about 6 years
ago -
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We have released patch 7.8.9 with the following changelog:
Backups logic fixed and reworked to be more predictable. There are now following options (default value in brackets):
Default backup frequency changed to 0.5.
Also now your backup settings will not be rewritten by Steam, instead you have `Backup.eco.template` with default settings.
- Fixed annoying issue with resetting Store public access permissions after server restart
Backups logic fixed and reworked to be more predictable. There are now following options (default value in brackets):
- MaxBackupsInLastHour (2) - max number of backups for last hour (if backup frequency less than 1 hour)
- MaxHourlyBackups (24) - hourly backup is a first backup in a hour, in average it is one backup in a hour
- MaxDailyBackups (3) - daily backup is a first backup in a day, in average it is one backup in a day
- MaxWeeklyBackups (10) - weekly backup is a first backup in a week, in average it is one backup in a week at Monday
With default settings it will keep hourly backups for last 24 hours, daily backups for last 3 days, weekly backups for last 10 weeks.
Default backup frequency changed to 0.5.
Also now your backup settings will not be rewritten by Steam, instead you have `Backup.eco.template` with default settings.