when start loading the game it just crashes im using epic games any fixes i have the right specs just keeps crashing
External link →when start loading the game it just crashes im using epic games any fixes i have the right specs just keeps crashing
External link →Hi CMDR,
We are aware of some current issues causing players to crash and have a planned update for Monday that will hopefully resolve these issues. However, should your problems persist after this patch please do open a ticket via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new
Our team can then take a close look. :)
Originally posted by Pdiddy: Whenever i try to load up the test severs or even normal siege. it keeps crashing, no matter what i do it wont let me play the game. siege loads up about half way to three quarters, then it just crashes. I NEED HELP!!!!!Hey there,