almost 6 years ago - mirasrael - Direct link
We have released patch with the following fixes and improvements:

  • vehicles crossing 0-coordinate should behave less obstinate
  • fixed some "Alice in Wonderland" effects (world titled issue)
  • fixed problem with unfair deals when you get full price for part of sold/bought items if destination inventory has not enough space
  • fixed links to previous elections in Web UI
  • fixed starting New Game from clean Steam installation
  • fixed incorrect ping calculation
  • fixed crash while connecting pipes through zero point
  • fixed redefine District action to take into account existing Districts
  • fixed issue with large world generation and ore amounts - low sample size sometimes created inadequate amounts of ore in worlds 200x200 or larger

Performance improvements:
  • memory optimization (fixed regression for chunks memory consumption)

  • self-improvements experience slightly nerfed
  • minor changes in tech tree for pipes
  • the following objects now require flowing water supplied via plumbing: BlastFurnace, OilRefinery, Sink, Laboratory, Combustion Generator