first Mason
2992s and the gatherers are doing all right
2994s they're progressing quite nicely
2997s carpentry is coming along as well
3002s and someone has starting started to poke
3005s at The Butchery as well obviously
3009s being the same guy doing it yeah L
3011s forward is doing all of the research I
3014s presume and it's in
3016s is in charge of researching
3023s you're seeing
3026s doing some
3029s I presume they would do something like a
3034s um
3036s call it uh
3039s how about like a distribution center
3042s once they have carpentry
3044s just to kind of make sure that you can
3047s only pick one Scroll of each type and
3049s then they can just fill the entire thing
3051s with Scrolls
3052s that way they can just disperse the
3054s knowledge
3055s quite efficiently
3060s have people come in with the resources
3061s and just dump in and sell to
3065s but who knows we'll see
3077s not here not
3080s well generator is doing some weird
3083s things here
3088s that's for the desert how are we doing
3091s in the grassland for the hunting lands
3094s it seems like they're they're clearing
3096s off some trees and
3099s they seem to be a little bit on their
3102s on their own merry away
3105s getting none of them are really in a
3108s hurry until they've unlocked Butchery
3109s and can properly process meat
3117s oh there's a way all
3120s yep
3128s white tiger I come here
3133s and if anyone has wondered what these
3135s icons are on the users
3139s the representative of
3141s either rewards given to players for
3144s participating in events or helping out
3146s it
3148s different ways without the bug icon
3151s the bear has which is
3154s helping out with
3155s backing down dogs reporting them and
3159s especially really tricksy ones that may
3162s not be easily reproducible
3165s otherwise just helping out with
3167s recordings and then you know narrow
3169s those down
3172s and then we got the white tiger which is
3175s participating in things there I believe
3177s we have high score tracking there
3179s somewhere
3184s as well
3188s so
3189s there's a couple ways that can acquire
3191s some custom
3192s pieces here and then you've got regular
3196s strange Loop employee one with the
3198s swirly Range Loop there you've got some
3202s different pack purchases and and all of
3204s those things
3206s and with 10 we'll also
3208s we also have sort of an introductory
3210s where you can take
3212s selfies with your avatar
3215s I can use those as well to kind of
3218s represent your character
3220s um
3220s on the tooltip when you're moving around
3229s I think the desert crew seems to be the
3232s most cohesive ones
3237s but we haven't seen any vehicles yet
3243s memory
3245s there's me right we do have
3248s all wood cards
3253s um
3255s seems like already just doing food food
3257s collecting here or
3260s people yeah people are are bumping
3262s around and but he just grabbed the one
3264s piece
3266s that has me so confused
3270s or are they desperately trying to fill
3272s the orges the
3276s oh he repaired it that's what he was
3278s doing
3288s um no teal yes we got some some selfie
3291s stuff and
3292s a lot of cool
3294s pictures and imagery for 10
3297s um as well as some some crazy level of
3301s new interact ability with the face
3303s tracking and the avatars
3305s that we had on the last stream
3311s which
3313s has been a challenge to get working
3315s properly but
3317s they are turning out quite nicely and of
3320s course they're optional so
3322s you don't want to use it and you'd
3324s rather
3325s not be involving in your web camera
3335s um
3337s as is it's an opt-in feature so yeah
3341s people can be be slightly uh
3345s concerned with it but
3349s should be all good
3353s um personally I think it looks daunting
3356s it's absolutely terrifying
3359s amazingly cool that it works
3362s but something about the avatars running
3366s around with
3367s in a real facial expressions after
3369s trying to talk to you
3371s um in game is
3373s yeah
3375s horrifying for me
3377s um
3383s that was interesting
3387s but I am really looking forward to
3389s seeing different people coming up with
3390s creative ways and I bet that there's
3393s going to be a lot of fun
3395s catch recordings and memes coming out of
3397s that as well when they can do all those
3398s things
3402s yeah really cool feature that we're
3404s looking forward to seeing what people
3405s can use it for
3411s yeah we have some some people that seems
3413s like they're being rummaging around here
3415s in the middle of the jungle
3418s yeah here we have a a big a big wooden
3421s house
3429s oh yeah these guys are these guys are
3431s going
3432s Ham on it
3436s presuming that this is going to be a big
3438s Yoon log Factory
3442s by the time this gets done
3445s and it also seems like they are
3448s focusing on making sure that they can
3450s use as much material as possible so
3453s this is something that from our side we
3455s have been sort of
3457s both
3459s concerned about in terms of balance and
3462s sort of I don't know the design on it
3465s and then sort of it's the Playboy
3467s lithium and what makes sense and what's
3468s logical for the players to interact with
3471s is this whole
3473s this whole with holes
3476s and on tiger we have a we've toggled a
3480s feature that is available on the server
3483s it's off by default but it is available
3486s for anyone to just flip it on
3489s and that's to disable the ability to
3491s allow housing with these holes
3494s which means you would need to have you
3497s know windowed form of a block or you
3500s need doors you cannot have any kind of
3503s gaps at all for it to function as a room
3507s and we've been
3509s eyeing
3511s flipping that switch on by default you
3514s know
3516s disallow things like this I've seen some
3519s crazy builds
3524s I've seen some crazy builds with pipes
3527s and shapes
3529s um
3531s people have been using
3535s that looks really cool but on the other
3537s hand it's also pretty
3539s pretty crazy and I think I'm gonna
3543s I think I'm just gonna quickly uh
3548s weekly do
3551s uh
3553s I'm gonna do a transition quickly and
3555s I'm gonna I'm still here and everything
3558s but I'm just gonna restart my client and
3559s making sure that I have QA mode disabled
3562s so we don't see all of those
3564s tooltip system functionality checks
3567s that way we can we can take a look at
3569s the chat every now and then without
3570s being
3572s obscured by a lot of text
3577s yeah part of the client again
3581s [Music]
3586s everyone is enjoying me just kind of
3589s ranting on as we go along with this
3594s it'll be oh yeah we got double SLG in
3598s the channel there's someone pointed out
3599s as well
3604s yeah the only thing that we have is
3606s customizable things on here is near this
3608s toolbox which is a superb
3611s moderator and
3614s server management package that nid has
3617s been
3619s working really hard over over the years
3621s to put together making sure that it
3622s works and
3624s super simple
3627s [Music]
3635s now we are back
3638s again
3640s now we have our shaft and we don't have
3643s a lot of miscellaneous things in between
3646s so what you were seeing there
3648s is that we have a
3651s QA mode that we can enable from
3654s developer side and it will
3656s put a print
3658s events that happen so if a client sends
3661s a tooltip request to the server it'll
3663s hang back and it'll feed the sort of a
3666s little fetch it to the client and it
3668s will cache it just to assist us in
3672s [Music]
3675s tracking down with bugs and things just
3677s making sure that all the communication
3678s between the client and the server works
3680s correctly for these things
3682s but they do kind of obscure whenever
3684s you're playing normally so
3687s sometimes that we get to turn that off
3691s as most of the times I'm not really
3695s any shaft too much
3697s in my day-to-day operations
3702s [Music]
3707s go
3708s back in there
3710s now we have all of the all of the shots
3712s is neatly ordered fine
3716s we're gonna try to avoid it as much as
3719s possible because
3723s yeah as uh as Whalen just realized
3728s it is apparently running with the white
3730s tiger configuration of the holes so they
3732s had to plug them all
3739s fortunate
3742s I'd step and a bit of
3746s Gap in their plan
3748s pun intended
3753s heading over to the food boys
3757s over into the desert or they are working
3760s on something that
3762s starting to look like a giant campfire
3765s in here
3767s do some some food deity
3775s foreign
3781s mismatching with some food output here
3784s looking pretty neat but I believe they
3785s are burning quite a significant amount
3787s of logs doing this
3792s here we have some coal in there so
3795s something else to burn
3799s teleport on the meteor bomb
3802s speaking of the meteor I haven't
3804s it passed us by I think once or twice
3807s but I haven't looked up at it
3809s I wonder if we can keep a track on it
3812s and see
3813s where it's if we can
3816s see it floating around us here in a
3818s little bit how are we doing on
3820s technology progression now we are
3822s looking at
3824s carpentry is discovered they canceled
3826s the butcheries I guess they get
3828s re-prioritized a little bit
3833s and be a while before we hit
3836s here the tier two stuff moving out from
3838s here one
3842s oh never mind the picture you just just
3844s updated
3845s um so we've got Butchery done we've got
3847s carpentry done
3850s that means that they can start really
3852s doing hunting
3855s and I believe
3857s what do we want to gamble on is the next
3860s egg coming for are we looking at
3863s smelting
3865s we're looking at basic engineering
3869s I would presume basic engineering since
3871s it's sort of a prerequisite for the
3873s smelting
3875s you're not going to get far without
3877s being able to turn it to concentrate
3888s oh yeah paper Milling paper Milling is
3890s the most essential skill you can have
3893s gotta have that paper
3901s Jokes Aside though
3903s paper Milling will actually be a lot
3905s more useful
3907s because it's a it's one of the main
3909s ingredients to do some of the
3912s culture things so
3915s um
3916s using paper to
3919s consume as a resource to make
3923s pictures and
3925s just some general ingredients and
3928s um
3929s also looking at locking actual paper
3931s crafting
3933s behind
3935s the skill itself so you can't just
3936s unlock paper Milling to make paper
3938s you're gonna have to specialize in it
3941s it also has a few new lights as well the
3945s paper lights that it can craft and it
3948s has
3949s a new craft tables and
3952s it's getting some some attention not
3955s entirely as much as I would have liked
3957s or 10.
3959s because you can always do more it's the
3961s um
3962s one of the biggest
3964s one of the biggest hazards in game the
3967s game development
3969s is that you can always do more there is
3973s a never-ending
3974s supply of things that you can always do
3977s keep improving and keep adding
3980s um
3982s but at certain points we need to pull
3984s the plug on certain things and
3987s uh paper Milling unfortunately got the
3990s short end of that stick or 10.
3993s but it does get some some attention with
3996s with the new culture stuff so
3999s hoping that everyone will enjoy that
4004s um and
4005s something that hasn't really been
4008s announced
4011s that I can kind of sneak in here
4014s um
4015s is that I've talked a little bit about
4019s Tailoring
4021s um speculatively in in the dev hangout
4025s and in some of the um
4028s some of the general discussions that
4030s we've had
4033s and I snuck in
4036s a new crop
4039s um just before I headed out it's been
4041s away for a week
4044s so it's not really ready yet anyone that
4048s has tested out staging the staging
4051s branch in the last couple of days
4054s will have seen some some white boxes
4057s um that are floating around when they're
4059s moving around and that is
4060s that is a new crop that's coming
4063s and it will
4065s hugely transform
4068s tail rings
4070s tailoring and Gathering and farming
4073s Trifecta as well as carpentry
4076s involvement as I'll be doing
4080s I'll have some some initial test recipes
4083s going up for Tiger when that play test
4085s goes live but
4088s um I can say that for the first time in
4091s those gameplay
4094s um farming
4096s and Gathering will have a Direct
4102s requirement as well as Milling will have
4105s a direct requirement of
4107s two craft
4109s housing material
4114s that's going to be a huge game changer
4116s especially for these and a speedrun
4119s builds
4124s and I'm hoping that I can do some more
4128s the more intricate recipes for some of
4131s the other crafts as well just to
4134s get it a little bit more in their
4136s profession dependent
4138s and less in a Solo viable
4142s in terms of
4144s the general vanilla experience
4148s and something that we do want to make
4150s sure is to
4152s look over at the proper system where
4156s we can do different types of recipes
4158s depending on the difficulty level you're
4161s playing at
4163s because right now you only have sort of
4164s one
4165s one set of
4168s recipe list so if you want to craft you
4171s know iron bars you have this option if
4173s you have the tool you have these are the
4176s ingredients bam that's it
4179s but I would like to
4181s get into a position where we can do more
4184s of
4185s a dynamic recipe based on the the level
4189s of collaboration or the level of
4190s difficulty that you're playing at so
4193s if you do play a bit easier or a lower
4196s collaboration then you'll have less
4197s dependency between the professions
4201s um
4202s but that's something that I'm gonna
4205s and I'm glancing on and checking out
4207s um
4208s as we're improving art on the tech side
4211s of things
4215s just as we improve and kind of continue
4218s building on the architecture of the game
4225s how are we looking here we're seeing a
4227s lot of people but
4229s we have a trail of people kind of going
4231s inwards further and further into the
4233s jungle here
4237s not sure what's going on here with this
4239s sort of ant Trail
4243s are they cutting trees or are they
4245s underground no one knows
4249s I'm not saying it means sneak down on
4251s the ground here somewhere
4252s everything's just dark
4257s where are these
4260s hearing people flying around
4269s there we go here we got some
4272s oh here we go there's some crazy
4274s shopping going on
4278s got that
4279s unlog construction here and it seems
4282s like we're building even bigger
4293s this is truly amazing
4295s um
4295s just the the level of collaboration and
4298s the level of
4300s agreement everyone is in just making
4303s sure that
4304s everyone knows what they're doing
4308s um it seems like at least if that is the
4311s case no one knows but
4314s having this this level of
4318s collaborations just making sure that
4320s everything's running smoothly people are
4322s cutting down left and right center
4324s play object here we got some misc things
4326s I believe this is being passed out as a
4329s major road
4334s from the looks of it someone just
4336s started dropping down some markers
4342s oh yeah here we go we've got the
4343s carpentry Central here
4353s yeah I've I've seen there's
4357s we've got
4359s that's a lot of people we got one two
4361s three four five six seven eight nine
4366s 18 people over on the Discord in one
4368s channel and we got
4370s the other group doing
4372s six people in there so we might we might
4374s actually jump in there
4377s um on voice
4379s is to raid them a little bit and then
4381s let them know that they might pop in on
4383s the Stream
4384s just to kind of check in with people and
4386s what they're feeling and and
4388s how they think they're going so far
4392s in a couple of hours
4393s [Music]
4395s but so far it's looking pretty good
4397s we're off to a rocking start here
4409s the principal coming in to check on the
4412s class yeah
4416s not really but
4418s also not not not entirely
4425s pretty sweet
4430s but you know Eco isn't
4433s depending on what you're doing and in
4435s what the progression speed you're at and
4438s how much resources you need to kind of
4439s burn through and everything it's
4443s take a couple of minutes and it can take
4445s uh take a while
4446s um
4449s a lot of people in different colors
4450s different clothing
4454s deliciously munching away
4457s ballads
4460s and it sounds like we have a half have a
4462s team doing
4465s doing some hunting and some fishing as
4467s well
4472s someone out here in the water being
4475s Spirit are we
4478s are we swimming out here are we just
4482s relaxing
4492s this this meteor that's supposed to be
4494s around here somewhere
4497s you know
4502s click on it here so if anyone is
4504s doubting this we've got me three impact
4506s in 22 days and 23 hours when I joined up
4509s here after reconnecting
4511s so it is
4514s it is getting closer
4517s with each hour they're not harvesting
4519s those rocks those fours
4523s is
4524s I'm lost from uh
4528s shooting it down and it seems like we
4530s are
4534s risking it with bends early on
4540s yeah the outside step here
4546s making their way down into the mine here
4561s pretty good
4573s food's coming along the wood is coming
4575s along the research seemingly
4579s jumping along here
4583s yeah see there we go basic engineering
4585s almost done
4589s missing those
4591s those human log papers
4596s under I want
4598s I won't go in here
4603s any research Basics we don't have
4609s more research benches than one research
4611s tables three research tables in the
4614s world we've got
4616s basic engineering
4619s and that one doesn't have anything on it
4621s and that one has basically oh we've got
4623s an overlap of basic engineering
4635s oh yes it's it's
4638s the Hippie Hollow
4640s that's what they're calling themselves
4657s yeah
4659s quite a show to keep going with
4671s it's gonna be a crazy weekend and
4676s probably be doing a lot more streaming
4678s than I normally do
4680s as
4682s usually just do an hour or up to two
4685s during the Friday streams but
4688s we'll keep going and
4690s I'll keep answering as much questions as
4692s I can for people that have them
4696s just
4700s what is going on here got some
4703s magical construction going on
4710s being a startups and masonry tables
4718s what are we looking at
4742s are you doing
4745s not doing what I want you to do
4750s um
4751s Arctic mods hello will there be a white
4755s tiger season soon yeah
4758s they um
4761s soon I think TM
4764s is is what we're going with
4767s um we're trying to get it done as soon
4768s as possible we've got
4773s you got most under control
4775s oh sorry
4778s oh God
4781s um
4782s a bit bit exhausted from
4787s from the week that's been
4789s holding it down a little bit
4791s um
4793s white tiger season yeah the play test
4795s will
4796s will be pushed out as soon as
4799s as soon as it is reliably playable
4803s hopefully very very soon
4808s um
4810s we've had a lot of
4813s a lot of snacks and a lot of unforeseen
4816s by their web-like issues with the new
4819s Civic systems that weren't really
4821s anticipated
4823s has been quite quite a journey to make
4826s sure that everything is covered and all
4827s of these kind of weird edge cases being
4830s covered like
4836s treasuries and different bank accounts
4838s and who owns the bank accounts and where
4840s they're at different taxation rates and
4843s how the towns are intermingling with
4845s taxes and and so on so forth so it's
4847s been
4848s it gets very very complicated very very
4851s quickly and
4852s if one thing in those in that line Falls
4856s then the whole thing kind of Cascades
4858s and
4860s you run into very unpredicted Behavior
4862s so we're trying to make sure that
4866s we're covering as much as we can in that
4868s regard
4871s um
4873s in version 10 will reverse start at full
4877s width or might they at some point just
4879s begin at the one block wide
4883s um rivers in general has the same kind
4885s of world gun as they do now
4886s unfortunately
4888s um
4890s I'm doing some some just general value
4893s tweaks for
4895s the world generation so we'll have
4899s some slight changes compared to
4902s the state three now just to make sure
4904s that they kind of accommodate boats a
4906s little bit more a little bit better
4910s um
4911s but
4912s it kind of grew out of out of proportion
4915s from and I'm in timestamp
4920s sort of just complexity and
4926s um
4927s this General time it takes to fix some
4930s of these things and rework them
4933s and we already have so much things in
4935s there that we couldn't really
4938s end another you know another month to
4943s to dig into and upgrade yet another
4945s system and it
4947s the unfortunate
4951s um
4953s unfortunate side effect of game
4955s development sort of being fluid
4958s and I want to make sure to get as much
4960s as possible in there but at the same
4962s time you also want to make sure that we
4963s get we get things completed and altitude
4966s you players as well in a sort of timely
4969s fashion so
4971s certain things just
4975s um ends up having to draw the Short
4977s Straw
4982s [Music]
4987s and
4990s there comes some new jobs what you can
4994s um Sarah you mean in terms of like new
4997s types of professions and specialties
5000s and something more for doing jobs like
5003s paper Milling because at the moment you
5005s only need it for bookshelves yeah paper
5006s Milling has
5008s has gotten a little bit of
5011s of a an addition as for new professions
5015s you have shipwright which is the one
5016s that crafts what about a maritime
5020s Naval version of the basic engineering
5022s so the shipwrite is crafting some of the
5025s intermediary parts for the boats
5028s and also does the Assembly of them
5031s in different workstations
5033s paper has a little bit more use with
5036s some new lamps
5039s um
5045s [Music]
5048s this is
5051s um yeah so paper million has some some
5053s new additional
5054s rafts that they can do they also have
5056s some new workstations and something to
5058s kind of make them more unique than they
5060s are at the moment just bearing a carpet
5062s to a table
5065s so they'll be more involved in the
5067s cultural aspect of the gameplay
5070s we got some more plans for them in the
5072s future as well so
5074s more more coming for that
5084s um yes it's
5087s coming along we're
5090s one and a half hour in already holy
5092s Christ
5094s how did that happen
5098s in the research tables
5101s some of this going on here
5106s um so that's this is also one aspect
5108s that
5110s I haven't
5111s um
5112s haven't really gotten into it yet but
5114s research is something that I do want to
5116s rework at one point or another
5120s I'll have some more updates for that
5123s once we kind of reach that stage but
5125s it's
5127s it works but I'm also not really
5131s I'm not content with it so it's
5137s um if anyone has ideas to
5139s how they would like research to be more
5142s complicated or
5145s I don't know what they wouldn't would
5147s see with research being done
5151s um
5152s I'm quite open to suggestions because I
5154s am looking at redoing it
5157s so if you have some cool ideas that hey
5159s you know this game is doing it this way
5162s uh maybe take some parts from that or
5165s take a look at this and see how they're
5166s doing it and see if you can get some
5167s inspiration from here
5169s um
5172s that'd be quite cool
5175s [Music]
5177s um research can be
5179s very simple and
5183s very very complicated very quickly I
5186s mean
5186s I play personally a whole Myriad of
5190s games like tutors I do survival stuff
5195s Eco obviously since I'm here
5198s um
5199s but
5201s things like rust where there's a lot of
5203s PVP in combat element to unlock any more
5206s technology versus
5208s say Paradox titles and and so on where
5212s there's a lot of Technology just gained
5213s over a large period of time progression
5216s and sort of time gating them
5219s so there's a lot of different ways you
5221s can approach it
5224s um
5225s or you could do it similar to
5228s like Victoria for instance when there's
5231s where there's just a matter of
5233s the more stuff you have the quicker you
5235s can research so on so forth
5242s um
5243s a spicy tuna roll that is a fantastic
5246s name
5248s um didn't mind the garbage thing that
5250s happened with it I just seemed like it
5253s just seemed like a lot during the white
5256s tiger
5257s um yeah I I can apologize for the over
5260s overzealous garbage use on tiger because
5262s that's that's on my end
5266s um I initiated that
5268s as it was only intended to be like one
5271s run
5272s just to kind of see
5275s um how people how people sort of
5278s um
5281s we call it
5283s um
5284s like ended up with you know how they
5287s adapted to the situation with a lot of
5289s garbage kind of accumulated based on
5291s Crafting and production
5294s um
5294s and then
5296s once we updated between the versions
5298s everyone was super thrilled of having it
5301s and kind of like
5303s where did the garbage go as soon as soon
5305s as I opted it out so
5307s we kind of kept cycling it back and
5310s it's been a semi am I good experience
5314s um
5316s as well as a semi meme thing
5322s um the hidden trash item I think that
5324s might just be a
5328s Alpine
5330s hidden trash item I believe that might
5332s just be AEM
5333s an issue of like overwrite inventory
5335s over overriding
5338s systems if you're spawning it yourself
5340s with admin commands
5342s but it might not necessarily be
5344s something that you should be able to
5345s hold in your inventory it should be like
5347s a trash block or something
5353s um
5356s thank you I've suggested the fix were
5359s compost turning to garbage but I don't
5361s know if it changed yet
5363s um did you elaborate a little bit on it
5365s I think I I think I know what you're
5367s talking about but
5370s also not sure
5375s if I follow entirely
5379s I do really like the idea
5382s that Zack said like a community research
5384s center other than an individual kind of
5386s like needing all the modules where the
5388s laser would cause a work together yeah
5393s um
5396s oh okay yeah so basically the
5399s compostable item that wasn't compostable
5401s so it made the block turn into garbage
5404s um the the
5406s sort of composting slash crash garbage
5409s block
5413s um being kind of weird
5418s um because it
5420s I recall it was an issue with
5425s spreading and
5428s like cycling
5429s though sometimes it just lost the thread
5432s and it turned it into a trash block
5434s instead when it's supposed to turn it
5436s into a compost block
5439s so it has a very unpredictable Behavior
5444s um which is still the case unfortunately
5449s uh Pepsi as for
5451s the garbage recipe for the blast furnace
5454s I think it worked out all right it's
5457s it's slow enough to not be
5461s uh
5463s slow enough to cause an increase in
5465s pollution but not not slow enough to not
5468s be useful
5472s I think it turned into a quite nice in
5476s between
5489s right yeah um Zach throw me a DM on
5492s Discord with it
5495s afterwards or or when you have time
5498s and take a look at it
5504s uh
5510s yeah I'm here Sarah yeah
5513s thank you very much for the uh
5518s kind review and commentary there
5522s um
5523s we do try to keep a
5527s somewhat of a mix between between all of
5529s it where
5530s you know the whole crafting versus
5532s garbage versus
5534s plants and so on so forth
5538s is
5539s involved in the tech progression and
5541s everything it kind of like just a
5543s Melting Pot of a myriad of problems
5546s thrown at the player and then they can
5547s resolve them without causing the planet
5550s to explode it's amazing
5554s are there any plans returning any items
5556s into garbage with a recipe rather than
5558s dropping everything individually yes yes
5560s and no is probably where I'd like to
5563s answer that sort of a mixed
5567s um
5568s Elma is just sitting on a cactus there
5571s um
5573s what I would like it to be is
5577s working slightly different than we have
5579s it right now
5581s um but we'll
5584s likely add in a recipe in vanilla
5589s as a placeholder more than anything for
5592s now
5595s um
5595s this can help with seeds to compost food
5599s spoilage to compost
5602s as we're turning it into garbage
5604s directly
5606s um that's another question because
5608s unfortunately that gets a very
5611s very iffy very quickly because you need
5613s to specify exactly what type of item
5616s is needed for the recipe
5620s alternatively you add it as a tag and
5623s then any item
5625s is potentially
5627s in the risk zone of getting destroyed
5630s because you place it in the incorrect
5631s inventory
5641s so I think we might we might the more be
5644s inclined to looking at something like a
5648s a garbage crushing unit or something
5651s kind of like the waste filter where
5653s you hook a specific storage up and then
5655s that's kind of like your trash inventory
5657s and then it just grabs items from that
5660s specific inventory to turn into
5664s recyclable materials of different types
5667s depending on what the input ingredient
5668s is classed as
5672s they'll say you have like a chair and
5674s you drop it in there and it turns into
5676s like
5677s wood pulp or something or like wood
5679s chips
5681s um or you have an electron a piece of
5682s electronic that turns into like a
5684s plastic
5686s or something
5714s yeah nice thank you I'll I'll check in
5716s and reference that issue and see if
5720s what we're at
5722s in there because we have an uh an
5725s internal an internal tracker I can take
5727s a look at
5730s uh
5731s I light it all on fire and ruined the
5734s air well that's kind of what we allowed
5736s to do with um with the garbage
5738s incinerational tiger or
5740s a test run there
5742s um
5743s for people that aren't familiar with it
5745s white tiger being our super custom
5749s um
5751s super custom
5753s sort of manage the server where with a
5755s lot of
5756s a lot of specific
5758s government presets and the rule sets and
5762s all kinds of good stuff
5765s um I use it as a Sandbox for testing out
5768s new recipes and new
5770s new kind of things to
5772s that eventually makes their way into the
5774s vanilla
5775s default experience
5778s though tiger is basically a vanilla plus
5781s kind of environment
5783s it's a great place because it usually
5786s has a pretty high
5788s dependent populations that goes on for a
5792s long period of time through the cycle
5795s and that allows me to better evaluate
5797s certain recipes and certain combinations
5799s that may
5801s have very different results depending on
5803s the activity of the server and I prefer
5806s to balance things towards
5810s um
5813s a high population and high activity
5816s server rather than specific unique small
5820s server cases
5822s um
5825s which might not be properly balanced
5828s then to servers that have a bit more
5830s higher population
5834s um yeah the garbage incineration was one
5836s of them and I also added a bunch of a
5838s bunch of recipes generally generated
5840s garbage like all and game products did
5842s so if you build an excavatory generated
5845s garbage if you built
5847s workstations it generated garbage and
5850s this garbage would accumulate up quite a
5852s significant amount similar to tailings
5855s but less pollutant so you could store
5857s them above ground and then be more more
5859s flexible and less restrictive with it
5863s but they would take up space and they
5865s would have environmental impact
5868s so we threw in a recipe to burn garbage
5871s in the blast furnaces
5873s which would have a long cycle time so
5875s they would generate quite a lot of air
5876s pollution while doing it but it would
5878s allow you to get rid of the block
5883s and that's sort of the mentality
5885s that we're looking at or
5888s when we do Transition over and do a big
5891s pass on Crafting crafty UI and crafting
5894s utilities
5896s um because I want I want us to really
5898s have a good
5900s good catch on
5903s utility
5904s um and all Goods can have their own
5908s garbage type that they generate when you
5911s craft them
5913s um and this would then be recyclable in
5917s different ways either
5919s um either through
5921s alternative means of production or
5926s Ultra outright like reprocessing plants
5929s and and so on so forth
5933s um
5934s yeah we are heading towards that but
5937s it's still
5939s something that's I know
5942s Post 10 then I try to avoid talking
5945s about it too much because I know myself
5947s I know people can get super excited and
5950s then realize that it's a long way
5952s until we reach that point some
5955s you try to kind of contain the
5957s discussion towards
5959s from what is coming in 10 and on that
5961s note Mr Chong
5963s what is this industrial generator that I
5966s saw in the code stream well
5968s I teased about it for a significant time
5971s in
5973s in the white tiger Discord Channel
5975s and they
5977s they puzzled together and figured out
5981s what it was
5983s and it is a new
5986s power generator
5990s um
5993s it is a new electrical generator that
5997s allows players to generate electricity
6000s as
6003s as expected but it is replacing the egg
6009s progression place of
6012s the combustion generator as is right now
6015s so you've got
6018s they have a good image of that here no
6020s can I can I do a good image of that here
6022s maybe
6024s I can I can I can sneak in this here I
6027s think maybe
6029s um so
6030s at the moment in terms of power
6032s progression you got
6035s you have the windmill
6038s and you have the water wheel that that's
6040s kind of your introductory to mechanical
6042s Power
6044s um
6044s that's kind of where you're at the whole
6046s thing
6048s um
6050s are you at there you are
6055s that there
6059s we do that and then we just
6063s move the bookmarks
6065s that
6070s green chair
6075s oh
6079s and I can't
6081s sneak in this and do display capture
6088s there and then we can now
6092s that in
6095s right up to the bottom just make sure
6097s that we are
6099s still underway so to answer the question
6107s is there the shot there
6109s um
6111s so mind you this is a
6116s concept art for that generator so some
6119s of the things there might be different
6120s some of them might be changed out and
6123s certain compositions
6128s um
6130s so this this thing is really really big
6133s like this is a this is a really
6135s substantially sized asset
6139s um
6140s and this is intended to be kind of your
6143s late game
6146s I imagine a manual generator you have to
6149s run into it running a wheel yeah hamster
6150s wheel for for making power
6153s um that's physical power for you
6156s no so this is intended to be sort of
6159s your late game Tech
6162s um
6163s pollutant
6165s diesel slash liquid fuel
6170s generator and
6173s it is
6175s a high output I've done a quite a
6179s significant rework in terms of
6182s um what it what what devices are using a
6186s certain amount of power so there's a lot
6188s of shake up in terms of the power
6189s management
6192s um as for
6194s not the final design no this is the
6196s concept art that was made for it so the
6197s model may may look differently and some
6200s some things might not be where they're
6202s at now right now some things might be
6205s turned around
6206s um
6207s but generally speaking on a whole thing
6210s it does kind of look like it
6212s um I've seen a rendition of the 3D
6215s version of it and it's looking badass
6218s I can't wait to show that off
6225s but yeah so this is this is what we were
6227s talking about with the industrial
6228s generator there is an image Link in the
6231s Discord somewhere
6233s embedded on it
6237s that we have
6241s go through that
6242s um it's it's it's quite something
6251s it's
6252s it's definitely something that's for
6254s sure
6256s um so in terms of progression wise
6258s you've got the windmills the water
6260s wheels which will
6262s how is that basic engineering coming
6264s along
6265s oh we've got tailoring split over here
6268s and we've got basic engineering as well
6271s smelting is coming along quite nicely
6276s that is not a bad progression at all
6280s I wonder if we're gonna have
6283s I'm presuming baking and cooking are
6284s gonna come in here eventually
6287s just gonna be something that people can
6290s focus and just bulk create
6293s um ballads and some things to just give
6296s a nudge over campfire cooking to give
6299s some more points to really push
6302s um
6303s the tech significantly
6313s it is looking quite neat so far and are
6316s we getting more people or are we getting
6318s a bit more organized here we've got some
6319s more claims set up
6321s as people get more
6323s unlocks we get more claim papers and
6326s then they can organize themselves a
6327s little bit better
6331s we are starting to see some
6334s Factory assembly here with
6337s with the mortars
6342s with that based on here
6344s biting hard getting them getting those
6347s mortared Stone and
6349s mortar out
6351s which I presume is going to be a good
6353s source of building materials coming out
6355s of this mine as they dig through and
6358s through the iron
6362s also a good way to get rid of the sand
6364s as they're processing through here look
6365s at this this is looking quite nice
6368s getting that sorted
6370s Inventory management going
6374s and the shrine is is looking like it's
6376s coming to a completion here or is it
6378s gonna continue down the path
6382s looking on inventory
6388s and we're starting to see some pretty
6390s nice volume of
6392s outputs here we've ever seen some Palo
6395s as well
6397s get some of the cooking cooking skills
6399s girls going
6402s all are we completely over to
6407s good luck yeah so he locked he locked
6411s the properties
6412s and then you have certain chests that
6415s has everyone in rather than the property
6416s itself
6419s I guess that makes sense to make sure
6421s that
6423s he can organize and kind of get stuff
6426s the way he wanted set up
6434s and this is looking like it is yet
6437s another Factory of some sort taking
6440s place out in the jungle
6445s yeah look at this this there is there is
6448s a carpentry plan here that's for sure
6469s um
6474s where will Renewables fit in will they
6476s produce less power or need consumables
6478s not generate free infinite power it's a
6480s bit of both
6481s uh for 10.0 I have reduced the
6485s Renewables energy production
6489s so instead of just I was kind of caught
6492s in between either
6494s significantly increasing the cost of
6496s each generator
6498s gonna warrant the power they're
6500s generating as its complete 100 free
6503s energy once they're produced initially
6507s so I opted for reducing it significantly
6510s which means that they might be good
6513s enough to have a couple of Lights maybe
6516s a crafting table
6518s um
6519s on a couple of wind turbines
6521s but you wouldn't want to use them to
6524s sustain large-scale production as you do
6528s today
6531s um
6532s because they are a lot
6534s worse when it comes to that you need you
6536s need a significant amount and to run off
6539s the laser and shoot down the meter
6541s you're gonna need an industrial
6543s generator running
6545s at full time
6547s you kind of supplied that that volume of
6549s power that you're gonna be needing
6554s um
6554s ask for
6556s how far along Cutting Edge cooking has
6558s got them
6559s um that one is still a bit in limbo we
6561s added we added ethanol and
6566s the minor stuff to it but
6568s um it's still a bit on the outskirts
6572s um
6574s it'll likely be something that comes
6576s under attention once we get out of some
6578s of the more basic basic features and
6581s functionalities that we wanted on first
6586s um
6588s but who knows maybe maybe something pops
6591s in there every now and then
6593s um
6594s seems like it's it's very hot here half
6596s of the people have removed their
6598s their shirts as they're working in the
6600s mine
6604s as well as pants
6609s but we are seeing some pretty standard
6612s box
6613s Factory setups
6617s um
6620s but
6622s um
6623s Sarah would wish something like a
6625s generator for mechanical well with I
6628s kind of trailed off I apologize for that
6632s with the industrial generator taking the
6634s place of the combustion generator
6637s we are moving things sort of one step
6639s down all the way
6641s so you've got the industrial generator
6642s being the related tier you've got the
6646s Austrian generator which will now be
6648s using solid fuels
6652s um so it'll still take water in and out
6655s but it will use solid fuel rather than
6658s liquid Fuel and it will be your
6659s intermediary first step into electrical
6662s power
6665s and the steam engine which has had that
6668s role before has finally been moved and
6672s transitioned down into mechanical Power
6676s I'm currently looking at
6679s a lot of fuel ranges and fuel
6681s consumptions costs or it is going to be
6684s at
6686s um because it it was a little bit too
6688s heavy on the fuel consumption
6693s but I have also
6697s massively reduced the cost of charcoal
6701s and I know
6702s that's going to be a huge game changer
6705s as well
6707s um so looking forward to seeing
6709s a dynamic between prioritizing
6713s wood to
6715s wood to Charcoal or fuel and utilitarian
6719s purposes
6720s versus cold to to do the same thing
6725s um so there's a lot of changes and just
6728s an overall King balance and
6731s I'm in a mismatch there but the
6735s for the mechanical Power you are going
6737s to see a big change in Windmill and
6739s water wheel is going to have a much
6741s taller output of power
6744s they'll basically only be viable for
6748s the initial stuff so The Sawmill
6751s and the arastra and
6754s The Rocker Box
6756s and then you're gonna need a steam
6758s engine once you want to upgrade your
6760s mining operation
6765s so that's gonna be your first
6767s in in terms of the server cycle that's
6771s going to be your first initial big
6773s pollutant introduction
6777s you won't be able to do non-pollution
6780s based
6782s anymore
6793s and then obviously the steam engine is
6794s going to chunk out quite a significant
6796s amount of energy for it so
6802s I'm looking forward to seeing how the
6805s play test is gonna pan out I'm also
6806s looking forward to seeing how much
6809s um how these changes are going to impact
6813s um
6813s layer progression
6815s in terms of
6818s how many people are involved how many
6819s people are required now to kind of get
6821s to the same point
6823s but also
6826s is the general time of the server like
6828s how long is that industrial mechanical
6830s error lasting versus when is the
6833s industrial stuff being introduced
6835s um
6836s as it's very tricky to kind of balance
6839s that
6840s because sure I mean we can we can just
6842s grab a recipe and take like the research
6845s and
6847s we can just Chunk on like say you know
6849s it takes 10 minutes longer per paper and
6851s then we know that we've extended the
6853s time it takes to research it by you know
6855s 12 hours
6858s um but it's also something that we don't
6860s want to resort to we'd rather have
6863s um more reasons for players to keep
6865s investing the resources to make to
6868s improve their quality of life during
6870s that stage
6871s rather than to opt to just go for more
6875s science and just skip certain steps
6882s and that's why being
6885s some of these speedruns
6887s to see how people really get around some
6890s of those gaps
6893s either through sheer Brute Force
6896s of more players
6901s um or if they're coming up with some
6903s super clever
6904s ways of just accumulating resources
6906s really quickly in comparison
6909s um
6910s or just say you know let's not build a
6912s house let's spend all those all those
6914s resources to
6916s doing some research instead and then
6919s what would where would we go in and say
6922s like hey you know what what do we want
6923s to add in content-wise to fill in this
6926s Gap to make it more interesting to
6929s spend more time playing in this era or
6931s spend more time just doing these these
6933s types of activities
6954s uh we're seeing some we're seeing some
6956s nice progression here they're they're
6957s moving along quite nicely uh
6960s uh do we have any tailoring tables up
6962s yet
6962s [Music]
6975s and win rate tables we have some
6977s tailoring tables here
6980s nope not yet
6984s but I guess that once this
6988s once this Factory out here is starting
6991s to churn through we're gonna see a lot
6993s of
6994s oh yeah holy moly
7004s there's some carpentry here and that's
7005s for sure
7033s look at that they are churning out basic
7035s upgrade once
7038s rinsing out to basic upgrade twos and
7041s then we'll start seeing some real
7044s some real progressions
7047s uh
7049s I saw on some servers
7057s we've got uh penguin a lot of your
7060s research question what if you added
7061s housing to research to get to to get to
7064s different ages you have to get a certain
7066s point person percent amount of
7070s get a percentage of house with said
7073s value
7075s English hard language
7079s um I saw in some servers the shops
7081s listed under people
7084s um
7089s one of the time here we've got the
7092s research thing to
7094s do stages wise yeah I've I've had some
7097s thoughts on that as well and that's kind
7098s of where I'm leaning towards
7101s if we wanted to kind of redo research so
7104s you have to have
7107s um not necessarily housing value per se
7110s but
7112s um
7115s more towards like just like we've got
7117s the laboratory as one object which is
7119s mainly related to culinary or culinary
7122s cooking but
7125s um like a dynamic between like four or
7128s five different crafting objects
7132s um
7133s for the research and then they would
7136s have higher room requirements per and
7139s more just higher room requirements
7141s higher tier requirements
7143s so to do like modern era research you
7146s would need like tier three rooms or
7148s therefore workshops and so on and so
7151s forth
7153s um
7155s kind of have that requirement constantly
7158s the agreeing up where
7161s you need more faculties
7163s you'll be able to keep researching
7165s higher tier things
7167s and it's definitely an approach that we
7169s can look into
7175s thank you
7183s um I do have some plans in that and the
7187s reason why I think it's a good idea is
7188s that
7191s um
7193s oh basically yeah not necessarily but
7198s in that line so you would constantly add
7201s and upgrade your research center
7202s basically
7204s and it could even
7207s it could Flex out and work the same way
7209s as say the mechanics and the industry
7211s where you have modular
7214s modular table requirements so you would
7217s need say
7219s a functioning laboratory in there to be
7223s able to to craft certain amount of
7224s papers or you could have another
7227s non-descript object that you would need
7229s to kind of research and do that thing
7232s so you would have a higher requirements
7233s of these you can have the research table
7236s itself could have low requirements but
7237s then you you would need other objects in
7240s there
7242s um
7243s that would have high requirements which
7245s means you would naturally replace the
7246s whole room because you would need to fit
7248s these other types of things in there
7252s um and on that on that example that's
7255s kind of where my goal is going with
7258s um heading towards sort of a final
7260s destination for
7263s crafting and Housing Development
7266s General is that each profession
7269s is sort of aimed to have at least three
7272s to four tables
7274s her profession
7277s to make sure that you're always having
7279s this kind of
7281s workspace environments you don't just
7283s have a cold small boxed room with
7286s nothing in it except one table
7288s because it looks really Bland
7291s and it's a very it's a very rigid type
7295s of gameplay Loop interactions and
7300s um yeah and I was really loved going
7304s into people's workshops and kind of
7307s poking around and seeing how they build
7308s things and how they've organized things
7311s in their on their property
7314s because they can look really really
7315s different some some do like really
7318s Spartan Style
7320s function over form just a square Tower
7323s and everything is everything just kind
7324s of mashed into the corner
7326s and then just like a small Pathway to be
7330s able to move around it or even jumping
7331s over the furniture to kind of move
7333s around them
7336s um
7337s and then some people do like really go
7339s out of their way and they'll have plenty
7340s of space you can even drive between the
7342s objects and they'll have garage doors
7344s and just like easy access everywhere and
7346s it looks like a real Workshop
7350s um and I think that's as a as a
7352s comparison in terms of like building
7353s restrictions
7356s um if you look at some of the recent
7359s titles that's come out like valheim for
7361s instance where they're forcing the
7362s players
7363s build logically
7366s that somehow makes it kind of a bit
7368s aesthetically
7371s realistic if you will you can get the
7375s functionality you want
7378s and it's a really clever way
7380s to go about
7383s impose like super imposing restrictions
7386s in terms of objects and crafting
7390s while still allowing the full creativity
7393s of the players to to you know play
7395s around with all of these things
7399s um
7401s and it's kind of in that corner that I
7403s want to stay I do want to impose some of
7406s the restrictions and Rule sets that you
7408s know we want to have certain objects
7410s combined by a certain material or
7413s a certain type of criteria
7416s yet still be a fluid enough to allow
7419s players to have their full creativity
7421s and build these really really cool
7422s builds that still functions and and 100
7425s would work in
7427s on a live server not just these creative
7431s cool builds that they do on a private
7433s server just spawning in material
7436s um
7437s it's not like sticking into that area
7443s um
7447s yeah that's a couple of topics that I'm
7449s gonna
7450s looking deeper into and seeing what we
7453s can come up with
7459s that is some concerning
7462s you guys
7466s he is struggling very hard
7478s um what's your thought on energy storage
7480s batteries radioactive materials nuclear
7483s Havoc iron mines and so on
7487s um
7489s it's a really tricky question
7492s [Music]
7494s um
7495s energy storage is
7500s um
7503s it's very convoluted very quickly
7507s um and I don't think that we'll see
7512s that level of
7516s involvement at the moment
7518s [Music]
7520s because I do have some ideas to
7523s what we want to see with with a another
7526s upgrade of a power grid system
7529s any kind of utilities and so on so forth
7531s but it's all very very speculative so I
7534s don't want to break it into details
7535s because I'll
7538s unlock myself
7540s make sure that no one gets any
7544s predetermined ideas and
7548s locks into that
7550s um
7551s I'll leave that a little bit as a fluid
7553s thing we'll get back to it if you have
7556s some ideas for it but for liquid stuff
7560s probably something that is more likely
7562s to get some attention in terms of
7565s storage and crafty involvement
7570s where at the moment everything just runs
7573s on flow rate
7575s so when you have a water pump into a
7577s lake you'll get like one
7581s one arbitrary volume of water every
7585s second and then a machine uses like
7587s 0.3.6 or whatnot
7591s and as soon as the water stops flowing
7593s it immediately stops crafting
7595s um that's something that we want to take
7597s a look at So you you're kind of leaning
7600s towards like water towers and cisterns
7602s and
7603s a way to kind of lick store liquids in a
7606s volume
7607s um
7608s in objects and in the crafting stations
7610s our crafting station would collect a
7612s certain amount of liquid
7613s because it would also solve some of our
7615s internal issues with
7617s like the waste filter
7620s the waste filter issue where a water
7623s output or the clean water is coming out
7625s but it can't cycle back into the same
7627s pipe system because it's overflowing and
7629s it's locks and then it causes
7632s causes some Unity issues
7634s because of the loop creation there
7640s and then obviously the animals are a big
7644s big thing that we'll be looking at
7647s close to 10.
7650s um
7652s because they'll they leave a little bit
7654s too uh
7659s I wish
7661s [Music]
7667s I think we're looking
7669s looking quite good
7676s I don't have a lot
7679s more to go here
7682s making some progress they're pushing up
7684s farming
7686s we're gonna see smelting soon
7704s make sure all the shots are still alive
7707s for me so I don't miss anything
7723s but as we got the Constitution proposed
7726s to uh
7727s foreign
7734s people to be able to arrange some laws
7737s and restrictions and this districts I
7739s guess to either planning
7742s we've got our first box here with a
7745s large volume of room and there we have
7746s our capital
7750s and we're we're starting to see some
7753s carpentry tables
7760s never use ladders here to
7763s get around that issue
7768s and they are just
7771s grinding down the trees here reliably
7773s and I believe we are seeing some roads
7775s being made here yeah
7786s we've probably seen a road plan yeah
7788s here we go that's a road plan for the um
7791s older ass uh
7794s Lord Zach there was saying all this ah
7797s look at that with other Road over here
7801s we've almost got portable rain
7807s all the way from coal mine here look at
7809s this this is quite nice
7814s into the Blackness of the coal
7821s is quite nice
7824s yeah
7825s yeah as Wetlands is going to be looking
7827s quite actually different
7840s that is some sneaky progress on the
7843s upstairs we got like critical resources
7845s wise we've got
7848s the wetlands there I wonder how they're
7849s gonna deal with the copper are they
7851s gonna are they gonna build a giant
7853s bridge on the North and what on Earth
7855s happened here
7858s they just dig out the whole Beach there
7865s like an ant hill here just like
7867s swooshing around and just opening up all
7869s the stone and
7870s dirt around
7882s looking quite neat
7899s oh yeah true oh my that is very true
7902s they might have prepared an area for uh
7905s the water wheels
7914s depth here
7919s yeah it's it's looking like that ain't
7922s it
7931s that's 2 800 watts of mechanical Power
7943s um
7945s they require flowing water but yeah they
7947s they don't work in
7949s they don't work in an incorrect biome
7952s so as long as you're digging these in
7955s out from the ocean biome
7959s you're good
7965s since the Restriction is only doing
7969s well
7972s yeah
7973s as long as they're in here they might
7975s need to dig out one or two more tiles
7979s um
7984s but since they're not in the ocean biome
7986s they're fine
7996s and I'm presuming this pad here is
8000s preparation for the over processing
8003s stockpiles
8010s so on a complexity question since I have
8014s all you find people in here with me
8017s The Rocker Box
8021s um
8022s we'll be getting a power requirement
8028s then
8031s but I'm also leaning towards
8035s adding a water requirement for it as
8037s well
8040s um
8041s basically it would need to be adjacent
8044s to water to function
8050s and that will kind of land lock you in
8053s terms of where you're processing the
8055s crushed material in towards
8059s um
8061s concentrate
8064s and then once you're moving over to
8069s um
8069s the screening machine for instance since
8071s that's using a dry process
8073s and that's no longer landlocked per se
8077s and then once you move over into tier
8079s three you've got the liquid the uh
8082s Heights
8086s um it was it it was originally intended
8089s to
8091s gonna check-in distance if there's
8093s liquid and then generate looted
8096s lutant
8100s they would do like polluted water
8103s splashing all over and then it's kind of
8105s like
8107s also large volume of
8110s water pollution
8112s um but the wet tailings were intended to
8115s fill that role and there's there they're
8117s currently still a placeholder until we
8119s kind of figure out what we want to do
8120s with water
8126s um basically it would check if a water
8128s block is behind it somewhere
8132s we have that as a new requirement in the
8136s system upgrade for the occupancy
8138s so the the large Shipyard for instance
8141s requires it uh
8143s the medium Shipyard and has like a these
8147s forward sliding beams that goes down
8149s into water they have water placement
8151s requirements
8153s so I can add that as a requirement for
8156s The Rocker Box as well
8157s you would have like a block behind them
8160s that would have like a blue blocks that
8161s that you would need to place
8163s adjacent to water
8167s so for a beach line you would place it
8168s like here somewhere and then it would
8170s detect that it has water nearby
8178s um no no it would just be like
8180s it needs water nearby
8190s just to kind of simulate you know
8193s you get four
8196s in in in real life when it comes to
8198s these kind of
8200s Mall screening machine devices you can
8202s do either running water or you could use
8205s a bucket to fill them or
8208s whatever really to to have water running
8210s through them
8212s um
8216s look at this actual fishing going on on
8218s the side
8220s making it easy
8222s peeling out from the speedrun
8228s and just rolling on
8236s you have
8239s and till here with
8243s crazy amount of efficiency going
8245s downhill
8247s um
8248s oh yeah holy snap look at this we got a
8251s layer of iron here
8254s and then that is going all the way down
8256s here
8258s finding some limestone
8260s and that's going all the way down here
8262s to the second layer of iron ore
8272s that is some efficient Machinery going
8275s on here
8279s I wonder if we're gonna see some
8280s elevators
8282s at all I'm I've always been gonna
8289s um
8291s yeah
8295s um Zach um Rhodes are referring to
8298s actual stone roads or
8301s is it someone stomping roads
8307s um Alpine will stockpiles have
8309s requirements for to not be floating
8311s without the floor
8315s um
8317s I have some ideas for that not yet
8320s implemented but
8322s it's
8324s it's a bit tricky with how the
8326s components work and how they're
8327s initialized but
8329s yeah it does bother me when you can have
8332s floating stockpiles
8335s um
8336s my
8338s initial thought is just like it disables
8342s the ability to pull in and out of the
8345s stockpile
8346s from a distance
8351s if they're not on Solid Ground so you
8354s can still make like stockpile Towers but
8357s you can't send stuff in and out of a
8359s stockpile that isn't
8361s like on a solid ground which it is if
8364s the stock quite below it is full
8371s um
8374s you have a bridge a small two tile wide
8378s Bridge from your
8380s from your call
8386s um Mr Chong on dirt ramps yeah
8391s that that is that is something I have in
8394s mind
8395s we'll see when that makes
8397s it in there but my my idea for
8402s idea for the dirt cramps is just get rid
8404s of the crafting
8405s item just like Chuck it out a bin
8408s um and then you would form them the way
8410s you would do
8412s any other kind of building but you would
8413s be using the um
8416s The Stomp tool
8419s create the dirt block forms
8425s um so you would like you would select
8427s the preset form that you want to Stomp
8429s and then you would create it off on that
8432s dirt block
8433s um you're holding it which would mean
8435s that you can't fly dirt you would need
8437s to place dirt
8441s which would reduce the flying dirt
8442s Bridges because you would need to fill
8444s the entirety of the space or you could
8446s need to pre-build
8449s um
8451s another type
8454s um that is
8456s this is actually an issue of the fact
8459s that it is a world object
8461s so this problem would potentially fix
8464s itself once we do that
8474s um
8476s yeah the stone ramps are
8479s I'm leaning towards that same solution
8482s for those as well
8484s but once again it's stuff that
8487s currently isn't intent and probably
8488s won't make it into 10 but
8491s it is those those kind of things are
8496s probably irking me
8498s the same amount as they're being painful
8501s to be using for players as well so
8505s um
8506s as we kind of move along and we start
8508s focusing more on some of these quality
8510s of life
8512s fleshing out of certain mechanics and
8514s certain systems like like the dirt like
8517s the ramps in general
8519s and some of those things they're going
8520s to be more
8522s more ironed out
8524s as we move through
8527s as we move through 2023
8533s [Music]
8533s um
8535s looking pretty good
8538s we're sneaking along
8546s will that make it impossible to make
8548s ramps in the desert if they turn back
8550s into that yes
8552s it will likely be the case
8561s um but we are also looking at
8564s the world gen of the desert in its
8567s entirety
8569s um
8575s um we will update 10 launch within June
8578s this stable fall
8580s like 10 release no
8584s um
8585s we are trying to push out the white
8588s tiger play test as soon as possible
8590s though
8591s that will
8593s to keep track on that one I advise you
8596s to just keep attention on the Discord
8600s for more direct information regarding
8602s regression on the 10 update
8607s foreign
8612s look at that they are stockpiling in
8613s Iron now
8617s and we are looking
8619s we have something here yeah I think
8626s seeing some more
8628s a more logistical
8630s setups now I think with some stores to
8632s make sure that things are going in the
8634s way they want them to go
8637s uh yeah the spice must flow
8644s the spice must flow cannot stop the
8646s spices Supply
8654s oh look at this the jungle is taking a
8657s toll from this
8664s what jungle the rainforest will will be
8668s purged
8676s [Music]
8681s going quite nicely
8683s when it's quite happy overseeing so many
8686s people are still
8688s just hammering away at it
8691s um I believe there's a
8693s we've lost a couple
8697s which is unavoidable
8700s guessing it's
8702s related to time zone and food and
8704s everything else that
8706s takes priority
8712s all Central is up I see a bridge over
8715s that's done
8719s we're seeing some more infrastructure
8721s being made in the rainforest
8725s whole rainforest woodworking Factory is
8729s progressing quite crazyly fast
8734s and Williams in charge of food
8736s dispensing has reached campfire cooking
8738s six
8744s which is
8746s crazy amazing but
8753s down here in the chair
8756s okay
8760s old growth rainforest trees at some
8763s point
8769s old growth reinforest trees
8773s um you're thinking like these these huge
8777s all I mean in in general it's it's like
8780s a bar version
8782s if you will I've seen a couple of
8785s these really really really big trees um
8788s that reminds you of the the
8790s like old growth Style
8792s and some of them are Saba
8795s species
8797s or like a variation of the Sable tree
8800s um kind of like these these humongous
8802s sleeves
8803s things
8805s um
8807s and
8809s bamboo trees um well bamboos is is
8812s another type of rainforest though
8818s um
8819s but bamboo is also an interesting
8821s interesting aspect
8823s um
8826s but I think I can poke
8828s oh yeah maple trees
8830s there's a lot of tree types that we
8834s probably would like to take a look at
8836s what makes sense to add
8838s um
8839s using we've got papayas as kind of
8842s they're they're not really a tree but
8844s they're they're fruit tree
8848s but they're not really usable as Palms
8852s and
8854s we'd like to add a more General fruit
8857s trees like that so do
8860s post
8862s those things that you'd like to see in
8865s terms of like crops and
8867s B types and and whatnot in in the dev
8869s Hangout
8872s because it is something that we are
8874s interested in kind of taking more of a
8876s closer look at but it's also
8879s something that would be
8882s requiring a bit of a bit of time and
8886s development from our side so we'd like
8888s to see some feedback and see if it's if
8891s it's something that a lot of players
8892s would like to
8894s get in
8897s um
8898s and we can maybe prioritize it a little
8900s bit different if there is a larger
8902s volume interest in getting some more of
8904s that
8923s we have here
8926s we've covered all that
8932s and then the deforestation that's
8934s happening here now that people are
8936s starting to
8937s we're seeing some more vehicles yet no
8941s we have a single part
8945s this feels so crazy that people are
8947s doing
8948s things in the scale and we we don't have
8951s we have a wheelbarrow yet
8953s nope no wheelbarrows
8955s we have logging do we have a small cart
8961s oh yeah there we go there's one small
8963s card in the world
8966s oh boy
8972s at that poor jungle yeah that that this
8975s jungle is gonna get
8980s oh yeah true that that might be the cool
8982s thing
8984s yeah I mean Thomas I'd agree with you
8988s but they're not even doing that
8993s you've got
8995s you've got the stockpile here
8997s then you got a stockpile here
9002s but
9003s my people are running with with logs in
9005s their hands there's been so many people
9007s that
9009s like the trail of ants with logs
9013s uh
9016s as just you know
9019s uniformly just loaded here but I think I
9022s think they might have gotten a bit more
9026s um
9028s out of it if they would just have like a
9031s couple of cards
9032s like Chuck down a card here on top of
9035s the hill
9035s and then fill that card and just crazily
9038s roll it down the hill pick it back up
9039s and then just dump it back on top of the
9041s ground again just ignore the roads
9044s um just like
9045s or local assembly or something
9051s but hey I am not involved in this I'm
9054s just a casual server being super
9057s impressed by the effort and energy put
9059s into this so
9066s um
9067s quite nice
9069s on is still a bit misbehaving
9073s it's it's gotten better but it's still
9077s a bit janky as you can see
9110s the white busy piece
9120s [Music]
9122s laughs
9125s um my plans to change how stockpiles
9127s work so you can transfer them between
9129s them as easily featured to reduce
9131s stockpile training from mines
9135s um
9135s there is some thumb plans in regards to
9139s that but it also has a lot of
9140s prerequisites or things like
9144s we don't want to change the behavior
9146s unless we have an alternative way for
9148s players to have an equal kind of quality
9151s of life
9152s way of dealing with it
9155s um
9156s that makes sense from a gameplay
9158s perspective
9160s and until we have a good slick way of
9164s allowing players to to be able to
9167s transport more
9169s really in that regards
9172s um we're likely not going to touch the
9175s way
9176s Oak piles work until we have an
9178s alternative solution for that
9181s because it's just one of those things
9183s where
9185s they need to be able to transport
9189s because of the bolt material you don't
9192s want to just force people to run with a
9194s certain amount in your hand all over the
9196s place
9198s where they have been able to transfer
9200s like thousands of materials over a order
9203s at the distance
9210s but there's a couple of things in there
9211s that we we kind of
9213s we don't necessarily need to do it you
9216s change it up but from
9220s from a quality of life to the player
9224s we have that sort of set
9226s on our end that we do not want to change
9229s it
9230s until we have that alternative way of
9232s dealing with it
9235s when we do
9239s um it'll it'll be looked after but we'll
9242s you know you will see such a change
9244s coming from a mile away in different
9246s streams or
9248s poster announcements or whichever source
9251s of information we might push it through
9260s yeah I think it's been such an integral
9262s part of Eco for such a long time it's
9264s not going to be an easy decision once
9266s that does happen
9270s that wouldn't be too far too concerned
9273s with it as of right now
9280s look at this just shopping away at those
9283s palm trees
9285s making quick work of them
9306s well
9309s yeah Zach I mean you you saw the latest
9312s patch notes
9315s with the um
9318s someone came in on the server and
9321s um
9323s nine seven thirteen
9325s I think it was her if it was 12.
9328s um
9329s if someone joined the server and had a
9332s single
9333s letter name
9335s it broke repairs
9343s and that is not the first time we've had
9347s like all the teas happen
9352s um
9353s due to either system upgrades or
9357s you know oversights or or
9360s over engineering things and that's
9362s that's something that all development
9364s teams run into every now and then like
9367s I've seen some
9369s I've seen some crazy patch notes from
9372s certain Studios
9375s and it's always impressive
9379s um even for me with with the team we
9381s have
9386s oh yeah that that one is also fun
9390s um but it's always impressive to see
9391s when we have these really really weird
9394s obscure errors that no one really
9397s figure out where the heck it's coming
9400s from and then someone has this Eureka
9403s moment and just realizes that hey this
9406s is why it's happening and this is what
9408s the problem is
9409s and then just goes in
9411s cracks it down checks it and verifies
9413s that yeah this is in fact the reason why
9415s it's breaking
9417s um
9418s and we can drop off like a crash fix or
9421s something where this specific unique
9424s under than a million
9428s event caused this certain Cascade of
9431s Errors causing this final final issue of
9434s like something exploding
9441s and it's also it's always impressive
9443s seeing that
9447s and that's like I said it's something
9448s that game developers all over and just
9452s software developers in the enroll
9453s shouldn't specify the game developers
9454s it's something that happens on
9456s web applications or websites or
9459s any type of
9462s system that uses a humanly written code
9466s that is a that has a machine supposed to
9469s be executing as
9471s all programs are only as good as the
9473s people developing it and if you run into
9477s snags
9478s then you never know what the events can
9480s happen
9483s and
9487s buggies are tricky I think it's a good
9489s summary of that
9491s they can be really easy
9493s and they can be really nasty
9497s can heal us hello hello welcome
9510s to this
9512s craziness of
9515s woodworking industrial sector
9521s [Laughter]
9524s hello lark
9528s um update on 10
9531s um
9531s if you haven't checked out the Myriad of
9534s different streams that we've had
9537s I would strongly recommend them they're
9539s recorded on YouTube on our official
9541s strange Loop games Channel
9544s as for right now we talked a little bit
9547s about
9548s the seeding changes and World Gym stuff
9552s and the industrial generator that's
9554s coming as well
9556s um
9558s and I got
9560s a new plant coming as well that I'll
9563s talk about
9564s a little bit later
9575s but we are looking pretty pretty nice if
9578s we open up the UI again here let's have
9580s a look and
9582s check tech tree
9584s we made any progress we got farming is
9586s now unlocked
9589s and
9592s uh we got smelting was already done
9594s basic engineering done and I believe
9596s we're gonna be
9597s are we gonna be stuck on that one
9600s fertilizer we're probably not gonna see
9602s paper Milling We're Not Gonna See
9605s um baking cooking is a bit on off I
9608s think we're gonna see either one
9611s just because to to utilize the resources
9613s that are available on the map
9616s no yeah
9618s um yeah Zach I don't I don't think
9622s I don't think the fertilizer is going to
9624s be used that much for
9626s for the um
9631s for the farming per se
9637s but
9640s I think it wasn't it there wasn't there
9642s one of the research papers that was
9644s pretty okay
9646s in terms of resource cost but then again
9648s someone would need to pick fertilizer
9650s and and so on so forth and I haven't
9651s really
9652s log into
9654s the spreadsheet there about what people
9656s were doing and what private
9657s prioritization they were doing it just
9659s because I wanted to kind of
9663s have a um
9666s Alexi
9671s um
9673s to deal with that
9676s um
9677s regarding custom images in 10 will
9680s mothers be able to generate images on
9682s the fly without needing to go through
9684s the admin approval process for user
9685s generated images
9687s um
9688s any custom images or any custom textures
9691s that needs to be uploaded to the server
9693s will always have
9696s an approval process tied to them
9699s assuming that the server has not
9702s disabled this because you can disable
9704s and just allow anyone to upload anything
9707s which is something that we left in there
9711s in case of say smaller Community servers
9713s or
9715s um you know invite only servers where
9717s they know they don't have to worry about
9718s people uploading weird content
9723s um
9726s but in regards to say icons for items
9729s and so on so forth mothers will still
9731s have to do kind of the same thing as
9732s everyone else
9738s what are we doing here
9745s um map mods
9748s meaning in regards to like uploading say
9750s a giant texture of the entire map or
9754s um
9755s what are we talking about
9760s uh
9762s I mean for the oil like the layers
9778s what do you mean like pressure map kind
9780s of thing where
9785s um
9788s foreign
9796s yeah another I mean that it's it's kind
9799s of quasi-client side mod which is why
9801s it's a bit finicky
9804s um there's also a big security
9807s part of it where we don't want to upload
9809s we don't want to allow allow like we
9812s upload of certain things
9814s um that might result in wonky Behavior
9817s the only reason why we don't uh we
9820s generally don't allow
9822s custom code that we loaded in and and
9824s ran on the client without permission and
9826s so on so forth
9828s oh there we go
9831s on the opposite end of the Earth
9835s [Music]
9837s so that like the yeah
9856s oh yeah
9861s I mean in theory that shouldn't be a
9863s problem
9865s like you would
9867s you would generate
9870s or output an image based on the layer to
9872s the array
9877s and just print it and
9880s drop it in from the server perspective
9883s um
9898s oh
9931s yeah I mean I I think I follow what
9934s you're looking for
9937s um
9938s with
9942s [Music]
9945s um the tricky part about
9949s the tooltip system in general is that
9951s it's
9952s like if I open this up for optimization
9954s purposes this this whole tip is now
9957s cached locally on the client
9960s and it only updates so often to avoid
9963s you from from being able to calling it
9965s completely and just like
9968s calling it repeatedly over and over and
9970s over again to just allow the traffic and
9973s cause every stick you know
9976s deteriorate quite quickly because you
9978s have say you know 70 people searching
9980s for
9981s a certain store or when they open up
9984s economy viewer
9985s they fetch all of this data from all of
9988s the stores on the server and depending
9989s on the server size they can be quite
9991s substantially sized
9995s um
9997s but it would be interesting to have some
9999s like
10002s open the sense
10005s and a deal or
10007s because you do have
10011s you do have the news feed that we are
10013s trying to keep approving on
10017s um
10021s that is we're kind of cleaning out
10024s things that are necessary out of it and
10028s so it's and I'm just keeping relative
10030s things in there
10032s um so showing up like a store has been
10034s opened the store has been closed the
10035s store is now selling XYZ
10038s um
10039s this will be quite a lot of information
10044s oh it's it's oh my just relaxing
10066s here
10075s that is just keeping an eye on the the
10077s empires to make sure they don't spread
10079s the fire and burn up all the just the
10081s food in them
10087s [Music]
10089s well on the approval process you do have
10092s separate folders for Approved textures
10094s and
10095s ending
10096s pending process so if if an image is
10099s uploaded directly into the correct
10100s folder it should already be pre-approved
10103s from the server side of things
10106s so if it is a mod
10108s you could steer it to print those images
10110s into the correct folder and that would
10113s automatically just work in game
10124s um
10126s but you'd still have the issue of like
10128s how are you updating that texture
10133s um
10134s or on in on on what interval because it
10137s can get quite heavy if you have
10140s you know uh
10143s 50 or 100 boards where they're showing
10146s this big picture on like big canvas
10148s areas or a sign or whatever else and
10151s then you upload and upload the texture
10153s and then all the caching is gone and you
10154s have to reapply it and re-upload it to
10156s all the clients
10157s depending on the texture size and all of
10160s that
10161s it can get quite heavy depending on the
10163s frequency
10165s so say you update it every five minutes
10167s and minutes
10169s um
10172s and it kind of goes into
10175s a big
10176s a big issue with optimization with mods
10179s where mods might not consider some of
10181s the blowback potential for data transfer
10185s um
10186s that's just something to keep in mind
10195s um
10195s they should cache them on proximity
10200s so when they load in they should be
10202s loading in towards with the chunk
10206s um
10208s but I am not sure how they're unloading
10211s or when they're unloading because I
10215s am not involved in
10219s um some of the chunk optimization
10222s stuff
10227s as that is that is
10229s way above in terms of
10232s some of the technical details of
10238s the threading and memory management
10241s that I do not
10243s um
10246s I prefer to stay in my balance and
10248s design corner
10274s well we're looking looking quite nice
10276s we're Epping out a little bit I think
10281s I think we're still having a quite High
10283s momentum we're just
10286s things are starting to uh
10289s about in terms of
10292s needing more processed materials and
10295s more specific ones
10306s um we are coming up on two hours and 52
10310s minutes
10313s so short under three hours
10330s probably do
10335s there
10345s that yeah
10348s just hide that for a bit and then we'll
10350s do all transition in there and
10354s mute my microphone for a little bit
10356s a bathroom break and I will be back in a
10359s few minutes
10371s [Music]
10379s foreign
10425s [Music]
10433s thank you
10456s thank you
10490s thank you
10511s [Music]
10521s foreign
10598s foreign
10614s [Music]
10669s foreign
10740s foreign
10789s getting distracted too often by shiny
10791s things yeah there's
10793s I mean
10794s oh yeah look at that we have a cart I
10797s see a cart
10798s there's a small cart in motion
10801s unless I heard of her toys is here
10806s um
10808s I mean when we're assuming around here
10810s and we have a quite significant progress
10812s like these guys are doing absolute crazy
10816s level of work here
10818s we've got what six seven masonry tables
10821s we've got like nine carpentry tables if
10823s that's even enough
10825s um they've dug it down
10828s massive amount of
10830s facing us here I mean we got like what
10832s eight stockpiles of iron ore dog already
10836s um they keep digging down towards the
10837s Limestone and everything else
10841s um you know something to keep in mind is
10843s that there is a lot of people doing this
10848s um and it's not just you know a group of
10850s two three people it's I don't know how
10851s many people they were here digging
10853s digging initially
10854s 20.
10858s five and
10860s thirteen
10862s still going at it yeah they got
10864s seven masonry tables
10866s [Music]
10871s 12 carpentry tables and three Winery
10873s tables plus five
10876s tailoring tables
10880s that's a lot of
10882s a lot of resources that needs Gathering
10886s to be able to keep those running
10890s um they put up a constitution
10894s um for basic thing so they have a
10898s basic election
10901s I wonder what this isn't oh yeah many
10903s people in here
10905s um
10913s there we go
10915s we've got this one where it's it's
10917s allowing
10919s um Ed L forward narkey and Weyland to
10922s just immediately execute things for
10926s uh anything that's using basic elections
10929s and all other actions and then
10931s executive actions and District Maps
10935s um
10940s yeah I'm not sure why it's two commas
10943s here this one was odd
10947s I don't know if it's trying to if there
10949s is another name here that it's not
10950s showing
10954s um
10956s let's create it it is running on the
10960s latest stable
10963s release Builds on 9 7 13.
10970s I wasn't sure if that was someone flying
10972s or if that was someone that just
10975s lost connection for a second so he was
10977s flying on my client because he jumped as
10979s The Last Action
10986s but we're looking
10987s pretty slick
10990s well do we have some more
10993s oh yeah look at that we've got all three
10995s starting to roll here
10998s basic research done
11001s I'm presuming that we're gonna see some
11003s of the some of the old geology research
11005s here quickly
11010s I'm presuming that we're gonna see
11012s Pottery done within
11015s um you know say two three hours or
11016s something and then
11020s um
11024s um just it's just just none
11027s um it's running on on the the latest
11029s table so just opt out of betas
11036s [Music]
11039s um you mean for the the computer lab
11042s thank you
11056s Yes siree
11064s so you need they need to hit Level 6 in
11068s all of their professions essentially
11074s but I am I'm also kind of
11076s assuming that they're going to be
11078s shifting around
11079s Apartments so they'll they'll do like
11081s residential
11082s and someone gets like max level
11085s residential they'll push through and
11086s then produce a crapload of stuff to get
11089s their profession up really quickly
11091s and then when they have that profession
11093s maxed out they'll leave the house for
11095s someone else to do the same and kind of
11097s rotate around
11099s just to get the housing and the skills
11102s up quickly
11105s and I'm suspecting that we'll be seeing
11106s that for all of the advanced upgrades uh
11109s during the day tomorrow
11111s oh look at this Devastation oh my
11116s foreign
11122s a big chunk of I mean it's terrifying to
11126s see how much all the rainforest is still
11127s around
11129s but it is a big chunk of it so far
11137s these guys are kind of filling out here
11140s I need to take a take a stroll down
11141s there
11143s for Mark here let's do the Hippie Hollow
11148s [Music]
11152s grab some some markers down here do that
11155s that's a green thing
11157s and we'll drop down one here where we're
11159s gonna see a lot of
11162s or interesting things all lands
11167s they're at this dark yellow just make it
11171s not
11172s point out
11174s um yeah Zach it's it's running on the
11175s tiger-sized world so it's 2.56
11178s kilometers so it's five times the size
11180s all but kind of like your default map
11186s we've got
11189s the search Mayhem
11196s data
11199s it just so just so we can have some
11202s points to orient us to words so if we
11206s speed up towards maybe Hollow here and
11208s we'll go
11209s faster than the speed of light so we
11211s just
11212s transcend the loading
11215s of the world
11220s push up a little bit so we don't scare
11221s them to death when we warp in here
11228s see how these guys are doing so these
11229s guys are seemingly on their own a little
11232s bit
11234s uh
11236s I'm just chilling I believe they had
11237s their own research table and then we're
11239s doing some minor stuff and these guys
11240s seem to have they got some basic
11242s engineering going
11245s we've got some rocker boxes so this is
11247s what I was talking about with the rocket
11249s boxes I was thinking of having
11252s um like a water requirement in front of
11254s them
11255s you will have like the water pouring out
11256s into the lake or something
11259s sploshing around with the pollution
11268s unlike it I these animations are so nice
11272s and
11277s just fits so nicely in with
11281s an uneven level of detail
11285s and complexity
11292s yeah that's what I'm thinking
11297s um
11300s but we'll see how far I push it with 10.
11304s um you know there's there's more updates
11306s coming after that
11308s we got a research table and the
11310s carpentry table
11312s but this is more in terms of what I ex
11315s what I would expect from say a smaller
11317s group or a middle-sized group that
11320s you're playing around here
11321s nuclear power
11333s well biosh
11335s as as mentioned
11338s prior here
11340s we talked about the industrial generator
11342s and some of the power changes I've done
11344s to
11347s um
11349s through the middle game and late game
11351s where the steam engine is producing
11353s mechanical Power and you pretty much
11355s need a steam engine
11357s to be able to run the screening machine
11359s and the stamp Mills so you will be
11362s forced kind of to produce pollution in
11365s mid-game and onward
11368s and well early game depending on how
11370s fast you're up with the mechanics
11373s um
11375s which means that
11377s in in today's episode of Eco here
11382s you can see that these are pretty pretty
11384s environmental friendly these are just
11386s chugging along some Stone pieces and and
11388s some kicking around something with
11390s running on is the water wheel
11394s but as soon as you want to move up to
11397s there we go ratified Constitution passed
11400s and as you can see it has been only
11403s three hours since the game started and
11405s they managed to pass a constitution
11409s um main reason for that is because the
11411s Constitution had
11413s enough people voting on it
11416s to make sure it passed early
11419s but on the power thing so the stamp
11422s Mills today
11425s can be ran with the water wheel or
11427s windmill quite conveniently
11432s the desert Mayhem again
11435s and
11436s that means that until
11440s almost tier three
11443s you can do Mining and any Mining and any
11447s extracting
11448s and not to be confused with the actual
11451s concentrating but the process of mining
11454s crushing
11455s and then screening it
11457s doesn't actually cause pollution
11459s you do get tailings out of the
11461s concentrate that causes pollution but
11464s the process itself doesn't cause
11465s pollution
11467s and that's something that we really
11469s wanted to change because
11471s it has such a profound impact on the
11474s gameplay
11475s as well as the kind of intermediary
11478s effects from early game to Middle game
11480s to laser cleaner energy progression
11485s um
11486s that at least I personally really wanted
11489s to kind of shake up and make sure that
11491s we have that pollution Source throughout
11493s the game and even if it's a somewhat
11495s stable curvature of
11497s gradually increasing pollution until you
11499s come up to like Green Tech
11503s what is going on here
11505s what is this something
11507s there's some sneaky River Building here
11508s yeah we've got some sneaky River
11510s Building here
11513s this is also a way to to move water
11516s around the two where you need it
11527s um
11529s um Europe service using common Americans
11531s using thought that I mean that's that's
11533s kind of
11536s that's because of standardized systems
11539s not being completely standardized
11544s I think it's a good example on it
11547s um it depends on
11549s the installment and usage of keyboard
11554s determining Factor so if you got like a
11555s an English
11558s or a european-based keyboard or if
11560s you're using like us language elections
11568s um it will use the symbol appropriately
11570s depending on the region you're in
11587s oh look at this all the iron ore is
11589s starting to come out here when they're
11592s they're starting to prepare for the
11598s doomsday industrialization here
11607s yeah
11609s yes Thomas says it should be client
11612s but I know we've had some cases where
11615s there's certain tool tips and certain
11617s descriptions that are coming from the
11620s server side of things and then it might
11622s be using the server language selection
11624s rather than the client
11637s could pollution have an effect on
11639s housing and cultural values to wanted to
11641s District polluting Industries away from
11642s the rest of the game activities
11645s I believe there is a
11647s currently non-released like non-public
11650s released model that does that or if
11652s there even was one
11655s where it
11658s um you have one of the recent one being
11660s like
11661s I'll sing score or if it was food score
11665s impacting like stomach and
11668s mother General stuff and then you had
11670s pollution impacting
11674s um housing value I know I dabbled a
11676s little bit on it in terms of from a
11678s multi-kit perspective but
11681s I don't think I've seen one actually
11683s finalize them publicized
11688s um if it would be possible to do it
11691s absolutely
11701s um
11707s or some some iron ore just vanished
11711s we're gonna restrain the back end
11732s foreign
11767s would be great to see more impact of
11770s pollution on the world in general
11772s in my opinion currently ground pollution
11774s only really affects local crop fertility
11776s and that's about it yeah there is a
11778s couple of couple of design snags with
11781s pollution as is one of them one of them
11783s is that there the pollution is reclining
11785s too fast
11788s um there's also something that I've been
11791s poking on a little bit but I haven't
11793s really had more time to kind of delve
11795s into as a request from from style EF one
11798s of our moderators as well as Dennis
11801s um and that's the temperature
11804s differential between when a world is
11807s over polluted
11808s who when it's starting to basically
11812s drown the world
11814s so we want the pollution to kind of be
11816s more of a peak thing
11819s um where it
11821s pollution is presented more of a
11823s continuous problem versus
11825s flooding that happens way later that's a
11828s permanent thing
11831s um we want things like plants to die off
11833s before you see worlds being flooded
11835s because it can be
11837s it can go very quickly because it's not
11839s enough of a temperature gap between the
11841s pollution gap between those two points
11843s so that's something I'll be I'll be
11846s looking a little bit on during tiger
11848s play test
11849s to see if we can't increase that
11851s throttle a bit and then adjust the um
11854s the pollution absorption values for the
11856s plants a little bit more to
11859s um be less reliant on the static app
11862s that we have
11865s um
11868s but there's a lot of a lot of kind of
11870s combined systems there that are
11873s in the process of being
11876s redesigned or reworked
11879s just to make them make more sense
11881s as well as to make them behave a lot
11884s better with the rest of the environments
11886s and oh God there's a lot of
11889s a lot of trampling going on here and
11891s Devastation of the ground layer
11898s um
11899s the part of it was a massive rework the
11902s plants
11904s and I can't iterate that I emphasize
11907s that enough they've been significantly
11909s changed
11910s in their behavior so while they look the
11913s same they might look just more scarce
11916s they are fundamentally behaving
11918s differently you still have the same kind
11920s of fertilizer you're planting them
11922s you're harvesting in the same fashion
11925s but internally they're working very
11927s differently
11931s I can't rest knowing how much the breeze
11933s there is well
11935s um
11937s not too bad I think they've they've done
11940s a
11941s they've done a moderate job at keeping
11944s it somewhat clean
11947s um
11948s considering the amount of trees they've
11950s felt I mean they haven't attacked stumps
11953s but
11956s nope I refuse too much
11962s I mean other than some stumps here and
11964s there yeah yeah follow follow Zach's
11967s advice you can always jump in on the
11968s server and help them clear them out
11974s um I don't know I think they might be
11975s leaving the stumps intentionally to not
11977s have
11978s a bunch of small trees growing back
11983s just to be able to kind of keep
11984s progressing and finding more trees
11988s [Music]
11995s but it is looking looking pretty rad
11998s there
12000s dressing quite nicely here and
12003s as always if there is some weird quality
12005s deterioration on the stream just give me
12007s an original
12008s look at it and see what's going on
12011s um just to sell
12012s and a reminder Dennis is usually the one
12014s that
12015s keeps a track on it but uh
12018s he's on some well-deserved
12021s vacation right now
12030s um
12033s I got my partner here with the stream up
12036s and it's
12037s it's looking like
12040s it's going all right
12042s um that would be lead game designer
12050s so it's it's literally
12054s me poking holes at things and
12058s coming up with new ideas and drafts for
12060s how we wanted to change them why we want
12062s to change them in what Manner we want to
12064s change them
12065s and
12067s what the course of action should be
12070s um
12072s mostly someone else peeling out the
12075s tasks to to
12077s different people to assign them to who
12079s is working and who is actually working
12081s on what but
12083s planning a little bit on what the task
12085s is uh
12087s I'll just drop them in the lab of people
12088s that
12090s have that field of expertise like
12094s um robbed are amazing to the artist and
12098s then does all the concept art we've got
12099s the flow that does amazing 3D modeling
12104s um so those are the people that I go
12105s through whenever I have something that
12108s need to requisition new assets for
12111s oh yeah look at that someone someone is
12114s slacking here with either you
12117s or
12118s ingredient resources
12121s or someone's someone's missing uh labor
12124s in
12126s although we are seeing a lot of
12128s a lot of food
12130s that I know from personal experience
12132s that food is going to be gone as soon as
12134s someone starts adding new work orders
12150s farming up there built some we got one
12153s poor little butcher
12160s three Masons
12162s glassworking's holy snap
12169s that that's snuck up on me
12173s uh we got poultry going on and we got
12175s last working coming along
12178s um
12178s have you explored through mods that have
12181s been created for the game and what's
12182s your general View and mods I love mods
12185s personally
12187s um
12189s I have my niche
12192s sort of preference that I would I like
12195s my mods to
12197s bit
12199s thematically with
12201s the game
12203s um
12204s in some way shape or form or you know if
12207s there's a total conversion mod for
12208s something that changes out things to a
12210s complete technical
12213s differential so
12216s um if you're looking at
12220s um
12222s like Minecraft for instance where you
12224s can have a full technical mod where
12226s everything is just you know
12228s industrialized and you've got power
12229s lines and you have Machining tools or
12232s vehicles or whatever else craziness
12235s then as long as that mod pack consists
12238s of things that
12240s is cohesive to the theme of that mod
12245s I have no problem with all conversions
12247s or or whatever else like craziness but I
12251s would I do prefer my mods to
12256s art wise be
12259s of the same type
12261s so you don't have like
12264s a really awesome fully detailed racing
12269s car and then
12270s the tractor they added to it was like a
12273s square
12275s um
12276s not my
12279s Preferred Choice
12282s um that said I do know that there's a
12284s lot of mods with a lot of coders that
12286s does mods and they're not really super
12289s artistical
12290s I I fully understand them because
12293s neither am I
12297s um so having like some some rough shape
12299s or or whatnot so
12301s like doing low poly stuff
12304s um
12305s but keeping within that same theme is is
12307s always quite nice and that's why I'm
12309s like some of the mods for Eco that I've
12312s seen are amazingly fitting into it
12315s either be it the 2D art for their icons
12318s for it or the actual models themselves
12320s they fit nice with the glossiness or the
12324s metalness to them and the color palettes
12326s and
12328s um
12330s all the things around the models
12332s themselves
12333s we've seen a couple of really cool ones
12336s during our community streams
12338s some are in-house some are complete
12341s custom some are more
12343s some are more known and the more spread
12345s like the the EM mod packs
12348s where they add a lot of a lot of
12350s functionality a lot of fluidity to
12352s player choices and
12355s just just expands the game more
12359s um
12361s is something that I always love to see
12363s personally
12365s now will I play all of the mods that I
12369s see
12369s probably not
12371s mainly because it's a personal choice
12375s or a personal preference that you know I
12378s I don't use big shovels for instance
12380s because
12382s um
12385s for me they're they're very weird in
12388s terms of how I think of the game
12391s part of it might be that you know
12392s working on it and being so ingrained in
12395s the process of
12396s the thought process behind the vanilla
12398s experience
12401s um that said I do understand why people
12403s love it
12404s and
12407s that's also where we want to
12412s be with our multi kit like we wanted to
12414s be able to provide the tools for people
12416s to create complete custom experiences if
12418s they want
12423s have you played a mod that made you
12425s think oh snap that should be in the main
12427s game anyway
12429s [Music]
12430s um
12433s probably a whole heap load of them
12438s um
12439s but it's also very
12442s it's a very very wide question
12446s because some may fit
12450s because they look nice and they expand
12452s certain options
12453s but they might not fit because
12456s they're adding a layer of complexity
12458s that goes beyond what the general
12460s experience in vanillas
12465s um
12469s but most of the time I run into mods
12472s that I would you know would go like well
12474s this is a really this is something that
12477s would really fit in vanilla
12480s um is like the utility things for
12483s management and so on like nid's toolbox
12485s which is an absolute fantastic tool we
12487s can't praise it enough
12490s um
12491s guys em framework contains some of some
12495s some super critical stuff that a lot of
12499s server admins are
12502s massively thankful to be able to have
12505s um
12506s and and our own
12508s promise here in in chat I'm presuming
12510s he's still around here somewhere
12512s did some spectacular work on some of the
12516s company stuff and
12517s the custom the big things
12521s for white tiger initially that's sort of
12524s spread through the general public as
12526s well with his expanded Civic mods
12529s that fits really well because they're
12531s built in and intended to be part of
12535s the Civic experience of the game
12539s um
12541s but Mozart's mods are also tricky when
12545s it comes to that because you know you
12546s can look at them all and go like
12548s this should really be in base game
12550s but then you look at the code of that
12552s mod and go
12554s to be able to add this to the base game
12558s you would need to rewrite the mod
12560s completely to do the same thing but from
12562s a base code perspective
12566s and I believe that's a bit a big
12568s misconception
12569s with mods
12572s on a whole and and this goes like beyond
12575s the Eco mods in general across across
12578s the industry
12580s where
12582s you know you could just grab a mod and
12584s just dump it in but it could be super
12586s crude super unoptimized and
12589s potentially break a lot of other things
12591s because it's not cohesively built in the
12593s same way coding-wise as the rest of the
12595s project
12597s so even though it might sound simple to
12601s just
12602s join it and plonk it back into the
12604s project and Bam you have the mod and all
12606s of that content is now available for the
12608s rest of the player base
12611s um it might in fact be
12613s weeks worth of rewriting and testing to
12615s make sure that it actually works
12619s depending on the complexity of the mode
12621s of course
12626s it's a difficult subject but
12629s overall I love modes even if I might not
12633s use all of them for
12635s all my games and only do like mod
12638s specific games
12640s um
12642s it's a fantastic way for allowing
12644s players to
12648s Express creativity and
12651s also allows developers to see kind of
12654s what people are wanting and
12658s and so on so forth
12668s um would not at least some others be
12670s open to rewriting their mods to SLG
12672s standards if it meant that that their
12674s ideas got out into the vanilla game
12677s um that's that's sort of the other flip
12679s side of the coin
12681s because some others might
12684s there might be a couple of mothers that
12686s you know would love to do that and
12688s that's that's also part of why we have
12691s the dev tier program
12694s as is so people can do this already
12697s um some others that publish and interact
12701s with the modern Community the publish
12702s mods
12704s um chat up with Dennis and and
12707s come up with kind of that and get
12709s involved in in with the devotee system
12711s and and so on so forth and
12713s if you have Dev tier access
12716s you have source code access which means
12718s you have access to all
12721s like the General Wikipedia
12725s um
12729s guidelines and restrictions and can all
12732s all the documentation for how to write
12733s the code and what the limitations are
12735s and so on so forth
12739s um
12740s is in on on a repository
12744s um just scrolled out you should be able
12746s to see
12747s generally all people on the map I just
12749s scroll them out to just not see the
12751s names
12755s um
12755s but yeah so all are kind of statutory
12758s documentation everything's in there and
12760s then if someone
12764s if someone does have a mod that they
12766s want to publish they can they can write
12767s it in the the base
12771s repository and they can post it as a PR
12774s or a pull request on GitHub
12777s and then have
12779s it being reviewed and gone over
12783s just like any other of our general work
12786s that goes into the base project
12788s so that's something that's completely
12790s open for players to or mothers that
12794s have devt here to actually do so that's
12796s something that they can do today and
12797s we've seen a couple of couple of things
12800s where
12801s some others might have needed some some
12804s of the functionalities expanded or
12808s some variables exposed to being public
12810s publicly accessible outside
12816s um
12817s to make to make what they're doing at
12820s the moment work
12821s and for their specific mod needs
12824s so that's something that as long as
12827s there is a need for it as a mother just
12829s reach out to
12832s be one of us here and
12834s we try to accommodate you guys as much
12836s as possible
12841s uh
12843s yeah that Zach that's actually a good
12847s a good idea
12851s um
12852s but I don't know if there's a an easy
12855s way to do that
12859s from
12861s the meteor timer is on a server timer
12865s so if the server kind of hicks up or
12867s needs a restart or whatnot it's gonna be
12870s offset so what I think I'll do is for
12873s the next stream
12875s I'll just sync them and have them
12877s running at the same time
12879s I'll just have like a normal clock
12881s countdown on the hours
12883s that's a good idea
12894s and the massive stockpile of iron ore is
12897s being chomped but nothing is really
12898s happening to it because they keep
12900s refilling it now we're seeing some
12902s crushed iron ore for the first time here
12905s we've got the first wet tailings coming
12907s out
12909s means we're making some pretty pretty
12911s neat progression here
12917s smell things done are we Pottery is
12920s still static
12922s are we looking at yeah we got the
12925s geologist almost done
12927s and then it's those those wind windmills
12930s and water wheels
12935s actually we can head over there and talk
12937s about talk about that for a bit
12947s uh it's really cool to see a games
12949s company in all the devs and the devs be
12952s all for the modding Community yeah it's
12957s it's a weird industry because you have
12960s so much
12961s so much is very black and white and then
12963s there's a giant gray layer
12965s um and then it's very
12967s very dependent on the company the
12969s policies
12970s um
12972s determining
12974s whether or not to be Pro versus Con on
12978s mods
12980s um
12983s we've got a lot of tailoring tables here
12987s looking away at the turning out
12991s gunking out some some plant fiber into
12995s get into a stockpile and see what we can
12997s find just a bunch of wood
13000s I think they're running a pretty tight
13001s ship where
13004s they have property claims based on who
13008s has access to what areas so they can
13011s control the production and then they
13012s have a bunch of people that have
13014s designated like fill these stockpiles
13019s um
13019s but on the modeling thing it's
13022s It's tricky because one it's
13026s depending on the marketing model of the
13028s game and if you if you're rolling out in
13030s towards
13031s DLC content creation and so on so forth
13036s um
13039s it's easier to
13042s to deal with DLC slash restrictions if
13045s you're not really that mod friendly
13048s even if it's not by Design
13051s but it might just be like a security
13053s thing or
13054s an architectural decision where
13058s it is more convenient for them to deal
13060s in a certain manner that might be it mod
13061s unfriendly
13064s um
13066s and it's also very a very biased
13069s uh
13071s position based if it's a multiplayer
13073s game is it a single player game are you
13074s doing like a Marketplace
13076s Workshop availability and so on so forth
13079s so it's
13081s um I think it's a very difficult
13083s decision for any developer
13086s towards how to approach it
13088s it's also a lot of overhead if you have
13091s a dedicated mod kit such as such as the
13093s one we have now
13096s to make sure that everything is always
13097s supported everything is always working
13100s and we're exposing everything correctly
13102s towards
13103s making sure that things are working
13105s server wise
13107s um
13109s there's a lot of a lot of kind of
13112s architectural decisions that played
13115s deeply into the role of what is allowed
13117s to be done to the game
13120s um
13122s and like some games don't are super mod
13127s heavy but may not exactly be mod
13130s friendly because they're The Brute
13132s forcing the mods
13135s um
13136s you look at like valheim for instance
13138s we've got like Rim world and so on that
13140s uses
13142s Harmony that kind of just overwrites and
13145s injects stuff
13146s versus here where you have like
13148s dedicated mod kit systems that
13151s um does it for you but
13155s helps having it everything like on a
13157s server basis
13159s which is also why we don't have any
13161s client mods at the moment
13162s partially due to these security reasons
13166s um so you can't do like custom uis or
13169s anything that's kind of exceeding our
13172s Auto generated templating for the UI
13174s system so you can call and say like this
13177s this window should have a button and
13179s then this button is what's been fetched
13181s that is
13183s to
13185s like these tabs for instance where you
13187s have components and these components are
13189s automatically generating these tabs in
13191s the object UI
13194s um
13196s so these are not like custom created
13198s things these are just named and called
13199s and then bam you have a component
13202s uh yeah yeah absolutely
13206s if you create your own component to do a
13208s certain thing or you know
13211s a good example is Kai's flag mod
13215s for instance where you have a flag
13217s component and you click on it and then
13219s that that gives you like a drop down
13221s menu of different
13223s flag options that you can select
13225s that's a custom component then it just
13227s Auto generates based on what you're
13229s filling the array with
13232s uh almost there Mojang was a very
13234s anti-modding for a long time even go for
13236s so far to
13238s update the Microsoft binary releases to
13241s make it as hard as possible
13243s and now that's possibly the most modded
13246s game of all time yeah
13248s yeah
13249s um
13251s was
13254s interesting
13261s um it Minecraft has has always been very
13266s very weird in that sense
13269s because they were extremely unfriendly
13272s too to All Things mods
13275s for a long time and then they kind of
13277s they kind of accepted it
13281s even though the fact that
13284s similar to
13286s like Battlefield and nice
13292s made
13293s such a popularity splash
13296s because of their mods
13299s and then they went like super anti-mod
13302s just competitive
13305s um
13307s whatnot and not gonna speculate too much
13310s on it because who knows what decisions
13312s went into what so
13314s don't really say anything about that
13317s um
13320s personally from a gaming perspective
13325s anytime a company kind of goes
13329s complete 180 to what made them popular
13332s seems like a weird decision to me
13336s um
13340s but you know that could be said for
13341s anything if it's an ice cream flavor
13343s that switches out the recipe yeah
13347s people go ham over that so you know
13351s anywhere anytime things can get changed
13359s um do you think the animals will get an
13360s updated AI in the future yes
13365s when that future is
13367s or to what a degree but they will get an
13369s update eventually
13385s um and as per what contains in that
13386s update
13388s um who knows but it will likely be
13391s oppled in together with the animal
13393s husbandry update
13395s once that kind of goes in the same
13398s ballpark
13408s look at that they are out into the
13411s Coastline here with the wood clearance
13420s uh what are we looking at here we got
13423s logging and then we got carpentry yeah
13425s holy snap we got narc on level 7
13428s carpentry which means we have
13430s we have basic upgrades trees at least
13436s basic engineering yes we got we got
13439s trees at least that means we're running
13440s on
13444s probably 40 percent
13454s okay here we go now we're starting to
13456s get a bit of a building for
13459s for the Constitution
13464s and I'm guessing some loss here
13467s revolving
13475s plenty of logs too
13477s pick up and clean up
13480s we're moving down in towards the desert
13482s Mayhem again
13486s we're seeing some
13487s roads being stomped
13494s get some housing here we got Butchery
13496s tables are starting to come online
13502s yeah we're starting to see some Stakes
13504s coming out here as well now
13507s being we're not seeing any any more
13510s fancier
13513s means we go to a jungle campfire salad
13518s fish
13520s an impressive amount of fish
13523s someone has been going nuts on on making
13525s sure that
13527s uh people are getting people are getting
13529s meats and proteins
13536s and now we are seeing some araster
13538s fields
13540s looking along here have some
13546s everything is locked down tight and
13548s securely
13550s [Music]
13562s I won't even drag some copper word down
13564s here
13567s guessing in preparation for
13574s for the the mechanics I wonder I wonder
13578s we're gonna see some
13582s when are they uh there we go yeah seems
13586s like someone is on
13587s on the point here let's drop a Mark here
13589s I'm presuming that this is gonna be
13592s over Hill
13595s give it a little bit of a
13599s orange tint there or maybe a turquoise
13601s actually
13606s that's more
13613s more of an accurate one
13616s get over there lit up blitzy wise
13622s um
13623s that is our meteor two days 20 hours and
13626s 18 minutes
13633s oh is that the um the big flat area down
13635s there with with the um the water wheels
13647s yeah Attack Base so I'm presuming that
13650s the first grid here is going to be the
13653s mechanics shop and then the second one
13655s is going to be the industrial shop
13664s and we got Butchery
13667s Pottery storage yeah we're starting to
13669s see some names for these properties as
13671s well and then we have oil production
13678s guessing the claim is going to be the
13679s liquid pipe in for the oil refineries
13684s I've got narkey with his Lumber Lumber
13687s madness here
13691s Upper Hill yeah here we go there's some
13693s copper oil here
13696s they're an entrance up here or
13700s or where exactly did they start to
13703s excavate this Copper from
13708s we have a mine entrance here somewhere
13710s can we just sneak in here
13712s yeah there we go
13716s oh that is not bad that is that is
13718s freaking jackpot
13723s like in here and then just diagonally
13726s straight down
13728s and Bam they hit copper
13734s that is quite nice
13738s the copper is done then they just need
13741s to sort of the gold later
13751s pretty pretty sweet and they got the all
13754s settled thanks to
13756s the acne crew
13763s working away making sure that there's
13764s always coal available in those
13766s stockpiles to fetch
13769s and there's no lack of coal here as of
13771s now
13775s and that road is going all the way back
13778s and it's
13780s too wide
13783s and we're seeing some Force Devastation
13785s on the bottom end here as well
13792s or little Jaguar skulking around
13811s I think it's just a matter of
13815s finding a ton more iron
13818s and processing as we're getting more
13823s more basic upgrade threes I guess
13827s they're being dispersed between the
13828s crafting stations in priority
13832s and we're getting some some clay
13833s stockpiling here
13850s oh yeah so
13853s on the subject of change
13857s um
13859s yes this is a 72 hour stream I don't
13862s think so
13866s I think I am way too um
13871s way too worn out from the week to be
13873s able to pull that off in a in an
13875s entertaining and reasonable fashion
13877s unless you want to spend like
13879s 12 hours watching me hammer on and then
13882s the next 60 hours just me snoring in the
13884s chair
13885s is probably what what would happen in in
13888s that case
13894s [Laughter]
13899s but uh
13903s fell out of the shirt
13906s um
13909s um no but we're
13912s um I'll do
13914s I'm gonna go like an hour
13917s post nine
13920s um so I don't know maybe 10 15 minutes
13922s more ish
13924s and then
13926s start one up in the morning
13930s do like a 12 hour progression thing
13934s um
13935s and do another one in the um in the
13937s evening so
13938s probably in the morning a couple of
13939s hours
13941s and then in the evening coming back and
13943s then do the same thing for
13945s for this Sunday as well I mean it
13947s depends a little bit on how far they've
13948s gotten and what we can kind of discuss
13950s and
13951s over
13954s in terms of style
13956s Ingenuity organization and
13960s enroll progression
13964s but we can touch on one
13967s and an itty bitty thing here that I've
13970s been sneaking around here a little bit
13972s with the Tailoring
13974s and
13975s as people have seen and have noticed
13979s um some might have
13982s bulked it a little bit in the code
13984s stream when I post or when I merged the
13986s last one word posted it
13988s um
13991s tailoring is a subject that is of a bit
13994s of a controversy
13995s um
13997s in regards to like how useful it is it
14000s falls off mid game and
14002s you still kind of use it because you
14004s need nylon and some of the other stuff
14006s but in a very small insignificant volume
14009s compared to the rest of the resources
14014s um and
14016s it's kind of weird early on because
14018s everyone can Harvest grass and grass is
14020s the main culprit in this problem for me
14024s at least
14027s um and that goes that this kind of
14029s spreads onto the other recipes like the
14031s the modules using grass and so on so
14033s forth hello Zach uh welcome back
14037s so one thing that we were talking about
14040s that have been talking about for a while
14043s is what we wanted to do with grass
14048s to just nuke it out of orbit as being
14050s this super critical ingredient early on
14057s um and
14059s grass in in regards to is
14062s oh ferngullies he's the one running
14064s around collecting all the plant fiber
14066s all over the place
14075s um
14075s oh
14077s yeah
14078s um
14079s yeah no so grass in inherently is a bit
14083s wonky
14084s or plant fiber so what we are doing with
14089s 10 is that
14091s we are replacing plant fiber as the main
14096s ingredient in crafting early tier cloth
14100s materials
14102s foreign
14108s yeah we'll we'll
14110s get to that in a second here
14112s um silver but that's that's also a good
14114s point
14116s um because there's a weird dynamic
14118s between everyone can Harvest plant fiber
14121s in the volume it requires you have
14123s enough plant fiber because there's just
14125s you know you've got grass all over the
14126s place so there's no limit in terms of
14128s how much cloth you can create early on
14132s and that's also something that I kind of
14133s want to do address at the same time
14136s because I want
14137s plant fiber to still have some sort of
14139s use
14140s yet
14142s it's intended to be sort of a garbage
14146s scrap waste
14149s product
14151s not a super critical essential early
14154s game
14155s Wonder piece
14159s um so what we are doing is introducing a
14162s new problem
14164s um if I can
14167s find
14174s where where where where did I lose it
14177s there it is
14179s that's the one and that's the one
14186s this let me drag that in there
14208s there
14210s we go
14212s this is
14216s where do we have phobias
14220s behind the game View and then we'll
14222s sneak in a little bit here on
14225s reveal here
14227s we have
14229s a brand new
14233s prop that's coming in
14235s and it's also using a brand new kind of
14237s wave
14238s either system as well so it looks a
14240s little bit more natural
14243s um in terms of its movement
14250s and it'll be a grassland
14253s uh
14255s grassland crop and
14259s similar to a bit of cotton it is going
14263s to be a new money crop
14266s so
14268s this will be something that can also be
14271s used for food
14274s and the introduction of that crop is
14279s like I said coming at them
14282s um
14283s switch over to the game view here
14287s um and it's flax
14289s and with blacks comes
14291s a set of
14293s new crafting stations
14296s you have a couple of new recipes
14301s yeah Flex FLA
14304s it is used to create linen as fiber
14309s material
14310s and it is also used
14314s you Mill the seeds
14317s and you can create flaxseed oil
14322s and the flaxseed oil can be used as a
14325s contemporary fat ingredient
14329s but it can also be used for
14333s um
14336s in Lumber production
14340s as a
14342s an oil used to basically coat and
14344s protect Lumber
14347s LAX capacitors
14350s [Laughter]
14354s [Music]
14358s so now so that's that's actually going
14361s to be one of
14363s uh another one in the pile of giant
14366s changes that people are gonna have to to
14367s kind of deal with
14369s so flax seed oil will be an ingredient
14372s used in Lumber production
14375s you'll have
14377s a route for farming Gathering
14380s as well as Milling because Milling is
14381s going to be involved in there as well
14383s to create a tier 2 material
14392s um and that's going to have its own kind
14394s of set of
14395s complications because
14398s well you know Milling is under Advanced
14402s upgrades
14404s and
14405s and I want you to have that in
14408s I have tier two requirements from
14410s something that uses Advanced upgrades so
14412s I've switched down
14414s the mill
14415s for the basic Stone Mill
14417s for Milling to be
14420s a tier one Appliance and a tier one
14423s profession
14425s which also allows me to start looking at
14428s adding some of the Milling ingredients
14430s in
14432s about the campfire recipes so some of
14434s the campfire recipes may have more
14436s dependencies outside of just campfire
14438s cooking
14442s which will hopefully make it
14446s a little bit
14448s Awards more of a reasonable you you'd
14451s rather prefer cooking baking rather than
14453s campfire cooking because you still have
14455s the same kind of intricate dependencies
14457s to get reasonable food out of campfire
14459s cooking
14462s um will you implement the complex system
14463s to prepare Flags like in real life
14467s um
14468s it's kind of dumped down
14470s because in real life you have you
14473s process the flags it grows
14475s you cut it down
14477s and
14479s you kind of you you kind of whack it
14482s around
14483s um
14484s and Scotch it to open up the fibers and
14487s make them make them pliable you soak it
14491s in water and leave it there for like two
14492s weeks
14494s um until it's like actually workable and
14496s not just breaking apart
14499s um and then it's like four more steps
14501s um
14502s or you can kind of actually work it and
14504s weave it
14507s um so for a gameplay part we've dumped
14509s it down like three steps
14512s from Harvest to to pre-process to
14514s process
14516s and then in towards the actual
14518s manufacturing sections of it
14521s um
14525s hoping everyone's gonna be happy with it
14527s and like I said it's a cash crop
14529s alternative for Farmers as well so it
14532s will be competing for land space with
14534s things like wheat and corn
14537s it also has a and as well as sunflowers
14541s it can be used as a contemporary fat so
14544s you it does have fat tag usage on it
14548s um
14549s but it has the lumber recipe has
14552s specifically flax seed oil requirements
14559s um
14560s so there's going to be a bit of a bit of
14562s shake up in 10 for a lot of people
14565s I'm expecting that a lot of the
14568s calculators and
14570s all the general quality life tools
14572s people have been using for shops and so
14574s on might get very out of date
14576s and needing a proper
14579s run down to make sure that they're up to
14581s date with the changes we still have a
14584s couple so
14586s you'll have a couple of big balance
14587s things that are coming in for that cloth
14589s change
14591s um
14592s it's a work in progress hopefully
14595s everything will be done by the time
14596s Tiger goes into play test so the recipes
14599s that will be on tiger is going to be
14602s the ones going live with exception of
14605s some of the custom ones that tiger
14606s explicitly use which will be as always
14609s listed in the ecopedia in-game
14613s um
14614s the question how big is the map for the
14616s speed run it is 2.56 kilometers
14620s so it is quite a substantially bigger
14623s than your normal map
14626s as it is using white tigers
14630s map generation
14636s we're on
14637s 1600 by 1600 tiles
14652s um you can probably
14655s let me sneak that in here as well I was
14658s sneaking around with it a little bit
14660s in in posting some pieces and bits and
14664s screens of it in the Discord
14676s but we can
14677s and and of course as always
14681s um
14683s some of these things that I am showing
14685s off is
14687s intermittently here during the stream is
14690s uh
14692s work in progress so some might not be
14696s completely representative to what they
14698s finally
14700s go up to be
14706s so this is the initial
14708s run of a fiber sketching machine
14721s where you process the raw Flags
14725s or the flex stems not chugging it and
14729s bashing it and then it's tearing through
14731s the needles and out comes usable linen
14736s um
14738s materials
14748s and then the seeds goes through the
14750s Milling process or a Farmer's Table or
14752s the flax Flex units themselves earns
14755s into more seeds and so on so forth
14757s similar to how you're wasting you're
14759s wasting corn to turn them into seed to
14761s get more
14762s corn seeds flax will have a similar
14765s process
14769s gonna get some receipts out of it to be
14774s sort of a game balance between if you
14778s wanted to get linen out of it or if you
14780s wanted to get seeds or seed oil out of
14782s it
14786s and with the seed oil I've also looked
14789s at other types of products
14798s we get more kind of see the oil type
14801s products like
14803s cotton seed oil and so on so forth
14806s linen is woven directly from harvested
14809s flax without an intermediary product
14811s yeah
14815s but
14817s it is
14819s interdependent between different
14822s professions so you have Gathering
14824s that collects it
14826s and then you need a farmer for
14829s replanting more of it
14831s because it's not
14834s um
14835s it's not like a grass crop so you need
14838s like it doesn't work like blue big stems
14841s uh or big blue stems whichever order
14844s those words comes in
14846s big blue stems
14847s um do you have to replant them which
14850s means you're gonna have to sacrifice a
14852s portion of that Harvest to a farmer to
14855s make sure you get more seeds
14858s um and then
14861s you need to process it through and I'm
14865s leaning towards having
14868s to gather or do that you're turning them
14872s into like usable intermediary products
14874s and then those products gets turned over
14877s to a tailor
14879s for further turning them into actually
14882s usable linen
14886s and linen would be what's used for most
14889s of the early tier cloth
14892s tag usages today
14894s so things like the windmills
14897s and so on so forth can use the cloth tag
14899s instead
14902s and then the linen would fall under that
14903s tag so
14905s initially you'd have the fibrous
14907s catching machine that
14909s requires very little maintenance and
14912s very little in like
14914s energy input
14917s um to get going
14919s and
14921s kind of dealing into staying sort of
14923s basic between farming Gathering and then
14926s tailoring comes into and kind of wraps
14928s up the finalized product and then
14929s turning it into
14930s linen thread linen fiber
14934s um
14936s and the linen fabric and then those
14939s would be usable across depending on the
14941s tag
14942s but the critical part of that change is
14945s that it's being limited to a specific
14947s crop
14949s in a different biome
14952s linen is replacing the the plant fiber
14955s completely
14957s so plant fiber will only be you know
14960s like a waste burnable slash mortar
14962s material
14964s for now at least
14966s um
14967s plant plant fiber will probably
14970s resurface as a really usable product
14972s once we get around to animal husbandry
14974s for things like father and so on
14977s um
14978s but for now it's it's kind of getting
14980s depreciated a little bit
14989s we are looking pretty
14991s pretty swell
14994s you're seeing our first stockpile
14997s first stockpile all
15001s with tailings completed here as we see
15003s some iron concentrate being churned out
15004s and we got two bloomeries
15007s I'm presuming that we might have
15010s someone is doing paper Milling just for
15012s for the papers I guess
15016s uh
15018s uh water is done
15020s that is crazy uh I'm guessing glass
15023s working is going to be next for those
15025s Advanced upgrades
15029s and then we're likely going to see
15032s mechanics
15034s [Music]
15037s what do we need for the mechanics it's
15040s 10 Advanced papers
15043s and then it's the metallurgical
15045s Metallurgy Advanced that's
15048s 200 iron bars and
15051s with the copper bars under the copper
15054s bars
15056s and 50 copper bars yeah
15064s um
15067s that's why I was bringing up they are
15070s um
15072s the plant fiber is gonna be deprecated
15074s and kind of thrown out the wind linen is
15075s going to be the replacement for it
15077s and it's going to tie it into plants
15081s which means you're gonna be more
15082s dependent on actual farmers and
15085s gatherers earlier on
15087s compared to right now where anyone can
15089s just grab a scythe and run out and just
15091s the tailor himself can just run down and
15094s just mince it
15098s um how are they so quick well
15101s for one it is
15104s it is an ant hill of people
15110s um
15110s and they're all working towards one
15112s cohesive goal and there is no economy
15115s involved
15116s so there is no one trying to make money
15118s out of someone else it's we need 20
15121s basic upgrades I need 200 unit logs
15127s um and then someone comes and drops in
15129s 200 unit logs
15130s so it's a very commune
15133s Style
15134s feed run here
15136s and that's to make sure that they
15138s actually make it in time
15140s presumably
15144s um secret hint if you want plant fiber
15146s go to the jungle and pick up the plants
15147s yeah
15150s and that's that's kind of where we wanna
15151s we wanna move away from that because
15155s um
15157s cloth early on is it is in such a weird
15162s oh yeah that too they're they're a whole
15164s heap load of them on Discord chatting
15166s with each other making sure that
15167s everything's just running smoothly
15170s um
15171s but no cloth is in in such a weird way
15173s with
15175s um the fact that anyone can Harvest it
15177s and the same thing goes for like chefs
15179s that it just runs around and picks all
15181s the um
15182s all the crops all over the place like
15184s they have no need for Farmers they have
15186s no need for gatherers
15188s um within the first like five days
15190s at least
15192s even if it takes a little bit longer to
15194s gather those plants and those crops
15198s they can just spend that extra time and
15200s not buy them and just Harvest them
15201s themselves
15204s and that's a big chunk of what we want
15205s to kind of see change with 10 and it to
15209s that goal we've done
15211s some pretty significant changes in terms
15213s of the plant
15215s uh yeah
15218s um some pretty significant changes to
15220s the plant generation the world again
15222s in terms of habitabilities
15224s as well as now the seed changes
15227s um
15232s and so on so forth
15235s um Zach yeah that's actually a good
15236s point to bring up here as well you might
15239s wanna
15240s you might want to wanna rethink that
15243s strategy when when you get into 10.
15248s uh uh as I've swapped around a lot of
15252s the recipes in carpentry and carpentries
15254s more towards
15256s B9 carpentry where it does mainly Lumber
15259s and actual tier 2 related things
15262s as a lot of the crafting tables have
15264s been either moved down to logging or no
15266s crafting or
15269s labor-less skill
15272s skillless labor
15287s everyone here we are playing dirt ramp
15291s people doing another coal pickup run
15298s yeah no settlements and just general
15301s property rights is gonna change a lot of
15304s that
15306s um so there's it's gonna be
15308s there's a lot of things that are
15310s changing in 10 and there's a lot of
15311s fundamental aspects of the gameplay that
15314s we've
15315s taking the opportunity to really Shuffle
15317s around and and be more in line with what
15320s our goals are
15324s um with it as well because we're doing
15326s so much
15327s really big changes
15329s um so it's been it's been
15332s an absolute blast working on it
15336s um
15340s but it is going to be a really big
15342s change for a lot of players
15344s in terms of how they're approaching
15346s certain Paths of progression
15350s as well as some Dynamics in between
15353s certain professions have been changed
15363s it's
15365s it's a bit mingled on both actually Zach
15369s because
15372s um
15374s the general idea
15377s is to have
15379s it's basically representing tourism a
15382s bit
15384s because if you're voting if you made an
15388s image or you've taken a picture and you
15390s posted a picture on and then like have
15391s it up on a wall and someone
15394s um
15396s you have a negative penalty
15399s or like a negative modifier
15402s on that image
15405s from votes from your local town
15410s so if you take a picture
15412s and then you have a bunch of your people
15414s just voting it and giving like really
15415s high ratings you could sell it to
15417s another town
15419s or of like a high value price
15424s because that that cultural value will
15427s have an amplified benefit if it's not in
15431s your town
15433s if that makes sense
15436s so the more people from other towns
15438s voting on your stuff the better for you
15441s versus if you're trying to just rig the
15443s system and have it voted locally
15447s it won't give you as much comparatively
15458s um and on top of that you're still gonna
15460s have some object and some stuff that you
15463s can craft that gives you culture points
15465s or culture
15467s um
15468s kind of keep you going and and you deal
15471s with the fact that
15474s some some expansion is necessary
15478s without the involvement of other players
15485s but I think a lot of the culture system
15487s is going to be in a polished and tweaked
15493s um
15496s I mean yeah you can
15498s come and come and give you know set up a
15501s law and and give them any time you add
15504s the reputation or rate a picture
15507s or each point pay them you know 100
15510s alter coins or something
15512s um you can definitely do some
15514s Shenanigans there
15520s um
15523s and then of course that whole that thing
15526s scales so the cultural points of a town
15528s will transfer over to a country that
15531s it's consistent of and the culture
15532s points of the total town or the total
15534s country and transition over into into
15538s the the Federation as well so
15541s eating up bigger towns and bigger
15543s countries is going to be vastly
15545s beneficial because you can expand so
15547s much quicker
15549s um
15552s but it's you know at the core level is
15555s that being nice to your neighbors
15556s collaborate with your neighbors even if
15558s they're at rival town you still want to
15560s have some sort of
15563s um
15564s communication with them and some sort of
15566s trade transactions going on with them
15585s us working is going all right
15589s guessing we're not gonna see we're gonna
15591s see mechanics probably midday tomorrow
15592s or something unless they they really
15594s turn on during the night here
15598s because there's a lot of bricks needing
15601s to be manufactured even though they have
15604s a ton of stockpile materials you still
15606s need to build all those buildings
15609s get everything up
15613s [Music]
15615s oh I don't know
15617s what we have here if not we got that
15619s research
15620s at the research lab going
15624s yeah but yeah I know that we got a lot
15627s of cool things going in 10 substantially
15629s much more than what we originally
15631s intended
15633s um
15634s and I'm gonna ask we have
15638s some issues with some Civic bugs and
15639s some other things that needs more polish
15641s to to be working more
15645s fluidly and then securely I can sneak in
15647s with some general like balance and then
15649s just content additions just to
15653s give it a bit more Flair and
15657s I think everyone's just gonna enjoy it
15659s quite quite a lot
15661s um
15666s [Music]
15674s we are looking quite nice and
15677s I think we there's still a ton of people
15680s and they're buzzing around and
15683s feels like I'm not seeing any people but
15685s they are running around here every now
15686s and then so
15688s maybe it's just some some ape dwellers
15691s here as they're digging down giant lock
15694s piles worth of stone and ore
15697s and people are hiding down here
15699s oh yeah look at this
15702s it is so quickly so fast and efficient
15705s it's terrifying
15708s Limestone I'm guessing is going to be
15710s coming to good use once we reach
15713s wheel Manufacturing
15718s now we're looking at skills now we've
15720s got
15728s one smelter going 6 10 11 miners
15734s Freemasons
15738s uh dark enough to need the torch it
15740s depends a little bit on
15743s on settings it's also brightness thing
15745s we did increase it a little bit because
15749s there is a couple of things here that we
15751s wanted equipment wise to allow players
15754s to be able to deal with some of the
15755s darkness before we kind of reintroduce
15759s a darker environment
15764s some people were struggling really badly
15766s with
15770s the Blackness that we introduced and
15772s tested out in in one of the nine updates
15776s and here we go we've got the meteor in
15779s two days 19 hours and 42 minutes
15789s pretty neat
15793s now we have another tree that just gets
15795s vandalized
15805s it's the coal mine isn't it supposed to
15807s be terrible
15811s it's just a black hole with burnable
15814s material in it
15827s if anything in particular that was bad
15831s with the coal mines
15835s doesn't seem like someone has bug
15837s anything here
15839s [Music]
15846s oh visibly yeah
15848s yeah the uh I mean they're still
15852s uh
15853s they're a lot better but yeah they they
15855s were pretty pretty dark
15858s [Music]
15859s um
15860s crushed coal still has a dependency I am
15864s waiting to to get done before I
15867s introduce it as vanilla
15872s um it's not gonna happen for 10
15876s because I'm waiting for another terrain
15878s block
15881s um and
15883s there just hasn't been capacity for art
15886s to do that
15888s especially not when I uh when I kind of
15893s dropped the flex stuff in their lap
15898s so we'll see how fast after 10 that
15903s might be a case
15906s holy snap I am getting way too tired
15909s wow we'll we'll keep running for another
15913s five minutes and then we're probably
15915s gonna wrap up
15918s uh for the night
15928s um
15930s yeah so
15933s to kind of keep a a short story short
15937s um I want crushed cold because I want
15939s coal to be an involved process with
15942s mining
15946s um but I also don't want to remove the
15948s quality of life upgrade people have
15951s right now when they're doing like
15952s campfire cooking or or whatever they're
15955s burning material with
15956s going from logs to something else as
15959s some intermediary upgrade step without
15962s having to rely on like three other
15964s professions
15965s is something that kind of
15968s um gonna have as a mandatory kind of
15971s involvement
15972s and one of the things that I wanted to
15974s introduce was new terrain block layer
15977s for the wetlands
15979s so instead of just the whole thing being
15981s like they're all and then shale
15985s I want to introduce Pete
15989s so Pete blocks would be you know shovel
15992s based material
15994s that would only be scarcely available
15996s inside
15998s we're adding small pockets in grassland
16002s um
16003s but it would be a deep layer inside
16005s wetlands who is Pete
16009s um
16013s and until until I get that asset done
16017s and we have that available
16019s um so I can replace some of that coal
16021s which will do it'll do a couple of
16023s things with
16024s General
16026s thing it's one it will introduce uh
16030s it'll it'll alienate coal as this super
16032s super early critical resource because
16035s you're gonna have to pre-process it
16038s second one it's gonna reduce the
16042s infinite amount of coal that is in
16044s Wetlands by a significant portion as
16046s well because it's it'll be replaced with
16048s heat
16050s um it'll be more scarce
16052s and it'll also add more
16055s just more
16057s General resources to kind of manage and
16060s think around with well there's another
16063s another giant pile of clay stockpile
16067s um
16071s it um
16074s the general eo2 impact on fuels is
16077s something that
16079s I'll look at eventually
16082s because right now
16085s um right now you have no differential in
16087s depending on the fuel you're burning
16091s because the CO2 rates are set by Machine
16093s type so you know like the blast furnace
16096s is emitting 4.6 PPM per hour
16101s and uh
16103s steam truck is emitting 0.03 PPM per
16106s hour or something it doesn't matter if
16108s I'm burning arrows planks coal
16112s um
16115s or you know paper in the steam truck
16118s it's always going to be burning the same
16120s it's only it's always going to emit the
16122s same amount of PPM
16124s based on the duration and nothing else
16126s so that's something that I also want to
16128s change in the future but
16132s um it's still kind of speculative
16134s towards what we wanted to be but
16137s I would like it to end up in a place
16139s where
16141s it would be dynamically based on the
16143s fuel pollution Source rather than not
16146s that way we could do like gasoline being
16148s more pollutant heavy than biodiesel for
16151s instance or
16154s that's open here
16156s pointed out that you know it could be
16158s more pollutant to burn peat than
16162s Sparkle for instance and so on so forth
16170s um as for new animals in P10 no
16176s we have
16178s we have some ideas we have some
16180s some stuff cooked up but it'll probably
16183s be all all new animal types we'll
16186s probably wait until the animal husbandry
16189s because we need to make such a huge
16192s upgrade to the animal behavior
16193s themselves
16194s so it makes no sense to introduce new
16196s animals that are
16198s not working the way we want them to be
16200s working
16203s so that'll be a post and
16208s all other big update
16217s yeah
16219s um
16229s yeah it's it's looking pretty uh
16233s looking pretty good people have gotten
16235s gotten quite
16237s far so far
16241s uh the mining base is taking shape we
16244s are seeing more and more stockpiles
16246s we're seeing more Logistics here we're
16247s we're churning through iron more like
16250s crazy
16251s I'm guessing we have some
16254s we're seeing some iron being deposited
16256s somewhere is this is this our first
16259s yes we got glass works here
16263s um
16266s and we're seeing some some sand being
16268s collected in favor of that
16275s are we seeing some iron bars somewhere
16277s I'm not seeing any
16281s even have some roads that's impressive
16289s he may be
16291s um I think they might be going towards
16299s there we go easy way to kind of get
16301s tools and
16304s get upgrades going
16306s um
16308s cosmetic DLC stuff
16310s um
16313s I'll leave that as who knows maybe
16317s um
16319s clothing and everything might be a lot
16321s easier now that we've upgraded our
16323s Avatar
16325s but we'll see what happens with that in
16326s the future
16331s um
16335s [Music]
16338s and yeah I think we'll probably start
16342s wrapping this up here we're we've been
16345s uh
16346s going on here for four and a half hours
16347s on
16350s the regular one and
16354s I'll make sure to see if I can't get a
16356s timer on
16359s um on it yeah yeah so I'll be I'll be
16361s streaming probably a bit in the morning
16363s we'll see how long and then
16367s I'll be streaming in the afternoon as
16368s well and then the same thing for Sunday
16370s as well so we'll do
16373s we'll do like two checkups
16375s um Morrow and then
16377s we'll see how the situation goes on the
16379s the evening and how far along they are
16381s because
16382s if they're getting close to
16385s presumably if they're getting close to
16386s like finalizing and getting stuff
16390s pushed out as uh
16392s crazily efficient by the end of tomorrow
16394s then I'll probably be streaming on for
16396s for a lot longer if they're getting kind
16398s of laser laser adjacent
16402s um
16402s but if they're way off by the end of
16405s tomorrow
16407s I'll do pop in on the morning and see
16410s where we're at
16412s um and then kind of just like check off
16413s and see how things are going
16416s um
16417s so yeah the um
16419s anyone tuning in late
16422s um or if we're gonna
16424s catching you on the way out we've got
16426s the mining base here
16430s and then over here in this you'd think
16434s that it's just not rendering in properly
16436s but this is all freaking devastated
16438s jungle but demonstrated the
16441s Rain Forest it's not a
16445s freaking single three here going on here
16447s [Music]
16448s um
16451s this thing is going on like crazy here
16453s so this is the wood wood manufacturing
16456s and
16458s carpentry base
16462s pretty neat people have been
16465s super efficient at cutting down all
16467s these trees and just getting these
16469s things set up so these are churning out
16471s basic upgrades
16473s and some poor some poor person is
16475s running around Gathering all the uh
16478s all the plant fiber for it
16481s um and then we can sneak off here too
16485s do the Copper Hill which is
16488s not really that
16490s necessary at the moment because
16494s copper is only really
16496s getting attention up towards the
16498s mechanics so I'm presuming that we're
16500s gonna see some
16502s crazy amount of terraforming here with
16504s some roads and things going on
16507s yeah mechanics will be released in the
16509s next hour maybe 30 minutes so
16512s that means you're gonna start to need a
16514s lot more copper
16516s foreign
16528s where is this road going here
16531s here we go yeah
16533s oh yeah look at that so we have a bit of
16536s a road going in here straight into the
16538s upper deposit here
16543s that is um
16545s some efficiency going I don't almost
16547s missed that little sneaky road because
16549s of all the trees there
16550s that road goes here
16552s it goes out there and then it's passable
16555s over on this Cliff here all the way over
16557s to the
16560s um coal
16564s yeah I'm guessing just like
16567s great down
16570s digging some of these blocks out just
16572s straight down into the wetlands and then
16573s just go straight out
16577s even with just some ramps and some
16579s stamping probably go probably pretty
16581s quick to do
16586s looking pretty neat and then we have
16590s Hippie Hollow which is a separate group
16592s that's kind of just chilling out and
16594s doing their own thing in their own pace
16600s or loads in here
16606s they've got some food going they're even
16609s planting some some beets
16611s uh terraforming a bit just having their
16614s own little casual
16617s Lakeside
16619s Avenue here and some some minor
16621s production going and
16624s uh
16626s digging in here
16629s we have some stuff down here
16631s Limestone and this was some intricate
16635s intricate set of tunnels here
16641s into more Limestone and then down into
16643s more limestone
16646s [Music]
16651s oh yeah that is the progression we're
16654s looking at right now okay
16657s we've got some stuff out in the
16658s grassland as well but it's
16660s nothing really built other than like a
16663s shock for
16665s raw materials and some raw crops being
16667s collected
16672s I believe there's some hunting running
16674s around and just collecting orcases over
16676s there
16677s so that is our
16679s General summary for the end of this
16683s first stream
16685s of this
16687s 72 hour speed run
16690s and
16692s I'll catch you all tomorrow hopefully
16696s I will definitely be here and hopefully
16698s we can see some nice improvements and
16700s some cool
16701s efficient building and more of this
16705s crazy progress here
16708s as we got heading down virtual dance
16710s melting yeah mechanics is just chugging
16713s along here
16719s most research is in
16722s it's the engineering papers and the
16723s Metallurgy papers
16725s but they are they are doing some pretty
16727s quick work here
16732s yeah hopefully we can see some steam
16734s trucks in the morning maybe
16736s um wouldn't surprise me if we see some
16740s mechanics shop built and some steam
16742s trucks out and
16744s uh
16745s other cool things
16746s anyway I will take my leave here and
16752s opting out so
16754s everyone once again thank you for
16756s joining me and
16758s if you tune in tomorrow I'll I'll post
16761s something in the news and just drop down
16764s times
16766s they still haven't really decided on
16768s exactly when in the morning I'll start
16770s streaming but I'll do I'll do an
16772s announcement on the
16773s Eco official Discord News Channel
16777s you can catch it there and
16780s once again thank you and
16783s see you next time
16810s foreign
16811s [Music]
16839s [Music]
16847s [Music]
16849s foreign
11 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
10s thank you
26s [Music]
37s [Music]
56s [Music]
74s [Music]
86s foreign
121s [Music]
129s [Music]
131s foreign
143s [Music]
161s foreign
181s [Music]
189s [Music]
203s thank you
221s foreign
266s thank you
272s foreign
302s [Music]
312s foreign
317s [Music]
328s [Music]
342s [Music]
345s thank you
348s [Music]
356s [Music]
370s good morning good morning good morning
372s we are back here at
376s the
378s crazy speedrun we're running
380s um welcome to another
383s another episode of this my name is Jens
385s working as the game designer here at
388s strangeloop games covering
391s player are our custom player event for
397s 72 hour speed run for on a meteor on
400s which is using a larger world but
404s hard collaboration settings including
406s the expensive
408s meteor
410s finalization recipe so
414s to chunk out their their skill gain
416s quite significantly to reach the end
418s goal
420s I just
421s getting things in order here and
423s starting them up
425s and
426s we'll be able to dive straight into
429s checking up what has been happening
431s during the night
433s I believe they have gotten quite a
435s significant amount of progress
440s loading in on the server right now
446s um
449s the
456s you know we can transition over into the
458s loading one
460s hope everyone has slept all right and
465s left something unlike
469s the people doing this speedrun which
472s running on the mentality that leaping is
475s Superfluous and just a construct
482s I need some hours of sleep and some
484s coffee too
485s some some form of coughing you know
488s going in the morning so we'll see how
489s this goes
492s here we go are back online uh
497s [Music]
501s let's start by checking out
505s um the Hippie Hollow
508s they've gotten some Stone buildings up
510s and
512s they've opted to the mask campfire
517s and a poor
518s redwood tree
520s well victim here
524s they've finalized the get more campfire
527s say holy holy snap they got a lot of
528s campfires
531s um
532s what we have inside here we've got some
534s yeah it's some some proper housing
537s they even have their own capital
545s and crafting station some research so
547s they got their own they got their own
548s kind of thing going on here
553s but for the exciting part I think
556s everyone is just
562s eagerly having a look at we've seen a
564s lot of
566s I sneak peeked into the messages my
568s chica on the Discord here
571s earlier during uh during the morning and
574s it sounded like they've gotten quite a
576s significant amount of progress
580s because I have my shots up here
584s hello blue flame uh how does sleep
587s work as an a well you know recharging
590s batteries is is where we're at
592s foreign
594s not so much sleep is just powering down
596s making sure that everything is recharged
599s all the way up to 100 percent
603s but we might have reached
605s 60 day
608s so we're getting there or we're making
610s progress in that regard as well
616s so here we got the Copper Hill which has
618s well
619s a chunk of copper excavated I believe
623s Lucia brownie was working on a new
627s copper mine by the end
630s of last night he was starting to set one
633s up that was a bit closer
638s here how that went but we are seeing
640s some
641s usage of landfill as gravel is churning
645s up
650s per concentrate clearly a high value
653s export from this location
658s it was whoosh back down here
663s foreign
667s foreign
681s the coal here
689s hello crazy cat
692s hope you're doing all right
695s it's a little bit late
702s let's look and see here where we're at
709s Bridge walls getting expanded
712s but
713s it's taking a bit of a
716s slow down
719s the chunky turn
721s and as we can see the rainforest kept
724s being a victim to deforestation here
728s I wonder how much of the rainforest
729s they're gonna cut on that that's a big
731s chunk of rainforested cut though
740s that is
743s and
745s that's 15 hours of like
748s continuous wood cutting uh office of a
752s couple of people just like clean cut the
754s whole thing
758s and that's what what are we estimating
760s that to be like a third Maybe
763s a little bit less than a third
769s you get like a third there
771s and then probably probably a little bit
774s more on that one
779s but that is some significant progress
781s and then of course we have
786s we have this monstrosity
794s hmm
799s or if there might be able to put a
802s yawning warning here
805s because I'm not really a morning person
810s um
812s here we go so we've got our I believe we
814s have some Sawmills considering the power
816s requirements there
818s and a lot of carpentry benches
821s yeah here we go we got some Sawmills
823s here
825s so
826s this is something that is gonna kind of
828s switch around
830s um as we talked we talked a little bit
831s about power yesterday
833s um I kind of wanted to go
836s a little bit more depth in that
838s um here but
840s the um these two by two Sawmills that we
843s have are two by two by two
846s um they're gonna go poof in
849s in 0.10
854s as we redone the model completely
859s um they have they have well actually
862s they don't what the hell
864s yeah
866s you're right they don't they should have
871s um
873s but even if they did have that would be
875s suffice to
877s do so you could just like extend build
879s remove it
882s leave a single block and then
887s it will be free floating anyway
891s um
892s but yeah they should have Solid Ground I
894s don't know I'll have to take a look and
895s see what's going on there
897s um
901s but the um the Sawmills are a lot bigger
903s and
906s oh my God
907s stop
909s dang it
911s um
912s the Sawmills are
915s are a lot bigger I wonder if I have some
919s do some highlights here we've got a
923s a tier two ramped housing uh furniture
928s occupancy is also something that I'll be
931s looking at
934s um
935s just gonna make you having to use a bit
938s more spacious rooms like this this seems
941s accommodatable
943s tables in the corner debatable but
948s this is this is an okay room
951s um
952s this one over here not so much
957s um
960s so some of the occupancies I'll
963s probably Tinker with a little bit just
965s to um
966s avoid the death from happening this is
968s falsely having a carton here
972s um
978s but it's looking all right and then we
979s have a second floor with a lot of a lot
982s of additional rooms
988s getting those points up
991s if we go here we can see
994s all of the furniture that are
996s in this house which
1000s property value speed housing
1004s property value here we go
1012s so they're just keep building up
1018s and we're up on 64 points
1023s which is pretty good
1025s considering it's mostly Hume
1029s [Music]
1032s um
1034s so yeah that's the um that's the lumber
1036s yard area
1040s they are requiring certain block forms
1043s is tricky because you can get into a
1046s very it's a can of worms going down that
1049s rabbit hole
1051s um
1054s unfortunately
1056s and you can't really impact people's
1058s aesthetic in that regard if they don't
1061s want they don't want
1064s Windows under buildings then they're you
1067s know not really force them to have
1069s Windows unless we make it into a
1071s completely different set than have that
1073s as a requirement but
1077s that can get very Yankee for new players
1080s in particular
1085s um
1088s a little bit distracted there so
1096s the new Sawmills are I don't know four
1098s times five times the size
1102s if I can't find an image of them here
1107s um but they are they are substantially
1109s sized
1112s comparison
1117s power requirements about the same
1121s I have
1123s and I reshuffled it quite a bit in terms
1126s of what's using more power
1132s uh Hey Stella how are you doing today
1143s yeah I believe the occupancy for it
1145s should be fixed and it's
1147s it's enabled in in
1150s 10.0
1152s so we should be looking good on that
1154s regard
1156s if I can find
1158s I have a reference picture here I'll
1162s push it out but
1165s not sure if I have one
1171s a lot of
1175s a lot of other images here that
1179s regards to that
1184s there's no
1189s it's been a while
1195s it has been a
1199s while let me find it here somewhere
1204s artistic
1217s um I'll I'll get the picture here in a
1219s little bit
1220s um
1221s so windmills and water wheels will be
1224s your kind of early transition into power
1227s and then you're gonna be looking at
1230s steam engines as your your big junkie
1233s mechanical energy providers which will
1236s be mandatory to go up into
1239s the next type era
1242s I am curious on
1244s here we go
1246s as we can see here we got some steam
1248s engines right now
1251s fortunately someone forgot to add me on
1253s their property
1257s I guess we will do a
1266s I'll just
1272s let's just do that
1278s to check out the smog layers and
1281s [Music]
1283s as you can see here we've got
1286s burnable fuel which is solids and it's
1288s providing electrical power and this is
1291s what we'll be changing out so this
1293s machine will be generating mechanical
1295s Power instead
1298s animation is also not running on it
1301s is that because what on Earth is going
1303s on here
1305s it is this one
1309s this one actually operating
1316s yeah it is operating but just one of
1317s them is running the animation that is
1319s weird
1323s um
1324s so the steam engine is going to do
1325s mechanical Power and then the combustion
1328s engine or the combustion generator is
1330s going to be your
1331s your initial introduction to electrical
1333s power
1335s and then that Behemoth of an industrial
1337s generator is going to be your late game
1339s and a transitional over into
1342s this will be using power
1348s um
1349s so for progression on this
1352s oh yeah here blue flaming crazy cat
1355s doing some emotes while um
1357s while on camera
1361s um we're taking a look at the
1363s technological progression here
1366s we have
1368s cleaned up cooking
1370s to give us that extra good boost
1377s and we've cleaned up Advanced smelting
1381s Pottery glass working mechanics we saw
1383s we're almost done
1385s in all regards where we hopped off
1387s yesterday
1389s we've skimped out of Milling
1393s which is gonna be mandatory in 10 as
1396s there is some changes to the recipes to
1398s Lumber
1401s um so that's going to be a big change in
1402s terms of this progression route
1405s we see industry here and we see oil
1408s drilling we haven't reached
1411s here for material yet
1414s for the modern upgrades
1418s and we're also out of electronics
1422s oh boy
1425s I'm making some good Headway they're
1427s storing up oil
1430s and oil pyramid here
1438s not sure how I feel about the dirt ramps
1441s being used as a contemporary
1446s replacement pile here but
1449s we'll see uh clever use of this and a
1454s store to just handle all the logistics
1456s to make sure that everything is being
1458s sent into the right location and whoever
1460s is picking stuff up can just easily find
1462s them
1466s quite a significant amount of oil pumps
1469s here
1472s foreign
1484s can people carry you
1487s um
1491s Standing On Top of someone um that's
1493s always been a thing
1499s funnily enough you can kind of you can
1501s kind of as long as you're coordinating
1503s you can stack
1505s everyone quite High
1510s so that is the initial start of
1514s the YouTube property layer so the dark
1517s purple here
1520s is the petroleum slash gas
1523s so we'll probably see some more storage
1524s here
1526s and possibly more
1528s oil pumps as this keeps stacking up
1532s just making use of that surplus material
1535s they've collected for the dirt ramps as
1537s they're transitioning over
1541s um
1542s and we gotta clip it
1548s I believe this is just a Dugout for the
1553s just all the materials for the bricks
1558s just needing that
1561s in that quick tier two material
1568s and we got the roadworks just making use
1570s of that Surplus rock all over the place
1572s and
1575s getting some improvements in
1576s infrastructure where there's critical
1578s choke points
1579s especially in the desert area where you
1581s can't
1582s damp Road you have to actually build it
1586s as we can see they've done it with
1590s a um
1592s got some Road here but it's mainly this
1595s mortgage Stone
1601s um feeling about multi-level oil pumps
1603s are not really a fan of them
1608s um
1609s and
1610s undoubtedly there is going to be
1613s something changed to them
1618s um you require like natural terrain or
1621s something but natural train is also many
1623s people
1624s so you can do the same and then just
1626s like add a layer of dirt and then you
1628s would have natural terrain under
1631s um
1634s it's a tricky
1636s it's a tricky
1638s issue
1641s um
1643s but we are gonna be looking over and
1645s making use of that liquid output
1648s eventually
1649s um
1651s potentially even liquid input as well
1655s I do like water pressure and then sewage
1657s coming out
1658s or if you want to Output the crude oil
1661s into pipes and then so on so forth so
1667s um
1671s something will bound to be happening to
1673s them eventually but
1676s um
1678s the moment I'm kind of I'm kind of
1680s accepting the fact that they exist and
1682s fine with them but they will be changed
1685s I'm way shape or form
1690s foreign
1691s yeah I mean that you can you can do some
1693s artificial stuff like that say you drop
1695s one down and it'll
1699s it'll create like a
1702s a pylon just straight down with like an
1705s invisible non-existing pipe so it
1707s wouldn't it wouldn't have occupancy
1711s um and then
1714s if you're trying to play something above
1716s it would check if there's an object
1717s below it and then just prevent it from
1719s being used because there's something
1720s obstructing it
1729s um so there's a there's a couple of ways
1731s that you can do that
1732s um
1734s but as I said I probably want to redo
1737s them a little bit in terms of their
1738s progress
1739s the oil layer itself kind of want to
1742s introduce like oil shale layers and
1747s oil sands to kind of have different
1749s sources rather than just the pump checks
1758s give kind of oil oil drilling
1762s a more of an interactable profession
1765s rather than just stacked giant cues in
1767s the oil pumps and then stack giant cues
1770s in
1770s a certain amount of refiners and then
1772s walk away and just profit from pollution
1777s we also have some new objects or things
1781s like
1784s plastic molding press and some other
1787s things for like furniture and so on that
1790s we haven't in store for oil drilling
1795s so there's a couple of good pieces that
1797s are coming there as well
1804s uh yeah there is there is sort of an
1808s interest to introduce oil way earlier
1810s than it is right now so this would be
1812s kind of your modern upgrade to oil
1816s and then have oil like lubricants and
1819s different types of crude oil usages
1822s be more critical in the later stages of
1826s the mechanical era
1830s which on the subject I'm the price I
1833s haven't seen a steam car
1836s but I guess there should be one
1839s maybe they're just skimping out on them
1841s because they're not really needing to
1842s transport a lot
1848s remember somebody looks
1859s got some
1864s here we go we can do
1869s that and we can sneak in so we talked
1872s about the um
1875s about the The Sawmill here and
1881s we can do and transition into into this
1886s so
1887s this is the new Sawmill that's coming in
1890s 10.1 10.0
1892s um
1894s and as you can see it's
1896s quite a bit larger than the original one
1908s going through
1911s around it
1915s um so this this is I believe it's like
1917s seven long
1919s and five wide
1921s uh three high so
1924s not not really possible to fit it inside
1927s a
1929s small two by two room anymore
1938s [Music]
1946s what about using stockpile teleporting
1949s exploit as a mean of as a means of
1951s transportation well
1953s um
1955s went over it a little bit yesterday
1958s um stock file transporting is
1962s um
1963s it's a double-edged blade
1966s in some regards one it's a it's a huge
1969s quality of life because you can easily
1971s kind of shift around resources when
1973s you're coming into your base and you're
1974s dropping down say a cart or play
1977s into one stockpile you need to move it
1978s like behind the store you might not have
1981s Road access to that or get close enough
1984s for it
1987s um so having that accessibility through
1990s a stockpile to kind of Shuffle things
1991s around
1993s is a huge quality of life
1996s but at the same time as you say it is
2000s also used to bypass a large volume of
2004s the logistical requirements
2007s because of said teleportation
2013s um
2014s and we're looking at different
2016s Transportation means
2019s um
2020s and systems as we're kind of continuing
2023s to polish and add more content
2028s um
2030s but it's a tricky subject because we
2031s don't want to take away
2035s the ease of access and the ease of
2038s a base building
2041s just in favor of eliminating that
2043s exploit
2050s here we have the compressed mechanics
2053s shop
2054s we got an assembly line with all of the
2058s the required pieces we've got
2061s Ash in his table with the minimum screw
2063s press and let on shaper and then we got
2065s a screw press and lathe just to get
2067s access to specific recipes
2069s and then we got the two assembly lines
2071s with their screw braces and
2074s really clever build compressed
2078s usage of space here
2085s be able to quickly churn out quite a
2087s significant amount of
2091s parts
2105s um
2105s [Music]
2106s is this Minecraft no it is most
2109s definitely not Minecraft
2124s don't sleep at the moment because the
2126s oil of the handmade kettle popcorn is
2128s irritating my throat
2133s foreign
2154s cards that works kind of like conveyor
2157s belts especially with the automation you
2159s can add through them
2162s um
2167s and there'd be a turntable so I can AFK
2169s spin
2171s that's not interesting
2173s um
2173s I mean we got vertical ones so you know
2177s you can you can ask Toby nicely and see
2179s if we can't uh
2183s do a horizontal one for you
2191s [Music]
2194s maybe some physical connection between
2196s stockpiles and crafting machines along
2198s with the throughput yeah I mean there's
2200s a couple of there's a couple of ideas in
2202s motion that we're evaluating
2205s um
2207s and I gave it one over um there's also
2209s the issue of like floating stockpiles
2211s still having access to their inventory
2213s stock so
2214s this for instance you can still access
2216s it and send materials in and out
2220s um and that's probably something that
2222s I'm looking at
2223s initially change so when you have
2226s we have a good example on it there was
2230s maybe they added some
2234s where was that
2235s like it was I think it was here that
2237s they've changed it out to large Slumber
2238s stockpiles but essentially
2240s when you have flying stockpiles you
2242s wouldn't be able to pull in and out of
2243s the materials
2245s from from remote if they don't sit on
2248s Solid Ground
2253s um
2254s as for as you you mentioned Mr object
2258s here
2260s um
2261s let us know what you would feel about
2264s say an actual
2267s rate elevator rather than one where you
2270s manually
2271s drop in a cart and have that as kind of
2274s your container
2275s I was I was spitballing with the idea of
2278s having just
2280s another type of module for the elevator
2282s so it would be like a container slash
2284s crate thing and you wouldn't be able to
2286s get in on the elevator
2288s but you would just fill the materials in
2290s it and you could send it up and down
2293s um not necessarily automated in terms of
2296s loading but
2299s at least you would eliminate the
2300s possibility of a wonky vehicle
2304s um
2305s in it
2317s um
2317s [Music]
2319s see here we've got
2324s um
2324s yeah on on elevators having floors it's
2329s something that we're looking at
2332s but
2334s the individual that is
2336s or was poking at it a little bit is
2339s drowning in some more high level
2341s technical stuff they need to solve first
2343s for the play test
2346s um
2347s shooting some of the boat stuff so once
2349s once that's done we might look at it for
2352s real for
2354s I don't know is it 10.1 10.2 Maybe
2360s um it depends a little bit on the time
2361s available but
2363s we might be able to do it
2369s um
2370s have for instance
2373s um
2374s the elevator would detect where the Y
2377s position of
2381s one of the buttons
2383s and then or the like the the bottom side
2386s of the
2388s control panel so it would go down to
2391s that level and then you would have
2393s different set of buttons or just sending
2396s it to the top or to the bottom
2399s or just incremental in steps
2403s [Music]
2407s um
2409s trains are trains still being worked on
2412s trains never really was worked on
2415s we had some mock-up
2418s or
2420s like a a way like prototype way back in
2425s the kickstarter campaign
2429s um
2432s but trains has always been something
2434s that is
2437s it's It's Tricky like conveyor belt type
2442s rail cards like Minecraft has it
2446s um would probably fit better
2450s eventually maybe perhaps
2455s um then some full
2457s full-sized locomotive
2462s logistical behemoth
2466s um
2467s and there's a lot of
2469s um
2469s a lot of mixed opinions between the
2472s player base and what what they want some
2474s people want these big big chugging
2477s team spewing
2479s trains to transport you know millions of
2482s rock at the same time and just have like
2485s many train cards go across the world
2488s [Music]
2490s but I would not want to try to build
2492s that type of rail network in this
2496s because you would have it going like
2497s making along and then the track would be
2500s in the way
2502s um you'd need to build Bridges up and
2504s down for the trucks so you would need to
2507s have some way of determining who's
2508s shipping what
2510s whose train is going and and what the
2512s priority uh
2515s these goods are being transported in so
2517s there's a lot of logistical issues with
2519s it
2521s um
2523s I have a feeling that if if we see
2526s larger scaled
2528s I block emotions that's probably going
2530s to come from a mod
2532s before it comes from us
2535s um
2537s and
2540s it's difficult to say it's still quite a
2543s bit out
2547s oh yeah Anna points out like if if
2549s trains were available in that scale they
2551s would have it flying off in the air and
2553s just one guy is assigned to be
2555s transporting all the materials to
2557s XYZ points
2561s um
2562s that is very true
2564s Luis
2567s um
2572s some point there how is the new
2575s how is the new boats going to work
2577s um more swimming
2580s will swimming have a skill star no
2581s swimming is still the same we've ramped
2584s up the calorie consumption for it and
2586s there is server settings for disallowing
2590s um
2591s disallowing swimming without calories I
2594s should say
2596s um
2597s so it's still working kind of the same
2598s and we're also looking at potential
2601s potential clothing to mitigate some of
2604s that
2605s like adding some some land movement
2608s penalty but increased speed in the ocean
2611s and and so on so forth
2614s um
2618s so there is some arbitrary restrictions
2620s for swimming compared to what we have
2622s now
2625s jellyfish
2627s um
2633s uh that's something else as well
2636s [Music]
2636s um
2640s um adding horses
2642s um if it's a bit much or if it's
2644s possible someday
2646s I believe it will be possible someday we
2649s are looking at animal husbandry as a
2651s dedicated update down the line
2653s which will contain a large chunk of AI
2657s improvements look at that alien use or
2660s for filling material they're delicious
2665s um we are looking at that from a
2667s dedicated
2669s dedicated perspective
2671s um to get like a proper AI update that
2674s animal behavior and animations and
2676s everything looking really slick and good
2681s um
2682s sucks we also have a few animals that
2686s are
2689s getting to a state of being ready like
2691s new animals that we we've been working
2694s on or the art team has been working on
2696s behind the scenes that we haven't really
2698s revealed yet
2700s and we don't want to release them until
2705s we do get to do a pass on the AI because
2708s we we feel like introducing more animals
2711s when the animals that exist are already
2714s kind of janky
2717s is not really super optimal so we want
2720s to do a proper pass on them before
2722s and I add more content in that regard
2727s and if you take a look at my
2732s ooh
2734s I think it was
2736s uh me and Toby were doing a
2741s design stream
2744s I believe someone can probably
2746s sit down all the all the previous
2748s streams are recorded on YouTube on our
2750s Strange Loop games Channel
2753s and I went over part of the animal
2756s husbandry and kind of some of the
2758s some of the core features and
2760s expectations
2762s um
2763s that we want to kind of opt for in there
2766s so if you're curious more into detail of
2769s that I got a bit of a
2770s bit of a flow short and some ideas have
2773s been
2774s etching out and kind of discussing over
2776s there
2781s donkeys and llamas
2788s um
2788s interesting one like pulling pulling
2791s vehicles in carts and so on so forth
2794s um
2798s uh any plans to add more mineral or
2801s other minerals into the game
2804s um yeah
2805s I I won't go into detail to what extent
2808s or which ones but I can I can definitely
2811s say yes we have some plans to add more
2813s more raw materials to be processed
2815s further down
2818s um
2819s including sort of a an additional step
2826s post up so we've got like iron coming in
2829s we've got copper coming in and then we
2830s got gold transitioning and then we have
2832s we got steel as an alloy type
2835s um
2839s and then you'll transition in on to
2841s having like higher Tech processing
2844s plants
2845s um
2848s they're looking at
2850s um you know a restaurant Rocker Box as
2852s your tier one
2853s damp Mill and screening machines here
2856s too and then the the
2860s sensor based belt Sorter and the froth
2863s rotation as you tier 3 and then we'll
2865s probably transition over up to tier four
2867s as in that last step which has more
2871s high-tech refinement and alloy usage or
2874s a rework of the laser system
2882s that's that's planned for it's not it's
2885s not in the works as of just jet
2888s um
2889s I'm working on some of the some of the
2891s design and the tech flow for it
2894s but there's definitely plans for it
2899s um
2903s NPC customers to help cities grow like a
2906s town reputation
2907s um
2908s NPCs as a player alternative
2913s is likely not not gonna happen from our
2917s point
2919s um
2920s and that's mainly because it
2924s it's a it's a big can of worms in
2927s regards to
2931s um player options player impact and
2936s just population levels and entity levels
2942s I do see the draw and Pull and and kind
2945s of the interest to have it from a lower
2948s population perspective or
2952s um
2955s if you are running single player or
2957s something in that regard
2960s but it's likely not going to happen from
2962s from our
2963s slide at least
2968s [Music]
2969s um
2973s I like to know why you're adding the
2975s face thing to to the player in the game
2977s is the game going to be VR no well
2981s I mean having a VR alternative would be
2983s interesting but it's also kind of
2986s counter-intuitive to how the controls
2988s and everything is working in game
2991s the web camera face tracking as some
2994s people have seen the previous stream or
2997s the last week's stream I should say not
2999s the previous one because that one is
3001s yesterday
3002s um web camera tracking and face tracking
3005s is a new feature that is an opt-in
3008s optional feature for you to use
3011s and
3012s the general notion there is just to add
3015s more
3017s customizability and more interactability
3019s between the players themselves
3023s together with things like the cameras
3027s and we're looking at adding more kind of
3029s these
3031s non-technical progression
3034s end game based interactions between
3037s players
3039s so you'll have more options to just do
3042s stuff in the world rather than just mine
3045s or progress the server and shoot on
3046s meteor
3049s um
3051s and so the game is helping to to helping
3055s role play yeah absolutely
3057s um
3058s because while it is a survival you know
3061s progression based game
3064s at its core
3066s we also want to cater some of that
3071s um some of the role-playing servers that
3074s feel like you know the the um they are
3076s missing these kind of core elements that
3078s would really Empower them
3081s um
3082s and
3085s there is a
3088s there's a lot of people that are
3089s interested in it
3091s um
3092s even if the large majority might not use
3095s it
3096s um we feel that having the option there
3098s for people that do want to use it is
3100s quite powerful and
3103s um
3104s while it's it's absolutely daunting and
3106s seeing the Avatar come up to you and you
3108s know having realistic natural face
3110s expressions when it's talking to you
3112s it's terrifying but it's it's also
3115s fantastic at the same time
3119s and I foresee a lot of a lot of
3121s interesting meme materials and
3123s recordings coming out of that as well
3126s um
3127s that's gonna be a blast to see when
3128s people get their hands on
3130s see what they're doing
3134s thank you
3137s how has the server progression been
3139s since the stream yesterday
3142s um it's it's crazy they've
3144s skimped through mechanics and they're
3147s heavily into industry right now and
3149s they're researching Electronics I
3151s believe
3154s have they gotten up to
3156s yeah they got Composites down
3159s and they got industry sorted they got
3161s oil drilling sorted so I'm guessing that
3162s we'll see
3166s I believe the Composites were done in
3169s favor of the modern upgrade threes
3173s so we'll probably see someone picking
3176s Composites here soon and then starting
3178s to really push into using some of that
3181s plastic
3184s um and getting that skill up to be able
3186s to provide that additional resource
3188s reduction
3191s and then once that's done we'll likely
3193s see something going on into Electronics
3197s they're doing they're doing some crazy
3199s crazy amount of progression here
3208s um
3210s there's a lot of variations of brick
3213s block shapes now and they're gorgeous
3215s could you add more shapes like that to
3216s other materials as well not just High
3218s tier but low tiers it's just Lumber
3221s um
3222s the art team is
3225s gonna take a look once we once we clear
3227s 10 and we're out of the woods with that
3229s one and we kind of stabilized it and
3233s um cleared out in terms of assets and
3235s everything that's coming into that from
3237s the art perspective
3240s um our amazing art team is gonna take
3243s art to take kind of
3246s deep dives into some of the old block
3249s sets
3250s but also just like going over them on a
3253s cohesive level to make sure that they're
3256s quality wise looking the same kind of
3258s polished
3260s as well as expanding some of the block
3262s forms options a bit
3265s um
3266s just to kind of like even out the
3268s quality between some of the blocks that
3269s were added way way earlier in in the
3272s development of Eco since
3274s Eco has kind of been in development
3276s since 2015.
3279s from the very very very start and then
3284s 2016-17 you had the first Public Health
3288s public apples and betas
3290s and then 2018 was the first kind of
3292s initial team release and then from that
3295s point
3297s um blocks have been added continuously
3299s through it and with each iteration
3301s they've always kind of upgraded in terms
3303s of quality look and texturing and
3307s all of the fancy things and we see
3310s how many Block Set forms for human logs
3313s for instance with the dock
3315s the dock sets
3318s and if you compare the dock sets to
3322s the original hewn
3324s you can see a quite a high quality
3327s increase so we want to do a pass over
3330s all the blocks to kind of uniform them
3331s making sure that they're looking
3334s looking quite a nice and Polished
3341s um what do you guys think about some of
3342s the modded skills from Elixir mods um I
3346s generally like them
3348s um
3352s I'm not sure I can I can add anything
3354s more than that like some of it
3356s would it make sense to kind of
3358s incorporate some of it into the base
3359s game maybe in in a certain scale
3364s and we're adding
3366s we're adding professions as
3369s as things are going along
3374s um and as they make sense I have a few
3376s kind of interior criterias for adding a
3379s new profession it needs to make sense it
3381s needs to have place in the world it
3382s needs to have a certain amount of craft
3384s tables needs to have a certain amount of
3386s activity activities and impact it can
3388s have
3391s um so there's a couple of a couple of
3393s internal criterias for adding a new
3395s profession
3396s even if it would make sense to just like
3398s throw it in there like
3400s splitting up hunting and fishing and
3402s having fishing being its own thing
3404s um
3405s it wouldn't be warranted because
3408s it doesn't have enough things to do in
3411s terms of activity so I'd rather just
3413s keep some of them combined
3416s beside animal husbandry are there any
3418s plans for new skills maybe beekeeping as
3421s part of animal husbandry
3423s um
3425s a lot of a lot of case for speculation
3428s there
3430s outside where I'm comfortable
3432s discussing publicly to not shoot myself
3435s in the foot so
3438s I think we can say that
3441s um
3443s definitely some some ideas
3446s um
3448s and some tinkering but nothing that is
3452s I mean not not something that is kind of
3455s set in stone or set on paper
3457s as of just yet and
3460s once it does we'll probably go over it
3463s on some streams and kind of
3466s continue these these design discussions
3469s and just introduction into what we're
3472s working on and just keep these it's just
3474s kind of going
3479s um speaking of blocks I would like I
3481s would love to see a sidewalk block or
3483s either a brick or concrete or like a
3485s half block a line roads and roadways
3488s with
3489s um
3490s I think in the animal just more block
3492s forms this is likely happening
3495s in different shapes and forms once we do
3497s a solid pass on all of them gonna see
3500s what we're missing what we'd like to add
3501s more
3503s um there's also a
3508s um they're looking at the stone deserts
3509s or OPI yeah
3511s deserts are in this in this case we had
3515s open up the map here
3517s laying it alienate the property here
3520s in this case we had the desert adjacent
3522s to small piece of grassland but also a
3527s massive rainforest and that provided a
3530s substantial amount of materials to kind
3532s of get things going quickly
3537s um
3540s they're almost self-sufficient yeah well
3543s I mean they are they are reaching far
3545s off in the in the distance or the copper
3548s they're going through another another
3549s continent here for the coal
3554s then you have a desert here in the
3556s grassland that kind of got opted out
3558s because it's much more favorable to have
3560s somewhere with more dense tree lines
3563s that's kind of depending a little bit on
3567s on the world generation should also be
3569s noted that it is it is a much much
3572s bigger world than your default
3575s 0.72 or 0.52 kilometers
3579s since running on 2.56
3582s which means that they have
3584s a lot more
3587s rain all just
3591s nuking materials without any regard to
3594s sustainability
3596s as you can see the desert here is
3599s pretty much completely void of
3603s any any kind of trees
3605s there is some some Agave plants around
3610s um
3611s but the deserts in 10 has also
3614s transitioned quite significantly to do a
3616s lot
3617s a lot less
3619s there's also a generally a lot less food
3621s intent
3623s initially so something like this is
3626s going to be tricky to
3628s be able to pull off
3631s um
3633s so maybe we'll see a
3635s a resurface and compare
3638s how something like this is done in once
3642s 10.0 is stable and released
3645s just as a comparison to to the tactics
3647s used and
3650s the operation of it because it is going
3652s to be significantly different
3656s another pile of windmills and
3660s or compiling of tailings
3665s and we moved over to
3668s we have to move over
3670s yeah here we go there's some blast
3672s furnaces now that we're digging down and
3674s I'm presuming to see some yeah some
3677s screening machines
3680s yes we'll have I guess eight screening
3683s machines Maybe
3684s as as the final form
3689s and here we go some damp Mills so holy
3692s snap
3695s oh boy
3697s yeah that was some that was some instant
3699s frame drops when when first loading in
3701s all loads all of that uh
3706s bits here
3710s um so that is all being fed into this
3712s stockpile the stamp Mills are turning
3714s churning it very quickly into crushed
3717s materials
3718s it's 10 cent up
3720s as crushed up here it gets transformed
3723s into concentrate and then the melters
3728s or just churning it into um
3732s deal and
3734s iron
3739s um
3743s rainforests bordering desert is making
3745s them super Opie yeah it's
3750s it's a bit tricky with the World
3751s Generation
3753s Um
3754s having not enough restrictions but then
3757s adding more restrictions kind of causes
3759s what we're seeing here
3761s with some splotches of grassland because
3763s the the Jungle the rainforest is not
3766s allowed to directly border
3770s um the desert so it has this thin line
3773s of grassland kind of spawned in
3776s in between but then it's allowed to be
3779s adjacent anyway
3781s so the world gen is something that we
3783s are
3784s in a continuously looking at and leaking
3787s as we're going along
3790s balance those out a little bit
3793s but at the same time we don't want to
3795s add too many rule sets for it because
3797s then you always kind of end up with the
3799s same map all of the time because
3801s so rigid
3807s crafting machines and this is under
3809s requiring more calories
3814s um
3814s it's an interesting idea
3824s it's definitely an interesting idea for
3826s having Gallery penalties based on harsh
3829s climate
3831s changes so you would have like Alder it
3834s in the grassland
3836s folder up towards the ice biomes and a
3839s warm-up into the rainforest and desert
3842s look
3846s interesting idea
3848s um that is a lot of oil jacks
3869s are
3875s we were coming along here quite nicely
3877s um
3881s we're seeing the the water wheel of
3883s madness here
3885s so let's see if we um
3888s heard a rumor about the copper mine up
3890s here in the North
3893s I will look and see if we can't find
3898s we have a dedicated to the hit copper or
3900s they still chasing copper up here
3911s [Music]
3914s this is some nested stuff here
3918s oh look at that we found they did find
3921s golden copper down here
3923s that is
3926s that is a nested way to get it out of
3929s this mine
3938s I guess they could make that
3941s this this pathway here just goes like
3944s straight down
3946s so
3948s and that would allow them to kind of hit
3950s that but
3952s the same time it's
3954s it's taking you know
3956s is it more advantageous to make a proper
3958s road than dive down straight down or
3963s is it better to just live with the
3965s complicated situation of having to hoist
3967s materials up
3970s a bit
3980s yeah ramps would take too long yeah I'm
3982s that's what I'm guessing but at the same
3984s time
3986s like not not necessarily making ramps
3988s but just having like a clean straight
3991s stairway down as well
3995s um
4005s if nothing just to drink like get in a
4008s drop down there and just quickly
4010s transition in there
4029s um
4035s that's what I'm that's what I talked
4037s about stockpile teleportation exploit
4039s that just removes a huge part of the
4041s game yeah but like
4044s um
4045s it is one of those things of
4049s it is one of those things that are kind
4051s of tricky when in terms of
4055s quality of life compared to
4058s we got
4059s I believe this is our composite assembly
4066s do we have a property here we have a
4068s property here it's a tech base we've got
4071s I have a stamping meal here
4076s this is below
4078s where the heck is it
4081s up here yeah here we go
4084s this is the full industrial Workshop
4086s it's just missing
4089s missing a lathe and it's missing the
4091s robotics but robotics is not going to
4093s come up until Electronics
4098s got some steel plates being done so I'm
4101s guessing the largest resource
4104s difficulty right now is just churning
4107s out and processing enough iron to turn
4109s into steel and getting enough coal
4111s transported over here to make sure that
4115s they have the availability of Steel to
4117s keep pressing plates
4119s um
4120s fixing rivets and all of that to keep
4123s the industry machines fed because right
4125s now we are looking at
4134s we're looking at a lack of Steel bars to
4137s keep making these items
4146s foreign
4154s [Music]
4170s from the deep mine to the serpents yeah
4173s yeah and it is something that we do want
4175s to take a look at but we also
4179s want to make sure that
4183s we have alternative means to replace
4186s that functionality with before we start
4188s nuking it we don't want to just
4191s rip away the ability to transfer
4193s materials between stockpiles because we
4194s could do that
4197s um but we feel that it would be such a
4199s detrimental
4202s factor to it and it doesn't really feel
4204s like
4205s it's accomplishing anything other than
4208s you know antagonizing people
4212s um so
4213s the advantage of just keeping it in
4216s there versus
4217s the the con of removing it in terms of
4220s player utility
4222s just outweighing it so
4225s until we get to that point
4229s um we're just gonna not touch it
4233s people would just use card yeah but
4235s there's a lot more
4238s there's a lot more
4240s areas that you're using it and for some
4243s quality of life shifting around and just
4245s inventory sorting and
4247s all of these other kind of circulatory
4250s mechanics that you're doing
4253s to keep your
4255s materials stocked or
4258s for instance you have
4262s a good example is like a store
4265s for instance where you're buying a lot
4266s of different types of materials and or
4268s selling a lot of different types of
4270s materials
4272s and you have you know
4274s four different store Stone types and you
4276s have six different log types and you you
4278s just want to shift each to its own
4280s separate stockpile
4283s you can just right now you just open up
4285s the inventory and go hey I want to have
4287s all of these mortgage Stone I want to
4289s have them over here in this stockpile
4290s here and you just grab them shift and
4293s hold shift and just like
4295s drop them in here
4299s just just a mess with people here a
4301s little bit
4302s grab this mortared Stone
4304s grab them over there and down
4306s those are filtered out and sorted
4310s um
4313s and that's a huge quality of life people
4315s have to kind of be sorting out but if
4317s instead you would have to drive up a
4319s cart here
4320s and you will have to fill the card with
4322s these mortgage though and then all over
4324s here just to be able to drop them into
4325s this stockpile
4328s at this stage
4331s it would be a huge detriment to how
4333s players are experiencing
4336s Inventory management
4344s so we want to make sure that we can fill
4345s that
4347s with something before we hit
4350s the switch on
4353s not being able to shuffle around
4356s that much
4364s nagato hello hello how are you doing
4367s hope everything is all right this
4370s weekend
4393s um a little bit worn out from from the
4395s week but
4397s back in the chair here so we're
4400s recuperating a little bit from my
4402s holiday
4404s um just enjoying the view on on this
4407s amazing
4411s amazing play tests session I was about
4413s to say but it
4416s breaking breaking the game in a lot of
4419s ways here with different
4421s tips and tricks for this speedrun that
4425s people are doing
4426s um
4427s and just discussing
4429s some future changes that you'll see in
4431s the play test
4432s um and in 10
4436s and just
4439s going around making sure that things are
4441s working and
4443s discussing some of those
4445s some of those changes and some of the
4449s big revolving um
4453s to down to subbing it
4458s going to play in our server with boats
4461s gonna be cool yeah the boats are
4464s something that we've been looking
4465s forward to deploying for a long time
4467s um
4469s including me as a player way way way
4472s back
4473s um
4474s Nations and boats have always been some
4476s of this peaked
4479s effort
4480s yeah thank you nagato much appreciated
4486s um it's it's always been something that
4488s we've been
4490s looking at getting in there and
4494s making sure it happens and it's been a
4496s peak sort of milestone in Eco
4499s development getting these things out
4501s there and wrapping out some of the core
4503s logistical functionalities
4506s so we're really hoping that a lot of
4508s people have fun with them and get some
4511s use out of them as well as just giving
4512s feedback on
4515s if you want them to be improved in some
4518s way or if you feel like you're missing
4521s something with them and and so on so
4522s forth as we're
4526s always looking out and
4530s always looking for ways to improve and
4533s giving everyone an awesome experience
4541s we got some
4544s some
4544s Musk
4548s and dusk fog here setting in we've got
4551s some
4553s Huckleberry farming going on
4556s guessing that's just use the seeds that
4558s people have been picking
4561s might as well have them there in case
4564s and some beats going on here someone got
4567s tired of running around the the
4569s grassland harvesting
4572s although there is a
4574s infinite amount of crops here for some
4577s of these things
4578s especially tomatoes and
4582s it's not a lot of corn I think I think a
4584s lot of a lot of the Corn has been picked
4587s quite clean
4589s um at least in the in the early vicinity
4591s we got a lot more down the line here
4593s with the grassland
4599s it is gonna look so different
4608s make a bunker
4612s um do you think that some boats are
4613s going to be running on coal yeah
4615s um
4617s some of them are going to be using solid
4619s fuel
4620s especially the medium transport is going
4622s to be toughing along it has a combustion
4624s engine and some
4626s give me some
4628s pollution that one
4633s you can left the fishing troller as is
4635s running on solid fuel as well
4639s we'll see if that changes later on
4643s this is the is this the under Desert
4649s I don't know just
4651s just the non-used desert area
4662s problem with elevators is that they're
4663s so glitchy with multiple peoples I feel
4665s that they're just underutilized yeah we
4667s do have some issues with the netsync
4669s component that we're using and we are
4672s looking at kind of upgrading in
4675s rebuilding that to a bit more in what
4679s Eco is today
4681s rather than what was what it was made
4683s for originally as we kind of outgrown it
4688s and I believe that's another layer of
4691s oil pumps and we got another one being
4693s made here
4696s and we are seeing quite a significant
4699s increase in oil production
4710s so here we can see the smog that's being
4712s produced
4715s the total CO2
4719s and
4725s we are seeing
4728s arise so if things are keep
4734s chugging along in and just being fed
4738s with resources
4741s um
4742s we might see an interesting effect and
4746s see how the world is going to be able to
4749s sustain itself and are they gonna be
4752s able to out pace
4755s a potential water rise
4759s with the mass output production
4761s especially with all the cement Kilns and
4763s all the blast furnaces and everything
4765s running at the same time
4769s um
4770s boats are just horizontal elevators and
4772s they should have the same issues so if
4774s elevators have sync issues so will the
4776s boats
4777s um both yes and no
4779s there we have the
4782s facing down the meter here we got impact
4784s in two days six hours and 45 minutes
4789s so that is coming up on
4793s first day here in six hours
4796s um
4797s boats will have
4798s both have their own unique problems I
4801s should say
4802s um
4805s boats are also the elevators are kind of
4808s a hybrid object because their world
4810s object and their static yet they're
4812s they're containing components that are
4814s movable
4816s then has physics applied to them
4820s but there is a
4822s sort of a mishmash in between
4828s um what we're using for physics
4829s calculations
4832s driftwise
4833s so for the vehicles and the land-based
4836s vehicles that we're using we're using
4838s something called RCC
4841s um
4841s which is a the real car controller asset
4845s that is available on the unity store
4849s and it's a paid asset which is why we
4852s can't provide it license wise inside our
4855s mod kit which is why
4857s land-based vehicles are locked behind
4860s the dev tier in terms of modding
4865s and it is something that we are looking
4867s at replacing as well but for the boats
4870s um
4871s the car controller
4873s doesn't work because the boats are not
4876s cars and the the car controller has
4879s specific requirements of things like
4881s wheels and attached to Solid Ground and
4883s so on so
4884s for the boats we had to kind of come up
4886s with our own
4887s our own complete set of solutions so the
4891s boats are actually running
4892s physics completely different from the
4894s cars
4897s and that poses its own kind of unique
4900s problems and solutions and
4903s it manifests in different ways
4909s some of them some people have seen
4910s testing out staging where they just kind
4912s of
4914s think to the bottom due to an issue with
4917s the optimized chunk loading that
4920s Vehicles doesn't have an issue with
4924s due to a lot of changes and
4925s optimizations
4928s but on the other hand because it's our
4931s own in-house scripts and our own
4932s in-house Solutions we can also customize
4934s and tailor them exactly the way we want
4936s them to to fill our needs and our roles
4939s and also expose them in the mod kit so
4941s both will actually be
4943s likely more modable
4946s without Dev tier from the get-go
4950s because we can expose
4953s we can expose these controller scripts
4955s through the mod kits ourselves since it
4957s since it's ours
4971s I'd like to know why there is charcoal
4973s if there is coal um there's two reasons
4977s when it's another different sourcing of
4980s coal
4981s um it's a renewable coal Source if you
4984s will so Stone bituminous coal or Stone
4987s Cold
4988s which is what you find mining in the
4990s ground
4991s is a finite resource
4995s even though you might not run into that
4997s problem of resources running out since
5000s the Cycles tend to stay within the 30
5003s they come fine
5005s charcoal is a renewable resource in that
5008s regards that you can just grow trees and
5010s you can Harvest them and you can turn
5011s them into charcoal
5013s and you can get eel made from it
5017s but as as
5021s tension there's specifies that short
5024s call because it's a
5026s an inventory item it has a different
5029s stack limitation
5032s than a carriable item of just call
5035s so when you're dropping it into a
5037s furnace or amplifier or whatever you can
5040s stack it in a hundred
5042s yet still have the same fuel efficiency
5044s so
5046s you don't need to refill your fuel
5048s stations as often
5054s um it's a it's a nice quality of life
5059s to kind of Chuck into say an oil
5061s refinery or
5063s an electrical generator and so on where
5066s it's going to increase the time
5069s capable crafting without a refill
5072s on a lot longer and I've also done some
5075s massive reduction in costs for charcoal
5077s for 10 so
5080s we might see a lot a charcoal industry
5083s boom again
5085s um
5086s that we lost a bit with the cost
5088s increase with 9.0
5099s [Music]
5106s I think it's actually I think it's
5108s slightly more now I think I have it and
5111s I think one log is like 1.25 charcoal
5116s on Max reductions I think it's on on
5118s absolute Max reduction I think it's like
5120s three three and a half logs
5122s or charcoal
5127s [Music]
5129s or something like that so yeah they've
5131s been massively cost reduced
5134s um I might have gone a little bit over
5135s the top if I might end up
5137s reducing the energy capacity of charcoal
5140s a little bit
5143s I'm just not completely out complete
5145s coal
5147s from the get-go
5152s but at the same time I also want
5156s I want charcoal to be affordable enough
5160s to be competing with
5163s it being used as a raw material for
5165s something else
5167s so people really need to go like do I
5169s want to make charcoal and sell that or
5172s do I want to save the logs and turn it
5174s into Lumber or turn it into human logs
5176s or turn it into boards
5178s so you don't have that clear cut you
5180s know oh Let's ignore charcoal because
5182s it's useless and I might as well just
5183s make boards and sell those
5186s but allow players to have that option of
5190s and kind of
5193s I have to think about what they need to
5196s use the resources for
5199s foreign
5203s coal will be introduced
5206s uh when I get Pete
5209s so that'll be a world again update
5213s um further down the line
5217s um what do you think about adding a
5219s stationary motor in order to convert
5220s electrical power to mechanical Power
5223s um
5228s it's an interesting idea
5232s but
5233s it's also kind of tricky in terms of
5235s game balance impact and implication
5239s um
5242s because I kind of want to keep
5244s mechanical Power as dirty early one
5249s um and
5253s the
5258s um yeah so Pete is something that I has
5262s I have as a prerequisite and then that
5264s will be introduced once I have
5267s once I have some free time for the art
5268s guys to
5270s you get the asset made done and that
5272s will be a replacement for the early
5275s layers
5276s of coal in the wetlands
5280s and once that is introduced it will be
5286s um
5288s when I have that as an alternative I'll
5290s be introducing the crushed coal and
5293s Shuffle things around
5295s um
5296s to make it more towards where where
5298s we're looking at for white tiger
5304s um
5309s what do you think uh where were we what
5312s do you think about adding a stationary
5313s motor
5314s what are the plants the power in general
5316s will will it be transferred by air
5319s um yeah right now we got Wi-Fi power
5321s amazing
5324s um but we don't have a visualizing way
5329s um at the moment so when you're you're
5331s looking at the power requirements you're
5333s just seeing the power you're not seeing
5335s like
5337s kind of overlay here
5340s and that's something that I'll also want
5342s to introduce
5345s um and
5347s it'll be piggybacking a little bit on
5350s the new system for Mooring boats so
5354s Mooring about and locking it into place
5358s um you go up to a mortgage post and
5361s it'll list the amount of
5364s boats that are nearby and then if you're
5366s owning the boat you can lock it in place
5368s and it will generate a line drawn to
5370s that location
5375s um
5379s and
5382s um that'll kind of connect them and lock
5385s them and make sure that you can't move
5386s them while having a visual
5387s representation of it
5390s and there is going to be something
5392s similar to power lines where you have
5396s the power pole
5398s connecting to other power poles by a
5400s similar systems you would either have a
5402s specific tool to kind of connect them or
5405s if it shows up as a UI interface thing I
5408s kind of prefer the the
5411s the first notion of having like a power
5414s tool
5415s or like a bundle of cables or something
5417s that you can connect with and then that
5420s will transmit the power from each power
5422s pole and then you would connect those to
5424s a substation and that's going to be your
5426s kind of grid the generation
5429s um so for longer distance power lines
5433s you would need to connect them with
5436s our cables
5438s um so you would have these flying lines
5440s all over the place depending on
5444s um yeah sort of sort of something in
5447s that style
5449s um
5449s Banner
5458s um
5459s have you seen the Minecraft mod create
5461s yeah they they've done crazy amount of
5466s physical interactions
5469s but
5474s um
5476s I do love what they've done with
5479s the whole mechanical
5482s creation it's quite ingenious
5486s um
5488s but it's also kind of a whole different
5490s ball game in some of that regard
5493s um
5495s verify that wait
5496s um to to on the boats so you have a
5499s mortgage post that allows you to Anchor
5500s the boat so
5502s to avoid things like Griefers or
5506s just people finding it hilarious to push
5508s boats around because
5509s land vehicles have the benefit of not
5512s being
5513s really pushable because you have the
5515s friction of the ground so you can't move
5517s say
5519s cart and push it across the world easily
5522s you really have to fight it
5525s or say a truck or an excavator or
5527s whatnot it's fairly rigid in terms of
5530s sitting still on the ground
5532s but a boat
5534s doesn't have that Advantage because it's
5535s on it's in water and it's floating so if
5538s you have a boat colliding with another
5540s one and it's a passive sitting still
5541s you're gonna be able to push around
5544s the naval Vehicles quite easily
5548s um in in that regards especially if you
5549s have a bigger one than they
5551s so to allow people to kind of lock their
5555s vehicles in place and make sure that
5556s they're not being pushed around
5559s um you have options to Anchor them to
5562s either the buoys
5564s or mortgage posts that you can place
5569s um you know it attaches a rope between
5573s the mortgage post and the boat itself
5575s and
5577s if you're curious on that system more in
5579s depth
5580s you can take a look at me and Mike's
5585s both stream back in March
5588s which is available on YouTube
5595s where we go over some of the more
5598s more both both Centric mechanics and
5601s functionalities in depth and also
5603s showing some of them all
5606s um just talking a bit about it
5612s uh
5615s we got some animals showing up here we
5618s are seeing some big transformations in
5621s in the storage department for these
5624s areas now that we got large Lumber
5626s stockpiles showing up
5629s that is a lot of you Knocks
5632s and that is a lot of lumber so we are
5634s definitely seeing some pretty impressive
5636s some pretty impressive progression so
5640s um this Lumber is going to be a lot
5643s tougher to come by in 10.
5646s because you'll have one you'll have
5649s those bigger Sawmills so you're going to
5651s be needing more place and more structure
5654s to
5655s be able to utilize them
5657s but Lumber will also have an organic
5660s compound requirement for it so you're
5662s gonna need Milling farming and Gathering
5666s um get those out
5671s and
5674s that is going to be revolving the flex
5676s that's been introduced
5679s um that'll be interesting to see how
5680s people are going to be able to manage
5682s that and it's going to be a huge change
5683s early on
5691s and we're getting some some some more
5693s roads from this the spillage material
5696s and the gravel that's been coming out of
5699s the word processing
5703s as a means of just upgrading and adding
5705s some infrastructure I'm guessing
5710s the Monument of campfires have cooled
5714s off
5715s are we seeing more salads being made
5717s here or
5720s are we looking at
5723s Food level is gonna be all right
5726s we've got quite a large volume of
5728s vegetable medleys but I know that these
5730s are gonna vanish pretty quickly
5734s simmered meat seems to be a delicacy
5744s looking on General food
5749s we got a lot of salads for all the
5751s hard-working
5753s people doing basic
5755s basic stuff like mining
5758s and logging
5762s quite a substantial amount even that's
5765s looking pretty good
5768s any plans for solid waste and recycles
5771s yes
5773s we do have one and
5776s um
5777s I'll go
5779s over on detail for that once we're out
5782s of the 10 Zone
5786s as it's gonna shift the tension quite a
5788s bit so
5790s more information about that will be
5792s coming later on
5800s hello jabroni
5802s um
5804s looking forward to speed running some 10
5806s speed running 10 in some time in the
5808s future yeah it's gonna be
5811s it's it's gonna be cool to see because
5813s these are these are recorded and these
5815s are saved
5816s um
5817s it'll be fun to see a comparison
5821s to how fast things are going here
5825s and
5827s the size and space occupied
5831s and a method supplied and seeing the
5834s comparison
5836s you how that worked out in 10 and what
5839s adaptations you need to apply to make
5842s sure that you're getting to the same
5843s points because
5845s it is a substantially different game
5848s really
5851s and I'm not entirely done yet with my
5854s Tech Tree changes and
5856s my cost adjustments and recipes changes
5858s but
5861s they are getting there
5867s so we're seeing some panning over from
5869s the
5870s own industrial over to
5873s big
5875s the big honking apartment building or
5877s the skill gain
5879s and the wood manufacturing plant
5886s and of course the deforestation of the
5889s rainforest
5892s has used
5896s they've cleared out about a third of the
5898s entire rainforest in their progression
5900s chasing here I'm guessing they made a
5902s lot of a lot of basic upgrades
5914s as you can see all the all the wood
5916s stumps and everything here from the
5920s all of the forests
5922s if we had three ends they would be
5924s chasing your Brony down right now
5931s uh perhaps it depends on if the speed
5934s run just decides to just disable the new
5937s system well
5938s um
5939s settlements isn't an issue per se it's
5941s it's I've done quite a significant
5943s amount of Tech Tree changes
5946s um so you've got things like Lumber
5949s requires
5952s um
5955s plant material now and
5958s cloth is not just plant fiber it needs
5962s to be processed flax and
5966s um significant power reworks and changes
5969s in terms of pollution generation and
5971s power requirements
5973s so there's a lot of just general take
5974s three things that have changed
5978s as well as recipe changes so
5981s it's not just a matter of you know
5983s property rights or
5985s being able to build everywhere and so on
5987s so forth
5991s um
5993s however that said I mean the boats are
5995s presenting new alternatives for shipping
5997s material over over other distances and
6000s working differently so you don't need to
6004s you don't necessarily need to do like
6007s Bridges all over the place or
6010s maybe drop in like a shipyard to
6013s be able to bulk transfer over other
6017s distances depending on how the map is
6018s looking
6020s um
6022s and so on so forth so there there's
6025s there's a lot of new Dynamics intent
6027s that
6029s is gonna make it look quite interesting
6031s I think
6034s um
6039s but yeah we're looking quite good we've
6041s got
6042s industry chugging along we've got
6045s just a requirement for a massive amount
6048s of Steel
6050s I believe we're seeing a lot of iron
6052s build up here
6059s yeah as the concentrate is being shoved
6061s around and shuffled
6063s got some copper concentrate and
6068s guessing we're gonna see a lot of steel
6069s manufacturing here soon
6077s you're looking looking pretty good on
6080s time I think
6081s um
6083s Electronics is going to eat a lot of
6085s resources and oh look at that we have
6089s that our first steam truck I know that's
6091s the first steam truck I'm seeing
6095s but is that the first steam truck on the
6097s server in IRT
6103s Annex
6106s where do we have the steam trackers
6110s yeah there's one steam truck in the
6112s world and it just passed me
6120s so what do we have Pepsis here and we
6122s got we got Anna and jabroni here what do
6125s you what do you guys think on
6129s um the prioritization between you know
6131s dropping resources on to say proper
6134s vehicles
6135s to help the logistics along
6138s um
6140s I know the main source is probably going
6142s to be all
6144s all copper and gold that needs to be
6146s transported here everything else can
6147s kind of be shuffled around through the
6149s stockpiles and moved with cards on and
6151s off but
6154s like there's going to be a lot of a lot
6156s of call requirements for all the steel
6158s so that's going to be needing
6161s um yeah steam trucks are super important
6163s to transport things around
6166s uh vegan went to bed and had mechanics
6168s all acutely forgot copper wire for this
6170s team sector where we would have a couple
6172s earlier than this yeah
6183s it'll it'll be big for coal and copper
6185s yeah definitely
6187s um since it it can carry a larger volume
6190s so you need less players to all the same
6192s quantity and you can have the players
6194s more dedicatedly just
6196s digging the material at at the location
6199s it's in rather than having them all
6202s dig a couple of blocks and then Ferry it
6204s back and forth
6212s but yeah it's looking pretty good we're
6214s coming up on an hour 45 minutes here
6219s and
6221s I'm quite happy with this update I think
6224s that
6227s we're gonna see some cool changes
6229s tonight right now it's just a matter of
6231s just keep keep doing what they're doing
6236s and just bulk manufacturing all of the
6238s ore and all of the um
6240s bulk harvesting the ore and just turning
6243s this massive amount of iron into
6246s concentrate into iron
6248s and then they iron into steel and then
6250s chugging it into
6254s being components for the industry and
6256s then we'll see where we're at
6260s later on today
6262s so I'll be doing a
6264s an evening stream and
6269s uh
6271s we started in in eight hours
6278s yeah biggest thing is to not actually
6280s make too many skid steers or trucks
6283s which need we still need a few of those
6285s but not too many
6288s yeah it really is if you if you've got
6291s a tagged team of people
6293s running a skid steer or running an
6295s excavator
6298s um
6299s you can just keep drinking materials out
6302s of it so if you have like a truck that
6304s just
6304s follows a skid steer into a tunnel and
6307s then you have a third player that just
6309s grabs the material out of the skid steer
6311s immediately and chucking it onto the
6313s track and then as soon as the truck is
6315s filled he can run off and then you just
6317s have a new truck take its place
6319s you can collect a large volume of
6321s material really really quickly
6326s um in in probably in the thousands in a
6329s couple of minutes
6331s um
6333s so you probably don't need more than
6335s than like
6337s one skid steer
6340s on copper one on gold and then one on
6344s the iron
6346s and then just needs support people with
6349s it
6351s um
6353s is anyone can use a skid steer
6357s and you just whoever is driving the
6360s skids here doesn't need to jump out they
6362s just keep mining mining mining mining
6364s mining
6366s um
6370s maybe drop one down to the Limestone as
6372s well just with a crushed Limestone but
6374s I'm assuming that we're also going to
6376s see some some Limestone ashlar for the
6378s benefit of
6381s pushing up the advanced masonry at but
6385s at the same time gaining that crushed
6387s limestone in return so you're not just
6389s wasting materials
6394s um at the same time providing some tier
6395s 4 materials for the computer lab later
6397s on and
6400s go on
6406s it's looking pretty cool I am
6410s enjoying this
6414s quite substantially
6416s um
6418s so you can dig out an LLS under five
6420s minutes when not too man if you have a
6422s skid steer yeah I believe that's that's
6425s somewhere in where my time is doing it
6428s with an excavator on my own
6430s assuming I have another stockpile to
6432s just dump materials into next to it
6436s um
6441s um the other big thing is our objective
6443s is to build the lasers and not sustain
6445s the gameplay so crafting times resources
6447s should be used there so instead of
6449s making
6450s instead of making 15 skid steers three
6452s skid steers should do
6455s um yeah so completely understand that
6459s um
6460s no need to build 25 machines if you only
6463s need three to complete your objective
6467s a smog output we're looking at
6471s 327 so we are gradually increasing it
6475s was 325 when I looked an hour ago
6480s um
6482s so
6483s if that if the production rate
6488s is
6489s increasing by 2 PPM per hour
6493s or in this case now it's saying seven
6497s um
6498s [Music]
6500s we're looking at
6503s the we got water we got water at 420 so
6506s for 20.
6509s be
6513s 27 so that's 93
6517s divided by two
6521s by
6523s two that's 46 hours
6528s at the current rate of production that
6531s they can sustain and not splot the world
6542s um as for the ground pollution
6549s of the air pollution
6553s and this is also something that we are
6555s looking at
6557s um kind of Shifting around as you see
6559s that ground pollutions we got air
6561s pollution spread and so on we've got
6563s ground pollution
6566s and these these two pieces are gonna be
6571s and we got debris um that's not too bad
6575s um
6577s air pollution ground pollution are gonna
6579s be weeked out
6581s um
6582s eventually and have like more of a drift
6585s so they cover and spread to a wider area
6589s um
6591s and they'll also have more of an impact
6594s but it is also you know the world is
6597s also
6598s um automatically adjusting that based on
6600s the world's size
6603s in terms of the pollution impact so a
6606s larger world will have less of a on
6608s output from the machinery
6614s to be sustained
6615s um the tension doesn't co2 have to stay
6618s above a certain amount for 24 hours for
6620s the water to start Rising
6622s um no no it's it's quite the opposite if
6624s you hit 420
6626s the water will start to rise
6630s but it will only rise
6634s um or 20 per 20 PPM post this
6640s but the water is capped to only one
6642s meter a day
6644s um so all an initial threshold breach it
6647s will rise by one tile
6651s but it won't rise you know four tiles
6654s within a day it's gonna be
6657s one pile per 24 hours
6660s so even at their worst they're only
6662s gonna flooded by that at the maximum two
6665s tiles
6667s um just out of the the time
6670s compression thing since they won't since
6672s they're not running past three days
6676s um so I think they might be they might
6678s be Shoreline safe on most basis here
6681s uh probably the water wheels that might
6683s suffer and
6685s I'm on the water pumps that might be
6687s needing to relocate
6689s um
6706s um
6707s but yeah we're we're looking pretty
6713s um we'll see how we're looking tonight I
6715s think
6716s we're coming up on
6719s coming up shortly on two hours here so
6721s I'll probably
6724s um
6725s start rounding up here and we've got
6730s getting some nice
6732s nice progression picture here we got
6734s some tailing stockpiles just being
6736s shoved out of the way so they're not
6738s taking up space we've got some Myriad
6741s the mixture
6743s mixture inventory
6749s um some concrete
6751s housing for the
6753s the barrel crafting and a lot of power
6756s generation using steam engines
6760s um
6763s and and of course the whole pylon of
6767s objects keep chugging and turning into
6770s turning that good oil into
6774s different components and parts we've got
6776s the lumber mill
6783s seems to also be generating quite a lot
6785s of shale here
6787s as they're digging up the clay I guess
6790s got some large Lumber stockpiles with a
6793s supply of human logs and some Lumber
6798s um as they're being needed and used
6803s let's see how we're looking on
6809s about five oh we got roughly 10 people
6813s dragging along here during the um
6815s early hours
6819s midday time this um
6822s today
6824s presuming that we're gonna see more
6826s activity tonight when people are
6827s starting to come back online during the
6829s day and evening so we'll see how much it
6832s picks up and see how crazily things have
6834s gotten when we return to this
6839s um either on
6841s attempt uh
6844s later tonight so
6847s we'll be back streaming in
6851s about eight hours so I've got the time
6854s stamped on Discord on the news so
6859s I think I'll head off I'll need to get
6861s some some breakfast slash lunch and
6865s get my day going
6868s and
6870s I'll catch you guys later and thank you
6872s all for watching as always it's been a
6874s delight having you all here and
6877s super thrilled that the chat is
6880s active and
6882s asking a myriad of questions that I can
6884s answer
6885s some that I can't unfortunately
6888s um
6889s but yeah everyone
6890s take care have a great day and
6893s I'll catch you later tonight
6923s [Music]
6936s thank you
6950s [Music]
11 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s foreign
13s [Music]
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81s foreign
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113s [Music]
134s [Music]
149s [Music]
178s thank you
196s [Music]
204s [Music]
219s thank you
239s foreign
256s [Music]
264s [Music]
278s [Music]
291s thank you
329s thank you
346s hello everyone and welcome back for a
350s continuation and
353s we're wrapping up and talking a little
355s bit about the egg Point here or our
359s idron
360s stream and event at strange Loop games
364s and can I just going straight into it as
368s you can see I've got the timer up top
370s that's the
372s timer left until the meteor impact so
376s we are just coming about 24 hours
381s and
383s they are doing a splendid job at
387s wrapping this up we've got we've got
390s three lasers on point
393s I believe they are just wrapping up on
395s the
396s ashlar you
400s get the computer lab finally made since
402s they're running the expensive recipes
404s they need all professions at level seven
408s take a look at that and we've got
409s Composites here
416s you do masonry we've got the advanced
418s masonry at seven
419s that's working everything everything is
421s checking out
427s I think it's looking like everyone is is
429s kind of ready to
431s ready to go in this regard
441s we are
442s very close on 24 hours which has been
445s insane
447s I think everyone here should be
448s extremely proud of their efforts and
451s involvement in this
453s crazy endeavor
455s I'm sure that we're reaching this point
469s up
484s yeah no they've done they've done
487s absolutely spending I think we can
492s um
493s I have the fourth where's the fourth
495s laser
496s I'm only seeing three lasers here
500s [Music]
503s is
507s my running slabs
510s where on Earth
512s is the computer lab in here
516s completely blue
519s we're inside here somewhere
522s I'm guessing it's in here
524s but
527s there's some ashler stuff and some
528s mixture in tier four but I'm not seeing
530s a computer lab
532s ah see there there it's still being
534s crafted
539s fiberglass speak wrapped up
546s very less
549s perfect tricky
555s there's a lot of Machinery just chunking
557s away at this
559s yeah there we go that's the last laser
563s that has a minute crafting time plus the
566s advanced circuits
569s and
576s yeah I think it's I think it's where
579s everything is kind of kind of going nuts
581s on it
582s um
587s jump down jump in here
591s and
595s be who we have available to just grab in
598s here so I'm gonna grab
600s um
606s just gonna grab some of the guys
609s responsible for kind of orchestrating
611s this and
612s making sure that stuff is done in the in
614s the order it's
616s being done in it's all Dragon norkey
619s Andre brownie here
624s at the Discord to play nice with me
630s there we go hello Jabroni
641s you're somewhere
650s fighting the the Discord scroll system
656s should have
659s should be able to unmute now right is it
662s Force muting
664s I am not in control over
667s some of the
670s settings on Discord here
690s foreign
720s permission layering here
724s for the delay
739s and okay
751s yes I
758s [Music]
762s did
766s that should be good
768s are you here I can hear you and I'm
772s talking to narc trying to get them in
773s here yeah there we go so we got jabroni
776s with us here
778s and there's snark
780s here we go hello hello hello
784s popped in here a little bit earlier
787s um just checking in with them but now we
789s have them here on
791s on stream with us as well
794s coming up almost made the 24 hour
798s timer
800s how are you feeling about your
802s performance so far I mean it's been from
804s an outsider it's been freaking crazy
808s I I am blown away
811s the amount I thought it was going to be
814s way more chaotic than it was
816s and the amount of people everyone just
818s working together and collaborating
820s without
822s with very little issues I I it far
826s exceeded my expectations
828s yeah I didn't expect us to get this
830s close with the amount of chaos of
833s planning
836s yeah it's been
837s it's been eventful I mean we saw saw you
841s go from you know stone tools to
844s mechanics basically in a day and then
846s the rest kind of just fell into place as
849s you uh
851s jugging along
852s um
854s I was quite surprised to see you guys
856s just blitzed through and just swooped up
859s industry and just completed all of it as
861s that's exponentially as he did
866s just in the last hour here you can see
868s how everyone just moved over here and it
870s just became one big operation of just
872s mining
874s grabbing sand and if you look at the
876s building we're standing on we called the
878s clown building because it's just
879s whatever material we had on hand it has
882s both Ashley Composites uh you name it
886s yeah the uh
888s the past four-ish hours have really been
892s insane because everyone really focused
894s and everyone was communicating
896s everything and and every moving
899s everything around exactly how it needed
900s to be communicating what needed to be
902s done and everyone was really pushing for
904s that 24 hour mark
907s yeah and here we got the um
909s we've got the lasers skewing up as well
912s uh button is ready I've I've heard that
916s the button is ready for you joints yeah
919s that is that is awesome
921s we just do we have the meter inside
924s the lasers are moving so yes they should
927s be able to see it soon oh
930s I did not think yet
936s usually they lock on and track and aim
940s yeah I think it's just because they got
941s powered on yeah we got the gummy bear
944s here just taking a chill on top of the
946s pipes
947s waiting for the Big Show
950s um so
951s I mean I've seen some some crazy amounts
954s of usage here for steam engines
956s and there's some overlapping to
958s combustion engines as well
960s um just in terms of like resource
962s priority
964s um
965s going over from like how did you balance
968s dual upgrades versus like the investment
971s of tool upgrades versus progression of
975s um Iron being consumed
977s uh
978s I have got my first iron tools in the
981s last 20 minutes
983s so
987s I think
990s that uh we we definitely made the tools
993s we pumped out the tools the tools are
995s definitely important and it wasn't
997s really the resources that was
1000s holding us down it's always Craft Time
1002s and building time uh so you just gotta
1005s find that sweet spot of how many
1008s buildings you want to put up but without
1010s building too many because because you
1012s know at certain points you need
1014s 12 machines to craft and that would
1016s speed you up but then eventually that's
1018s going to come down and that's going to
1021s sit and then those 12 machines are
1022s useless if you take a look at our cement
1025s Kilns
1026s uh we had those firing at Key moments
1030s but a lot of they did have a lot of
1032s downtime
1033s yeah it it does present itself with some
1037s issues where
1038s even if you have the Machinery you still
1040s need to feed them to keep them
1041s constantly moving
1043s yep yeah we we had like the discussion
1046s of like we could have made skits which
1049s we would normally do if in a smaller
1050s group but we had so many people just to
1052s grab a pick and go into the mines that
1054s we just skipped that to just save on
1056s resources and crafts yeah
1060s and if we're looking at
1062s we're looking at pollution we're on 361
1065s PPM in total so
1067s you guys surprisingly low yeah but it
1070s part of it is due to the fact that it's
1072s a it's a really big world
1074s um and the bigger the world's a
1076s pollution or small generation is scaled
1079s on an atmospheric level so the bigger
1081s the atmosphere I.E the bigger the planet
1083s oh yeah that makes sense the lower the
1087s emission rate per machine runs so you
1090s can have more machines on a bigger
1092s planet without having the same kind of
1094s impact
1095s I'm just Decatur to like more people and
1097s so on so
1099s which is one of the big reasons why
1101s smaller groups of players
1104s have more problems getting an
1106s environmental impact from pollution when
1109s they decide to play in a larger world
1112s so it's kind of a balance in between
1115s you know the world size versus pollution
1117s counting and so on so forth
1122s but it is it's been it's been a blast
1124s watching this I think a lot of people in
1127s the chat has
1128s also had a lot of fun just just maybe
1131s some general QA here if you want to uh
1134s come over to me and Waylon really quick
1136s just so you know where the button is
1138s well there we go oh meteoro is coming in
1141s speaking oh there it is we've got
1144s one day 23 hours and 47 minutes
1152s right there to your left yep
1155s well I guess we can do a three two
1160s one
1161s and blast off
1165s hoping everyone is here and pension and
1169s people's turned their heads to see the
1171s lasers and the noise
1180s but that is Quite a feat
1185s and I think yeah yeah great job everyone
1188s everyone that came together we had
1190s literally everyone just joined together
1192s just worked together and and we also had
1195s a lot of Ranger that aren't active on
1198s Discord they were to join would give
1200s them a pickaxe and everyone just went to
1202s work
1202s [Music]
1204s yeah
1207s I love that animation
1213s yeah it is it is a nice firework display
1220s all the all the light particles and
1222s everything
1224s um
1225s yeah
1226s that is
1228s that is freaking crazy
1234s now that
1237s we're out of the woods we see the planet
1239s and somehow the planet is still intact
1242s um
1244s I think everyone everyone across should
1247s just have a giant loss because
1250s you guys have been absolutely
1252s fantastic and under the two just drive
1256s around and
1257s doing this drone over sight
1261s keeping track on and I'm kind of curious
1262s how many how many have actually been in
1265s and kept tab on progression and checking
1268s out
1269s things they might be missing or
1271s forgotten to do during the streams I
1274s know someone was pointing out like that
1276s you know a certain amount of campfires
1278s weren't using or weren't running early
1280s on and
1282s I seemed like uh they were using this
1284s drone feature to just keep tabs on what
1287s what were what people were doing in what
1289s areas
1291s yeah for the most part the the more
1294s experienced players were kind of keep an
1296s eye on things or keep an eye on their
1298s area and communicating whatever they
1300s noticed was not being done and of course
1303s there was
1304s always a lot of stuff that didn't get
1307s caught there was definitely a lot of
1309s room for improvement
1311s yeah and a lot of improvising like
1315s like the wood base were made out in the
1317s jungle uh originally there was not
1319s supposed to be like a partly base in
1321s there but we just added it to save on
1323s blocks and just adding it onto the walls
1327s and stuff like that
1328s yeah that was an impressive building
1330s very early on and
1333s you definitely see when wood was
1336s starting to lose its
1339s a shine in the time area and people
1342s started transitioning more and more into
1343s mining
1345s um rather than spending out wood cutting
1347s and but it is
1350s like if you're looking at the map you've
1352s got you you cleared almost a third of
1355s the entire rainforest in like a day
1358s yeah and we the lockers probably left
1362s like pretty early if remembering like at
1365s least five hours before I went to sleep
1367s uh the order loggers pretty much was
1369s locked off already
1370s yeah
1372s yeah and uh they did a fantastic job
1376s like I don't think there's been anything
1378s but cleanup I don't think that's been
1380s cut down on your tree in there so they
1381s it's just been cleaning up the rest of
1383s it just laying on the ground yeah it's
1385s getting getting rid of the small logs
1387s that's been here and there and then all
1388s the debris pumps are still there but
1392s um I was actually something I was
1394s curious on on it was there a strategy in
1397s just leaving the stumps to make sure it
1399s didn't regrow
1400s uh as I was leading the Wood Group I
1404s pretty much just said that
1406s any stump in the claim
1408s should be removed because they're going
1409s to be in the way of building but after
1411s that
1412s just leave them just it pretty much was
1415s cut down a tree and then you go until
1417s next year and just cut it down as soon
1418s as it's double over you go on and then
1420s someone else will pick it up behind you
1423s yeah
1424s all right it's it's been it's been super
1428s I think the most impressive part is
1429s probably of all the trees you see in the
1431s jungle I'm pretty sure 95 was chopped
1434s down by one person
1436s that would just chop down trees and move
1439s on and then someone else would
1442s clean up
1444s that's kind of it's kind of convenient
1446s though
1447s whack on trees until they fall over and
1449s then just not my problem just leave it
1451s to someone else just go under them yeah
1453s we pretty fast had two level seven
1455s lockers one would just stand in the base
1457s and just keep queuing up more human
1459s locks and one would just go and chop
1461s trees
1462s yeah you didn't have all that too much
1465s you know when I left on there was like
1468s two and a half stockpiles worth of human
1470s logs
1472s um yeah we produced uh around 150 basic
1477s ones
1478s and that that's really slowed us down
1480s early on
1481s we couldn't build because we never had
1483s anyone to build with
1485s yeah yeah and all all those all those
1487s basic upgrades just gobbled up
1491s um but that's quite impressive
1494s um and that's also modules in particular
1496s something that I'll be looking on in
1498s future just because
1500s they present such a weird stop Gap since
1503s I'm assuming that you're rolling with
1505s the whole you know without an upgraded
1506s module unless you really really need to
1509s manufacture those items
1511s it's generally a waste of material so do
1513s you rather just wait
1515s until you get the basics up or
1518s last time we did a speed run we tried to
1520s do something along the line but this
1521s time we had a lot more people so we had
1524s a lot more resources so we wasted a
1526s little bit more but to speed it up
1529s wait we just run whatever we could like
1532s even today I think we still had places
1533s where we didn't even have the best
1535s upgrades
1537s yeah
1538s are they um
1539s they present some interesting impacts in
1542s normal gameplay and they're definitely
1545s something that I wanna take a look at
1548s kind of rework a bit
1550s it'll still kind of work the same in
1553s time and consumption reductions but
1557s they'll be presenting different options
1559s and alternatives for crafting benches
1562s um
1564s yeah
1565s I mean it it was a quick introduction
1568s here and
1571s I can't say other than amazing work and
1575s or anyone to try to beat this it would
1577s be one heck of an effort
1580s um especially especially with the hard
1581s mode on with the with those level seven
1584s requirements
1586s I think I think everyone had fun and
1589s thank you so much for putting this event
1591s on
1592s yeah yeah and thanks for awesome game
1595s well thank you for participating and
1597s playing and making making the community
1602s um a friendly and entertaining and
1604s helpful place to be in as well
1608s yeah I think we'll
1610s probably
1612s end the call there and I'll just go over
1614s some minor stuff exiting and
1619s sounds good
1620s that's good thank you very much
1623s take care guys
1624s My Stream
1629s um yeah that was that was jabroni and
1632s narkey that helped keep things in order
1634s for the
1636s video on here they did um as mentioned
1639s here they did a fantastic job in trying
1641s to keep some some level of sanity in
1644s organizing this it's a lot of people
1647s um large group was on voice I saw quite
1651s a substantial amount of amount of people
1653s on the Discord continuously throughout
1655s the event
1657s and that has its difficulties and
1661s um as he said
1662s you can always throw more resources at
1665s the problem until you fix it as long as
1667s you have enough people and
1668s you guys really showed that off today
1673s I'm just over 24 hours for a meteor kill
1676s on my collaboration so clearly I need to
1679s increase the difficulty somewhat
1684s um
1685s yeah it's been it's been looking pretty
1687s pretty freaking slick
1691s um
1695s I don't think we have any any specific
1697s questions or anything kind of going up
1700s um I think everyone's just quite content
1702s with
1704s the exit here
1707s um
1709s the sneaky thing now that uh
1715s now that the event is over I can just
1717s flip on the daylight
1720s the last last pass here I'll do a flyby
1723s over the areas
1725s oh
1728s is to capture if
1731s if and how things are looking and what
1734s they were used we got some water pumps
1736s down here
1738s we got the oil rig
1740s Blended this line designed to kind of
1743s squeeze squeeze out as much as possible
1745s out of it
1746s using those two large Lumber stockpiles
1748s to kind of cycle between
1750s empty barrels and
1752s used and produced materials
1758s and then obviously we've got this
1760s massive pylon of mechanical Power to
1764s supply for the Sawmills that is inside
1765s this building here
1769s we've got the whole heap load of them
1772s and the carpentry benches and the
1775s government building for the few the few
1777s Civic stuff that they added
1780s I'm sure if they added any
1784s yeah there's a specific one where they
1786s just set ignore authorizations to make
1790s sure that anyone can do hunting and
1791s harvesting in those areas
1793s and then for some reason we made sure
1795s that alligators and Bisons were not
1798s hunted to Extinction
1800s just for those
1802s ecological
1804s important pieces of the puzzle here
1808s [Music]
1810s we had our coal mine
1813s nothing really fancy going on there it's
1815s a single road down to
1818s big coal deposit apply that steel
1823s how much was
1826s yeah they cleaned out a little bit I
1828s believe they had there had to be another
1829s mine somewhere right
1834s they must have used a lot more steel
1836s than this
1838s someone in chat can probably
1841s let me know on that
1844s not get cold they struck a coal mine
1846s somewhere else
1851s because we had since a secondary
1854s Wetlands but nothing in it
1856s I'm presuming they ran into call
1858s somewhere
1862s um we had some copper deposits up here
1866s Bronies attempt on
1869s upper-minded up we had
1871s foreign
1873s on the west side of the wetlands here
1875s that
1877s initiated and was the early early
1880s introduction copper to unlocking
1883s mechanics quickly
1885s so they went straight in here and they
1886s struck that kind of
1890s and I'm big we had the top one there and
1892s then
1894s at an entrance here somewhere behind
1899s where they started finding some copper
1902s good stuff
1906s and then down further south we had that
1909s little group that was
1910s kind of doing their own thing and just
1912s chilling out
1915s getting some some construction going
1917s some some
1918s hamlets and
1923s I went their own route and
1926s taking it easy doing some farming they
1928s even managed to kill some plants due to
1930s pollution or something in those lines
1932s here
1935s starting with some stone structures and
1939s yesterday your
1941s normal kind of outlooked what
1944s the general server would look like
1946s progression wise in this scale without
1948s 70 people
1950s mining for you
1955s [Music]
1957s all Outlook oh there
1964s the dusty dwarves
1971s that reports all the other coal mine was
1973s somewhere under the house was that in
1976s the jungle or
1978s in the mine operation
1980s just to kind of clarify that
1989s ah yeah
1992s so they did find coal in The Jungle
1994s which would be a lot more closer than
1996s trying to haul it on the wetlands
2001s so here we have a copper entrance and
2005s this was where we found gold as well
2010s and we're here in this
2013s either web of tunnels
2019s yeah here we go got some copper
2021s clearance here we've got some gold dug
2023s out
2026s pretty neat
2029s finding your way out of this
2032s without being able to fly is
2035s [Music]
2037s not the easiest if you don't have a
2040s sense of direction which I really don't
2042s at the moment here we go here's an exit
2044s thing
2050s go up here
2053s just exit out and then we have another
2055s exit just in case you need a sneaky way
2059s Nikki exit to to stove away or run away
2063s if you have a dragon coming in and
2064s blowing holes
2066s just occupying all your copper
2070s [Laughter]
2078s um
2081s oh yeah the well
2085s where was that
2087s the the Limestone must have come from
2089s somewhere and
2092s I really don't know where that was
2095s and I saw some some Limestone access
2097s down here in the desert in the mines so
2101s down in here and then down through
2104s into the depth of
2107s Belly of the Beast here
2110s got some ore being processed we've got
2113s iron here
2117s Valen
2120s oh yeah they were over there yeah
2122s drop the marker there
2129s a bit more cool
2132s this is quite a lot of iron just chunked
2134s out you'll be able to feed this
2136s monstrosity and making sure that
2138s everything working and you can see from
2140s the scale here that this is not
2141s something that you would do on
2144s alone or even two three people in the
2147s time frame that they have done it in
2150s and it's it's really a huge team effort
2153s to pull this off
2156s crazy level of dedication here
2159s um I love it absolutely fantastic
2164s uh where we'll stop we're cool there we
2166s go
2168s it was somewhere under here
2173s by the Blackness you
2174s [Music]
2179s know
2179s I wonder
2182s here we go
2183s hello Waylon
2186s yes this is this is a whole cold deposit
2188s just emptied
2190s which is
2192s also terrifying
2193s that is a lot of coal and a lot of Steel
2195s and
2197s rain clearly wasn't an obstacle for this
2199s cart making its way through
2203s pretty
2205s pretty slick
2208s that is
2213s yeah I I mean it's
2216s it's an interesting idea because you do
2219s have you do have a decent amount of coal
2221s in the rainforest
2223s but it's also a very hit and miss so
2226s spending the time to chase after that
2228s nearby adjacent coal
2231s gamble definitely paid off in this
2233s instance but I can see that
2237s um I can definitely see that it can take
2239s a lot more time
2242s compared to
2245s the time investment just for holding it
2248s under the glass space
2251s um
2252s oh yeah the the emptied out sand
2255s and The Dugout ocean yeah
2260s interesting effects from from water and
2263s sandhall so this is I guess where you've
2265s eaten up all a large volume of limestone
2269s and obviously some sand as well
2272s pop it off
2276s or or ocean
2288s no it's it it's presser
2291s um
2295s quite uh
2298s quite impressive to haul off and
2303s I think I don't really have that much
2304s else to say we've gone over
2307s I think all of the spots here
2311s [Music]
2312s there's a minor some minor Hill
2314s Construction but
2318s nothing really
2321s out and about of it
2324s um yeah
2328s unless there's someone in someone of the
2330s group in chat here that has
2333s a specific location that I've forgotten
2338s you let me know and I'll take a look at
2340s it here
2343s um
2348s otherwise I think
2351s that is it for this speedrun event
2357s that is me through destruction at
2360s 24 hours and 13 minutes I believe it was
2372s to
2375s [Music]
2381s but yeah that is
2385s that is impressive love it
2388s um
2389s hopefully we can see some
2392s some of the things that have been an
2394s issue addressed in 10 and
2396s and as well as do another speedrun
2398s intend and see that changes out and what
2400s the time scales are going to be
2402s different
2403s um pick through about how many people
2405s we've had roughly
2409s um yeah basically a 24-hour meteor kills
2412s awesome job once again
2414s and
2416s that is going to be me signing off for
2418s the weekend
2419s been a blast
2421s and we'll see what we have stream wise
2424s for next Friday we'll definitely have
2426s something fun there
2429s until then everyone take care have a
2433s great weekend and
2435s you next time
2459s foreign
2463s [Music]