9 days ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
You should be able to do that with /addpoint ,1.

Please note that the specialization abandonment feature is about abandoning them, not respeccing / refunding. It's purpose is to be able to choose a new specialty when the server limits the maximum amount of specialties a player can have, it is never giving back enough experience to get a new star without there already being XP gained towards the next level. The screen coming up when abandoning a specialty explains this as well.
6 days ago - SLG-Dennis - Direct link
It does explain exactly how it works, shows if and how much refund there is and that this refund is calculated from what the star originally has costed and as such can never be as much as the next star will cost as stars cost more and more for each new one.

See here: https://imgur.com/a/MqEsS5T