over 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Vivox Proximity voice chat


We added Vivox proximity voice chat to the game. Now you can talk with your fellow citizens about the latest news, in town debates or just barter with them directly. The chat is based on proximity, so you’ll only hear people that are near to you. Of course, you can also disable the voice chat completely or mute specific players. With that, we also introduced a new face animation for people talking.

Reworked controls for vehicles


On popular request we have improved and redesigned the controls for the excavators and skid steers and made sure they are explained understandably. The excavator got a new UI toolbar, you can look around freely in both skidsteer and excavator now, the skidsteer tool is now activated by default when you mount it and we changed how the general controls work. They also should work much better than before for mining purposes, though they still need some further polish.


Demo video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EhzRYzZvCyR5GJHY9CGsvesuh8TuSiA7/view

Being well aware of the performance problems we have done a lot of work to improve the matter. Starting with this update you should see highly increased performance in chunkloading, especially for faster computers, so driving with a truck should no longer make you fall through the world. We also fixed several potential causes for memory leaks and performance should no longer degrade as much over time as it did in the prior version. We also improved performance when loading the minimap, claiming land and closing the map while it is still loading. We still have quite a way to go, which we’ll do in the next update 8.3 and all the updates thereafter.



  • Added command “/addimpacthours ” to control meteor impact time after the world was started, both positive and negative values are possible.
  • Added explaining tooltips to graphics settings.
  • Added a shortcut for starting a new world.
  • The configuration option “MeteorImpactDays” now changes the remaining time for the meteor to impact even after world creation.
  • Improved buy / sell notifications to reduce confusal.
  • Removed the “where item is” condition for “Drop Garbage” due to being irrelevant and potentially causing crashes.
  • Added a few facial expression emotions, like /smile.
  • Configuration files are now no longer overwritten, instead a template config file is delivered that contains all the current existing config variables.
    • WARNING: This could lead to steam removing existing configuration files once, please backup your configuration files!
  • Increased the range you can shoot animals.
  • Improved the error message that shows when the account is temporarily blocked due to too many login attempts, disabled or not eligible to play Eco.
  • The mining tutorial can now be completed by mining either Sandstone, Limestone, Shale or Granite.
  • The food tutorial now checks for nearby food and adapts to the food sources available in the area of the player.
  • Added a hit memory for pickaxes, they now remember the last 5 hitted blocks to track mining progress on those.
  • Local save games are now sorted in descending order from the most recently to the least recently played.
  • Added an error message when trying to generate a world with invalid dimensions.
  • Campfires and Workbenches can now be crafted at a workbench to avoid a potential progression lock.
  • Otters now provide a carcass instead of meat.
  • Improved IP validation for direct connect.
  • Lavish talents now apply to crafting projects immediately after selecting, it is no longer needed to remove and restart the crafting projects.
  • Eco now automatically selects which server binary to use depending on world size to prevent out of memory issues when loading large local worlds.
  • Holding the start camp will now show the deed overlay to give new players more information on where a good, unused location would be.
  • Filters set in the minimap will now save and be displayed when the minimap is reopened.
  • The configuration option “DisplayAdminCommands” now has several levels:
    • None: No admin command logging or display in the chat. (Same as “false”)
    • LogFile: Logging admin commands to a file.
    • LogFileAndNotifyAdmins: Logging admin commands to a file and notify admins in the chat.
    • LogFileAndNotifyEveryone: Logging admin commands to a file and display them to everyone in the chat. (Same as “true”)
  • The configuration option “MaxRepFromOnPerson” is now correctly called “MaxRepFromOnePerson”.
  • Property claims can now be used as a backing item in the mint.
  • You can now specify a bank account into which the minted funds should go.
  • Fish traps now must (and can!) be placed underwater to function.
  • Choosing a skill will now show a warning that the skill can not be refunded after it has been chosen.
  • The bed in the starter camp can now be used to sleep.
  • Increased spawn rates of bisons and most desert plants.
  • Removed the display of no longer available species due to the removal of the wetlands.
  • The configuration option “RequireAuthentication” has been removed as it was intended for debugging and caused steam players to be displayed as long hashes.
  • Alt-Enter switching to fullscreen now restores the previously used fullscreen mode.
  • Exclusive fullscreen mode now constrains the mouse to the game window.
  • Improved avatar walk animation while moving slowly.
  • Improved avatar moving and tool blending in general.
  • Vehicles will now display “Drive” instead of “Use” as action.
  • Ramps are now carryable items and have a weight.
  • Ramps can now be placed underwater.
  • Ramps are now picked up as a whole again by using a hammer or a shovel (for dirt roads only).
    • This fixed several issues with laws regarding roads and ramps as well as a balance issue (crafting ramps, placing and digging up roads from them was cheaper than producing roads).

Bugs fixed


  • Fixed a crash related to the chat.
  • Fixed tree parts loosing their targetability and becoming unchoppable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused graphs in the web interface to be incorrect.
  • Fixed several issues with stockpiles that allowed duplication of items.
  • Fixed bank and registrar not having room requirements.
  • Fixed an issue with the object filter when left clicking a stockpile with a pickaxe.
  • Fixed an issue with authentication on objects when trying to move items via a tool instead of using the GUI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to not be able to pick up items with left click while holding a hammer.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when editing the store list.
  • Fixed line breaks not showing in law descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented to propose a law when “redefine districts” was selected and then deselected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused item icons in contracts to not show when not using english as game language.
  • Fixed an issue that caused white sparkles to appear.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed the player to see distant terrain through unloaded chunks.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the crane to be not synchronized between players in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a redirect to a non existing page after proposing a law.
  • Fixed an issue with harvest contracts that caused the deposit marker to be missing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the chosen currency in world objects to reset to the world's default currency.
  • Fixed an issue that caused miners to only consume calories when the block was destroyed. Now they consume calories on every hit. This also applies to the durability of pickaxes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the excavator to be unable to move when re-fueled while driving.
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause the house value tooltip to show no contents.
  • Fixed an issue with bad looking shadows.
  • Fixed several server crashes that could occur due to concurrency.
  • Fixed the “Focused Work Flow: Milling” talent.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when two people try to move the same item at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue that caused certain talents to not affect certain recipes they should affect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused tall grass to not be removed when digging with an excavator.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ping to be displayed as infinite or a negative number.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to be able to accept more than one of the same repeatable contract at once.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the authorisation dropdown being unusable after unclaiming and reclaiming a property.
  • Fixed an issue that caused all servers to have the mods of one server when multiple servers are hosted on the same machine and all are started at the same time.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the mouse to no longer be usable when pressing “ESC” while the language selection dropdown is opened.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented to add multiple clauses to a law when the server language was not set to english.
  • Fixed an issue with worlds that contained non-english characters in their name.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when the client login failed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Lavish and Frugal talents, they now will apply to tables that have the most recipes requiring the talents skill
  • Fixed an issue with Lavish talents, they now correctly reduce the resources needed to craft.
  • Fixed an rounding error that occured for some recipes.
  • Fixed an issue with the display of the world objective when it was too long.
  • Fixed an issue with text on skill bars, they now will always take one line.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing sound when hitting a mineable block.
  • Fixed an issue with flickering blocks during blocks which can’t be removed in one hit.
  • Fixed an issue where tools were not correctly displayed in third person mode, they also will now display immediately after switching to third person mode.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players to get stuck inside trees when the tree loaded after the player already stood on its place.
  • Fixed an issue with switching to windowed mode, resolution settings are now correctly applied.
  • Fixed several issues that allowed to take more items from a distribution station than allowed or to take items from it despite the age requirement for the player account was not met.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to stay in record mode until the game was restarted when /record was used while in fly mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the field of view of the meteor tutorial video when replaying it.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the currency dropdown lists to no longer be synchronized with the available currencies.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause rooms to no longer be considered room when adding or removing objects nearby.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to world objects consuming liquid.
  • Fixed an issue with shift-scrolling on Mac OS.
  • Fixed rubble playing Portal 2.
  • Fixed an issue that caused trees to vanish while in fast-forward mode or sleeping.
  • Fixed screen settings not always applying during startup.
  • Fixed an issue that caused inserted fuel to go to the storage instead of the fuel tab for some vehicles.
  • Fixed an issue with UI scale that caused crafting numbers in recipes to be offset and therefore unreadable.
  • Fixed an issue with corrupted configs that caused the camera to be unable to move.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the player to teleport up a bit when digging and placing dirt.
  • Fixed an issue with the house value calculation when adding or removing rooms.
  • Fix an issue that allowed ramps to be placed without checking occupancy.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the world to convert to a new format even though there is no new format.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the world to corrupt when commands like /level were used.
  • Fixed an issue that caused combustion generators to produce sewage when not operating.
  • Fixed an issue with excavators that could cause them to behave like a ragdoll.
  • Fixed several issues with water pipes, causing incorrect flow.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong currencies to show for clients in an exchange.
  • Fixed an issue that caused new old growth redwood trees to appear.
  • Fixed an issue with placing and removing blocks underwater.
  • Fixed an issue with a talent in the self improvement skill that didn’t grant as much increased carry weight as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with the scrollbar in the skills window.
  • Fixed several issues with localization, especially missing strings.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the species dropdown to not function correctly on servers using a different language than english.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the water filter to work and generate compost permanently despite no linked sewage generating objective was actually active.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause garbage bags to not convert into garbage blocks.
  • Fixed an issue with using shortcuts to move items that lead to permissions not being respected in the distribution station and contract storages.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the sweeping hands talent to also apply to vehicles. (We might introduce a specific talent for vehicles later on!)
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the minimap to not show, instead only the filters were displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with laws that could cause clients to crash and being unable to reconnect to the server.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the information about what will be pickuped when targeting a stockpile to not be available when holding a tool in your hand.
  • Fixed an issue that cause the player to be put into a not fully generated map when he pressed the tab button before world generation was completed.
  • Fixed several minor UI issues.
External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xavia91

The performance update was really necessary and its working great, cranked up the view distance to max and flew around the world at top speed not dropping below 60 fps, also the chunks could not keep up at top speed they really worked better!

Good Job


the test was on a new empty private server, on a public server I am at around 40fps

Thank you, but there is more to come in 8.3, chunkloading is going to be even more optimized and we have several other things that need fixing badly!

over 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by frobnic8

This is great stuff. I really hope you're careful about living up to the promise of supporting Linux as a platform that you've made in the kickstarter, though.

Despite what may has been reported elsewhere this is still our goal, but every single Eco player knows we have way more important stuff to do and that we need to deliver that yesterday.

over 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by mishugashu

The game still works. I just downloaded the new patch and logged in to a test server. It doesn't break the game. I probably won't be able to hear/speak through voice chat, though, but it doesn't like fully break the game.

Vivox has stated it is planning to support linux in the future. I know they had a PR fail with one of their employees, but they have reacted and also we already had that implementation done at this time.

over 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by stan1582

Hey dennis,after the update today everyone on my worlds xp multipliers and housing values have decreased about 5 times is this intended or some sort of bug.


as mentioned in the release notes all config files were erased in this patch, so we asked you to back them up before. Probably your configs just got reset?

about 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Hootie8641

I'm relatively new to this game so I could just be completely missing something but: before 0.8.2 my food experience gain was 176 per, and my housing was 52 per, and after the update, and i didnt change anything, my food went down to 27 per and my housing 16 per. So now instead of a few hours till my next specialization level up, i now have 33 days. Thoughts?

Edit: Yes my calories are relatively equal parts and i have calories.

The update, as mentioned, has deleted your configuration files. You need to go to your Difficulty.eco and adjust the rates again. If you have the game via steam you can find it in /steamapps/common/Eco/Eco_Data/Server/Configs/

about 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by stan1582

Thanks for the reply, we only got the game a few days ago and steam updated by itself so we were unprepared for this, what would you recommend we do to fix this if possible.

You need to go to your Difficulty.eco and adjust the rates again. If you have the game via steam you can find it in /steamapps/common/Eco/Eco_Data/Server/Configs/

I believe for singleplayer we use

"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.5,

"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

But i'm not totally sure.

If you have no Difficulty.eco, copy the contents of Difficulty.eco.template to such a file.

about 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by uaMarshall

I dont know how to believe in that. I have 50fps with i9-9900k and gtx1060

120 fps with Ryzen 2700X and 2080 AND VSync off on WQHD. (If i turn it on i'm on the fourties.)

about 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Hootie8641

Thanks, would you have any clue at what the values were before, they were just default?

I believe for singleplayer we use

"SpecialtyCostMultiplier": 0.5,

"SkillGainMultiplier": 2.0,

But i'm not totally sure.

about 5 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Swiss2k

Good evening where do I have to enter the command ["DisplayAdminCommands ": false, ] on Users.eco ?

Thanks for your help

It's actually
"AdminCommandsLoggingLevel": "None",

Just put it somewhere after the first line.

Recent Eco Posts

about 18 hours ago - SLG-Dennis