about 1 month ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

13s [Music]
40s [Music]
49s [Music]
59s [Music]
78s [Music]
102s [Music]
113s [Music]
134s [Music]
149s [Music]
196s [Music]
204s [Music]
218s [Music]
256s [Music]
262s there we go think we got everything
264s rolling hopefully maybe
268s perhaps uh
272s hello hello so everything seems to be
274s seems to be operational so yeah know
276s we'll go with it um hello everyone and
280s welcome to another Friday stream here at
281s strange Loop
283s games and my name is Jens work working
287s as lead game designer here and we'll
290s keep rolling with your streams and going
293s over and and kind of having the
295s privilege and uh and uh enjoyment of
300s being able to kind of show off all the
301s cool things that we're working on and
304s everything is kind of new and
306s fancy I see there's a a tutorial on
311s website purchase in the uh in the twitch
315s chat um yeah hey hey everyone um so this
321s time we are looking at
324s 10.2 play test
326s release
328s um it's been on staging Branch it
330s finally got nudged down to play
333s test uh let me just move over things a
336s little bit here so there we go um so
340s yeah we have finally moved it down to
342s play test we're finally able to to you
344s know say that it's stable enough to do a
347s run on um uh currently running on uh
351s seor which I believe went live here
354s hopefully a little bit of desync with
357s myself and den is on one that the timer
361s was I think it was 9
364s I was going to check it prior um oh it's
369s it's it was 6 p.m. so that thing should
370s be live since 3 hours
373s ago uh I
376s hope no one has been pinging me about
378s explosions so I'm presuming that it's
380s working uh we'll take a look at it and
383s hop in here in a
384s bit so what what craziness are we up to
388s now we well we you know we we we got the
390s smelting rework and the new profession
392s involved so that's going to be
395s absolutely um amazing and and thrilling
397s to going to see how people deal with a
399s new profession that is something that we
401s haven't really done in a long time it's
404s been a a long long time since we kind of
406s did anything to direct profession
409s Specialties so that's going to be fun we
412s have more of those planned um and we'll
416s also go over a little bit about um our
419s art teams optimization stuff I know the
422s frame rate
425s um has been
428s um
430s um kind of a big topic of discussion in
433s general either frame rate loss or just
435s the you know the the general
439s um uh the general interact ability and
441s and kind of the frame rate loss over
443s time over as as stuff being built as
445s more complex things are being on scene
448s um just generally improvements in that
451s department and our our team has been
453s doing absolutely crazy amount of work in
455s that and
457s I'll give you an example here um in a
461s bit as well and then we'll we'll nudge
463s and and sneak peek a little bit about
465s the painting stuff that is going into
467s 10.3 as well um a bit
472s later um and as
475s per just on on a general answer in the
479s um on the whole key purchase thing so if
482s you buy the game on the website through
484s any of the
486s packages it you'll need an SLG account
489s which you can either create beforehand
491s and buy which then will link to it or if
494s you don't have an SLG account and you
496s buy it it'll prompt you with a link in
498s the mail to create one once you have
503s that you can link your steam to the SLG
506s web system which then unlocks it on
508s Steam as well
510s so you don't get a direct steam key um
513s it just unlocks the license on Steam for
516s you on the account that you link
519s it um and if you get one of the multi
522s pack things it gives you a field to send
526s the LI um send copies to and they'll be
529s receiving the same kind of
535s email so anyone that
537s is getting an invitation from from
540s someone will also be able to create an
542s SLG account and then they can link Steam
543s and have it on Steam as
546s well um so yeah I you know I I where do
552s we start there's so much
554s stuff um and I'm also super stoked about
557s the 10.2 actually getting into public
559s hands now so I can get some people can
562s give those those recipes and costs run
564s for their money so I can get some
566s feedback and probably do some slight
569s adjustments depending on what it
572s um what happens um there are a few key
574s things that I just really didn't have
577s time to do in the full scope that I
579s wanted to do one one of them was do a
581s bit of tinkering with food balance in
582s general I did a small tweak on
586s variety um which hopefully will make it
589s into
591s the um patch notes that Dennis is
596s compiling uh so the maximum gain from
599s variety has been reduced a bit um you
602s also have a higher requirement of total
605s calories consumed by each individual
608s item before they account to the variety
611s bonus so you know just chugging
613s something simple isn't really going to
615s cut it you're going to have to eat a bit
616s more to actually be contributed to that
619s variety
620s bonus um so just a few minor tweaks in
623s there that is related to food um I also
626s did a a pass on clam kelp and urchin as
631s well um so they should be growing a bit
635s better they should also be a little bit
636s more numerous in the world from
639s start um so look forward to that as
643s well
645s uh where do we want to start off let's
649s just let's just just hop in in game I
652s think and see where see where we're
658s at uh
660s so if we do this we've got is that thing
664s rolling it is rolling look at that beta
667s play test 367
669s build
671s and right I'm I'm a little bit ahead
674s apparently did that just
677s deploy that is
679s unfortunate why why are we always
681s starting out like
685s this uh let's let's start the stream
689s with poke King
690s Dennis
696s uh and go hey verion update something
700s happened always something ain't it
706s um see if uh see if that that resolves
713s itself
718s uh oh never hang on hang on hang on I
721s know what's going on
723s here uh Let's ignore the painting
727s thing um I know what's going on we need
730s to hop in here let's nuke QA mode
733s otherwise we might get kicked out and I
735s believe see
736s [Music]
739s author yeah there we go so the plest
743s build on SE auor I might as well do this
745s on stream so people can actually see how
747s to how to do it um if you want to join
749s in on the on the play test so on if
752s you're running on Steam you can go into
754s properties of Eco and then you go into
757s the Beta Tab and then you select the 10
761s the the 10.2 play test and that should
764s keep you up to date
766s with the
768s um actual build used on the play test
777s itself that should let me get in on it
780s yeah see there we go now we have a join
785s thing
789s um while that's hum humming and and
792s raging
794s around uh we can we can we can take a
796s look at it since since it was out there
800s uh where did you
802s go there you go so on the painting and I
807s know this is going to be a huge thing
808s and I look like I'm radiated here
812s because of the white
813s background
815s um so on the painting
819s things we have a new worktable where you
823s mix and and assort paintings and how
826s that system is going to be working in is
827s going to be its own its own Dev blog uh
831s Slash stream thing because we have some
834s we have some interesting cool
835s ideas but I I presented the asset a
839s little bit on
840s on um I think it I I think it threw it
843s up in Dev Dev hangout or somewhere
845s earlier
847s um but some concept on U on how it how
851s it came to be basically from idea
855s to idea to ID on paper to IDE in
859s game
862s um so I think well I I think I have
864s another image of the actual 3D asset
866s here somewhere that I can show up later
868s but this is this is a essentially going
870s to be the painting workstation
874s um later on but we finally managed to
878s get ourselves onto sea alter so on here
882s we do this and I am personally not a fan
886s of the 3D map it's one of those things
889s where like prove me wrong kind of things
891s I like the 2D map because it gives me a
893s bit more
895s control um if you have a preference for
898s the 3D map let me know know why or how
900s and can
904s I how come you like it over the 2D map
906s kind of
909s thing oh yeah immersion that is true
912s that is true you you you do get that
914s whole I know the world is round kind of
917s thing versus just a a map on oh boy this
921s map is interesting ain't
924s it
926s um yeah it it looks a bit
930s beefier like it it gives you that kind
934s of globe in the
936s library spin fun thing
943s um but I'm I'm just I'm just too
945s practical like I want to know the
947s distances between two points and kind of
948s where things and where things go about
952s uh what do we want to do this time and
954s there's a little a little sad splotch of
957s desert right here or if that's gold
961s maybe you can see the terrain height
963s easily yeah that that is true that is
965s true
968s um it um it it is hard to see height
972s differences especially with the
973s mountains and kind of
975s canyons
981s um it uh it's much easier to kind of get
984s the full kind of the full scope of how
987s tall mountains are or how how well
990s optimized the terrain is to actually
991s build cool things surrounding
995s it
998s uh maybe we should just kind of shill
1001s out in the desert see what's going
1003s on build a little bit of Harbor Hub
1008s thing we'll see start near
1015s Pioneers Oh the um I got the trees
1018s disabled
1020s which is why they weren't showing
1021s up um I had everything kind of disabled
1024s from the get code just because I like to
1026s have a a clean
1029s map yeah I believe they're hidden by
1031s default on
1032s on static
1034s thing um actually we can we can check
1037s that environmental data and then we go
1039s biome and then we go deep ocean
1047s biome so we have go over to to the map
1051s to properly see
1053s this yes we have we have a we have one
1056s that's straight across vertically
1060s um that's interesting that that is that
1063s is making it a very peculiar thing so
1066s you can go eastwards but you can't go
1069s westwards if you're on the desert
1072s side so there's no shortcut over here
1076s without boating otherwise you going to
1077s have to kind of drive all the way way
1079s over from left to
1088s right
1090s U let's have a look see around
1097s this so one of the things on seather
1100s that we're testing out with this play
1101s test is exhaustion so on here we
1106s are we're using exhaustion with a a
1109s little bit more of a a leeway hour thing
1111s so people can play to their heart
1113s content without being too constrained by
1116s it yet still be able to kind of use the
1119s system and test it out and and see how
1121s it works um on a live server with more
1124s people hence the play test for
1127s it um and as mentioned the play test got
1130s kind of three major parts one the the
1132s smelting blacksmithing split the
1135s exhaustion
1136s and the um
1142s uh injunctions for civics so when when
1145s someone has a law in a town you can nuke
1148s the law if you're in a um country
1151s instead you basically say this law is no
1153s longer valid
1157s bam uh we've got exhaustion thing going
1160s on here and it limits the amount of
1163s stuff that you can do or put labor into
1166s and or you know shop shop trees cut
1168s stone and and so
1172s on is it is it happy now it's happy
1177s now and then we can just skip the rest
1180s of
1182s it
1185s uh see where we're at and what we've got
1187s going
1188s here so I'm
1191s thinking like did this this place down
1194s here is nice because you got a little
1197s bit too cheeky um world is something
1199s that we are going to be looking at um
1203s throughout here as well as I'm make I'm
1204s making continuous tweaks to things and
1206s experimenting a bit with it so we'll see
1209s where
1210s um where and how that changes throughout
1213s here up to
1217s 1.0 um heard you mention something about
1219s needing more food variety it's not so
1221s much needing more food variety as I
1224s reduced uh did a small balance tweak for
1226s it so reduced the the maximum but like
1229s the maximum level off variety you can
1232s reach
1236s um as well as increasing the calories
1239s required to attribute something towards
1242s it uh the prickly Paris is it's probably
1246s because there's a biome transition going
1247s on here so the the grasslands kind of
1250s leaning in a little bit into the desert
1252s and the desert's leaning in a little bit
1254s into the grassland so it's kind of a mi
1256s a mixed patch in between the two
1260s so there's just
1261s enough um growth ranges to be in that
1267s adjacent
1268s Zone um how does the refresh timer used
1271s with exhaustion
1273s work um I'm not ignoring the building
1277s material I think it's I think it's
1278s relevant but it it it it'll be brought
1282s up here
1284s um thought it was a visual indicator on
1287s the regular map for deep ocean um no it
1290s it's it's always kind of been looking
1292s bluish I think we might we might need to
1295s tone that in it's a good suggestion I
1298s probably want to deepen deepen the tone
1301s of that color for it so it it does stand
1303s out on a mini
1307s map
1312s um how does the refresh timer used with
1315s exhaustion work um essentially it just
1318s it
1319s um from the tool tip changes now you see
1322s when that next refresh is
1324s happening um and you also see how much
1326s time you get when that refresh is
1330s happening and the refresh happens on
1333s server set UTC time now so it's no
1337s longer set inside
1339s on um in the game time which it used to
1344s be which wasn't really working for a lot
1346s of
1347s people um um because if someone has been
1351s you know away for two days and they come
1353s back and then the server hasn't been
1354s running for two days they still don't
1355s have they still don't have any time so
1358s it was kind of it made sense for
1361s progression in the game but it it it
1364s doesn't make sense with what the
1365s mechanic is supposed to be doing um
1368s which is alleviating and helping
1370s people's scheduling and you know real
1372s life kind of contribution to it
1377s um
1380s so we we we're kind of shuffling around
1384s it um Can admin set the reset Time twice
1386s a day you can set it to um you can set
1390s the
1391s so the refresh the refresh timer is
1394s always doing kind on the next day so if
1396s you're on Monday it'll register on
1398s Tuesday and so on and the refresh timer
1401s set on a 24hour cycle so if you change
1404s it down to 12 hours it'll be twice a
1407s day
1410s uh but there's a lot of a lot of
1411s variables to it and
1415s uh a lot of new settings for admins to
1417s kind of dig
1419s into uh so don't hesitate to kind of
1421s pull up U just hop in on the branch pull
1424s it up and
1425s uh start it and see what the new config
1428s templates are looking like and uh
1430s especially with the GUI uh for the
1432s server
1435s UI this looks a little bit desolate on
1438s anything res
1439s zamling
1442s trees although there's plenty of plenty
1446s of animals and plenty of water we can do
1447s some fishing if
1452s necessary see there's someone think
1455s there's someone living down here
1457s starting to build a bit of a harbor
1465s thing maybe we should do something down
1468s here yeah let's do
1470s that Madness no strees in the desert no
1473s it's it's um I I I really enjoyed the
1476s view on the desert now uh with all the
1479s changes I did to it because you have
1481s small patches of growth and and
1483s vegetation but most of it is
1485s fairly fairly empty wide spacing and
1489s then people can repopulate grow stuff
1492s and and plant things crazily in it if
1494s they want to
1497s but
1506s um oh one thing I wanted to make so is
1510s when you eat loads of garbage to jobs it
1512s impacts your bonus for longer like a
1513s week will that be possible
1516s um
1518s that there
1521s is
1523s um there
1526s is it's an interesting implication
1531s um I want to have that there uh it it's
1534s a very good question
1537s um maybe we should open that
1540s up plus five reputation hello stream hey
1544s whan
1545s [Music]
1548s um actually let's let's do it here
1552s yeah um it has some it has some
1555s interesting implications and and
1557s applications that can be
1560s used um but it would have the side
1563s effect
1565s of um your general skill is harder to
1568s kind of get push further up by that but
1571s maybe we could do it as a config thing
1573s and be uh change it out to public
1579s variable um I have one question is the
1581s cart getting suddenly teleported top
1583s side when a m in or tunnel supposed to
1585s be like it or is it being worked on
1587s getting fixed
1591s oh no
1592s see see we feel that cards just
1596s transcend the physical
1599s plane
1602s um uh so we figured that you know cards
1605s should be teleporting up and
1607s down um it just makes sense because we
1611s know that they you know you have some
1612s Vulcan
1614s trans translocation beacons involved in
1617s them um and and they just hop up and
1619s down uh no it it is a bug it
1623s is um and Juan has been diving
1628s absolutely crazily deep into the whole
1630s Shunk loading prioritization and kind of
1632s how that whole system
1634s works so what generally ends up
1636s happening at the moment is that Vehicles
1638s kind of spawn in prior to the chunk
1641s being completely loaded which makes it
1643s fall through the world and we have a de
1645s penetration system that tries to make
1647s sure that nothing like if anything has a
1650s minus position it teleports to the top
1653s of the chunk to make sure it falls on
1656s the
1657s surface and so the load prioritization
1660s and the load system in itself is is
1663s being a bit mischi misbehaving which is
1665s why you have things like not only you
1667s know carts and vehicles but also rubble
1669s and um Trunks and logs and and whatever
1673s else um and he's he's been doing a a
1676s crazy amount of investigation and re
1678s diing of that system and there is a poll
1681s request open
1682s for uh play test um it's still being
1686s kind of debated whether or not it's
1688s stable
1689s and suitable to go into play test
1692s depending on um the put the potential
1697s ramifications um so we'll see if if it
1700s does make it in there there's a good
1701s chance that a lot of the cases for
1703s random teleportations gets
1705s resolved
1707s um but we'll you know if if it happens
1711s you'll you'll notice it on um on Discord
1715s I'm presuming um and it'll it would also
1718s make it into the patch note if it does
1719s get fixed
1720s so keep your ears to the ground kind of
1723s thing uh but we are aware of it and and
1726s there's some there's some crazy crazy
1728s crazy things going on for it um speaking
1730s of moon
1731s carts any news on elevator stopping at
1734s exact floor height um we've got some
1736s ideas for it there there's some plans
1737s for it but
1739s nothing has really you know um no one
1742s has really had the time to dig into it
1745s uh as I'm I'm pulling out my
1747s shovel but um we definitely have some
1750s ideas towards what we want that to do
1753s and we want kind of
1756s elevator
1758s um flooring system like next floor kind
1762s of thing
1764s um going
1767s on um
1770s changes to mining recipes Rocker Box
1772s screening machine converted to static
1774s instead of dynamic here to
1776s stay um which recipes are you talking
1797s about
1810s they shouldn't be
1825s that um well we can we can we can take a
1828s sneak peek since we're since we're on
1829s here no one really no one really Minds
1832s all that too
1833s much just going to do that and I'm going
1836s to hop in there and I'm going to do
1839s that I'm going to grab
1845s that there we
1847s go
1854s [Music]
1857s um
1861s if anyone ever wondered how Theory works
1865s this would be how it's
1872s looking uh they shouldn't be
1886s [Music]
1887s static
1890s well the concentrate shouldn't be but
1894s the
1895s [Music]
1896s um so the way it works
1899s is crushed ore into concentrate is not
1905s static in in the rocket boxes and if
1907s they are
1908s um are you
1913s um
1915s um not this time I I've got I've got the
1919s concept for the actual tools for it but
1921s I'm not going to go into Super
1923s mechanical yeah I'm
1925s I'm the um the alien
1933s view
1940s um are you on a local build or are you
1943s on the um are you on the um SE play test
1947s uh Bob
1954s get a campfire
1955s going get a tool bench and the
1963s workbench oh yeah just send me a send me
1966s a DM um I got my axe on me as
1970s well it's just ravage a cact
1977s here
1983s Timber a little bit late with the Timber
1986s and a little bit loud maybe that's just
1988s on my end let me know if if the
1990s game game audio is way too loud
1994s or just me having very loud volume
1997s settings
2007s locally
2010s uh where can I report if I heard a song
2012s from Eco in mobile game from App Store
2014s um send Dennis a DM
2017s um
2019s Association um if you are on the Discord
2022s or have joined the
2024s Discord Um send a message to our
2026s community manager Dennis
2029s um with details and he can take a look
2031s at
2036s it uh also Brandon hi hello
2042s um yeah there
2045s there's um vehicles and their Associated
2049s limitations in particular when it comes
2051s to that one uh is
2055s uh probably going to be a post 1.0 thing
2058s but it's definitely something that will
2059s be interesting to
2067s tackle
2069s is there anything planned for piping
2070s through walls or floors without having
2072s to break the blocks there SL have a gap
2074s yeah we
2075s have we want to take a look at utilities
2078s pipings and and just blocks in general
2082s um so at the moment we have kind of
2084s Water Works in in kind of a different
2086s face than other blocks so they can kind
2088s of coexist inside the same space and we
2090s want to do the same type of scenario
2094s for um pipes and so on so you could
2096s embed pipes into different
2100s blocks um but it's it's stuff that's on
2103s on the want to do things but haven't
2105s really had um the opportunity to dive
2108s into it because we have a lot of other
2109s things that are planned
2122s beforehand yeah I'm I'm I'm still I'm
2125s still a bit confused about the um the
2128s ustra and the The Crushers should be
2130s static but nothing else and if there's
2131s if they're not it is quite possible that
2134s you are running
2138s something
2140s um if you have a mod or anything that's
2143s lingering in the background because it
2145s should mostly be backwards compatible
2147s with 10
2149s like 10.0 10.1 thing I haven't really
2152s changed anything significant in the
2154s templat
2155s for that stuff what I can remember
2159s I
2161s mean I've done weirder
2170s things too hungry to do that oh no what
2173s on Earth am I going to do do I just want
2175s to eat the giant cactus
2177s fruit probably oh see that was
2184s delicious we want to grab that
2187s campfire
2188s I want to grab that
2198s workbench on here we want to have a new
2202s stockpile as a first
2213s priority
2217s uh so the question is how speedy is
2220s things going to be we almost got masonry
2223s up someone is doing
2232s smelting and we have that black smithing
2234s here which is it it's this whole teory
2237s thing is needing a little bit of a bit
2240s of a rework and some love to make it be
2244s a little bit cleaner to see and
2246s browse this things should be down here
2250s towards in between tier one and
2263s [Music]
2266s two do we want to do we want to
2271s where maybe we should do some Seas
2275s Seaside Seaside food shop thing going on
2281s maybe food and tools all you need
2288s right grab players on here as
2296s well that is a carpenter logging SLC
2300s Carpenter most likely I'm
2303s presuming and we've got
2306s some that's another
2309s logger and that's a mining
2312s Mason do we have anyone doing food
2317s nearby it doesn't look like it maybe we
2320s should embark on the food
2322s route do some campfire
2327s cooking yeah let's let's go for
2333s that uh yeah I am on sea
2336s alter
2346s so now with campfire unlocked I can do
2349s some some other cool things here but I
2352s need to scavenge and Source some
2356s ingredients
2359s here which I'm presuming there's
2362s not anyone on here that has Gathering
2364s that has a
2366s shop
2373s see we
2375s can't
2378s let's not do
2381s that
2384s uh um I know smelting will be do we have
2387s any idea if 10.2 will be safe compatible
2390s um it should be it um it'll have a bunch
2394s of um the recipes are going to be a bit
2397s wonky here and there but it should work
2399s out quite
2401s nicely so when when there is two kind of
2405s distinct differences when recipes are
2407s changed from our side
2409s so um or three cases I guess it's when
2413s recipes are being added so brand new
2415s ones that is new addition to the
2417s game um an existing recipe gets altered
2420s either by moving it around from one
2423s workstation to another or having a new
2426s ingredient or so on so forth
2429s and then the case of a recipe gets
2431s outright removed now in the first two
2435s cases H around to get a little bit more
2438s comfortable here in this chair um in the
2440s first two
2442s cases there's not a lot of potential
2446s implications so when a recipe is
2448s adjusted um any existing recipes that
2452s are in Q so you have a work order for
2455s this particular item already it won't be
2458s affected by the change so if you're
2460s crafting you know steel axes and I move
2463s steel axes from being crafted on the
2466s Anvil to being crafted on um the
2470s grindstone or a power hammer in this
2473s case for the steel um the old queue is
2477s still going to work and it's still going
2478s to be fully viable but it's not going to
2480s be changed and it's not going to stop
2483s working um but you won't be able to
2486s start a new work order of that type on
2488s the workstation so you're going to have
2489s to start a new work order on the new
2491s station kind adapt to those
2493s changes um this is all this is both
2496s positive and negative because if if
2498s there's a reduction in cost to craft
2500s these things you're going to have to
2501s cancel it and you may lose labor doing
2503s that
2505s um however if there's an increase in
2508s cost then you know you can kind of cheap
2511s out and and not cancel it and you can
2513s still have that cheaper recipe um and it
2516s that's just kind of
2518s unfortunate side effect to balance
2520s things while in in a
2522s cycle uh but that's always going to be
2524s true for any you know for someone around
2528s um so that one is kind of hard to avoid
2534s um
2537s see someone is selling
2546s stuff theology Gathering research
2553s papers dendrology
2561s agriculture why it's not too bad so if I
2565s grab what can I do with ter Roots I can
2568s do fun things with ter
2571s Roots
2575s uh can use it for
2579s root
2581s campfire together with C bulbs do we
2583s have any c bulbs somewhere in the world
2587s no one's selling CH bulbs but I guess
2589s we'll have to shovel some CH
2596s bulbs throw in some
2599s fuel and then we do
2603s some do I just want to be a heretic and
2605s do some Grill some some sh to me
2608s those or do I just do I want to use them
2611s as vegetable probably want to use them
2612s as
2618s vegetable we do that do we have any
2620s huckleberries being sold in the
2625s world
2627s no and fids probably going to be the
2630s same
2634s thing
2636s Wolfman
2639s you are buying some
2645s Timber that seems to be a sensible place
2648s to start so if we just control click
2655s that cut that down cut that down and
2658s then we do
2662s markers did we not
2665s get we can do
2670s we can set the marker down here
2671s apparently didn't want to drop a
2673s marker let's just do Food
2678s Store look at that fantastic and then we
2681s can
2683s grab let's do some Shard fish just
2688s just some
2691s Shard there we go do that add
2696s that
2700s yeah um so um stores as mentioned um
2705s from my experience setting stores is
2707s very cumbersome and in my opinion one of
2708s the major contributors to players tend
2710s to group together with and barter commun
2712s systems with which kills the
2716s economy
2719s um I see all this all the active people
2722s from giant panda hopped over to the
2724s auter yeah it's the play test um
2728s always always attracts all
2732s the all the people around
2735s um well on on the store thing there's
2738s kind of two things that
2740s is um tricky one of them is bartering is
2745s is difficult like it it is not simple um
2750s it's figuring out kind of what you want
2751s to charge for things um what's
2755s reasonable uh if people get upset that
2758s hey you know you're charging this m this
2760s amount of money for this thing you
2762s should be charging
2763s this uh but that's also difficult thing
2766s to say because you might be
2769s perceiving
2771s um very distinct different things and
2775s values very
2776s differently where is the closest path to
2779s getting food from
2781s there it is down there and it is over
2784s that
2786s water
2791s oo well you know let's just let's just
2794s do actually we're probably going to need
2796s some more pieces of meat before we go
2798s down
2799s there
2802s um we also have a forest here do we have
2805s some
2807s huckleberries we go environmental data
2810s and we go
2811s plants and we go yield potential or
2814s sorry
2816s population
2817s and we have our huckleberries
2822s here that is up in the cold Forest over
2828s there uh we got some mushrooms mushrooms
2832s we
2834s have clams is probably tricky beets up
2837s in the grassland C bulbs would be
2840s nice we do have C bulbs let's let's
2843s sneak some C bulbs being being a bit
2846s heretical with
2849s um not having Gathering stealing
2853s these if I can find my way up here
2856s without having to
2858s uh interact too much here we go we got
2862s some
2865s Camas where did the C go is the c not
2871s ready there we go I don't know what
2874s happened to the first C Bol it tricked
2876s me
2880s we want say 50 c
2884s bulbs probably going to be
2887s fine so I'm looking at making that Ruth
2893s campfire which means I got the
2896s greens um or close to I can get some
2900s agave and I just need that teror rout as
2904s well which I want to buy
2908s let's find some more C
2911s bulbs oh yeah let's have a have a look
2913s and
2936s see
2946s that is interesting um
2949s so kind of got distracted um Bob was uh
2953s sending me that screenshot
2955s of things being
2957s static and it it it seems like it but I
2962s know I I know personally that I haven't
2964s done it and there hasn't been any
2966s changes to theory in that that regard so
2968s I'd like to know if you happen to have
2971s any mods running in the background or if
2973s you have some specific changed settings
2977s config
2980s wise just do
2983s uh sneaking some fiddle heads as
2996s well
2998s look at this craziness stealing all the
3001s crops in the world oh
3003s NOS um I'll
3010s I'll uh server created from the in- game
3013s server creation options
3016s um make sure that you don't have a mod
3020s running and also check the difficulty
3024s setting someone rest him he's stealing
3027s all the crops in the
3028s world it's
3039s disappearing we'll leave
3044s one that gives us that gives us a couple
3047s to to kind of deal with be nice to have
3049s some rice as
3052s well should have made should have made a
3055s hoe before so I can so I could
3057s yeah right I need the Scythe with me I I
3059s don't have a
3067s sickle um guys fixing the missing blocks
3070s when mining um are you talking about the
3072s rubble uh Snow
3076s Queen I believe that is related to
3079s Juan's work on the chunk lothing as
3086s well
3089s when there's no food tomorrow we'll know
3093s why ice stole it all and made it into
3099s food oh is that not how you harvest
3101s tomatoes with a
3103s machete I was so
3106s confident wax it
3109s down
3112s um I'll I'll casually build a little
3114s food store and then we'll see if see if
3117s it decays and I get preoccupied with uh
3119s just general stuff in uh workwise and it
3123s falls into Decay and someone takes it
3125s over or claims it and then it falls
3129s apart
3133s um but on on since painting has been you
3136s know a topic thing here for a bit um I
3140s think we can we
3142s can kind of hop in over into
3146s um me see if I can do that so we had we
3149s had this table um as you saw so this is
3153s this is going to be the work station
3155s where you're interacting and and kind of
3157s poking at um and as as some people have
3162s been Discerning
3163s um it is uh
3167s CMYK with white in
3170s it and it's it's super bright so I'll
3172s I'll switch around from this image here
3174s in a little bit um but we have some
3177s ideas about how to do this in an
3180s interactive state so you're at the
3182s moment and I don't want to say too much
3184s about it because it's still being kind
3186s of poked prodded and and see what we can
3188s do out of
3189s it um but the general idea is
3193s to actually mix
3196s stuff oh yeah copy machine yes that
3199s grinder finally in there um but no so
3202s the the general idea is to be able to
3204s use different colors and mixing them
3206s together
3208s um to avoid the issue of
3210s having like a gazillion recipes in a
3213s worktable for each individual
3215s color so we've got some cool ideas that
3218s we're we're testing out and seeing what
3219s works so hence why I don't really have a
3222s whole lot practical to say about it
3224s because we're still very much testing on
3227s like the system works in terms of you
3229s can you can pick a color and you can
3232s apply it in the world on a block um that
3235s whole system and server side and
3236s everything works so that's done what
3239s we're testing out and experimenting with
3240s right now
3242s is um how we want players to actually
3247s acquire the
3248s colors versus just plain old crafting
3252s recipes for each individual one so you
3254s know we'll we'll come back with that um
3257s on a dedicated stream for the paints and
3260s and like the whole system and do like a
3261s proper run
3263s through uh but we have some cool ideas
3265s that um
3267s Mike is still thing um alpen glow no
3270s that that's the thing it we kind of
3272s don't want that and that is the
3274s craziness of it um as for ingredients
3279s for the raw input
3282s base um
3285s pigments we have a few like selected
3288s things so we've got uh copper for green
3291s we have iron for red we have some some
3295s different uh FL flowers and and crops
3298s for other colors so there's a bit of a
3301s mix between mineral colors
3303s versus
3305s um uh non- generic one
3309s and um so you know there there's there's
3311s a bunch of cool things there that we can
3313s can kind of go over and break down once
3315s we uh once we have a pure outstream for
3318s it um as for paint the king over time
3323s that is its own kind of can of worm in
3327s terms of performance issues um hitsu um
3332s you've got magenta
3334s from uh
3336s [Music]
3341s urchins
3344s uh borick what static
3348s Hogs is that on
3353s um on the carpentry table or what is
3356s going
3364s on I'll take a look at it in a minute
3366s anyway um so you know to to kind of
3368s tease up with this so um urchins
3371s actually have a use um you you can turn
3373s them into food but now you'll also be
3374s able to turn them into pigments so you
3376s know more more things coming and and
3378s more kind of systems operate and and
3380s shuffling around um
3383s so that is where you're creating the
3385s paints now for applying
3389s them we've got some cool New Concept
3393s from
3396s um meeno for the different tiers
3400s and Utilities in uh actually applying
3404s the
3408s paint so this will
3411s be the early game and kind of the
3414s Primitive leather would like crude metal
3418s parts and then you have the mechanical
3421s era where you're involved into
3424s more um higher quantity slash you know a
3428s little bit improved quality of life
3430s fancier it's coming into industrial
3432s mechanical era thing and then you have
3435s late game modern kind of
3439s plasticky
3442s um compressed air kind of thing um
3447s armored no so we we initially were
3450s thinking about doing like a paintbrush a
3452s roller and like a spray gun at the
3455s modern
3456s era uh but mileno really liked the idea
3459s and kind of went absolute crazy on the
3462s this um the paint counts here so we kind
3465s of just went with it because it it it
3467s looked cool it seems fun
3470s and um it kind of gives you a sort of a
3475s style to it from the start to finish
3477s just kind of upgraded versions of it
3478s instead of completely different tool
3482s types
3484s um so that's some some you know some
3486s cool stuff to look forward to DaVinci
3488s style sprayer yeah so you know it it
3491s works it works in the same kind of pump
3494s style thing where as um you know you got
3499s your um like the water spraying bottles
3501s that you have in in when you're doing
3504s like getting a haircut or something um
3506s or for you know plants and and whatnot
3511s um but yeah so
3514s we're experimenting a little bit on on
3516s like durability scale um if we want to
3519s limit it to kind of like um if you one
3525s you'll have the durability on the tool
3526s themselves but also the consumable for
3529s the actual paint itself if you want them
3530s to be you know the the the Primitive
3533s ones are worse at retaining or you get
3536s less paint out of the same paint
3538s quantity um now we just needed the wici
3541s helicopter oh
3543s boy um but there's a lot of a lot of
3545s experimentations for it
3548s um and um it'll be cool it'll be fun um
3553s it's it's going to be a blast getting
3554s into it and I think everyone's going to
3557s appreciate what we have planned for
3560s it um and to kind of keep up with some
3565s changes upgrades and things I've got
3569s another asset in here that has been up
3571s been upgraded visually um both size and
3574s and visual that isn't in game yet um
3578s it's something that you see late game
3580s fairly frequently all over the place
3583s and art team has been kind of going over
3586s and and on the to kind of continue with
3589s the optimization run that we keep uh
3591s parting and saying like hey you know
3593s we're focusing on optimization we're
3594s really looking into it um and it is is a
3596s big a big source of feedback across the
3601s board um and some of that
3605s is some of it is codewise in terms of
3608s direct memory handling and where things
3610s are going and and how it's being flushed
3612s and so on so forth um but a lot of it is
3615s also related to how technical things are
3618s and how they're being rendered on screen
3621s so not just you know memory leak per se
3624s but actually memory occupying because
3626s things are bulky and and cumbersome for
3628s the system to actually display and and
3630s run and and show
3631s off so the r team has been going crazy
3636s the the last year and this as
3638s well
3640s um
3642s and it
3645s um one of the things that Toby has been
3647s tinkering with and and improving with is
3652s decals um
3654s and what this does is instead of
3657s incorporating all the kind of all all
3660s the bits pieces metals and and you know
3662s Bobs that's sticking out and so on um
3665s instead of doing them directly on the
3667s assets themselves which
3669s increases um just
3672s increases costs of the Assets in terms
3675s of rendering and and display cost um
3678s Toby has been kind of digging into
3681s making decals possible in terms of doing
3683s depth
3685s scale uh um that we can apply to
3688s models that has extremely low cost
3691s relation to the Quality that they are
3695s displaying so a lot of the new objects
3697s and the new visual upgrades are using
3699s these things that just massively per
3702s massively increases performance for for
3705s very it it's a weird cost win
3708s relationship um so we have bigger better
3711s looking objects now but they have
3714s substantially improved frame rate this
3716s playing multiple of
3719s them um so as you can see
3723s here you have that kind of height
3725s differential and and depth to these
3728s things yet they're not actually a part
3730s of the model
3732s itself and it is it is a fairly
3734s frequently used technique across the
3737s board but now we've adapted it
3740s to uh a version of it to be properly
3743s used inside the EOS
3745s environment and one of the things that
3748s it was applied to in particular is the
3752s wind turbine which Toby did a bit of a
3754s frame rate test
3757s scenario to kind of give you a bit of a
3759s a a display and kind of hard facts about
3762s how much of an improvement some of these
3765s things
3765s are so here we see a whole chocklo of
3769s wind turbines and and this is a still
3771s frame so you know don't worry it's not a
3773s video um you're not supposed to see them
3775s running cuz
3778s um as I came up with I could grab this
3780s into the stream as well Toby's on the
3783s opposite end of the world and it's
3785s asleep um yeah so late game you know you
3789s you Al you often see quite a bit of wind
3791s turbines a bit here and there all over
3793s the place so it's one of the bigger
3796s assets that we have that is moving and
3798s kind of doing things and as you can see
3802s here you've got a detailed statistics
3805s for
3806s um how many TRS how many verts um the
3809s resolutions um shadows and everything as
3812s well as the frame rate for this
3815s scene so this is the old wind
3820s turbine
3822s um
3823s and this is one of
3826s the newer upgraded assets for it um
3830s color pending
3832s obviously but this the the wind turbine
3834s is getting bigger the blades is getting
3836s more kind of wind turbin
3838s blade and note the performance
3843s Improvement on it going from 120 FPS
3846s with the old model with a new model
3849s upgraded has more detail and is bigger
3852s bumped up to 202 frame
3856s rates um and that's just kind of an
3858s example on how much of an improvement
3860s the team is really spending time and
3862s digging into these assets and making
3864s sure that uh um red white and blue um
3869s just making sure that all the new assets
3871s that are coming into the game has a
3873s certain level of quality to them but
3874s also using more of the techniques that
3876s are available to better
3879s optimize um and improve the frame rate
3882s of everything around them in the
3884s environment so as we March towards 1.0
3888s we'll be seeing more and more of these
3889s assets coming to play um not just new
3893s ones but also old ones getting a
3895s facelift and and reworked and all of
3899s that
3901s um
3903s and um so yeah there you know there
3906s there's a ton of things that are going
3907s into this um going on but I'd say you
3910s know almost an imp a frame rate
3911s Improvement almost 100% from just you
3914s know wind
3915s turbines um is pretty hefty
3920s and it would probably not be out there
3923s to to say that you know it's probably
3925s going to see similar things things
3926s across the board for all of the bigger
3929s assets at least um as things gets turned
3931s around and and poked
3933s at um we got a new model for the water
3937s wheel um that is looking pretty
3939s impressive it's a lot bigger and with
3941s occupancy changes there is that red flag
3944s of it might eat adjacent things so when
3948s we do add things that will have
3950s occupancy changes will alert and kind of
3952s flag that in the patch notes but do try
3955s to read the patch notes if that is a
3959s concern um just because it you know it
3963s it has that risk of if an object goes
3965s bigger it's going of gobble up things
3967s surrounding it
3969s um so you might need to kind of pick
3972s things up before you migrate and update
3974s server
3976s um but if that happens you know it it
3978s should be in the patch
3980s notes um go go gadget Goose how how to
3984s fix eco as it's constantly crashing um
3988s hop in on the Eco Discord and drop a
3992s message in the technical help uh
3995s preferably with client logs and um
3999s server log as well if it's a client
4001s crash just client logs should be fine as
4004s well as system specs as
4006s well uh how come we can get huge boats
4009s cars lasers to shoot on meteors yet
4011s Hunters are stuck at Bow all the way why
4014s isn't there a later game gun
4017s um the reason one of the main reasons
4019s for not having firearms is
4024s generally to not have
4026s firearms um like hunting is an
4030s unfortunate piece of violence that we
4032s have to have to make you know it fits
4035s with acquisition of meats especially
4039s early
4040s on but generally exposing it to animals
4043s and so on so forth um
4046s but on a whole it's very silent it's
4049s very quiet it's not very
4051s disruptive um having a whole bunch of
4053s people running around and you hear F you
4055s know you hear guns going off all over
4057s the
4058s place brings quite a lot of disruption
4061s in a in a way different way than we'd
4063s like to
4065s see kind of our style in
4070s Eco
4071s um I still really want Nerf
4074s guns
4076s I mean it wouldn't be impossible to to
4078s kind of Shuckle around in there at least
4081s as a mod or or so on but
4086s um I don't know maybe maybe do like a
4090s one point two after you know after
4093s release kind
4094s of game Corner
4097s fun acid thing um I don't know we'll see
4103s we got a lot of things planned ahead
4105s that uh we didn't to get out of the way
4106s first though but uh yeah Nerf
4112s bow is LARP
4114s bow snowball fights animal husbandry
4117s will will replace hunting um hunting
4119s will still have a a
4121s thing um hunting will definitely still
4123s have its
4125s role because animal husbandry will have
4128s kind of domesticated meat sourcing but
4131s you are still going to have dishes with
4133s that requires Wild game um so there's
4136s still going to be a place for hunting
4137s the same thing for like certain types of
4139s pelts and and so on so forth so you
4145s know um did I ever manage a 360 no scope
4148s on a
4150s deer absolutely just jump off a
4153s cliff um Shuffle it on the side
4158s um and then we have we have one final
4161s asset that I know I've talked about on
4164s on a stream or two up
4166s down that we are we are looking into
4169s improving and I'll probably get an
4170s earful from meeno for showing this off
4173s um
4175s but we do have kind of a a a prototype
4179s of the updated version of the um powered
4185s cart if anyone is
4194s interested any takers and
4198s takers yeah so the powered cart
4201s is is is a bit of a sad thing at the
4204s moment and if anyone is confused about
4207s the powered card it's that humongous
4209s trike basically that has the um
4214s thingy uh I usually ban them from our
4219s towns uh so yeah here we have a bit of a
4223s a in in development
4227s thing about
4229s it so it is it is significantly scaled
4233s down to fit better with the
4236s Avatar
4237s um quality-wise it's upgraded to be more
4244s sensible oh it it it scaled down more
4246s and so is all of the other kind of
4248s cables as well so the wood cart
4252s um both the the regular one the smaller
4254s one they're all of the all of the
4256s general dragable vehicles and and
4258s general assets kind of been scaled
4259s around to fit better with the new
4262s Avatar
4264s um considered adding passenger versions
4267s of the tracker power
4269s card um it it's it's definitely been
4272s something that I've thought
4276s about
4278s um but yeah so recipes for it we'll see
4282s um as I said you know it's a prototype
4285s and um it definitely looks a lot better
4288s like the old the old one is is probably
4291s the old powered card was the first non
4294s dragged vehicle that was added to Eco
4297s like ages ago and it was never really
4299s touched or prodded at since then so you
4303s know it's it's a it's a huge rework
4306s and there were debates whether or not we
4308s wanted to keep it at all um but I really
4311s like it it it has potential to fit in it
4314s it just needed to be a bit scaled better
4317s and um needed to uh to operate a little
4321s bit smoother in terms of turn rates and
4323s kind of interactions and so
4325s on um so milanka has been kind of
4328s digging into it and making it be a
4330s little bit
4331s nicer um on the side so that's also
4334s future things that are coming post
4336s 102 um how much of it is going to be
4339s coming into 103 we'll see but
4342s um we'll definitely keep
4346s everyone up to date and
4349s um yeah now that we've got 10.2 in the
4352s plest bracket we are kind of finalizing
4354s it and and getting it
4357s done um hopefully we'll we'll have it
4359s sorted out and and be stable enough for
4362s actual release as soon as
4365s possible uh so that's going to be it's
4367s going to be a lot of fun to uh to get
4369s that out and be able to kind of shift
4371s our attention to some of the really
4374s cool um completely new things that we're
4377s cooking up with the paintings and or the
4380s the painting system and everything
4381s surrounding that as well as the mining
4384s rework and explosives and some of that
4387s stuff um so that's going to be a lot of
4389s a lot of cool things
4391s coming
4397s um it's a major vehicle everyone knows
4402s that yeah the
4404s um
4406s um it'll probably be touched up on the
4408s on the sound as well uh it's a little
4410s bit screechy same thing with the steam
4411s tractor is still a little bit screechy
4414s um we're looking at at tweaking that
4419s um and
4423s uh
4426s yeah
4428s um I think that's probably it for this
4431s stream
4433s um feels like we should be ready
4435s wrapping it up here
4437s um as for date for actual
4442s um actual release of 10.2 it'll probably
4446s be very dependent on how the SE play
4449s test goes if it if it stays very stable
4451s if it
4453s stays um like I said we we might get the
4456s chunk stuff in and we probably want to
4459s do that um that probably needs a little
4462s bit more testing
4464s um but
4468s overall I'm hoping it's going to turn
4470s out great and we're going to be able to
4471s release it very quickly
4475s um because we have quite a packed here
4477s so you know making sure we get
4479s everything smoothly out um on the
4482s initial pass it's going to be
4484s good um and yeah so you know it's
4487s available on the play test if you want
4488s to help out
4491s and poke at it and and break it a bit to
4495s make sure that it gets into stable
4497s quicker please do hop in on the SE auter
4499s play test
4501s server
4504s um um oh yeah yeah as kind of an outro
4508s on on alpen can I snuck on it I I almost
4511s completely regard it so
4515s um um yeah we uh we are adding more
4520s professions and shuffling things around
4522s a bit for
4524s 10.3
4527s um uh beeran poke poke in at technical
4531s help on Discord because it sounds like
4534s you're running into either some driver
4536s issues or some conflicting
4538s software um because it needs quite a bit
4543s more technical details for it um so
4546s probably
4547s DxD um and client logs and
4554s whatnot uh um and and and we can
4557s probably help you out
4558s there uh said discuss helicopters at the
4562s end of the stream no I I'll I'll discuss
4564s blocks and whatnot um so one of the
4567s professions that we are shifting around
4571s is oil drilling will be kind of
4573s dislocated from engineering as it is
4575s right now see if we can find it here
4578s here we go um so oil drilling is going
4581s to be shuffled out of engineering and
4583s it's going to get into um basically a
4586s scientist
4587s profession which will
4590s hold um oil drilling and it'll also have
4594s a
4596s chemistry um and some other new cool
4599s things uh painting will be subject under
4602s that as well so there's there's a lot
4604s of a lot of things on the horizon maybe
4607s I can maybe I can I sneak
4610s that maybe I can sneak it be a bit
4614s mischievous um
4621s oh I didn't rename yeah no I'm I'm
4623s holding on that one um it it wasn't
4625s properly renamed on on that screenshot
4626s so I'm just going
4628s to I'm just going to hold on it yeah
4630s more fluids in in general is also
4632s something that we're planning on doing
4634s um it's not going to be 103 probably
4637s going to be more over to 104 105 maybe
4642s we'll we'll see a bit uh we want to do a
4644s proper upgrade to the oil um the oil
4646s drilling oil
4648s pipelines um as well as involving more
4650s pollution
4653s sources um so having things like
4655s Wastewater or you know like industrial
4658s sewage and so on is likely going to be
4660s involved there we also want to look at
4663s instead of having just played out flow
4665s rate as you have now
4668s so um a good example if you have say a
4672s steam engine or a blast furnace or
4674s something that that takes pure like
4678s clean water as an
4680s input um at the moment it's it's just
4685s eating outright in flow rate so like.
4689s three of a liter per per tick
4693s basically um we want to change it out so
4696s it actually has a volume requirement so
4698s say you know 20 l a minute and so on and
4701s then you could connect it to a tank and
4702s you can have a larger storage of that
4704s liquid
4707s um does this mean oil pumps will
4709s actually have connecting pipes yes that
4711s pipe slot on them um we basically have
4715s two two kind of ways of it one we wanted
4717s to look into to fracking and um ground
4722s ground water pollutant
4725s stuff um so you've got basically your
4728s your you got your drills and pump jacks
4730s that gives you access to the raw oil
4732s reservoir which allows you to to just
4735s pull oil out of it once it's depleted
4738s down to a certain level you're going to
4741s need to replace the pump
4743s jacks um with things like um like a
4747s fracking Tower or something where you're
4748s you're pumping water into the ground to
4751s to kind of um pressurize the ground to
4753s push more oil out of
4755s it um so there's going to be a more
4758s Dynamic play for the later material
4762s Acquisitions um but that's going to be
4765s its own its own kind of depth into it
4768s and and a lot of things that is
4771s still still kind being drafted and
4773s designed for um so I'm not going to go
4775s into Super detail on it as things change
4779s things might not happen things you know
4781s might take a a weird turn and go super
4784s in depth in it so how much that's going
4787s to involve like pure out chemistry and
4789s and wiggling around with liquids and
4791s pipes and and pipelines and so on um
4793s we'll see
4795s I kind of want to go absolutely crazy
4797s with it um because I like chemistry um
4801s find it fasc fascinating so you know
4805s we'll see how much I can push it while
4806s still keeping it somewhat casual and
4808s sane enough to make to keep it kind of
4810s approachable in that
4812s manner um offshore oil rigs it'd be
4815s interesting but like it
4819s it it would need to be very
4822s distinguishable either by object type or
4826s you know like material
4828s type
4830s um but yeah there's you know crazy
4833s amount of things planned this year and
4835s it it's going to be an absolute roller
4837s coaster going through it and we're going
4838s to try to
4839s keep um keep all the um all the
4844s information kind of flowing either on
4845s Discord or on our Dev
4848s streams um so it's it's going to be a
4850s lot of fun and you know if you're
4852s interested keep your keep your eyes
4854s peeled and um keep on no out on the
4857s Discord to
4859s uh to get that information easiest um as
4863s that's generally where I'm more I'm
4865s mostly active on on on our media
4869s Outlet um so yeah you know wish you all
4873s a continued great
4876s weekend and excellent outro horn there
4884s um
4886s and uh yeah no thank you everyone for
4890s participating and and hopping on um
4893s Christian any plans for fish farms the
4895s fish traps um is probably your closest
4899s at the moment but we might be looking
4900s over doing something with that for the
4902s maintenance stuff with like input
4905s ingredients and so on so you know stay
4907s tuned more information about 10.3 things
4910s will be coming out after 10.2
4912s release um hope everyone had a good time
4916s and uh I'll catch you on the next
4944s one
4950s [Music]
4978s [Music]
4986s [Music]

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to another
2s Friday stream here at strange Loop
5s games and my name is Jens work working
8s as lead game designer here and we'll
11s keep rolling with your streams and going
15s over and and kind of having the
17s privilege and uh and uh enjoyment of
21s being able to kind of show off all the
23s cool things that we're working on and
25s everything is kind of new and
28s fancy I see there's a a
31s tutorial on website purchase in the uh
36s in the twitch chat um yeah hey hey
40s everyone um so this time we are looking
44s at 10.2 play test
48s release
49s um it's been on staging Branch it
52s finally got nudged down to play
54s test uh let me just move over things a
57s little bit here so there we go
60s um so yeah we have finally moved it down
64s to play test we're finally able to to
65s you know say that it's stable enough to
68s do a run on um uh currently running on
72s seor which I believe went live here
76s hopefully a little bit of desync with
79s myself and then is on when that the
82s timer was I think it was 9
86s I was going to check it prior um oh it's
90s it's it was 6 p.m. so that thing should
92s be live since 3 hours
95s ago uh I
97s hope no one has been pinging me about
100s explosions so I'm presuming that it's
102s working uh we'll take a look at it and
104s hop in here in a
106s bit so what what craziness are we up to
109s now we well we you know we we've got
111s this smelting rework and the new
113s profession involved so that's going to
115s be
116s absolutely um amazing and and thrilling
119s to going to see how people deal with a
120s new profession that is something that we
122s haven't really done in a long time it's
125s been a a long long time since we kind of
128s did anything to direct profession
131s Specialties so that's going to be fun we
133s have more of those planned um and we'll
137s also go over a little bit about um our
141s art teams optimization stuff I know the
144s frame rate
146s um has been um
152s um kind of a big topic of discussion in
155s general either frame rate loss or just
157s the you know the the
158s general
160s um uh the general interact ability and
163s and kind of the frame rate loss over
165s time over as as stuff being built as
167s more complex things are being on scen um
170s just general improvements in that
172s department and our our team has been
175s doing absolutely crazy amount of working
177s that and
178s I'll give you a an example here um in a
182s bit as well and then we'll we'll nudge
185s and and sneak peek a little bit about
187s the painting stuff that is going into
188s 10.3 as well um a bit
193s later um and as
197s per just on on a general answer in the
200s um on the whole key purchase thing so if
204s you buy the game on the website through
206s any of the
207s packages it you'll need an SLG account
210s which you can either create beforehand
212s and buy which then will link to it or if
216s you don't have an SLG account and you
217s buy it it'll prompt you with a link in
220s the mail to create one once you have
224s that you can link your steam to the SLG
228s web system which then unlocks it on
230s Steam as
231s well so you don't get a direct steam key
235s um it just unlocks the license on Steam
237s for you on the account that you link it
242s um and if you get one of the multi pack
244s things it gives you a field to send the
248s light um send copies to and they'll be
251s receiving the same kind of
256s email so anyone that
259s is getting an invitation from someone
262s will also be able to create an SLG
264s account and then they can link Steam and
265s have it on Steam as
268s well um so yeah I you know I I where do
273s we start there's so much
276s stuff um and I'm also super stoked about
279s the 10.2 actually getting into public
281s hands now so I can get some people can
284s give those those recipes and costs a run
286s for their money so I can get some
287s feedback and probably do some slight
291s adjustments depending on what it
293s um what happens um there are a few key
296s things that I just really didn't have
298s time to do in this full scope that I
300s wanted to do one one of them was do a
303s bit of tinkering with food balance in
304s general I did a small tweak on
308s variety um which hopefully will make it
311s into
313s the um patch notes that Dennis is
318s compiling uh so the maximum gain from
321s variety has been reduced a bit um you
324s also have a higher requirement of total
327s calories consumed by each individual it
330s them before they account to the variety
333s bonus so you know just chugging
335s something simple isn't really going to
336s cut it you're going to have to eat a bit
338s more to actually be contributed to that
341s variety
342s bonus um so there's a few minor tweaks
344s in there that is related to food um I
348s also did a a pass on clams kelp and
351s urchin as
352s well um so they should be growing a bit
357s better they should also be a little bit
358s more numerous in the world from
360s start um so look forward to that as
365s well
367s uh where do we want to start off let's
370s just let's just let's just hop in in
373s game I think and see where see where
376s we're
380s at uh so if we do this we've got is that
385s thing rolling it is rolling look at that
388s beta play test 367
391s build
392s and right I'm I'm a little bit ahead
396s apparently did that just
398s deploy that is
401s unfortunate why why are we always
403s starting out like
407s this uh let's let's start the stream
410s with poking
412s Dennis
417s uh and go hey version up something
422s happened always something ain't it
427s um see if uh see if that that resolves
434s itself
439s uh oh never hang on hang on hang on I
442s know what's going on
445s here uh Let's ignore the painting
449s thing um I know what's going on we need
451s to hop in here let's new QA mode
454s otherwise we might get kicked out and I
457s believe SE
457s [Music]
461s auor yeah there we go so the pl test
465s buil on SE auor I might as well do this
467s on stream so people can actually see how
469s to how to do it um if you want to join
471s in on the on the play test so on if
474s you're running on Steam you can go into
476s properties of Eco and then you go into
479s the Beta
480s Tab and then you select the 10 the the
483s 10.2 play test and that should keep you
486s up to date with the
489s um actual build used on the pl
499s itself that should let me get in on it
501s yeah see there we go now we have a join
506s thing
508s um
512s while that's hum humming and and
514s rumaging
515s around uh we can we can we can take a
518s look at it since since it was out
520s there uh where did you
524s go there you go so on the painting and I
528s know this is going to be a huge thing
530s and I look like I'm radiated here
533s because of the white
535s background
536s um so on the painting things
542s we have a new worktable where you mix
545s and and assort paintings and how that
547s system is going to be working in is
549s going to be its own its own Dev blog uh
553s Slash stream thing because we have some
555s we have some interesting cool
557s ideas but I I presented the asset a
560s little bit
562s on um I think it I think it threw it up
565s in Dev Dev hangout or somewhere earlier
568s um but some concept on U on how it how
573s it came to be basically from idea
577s to idea to ID on paper to ID in
581s game
584s um I think well I I think I have another
586s image of the actual 3D asset here
588s somewhere that I can show up later but
590s this is this is essentially going to be
591s the painting workstation
596s um later on but we finally man get
600s ourselves onto
601s seor so on here we do this and I'm
607s personally not a fan of the 3D map it's
610s one of those things where like prove me
612s wrong kind of things I like the 2D map
614s because it gives me a bit more
617s control um if you have a preference for
620s the 3D map let me know why or how and
622s can
625s I how come you like it over the 2D map
628s kind of thing
632s oh yeah immersion that is true that is
633s true you you do get that whole I know
637s the world is round kind of
638s thing versus just a a map on oh boy this
642s map is interesting ain't
645s it
648s um yeah it it looks a bit
652s beefier like it it gives you that kind
655s of globe in the
658s library beenin fun thing
664s um but I'm I'm just I'm just too
667s practical like I want to know the
668s distances between two points and kind of
670s where things and where things go about
674s um what do we want to do this time and
676s there's a little a little sad splotch of
679s desert right here or if that's gold
683s maybe you can see the terrain height
685s easily yeah that that is true that is
687s true
688s um
691s it um it it is hard to see height
693s differences especially with the
694s mountains and kind of
696s canyons
703s um it uh it's much easier to kind of get
706s the full kind of the full scope of how
709s tall mountains are or how how well
711s optimized the terrain is to actually
713s build cool things surrounding
717s it uh
721s maybe we should just kind of chill out
723s in the desert see what's going
724s on build a little bit of a harbor Hub
730s thing we'll see start near
737s Pioneers Oh the um I got the trees
740s disabled which is why they weren't
742s showing
743s up um I had everything kind of disabled
746s from the get code just because I like to
747s have a a clean
750s map yeah I believe they're hidden by
752s default on
754s on static
756s thing um actually we can we can check
759s that environmental data and then we go
761s biome and then we go de potion
769s biome so we have go over to 2D map to
773s properly see
774s this yes we have we have a we have one
777s that's straight across vertically
781s um so that's interesting that that is
785s that is making it a very peculiar thing
788s so you can go eastwards but you can't go
790s westwards if you're on the desert
794s side so there's no shortcut over here
797s without boating otherwise you going to
799s have to kind of drive all the way over
801s from left to
808s right
812s um let's have a look see around
818s this so one of the things on seather
821s that we're testing out with this play
823s test is exhaustion so on here we
828s are we're using exhaustion with a little
831s bit more of a a leeway hour thing so
833s people can play to their heart content
835s without being too constrained by
838s it yet still be able to kind of use the
841s system and test it out and and see how
842s it works um on the server with more
846s people hence the play test for
849s it um and as mentioned the play test got
852s kind of three major parts one the the
854s smelting blacksmithing split the
857s exhaustion
858s and the
863s um uh injunctions for civics so when
866s when someone has a law in a town you can
869s Muke the law if you're in a um country
872s instead you basically say this law is no
875s longer valid
878s bam uh we've got exhaustion thing going
882s on here and it limits the amount of
885s stuff that you can do or put labor into
887s and or you know shop shop trees cut
890s stones and and so
894s on is it is it happy now it's happy
898s now
900s and then we can just skip the rest of
907s it see where we're at and what we've got
909s going here so I'm
913s thinking like this this this place down
916s here is nice because you got a little
919s bit too cheeky um world gen is something
921s that we are going to be looking at um
924s throughout here as well as I'm make I'm
926s making continuous tweaks to things and
928s experimenting a bit with it so we'll see
931s where
932s um where and how that changes throughout
935s here up to
938s 1.0 um heard you mention something about
941s needing more food variety it's not so
943s much needing more food variety as I
945s reduced uh did a small balance tweak for
948s it so reduced the the maximum but like
951s the maximum level of variety you can
954s reach
958s um as well as increasing the calories
961s required to attribute something towards
964s it uh the prickly Paris is it's probably
967s because there's a biome transition going
969s on here so the the grasslands kind of
972s leaning in a little bit into the desert
974s and the desert's leaning in a little bit
975s into the grassland so it's kind of a m a
978s mixed patch in between the
980s two so there's just
983s enough um growth ranges to be in that
988s adjacent C
991s um how does the refresh timer used with
994s exhaustion
995s work um I'm not ignoring the building
999s material I think it's I think it's
1000s relevant but it it it it'll be brought
1003s up here
1006s um thought it was a visual indicator on
1009s the regular map for deep ocean uh no it
1011s it's it's always kind of been looking
1014s bluish I think we might we might need to
1017s tone that in it's a good suggestion I
1020s probably want to deepen deepen the tone
1022s of that color for it so it it does stand
1025s out on a mini
1029s map
1034s um how does the refresh timer used with
1037s exhaustion work um essentially it just
1040s it um from the tool tip changes now you
1043s see when that next refresh is
1046s happening um and you also see how much
1048s time you yet when that refresh is
1052s happening and the refresh happens on
1055s server set UTC time now so it's no
1059s longer set inside
1061s on um in the game time which it used to
1066s be which wasn't really working for a lot
1068s of
1069s people um because if someone has been
1073s you know away for two days and they come
1074s back and then the server hasn't been
1076s running for two days they still don't
1077s have they still don't have any time
1080s so it was kind of it made sense for
1083s progression in the game but it it it
1085s doesn't make sense with what the
1087s mechanic is supposed to be doing um
1090s which is alleviating and helping
1092s people's scheduling and you know real
1094s life kind of contribution to it
1101s um so we we we're kind of shuffling
1105s around it um Can admin set the reset
1107s Time twice a day you can set it
1109s to um you can set the
1113s so the refresh the refresh timer is
1115s always doing kind of the next day so if
1118s you're on Monday it'll register on
1120s Tuesday and so on and the refresh timer
1122s set on a 24hour cycle so if you change
1125s it down to 12 hours it'll be twice a
1130s day uh but there's a lot of a lot of
1133s variables to it and
1136s uh a lot of new settings for admin to
1139s kind of dig
1140s into uh so don't hesitate to kind of
1143s pull up U just hop in on the branch pull
1145s it up and
1147s uh start it and see what the new config
1149s templates are looking like and U
1152s especially with the GUI uh for the
1154s server
1156s UI this looks a little bit desolate on
1159s anything
1161s resembling
1164s trees although there's plenty of plenty
1167s of animals and plenty of water we can
1169s can do some fishing if
1174s necessary see there's someone think
1177s there's someone living down here
1178s starting to build a bit of a harbor
1187s thing maybe we should do something down
1190s here yeah let's do
1191s that Madness no Street in the desert no
1195s it's it's um I I I really enjoy the view
1198s on the desert now uh with all the
1200s changes I did to it because you have
1203s small patches of growth and and
1204s vegetation but most of it is
1207s fairly fairly empty wide spacing and
1211s then people can repopulate grow stuff
1213s and and plant things crazily in it if
1215s they want to
1220s but
1228s um oh one thing I wanted to make so is
1231s when you eat loads of garbage toq jobs
1233s it impacts your bonus for longer like a
1235s week will that be possible
1238s um
1239s that there
1242s is
1245s um there
1247s is it's an interesting
1250s implication
1252s um I want to have that there and it it's
1256s a very good question um
1259s maybe we should open that
1262s up plus five reputation hello stream hey
1265s Wayan
1267s [Music]
1269s um actually let's let's do it here
1274s yeah um it has some it has some
1277s interesting implications and and
1279s applications that can be
1281s used um but it would have the side
1285s effect
1287s of um your general SK skill is harder to
1290s kind of get push further up by that but
1293s maybe we could do it as a config thing
1295s and be um change it out the public
1301s variable um I have one question is the
1303s carts getting suddenly teleported
1304s topside when a mine in or tunnel
1307s supposed to be like it or is it being
1308s worked on getting
1312s fixed oh no
1314s see see we feel that carts just
1317s transcend the physical
1321s plane
1324s um uh so we figured that you know cards
1326s should be teleporting up and
1328s down um it just makes sense because we
1332s know that they you know you have some
1334s Vulcan
1336s trans translocation beacons involved in
1339s them um and and they just hop up and
1341s down U no it it is a bug it
1345s is um and Juan has been diving
1349s absolutely craz deep into the whole
1351s Shunk loading prioritization and kind of
1354s how that whole system
1355s works so what generally ends up
1357s happening at the moment is that Vehicles
1359s kind of spawn in prior to the chunk
1362s being completely loaded which makes it
1365s fall through the world and we have a de
1367s penetration system that tries to make
1369s sure that nothing like if anything has a
1372s minus position it teleports to the top
1375s of the chunk to make sure it falls on
1378s the surface
1380s and so the load prioritization and the
1382s load system in itself is is being a bit
1385s mischi misbehaving which is why you have
1388s things like not only you know carts and
1390s vehicles but also rubble and um Trunks
1393s and logs and and whatever else um and
1396s he's he's been doing a a crazy amount of
1399s investigation and rejigging of that
1401s system and there is a polar request open
1404s for uh play test um it's still being
1408s kind of debated whether or not it's
1409s stable
1411s and suitable to go into play test
1413s depending on um the the potential
1419s ramifications um so we'll see if if it
1421s does make it in there there's a good
1423s chance that a lot of the cases for
1425s random teleportations gets
1427s resolved
1429s um but we'll you know if if it happens
1432s you'll you'll notice it on um on Discord
1436s I'm presuming um and it it would also
1439s make it into the patch note if it does
1441s get fixed
1442s so keep your ears to the ground kind of
1445s thing uh but we are aware of it and and
1447s there's some there's some crazy crazy
1450s crazy things going on for it um speaking
1452s of moon carts any news on elevator
1455s stopping at exact floor height um we've
1457s got some ideas for it there there's some
1459s plans for it but nothing has really you
1462s know um no one has really had the time
1465s to dig into it uh as I'm I'm pulling out
1468s my shovel
1470s but um we definitely have some ideas
1473s towards what we want that to do and we
1475s want kind of
1478s elevator
1480s um flooring system like next floor kind
1484s of thing
1485s um going
1489s on
1490s um changes to mining recipes Rocker Box
1494s screening machine converted to static
1496s instead of dynamic here to stay um which
1500s recipes are you talking
1527s about
1532s they shouldn't be
1547s that um well we can we can we can take a
1549s sneak peek since we're since we're on
1551s here and no one really no one really
1553s Minds all that too
1555s much just going to do that and I'm going
1558s to hop in there here and I'm going to do
1561s that I'm going to grab
1567s that there we
1569s go
1576s [Music]
1582s um if anyone ever wondered how Theory
1585s works this would be how it's looking
1595s uh they shouldn't be
1607s [Music]
1611s static well the concentrate shouldn't be
1615s but the
1617s um so the way it works
1621s is crushed ore into concentrate is not
1626s static in in The Rocker boxes and if
1628s they are
1630s um are you
1635s um
1637s um not this time I I've got I've got the
1641s concept for the actual tools for it but
1643s I'm not going to go into Super
1645s mechanical yeah I'm
1647s I'm the um the alien
1655s view
1662s um are you on a local Builder are you on
1665s the um are you on the um sea play test
1668s uh
1674s Bob get a campfire
1677s going get a tool bench and the
1685s workbench oh yeah just send me a send me
1688s a DM um I got my axe on me as
1692s well just ravage a CA
1704s here a little bit late with the Timber
1707s and a little bit loud maybe that's just
1710s on my end let me know if if the
1712s game game audio is way too loud
1716s or just me having very loud volume
1719s settings
1731s locally uh where can I report if I heard
1733s a song from Eco in mobile game from App
1735s Store um send Dennis a DM um
1739s um
1741s Association um if you are on the Discord
1744s or have joined the
1745s Discord Um send a message to our
1748s community manager Dennis
1750s um with details and he can take a look
1753s at
1758s it uh also Brandon hi hello
1764s um yeah there
1766s there's um vehicles and their Associated
1770s limitations in particular when it comes
1772s to that one um is
1777s uh probably going to be a post 1.0 thing
1779s but it's definitely something that will
1781s be interesting to
1789s tackle is there anything planned for
1791s piping through walls on floors without
1793s having to break the blocks there/ have a
1795s gap yeah we
1797s have we want to take a look at utilities
1800s pipings and and just blocks in general
1804s um so at the moment we have kind of
1805s Water Works in in kind of a different
1807s face than other blocks so they can kind
1809s of coexist inside the same space and we
1812s want to do the same type of scenario
1816s for um pipes and so on so you could
1818s embed pipes into different
1821s blocks um but it's it's stuff that's on
1825s on the want to do things but haven't
1827s really had um the opportunity to dive
1829s into it because we have a lot of other
1831s things that are planned
1844s beforehand yeah I'm I'm I'm still I'm
1846s still a bit confused about the um the
1849s arastra and the The Crushers should be
1851s static but nothing else and if there's
1853s if they're not it is quite possible that
1856s you are running something
1862s um if you have a mod or anything that's
1864s lingering in the background because it
1867s should mostly be backwards compatible
1869s with 10 point
1871s like 10.0 10.1 thing I haven't really
1874s changed anything significant in the
1875s template
1877s for that stuff what I can
1880s remember I
1883s mean I've done weirder
1887s things
1893s too hungry to do that oh no what on
1895s Earth am I going to do do I just want to
1897s eat the giant cactus
1899s fruit probably oh see that was
1906s delicious want to grab that
1909s campfire I want to grab that
1917s workbench
1921s on here we want to have a new stockpile
1925s as a first
1935s priority
1938s uh so the question is how speedy is
1941s things going to be we almost got masonry
1944s up someone is doing
1947s smelting
1954s and we have that blacksmithing here
1956s which is it it's this whole teory thing
1959s is needing a little bit of a bit of a
1962s rework and some love to make it be a
1966s little bit cleaner to see and
1968s browse this thing should be down here
1971s towards in between tier one and
1977s two
1985s [Music]
1989s do we want to do we want to
1993s where maybe we should do some Seas
1997s Seaside Seaside food shop thing going on
2002s maybe food and tools all you need
2007s right
2010s grab players on here as
2018s well that is a carpenter logging SLC
2021s Carpenter most likely I'm
2024s presuming and we've got
2028s some that's another
2031s logger and that's a mining
2034s Mason do we have anyone doing food
2037s nearby
2040s doesn't look like it maybe we should
2042s embark on the food
2043s route do some campfire
2049s cooking yeah let's let's go for
2054s that uh yeah I am on sea
2067s alter so now with campfire unlocked I
2070s can do some some other cool things here
2074s but I need to scavenge and Source some
2077s ingredients
2081s here which I'm presuming there's
2083s not anyone on here that has Gathering
2086s that has a
2094s shop see if we
2096s can't the
2100s let's not do
2102s that
2106s uh um I know smelting will be do we have
2109s any idea if 10.2 will be safe compatible
2112s um it should be it um it'll have a bunch
2115s of um the recipes are going to be a bit
2118s wonky here and there but it should work
2121s out quite
2123s nicely so when when there is two kind of
2126s distinct differences when recipes are
2129s changed from our side
2131s so um or three cases I guess it's when
2135s recipes are being added so brand new
2137s ones that is new addition to the
2139s game um an existing recipe gets altered
2142s either by moving it around from one
2145s workstation to another or having a new
2148s ingredient or so on so
2150s forth and then the case of a recipe gets
2153s outright removed now in the first two
2157s cases op around get a little bit more
2159s comfortable here in this chair um in the
2162s first two
2163s cases there's not a lot of potential
2167s implications so when a recipe is
2170s adjusted um any existing recipes that
2173s are in Q so you have a work order for
2176s this particular item already it won't be
2179s affected by the change so if you're
2181s crafting you know steel axes and I move
2184s steel axes from being crafted on the
2188s Anvil to being crafted on um the
2192s grindstone or a power hammer in this
2194s case for the steel
2196s um the old queue is still going to work
2200s and it's still going to be fully viable
2201s but it's not going to be changed and
2203s it's not going to stop
2204s working um but you won't be able to
2207s start a new work order of that type on
2210s the workstation so you're going to have
2211s to start a new work order on the new
2212s station can adapt to those
2215s changes um this is this is both Poss
2218s posi and negative because if if there's
2219s a reduction in cost to craft these
2221s things you're going to have to cancel it
2223s and you may lose labor doing that
2227s um however if there's an increas in cost
2230s then you know you can kind of cheap out
2233s and and not cancel it and you can still
2235s have that cheaper recipe um and that's
2238s just kind
2239s of unfortunate side effect to balance
2241s things while in in a
2244s cycle uh but that's always going to be
2246s true for any you know for someone around
2250s um so that one is kind of hard to avoid
2256s um
2259s see someone is selling
2263s stuff
2268s o geology Gathering research
2275s papers dendrology agriculture
2283s what not too bad so if I
2287s grab what can I do with ter Roots I can
2290s do fun things with ter
2292s Roots
2296s uh can use it
2299s for root
2303s campfire together with C bulbs do we
2305s have any c bulbs somewhere in the world
2308s no one's selling C bulbs but I guess
2311s we'll have to shovel some C
2318s bulbs throw in some
2321s fuel and then we do
2324s some do I just want to be a heretic and
2327s do some grilled some some sharded
2330s Tomatoes or do I just do I want to use
2332s them as vegetable probably want to use
2334s them as
2336s vegetable
2341s we do that do we have any huckleberries
2343s being sold in the
2347s world
2349s no and FID lad's probably going to be
2352s the same
2355s thing
2360s Wolfman you are buying some
2366s Timber that seems to be a sensible place
2369s to start so if we just control click
2377s that cut that down cut that down and
2380s then we do
2383s markers did we not
2387s get we can
2391s do we can set the marker down here
2393s apparently didn't want to drop a
2395s marker let's just do food
2399s Store look at that fantastic and then we
2402s can
2404s grab let's do some Shard fish just
2410s just some
2412s Shard there we go do that add
2420s that yeah um so um stores as mentioned
2427s um for my experience setting stores is
2428s very cumbersome in my opinion one of the
2430s major contributors to players tend to
2432s group together with and barter commun
2434s systems with which kills the
2438s economy
2441s um I see all this all the active people
2443s from giant panda hopped over to Sea auor
2446s yeah it it's the play test
2449s um always always attracts all
2453s the all the people around um well on on
2458s the store thing there's kind of two
2460s things that
2462s is um tricky one of them is bartering is
2466s is difficult like it it is not simple um
2471s it's figuring out kind of what you want
2473s to charge for things um what's
2477s reasonable uh if people get upset that
2480s hey you know you're charging this amount
2482s this amount of money for this thing you
2483s should be charging
2485s this uh but that's also difficult thing
2487s to say because you might be
2491s perceiving
2492s um very distinct different things and
2496s values very
2498s differently where is the closest path to
2501s getting food from
2503s there it is down there and it is over
2506s that
2508s water
2512s o well you know let's just let's just do
2517s actually we're probably going to need
2518s some more pieces of meat before we go
2520s down
2521s there
2523s um we also have a forest here do we have
2527s some
2529s huckleberries we go environmental data
2531s and we go
2533s plant and we go yield potential or sorry
2538s population and we have our huckleberries
2544s here that is up in the cold Forest over
2547s there
2550s uh we got some mushrooms mushrooms we
2555s have clams is probably tricky beets up
2559s in the grassland C bulbs would be
2562s nice we do have C bulbs let's let's
2565s sneak some C bulbs being being a bit
2568s heretical with
2571s u not having Gathering stealing
2574s these if I can find my way up here here
2577s without having to
2580s uh interact too
2582s much here we go we got some
2587s Camas where did the C go is the c not
2593s ready there we
2594s go I don't know what happened to the
2596s first C Bol it tricked
2601s me we want say 50 c
2606s bulbs probably going going to be
2608s fine so I'm looking at making that Ru
2615s campfire which means I got the
2618s greens um or close to I can get some
2622s agab and I just need that Terror rout as
2626s well which I want to
2629s buy let's find some more C
2633s bulbs oh yeah let's have a have a look
2635s and
2636s see
2666s h
2668s that is interesting um
2671s so kind of got distracted um Bob was uh
2675s sending me that screenshot
2677s of things being static and it it it
2681s seems like it but I know I I know
2685s personally that I haven't done it and
2686s there hasn't been any changes to detect
2688s in that regard so I'd like to know if
2692s you happen to have any mods running in
2694s the background or if you have some
2697s specific changeed settings config
2701s wise just do
2704s uh sneaking some fiddleheads as
2718s well look at this craziness stealing all
2722s the crops in the world oh
2724s NOS um I'll I'll
2733s uh server created from the in-game
2735s server creation options
2738s um make sure that you don't have an a
2741s mod running and also check the
2744s difficulty
2746s setting someone rest him he's stealing
2748s all the crops in the
2750s world it's
2756s disappearing
2761s we'll leave
2765s one that gives us that gives us a couple
2768s to to kind of deal with be nice to have
2771s some rice as
2773s well should have made should have made a
2777s hoe before so I can so I could yeah
2779s right I need a scythe with me I I don't
2781s have a
2786s sickle
2790s um guys fixing the missing blocks when
2792s mining um are you talking about the
2793s rubble uh Snow
2798s Queen I believe that is related to
2800s Juan's work on the chunk loading as
2810s well when there's no food tomorrow we'll
2812s know
2815s why ice stole it all and made it into
2820s food oh is that not how you harvest
2823s tomatoes with a
2825s machete I was so
2828s confident wax it
2831s down
2833s um I'll I'll casually build a little
2836s food store and then we'll see if see if
2838s it decays and I get preoccupied with uh
2841s just general stuff in uh workwise and it
2845s falls into Decay and someone takes it
2846s over or
2848s claims it and then it falls apart
2854s um but on on since painting has been you
2857s know a topic thing here for a bit um I
2862s think we can we
2863s can kind of hop in over into
2867s um let me see if I can do that so we had
2870s we had this table um as you saw so this
2874s is this is going to be the workstation
2877s where you're interacting and and kind of
2879s poking at um and as as some people have
2883s been Discerning
2885s um it is uh
2889s CMYK with white in
2891s it and it's it's super bright so I'll
2894s I'll switch around from this image here
2896s in a little bit um but we have some
2899s ideas about how to do this in an
2901s interactive state so you're at the
2904s moment and I don't want to say too much
2906s about it because it's still being kind
2907s of poked prodded and and see what we can
2909s do out of
2911s it um but the general idea is
2915s to actually mix
2918s stuff oh yeah coffee machine yes that
2921s grinder finally in there um but no so
2924s the the general idea is to be able to
2926s use different colors and mixing them
2928s together um to avoid the issue of
2932s having like a gazillion recipes in a
2934s worktable for each individual color
2938s so we've got some cool ideas that we're
2940s we're testing out and seeing what works
2942s so hence why I don't really have a whole
2944s lot practical to say about it because
2946s we're still very much testing on like
2949s the system works in terms of you can you
2951s can pick a color and you can apply it in
2954s the world on a block um that whole
2957s system and server side and everything
2958s works so that's done what we're testing
2961s out and experimenting with right now
2964s is um how we want players to actually
2969s acquire the
2970s colors versus just plain old crafting
2973s recipes for each individual one so you
2976s know we'll we'll come back with that um
2979s on a dedicated stream for the paints and
2981s and like the whole system and do like a
2983s proper run
2985s through uh but we have some cool ideas
2987s that um Mike is still thing um alen glow
2991s no that that's the thing it we kind of
2993s don't want that and that is the
2995s craziness of it
2997s um as for ingredients for the raw input
3004s base um
3006s pigments we have a few like selected
3010s things so we've got uh copper for green
3013s we have iron for red we have some some
3017s different uh flowers and and crops for
3020s other colors so there's a bit of a mix
3023s between mineral colors
3025s versus um
3028s uh non- generic one
3030s and um so you know there there's there's
3033s a bunch of cool things there that we can
3035s can kind of go over and break down once
3037s we uh once we have a pure out stream for
3040s it um as for paint the kinging over time
3045s that is its own kind of can of worms in
3048s terms of performance issues um hitsu um
3053s you've got magenta
3056s from uh
3058s [Music]
3063s urchins
3066s uh boric what static un
3070s logs is that on
3075s um on the carpentry table or what is
3078s going
3085s on I'll take a look at it anyway anyway
3088s um so you know to to kind of tease up
3090s with this so um urchins actually have a
3093s use um you can turn them into food but
3095s now you'll also be able to turn them
3096s into pigments so you know more more
3098s things coming and and more kind of
3100s systems operate and and shuffling around
3103s um
3104s so that is where you're creating the
3107s paints now for applying
3110s them we've got some cool New Concept
3115s from um
3117s [Music]
3118s meeno for the different tiers
3122s and Utilities in uh actually applying
3125s the
3130s paint so this will
3132s be the early game and kind of the
3136s Primitive Leatherwood like crude metal
3140s parts and then you have the mechanical
3142s era where you're involved into
3145s more uh
3147s um higher quantity slash you know a
3150s little bit improved quality of life
3152s fancier it's coming into industrial
3154s mechanical era thing and then you have
3157s late game modern kind of
3161s plasticky
3164s um compressed air kind of thing
3168s um armored no so we we initially were
3171s thinking about doing like a paintbrush a
3174s roller and like a spray gun at the
3177s modern
3178s era uh but mileno really liked the idea
3181s and kind of went absolute crazy on the
3183s this um the paint conss here so we kind
3187s of just went with it because it it it
3189s looked cool it seems fun
3192s and um it kind of gives you a sort of a
3197s style to it from the start to finish
3199s just kind of upgraded versions of it
3200s instead of completely different tool
3204s types
3205s um so that's some some you know some
3208s cool stuff to look forward to DaVinci
3210s style sprayer yeah so you know it it
3213s works it works in the same kind of pump
3216s style thing where as um you know you got
3221s your um like the water spraying bottles
3223s that you have in in when you're doing
3225s like getting a haircut or something um
3228s or for you know plants and and whatnot
3232s um but yeah so
3235s we're experimenting a little bit on on
3238s like durability scale um if we want to
3241s limit it to kind of like um if you one
3246s you'll have the durability on the tool
3248s themselves but also the consumable for
3250s the actual paint itself if you want them
3252s to be you know the the the Primitive
3255s ones are worse at retaining or you get
3257s less paint out of the same paint
3260s quantity um now we just needed the VCI
3263s helicopter oh
3265s boy um but there there's a lot of a lot
3267s of experimentations for it
3270s um and um it'll be cool it'll be fun um
3274s it it's it's going to be a blast getting
3276s into it and I think everyone's going to
3278s appreciate what we have planned for
3281s it um and to kind of keep up with some
3287s changes upgrades and things I've got
3290s another asset in here that has been up
3293s been upgraded visually um both size and
3296s and VIs that isn't in game yet um it's
3300s something that you see late game fairly
3302s frequently all over the place
3305s and art team has been kind of going over
3308s and and on the to kind of continue with
3311s the optimization run that we keep uh
3313s parting and saying like hey you know
3314s we're focusing on optimization we're
3316s really looking into it um and it is a
3318s big a big source of feedback across the
3322s board um and some of that is
3328s some of it is codewise in terms of
3330s direct memory handling and where things
3332s are going and and how it's being flushed
3333s and so on so forth um but a lot of it is
3337s also related to how technical things are
3340s and how they're being rendered on screen
3343s so not just you know memory leak per se
3346s but actually memory occupying because
3348s things are bulky and and cumbersome for
3350s the system to actually display and and
3352s run and and show
3353s off so the r team has been going crazy
3357s the the last year and this as
3359s well
3362s um
3364s and it
3366s um one of the things that Toby has been
3369s tinkering with and and improving with is
3373s decals um
3376s and what this does is instead of
3379s incorporating all the kind of all all
3382s the bits pieces metals and and you know
3384s Bobs that's sticking out and so on uh
3386s instead of doing them directly on the
3389s assets themselves which
3391s increases um just
3394s increases costs of the Assets in terms
3396s of rendering and and display cost um
3400s Toby has been kind of digging into
3402s making decals possible in terms of doing
3405s depth
3407s scale um that we can apply to
3410s models that has extremely low cost
3413s relation to the Quality that they are
3415s displaying
3417s so a lot of the new objects and the new
3419s visual upgrades are using these things
3422s that just massively per massively
3424s increases performance for for
3427s very it it's a weird cost win
3429s relationship um so we have bigger better
3433s looking objects now but they have
3436s substantially improved frame rate
3437s displaying multiple of
3440s them um so as you can see
3444s here you have that kind of height
3447s differential and and depth to these
3449s things yet they're not actually a part
3452s of the model
3453s itself and it is it is a fairly
3456s frequently used technique across the
3459s board but now we've adapted it
3462s to a version of it to be properly used
3465s inside the EOS
3467s environment and one of the things that
3470s it was applied to in particular is the
3473s wind turbine which Toby did a bit of a
3476s frame
3477s test
3479s scenario to kind of give you a bit of a
3481s a a display and kind of hard facts about
3484s how much of an improvement some of these
3486s things
3487s are so here we see a whole choclo of
3491s wind turbines and and this is a still
3492s frame so you know don't worry it's not a
3494s video um you're not supposed to see them
3497s running
3498s because um as I came up with I could
3502s grab this into the stream as well Toby's
3504s on the opposite end of the world and
3505s it's asleep
3508s um yeah so late game you know you you
3511s ALS you often see quite a bit of wind
3513s turbines a bit here and there all over
3514s the place so it's one of the bigger
3517s assets that we have that is moving and
3520s kind of doing things and as you can see
3524s here you've got a detailed statistics
3527s for um how many TRS how many verts um
3530s the resolutions um shadows and
3534s everything as well as the frame rate for
3536s this CED
3537s so this is the old wind
3541s turbine
3543s um
3545s and this is one of
3547s the newer upgraded assets for it um
3551s color pending
3553s obviously but this the the wind turbine
3556s is getting bigger the blades is getting
3558s more kind of wind turbin
3560s blade and note the performance
3565s Improvement on it going from from 120
3567s FPS with the old model with a new model
3570s upgraded has more detail and is bigger
3573s bumped up to 202 frame
3577s rates um and that's just kind of an
3580s example on how much of an improvement
3582s the r team is really spending time and
3584s digging into these assets and making
3585s sure
3587s that um red white and blue um just
3591s making sure that all the new assets that
3592s are coming into the game has a certain
3595s level of quality to them but also using
3597s more of the techniques that are
3598s available to better
3601s optimize um and improve the frame rate
3604s of everything around them in the
3606s environment so as we March towards 1.0
3609s we'll be seeing more and more of these
3611s assets come into play um not just new
3615s ones but also old ones getting a
3617s facelift and and kind of reworked and
3618s all of
3621s that
3623s um
3625s and uh so yeah there you know there
3627s there's a ton of things that are going
3629s into this um going on but I'd say you
3631s know almost an imp a frame rate
3633s Improvement almost 100% from just you
3636s know wind
3637s turbines um is pretty hefty
3642s and it would probably not be out there
3644s to to say that you know it's probably
3646s going to see similar things across the
3648s board for all of the bigger assets at
3651s least um as things gets turned around
3653s and and poked
3655s at um we got a new model for the water
3658s wheel um that is looking pretty
3660s impressive it's a lot bigger and with
3663s occupancy changes there is that red flag
3666s of it might eat adjacent things so when
3670s we do add things that will have
3672s occupancy changes will alert and kind of
3674s flag that in the patch notes but do try
3677s to read the patch notes if that is a
3681s concern um just because it you know it
3685s it has that risk of if an object goes
3687s bigger it's going of gobble up things
3689s surrounding it
3691s um so you might need to kind of pick
3693s things up before you migrate and update
3695s server
3697s um but if that happens you know it it
3700s should be in the patch
3702s notes um go go gadget Goose how how to
3706s fix Eco as it's constantly crashing um
3710s hop in on the Eco Discord and drop a
3714s message in the technical help
3717s uh preferably with client logs and um
3721s server log as well if it's a client
3722s crash just client logs should be fine as
3726s well as system specs as
3728s well uh how come we can get huge boats
3731s cars lasers to shoot on meteors yet
3733s Hunters are stuck at Bow all the way why
3736s isn't there a later game gun
3738s um the reason one of the main reasons
3741s for not having
3742s firearms is
3745s generally
3747s to not have
3748s firearms um like hunting is an
3751s unfortunate piece of violence that we
3754s have to have to make you know it fits
3757s with acquisition of meats especially
3761s early
3762s on but generally exposing it to animals
3765s and so on so forth um but on a whole
3769s it's very silent it's very quiet it's
3772s not very
3773s disruptive um having a whole bunch of
3775s people running around and us you hear F
3777s you know you hear guns going off all
3778s over the
3779s place brings quite a lot of disruption
3782s in a in a way different way than we'd
3785s like to
3787s see kind of our style in
3791s Eco
3793s um I still really want Nerf
3797s guns I mean it wouldn't be impossible to
3800s to kind of Shuckle around in there at
3803s least as a mod or or so on but um
3809s I don't know maybe maybe do like a one
3812s point two after you know after release
3815s kind
3816s of game Corner
3819s fun acid thing um I don't know we'll see
3824s we got a lot of things planned ahead
3826s that uh we need to get out of the way
3828s first though but uh yeah Nerf
3834s bows this lar bow
3837s snowball fights animal husbandry will
3839s will replace hunting um hunting will
3841s still have a a
3843s thing um hunting will definitely still
3845s have its
3846s role because animal husbandry will have
3849s kind of domesticated meat sourcing but
3852s you are still going to have dishes with
3855s that requires Wild
3857s game um so there's still going to be a
3859s place for hunting the same thing for
3860s like certain types of pelts and and so
3862s on so forth so you
3865s know
3868s um did I ever manage a 360 no scope on a
3871s deer absolutely just jump off a
3875s cliff um Shuffle it on the side
3880s um and then we have we have one final
3882s asset that I know I've talked about on
3886s on a stream or two up and
3888s down that we are we are looking into
3890s improving and I'll probably get an
3892s earful from mileno for showing this
3894s off um but
3897s we do have kind of a a a prototype of
3901s the updated version of the um powered
3907s cart if anyone is
3915s interested any takers any
3919s takers yeah so the powered cart
3923s is is is a bit of a sad thing at the
3926s moment and if anyone is confused about
3929s the powered card it's that humongous
3931s trike basically that has the um
3935s thingy uh I usually ban them from our
3940s towns uh so yeah here we have a bit of a
3944s a in in
3948s development thing about
3951s it so it is it is significantly scaled
3955s down to fit better with the
3957s Avatar
3959s um quality-wise it's upgraded to be more
3966s sensible oh it it it scaled down more
3968s and so is all of the other kind of
3970s cables as well so the wood cart
3973s um both the the regular one the smaller
3976s one they all of the all of the general
3978s dragable vehicles and and en assets it
3980s kind of been scaled around to fit better
3982s with the new
3984s Avatar um
3987s considered adding passenger versions of
3989s the tracker powered
3991s cart um it it's it's definitely been
3993s something that I've thought
3998s about
3999s um but yeah so recipes for it we'll see
4004s um as I said you know it's a
4006s prototype and um it definitely looks a
4009s lot better like the old the old one is
4011s is probably the old powered cart was the
4014s first nonraft Ted vehicle that was added
4018s to Eco like ages ago and it was never
4020s really touched or prodded at since then
4024s so you know it's it's a it's a huge
4026s rework
4028s and there were debates whether or not we
4030s wanted to keep it at all um but I really
4033s like it it it has potential to fit in it
4036s it just needed to be a bit scaled better
4039s and um needed to u to operate a little
4043s bit smoother in terms of turn rates and
4045s kind of interactions and so
4047s on um so milanka has been kind of
4049s digging into it and making it be a
4051s little bit nicer um on the side so
4055s that's also future things that are
4056s coming post
4058s 102 um how much of it is going to be
4061s coming into 103 we'll see but
4064s um we'll definitely keep everyone up to
4068s date and
4070s um yeah now that we've got 10.2 in the
4073s plest bracket we are kind of final Iz in
4076s it and and getting it
4079s done um hopefully we'll we'll have it
4081s sorted out and and be stable enough for
4084s actual release as soon as
4086s possible uh so that's going to be it's
4089s going to be a lot of fun to uh to get
4091s that out and be able to kind of shift
4093s our attention to some of the really
4095s cool um completely new things that we're
4099s cooking up with the paintings and or the
4102s the painting system and everything
4103s surrounding that as well as the rework
4106s at explosives and some of that stuff um
4109s so that's going to be a lot of a lot of
4111s cool things
4113s coming
4119s um it's a major vehicle everyone knows
4123s that yeah the
4127s um um it'll probably be touched up on
4130s the on the sound as well uh it's a
4131s little bit screechy same thing with the
4133s steam tractor is still a little bit
4134s screechy uh um we're looking at at
4137s tweaking that
4141s um and
4145s uh
4148s yeah
4149s um I think that's probably it for this
4153s stream
4155s um feels like we should be wrapping it
4157s up here
4159s um as for date for actual
4163s um actual release of 10.2 it'll probably
4167s be very dependent on how the CO3 play
4170s test goes if it if it stays very stable
4173s if it
4175s stays um like I said we we might get the
4178s chunk stuff in and we probably want to
4180s do that
4182s um that probably needs a little bit more
4184s testing
4186s um but
4189s overall I'm hoping it's going to turn
4191s out great and we're going to be able to
4193s release it very quickly um
4197s because we have quite a packed here so
4199s you know making sure we get everything
4201s smoothly out um on the initial pass it's
4205s going to be
4206s good um and yeah so you know it's
4208s available on the play test if you want
4210s to help out
4213s and poke at it and and break it a bit to
4217s make sure that it gets into stable
4218s quicker please do hop in on the sea
4221s auter play test
4222s server
4224s um
4226s um oh yeah yeah as kind of an outro on
4230s on Alpin can I snuck on it I I I almost
4232s completely forgot it so
4236s um um yeah we uh we are adding more
4241s professions and shuffling things around
4244s a bit for
4247s 10.3
4249s um uh beeran poke poke in at technical
4253s help on Discord because it sounds like
4256s you're running into either some driver
4258s issues or some conflicting
4260s software um CU it needs quite a bit
4264s more technical details for it um so
4267s probably
4269s DxD um and client logs and
4276s whatnot um and and and we can probably
4278s help you out
4280s there uh said they discuss helicopters
4283s at the end of the stream no I I'll I'll
4285s discuss blocks and whatnot um so one of
4289s the professions that we are shifting
4292s around is oil drilling will be kind of
4295s dislocated from engineering as it is
4297s right now see if we can find it here
4300s here we go um so oil drilling is going
4302s to be shuffled out of engineering and
4304s it's going to get
4306s into um basically a scientist
4309s profession which will
4311s hold um oil drilling and it will also
4315s have have a
4317s chemistry um and some other new cool
4321s things uh painting will be subject under
4323s that as well so there's there's a lot
4326s of a lot of things on the horizon maybe
4329s I can maybe I can I sneak
4332s that maybe I can sneak it be a bit
4336s mischievous
4342s uh oh I didn't rename yeah no I'm I'm
4344s holding on that one um it it wasn't
4346s properly renamed on on that screenshot
4348s so I'm just going
4350s to I'm just going to hold on it yeah
4352s more fluids in in general is also
4354s something that we're planning on doing
4356s um it's not going to be 103 probably
4358s going to be more over to 104
4361s 105 maybe we'll we'll see a bit uh we
4365s want to do a proper upgrade to the oil
4368s um the oil drilling oil
4369s pipelines um as well as involving more
4372s pollution
4374s sources uh um so having things like
4376s Wastewater or general like industrial
4380s sewage and and so on is likely going to
4382s be involved there we also want to look
4384s at instead of having just played out
4386s flow rate as you have now
4389s so um a good example if you have say a
4394s steam engine or a blast furnace or
4396s something that takes pure like clean
4400s water as an
4402s input um at the moment it's it's just
4406s eating outright in flow rate so like.
4411s three of a liter per per tick
4415s basically um we want to change it out so
4417s it actually has a volume requirement so
4419s say you know 20 lers a minute or and so
4422s on and then you could connect it to a
4423s tank and you can have a larger storage
4426s of that
4428s liquid um does this mean oil pumps will
4430s actually have connecting pipes yes that
4432s pipe slot on them um
4436s we basically have two two kind of ways
4438s of it one we wanted to look into to
4440s fracking and um ground ground water
4444s pollutant
4446s stuff um so you've got basically your
4450s your you got your drills and pump jacks
4452s that gives you access to the raw oil
4454s reservoir which allows you to just pull
4457s oil out of it once it's depleted down to
4461s a certain level you're going to need to
4463s replace the pump jacks
4466s um with things like um like a fracking
4469s Tower or something where you're you're
4470s pumping water into the ground to to kind
4473s of um pressurize the ground to push more
4476s oil out of
4477s it um so there's going to be a more
4480s Dynamic play for the later material
4484s Acquisitions um but that's going to be
4487s its own its own kind of depth into it
4490s and and a lot of things that is
4492s still still kind being drafted and
4495s designed for um so I'm not going to go
4497s into Super detail of it as things change
4500s things might not happen things you know
4503s might take a a weird turn and go super
4506s in depth in it so how much that's going
4509s to involve like pure out chemistry and
4511s and wiggling around with liquids and
4513s pipes and and pipelines and so on um
4515s we'll
4516s see I kind of want to go absolutely
4518s crazy with it um because I like
4521s chemistry um find it fasc fascinating so
4525s you
4526s we'll see how much I can push it while
4528s still keeping it somewhat casual and
4530s sane enough to make to keep it kind of
4532s approachable in that
4534s manner um offshore oil rigs it'd be
4537s interesting but like it
4541s it it would need to be very
4544s distinguishable either by object type or
4547s you know like material
4550s type
4552s um but yeah there's you know crazy
4555s amount of things planned this year and
4557s it it's going to be an absolute roller
4559s coaster going through it and we're going
4560s to try to
4561s keep um keep all the um all the
4566s information kind of flowing either on
4567s Discord or on our Dev
4569s streams um so it's it's going to be a
4571s lot of fun and you know if you're
4573s interested keep your keep your eyes
4575s peeled and uh keep on nose out on the
4579s Discord to
4581s uh to get that information easiest um as
4585s that's generally where I'm more I'm
4587s mostly active on on on our media
4590s Outlets um so yeah you know wish you all
4595s a continued great
4597s weekend and excellent
4601s outro horn there
4606s um and uh yeah no thank you everyone for
4611s participating and and hopping on um CH
4615s any plans for fish farms the fish traps
4618s um is probably your closest at the
4621s moment but we might be looking over
4622s doing something with that for the
4624s maintenance stuff with like input
4626s ingredients and so on so you know stay
4629s tuned more information about 10.3 things
4632s will be coming out after 10.2
4634s release um hope everyone had a good time
4638s and uh I'll catch you on the next
4641s one