almost 6 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s hello I'm will producer at Strange Loop
9s Games yeah
11s Craig a programmer and designer today
14s we're gonna be talking about the skill
16s system we've got a new skill system
17s coming in 8.0 that Crick's been working
19s on yeah so Craig's gonna be telling us
22s all about that Craig before we go into
25s the new system could you sort of tell us
27s about the old system what the vision for
30s it was and how it works we can get into
33s what's new yeah sure so I mean I'm sure
37s a lot of people have already played a
38s ton of eco so you kind of know how this
39s go system works but I'm gonna highlight
41s a little bit about it before we go
43s forward just so you kind of know where
44s we're coming from and like what we
46s wanted out of the original system so
49s pretty much the original skill system
51s eco was created because we wanted people
55s to be able to contribute equally despite
57s having differences in play time so like
58s say for instance will and I are in a
60s game together and we'll has to work his
63s like long job and he has only like the
65s evenings to play and for whatever reason
67s I can just play all day every day and I
69s can just log whatever like ten hours a
71s day on Eco mining all day we wanted
73s those two people to be able to like play
75s together in the same system like the
78s same game without one player falling
81s like horribly behind or like just not
84s being able to contribute at all so the
87s way we decided to do that is to sort of
89s gate it on time so that's where the
91s skill points per day system comes from
92s that everybody knows you get those
94s points from eating from having a nice
95s house we tie them and just like these
97s other game systems to sort of encourage
99s people to use those and it you know
103s there's some good things and some bad
105s things about that system it did sort of
106s have that effect we were sort of looking
108s for and that you know if there was that
111s disparity in time played you could still
113s sort of contribute but of course you
115s know if you don't can't log on all the
117s time there's still like some issues
118s there and really like the main problem
122s that we saw with it is that like in the
125s end the skills that we had within each
127s tree were very fairly linear like even
129s before we had them in the
130s specializations that they right now you
133s would have these
134s efficiency skills and the speed skills
135s and within each specialization they're
137s pretty much the same and people didn't
140s really want to log in and play until
142s their efficiency had reached the maximum
143s potential and the only way to do that
145s was to just wait like log out not play
149s and that was kind of a really big
151s problem because even though we are
153s trying to encourage the people who can't
154s play as much to play we still want
156s people to play the game and we want them
158s to enjoy the game and it's not super fun
160s to like log in and be like ah here I'm
163s gonna like heyou some logs and then
165s you're like oh but if I just log out and
167s do it tomorrow mm-hmm I'll be able to do
169s is so much better and like that's not
171s really the sort of feeling we wanted to
172s convey although so that does one of the
176s major issues we were in to address with
178s the new system the other one was just
180s like I'm one hand we wanted to make it
182s simpler because you would or at least
184s like make these points feel more
185s meaningful right because now currently
187s you gain later you're like oh I get like
189s 50 skill points a day and you log on and
191s you have 50 skill points but really like
193s 50 skill points you're just putting them
196s into these sort of incremental skills
199s that just don't seem to be that
200s meaningful like each individual point
202s has no meaning to you so we're trying to
204s sort of make them feel better I think
208s there is an issue with people wanting to
210s be able to test out different
211s professions beyond just what they were
214s specialized in oh yeah so like a while
216s back we we've been toying around a lot
218s with how much we want to lock down
219s specialties into their individual like
222s Nisha's so like really early on right we
226s had we have it so everyone could kind of
229s just like take skills and they can kind
230s of do whatever they wanted and then we
232s sort of like later on lock that down
233s into the specialization system which is
235s where it is in seven where you you need
238s to take a specialization to be able to
239s do it
240s this also has bronze with the whole time
242s gating thing right because you like
243s unlock lumber by like researching it but
246s you can't actually learn it cuz you
247s don't the skill points so you can't
248s actually do anything with it so with the
252s new civil system we've sort of opened it
257s up a little bit more so that if you do
260s progress you can sort of keep
261s progressing although it's it's more
265s difficult now mm-hmm but at least it's
267s not possible
267s so and you can also like if you're a
270s minor you can still do a little bit of
272s farming if you want but you definitely
273s won't be nearly as good as somebody who
275s decided to be a farmer and they've
277s invested time into that right yeah so
281s Before we jump into the showing off the
283s new skill system what did we want to
285s keep from the old system yeah so I guess
287s the pretty much the main thing we want
289s to keep is kind of what I touched on
290s earlier which is really that the whole
292s thing we're like if you can't play as
293s much you should still be able to
294s contribute and I think that's one of the
296s main things in it as you'll notice when
298s we go into it that we still have like
300s the time-based gain sort of but we've
304s also offset that with reasons to play
305s the other thing we wanted to keep was
307s the tie-ins to housing and nutrition we
310s think are pretty important too like I
313s just the other systems of the game like
314s you know getting variety of food and
317s like building your house and making it
318s nice all those sorts of things
319s we really needed to keep that sort of
321s intertwine with the skill system still
323s think those are the two major things
325s that we wanted to keep and in general
328s like efficiency and speed are still
330s there they're just not something you
333s pour points into anymore so mostly like
336s as opposed to like a complete like
339s overhaul of the inner workings we've
341s really kind of like changed how you
342s interact with it great well let's jump
348s into the game and show off how the new
350s skill system works yeah sure all right
355s so essentially the new skill system
361s basically the smooshes skill system
363s comes with a new UI and I guess I should
367s touch on how you gain them so as with
371s before it's split into into like
373s categories which were calling
375s professions so these would be these ones
377s which would be like Mason and carpenter
379s chef stuff like that mm-hm and then
381s within those there are the specialties
383s which so for Mason it's like mining
386s mortaring Bricklin spent those those
388s things so the the structure is still
390s pretty much the same and now when you
395s take these specializations which are the
398s subcategories
399s so like you could be a mining specialist
400s or more expensive in some ways this is
402s exactly the same as seven it's there's
404s no in terms of like how they're
408s organized is pretty much the same so the
410s organization will be familiar if anybody
412s yeah exactly
414s the main difference now is that instead
416s of skill points you gain levels like
419s your character will like level up is
421s what we're calling it and you'll gain
423s these stars and these stars are used to
426s gain specialties so now that's one for
428s one you don't need to be like oh I have
431s like 500 skill points I wonder how many
432s if I can get a new specialty yet you'll
434s just know you'll either be able to take
436s a specialty or you won't
438s so for each level you gain you will get
440s an additional specialty so at least for
444s me I think I have yeah so I have two
447s specialties available I already picked
448s some but that's based on my level and so
451s that's kind of where the whole one one
454s part of the old skill points per day as
456s it were tie-in comes in two is now my
460s nutrition and housing although I just
463s have 40 here and no house that comes in
466s to how fast you gain experience and this
468s will become more important later when we
469s talk about how you how the specialties
471s work but one of the ways that this
473s experience multiplier works is by
475s increasing the time it takes to get
476s these specialties so that's in actuality
480s it's basically the same as it was in
482s seven it's just easier to tell and you
486s don't need to ensign points in to the
487s specialties you kind of just get this
489s bar that would be how much it takes to
491s get your neck specialty and once it
492s fills up you can take another specialty
495s so then for any of these specialties you
499s can just gain them by assigning this
501s point and if you want to gain a new
503s specialty like the ones that are hidden
505s because research still exists do you
507s need to research them so like say I
509s wanted to be whatever bricklaying person
511s I can't because it's undiscovered so I'd
513s have to do a research table and these
514s will update share that real quick see I
520s got a research table here and I guess so
524s research basic engineering okay I'll put
526s some of these
529s see engineer so yeah so see look it says
533s it's partially researched it says it's
534s currently being researched and it shows
536s a bar this is something that we Xin the
537s old UI it's also in the new UI and so
542s you still need to research and read the
544s scrolls so you need to find them you can
545s trade them why not you know that whole
548s system is hasn't been changed and then
551s so once you've read this girls I'll just
553s use some of these default ones you can
554s learn the skill okay so here we're gonna
556s be learning we're gonna be learning
558s masonry let's talk to your learning
562s Ewing that's what I did yeah okay so
567s renaming and it will just confirm so it
571s when I use this star I'll only have two
572s left and so as soon as you take any
576s specialty you'll gain pretty large
580s bonuses to your specialty 50% yeah this
584s is right off the bat fifty percent so as
585s soon as I take this I gain 50 percent so
587s if you know if you're in the game and
590s you haven't taken this JLT it'll take
592s you twice as much resources to do
593s anything I could do and I digest with
595s this skill that's the only thing I had
597s to do is click this star and now I have
598s 50% which is pre is very significant and
601s it scales now between 50 and 80 which is
605s sort of the upper bound is the same as
607s it was before because it used to go from
609s 0 to 80 based on how many skill points
611s you put into your efficiency skill but
613s now it just starts you off with 50%
614s speed and 50% efficiency and how do you
617s get to level seven so yeah so as you
620s once you've taken a skill you can do
622s pretty much any action that you would
624s normally associate with it so for hewing
626s specifically it's two blocks or make
630s anything really that requires healing
632s which is a lot of stuff on the carpenter
633s table so now that I've have hewing let's
637s make some boards I like boards
643s so
649s so the speed at which you're able to
651s make the logs yes everything's faster
654s now that I have the skill it takes less
655s logs to do so
656s takes less logs so if you were if you if
659s you had instead with your zero queuing
660s skill had decided to build this he would
662s get that okay so after doing this log I
665s I have the exp rates turned way up but
668s I'm doing that log on gained experience
670s and so you just saw me level up the
672s hewing skill so as these work orders
674s complete I'll gain experience you can
676s see the experience in the bottom left
677s mm-hmm
677s as I gain it you see it's times by 40
679s because 40 is my nutrition okay so if I
682s had better nutrition or like a really
684s nice house I would be gaining this
686s experience faster and the later
688s specialties have a higher like exp
691s requirement so if you want to be like a
694s whatever
695s I don't know oil refining person you
699s would then need more experience to level
702s up so you would want a better house and
703s so this is sort of in the same way that
706s previously we have used skill points as
708s sort of an encouragement to like make a
710s better house to have a better diet those
711s sorts of thing we're now using that to
714s encourage you to get those to level up
717s faster so I noticed it said plus 15 so
721s where can you track that progress yes so
723s that's all in your skills menu so like
725s under carpentry I can now go into
727s healing and like I said skill rates are
730s way up on the server but so after
732s crafting that I've gained a ton of
733s experience and I'm now gonna blow so now
737s my my stuff will be 65 percent
739s efficiency it's sixty five percent
741s faster and pretty much as this is the
745s only way to get this experience is by
746s doing actions associated with it so the
749s only way for me to get from level 1 to
751s level 7 is to craft anything related to
755s the hewing special team it makes sense
756s to be agreed here you go to use it yeah
758s yeah exactly
759s so no more waiting overnight for you to
762s just magically better so now the only
764s thing you're waiting for these
765s specialties and once you have the
766s specialty getting it to the maximum
768s potential is on you you really have to
770s do whatever actions associated with it I
772s already have logging but if I wanted to
774s love what my log gonna have to go cut
775s down trees
776s and that would improve so let's see our
780s already maximal minor but so yeah let's
784s talk about talents talents great so on
788s the other addition to the skill tree
791s because it's not just loveling up to get
793s that air all that you do do that we have
797s we've added talents and these talent
799s choices happen at currently at two
801s different points at level 3 and level 6
803s and as you're improving you'll be able
805s to unlock these choices so as it says
807s this is when you reached level you'll
809s get to select a talent and the talents
811s at least for all the crafting
812s specialties right now we're kind of the
814s same but a lot of the gathering ones
815s have pretty unique ones so I'm gonna go
817s select these and right now there are
820s icons are missing but we have lucky
823s break mining yeah so yeah so they're
826s different for the gathering professions
827s and so like this one will allow me to
829s pick up a bunch of rocks at once and
830s this one will if you have her mind in
833s the game you know that when sometimes we
835s get a rock you'll get a large chunk and
837s it's annoying and it's done like that on
839s purpose
840s so this will make it so that I won't get
842s those anymore so I'm actually not gonna
844s take this down right now I'm gonna go
845s hit some rocks we'll see the before now
849s yeah let's see the before and after yeah
850s so everybody has a lot of experience
852s going through this yeah I hate that big
854s rock that needs to be yeah here's right
857s here so this rock I can't pick it up
859s I'll have to break it and nobody likes
861s using extra calories to break rocks so
863s as a master of mining I will take this
868s one and this will make it so I won't get
872s any more yes I do in which case yeah
876s nice but yeah so this box you can pick
878s up every time yeah so this should help
880s people I mean and obviously there's the
883s option right because when I take the
884s other one I could just instead of having
885s to walk around and pick each one up I
887s could just press it once and then these
889s would all just get sucked in my
891s inventory most a tough choice yeah so
893s hopefully these sounds will make
895s leveling up a little bit more
898s interesting you'll have options at
899s different levels to get different things
901s and they all have them some of them are
905s more interesting than others
908s and just as you go up you'll unlock
911s these interesting things what are the
912s talents for hewing so the talents for
916s the crafting are actually currently all
918s pretty much the same
919s this one doubles the speed of tables
921s when they're by themselves and the other
924s one makes them faster when they're with
927s tables of a similar type and really the
929s goals of these talents are to kind of
932s change the way you would build or like
934s enhance the way you would want to build
936s so like if you want to have like a giant
938s factory with like a dozen sawmills next
941s to each other then there's a talent for
942s that if you want to just kind of like
943s live in a small Hut then there's also a
945s talent for that and really we're gonna
949s try and hopefully encourage just
952s different styles of play so that people
953s can kind of enhance the way they play or
955s just try out different things encourage
957s people to play differently anything else
963s in the current system then you want to
965s talk about before we talk about future
968s plans huh see yeah those are like really
973s the main points of the skill system so
978s it looks like we weren't getting all the
981s chat comments to our restream so I just
985s pulled open the twitch so I'm gonna be
987s checking through comments and we'll be
989s answering some questions as we go and
991s also have time at the end for Q&A oh
993s yeah so along with the 50% so kind of
998s kind of touching on this thing where you
999s gain 50% immediately this also means
1001s that like a lot of the recipes are you
1004s don't need to have the specialty to take
1006s to craft them so like I'm not a Mason
1009s I don't know mortaring but I have read
1011s the skill scroll and so reading the
1014s skills for gets you to what we're
1015s calling level zero so for instance in
1017s Brick Lane I've not level zero I don't
1019s have this I can't I can't learn it and
1021s it's undiscovered so I can't craft any
1024s Brick Lane things so but your
1027s so well just to reiterate if you already
1030s asked a question I guess we missed it so
1032s let's begin in the twitch and we'll be
1034s able to catch it now so as you can see
1038s in here I don't have more during right I
1043s don't have the skill it's not skilled
1045s but I do know of it I have level zero
1048s morning hmm so with that level zero
1050s morning I'm allowed to craft a lot of
1052s these things there's some stuff I can't
1053s craft but a lot of the recipes are now
1056s unlocked so they but their prices are
1059s very high so like if I want to make a
1061s stone sign it's gonna cost me 60 stone
1063s right but if you took more if you took
1065s masonry you would be able to craft one
1066s for 30 immediately so this sort of
1069s allows people to test out stuff that
1071s they haven't taken yet mm-hmm and also
1076s of like you know somebody's we've all
1078s experienced if somebody goes missing or
1080s something you like lose your whatever
1082s your lumber maker but you need that last
1084s five lumber to make your research table
1085s don't like research the next thing
1087s mm-hmm you can still get that done
1091s without having to like panic Basin Road
1094s just heals a lot more wood or maybe you
1097s just so resource rich and you find you
1100s so you have to come in skills that you
1102s go down and you never branch out and say
1104s I want to make this yeah this yeah and
1107s yeah it'll let you try a bunch of
1108s different stuff hopefully the hope is
1112s that the economies will sort of like
1114s balance us out so that like even though
1115s I can make this sign at sixty stone
1118s right you can make it at thirty or less
1120s because obviously if you get better at
1121s it you'll be able to make it for like
1123s ten and then you'll make this and you'll
1125s sell it to me for like 20 and I'll be
1127s like well I could make this for sixty
1128s stone or I could just buy it from will
1130s for twenty and that choice seems pretty
1132s obvious so that's sort of the hope with
1135s unlocking this because previously we've
1137s we've had them pretty locked down and
1139s that was to really encourage people to
1141s like you know cooperate and not
1143s necessarily work together but like use
1145s the economy systems and do that sort of
1148s stuff
1148s mmm hopefully that will still exist
1150s obviously we're testing out this new
1152s system to see how it works out and some
1157s the professions are a little bit more
1158s lockdown in others okay so we had sent a
1162s question do you still need the
1163s profession to craft trucks or can you
1165s craft without yes a certain certain
1171s recipes still require skill and certain
1173s ones do not I don't have an exact list
1175s of which ones do and which ones do not
1177s but there are recipes that are locked
1179s behind levels so especially right
1182s currently in the current build of the
1183s current building game cooking is very
1186s locked not like you can still cook stuff
1189s without the skill but taking the skill
1191s and leveling it up unlocks a lot of
1193s extra recipes and then there's some that
1195s are less lockdown like early masonry is
1197s not as lockdown but there are still a
1199s few things you unlock through levels and
1201s stuff like that
1202s so we're kind of testing out a range of
1203s stuff and hopefully we'll figure out
1205s what works best and like move all of
1208s them in that direction cool is calorie
1212s waste at the lower cooking efficiency
1215s levels seen as any kind of problem
1216s currently doesn't make much sense to
1218s cook recipes anything less than full
1221s efficiency so I'm not sure if that
1226s question is about like the fact that you
1229s like take like 5 beats and turn it into
1231s like one baked beat and then that one
1234s baked B is worth less calories than
1235s those 5 beats individually that's
1238s something that the sort of trade-off
1239s there is that we're really trying to
1241s make sure that nutrition is important so
1243s that you want to take those 5 beats and
1245s turn them into that one beat because
1246s that one beat will give you more skill
1248s points we've done a lot of tweaks with
1250s like moving how much thing like skill
1254s points things give you and previously
1257s that was kind of hard to tweak just
1260s because of the number like the large
1262s numbers you would get like you know you
1265s don't want to get like we could give
1266s people like 600 skill points a day and
1268s then we could extend the food recipes we
1270s have to be from 1 to 600 but that sort
1276s of number inflation we were trying to
1277s avoid so right now there the range that
1279s they're in is sort of low so people
1281s don't really see that incremental like
1284s advantage as beneficial so they're like
1285s oh I could eat these 5 beats and gain
1288s like 20 skill points a day or I could
1290s eat this one really nice beat and get
1292s like 25 and that doesn't seem that great
1295s hopefully this sort of multiplier will
1297s make it feel better obviously food
1299s tweaking is something we're doing all
1300s the time as far as the efficiency goes
1302s and like waiting till you get to the end
1304s that's not really possible anymore you
1305s cuz you have to cook things to get into
1307s the maximum efficiency so either either
1311s way at this point you're gonna have to
1312s big bunch of beats down to just one beat
1316s so let's see children are the
1321s professions now feeling more
1323s identification 'el or can you still
1325s choose different specialties amongst
1327s different professions example skill
1330s cement furniture clothes and advanced
1332s campfire cooking yes so the professions
1336s right now are just logical groups for
1338s the UI so like there's currently there's
1341s no benefit well talk about a little bit
1344s about the plans for that but yeah in the
1347s guy at least in a toe there they're not
1349s gonna be related but we do have some I
1352s mean there was some interest in in
1354s changing that to make them sort of like
1355s like the Mason might be better at all
1358s the trees in masonry rather than it just
1359s being like oh now I'm a bricklayer today
1362s and tomorrow I'm going to like sew
1364s clothes and then after I'm gonna cook a
1365s nice meal like we kind of we would like
1369s to steer people towards that but that is
1371s not currently in the game cool dr. Jones
1375s hey dr. Jones dr. Jones has been
1377s streaming a preview of 8.0 recently so
1382s hey and you should check out their dream
1385s dr. Jones asked what time frame are you
1388s think you know for some to go from
1390s unlocking a skill tree to fully
1392s maximizing it out in the beta so far it
1395s seems you burn through them very quickly
1397s I'm guessing you're still balancing that
1399s yeah the EXP balancing is something we
1401s need to work on and but it will change a
1403s lot between now and when we release not
1408s really exactly sure how long we want
1409s people that have to level up because we
1411s do want to a lot of people fairly
1413s quickly because you should be getting
1416s them relatively fast like I know on the
1420s one server that we have the 800 server
1422s that's up right now the stream one they
1425s changed the specialty gain rate to be
1428s lower than normal so you like normally
1432s the the plan is that each person
1434s assuming that you have a house and a
1436s food according to your technology level
1438s will gain at the least at the firt for
1441s the first like week or so will gain a
1443s specialty every one to two days so like
1446s today like if we just started this game
1448s and everything was default I would have
1450s one specialty point and I would use it
1451s on like logging and then the next day I
1453s would have one more and I would use it
1455s on whatever like smithing or something
1457s and then two days after that I would get
1460s another one and so the goal would be
1462s that you could kind of like level these
1463s skills up and especially because the way
1465s that their relevancy works like near the
1467s end of the game there's a lot less
1468s reasons to be queuing logs we kind of
1472s need them to level up sort of fast so
1474s that they're still like useful at max
1476s efficiency you don't want it to be like
1477s oh yeah I can finally hew my logs at max
1480s efficiency time to heal my logs and then
1482s your neighbors building like a concrete
1483s monolith like that's not really where
1486s you want to be you want to be able to
1487s like use your skill at max efficiency as
1488s well so we wanted to be relatively fast
1490s the exception to this are sort of the
1493s touristing professions like mining
1497s mining logging gathering and like those
1500s ones those ones levels slower and that's
1502s kind of intentional because we want
1505s because they're useful for most of the
1507s game and eventually they don't currently
1509s tie into the vehicles but we do want to
1512s tie them into the vehicle harvesting as
1513s well mm-hmm slowly because they're
1516s relevant throughout the entire game yeah
1518s they're the resources that feed the
1519s world yeah exactly so like at the end of
1521s the game you're still gonna be mining
1522s stuff like that
1523s so you know those ones will level slower
1526s than the crafting ones and maybe we'll
1528s do some tweaks to that but that's kind
1531s of the reason why there is some
1532s disparity if you've played the build
1535s Kappa had a few questions about
1537s nutrition what's the best nutrition at
1540s the moment the best nutrition I don't
1543s have a spreadsheet in front of me it can
1547s get pretty high though it's it we
1549s haven't changed anything about the skill
1553s gained from housing or food maybe we
1556s have and it's been a while so I'm not
1558s exactly sure but it should be roughly
1560s the same the maximum cap to your EXT
1563s multiplier will be about the same as
1564s your skill points per day let's open up
1566s the skill tree while we're talking just
1569s so people can get a look at that and we
1571s can kind of poke around in there
1574s good suggestion thank you can't wait for
1579s the talent to duel we'll pick axes okay
1582s we will get in the suggestion it's a
1586s great good idea
1588s see any other questions I know you
1591s wanted we'll take some more questions
1592s later but I know Craig you're going to
1593s get into what's coming in the future
1596s what are your visions for the future oh
1598s yeah so there's like kind of a lot of
1600s things that we want to work into the
1601s skill tree as we go forward and
1605s obviously like this what's coming out
1608s NATO is kind of like the first iteration
1610s of this and it's it's a pretty big
1612s change like even even if a lot of like
1614s how you gained points is kind of the
1616s same it's just like that yet the new exp
1619s gained and like the talents and all that
1621s sort of stuff is sorted in there so
1623s right now a lot of towns are pretty
1624s bare-bones some of them don't even work
1625s properly right now obviously it should
1628s be fixed by 8:00 but you know moving
1630s forward you really want to expand on on
1632s those as well as like just the skill
1636s groupings in general like I mean we
1637s talked about this earlier but we do want
1640s to make these professions sort of
1642s meaningful right like I want it if I'm a
1643s miner I should get benefits right and
1647s listen this also sort of plays into the
1649s whole like hewing is like less relevant
1652s at the end of game obviously you can
1653s still use it to like make housing
1654s objects and stuff right but like if I'm
1655s at max level Heuer it is sort of like
1658s sad that it becomes kind of irrelevant
1661s later on mm-hmm
1662s so how are we addressing that so what I
1667s mean we don't have anything exact right
1668s I'm not gonna promise anything but what
1670s we would want to do is sort of tie this
1672s in so like if you are good at hewing you
1674s maybe you get some benefits for lumber
1675s like if you have multiple just like
1679s specialties in the same tree maybe you
1680s can gain overflow experience like say I
1682s take
1683s and I'm still gained like some benefit
1686s for hewn logs into that lumber tree
1688s because they're all related right mm-hmm
1691s and we sort of want to sort of tie in
1694s the sort of obsolete skills into the
1696s newer ones and I think the best way to
1698s do that is to sort of tie them in with
1700s the professions and that's sort of
1706s something that we would like to look
1708s into obviously not gonna be an aid but
1710s as we before that's something we're
1712s definitely in consider as far as
1714s expanding the talents Co these levels
1716s also might change we might increase the
1718s number of levels it's also possibility
1720s of making up infinitely level we'd talk
1723s about something like that before but as
1727s far as talents go right now there's only
1728s two choices at every tier and the tears
1730s are only three and six some of them
1733s aren't less interesting than others the
1735s eventual goal would be to have it so
1737s that each specialty has something unique
1739s in them like I'm not gonna come up with
1742s anything on this far right here right
1744s but like you would want them to be
1746s unique I don't want to have like oh my
1749s hewing talent is the same as my lumber
1751s talent like that's not that interesting
1752s right you'd want to see something unique
1754s at each level and then hopefully expand
1756s it'll either there's more in the levels
1759s because their service we could put so
1761s much stuff in here or or like more
1764s options at the level it's think you
1766s should give you more choices because we
1768s want like if you take mining and I take
1770s mining as like these servers were bigger
1771s you we really want like you to be
1773s slightly different from me like maybe
1775s you were really good at mining through
1776s basalt and I'm like I love mining in
1779s deserts and I'm like hitting sandstone
1781s or something like that you know just
1782s something to make these people unique
1785s people within the same profession like
1787s slightly different and to give that a
1790s choice and to make that the feeling of
1791s levelling up sort of like better just
1793s yeah and a few people might have missed
1796s it earlier so how do you get stars and
1799s what affects the rate at which you
1800s acquire them so as before it's basically
1804s how little skill points per day's work
1805s it's just your nutrition and your
1807s housing will kind of increase the rate
1810s at which you level up and gain stars and
1812s also the rate which you
1814s experience anything else coming in the
1820s future ideas that you're looking into as
1823s far as skills go like mainly we have I
1825s mean obviously there's a ton of
1826s balancing to do and as we move forward I
1829s kind of talked about how there's some
1830s stuff locked in some stuff not we really
1832s want to kind of figure out which way we
1835s want to go essentially and so we haven't
1838s kind of spread out right now and we're
1840s gonna see how that feels and how it
1841s works and then we'll kind of push all of
1846s the trees in that direction and I think
1849s it's kind of important as we go forward
1850s that like we make sure that there is
1854s stuff at every level like even right now
1856s in the ones that have unlocks there's
1858s there's not enough stuff to like filter
1860s in each level mm-hmm so as we add
1862s content we'll be able to like put it
1863s behind these different levels or like
1865s I'm walking for everybody stuff like
1866s that I feel like you kind of touched on
1870s this a bit but are there any development
1873s plans in addressing late-game in some
1875s professions losing relevance carpenters
1877s and tea to lumber being largely
1879s out-of-date or secondary food
1881s professions such as hunters losing
1882s income from Lord man yeah so yeah so we
1887s sort of it's kind of hard to say because
1890s really like it's really hard to keep
1892s Hume logs like super relevant later on
1895s we at least for wood in general my vein
1899s problem with wood right now is it that
1901s like masonry goes from tier 1 to tier 4
1904s lumber it caps the paper or wood caps
1907s out at lumber so you have a lot of stuff
1909s out there and that's not necessarily
1911s under the purview of skills specifically
1912s it's just kind of like something that we
1914s need to put there but yeah so mostly
1919s we'd be like at least from the skills
1920s side we'd be looking at making those
1921s sort of obsolete skills still relevant
1924s somehow and obviously like you could
1926s still use human logs maybe we'll find
1928s maybe a lot of talent or something at
1930s the end where it's like Oh hume logs can
1932s be like better tea or something I don't
1934s know we'll figure something out for sure
1936s we we do recognize that as a problem as
1938s sort of these older skills falling out
1940s of relevance and actually before you
1942s could on
1942s but with the new system we're not
1945s actually gonna let people on learn
1946s skills at least immediately we might let
1949s you reset your like completely drop your
1953s skill maybe a max level or something but
1958s we're not sure yet because especially
1959s because of the massive benefit they give
1961s you immediately we can't really let
1962s people just kind of swap around their
1963s points all the time mm-hmm but because
1965s stuff is more on the lock now it should
1967s be less like bad for you to like pick a
1970s specialty that's not particularly useful
1972s to you right at that moment because you
1973s can still do the other things it's just
1975s maybe not as efficiently
1978s Satsuki says we need a way to burn
1980s elementary materials for arts and
1982s culture okay sounds good yeah what a
1985s burn pile
1986s yeah well get a burn pile on the game
1988s that'd be pretty fun let's see make it
1992s so your stars and a skill increase
1994s experience gained in related skills by a
1997s certain percentage that get a cool idea
2002s let's see what about the research skill
2005s how do you level this do you need to
2007s craft a lot of skill books or the talent
2010s form or carry weight max calories and
2013s more use for so own paper Billy
2015s okay well that's like a lot of questions
2017s okay so let's see the research skill
2019s doesn't exist anymore um there is a
2022s special there a specialty I guess it
2025s would be called called self-improvement
2027s which is that's what the old skill tree
2029s was called right now in the current
2031s build of the game it you can take it but
2033s you can't level it on by it or release
2036s it should be it's going to be a skill
2039s especially that just everyone starts
2040s with so everyone will have this
2042s specialty and it's just gonna level up
2044s by you leveling up other specialties so
2046s it's like as you just it's just gonna go
2047s up naturally sort of as you play
2048s assuming you take a specialty and you
2050s actually invest in it that that's gonna
2053s be the skill that covers basically
2055s everything that the self-improvement
2057s skill used to cover so that's kind of
2060s where that the status of that is
2061s um yeah paper that has no use currently
2067s there's no change in that obviously it
2069s is one of the like it's it is probably
2072s the most useless skill except for maybe
2075s the
2076s cooking tear but that is something that
2079s we definitely want to like incorporate
2081s into stuff definitely will have more
2084s importance hopefully in like laws and
2085s stuff I don't really have anything I can
2088s weigh I'm not gonna like promise
2089s anything obviously but you know we are
2092s planning to look at laws sometime soon
2094s so maybe we'll incorporate that sort of
2096s in there we can also back your currency
2100s with paper so maybe you guys should do
2101s that right paper money we had a question
2105s about boats boats are not in 8.0 still
2109s hoping for the future or you know
2111s there'll be a future update so but not
2113s 8.0 but we've got a lot of really
2116s awesome stuff in 8.0 it's visually it's
2119s dramatically diets really crazy I think
2123s you're really gonna like it
2125s have you thought about adding a mailbox
2128s system for leaving messages for offline
2130s players I love it that's a great idea
2134s very cool it's very difficult to get a
2137s hold of people who aren't in the same
2139s time zones when you need them cool thank
2141s you Bob that's awesome we'll put that on
2145s our suggestion you can also you could
2147s also message them I know the chat system
2149s as always is often overlooked but you
2151s can turn off the crafty notifications
2153s and then it's easier to parse you can
2157s see me cheating a bunch here and you can
2159s message people but yeah we have talked
2163s about a sort of in-game mail system and
2166s it would be kind of convenient hey you
2168s can all see yeah juice for paper yeah
2172s it's true
2172s he's a paper to make a message okay
2177s let's see it makes more sense do you
2180s have to gathering specialties to be
2182s baseline as you have to level them as
2185s they said you have to hit trees and
2186s break rocks and it's slow so it makes
2188s sense everyone has it so they kind of I
2192s mean it seems it's possible that might
2196s end a baseline but for now we're gonna
2198s hear them as they are mostly because we
2201s do want people to specialize in these
2202s things like we want people to be like oh
2204s I'm I'm mine that's my job and there are
2207s people who do like mining I like
2208s personally when I play the game and
2211s they're people who craft and eventually
2214s you should have enough specialties where
2215s you can do both it's not impossible and
2218s I do think it's it's nice to have that
2220s niche for people who do because
2222s otherwise if we took out a lot of the
2223s gathering professions most of them would
2225s just be crafting professions and not
2226s everyone wants to craft all the time so
2228s what do you think is the most specialty
2230s somebody could have by the end of the
2231s game depends on your settings by Depot
2233s so as it is now it scales
2236s almost exactly the same as its scaled
2238s before so you'll gain specialties and
2242s specialties the amount of experience
2244s required per level will increase as you
2246s gain more and then at a certain point
2249s it'll just be at like the maximum cost
2252s and it'll just keep going over and over
2253s so if you just played forever you just
2255s keep gaining them at whatever rate that
2256s is it shouldn't be about it caps out I
2260s guess it depends how many skill points
2261s you have really it's hard to estimate
2263s based on like but if you had maximum
2267s maximum everything you had like back
2269s some fluid maximum housing and at the
2270s very end of the game you might get one
2272s every like three days or something chewy
2276s says what's to stop me from making ten
2279s thousand hewn logs and power leveling
2281s nothing in fact that is what we want you
2284s to do you can do it you can do it ten
2286s thousand logs although then you'd have
2288s to put the wood in Gregg's you don't get
2289s the experience unless you actually make
2290s the human logs so you could start the
2292s thing for ten thousand but you won't get
2294s the experience and so you actually put
2295s in the wood for that where your friends
2298s put in the woods yeah yeah or your
2299s logging friend puts in the wood so yeah
2303s really really that's kind of honestly
2305s nothing stopping you except your own
2308s ability to get together wood yeah oh and
2310s you don't have to complete the humans
2312s right like as you saw I was getting
2313s experience like as each one completed so
2316s like if I order like whatever four of
2319s these boards and I put in enough for one
2322s board I'll gain the experience for that
2324s one board so you don't need to like you
2326s could order like ten thousand and only
2329s complete like a hundred and you'd get
2330s experience about a hundred
2331s she's got experience for just just that
2333s one you get the magic complete Magnus is
2338s curious what the talents are for farming
2341s for farming
2342s so farming a little bit weird because
2344s farming has the crafting ones Crowley a
2346s lot of the more a lot of the weirder
2348s ones are in gathering gathering has some
2352s I don't have gathering right now but the
2355s gathering ones are mostly related to
2357s choosing between harvesting natural
2359s resources and harvesting planted
2361s resources so if you're like five if you
2363s are a farmer you might take gathering
2365s and then you would take the ones that
2367s increase your gains from planted
2369s resources and that would just help your
2371s farming yields but maybe you're on like
2374s a small world or like a hermit and you
2375s live next to a jungle and you're like oh
2376s I want to just occasionally pick a
2378s couple of papayas there's one that
2380s actually drastically increases the
2381s amount of resources you get from natural
2383s plants so that could be an option and
2388s actually is will the chat system be
2391s updated I rarely see if I get a DM and
2393s the current system so it's a Craigslist
2395s pointing out you can turn off other
2397s notifications you can remove occations
2399s but I mean
2400s chai is something we would like to
2403s improve there's no changes for coming in
2407s eighth but you know as well as things we
2408s look at you can turn off these
2409s notifications if they bother you and
2411s then if someone messages you it will be
2413s the only thing that pops up yeah I know
2415s we would like to update it and there's a
2418s good chance that we will in the future
2419s and comments from you letting us know
2422s that you know you're having issues helps
2424s us prioritize that so you know no
2428s concrete plan right now but is something
2430s that we've talked about and we'll
2432s continue to talk about okay yeah I don't
2441s see C contract system with multiple
2443s boards can we get a synchronized option
2446s I see you wanna like synchronized C with
2448s like two boards and you want they're not
2449s the same contracts on both no I'm the
2452s wrong person asked about contracts we
2456s can
2460s so we'll be I think 9.0 will have a lot
2463s more things about government and
2467s contract yeah updates on there so I'm
2469s sure in the next stream we'll get an one
2472s maybe in depth on laws or something
2474s maybe if people want that I'm sure John
2476s would love to talk about that cool so it
2480s seems like most of the questions didn't
2483s want to mention that our friends
2487s Jeff Grubb over at VentureBeat has been
2489s streaming 8.0 with his community and the
2494s Waypoint community they've been doing it
2496s pretty much nightly on Twitch and it's
2499s been a lot of fun there's about 70 or so
2502s people in the world and we're on their
2506s tail yeah we're on their team and so if
2508s you've got about three or four different
2510s factions competing working together and
2513s it's been a lot of fun so 8.0 releases
2516s on Feb 6 but you can get a preview of it
2519s now and we're doing this all month long
2522s so check it out the big eco world is the
2527s big game for the big ego game ass right
2530s video game so yeah it's great to see
2534s everybody and great to see some people
2536s from the video game hey Jeff okay one
2540s more question here is there's a bunch
2542s more yeah yeah if there's more questions
2544s coming in we'll answer them definitely
2546s oh you're wait look paper for Scrolls
2548s that's something we've talked about
2550s before yeah I mean I think it's an
2554s interesting idea so far we kind of
2556s wanted the information distribution to
2559s be theoretically free it's not free and
2562s that people that you can charge people
2563s for because obviously knowledge is
2564s important but we wanted to make it so as
2566s possible but yeah that's definitely
2569s something we thought about before is
2572s there plan to increase item quality
2574s based on craft first yeah actually
2576s that's something I do actually want we
2579s have we actually had a pretty long
2580s discussion once about like sort of how
2582s we want to improve farming before and
2584s we're like oh we could make like your
2586s crops be better like right now it
2588s directly improves yield but what we want
2590s is there be like a really obvious
2593s like sometimes when you're like
2594s harvesting a plant you're like wake up
2595s 5:00 and you're like go is that better
2597s is that the only way to know that is
2599s just by like remembering how much you
2601s got before and then something we used to
2604s have it like the bone is shown sometimes
2605s but like because it's a natural plant it
2607s just grows it's not always that easy to
2609s determine so we thought like oh what if
2611s you like harvested it's like a gigantic
2614s corn right that's kind of cool so we
2616s have thought about that and the main
2618s problem is right now our skill system
2620s our crafting system is kind of like
2622s limited in a way right like if you have
2625s a different kind of corn that means we
2628s need another recipe so hopefully in the
2633s future we'll have a better system for
2635s that we actually have a bunch ideas for
2636s that so perhaps soon
2638s obviously not Nate not that soon but
2641s we'll sort of work towards that goal of
2643s having like the ability to sort of
2646s introduce stuff like that and that is
2648s definitely something that's on our radar
2649s and something that we would like to
2650s improve what about irrigation for
2654s farming crops
2655s get your own crops we have you can use
2658s the aqueducts
2661s use aqueducts and actually a NATO
2663s there's gonna be water pumps and pipes
2665s so you can pump water yeah let's do a
2673s fly around of the world I know it was
2676s something in this way yeah but this is a
2677s point Oh world great sushi oh yeah so
2679s you want to see like the world this
2681s stuff yeah okay well some people have
2683s probably already seen the world gin in
2685s our last stream yeah
2687s thing is looking at things from the top
2688s sometimes a little bit deceiving but
2690s yeah so this is this is the grassland
2691s and actually I guess we can talk a
2693s little bit about the biomes now you can
2696s ask me questions as well but this is so
2698s I know people went over this before in
2700s the other stream but kind of interesting
2702s so see here so yeah so we're in a
2706s grassland right now and ideally like as
2708s we sort of moved through more biomes
2711s updates and sorry we're moving a little
2712s bit away from skills I know that was
2713s kind of like the topic originally but as
2716s we sort of move forward with the
2717s development of the biomes we really want
2719s to like make there'd be some sort of
2720s like exploration and progression through
2723s the
2723s the environments so the grasslands is
2726s kind of like the eat I don't see easy
2728s but I guess it's kind of what I we're
2730s going with it's like the easy zone right
2734s now because of the way the two leti of
2736s tool tears are sandstone and shale are
2741s the two beginning one so there's like
2743s surface deposits of sandstone and stuff
2744s around that you can use for your early
2746s game stone and then also there's the
2749s desert which also has more sandstone and
2751s in sandstone there's iron so this is
2753s that's kind of like you're early on
2754s materials yeah so this is gonna the
2758s desert there's you know cactuses are we
2765s thinking of adding new specialties we
2767s haven't seen yet like fishing husband
2769s yeah for sure that's like sort of I was
2771s moving forward we had more content
2773s that's definitely something we're gonna
2774s want to add I think see like right now
2778s fishing is combined with hunting I
2779s definitely want to split those up but
2781s the problem is right now fishing isn't
2783s super useful so at the time I just don't
2786s want to like split it up into two not
2789s particularly useful thanks ray so now
2792s you just take one you get both but yeah
2794s eventually we definitely want to split
2795s them into both and then once we have
2798s like appropriate talents and uses for
2800s all those things then we'll we'll split
2802s them and delete it their own independent
2804s thing and then as we add other content
2806s we might split or make new specialties
2811s yeah I mean like I said I would love we
2815s would love to have another like tier
2817s above wood above lumber so like that
2820s would probably introduce its own
2822s specialty so it's if you find a redwood
2826s huxley ass in the hunting hunter
2828s profession is there anything that allows
2831s you to run through grass faster I think
2834s that's a cool idea there's a whole idea
2836s for sure so yeah so we'll have like a
2838s lot of weight the talus system in
2840s general is something we'd really love to
2841s explore and stuff like that I think
2842s would really fall under the purview of
2845s the talents we could also just have a
2848s skill that would do that like
2851s yeah for sure and I think one of the
2855s important things is that it is more
2857s annoying to move around the world now
2858s like slightly because of the way that
2860s you like slow down when you're in plants
2862s but like that's sort of intentional
2863s because we want players to think like oh
2865s should I like pave over this jungle so
2867s that I can go through it easier right
2869s this is not just about like oh I can
2872s like it should be difficult to go
2874s through a jungle right the real
2875s wilderness is hard to traverse through
2877s and there's no trail and so you can you
2880s can cut cut all your grass down you can
2882s pave it all over and you'll be able to
2884s navigate it easier but comes at casa i
2888s do like that idea for a hunter
2890s specialties yeah maybe that could be a
2892s talent so thanks for the great ideas
2896s owen the other thing so right now we're
2898s in a jungle or rainforest I guess we're
2900s calling it rain forest and there's
2903s always palm trees so but hopefully we'll
2907s have a we have a plan to this new tree
2909s it's really awesome looking and so I'm
2911s not sure when that will get in but it's
2913s gonna look really cool yes coming really
2915s soon I guess we don't want to give it
2917s away yet so we'll just tease that yeah
2919s as cool as this looks it's gonna be it's
2921s gonna look way cooler it's gonna look
2922s awesome and more amazing yeah well I
2930s think that's about it for the talents so
2934s it's been really great answering your
2937s questions and thanks for chatting with
2940s us yeah so alright we'll see you out
2942s there and make sure to check out the big
2945s ego game with Jeff Grubb Waypoint the
2948s ventureBeat community streaming on
2950s Twitch tonight alright everybody thanks
2955s for tuning guys