16 days
ago -
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Not to hunting directly, but the last major update before final release is about Animal Husbandry that also covers a rework of general animal behaviour, including predator behaviour and animations.
We are also once again looking into aggressive behaviour of predator animals against players, but I can't say yet on if and in what form that may make it into the game. We had predators attack players before, but that despite being requested regularly turned out very unpopular once released and was removed to keep the desired relaxed experience. Also, most animals depicted in Eco in real life do not show general aggressive behaviour towards humans, as such it wasn't realistic either. It might come back as a rare defensive behaviour instead of flight and / or as an option that needs to be toggled, depending on if that is possible with the animal calculation moving to the client.
We are also once again looking into aggressive behaviour of predator animals against players, but I can't say yet on if and in what form that may make it into the game. We had predators attack players before, but that despite being requested regularly turned out very unpopular once released and was removed to keep the desired relaxed experience. Also, most animals depicted in Eco in real life do not show general aggressive behaviour towards humans, as such it wasn't realistic either. It might come back as a rare defensive behaviour instead of flight and / or as an option that needs to be toggled, depending on if that is possible with the animal calculation moving to the client.