Transcript (by Youtube)

0s good um hello everyone and it's not a
2s Friday stream for for once um it's
5s slightly later than usual but um we are
8s coming up with Midsummer um tomorrow and
10s during the weekend so I'll be a bit
12s preoccupied with that but uh for today
16s and tonight we have with us our CEO
20s John been a while hey
24s guys been a while since you were on
26s stream but I managed to poach you in
28s here now that we're going to be talking
30s about
31s some
32s of the more probably a little bit more
36s kind of controversial thing I don't
38s really want to use the term but it's
40s going to hopefully incite some
42s interesting discussions um as well as
45s our general progress on 10.3 and new alt
48s server and a whole bunch of other fixes
51s changes improvements on our path towards
54s release of
55s this
58s um yeah hope everyone's stoked because I
62s am kind of eager to get things get
65s things going and get this update out but
67s we're not entirely there yet um so for
71s if we start with what has been a problem
74s with 10.2 that showed up uh viciously um
78s a service and there's been some some
81s code some code snippet discoveries
84s regarding potential offline stuff do you
86s want to talk about
88s that uh sure yeah so with Eco 10.3 we
93s are going to make the game uh playable
97s offline or without you know if Steam
99s servers go down or if strange tube
101s servers go down uh the game will be
103s fully playable um and that's something
105s that bothered some of our players
106s because they don't like that they can't
108s play with these drms up uh but this
110s allows people to play offline you know
113s if our servers go down it's not going to
114s block you uh so just a nice nice little
118s addition to uh you know kind of the
121s fundamentals of how you
124s connect yeah and hopefully our new Au
127s server is also going to be a bit more
129s rigorous there's been a lot of old Cod
131s Ling around with the old one and a full
133s full new rebuild
136s basically yeah we're calling it strange
138s Cloud so we have uh kind of a lot of our
141s new features are going in there we're
142s going to start recording data for worlds
146s so uh previously we weren't doing that
148s but now worlds will have a history in
150s there you'll track how many hours are
152s being played on these worlds and we can
154s start to do interesting things with that
157s um with unlocking stuff or changing
159s stuff when uh when they have more hours
162s um to like connecting servers together
165s so kind of the very beginnings of this
168s idea of like having a network of Worlds
171s that can connect to each other uh so our
173s strange Cloud is supporting that as well
175s as uh our new uh premium items that
179s we're going to be talking about too yeah
182s we we have we have some some new fancy
185s things going on um that we want to
187s reveal today we we also have some sneak
190s peek into the new crafting UI that comes
192s with it as they had we had some
194s preconditions for making this work and
196s and make it presentable and usable in
198s game um and I think we can just kind of
203s kind of take it away into uh maybe since
206s we're on the topic on o maybe we should
209s transition into uh
210s into my screen here um with the new Au
214s server and and Au system in
218s general um you are going to need to log
220s in from a server management perspective
223s or a server owner perspective because
225s the server is going to be linked to an
227s account because of those statistics and
230s also
231s related um IP
235s things so when you first start up your
238s server now
240s uh do I want to do that now is it gonna
242s go absolutely crazy on
244s me it should work test it live should
248s work to restart yeah it want me to
251s restart um so when you first start up
254s the server it's going to prompt you to
257s log with your with your SLG username and
260s password at the moment we were talking
261s about switching that out to somehow use
263s like a token registry from the website
265s instead
267s um but at at the moment right now now if
270s you try to get in um it'll prompt you
273s with a user password
275s thing but it's a bit under revision
277s still and as with all of the things that
280s we're showing here everything's going of
281s work in progress It's not the final
283s thing um things may change back and
285s forth up and down as always with
287s development um so take things with a
289s little bit of a grain of
291s salt yeah the basic idea is that now
294s will have your user accounts will be
296s associated in Two Worlds so every world
298s will have Eco user account which might
301s just be your Steam account you don't you
303s don't you won't have to set up a strange
305s Loop account um but uh either way you'll
309s have an account tied to the world so
311s that just goes into the fact that
312s they're you know tracking these worlds
315s as more persistent objects in the Eco
319s Universe
322s basically yeah so we do
326s this get some get some terrain going
332s get a bit of a playground
334s um so with this I market place and some
339s of the other things that people have
340s been seeing on uh in the code stream
344s um do you want to mention it or should I
347s mention it yeah let's uh let's unveil it
350s do you want to just open the the Eco
353s store or Marketplace probably so when
357s you hop in on a server and this is
359s something that you can only do
360s on a world you're not going to be able
362s to access it in offline mode you're not
364s going to be able to access it through um
367s just in the main menu because references
370s are tied to the world back and forth so
373s you have a new a new interaction here
376s which is an Ecco
378s store and when you first open
381s it um you get presented with the some
385s general new information on things
387s happening yeah this kind of a good place
389s I can kind of give the rundown of what
391s we're we're thinking here yeah go
394s forward uh so can you close that
396s dialogue box in the middle
398s there so basically we've been thinking
401s of uh our our business model our core
404s business model and what it incentivizes
407s us to work on you know so right now we
409s have just a single purchase $29.99 on
412s Steam and once you you buy the game
415s there's nothing more to spend which just
417s results in the fact that the only
420s economically meaningful player activity
422s is when they buy the game but with Eco
425s lots of our players are playing hundreds
426s of hours sometimes thousands of hours
429s actually quite often thousands of
431s hours and we're not incentivized
434s financially to support those players but
437s those are some of our biggest players
438s and the ones we we really want to
439s support that's kind of The Guiding uh
442s idea behind this uh this idea that we
444s want to have ways that long-term players
448s can still uh contribute to Eco and uh
453s you know get some new value in there
454s give them things that are really
455s interesting without corrupting the game
458s so what we're going to be selling is
460s blueprints for different
463s objects so you can buy blueprints to do
465s variant on certain objects so for
467s example uh a canoe if you have the
471s Viking canoe blueprint that you buy in
473s the Eco Marketplace and you can make it
475s look different uh but it'll be
477s functionally identical to the canoe so
479s that's kind of our our guiding design
480s principle is that these are only
482s cosmetics and it's just ways to have
484s cooler looking stuff in the game and you
487s know give those long-term player
488s something to uh you know add to their
491s experience in the game as well as
492s supporting
493s Eco so we've got a bunch of different
496s variant set up for all all kinds of
497s different objects in the game uh
499s including these uh these signs that are
501s very tied to professions like see you
503s see a tailoring sign there uh so lots of
505s cool ways to kind of express your
507s identity and personality in the game as
509s well as have the like really beautiful
510s things like a fish pond or like a fancy
514s chest um as well as we'll have Avatar
517s upgrades clothes and things like that as
519s well so lots of different cosmetic
521s options and then down below you see this
524s uh approach for taking where we want to
527s share what's spent on the on in this
530s store with the Eco
533s community so every time a purchase is
536s made with these Eco credits we will
539s divide it up among a variety of part
541s parties everyone who's kind of providing
543s value to uh the the chain that is Eco so
547s the person hosting the server will get a
551s percentage yet but we want to
554s include oh you're you're warping out a
557s little
560s bit did we just lose
565s John maybe I'm still here or you
570s towns or
571s federations they can get a
575s percentage is it working yeah yeah yeah
578s it's working
580s again that was
585s weird where is
592s it video having a Fritz here I can I can
596s sort of hear you but it was warping in
599s and out but
600s seems to be back I think
602s it can you hear me now
606s y
608s okay not sure what happened
612s there uh where where did I
616s get um allocation distribution
621s and kind of where we're going with
624s it yeah so we give a percent to everyone
627s who's supporting the the Eco value chain
629s basically so the World host modders
631s who've created mods will get one get a
633s percentage streamers who are supporting
635s the streamer will get a percentage uh
637s actually settlements will eventually get
639s a percentage you know long running
640s countries and towns we'll be able to
641s kind of share in that and then we want
643s to include a portion to support the
646s actual Earth you know as part of the
648s value chain of Eco everything is
650s connected to that uh so we've picked out
652s a great charity called uh the ocean
654s cleanup and we want to give 5% of all
656s the Eco credit spend to the to this
660s [Music]
661s charity so the idea with this is that
665s you know we're one on one hand we're
666s changing the business model a bit so
668s that we have a way for long-term players
670s to support us and we also want to
672s connect that to everyone else who adds
675s value to Eco all the Eco citizens who
676s are hosting worlds who are making mods
679s you know who are running these like
680s settlements in the game who are
681s streaming the game they those people add
684s a ton of value to the economy of Eco and
690s you know this this gives a way to reward
692s them so Eco credits are credits you buy
695s with real money and then you're able to
697s spend them uh on these different
699s items and eventually we'll have a way
702s that you can you know pull them out back
704s into real money so if you're hosting
708s this and you vanished
712s again actually vanished on the video as
715s well for a short second
725s I think we can blame the uh Florida
732s internet there we
734s go sorry internet's
739s misbehaving wonder if Steve's trying to
741s download a giant file or
745s something um hopefully hopefully not um
749s but yeah I think people people in
751s general are appreciating it and and
753s seeing the um been seeing the gist as
757s well um yeah I'm really hoping that the
760s customers kind of see it as you know a
762s value ad it's not something we don't
763s want to affect the game with these uh
766s it's something that'll be interesting
768s for people but not corrupt the
769s experience and you don't you don't ever
771s have to buy anything
773s yeah um so and this this general info
777s screen with like more details and
779s probably clickable links to like just in
781s in information and legal stuff and
784s everything else surrounding it is
785s probably going to be updated when things
788s are being implemented as well but this
789s will be you'll see this on the first um
794s when you first open the store for the on
796s on you know your first launch of 10.3 um
798s it'll pop up and and in infosite and
801s then it'll probably pop up if we do any
803s changes to it in the enal or things like
806s that
807s so um coming into the this
810s store we have the latest iteration of it
813s so you know once again bear in mind
816s things are are working progress and
818s things are being updated and changed
820s quite quite frequently in the last
822s couple of days and weeks
825s um might be some further touches on it
828s when we uh as we go along here um so
833s here's the store in general where you're
835s interacting so this is where you are uh
838s browsing through b selecting things um
842s and just in general and then as you
845s would normally have it you see your
846s wallet with digital
848s currency uh this is at the moment tied
851s directly to steam so the the acquisition
853s and the interaction is happening through
856s uh the steam API so it's going off and
860s take in mind all values are placeholder
863s as well so this is just stuff to be able
866s to visually show
868s things um
870s when you go through the motion of buying
873s virtual currency as as general expected
877s it'll pop up we also have a fraud
879s protection system in
882s place um anything you want to bring up
884s with that or just it's a general pending
887s thing it's recommended steam best
890s practices for accounts that are brand
892s new you you it's a good idea to just
894s hold off 72 hours so that you don't get
897s credit chargebacks and things like that
899s so we do detect that uh but most players
901s won't encounter that if their Steam
903s account is old been around for a while
905s and it's made you know once you've made
906s a purchase on Steam you become a trusted
908s account so it's really just weeding out
910s like Smurf
914s accounts and then you have that thing
916s goes into your regular kind of steam
917s purchase
919s order um cart thing and then just like
923s the regular card checkout for uh
926s currency it doesn't really show properly
928s when I'm in the editor
932s but so I see some questions in the chat
934s about how are these skins going to work
937s can you share them to other people uh so
939s the idea is that these are yeah these
942s are all variants so they're essentially
943s skins but you still have to craft them
947s so if you have the Egyptian canoe uh
950s recipe for example then you're able to
952s start a crafting project for that canoe
956s and you're able to specifically select I
957s want this special canoe for this
959s and then you create it and it just
961s becomes its own item which just happens
962s to be identical to the canoe uh but
965s you're not going to be changing the
966s items back and forth once they're
968s created and someone raised a good
970s question can you sell these in the store
973s like so could someone make an Egyptian
974s canoe and sell it in their store and
976s allow other players to use it uh so we
979s actually have a server setting for that
981s uh which defaults to
983s no uh just so that it's you don't
985s necessarily get an economic Advantage if
987s you have this uh special can it's just
989s for yourself uh but we do allow servers
992s if they want to experiment with that and
993s allow people to kind of input those into
995s the economy they can so it'll be inter
998s to see how that kind of plays out what
1000s effect that has in the in the uh the
1003s economy but we are we are leaving that
1005s off to start uh so the idea is that by
1008s default it's just something that you
1010s build that you can use and you can give
1012s it away to somebody if you want but you
1014s can't like connect it to the ecosystem
1015s unless the server options selected
1021s so in here we have um we have a quantity
1025s limit for it as
1027s well um which is essentially you're
1030s buying the right to produce x amount of
1034s copies of this entity on a server to
1037s server
1038s basis yeah the idea with this is that we
1041s couldn't allow unlimited creation of
1043s that because then one person could buy
1045s something and just give the entire give
1047s it to the entire server and it's
1050s basically like pirating a game or
1053s something uh so but we also didn't want
1055s to limit it to just one like players
1057s might want to create more than more than
1059s one so we have this quantity that and
1062s that will actually limit how many you
1063s can craft in a given
1066s World So when you buy this recipe you
1068s have it for every Eco world uh but
1071s within each individual world you're
1072s limited by the quantity so I could build
1075s 10 ship right signs in you know white
1078s tiger I could build another 10 in sea
1080s otter
1082s Etc so that's how we prevent it from
1084s being just spammed and given given to
1086s everybody yeah and we have we have a few
1089s things listed in here that are straight
1091s up and and this is as you mentioned
1093s previously um a very very big Focus was
1096s to avoid kind of any any kind of
1099s relation to pay to win things so at the
1101s moment the recipes are tied up with you
1104s use you you'll always be targeted to
1107s having a vanilla version or the default
1109s stock
1110s version that will always be attributed
1113s towards that end so in case of grab the
1116s outdoor thing here so this the friendly
1119s scarecrow for example it has a
1121s new um default version which is just a a
1125s regular scarecrow and then you use that
1128s regular Scarecrow in the recipe to craft
1131s the fancy one or you know the specop
1134s deluxe version of it but they'll still
1137s do the same thing they'll have the same
1138s points still count as the same category
1141s for housing when it comes to furniture
1142s and so on um so there's not going to be
1145s any deviation in value worth for the
1148s entity some cases the the the pretty up
1152s version will be slightly more expensive
1156s because they might have additional costs
1158s to them to make them um but overall the
1161s goal is always going to be to have like
1163s a a regular version anyone can craft
1166s that is in the same kind of category
1167s style theme as anything that we're
1171s adding to the
1173s store and with that maybe maybe we
1176s should show them the new crafting UI can
1178s of go over some of the uh quality of
1180s life changes things here
1184s so which one do we want to grab let's
1187s just grab the workbench have the canoe
1189s in
1191s there so to fit with this
1195s um we were running over our old crafting
1198s UI and I wish I had a screen a blank
1201s screenshot of the old one to just kind
1202s of overlay and show the differences um
1205s and this is still being revised tweaked
1208s and kind of polished up so it looks as
1210s good as we wanted
1212s to um but one of the things that were
1214s really really frustrating with the old
1216s one and I think a lot of players will
1218s agree with me is that when you wanted to
1220s do variations of
1222s types and it was hard to find the button
1225s for it it was difficult to set the
1228s quantity you were crafting thing and it
1230s was it was like a puzzle game trying to
1232s do specific things if it wasn't just
1234s blanked out one type so with the
1237s introduction of the I AP things we're
1239s going to be having a whole bunch of new
1242s variants and and and different types of
1244s things so we wanted to do a few things
1246s to increase quality of life on it one
1249s thing that stands out obviously the
1251s layout is
1253s changed um all the recipe ingredients
1255s are removed from the crafting item lists
1259s itself so those are listed in just on
1262s the selection for
1263s it um the variants also have a new
1267s column for when you're crafting things
1269s so you can immediately right here
1273s interact and click see changes in
1275s recipes um without being obstructed by
1278s other
1279s elements we also added a search
1283s bar um which is absolutely fantastic I'm
1286s hoping it works now yeah there's still a
1288s few like f changes and and color things
1292s on the text that needs to be sorted out
1295s but it's uh quite neat quite nice and
1299s I'm
1300s hopefully uh hopefully seeing pretty
1303s pretty substantial use for
1304s it um another thing for the
1308s generalization and quality of lighting
1310s that we wanted to have in there at least
1312s I really wanted to to be in there um is
1317s the addition of being able to create
1319s custom lists for categorization of
1323s things so when you say you have like
1326s five different items or 10 different
1329s items that you want to be having as
1330s switch quickly be able to
1333s find um across servers or you know if
1337s you're doing carpentry you might want to
1338s be having these things available through
1341s not having to search for them every time
1342s or not having to see half the recipes
1345s that you're never
1347s using um you can create new custom lists
1351s so say boards and
1354s blocks oh yeah
1358s the still have a slight bug with enter
1360s not being
1361s confirmed so now you have a boards and
1363s blocks list
1365s here and in the all you can just select
1369s once you have
1370s toggleable custom searches you can add
1374s these things to that specific list so if
1377s you want to go through
1379s boards and then we might want to be
1382s adding a the
1384s storage and then we can just select that
1387s list and it'll only contain these
1390s things and obviously you can just remove
1393s it and it'll disappear and we also have
1396s a craftable here so if I do this and
1400s give let's see let's
1404s give mind blank completely
1407s [Music]
1411s I do that see if this works there we go
1415s it's it's not updating on on give
1418s commands but it is when you're dragging
1420s dropping so now it will Al it will
1423s detect whatever you have in your
1424s personal
1426s inventory and it will also show anything
1430s that is popping up in your linked
1431s inventories as well so if we do this and
1435s let's give a
1437s stockpile drop that in there drop some
1439s logs in there we link this
1443s up and it'll still be it'll find those
1447s materials out of linked inventories as
1449s well so now you can have a little bit of
1451s a a quick check through
1454s in um will the list be persistent from
1457s server to server or will you need to
1458s remake them every time you go to a new
1460s one uh it should be saved under player
1461s preferences so it should be contained on
1464s that local machine but not be it's not
1467s going to transfer over in
1469s between system differences but it will
1473s if you hop servers but still on the same
1479s PC can you click the canoe let's see one
1481s that has a yeah has a premium
1487s varant yeah so you see that one has a
1489s little icon on it the icon icon graphic
1493s is pending just just yeah this is just a
1496s placeholder um as the r team is kind of
1499s sifting out what what we uh what we want
1503s there so that's kind of a way people
1505s discover there's these different skins
1507s available if they want to have like a
1509s special looking canoe or different
1511s objects like that
1512s that and then if you don't own it it'll
1515s pop up with hey check it out in
1518s Marketplace you pop it in there and
1520s it'll automatically route to the
1521s marketplace with that selected for
1526s you very cool so that is hopefully some
1530s some upgrades to the crafting thing that
1535s um that you'll uh be dealing with that
1540s um please can the new account stuff end
1543s up syncing with those kind of settings
1545s bindings list preferences and anything
1548s else uh will be annoying for those
1550s players who move between machines or
1552s chair machines in
1555s specific it's a reasonable request
1558s probably wouldn't be too hard to
1560s do store it in your account setting
1562s somewhere it's like a steam steam has
1565s some specific steam preference settings
1568s right probably yeah either put in steam
1571s or just put in the SLG strange Cloud
1576s yeah yeah it's definitely something that
1578s we can look into it it's a it's a sound
1581s thing to uh take a look
1583s at be nice to use cloud saves as well
1585s but I don't think we can fit an Eco
1587s world in the cloud save
1589s no no that that' be a little bit too
1592s Hefty I
1595s think um are the fractional ingredients
1598s cost visible when modules are inside
1600s workbenches no and it's
1603s been it's something that I've been kind
1608s of questionably looking at it it maybe
1612s you have an idea on that John um so when
1614s you have an upgrade
1616s module we so if we just grab one car
1620s corpentry
1622s table here basic
1627s upgrade we do this just to
1631s uh just kind of deal with that um so
1634s when we have a module up and it reduces
1636s the cost of
1638s things um you end up with that like
1641s fractional cost of ingredient input but
1645s we're we're summarizing we're rounding
1647s up the value
1650s because we're not entirely like if you
1652s if you just make one but you have 75
1655s cost it'll still consume a whole unit
1657s which is why we're representing it as a
1659s whole
1662s unit yeah maybe we just show the
1664s decimals there and like inform people
1667s that it's it's going to round it up yeah
1670s maybe it's it's easier if like people
1672s will notice that hey
1675s 75 and then it eats one if you just make
1679s one yeah so they can add a few to get
1682s that to more of a round number yeah they
1685s want P padman's commenting on that that
1688s new players are often overpricing stuff
1691s because of it as they calculate based
1693s off what they see on the UI and not the
1694s actual cost for
1697s things
1700s interesting um so that's our crafting UI
1704s change hopefully we can get some some
1706s good feedback um estimation for 10.3
1710s release we
1712s have play tests kind of looming around
1714s the corner don't want to give an exact
1716s date for it yet but we are getting very
1719s close I think is is the
1722s best kind of statement you'll get for
1726s it um but it it is it is getting closer
1730s it is definitely getting closer um we're
1733s at the moment um people who are working
1736s on the strange Cloud Things Are digging
1739s through the account migrations to make
1740s sure that our old database is moved over
1743s to the new one so all the U all the
1746s general information um and making sure
1749s that everyone can log in on staging once
1751s we do play test launch so we don't run
1754s into General problems with that um as
1757s well as bringing over all the all the
1758s old information with like icons and
1760s everything else that was tied to that
1762s like back a rewards and and all the
1764s other details um so it's going to be a
1766s whole new set of databases for for that
1769s information and hopefully everything
1770s will run a heck of a lot better than it
1772s is
1773s currently um you know knock on wood um
1778s as you should be doing in this
1781s case
1783s uh uh so that's the off system we got
1787s the IP hopefully addressed most of the
1790s potential like pay to win concerns
1792s people had um outdoor room furniture and
1797s new block sets maybe something to bring
1799s up since we're on the marketplace
1801s stream uh let me
1804s grab grab a Dev
1807s tool
1812s um we can do let's do some so as we're
1817s talking about the IP thing and and on
1818s the on the topic of pay to win uh switch
1822s that over so the field types works
1824s properly um I was mentioning that we
1826s want to make sure that each each thing
1828s that you're adding and each thing that
1829s you're interacting with from a
1831s Marketplace standpoint has an equivalent
1835s version um of kind of interaction
1838s default wise so this is one of our
1842s new Garden type blocks that doesn't
1845s really have a point value to it but just
1848s something that you can
1850s add
1851s uh add some things we still have some
1854s some some minor build glitches going on
1856s with uh with interactions you might want
1859s to take a look
1861s at um I got coming yeah we do that and
1866s then give garden pond as one of
1871s the going to have oh yeah it's
1875s 3x3 so this is default stock vanilla
1880s enabled so everyone's going to be able
1881s to grab this and just craft it build it
1884s if they have the profession for it and
1886s then we also have some world the objects
1889s that we're cooking up that is kind of
1890s matching in with the environment don't
1892s mind the material missing um Toby has
1895s fixed that I just it's it's pending
1898s Shader update so that'll be nice
1902s green cutesy
1904s setting um and this brings us into kind
1907s of the coziness improvements that we're
1909s looking
1914s for yeah we got some other pretty
1916s exciting stuff coming for that too
1919s um one big thing we're going to have in
1921s 10 three is the same way that you can
1924s give reputation to paintings you'll be
1925s able to give reputation to
1928s properties uh so you can rate it and
1930s it'll start to generate culture so this
1932s is like if someone makes a really cool
1933s piece of architecture you can put this
1935s plaque object and people will be able to
1938s interact with it and rate the
1939s architecture which will then generate
1942s culture uh and for settlements that
1945s culture will you know be treated as
1947s normal and increase the total value
1949s increases the influence uh but you can
1951s also get culture bonuses on your
1953s residence too so you make a really cool
1955s house and people are rating it highly uh
1958s you'll actually get some housing value
1961s boost it'll apply a multiplier there
1963s based on the the culture value that you
1965s generate yeah I was I was hoping to have
1967s that done prior to the stream but we
1969s didn't really have a a good
1971s placeholder object to kind of shove that
1974s component in but
1976s yeah it'll be a also outdoor objects are
1979s going to start generating housing points
1982s too yeah and that that was bringing me
1985s into what I was going to do here let's
1988s grab give Homestead claim
1992s Stak so as we uh as we really wanted to
1997s looking at the IP things and and just
1999s like Decor in
2001s general um one of the things that we uh
2004s we have been wanting for a while I think
2006s at least me you've been on the verge as
2008s well quite a few times is we have
2011s General housing and progression benefits
2014s from cramping Furniture indoors and
2016s building you know rooms and houses and
2018s and kind of upgrading with different
2020s Furniture escalating for giving you
2023s higher experience gain back and forth
2026s but it was all indoors and it was all
2028s things that you generally just hid
2031s away and we wanted to increase a general
2035s Ambience feeling outdoor and kind of add
2037s value and give rewards for people that
2041s did kind of beautify their area which is
2043s bringing which brings us into that all
2046s be able to rate people's homes basically
2049s uh which adds another benefit to
2052s it uh but also straight out straight out
2055s from from the housing mechanics
2059s system um directly give you rewards for
2063s adding things and one of the
2066s clearcut um things we wanted to do there
2069s is just uh we already have some of the
2072s things some of the assets that was
2074s related to being placed Outdoors like
2076s really big fountains or street lights
2079s and and outdoor decor in general but it
2082s wasn't really utilized in the way we
2084s wanted it to so having some new Garden
2088s blocks and some new visual background
2091s stuff that you can build um but we also
2095s straight out improved and and made a
2098s system to deal with outdoor as a housing
2101s room uh so we could
2104s do what do we want to do Granite uh what
2109s was that thing called yeah let's grab
2111s the Terrace
2112s Fountain so one of the new default stock
2116s items in
2118s here um and it's properly
2126s not oh yeah it it's got
2128s it's got General outdoor penalty because
2130s outdoor is currently tied to the rest of
2132s the the house value itself similar to
2135s how bathroom works uh but here you can
2137s see that outdoor is actually a new room
2141s that acts in uniform with the rest of
2143s the house so if you
2145s build if you build up your house and you
2147s add a garden you add a bunch of things
2149s in your garden related to outdoor values
2154s which we can go in here and go
2156s housing and we have the outdoor thing
2159s here so these are all the things that
2161s have been moved from being like generic
2163s decorative things to being specifically
2166s giving points towards an outdoor
2169s value and things like the buntings the
2172s banners we've got new uh window Planters
2176s and some other stuff the brazers and and
2178s kind of the the big Open Flame lighting
2182s has been moved out uh we got the garden
2184s pond that I placed down we also have the
2186s premium version of it which is should be
2188s showing here
2189s but cor bond which it's a bit sad
2193s because it's got non non-proper material
2196s fish in it they look really nice in with
2199s the new Shader
2200s updates radioactive fish yeah right now
2203s it's it's it's purple radioactive
2206s fish
2208s um but those gives you those are giving
2211s you
2212s direct or did Unity just freak out no
2214s there we go um so they give you direct
2217s outdoor
2218s value um and Furnishing value for
2221s placing stuff outdoor so that's another
2222s kind of point of bonus amplification
2225s that just making things pretty
2227s interacting with your outdoor
2228s environment not just in your house gives
2230s you a value as well um and that's kind
2233s of building into that one of the yeah go
2237s one of the big kind of design directions
2240s that I've always liked for Eco is that
2243s we want to tie together the fact that
2244s making something look
2246s cool benefits you in the game game so
2249s that was one part that I always thought
2250s was missing is you can make your outdoor
2252s area look really awesome but it didn't
2254s tie into your housing value at all uh
2257s and similarly uh the architecture and
2260s the style that you do wasn't really
2261s tying into the housing value but now we
2263s have this ability to rate the
2264s architecture which will tie directly
2267s into the housing value so it's really
2269s you know as we're adding to Eco we're
2271s kind of connecting these things together
2273s so that the creativity that players are
2275s doing in the game is reflecting in
2278s actual uh gameplay uh advancements
2284s too and then we have some of the things
2288s that we have in mind for uh for later on
2292s with animal
2293s husbandry um they're making an
2296s appearance um at the
2298s moment but uh we are going to want to
2301s tie some actual functionality into the
2303s scarecrows as
2305s well
2306s so you have the the the default kind of
2309s stock version which is the Scarecrow and
2312s then you have a little bit touched up
2317s um happier scarecrow he's trying to give
2320s you a big hug
2325s here uh so yeah there's there's a lot of
2328s a lot of new assets coming with this
2330s there's a lot of new cool Decor
2332s stuff
2334s uh and while on the subject of the Cor
2338s as painting has always been a pretty
2341s pretty big topic since we brought it up
2345s um we're continuingly to experiment with
2348s some
2349s new uh
2352s to
2354s paint what is that thing
2359s called the paint tool
2362s yeah uh and I I don't know have you seen
2365s this yet John we were me and me and M
2368s we're cooking around with the new
2369s painting upgrades so we're dealing with
2372s one of the things that we came up as an
2374s as an issue that I was going back and
2377s forth with Toby about was General color
2381s density and like the the general layer
2383s opacity of the color itself so if you
2387s had depending on the material you were
2389s running into problems where some colors
2391s would having a really big Impact versus
2394s other colors of the blocks that would
2397s completely kind of cast out the
2399s detailing of the
2400s block
2403s um and it was
2406s causing like basically
2409s you turning an object Black versus
2412s turning it tinted black had such a
2414s profound difference with the Shader
2416s settings that we were experimenting with
2419s so and with that experimentation came
2422s out um coding
2424s setting we're looking at so instead of
2427s just having a default stock as we're
2430s dealing with the the just the dev paint
2431s thing here
2434s um you would in with the regular tool
2437s you craft the paint using the paint
2440s mixing table and then you drag it into
2443s paint gun that you're
2445s using uh but with the dev paint tool it
2447s works similar to the dev block Builder
2450s but for painting
2452s instead uh but on the paint tools now
2454s you have a coding selection so you can
2456s select the opacity of the paint you're
2460s painting which gives you a much much
2463s higher degree of interaction even with
2465s the same paint that you're using to kind
2469s of view it as different layers of
2472s thickness to
2474s it uh while still wanting to maintain
2477s kind of the same shade that you were
2481s after that's great I havn't seen that
2484s yet and and that's kind of sprung just
2486s from The General mentations we were
2488s doing kind of getting the colors shaders
2491s and everything to be tweaked correctly
2493s we realized that hey this is just a
2495s super super simple addition that we can
2496s just throw in and gives players that
2501s direct element control where they might
2503s just want a a smidget of the color or
2507s they want it really really thick but
2509s still see the kind of have the
2511s background material gleam
2514s through um we see some Mona Lisa is
2517s getting painted with this thing pretty
2520s quickly yeah there there's there's a lot
2522s of a lot of potential and a lot of voice
2526s people can be using it and
2529s uh really looking forward to uh to
2531s seeing that so hopefully hopefully
2533s people appreciate those changes you can
2536s also run paint
2539s mixing um the changes
2542s and more of the finalized UI for it so
2547s we had mixing station there's I think we
2550s still have one more pass that Mike is
2552s looking for UI wise they do like a reset
2555s save reset button switcher so this is
2559s not entirely final so when you're mixing
2562s a paint you can interact with it um and
2566s you can see the preview for it and then
2568s you also see the quantity of base paint
2570s is required to make it and it'll fetch
2574s stuff out of your linked inventory and
2576s out of its internal or it's internal
2578s inventory I believe we settled
2580s for um and then you can just change the
2584s color gradient for it you can save it as
2588s different shades so this is also one of
2590s the things that we're saving in player
2592s preference as
2593s well um so you are retaining this over
2597s different
2601s servers um and it you can clear it and
2606s can of do whichever and once you have a
2607s mix you're happy with and you want to
2608s make a whole buttload of buckets you can
2610s just ramp up and it'll scale the cost
2613s and it'll go up to 500 I think in one
2617s batch um and then you just have it in
2620s your inventory or have it in in the
2623s object inventory and off you
2626s go I like about this is that the paint
2630s is represented by items uh so you can
2633s you can imagine paint stores that have
2635s just like a bunch of different colors
2636s for sale you know color palets that
2638s people have kind of uh customized and
2641s put out there so you'll have some pretty
2643s interesting little connection to the
2644s economy there
2645s too yeah so that's another kind of
2649s element added to that whole coziness and
2651s making sure people can make their own
2653s kind of touches on buildings and and get
2657s things going even just expanding the
2660s creativity
2663s level um and as as per you do have like
2667s from from a server setup perspective or
2669s if you want to do like just play
2670s creatively and just do massive artworks
2673s because you like the paint interaction
2675s or whatnot you have the dev paint tool
2678s that just doesn't consume paint when
2680s you're dealing with it and can kind of
2682s play
2684s around
2687s um
2689s yeah pretty happy with that the only
2691s thing that we have kind of left on the
2693s agenda for this stream
2695s was was some of the prev stuff but I
2698s have not I have actually not toggled
2700s that on and tested it properly yet and I
2703s also haven't gotten to was going to do
2706s this this week but then I was pretty
2709s pretty bad last week so things kind of
2711s got pushed um off grid placement um or
2716s you know off off tile placement is a
2719s crazy new Endeavor that we're diving
2723s into um uh not sure what I need to do I
2727s think
2728s is it going to be live or I need to
2730s restart I made a change today that's not
2733s in staging yet so have to Dem yeah so
2736s that'll that'll get its own proper
2738s stream but it's not entirely done for
2742s 10.3 so it's it's kind of earmarked to
2745s ship and go live on
2747s 10.4 but we do have plans for Like An
2751s Early Access preview package of it so
2754s you can toggle it on to test it out and
2757s see how how and what and and how again
2762s um as noticed so inside um the gameplay
2765s category under features or in the
2768s feature config file if you don't have
2769s access to the GUI you have that
2772s placement on Surface
2774s Boolean and it is set for faults for
2777s default for 10.3 it will it it will be
2779s flipped on for
2781s 10.4 um and it allows you to have free
2784s reain placement on objects so
2788s things like rugs includings too so you
2791s can lay down like a big rug and then you
2793s can arrange your furniture at any
2795s rotation you want any position you want
2797s so you can just get a lot more creative
2799s with how you lay out your uh your houses
2802s and your items also tabletops you can
2805s put all kinds of interesting items on
2806s tabletops including food so you'll be
2808s able to see the food out there uh you
2810s can also set up stores so you can put
2812s items out on a table and Mark each of
2814s them for sale so now you have a store
2816s where all the items they're not in
2818s chests they're actually on this table so
2821s it'll be some uh pretty cool looking uh
2823s new stores will come out of this too I
2826s think
2827s yeah so one of the one of the big
2832s conundrums we had or or you know we're
2834s still kind of having is what do we deal
2837s with a lot of the general Decor that we
2840s have in some of the
2843s objects um and kind of how far do we
2846s want to take placement allowability
2850s because it's also a matter of kind of
2853s showcasing and and instructing the
2855s player in they can do this
2857s here but why can't they do it over
2861s here so leaning towards if we wanted to
2865s just kind of rip out some of the assets
2866s and make like book books and more
2870s knickknacks Decor wise surrounding it or
2874s if we just want to have kind of some
2877s some things where you can't place it and
2878s some places where you can't so say the
2880s bookshelf might have one empty shelf
2882s that you can place stuff on but not on
2884s the other three um if you have thoughts
2887s opinions and questions surrounding it
2889s and just want to give feedback
2891s surrounding ideas of that pop in mod on
2895s Discord you also have the address for
2896s the canny uh feedback section please pop
2900s in there and drop whatever feedback you
2904s might have it's easier for us to track
2906s it over there uh that way doesn't get
2908s lost in kind of the Myriad of other uh
2912s of other channel feedbacks we
2916s get um yeah I think a lot of the people
2919s in this you know watching our streams
2921s will probably be turning on this preview
2922s feature so it'll be great to get
2924s feedback on it uh prior to its full
2927s release uh we kind of we wanted to
2929s improve a lot of the World objects too
2931s like right now the tables are up to
2934s they're meter high just because we had a
2936s limitation with putting stuff on can
2939s only be placed on grid but with this
2941s change you won't have to do that so
2942s we're going to shrink them down to be a
2943s little more realistic size so it'll just
2946s kind of make things look nicer and more
2947s appropriate uh size based as well so
2950s that'll be part of the 10.4 uh release
2953s for that
2954s feature yeah um padman has a Marketplace
2959s question on will Community hosted
2961s servers be able to add servers specific
2964s unique items to the marketplace store or
2967s even moders adding their kind of content
2971s there eventually yes that is the goal um
2975s for this first release it'll just be our
2977s store where we make Cosmetics but I
2978s absolutely want to get ugc in there get
2981s people able to create stuff uh try some
2984s interesting business models too like you
2985s can make a mod and then any server that
2988s uses that mod you the modder will get a
2991s percent of uh Eco credits being spent in
2994s that
2995s world so then there's a you know a nice
2997s incentive for modders to create cool
2999s stuff that could get used
3001s widely so yeah lots we want to do with
3004s that this is really just the beginning
3005s of
3008s that and yeah a bit of every purchase
3010s goes to
3012s charity um people should check that out
3014s the ocean cleanup is this really cool
3015s charity that's basically removing
3017s massive amounts of trash from the
3020s oceans yeah they they
3022s are they are they are kind of among
3025s among my favorite content in general
3027s they're doing some pretty pretty nifty
3029s things and the the big important
3032s part for us looking at it was trying to
3035s find a good charity that deals with
3038s improving technology to help with that
3041s cleanup or or help mitigate General
3044s damage cost um rather than kind of
3048s restricting limiting and and just
3050s removing things from people lives we'd
3053s rather opt to focus on helping people
3057s instead and help you generally improving
3059s the environment um with
3063s that is is any of the percentage credit
3066s profit going towards the game master
3074s teams you it's not a bad idea we should
3076s throw them a
3077s tip but yeah in terms of the charity
3080s that we're choosing we it's exactly as
3082s you said we want something that's kind
3083s of matches the Eco Vibe which is you
3086s know you're you're still progressing as
3090s a society you're still building and
3091s creating but you're doing in a way that
3093s is mindful of your environment you're
3095s not trying to just stop creation
3097s entirely you're you're using technology
3099s and advancement to improve it so I
3101s thought this one matched up pretty
3105s well
3107s someone's my door alpen glow um you
3112s won't be able to access the store in so
3115s question being don't know what happens
3116s if you buy things when you're not on a
3118s server or not in a settlement um the
3120s settlement thing is still kind of being
3123s revised and and looked at because it's
3125s going to be pretty hard to get in a safe
3130s functionality
3132s wise um but as for General purchases
3136s when it comes to the server registration
3137s and everything else um you can't access
3140s the store if you're not on a server so
3143s you cannot make that purchase unless you
3145s have that world reference
3150s yep yeah so you got to you make your
3152s purchases inside of a world uh we do
3155s have something that we wanted to avoid
3158s people creating their own server or
3160s their friend creates a server and then
3162s they purchase stuff in there just to get
3164s that you know 15 or 20% back to them
3167s we'd rather have it go to actual server
3169s host so it doesn't need to be a public
3170s server that has you know some people
3174s that have played for a little bit of
3176s time
3178s yeah
3180s um Pondo purchases server bound or
3183s account bound they're account bound per
3185s server so if you have 500 I you know 500
3189s blocks You Can Craft You Can Craft those
3192s 500 blocks on each server you
3195s visit um Can unrestricted in that
3200s manner uh Mishka on with servers moders
3205s Etc receiving a cut of purchases are
3207s those coins only going to be spendable
3209s for further Eco coin items or are they
3211s convertible back to steam credit IR
3213s money
3215s um running a server and getting 500
3218s coins due to players purchasing things
3220s does this mean I just have continuous
3222s free fancy scarecrow Supply or can I
3224s convert those coins into RL money to um
3227s to somehow pay for server upkeeps and so
3229s on
3238s um did I lose John here for a
3241s second uh I think he had he had he had a
3246s door doorbell ringing um but yeah the
3250s answer is is that's the general
3253s goal
3254s um and we were also looking
3258s into
3260s um contributing and attributing that
3264s to uh like direct server fee cost and so
3267s on depending on Services you
3269s use um so there are a few a few kind of
3273s networked paths that we're investigating
3276s how it would be done
3278s overall um as well as over what time
3281s period we're talking about so it doesn't
3283s it might not happen once a month it
3285s might be
3285s quarterly um I think that was the
3288s information that was on on the general
3290s info
3292s screen um the charity distribution no
3295s the just in the the distribution in
3298s general so if we attributing to server
3301s owners as well as uh moders how those
3306s would be received
3308s and the ability to convert them into
3310s somehow managing to pay like server
3312s upkeep and so
3314s on yeah we'll have a way that you can
3316s directly spend Eco credits for
3319s hosting um we won't have a way to
3321s extract them into actual money at least
3324s for a
3325s while but that is a longer term thing we
3328s want to look at um but basically now
3330s you'll be able to spend it on a few
3332s things like uh the Eco Marketplace that
3334s we showed you uh you'll be able to spend
3336s on hosting and I want to also allow it
3338s to buy uh copies of the game so you can
3341s buy friends who don't play the game
3343s copies of it if you've made a bunch of
3345s Eco credits through mods or
3348s hosting so
3350s yeah be a nice foundation for future
3354s stuff yeah
3357s I think is there any any general
3359s question
3360s that
3364s uh uh something not clear can you please
3367s explain again how to avoid fake servers
3369s created only to get shares from
3372s Marketplace yeah so we detect if a
3375s server is public and if it's had players
3377s on it um right now if you've had four
3380s players who played more than 5 hours
3383s each or you have 10 players who played
3386s more than two hours each then you become
3388s eligible uh for the tax I we're still
3390s kind of working out those numbers but
3392s basically if you have an active public
3394s server then you're eligible for that
3396s kind of 20% cut of everything that's
3398s purchased inside of that
3403s world um how how does it get split in
3407s between mods like how would the server
3409s know which mods are installed and which
3411s would which would get which cut but I
3413s think that would be related
3414s to it's a bit hard depend depending on
3417s the mod the type of mod like if it's an
3420s interaction mod versus here's a new
3423s object kind of thing so there's there's
3426s a lot of kind of pitfalls that we're
3428s looking into and investigating to make
3430s sure that we don't fall into
3433s everyone um yeah that's going to be
3436s something we still got to figure out
3437s specifics for uh but general idea is
3440s that we have we have some path that
3441s modders can get cuts of this ego credits
3449s uh do we have
3453s any I think that covers most of
3457s it got a quite a few quite a few good
3461s questions and I think we answered most
3464s of it and as always you know if you have
3466s further questions don't hesitate pop in
3468s over on the Discord
3470s and um got the dev hangout where I
3474s usually make a daily appearance in some
3476s Capac
3478s um also get a hold of some of our other
3482s developers running into things and or QA
3485s team when when we run into
3487s issues
3489s um yeah it's been great to having you
3492s here
3493s again um fun do these more often yeah
3497s you're you're definitely most welcome
3500s um great to hear people's feed too and
3503s I'm glad that people are you know
3505s recognizing that this is something I was
3508s a little nervous about anytime you add
3509s Ina purchase to a game people can get
3511s upset about it but at least people on
3514s the stream seem to be
3515s very recognize that this is going to add
3518s a lot of value to Eco it's going to add
3519s a lot of long-term support for us and
3521s just open up supporting the game in a
3524s much broader capacity uh so I think it
3527s should be great for
3528s everybody yeah and I think just an just
3532s just the important kind of transparency
3535s of when we're doing this we're also
3537s trying to deal with
3540s just avoiding the whole notion of just
3544s because you pull in a bunch of money on
3545s on something you get immediately
3547s successful at it kind of you know
3551s evading that with making sure that you
3553s still need the original items to craft
3555s the things um so they might they're
3558s never going to be cheaper they're never
3560s going to be better
3563s um like I mentioned early on a lot of
3566s the times they might be more expensive
3567s because they might have an additional
3569s thing um each new array of Ip things
3572s we're aiming to have make sure that we
3574s have a base variant that it is coming
3577s off on so we're never just going to drop
3579s out and just do like 40 new IP items and
3583s not a single one that just like
3587s non-paying uh players don't have access
3591s to um so making sure that we can tiptoe
3594s that balance between building up the
3597s base game versus just adding like
3601s premium content that not everyone can
3603s take a part
3604s of um I think just having that having
3609s that balance firmly affixed in what
3612s players can expect out of it um it's
3615s just going to be very
3618s um very helpful going forward with
3623s it yeah definitely be a new era it'll
3627s will it it definitely will um but yeah
3630s thank you so much for coming and uh
3633s everyone else I will catch you on the
3635s next stream hopefully we'll have the bit
3637s more to show up with the with the
3639s offgrid thing that for testing we also
3642s have um we also have a new attachment
3646s for the steam tractor that we can show
3649s off then I'm
3651s hoping
3653s um and some other cool stuff um some
3656s more out Door furniture and whatnot
3659s um yeah have a great weekend everyone
3664s and uh catch you on the next one take
3669s care great ch

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