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A core part of Eco's identity has been its status as an economics simulator, where players choose professions, set up shops, and engage in trade. Currency systems allow for various strategies to control money flow. However, a key issue has always been coordinated groups dominating the marketplace by sharing specialties and a single bank account, essentially acting as a single entity with all specialties unlocked. Some servers implement rules to govern group dynamics, such as restricting how friends can collaborate and banning players from using multiple accounts.

However, with Beta testing Update 10, the game feels like more of a social simulator with economic elements. Players are encouraged to form groups through in-game chat. Setting up shops and participating in the marketplace has become more restricted, with additional limitations on transporting goods and the removed ability to set up proxy shops near major trade hubs.

This shift seems to prioritize group dynamics, making communication and initial group formation critical for success. Unfortunately, pre-made groups will always have an advantage here over random groups. My hope is that a "classic" version with all the new content but old property system will still be supported post-Update 10, and that we could have a chance to playtest it before it is released.

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11 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

You can turn off the settlements system for a legacy mode that is only supported for singleplayer, though. New interlinked features may not be supported with that mode going forward.

I do, however, not agree with your assessment or conclusion of it. The system actually empowers the so far solo / loosely grouped players by incentivizing government and settlement creation as a core gameplay part and strengthens their ability to stand against groups that now get limited in size due to the town mechanics. So the advantage of groups is actually decreasing, not increasing. It also limits their government powers upon other players severely.

Market and economics play as much role as before - the system still works as before, you can still and now even must - due to the claim restrictions at your own place disallowing you to go super far - set up shops / resource gathering and get property in other towns, only now you are incentivized to talk and cooperate (which is Eco at core, right?) to achieve that. Priorities shift a bit more to settlement to settlement contracts (due to being more effective as a group, just like irl), but you still use markets like before, just that now the hubs are actually part of the core gameplay. You can still have property in other settlements (e.g. trade hubs) and are intended to have, so that line about proxy shops is unfortunately simply wrong. I'm also not sure how transportation changes, given there is nothing that changed that.

A usual town from influence range alone can't be self-sufficient and people within still trade as normally. It also makes it much harder for group players to get a claim on every resource.

11 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by DonaIdTrurnp

I find it reassuring that a major complaint about Eco is that communism is too effective to be allowed to compete in a fair market.

Just that there actually is none. If you managed to get so many random people into a town and then on top actually have them forgo their money and trading to do communism out of nowhere, I'd call that you won the game. I've not seen anyone win the game on playtest.

11 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by working4016

I like the idea of different towns and generally giving groups the ability to have their own town. I hope the Immigration desk will be accessible from the start cause I want to make a really neat town with friends and only accept people we want in our town.

We purposefully did not do that, as towns aren't intended to be friend-groups per se (like companies on White Tiger), but administrative areas of _general_ cooperation. You will be able to make these restrictions, but you will need the desk and a few materials for it - so usually if you found the town outright, you can't change it immediately, but it only needs maybe half a day or so if you wait to start off with it. It's on purpose to limit group power and delay it a bit - and the factor that we intend towns to be spaces anyone can join and work together, no matter if premade group or not. As usual, anything can be changed on private servers to personal desire as well, so there will be servers for everyone.

11 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Teagan_75

I just see this whole town system making groups even a worse problem than before. Sharing isn’t bad but it does end up being a popularity thing. Sharing with the buddies you have in town but not with the strangers who joined your town. People are people tho and Eco exposes people for who they really are

Doesn't seem worse to me if their influence is limited to a town and they get strangers hitting their plans - all while the majority of non grouped players is in other towns, unaffected. None of our systems can fix human attitude, but we can limit its influence. Imo, it's in opposite getting way better.

10 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Extreme-Ad-4265

You say that pre-made groups power is now decreased - but that is not true. Imagine the situation: 10 random players form a town and another pre-made group found another town close enough to the first one because of crops yeild potential. Both towns have shared borders and start pumping culture to not be annexed. Because of how reputation network multiplier works - 10 players from pre-made group can actually annex a lot more territory and start force their laws on others players from another town easely.

And yeah, in real world pre-made group will found town earlier then 10 random players in almost 100% cases.

I pesonally don't like when the game forces to have pretty high level of collaboration to have the same amount of fun from the game. For what reason? It would be fair, if the "old rules" where in place, but if you want - you may form a group and have more opportunities and more fun. But now, you forced to solve a lot of complicated social issues to have the same game flow as before. You have to form a group, you have to manage people, you have to manage culture, land claim paper distribution and property crysis and more - just to have the same gameplay as before.

P.S. Introverts are now pushed away from the game, people, that would like to settle in beautiful place and focus on building are pushed away from the game.

Towns cannot annex other towns, they don't need to defend against each other.

Yes, a premade group will be faster and more efficient, but that will not allow them to take over the whole world anymore. They are confined to restricted space, which is definitely decreased power.

Eco is all about collaboration and players figuring out communication and build a society - it is the point of the game. Not sure what other reason I could give you than that being the intended gameplay Eco is and has always been developed for?

I've seen countless introverts becoming involved and more social over my years with Eco. And we're still a framework, there is already multiple servers that change gameplay mechanics from the default to put focus a bit differently, for example with global federation start. If the base gameplay isn't for someone, there is alternatives.