12 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
12 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s and hello everyone welcome to another
4s Friday evening night or every time zone
7s you're at
9s um live stream from strange Loop games
12s and tonight we have a community server
16s so
17s is thinking about a quick kind of
18s introduction to everyone as well if
21s you're new on the streams and haven't
23s seen us before my name is Jens working
25s as lead game designer at strange Loop
27s games and with this we have our
30s Australian Mastermind in arts Toby
34s hello
37s I don't really have anything else to say
39s except for hello
41s but that's okay that is probably fine
43s well we it's very early in the morning
45s for me so I'll warm up as we um continue
49s but Hello nice to nice to be here thank
52s you and then we have Mr Roboto with us
55s here that is the owner of bordeau plurum
59s robotica
61s which is
63s well you can probably introduce yourself
65s and go through
68s good morning yeah we've been running a
71s server for 33 Seasons now
73s um these the Eco admin chicken clucker
76s is the owner uh much thanks to him
79s and uh we just enjoy playing the game
81s bringing Joy to the community and
84s creating mods for all of you
91s yeah
92s um so we have as I said we got it's a
95s community Streamlight thing so we don't
97s really have too much on
99s and to to give out at the moment we've
102s got another Community stream
104s next week as well and then we'll be back
107s on
109s new things for for 10 and kind of giving
111s more updates than that so
113s I think we can just
115s take it away and and just
118s do that and
121s we got some some gameplay screen sharing
124s here to go
129s all right ready to rock and roll ready
131s to rock and roll
132s just want to welcome welcome to you to
134s opr order poor Lauren Robert C
138s um again a big thanks to the SLG Dev
141s team for allowing us to share our Eco
143s experience with you all today
146s um one of the first things I kind of
147s want to talk about is one of the one of
149s the big things that makes this game
151s very different from a lot of other
153s sandbox games out there and that is the
156s law system
158s Eco is a fantastic game and one of the
160s one of the big things that we look
163s forward as a community is kind of
165s crafting what our experience will be
167s each round
169s and through the laws your gameplay
171s experience can be vastly different
174s one of the big main goals to shoot the
176s meteor down but kind of the in the
179s interim
180s folks need to spend some time working
182s together and figuring out how to
185s develop a strategy to to do just that
188s shooting meteor and one of the one of
191s the things that ends up happening
192s sometimes is it's a perfectly acceptable
194s outcome
196s where compete where complete failure is
198s what happens
200s so as
202s things like economic rivalries come up
206s embargoes you have trade packs that are
208s created between players you have
211s monetary policy that's sometimes
212s complicated and some people some people
214s can't agree on what they want to do
216s and pollution often is a serious issue
219s and figuring out how to um
222s keep Mass industrialization
225s in checks you don't flood the world
227s our record was 16 blocks above sieve
230s level
232s with so many things that could go wrong
235s how how can it be uh how bad really can
239s it be
240s well from experience really bad
242s uh one time we were so so upside down in
245s the pollution level is that the animals
248s just existing in the world was causing
251s sea level rise
252s and every tree was dead and the ice
256s biome was a grassland
259s that's how bad it can be so again
262s failure can be an option
265s and that's Sometimes the best
266s experiences is learning
268s from those failures
270s so in our world we generally start with
272s some Basics basic laws if folks choose
276s to set up complex laws it's kind of up
278s to them it is a player-run experience
280s after all
281s but as an admin team we really do try to
285s simply set up Basics where others can
287s expand on those things yeah we're kind
290s of we're pretty chill about it all
292s one of the things to a fun playthrough
294s is is how
296s um you'll you'll circulate money a lot
298s of the a lot of the servers out there
300s tend to have a starting currency we are
303s one of those servers and it it tends to
305s kind of Grease the wheels of the economy
308s to start with not to say that the
310s vanilla experience without the without
312s the currency and doing the bartering
313s trading off the start is not a good
316s thing it's just most people prefer the
318s currency to start
319s so we do this through starting money
322s based on your join time you get a little
324s extra we also pay for stone roads and
327s asphalt roads and we uh and this helps
331s to get the logistics on the server going
333s we incentivize tree cutting and stumps
337s in a small way and we also have a little
339s Ubi out there for folks that are who are
341s actively playing
343s we generally have a few paid titles that
346s help manage the dump
348s and also help out help to build out the
351s power grid lastly we have an achievement
353s system which is kind of unique to our
355s server and as an example to that
359s um
360s there is you know for Cooks there's a
364s a demographic that it gets developed
367s after you have
368s um hooked 5 000 Foods
370s and it's called Uh Swedish Chef
373s and once you've achieved that tier level
376s you uh get 200 in game to then spend and
381s also just kind of a little notoriety as
383s as a result of you achieving that tier
386s that tier level so we have several of
388s those you know Cooks a thousand five
390s thousand and ten thousand for example
393s that's quite nice and I like that flavor
395s thing where
397s um it's something that kind of sticks
399s out as well because I don't think I've
401s seen
402s um titles or or demographics being used
404s in a way of
406s giving not the right or giving kind of
408s uh
410s a bit of a bump in terms of how you're
413s presented on the server
416s um
417s asking throughout the server is going I
419s know I've seen a couple of servers that
420s do like statistic tracking and show up
422s in kind of like a high score scenario in
425s the end game where they they close down
427s the third the the cycle and
430s they'll have a bit of a show off on like
433s who is doing what or where where things
435s have gone
436s foreign
438s names by the way as well
440s just reading through them as you're
442s scrolling like we got a Mad Max
444s reference in there yeah nice
447s so this is just for Farmers loggers
450s miners cooks and road builders and we'll
454s talk a little bit about those a little
455s later as we go along
457s uh we also have a whole slew of
458s contracts that we generally use
460s we put up for player participation uh
464s building Parks bridges housing tunnels
468s Road sections that are being built
470s quickly enough
471s upgraded government buildings and uh and
474s building the dump for example
477s we found for the most part that this
480s tends to keep the new money flowing into
482s the market and kind of allow the players
484s to choose their fun each day because
486s there's there's lots of contracts
488s available
491s with that
492s you can go ahead and start the server
495s tour
498s which we have lots of fun
501s planned for you all Jen's that you are
504s authorized to my truck if you want to
506s hop in otherwise there is plenty
509s available that you can also drive on
511s your own
512s uh first off we have our Capitol
513s Building brought to you by soapsgirl
515s modeled after the um
519s Arizona State Capitol
527s yeah so this one's awesome and like the
529s the landscaping around it as well
532s there's a couple of like interesting
533s mods that I've seen just in the gardens
536s you got fruit trees
539s we do have fruit trees as a custom mod
542s for us that we just kind of added
543s recently
545s start off with Finn's Fuel and Sundries
548s and uh
550s using a kind of a modern design with
553s ashlar and
555s um
555s [Music]
559s in our first laser Park here we've got a
562s little bit of sandstone and two lasers
564s two lasers in that laser Park ready to
566s shoot the meteor
569s got a little custom mod there in the
571s distance with the water tower
574s and then here we are driving past
577s the bakery brought to you by Lula and
580s breadman they were big on our server for
582s a couple days
583s a couple weeks in fact and they built a
586s lot of the uh built a lot of the the
589s buildings kind of you see today Athena's
591s food Cutting Edge cooking and utilizing
595s Kai's embricks purple purple and black
597s and then you can also see kind of on the
599s top there there's a custom uh Silo
602s that's been modified from this the
605s normal food stylist to hold rocks
608s crushed rocks
611s and coming up here on our right we have
613s the wawataki hotel brought to you by
615s Miranda uh
617s I'm Sorry by Marcelo three floors of
621s lavish goodness
623s done in uh
625s concrete and um
627s glass
628s and then we have our second laser part
632s to you by wolfsky and Bobby
634s and then we have their Logistics Network
636s building brick and uh corrugated steel
640s there
642s wolfski was one of our big road builders
644s kind of joined us a little later to help
646s us out get some of this stuff squared
647s away
649s and we also have a mill here set up on
652s on the left hand side
654s um
658s by one of our Millers
659s [Music]
661s it is a very very urbanized City
665s I think that for sure yeah I think a lot
668s of times where
670s where we check through worlds and and so
672s on there's always like a myriad of small
674s kind of early stage
677s concoctions some were mixed in here and
679s there but here you've got like
680s everything everything inside your super
682s industrialized in terms of scale where
684s uh with like bricks and so on or it's
686s like blade tier tier three tier four
688s materials
690s um with some exception decorations
692s um it's looking quite nice
697s on the right hand side we have the pump
699s and go by air stick Joker for all of
701s your fuel needs
703s the uh pump itself is a an actual mod by
708s one of the community uh on mod IO that
711s it's actually a storefront so you can
712s buy directly from it and then we have
714s stump jumpers location here on the left
716s uh you can kind of see some of ERC metal
720s construction blocks up there underneath
721s the windmills
723s so it's kind of a very interesting use
725s of that
726s we got hex kitchen kitchen
729s brought to you by Elisha and rubber
732s they might have the cheapest Foods
735s debatable if they're the best
738s we pass our third laser installation
742s and this sled is a modern tank by
744s British
747s it's ready to defend uh the uh the the
750s people of our community
752s equipped with the latest Laser
754s Technology
757s mostly out of uh
759s flat Steel
761s that is that is some clever use of block
763s forms it really is yeah
767s uh passing passing here on our right we
770s got weirdos medical Farm
772s uh I'm absolutely certain that only
775s legal activities happen here
778s and according to the owner that is the
780s case
782s you can see that the properties wrapped
783s with the ERC Hedges mod
785s for a little additional Greenery
788s yeah
791s yeah there's
793s definitely some value to adding more
796s more kind of greenery decorations be it
798s either in Block forms or just World
801s objects or just like trees and whatnot
803s that's what we saw
805s in the beginning there we had the fruit
807s trees being kind of a clever World
809s object not so they're not
813s um they're not restricted by biome
815s growth or or kind of habitability that
818s they're just they can just be used as
819s just plain decorations that was that was
821s really clever
823s uh making it look really really unique
825s and funny
829s now we have the papaya Park
832s um
832s one of the one of the things about this
834s particular build is that um
837s our community in the past way back in
840s the day on org there was a uh the great
843s papaya war of 2021. where our the
847s community took it upon themselves to
849s eradicate I think all but 16 papayas in
852s the world
853s and just so happens to be that most of
856s those was on my property and so I was
858s the great papaya uh
862s bringing back the papayas to the world
864s once they had cut everything down
866s so again papaya Park kind of a homage to
869s that brought to you by crazy Yankee
873s yeah one of the first
875s those types of scenarios are going to be
878s interesting to see what happens when
880s when we do move over to the new update
882s since I
884s I've been hammering down on on making
885s sure that we don't have that wild crop
887s growth that you have right now so
891s those kind of those kind of mission
893s objectives are gonna probably gonna be a
895s lot easier to accomplish
898s um
899s that'll that'll be fun to see what
902s that brings
903s uh oh look at that I I a proper sized
907s Highway with lights and everything and
910s railings to the bridges
913s take away people like me don't drive off
915s the edges yeah or or
917s you don't bump into other people to to
919s cross them to drift off that's quite
921s nice I'm sure it's still possible oh I'm
926s confident it is still possible
928s so this build was brought to us by one
931s of our friends Mikado hopped on our
934s server to build a lighthouse for us
937s and utilizing some of uh
939s opr exclusive sand and ashlar and sand
943s and Adobe bricks and Shale mixed in
947s there you can kind of see them on the
948s tops there the black brick
950s and then we also have some aged Lumber
952s that was used as far as part of the
954s building process
955s which we uh we just added a couple days
957s ago
959s that's uh very nicely done
962s brightens the way for our community
967s getting ready for boats
969s yes yes we don't crash
972s and sink them to the bottom it's a very
974s cool lighthouse
976s I'm sure that's still possible as well
982s so we're gonna make our first stop here
984s at the Hydroponics Garden because I
985s wanted to feature this mod real quick
986s for folks
988s um
990s this is Ashland's Hydroponics location
994s um this is kind of an opr Community
996s exclusive at this point
999s but it kind of adds to a more in-depth
1002s farming experience
1003s and um
1005s Farmers through their normal crop
1007s Gathering process will find Mystery
1010s seeds and mystery plants mystery roots
1013s and jungle mystery seeds and those are
1016s all found in different biomes you want
1018s to hop in in the first person with you
1020s just get
1021s people can see
1023s the actual objects a bit better
1029s yeah these are really cool crafting
1031s tables
1035s yeah this was really nice this one in
1038s particular was is a custom
1040s blender build by my wife
1043s and uh she did a really nice job on this
1046s this is kind of her first
1048s model
1051s oh wow blender
1053s it's awesome
1055s and uh what this what what it kind of
1057s does here is it gives a gives Farmers an
1059s opportunity to build some tier two tier
1062s two crop type foods and and the crop and
1065s these tier two foods are only available
1066s uh if a another farmer finds them or if
1070s you've found them yourself so you have
1073s to have
1074s 10 of the crop type in order to make
1078s in order to make the seeds
1081s but basically all they would all they
1083s would do and I'm gonna see if I can get
1084s one here
1086s I have one in my backpack just in case
1088s already but uh
1090s um
1091s but uh the farmers would uh
1094s harvest in this particular case one of
1096s them comes from grasses
1099s and so you know they're out harvesting
1101s plants oh there it is I got one you see
1103s that now I got two of the mystery seeds
1106s I wonder what it does so they research
1109s it and what do they find uh in this
1111s particular case they get a cucumber
1113s awesome so we got now a diff we got kind
1115s of a random uh tier two food that you
1118s can you can get by
1121s um
1122s delving exploring our natural
1125s environment it's and these are all
1127s random
1129s and so there's the four different kinds
1131s there's you know you got your jungle
1133s plants and you've got stuff in in the in
1136s the grasslands area and the like and so
1138s once you find them
1140s then you can uh you can take them and
1142s turn them into additional crops
1146s that's a really fun mechanic I like it a
1148s lot kind of reminds me of like playing
1150s statue or something like that
1154s yeah a lot of fun yeah yeah we we were
1158s we talked about it a little bit
1160s yesterday when we were setting things up
1163s where
1164s um having this kind of
1166s kind of randomized events that is kind
1170s of impacting your gameplay is
1172s it's a really it's a really nice and
1175s kind of simple way to
1177s get more of an interact ability or doing
1180s fairly
1182s early static
1184s um actions
1187s and part of that a small part of it
1190s already exists in terms of mining where
1192s you're you're having that random chance
1194s of getting that
1195s all split of the chunk or if you get
1198s that yellow piece extra sharp thing
1201s where you know you never know if you're
1203s just gonna get clean separation or if
1206s you're gonna have that extra labor of
1207s adding or Mining and piecing that other
1210s part out
1212s but we only have that for mining
1214s specifically so
1217s um
1217s this way of doing it for things like
1220s Gathering and Army in general is a quite
1222s a quite cool concept
1227s it adds kind of a seek and find element
1229s and randomness
1231s which can be frustrating to say the
1233s least yeah it was at the beginning of
1236s the game there was a couple farmers who
1239s I think they were trying to find spinach
1240s and it took them a while
1242s yeah we have another you've got if it's
1245s if it's true random it can be either a
1248s very hit and miss
1250s um if it happens quickly or if you know
1252s you can you can find it in the first go
1254s or
1255s you spend four days trying to find it
1257s and you got nothing
1261s collaboratively for sure
1263s yeah I I like it personally I I think
1266s it's a great way to kind of get more
1270s um get more interactions in there
1272s without
1273s superly breaking things per se and the
1276s fact that you have that gated
1279s um
1280s gated limitations instead you can't
1282s craft everything from the get-go you
1284s have to go through these steps of either
1286s you know researching or unlocking
1288s through
1290s continued efforts you'd probably say
1294s a bit of a bison Cameo there
1297s hmm it's trying to get your lettuce yeah
1299s he's trying to get my lettuce
1301s so some people you know you'll be the
1303s first to have stuff and then so this so
1305s they were kind of alluding folks on the
1308s stream we're kind of alluding to the
1309s fact that we added some trees to the
1310s game
1311s and not only are they great decorations
1313s but they're also crafting tables
1316s and so for this particular one this is
1317s kind of like a grapevine and produces
1320s grapes
1321s and then we have
1323s a medium tree that does avocados and
1326s salmon berries
1327s then we have three different types of
1329s large trees a lemon tree that produces
1331s bananas lemons and limes
1334s and then apricots oranges and Peach on
1336s the peach tree
1338s and then lastly our apple apple tree has
1341s got apples cherries pomegranates and
1343s plums
1345s and it's a large variety of added roots
1348s and
1350s ingredients
1352s yeah most of those you know
1355s don't have a lot of recipes built in yet
1358s but we're working on adding an
1359s additional
1360s and then we also have quite a few
1363s um
1364s recipes for the the tier one Hydroponics
1367s station that actually utilize those
1369s crops specifically for example you know
1371s cucumber salad and
1373s you know pea salad and stew peas and
1377s things like that that help to bring
1378s those fruits or extra fruits into the
1381s game
1382s hmm
1383s I don't suppose you're um you're doing
1385s 3D models for these Foods as well
1387s it's a lot of added Foods
1389s [Laughter]
1393s I understand
1396s it would be nice to be able to play some
1398s on the table
1400s it really would yes
1403s one of the one of the other things that
1404s we kind of wanted to make sure that we
1406s did was to not foul up the existing
1409s farming process by eliminating the need
1412s for those basic crops to be made
1415s and that's that's why we're at this is
1418s this mod is an addition to versus uh
1421s crafted crafting existing crops right so
1424s we don't want to change the current game
1427s mechanic
1428s and just add on another layer of
1431s complexity that people can enjoy
1434s [Music]
1435s so that's kind of the Hydroponics demo
1438s that's quite nice very cool
1440s um just wanted to clarify for chat here
1444s um
1445s or some
1447s questions regarding to to like
1449s interactions and whatnot if you do
1451s propose like if you have a like solid
1454s related questions we can bring them up
1456s and kind of discuss them a bit
1459s um
1460s but General General
1462s update 10 content and then things that
1466s revolve that is
1468s something that we kind of pass over and
1470s as this is more of a community outline
1473s slash display
1475s um you want to give as much space to uh
1480s Mr Roboto here as much as possible just
1482s to kind of let him go through and
1484s showcase his server and making sure that
1487s he has the space to do that while we're
1490s doing it so just
1492s um
1495s yeah then it's replied there as well
1499s um but yeah if if you had like
1500s interesting questions for
1503s things related to the server or the mods
1506s in particular that's being used more
1508s than happy to kind of go over those and
1510s give those a swirl
1513s NSS anything just post your questions
1516s and if it's something that
1518s is relevant and something that we can
1521s answer to straight up just
1523s post them and we'll answer as much as
1525s possible as we go through this
1528s foreign
1536s some of the plant Sims require four
1538s different phases of plant growth and
1540s unless you know how to create hooks into
1543s each of those different phases and build
1545s models for each of those it certainly is
1548s challenging to create an in-game mod
1550s which we are attempting to do however uh
1553s it's not as it's not as simple as I
1556s would like for sure
1558s for sure and yes it uses fish the trees
1561s currently use fish and we're going to
1563s migrate that to what we call the compost
1565s tea and that's basically the calorie
1567s sink to make it so that the farmers are
1569s interacting additionally with the cooks
1572s are you saying that the trees are not
1574s eating fish to produce apples
1577s I don't know how it works
1580s pretty sure what you do is you take fish
1582s and you throw them at the tree and it
1583s produces apples these that's what I
1585s thought I was sure I've seen people
1588s outside here throwing efficient trees
1590s I'm pretty sure if you flog the fish
1592s with trees you will get apples yes
1596s and on the we we can take a look at
1599s abstract failures built here this is the
1601s simple living Farms
1603s uh done out of
1605s softwood Lumber
1607s heading straight going across our one of
1610s our first Bridges
1612s in Brick
1614s and uh scale brick
1617s and you can see a little bit of ERC
1619s metal Construction in there to help hold
1622s the whole thing up yeah the suspensions
1624s and I know
1629s one of our first tunnel embellishments
1631s done by British
1632s just a simple black on white
1637s and oh
1639s obey traffic signs
1641s this is uh my personal build for the
1644s server this round ashlar
1647s lots and lots of Ash wire
1649s and then the eye of sorrowmen
1652s watching over the community making sure
1654s that everybody uh stays
1657s on task because we definitely had a
1660s short time leech a lot of these things
1663s but then it's pointed that out like
1665s obeying traffic signs but stops at the
1667s green light and goes at the yellow
1669s yep yep perfect yep I am I am definitely
1671s doing good at that and blocking the
1673s intersection of course
1676s foreign
1680s we got a couple custom sign mods that we
1683s have in the game just to give some
1684s people some additional painting painting
1687s options
1689s here we are passing through Webb's
1690s tunnel
1691s look at that they uh small oak tree
1694s divider
1695s don't drive off the edge folks there's
1697s no railings
1702s that reminds me Toby we need to take a
1707s look at the the three colliders
1710s they think Oaks are probably one of the
1713s few trees that you can actually do that
1714s with because the the saber for instance
1717s has a bit of an overgrowth so it's
1720s blocking vehicles
1724s um depending on so that might be let's
1726s do it you know
1727s make sure that people are aware that
1730s some trees have the um some trees are a
1733s bit occupancy derived at the moment
1736s [Music]
1738s off ours
1741s that makes sense yeah I remember looking
1744s at the Sabers a while back and they were
1746s okay but I'm not sure
1748s that was when we were in develop so
1755s that is one very overgrown Farm
1758s yeah this is einbrecher's uh mortar
1760s Mansion we like to call it
1762s he's using a little bit of ERC hedges in
1764s there
1765s just very simple tier one design good
1768s for an early build
1771s some mechanical mechanical Power
1773s provision
1775s yeah
1777s then yeah here's Mikado's personal house
1780s that he built for us a little bit of
1781s sand brick a little bit of adobe brick
1784s and use of the white Lumber that we just
1787s added a couple days ago into the game as
1789s well as the age lumber on the front
1790s there
1794s and then uh
1797s Angel Lord's commenting that now he
1799s understands where the police car keeps
1801s following you around you're constantly
1803s breaking the road rules
1805s yeah yeah it is a caravan we need to
1807s have uh the uh the officers making sure
1810s that people don't uh the crowd crowd the
1812s tour
1816s got uh colerainasteries Country Villa
1819s here done in um
1822s mortared limestone
1825s and you kind of see a cameo of one of
1827s kopi's mods there
1828s with the uh
1830s the wooden chest
1839s yeah there was some nice diamond diamond
1842s arcade there in front of the four
1844s tilings
1846s that was kind of makes a nice use of
1848s that's uh you know yeah
1851s our em Road mod that allows people to
1853s have that brown offset
1856s here we are at uh Ashland's Stone Bridge
1860s Stone and stone bridge and owls
1864s is that all enough Toby
1867s oh I don't know if that one I don't know
1869s if that one's tall enough to pass pass
1872s Naval vehicular
1874s obstruction code
1876s so I have a feeling what will end up
1878s happening is when you guys do boats
1880s we'll use industrial elevators
1884s to make a drawbridge
1888s nice yeah I I am I am terrified over
1891s that
1892s I'm sure it'll be fine I'm sure it'll be
1895s totally fine
1898s running out to Ashland's place
1903s here
1909s what's a nice Countryside
1913s Countryside drive through
1916s yeah
1918s um get the the white picket fence Motif
1920s going on
1922s yeah unfortunately
1924s that is very bright red
1926s yeah that it's just a bad time of the
1930s day and Ash told me don't drive up there
1932s during that time of the day and guess
1933s what I did
1935s maybe if we give it about five minutes
1936s it'll be okay I don't have that much
1938s time I mean if you're looking at the
1939s lighting right now it looks like those
1940s like transformative things like you you
1943s drop in the top of water and just like
1945s things happen to it and it completely
1946s shifts colors and all that and that's
1947s seemingly what's going on here
1953s this is Ashland's Country Farm in Villa
1956s it's actually glass over the top of
1959s composite Lumber accent with uh
1963s softwood Lumbers in the shutters
1967s are done out of composite Cedar
1974s oh good everybody got my message to turn
1977s around
1978s [Music]
1979s because everybody would be like all
1980s stuck
1987s so again I'd like to thank SLG for
1990s allowing us the time to
1992s um
1993s present our server to everybody
1995s and I would be really remiss if I didn't
1998s take a second to be recognized the opr
2001s staff
2003s um
2004s and community
2006s we're going on season 33 here
2009s feels like forever most for the most
2011s part and uh it wouldn't be possible
2014s about without our dedicated volunteer
2016s staff
2017s a big thanks again to chicken clucker
2020s our server owner
2023s um
2023s to you from all of us we really
2025s appreciate everything that you do for us
2028s Ashland one of our Eco admins she works
2031s tirelessly making mods as many of you
2033s have seen
2035s um Kopi our one of our Discord
2038s [Music]
2038s um
2039s admins
2041s he also is a budding modder and and has
2044s produced some really great great
2045s materials to share with the community
2047s and and Contin is continuing to grow
2049s every day
2050s and then almost Prime we appreciate his
2053s support uh for server setup especially
2055s uh and and one of our community officers
2058s and Honda life are Discord
2062s setup officer
2064s without them
2065s and uh
2068s countless countless other volunteers we
2070s would not have this uh
2073s Vibrant Community to share with you all
2074s from the bottom of my heart
2077s a big thank you to you all
2080s on the left we have Edison's Bridge
2082s producing 1.21 gigawatts of power for
2086s the community
2087s you can see a clever use of the ERC
2090s metal construction blocks
2094s providing lots and lots of power to the
2097s to the community
2102s and on our right here we have the Brutus
2105s brought to you by British
2108s industrial Mega facility
2111s that's a factorial right
2114s yes
2116s uh I'm sure that the pollution that it
2118s produces uh as it plumes twin
2123s flumes into the sky uh
2127s into the fragile environment will have
2129s nothing to do with our our failure
2131s if the meteor doesn't kill us this
2134s facility might
2137s might get to us first
2145s I definitely took a wrong turn
2148s um
2149s that's okay you zigged when you should
2151s have zagged
2153s will you be able to catch up is the
2155s question
2157s did you miss A blue arrow oh did you go
2159s straight across Edison's Bridge you need
2160s to take a a right there oh yeah
2164s I can see on the map now actually
2168s here we are at British estate
2172s um I think it's a new server record on
2174s uh
2176s on our server speed
2178s um done in ashlar and Limestone adorned
2181s with some eight altered Eco mods you can
2183s see those little lights there decorating
2185s outside of the facility
2187s 190.86 housing experience
2190s uh I think Dotson drift was trying to
2192s catch up
2193s but didn't quite make it and at one
2196s point he actually used to be ahead but
2198s British leapfrogged him a couple days
2201s ago in the uh in the server
2203s that is quite impressive
2206s British just so happens to be one of our
2208s five community members that received the
2210s Mad Stacks Road Warrior achievement for
2213s placing over 10 000 roads
2215s and if you think that that's a lot of
2217s Roads
2218s here is the actual stats I need to make
2220s another tier
2222s maybe there's something like Legends of
2224s logistics
2225s uh Kobe had uh
2227s um 10 514 roads Moreland Pro 10 188
2233s roads British with 13 995.
2237s uh wolfski with 21 29
2240s 457 roads
2243s and first place packs with 62 000. 12
2248s roads placed
2250s in less than a month
2255s quite the achievement I must say
2260s that that is
2263s that is some placement
2267s yeah it's really nice to drive around
2269s though there's like everything looks
2271s nice
2272s um like a lot of thoughts being put into
2273s the design of it as well but there
2275s really is roads going everywhere
2277s it's awesome
2280s thanks for the truck by the way
2283s yeah he comment there the truck you'll
2285s never find it again hide it somewhere in
2287s a corner
2289s yeah
2292s we have a short section while we make it
2293s to dats and drifts shop in the jungle
2299s now there's a there's there's a
2301s substantial infrastructure
2303s organization and construction that's for
2305s sure
2308s that's one of the things about Eco is
2311s there's phases in the game right one of
2314s them is building roads
2316s and how important that is
2318s uh to the the progress of the server
2323s here we are at the Timber and Grub
2325s brought to you by Datsun drift
2327s uh constructed out of palm composites
2332s reinforced concrete ashlar Limestone and
2336s bringing in a 167 housing score which
2339s actually might now be higher since he
2340s was fussing with it before the Stream
2344s and uh
2347s take a quick spin through
2351s an epic amount of
2353s palm trees that I'm sure have been
2356s harvested from the world and you have a
2358s head on the left straight ahead is the
2361s Dotson drift zombie production facility
2365s um actually I think it's petrol
2367s but I'm sure the green gas inside
2370s I mean everybody's okay I'm sure
2373s looks perfectly healthy yes yes
2379s and I think roads as you're saying like
2382s there there's a lot of epochs to when
2385s you transition into the world and
2387s as you're saying some people do like the
2390s the sort of initial
2392s bartering and kind of arguing and making
2394s sure that you can kind of get your hands
2397s on that one specific piece of furniture
2398s that you were struggling because the
2401s person producing it didn't really want
2402s something that you were producing so you
2404s kind of had to leap
2405s leap through hoops to get to a point
2408s where you can sell something that he
2409s wanted and then you can get that and
2411s then there's a there's sort of a sense
2412s of achievement when you do get all the
2415s things that you could get out of it
2417s without having a Global Currency
2421s but at the same time there's also a lot
2422s of people that don't really want to
2424s bother with it and they just want the
2426s Global Currency so they can just you
2429s know trade with what they have and be
2431s able to still acquire something that
2433s might not be inside their kind of
2435s profession Loop
2438s um that's always interesting to see how
2440s the different servers have solved these
2442s different cases or if they're using like
2445s multi multi-currency types
2452s cast a huge section of papayas
2456s yeah the currency yield in the game
2458s there's
2460s I like you're saying I would I would say
2462s that if you start vanilla with no
2463s currency currency is the first
2466s monetary revolution in Eco and it kind
2468s of is a lot like
2470s it occurs in in life where if you don't
2474s have a monetary policy or or money of
2477s any kind it's very difficult to trade
2480s and once the money comes in the game you
2482s don't have to bring Goods necessarily
2484s with you you can have already stored up
2486s that
2487s uh stored labor potential and trade that
2490s with somebody else on the server to get
2492s what they are making
2493s rather than bringing logs
2496s for example yeah it not having to
2499s transport things one you know
2501s a stack at a time with uh
2505s we have a little bit of a truck disaster
2507s going on back here
2509s oh yeah so I think that's a method to
2512s try to save a fuel
2513s climbing up on the other car and have
2515s that drive you around
2516s yeah drafting we used to used to do that
2518s in the United States with the big trucks
2520s with your uh
2523s beetle bugs
2525s not very safe I must say
2527s so earlier we passed Striker's Place uh
2530s done in Brick and he a little bit of
2531s hewn he kind of just wanted to be away
2533s from it all and kind of with the uh
2537s lower uh lower lower hustle and bustle
2540s and we we drove through a giant papaya
2543s field
2544s um
2545s by uh our lives
2548s and uh I think her business that we hear
2552s here on the right hand side has been
2553s closing business has been closing since
2556s day one it is yet to close
2562s get to close
2564s constant going out of business sale
2568s we have a rug store near us that's doing
2570s that
2571s for the last 10 years
2576s it's common
2582s gonna pass uh soon here through our
2584s third and fourth tunnel section or third
2586s tunnel section by britus done in
2589s corrugated steel
2590s and got some of the Deco Lighting on the
2594s sides
2598s yeah ass
2600s has to answer one of the questions in
2602s chat
2603s um any server
2606s um
2606s manager or server owner that
2610s wants to have their their being shown
2612s off or taken apart in the community
2614s streams and
2616s interested they can give their
2618s give their opinions on how their server
2621s is going and how you know what what
2622s makes their server and their Community
2624s awesome just reach out to Dennis
2628s and
2630s can I and you know can I send a request
2632s to Dennis and and describe what your
2634s service going on about and
2636s why you want it on the stream and
2638s they'll be happy to review it and pick
2641s through and kind of explain what's
2642s required and
2644s um what's expected and we can we
2648s definitely set these up as people do
2649s request them so we have one more that's
2651s scheduled
2653s um and then we have a couple more update
2655s 10 streams coming
2658s yeah
2660s we head down into our our active mine
2667s by Penta Pentagon dark there used to be
2670s gold and copper in them Dar Hills but
2672s since then
2674s it has been completely eradicated there
2678s is no gold or copper in these mines
2683s currents are a little tight down in this
2685s active mine
2689s the tunnel tops are adorned with some
2692s kitchen lights which actually work
2693s really well for
2695s mining operations oh no we don't have
2698s the elevator
2701s okay
2702s that is really unfortunate
2704s oh here it comes here it comes
2706s industrial elevator is on the way
2709s friends
2711s it's good that'll save us a couple
2712s minutes
2716s they're a little they're a little slow
2718s intentionally so
2726s hey
2728s I know why that is
2730s yeah he uh
2732s he had to pull it up because it was uh
2735s down at zero zero today you don't know
2737s when but
2741s never happens never happens
2745s but it's been fixed we fixed it
2748s so here we are riding up the industrial
2750s elevator
2751s used to dig out a whole lot of
2755s drifting forward that's not good
2758s drifting forward on the elevator is not
2761s a good thing
2762s I need your pocket break
2767s that is a
2771s that is a mine shaft
2773s yeah
2775s and here's the owner of the uh the rock
2778s and stone Mr Pentagon Dart saying hello
2781s to us as we exit the mind
2785s and we say goodbye to rock and stoned
2787s industrial mine and facility
2792s yeah look at that ominous Prime
2794s controlling traffic for me I appreciate
2795s that
2805s I'm gonna cross over here our fourth
2807s major Bridge Project
2809s done in ashlar
2813s let's wait for the road to load
2816s don't want any mishaps it would be bad
2818s done in ashlar Granite corrugated steel
2821s and flat steel and a little bit of ERC
2824s uh construct metal construction on the
2826s sides there
2834s passing organic farmers Logistics shop
2839s and our and coming up on our fourth
2841s major
2843s uh bridge tunnel project done in
2845s composite lumber on the top palm and uh
2848s em glass
2850s and Redwood lining the bottom
2853s this one was brought to us by crazy
2854s Yankee
2861s this was a colorful
2863s tunnel
2868s and then once again this this road just
2870s it goes on in
2873s an infinite amount of distance so I can
2875s definitely see the the numbers of placed
2878s blocks
2879s uh
2881s being up there considering how much of
2883s the road is placed
2886s this tunnel in ashlar and flat steel
2888s accents
2891s and here we are at the uh just coming up
2894s on the robo Shack and what I like to
2896s call Gold tunnel
2898s our opulence knows no bounds
2902s and here we are at the robo Shack for
2904s all of your electronic needs
2907s a little bit of custom artwork there
2913s we all know how much Electronics really
2915s loves gold
2921s and copper copper more than gold
2923s actually
2924s the amount of light bulbs that I
2925s purchased was
2927s mind-boggling we have
2930s 228 double light posts on the server
2936s oh this is celt's Animal Farm usually
2938s there's like 30 or 40 animals trapped in
2940s here but not today there's a lot less
2947s take a take a right here onto the side
2949s street crazy Yankees personal house you
2953s can see the custom bricks there a little
2955s bit of sand brick
2956s and a little bit of em mod action in
2959s there
2960s for the doors yeah the sound bricks are
2963s really really blending with the
2965s environment
2966s especially when it gets a little bit
2968s darker
2972s headed up to the witch's swamp
2975s we're gonna be mystified
2982s some spooky pumpkins here
2984s and floating obelisks
2986s this one here is brought To Us by stunt
2989s walking
2990s a little bit of themed build
2993s let you see the ERC hedges in full force
2996s and uh ERC Hue and log expansion which
2999s has been really a nice addition to for
3001s our server
3002s [Music]
3004s stuck on a hedge
3007s yeah it's a lot of cool blocks in that
3009s that mod
3011s machine log expansion
3014s I think that I think the fences
3017s really brought a lot to the game
3021s just being able to have those different
3023s fence types
3024s you don't like using ladders as a fence
3028s we got we we got one in in Lumber
3032s Lumber lock form but it as we can as we
3036s can see it's not uh you know it doesn't
3038s have an altered color so it's just plain
3041s lumber-ish so I do see the appeal of
3044s having like a specific type of
3047s like the the picket fence
3049s white thing going on or general other
3052s colors so
3054s um here we have Kobe shot brought to you
3057s by the letter k
3058s and the color blue
3062s well that is very cool
3066s another use of the industrial elevator
3069s here on our right hand side
3073s a little bit of a garden
3075s Ian's roadworks
3079s lots and lots of crushed
3082s and his personal house there as we pass
3085s in ashlar
3087s Purdy so talking about roads will be uh
3090s blocks mind you know we we talked a
3093s little bit about roads earlier but
3095s blocks mind
3096s so a molokane with first at 38 273
3101s blocks mined
3102s Pentagon dark with 35
3104s 833 and TJ with 35
3109s 467 or blocks mined
3112s [Music]
3114s this is our seventh tunnel adorned in
3117s ashlar sandstone and Limestone and we've
3120s got like little carve outs for the trees
3122s there
3123s that is very pretty
3125s feature those
3133s passing here on the right is the otter
3135s dump
3136s brought to you by sander
3143s passing over another bridge this is
3145s Moreland Pro's early bridge in the game
3147s built out a brick glass and uh glass
3150s structure we updated it just slightly
3152s later on with some lighting
3157s something I'm really liking about this
3158s server is the like all of the bridges
3161s and the tunnels have like really
3163s interesting use of blocks and there's
3165s like a little creativity there
3168s but they're not all the same sort of
3169s design
3171s and here's the creators of the Moonlight
3173s Escape Park and the Moonlight Bridge
3175s Panda and Razz Raven
3178s I think sometime during the night they
3181s break out into howls and they sit at
3183s that Park
3188s here's another tunnel embellishment by
3189s crazy Yankee a little bit uh
3192s corrugated steel and redwoods
3198s yeah I was like a crazy amount of
3200s infrastructure that is I love to see
3202s like really fleshed out builds and
3204s worlds that have kind of you have access
3207s everywhere in some way shape or form and
3209s the fact that I don't think we've seen a
3211s single tunnel that's been identical to
3213s another one it's been pretty impressive
3217s Sami Zilla would like you to stop and
3219s eat at the goblin goat
3222s Redwood and Cedar
3224s beautiful build
3227s and then on our left is uh TJ's and
3230s Sammy's Ronk and lonk so if you want
3233s Ronks or lonks
3235s they have those
3237s a little bit of corrugated steel some
3240s Composites and we got uh
3243s reinforced concrete some of the custom
3245s lighting that altered Eco has all sorts
3249s of good stuff
3251s the build
3267s we will
3270s Drive
3271s straight away
3272s to the meteor location
3287s yeah
3290s did you guys want to do the um
3293s the meteor shoot on string
3298s I'm Keen if you uh
3300s okay yeah
3307s I believe it's quite a few
3310s Adobe Toby always likes to see the
3312s meteors exploding
3318s we're headed up to the laser observation
3320s Park
3323s I'm sure there's enough parking for all
3325s 12 of the cars or whatever that's
3326s following right now
3329s that is that is where I'm at right now
3335s how's it up there
3338s oh boy on the volume a little bit
3351s oops sorry
3356s I'm from Australia we drive on the other
3358s side of the road I'm sorry
3360s this is all new to me
3364s you drive on the correct side of the
3366s road
3370s we'll get Santa up here in rasraven
3372s since they were the ones that uh built
3374s the laser Park
3375s we have a small chest location here
3381s as we can see it's oh white did in fact
3384s go excellent
3386s you know someone someone has moved it
3389s yeah laser tart the laser practice
3392s uh location uh we we was utilizing the
3395s rocks to uh shoot the meteor out of the
3398s sky
3399s and we can see that we have eight lasers
3400s at this particular location ready to
3402s blast the meteor out of the sky
3410s guys uh just about ready here I think
3418s there's a game of chess going on in the
3420s background here as well
3422s excellent
3430s it is it is quite nice I I and once
3434s again I you know there's there's a level
3437s of
3438s anticipation for these Community streams
3440s at least from from the team in
3443s particular to kind of see what players
3444s are doing with the materials they have
3446s on hand and the tools they have on hand
3447s so it's always quite fun for us to see
3450s what what is accomplished and how it's
3452s being done
3454s um
3455s and I know some people are concerned
3457s with when it comes to like gameplay
3459s things where
3460s they're doing you know they're using
3463s things very
3465s you know different from design
3468s implementation perspective versus what
3470s is actually being used for them and that
3473s you know the weed go out of our way of
3475s nerfing a certain way of doing things or
3477s completely altering how it looks
3480s but in fact we do
3483s really like just seeing the crazy things
3485s people do
3487s and are and I'm trying to incorporate
3490s what they can do into our design ideas
3494s um
3494s as well as further expanding on it and
3497s just as a quick note for the mod stuff
3501s if you are a mother and you have some
3504s specific concerns or issues where you
3507s might be missing certain mechanics that
3510s might not be available to the mod kit we
3512s do recognize that vehicles at the moment
3515s are still
3517s um
3519s unfortunately restricted into the depth
3521s here
3522s but you can talk to Dennis about those
3525s things
3527s and we also tried to
3530s expand the mod kit with specific feature
3532s and functionality requests from the
3533s models as well if there's something that
3535s they feel like
3536s they really need to have access to to be
3538s able to do this amazing creative new
3540s thing
3541s so just want to leave lift that
3545s um
3545s you're out there just like make sure
3547s that if you run into problems with mods
3549s in terms of restrictions from our end
3551s don't hesitate to reach out because we
3554s do want to make sure that people have
3556s the tools that they need to be able to
3558s do the things that they want to do
3565s how are we looking all right we're
3567s seeing that it has officially entered
3569s the targeting window
3571s so yeah as a quick note for blowing up
3576s meteor so if you if you do have
3577s conservations and
3579s don't want to see that in because you
3581s haven't done it in your world or
3584s yesterday yeah just a spoiler alert
3587s thing
3588s but
3590s it's happening
3594s well
3606s we need more lasers
3614s requires a lot more power
3617s we're using 85 000 kilowatts
3622s for our 14 characters
3628s that is the meteor
3630s okay blown up and another world saved
3635s we need some dramatic music for Let me
3638s let me show you that
3641s for at least from the Stream
3646s without Jen's I appreciate the time I'll
3648s turn it back to you
3651s I don't think we can transition back out
3654s up out of that so
3656s um it's been it's been quite fun to
3658s watch it
3659s um it's been
3661s a blast being being invited into your
3665s worlds even though you know you're
3666s you're on our stream platform and so on
3668s but we do feel very privileged of having
3671s our users
3673s um go through their worlds with us and
3675s can I show up what they've done and all
3677s of that
3678s um so it's a very mutual
3682s um thank you for
3683s being here
3685s um
3686s and I think Toby is
3688s probably in the same corner there where
3689s we're just
3691s very humbled of seeing our users be able
3694s to do these things and
3696s um
3697s also happy to provide a platform for
3699s them to be able to show these things off
3701s so
3702s um
3703s yeah I really enjoy these streams like
3706s it does feel like you're kind of being
3708s welcomed into a community it's like
3709s you've
3710s like meeting a whole bunch of new people
3713s and seeing what they're doing like um
3715s the thing I wanted to mention about this
3717s particular server was I really enjoyed
3720s the transition of different areas like
3723s it really felt like I was battling a
3725s globe it's like
3727s um a lot of like consistency to the the
3730s way that the infrastructure was done
3733s um yeah great job good server 10 out of
3737s 10.
3738s good visit again yeah we would visit
3741s again yeah
3743s um yeah
3744s but yeah no I think we'll uh we'll call
3747s it an evening here and we have another
3749s another Community stream coming up and
3752s then we'll be back on
3753s on schedule with things and updates and
3756s all all the relative functionalities and
3760s features of update 10 that's coming as
3762s well so
3764s um thank you everyone for watching thank
3766s you for being with us for
3768s um
3769s a little bit over an hour here so
3772s hope everyone had a good time and
3774s we'll catch you next week
3779s boy bye bye