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I stumbled across the below when browsing the Eco Steam forums this evening, kindly written by SLG-Dennis.

Obviously this idea seems to only be in the planning/evaluating stage, so don't take it as gospel and could change, but I wondered what people's wider thoughts were?

We're currently evaluating a global research progress system to address a multitude of the problems. It would bring general community tasks and suggested personal activities, potentially reacting to the environment, to guide people towards how to use features in Eco and how to progress the game exemplarily as a community without predeterming the outcome.

Progress would be separated into eras that are unlocked not only through production output (current "Research Papers"), but also provided by ecological state, economic power and cultural achievements - so that every playstyle can equally participate in it. Skill Scrolls would no longer exist - research is unlocked for everyone at the same time (or alternatively, if preferred with some competetion, on a per settlement base with spread mechanics) and not dependant on someone selling it.

Effectiveness of very experienced solo players and groups to just trump away with progress is severely limited, as era switch is based on progression level of the whole server. There would be more time to use for community activities in the game and rewarding player's assisting each other.

Settlements could specialize in specific productions, gaining bonuses and penalties for activities within, making them a core gameplay part.

Even victory conditions like "Congratulations, you managed to unite all settlements on the server in a single federation without using annexation. Take it to the stars!" could be part of it. It automatically prolongues game time as well, taking the rush out of it.

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7 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by AccountantGullible79

When was this written? Just want to know if it is still hot on devs’ plate or it has no discussion value for a long forgotten one

It is an idea with some basic design made by Jens and me, it's been around internally for a while, but only lately got concrete.

7 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

When it's already up for debate, let us know your opinion specifically about some of the parts, if you want to:

  • Global and personal tasks that provide towards global research progress and could replace tutorials and help people that are "What am I supposed to do now?"
  • Research being dependant on whole server progress and freely pickable once unlocked for everyone
  • Different things contributing to research progress - raw production, cultural efforts, ecologic state, economic power and potentially positive diplomatic interaction (which was not mentioned in the original post)
  • Settlements as option to specialize on specific kinds of production, granting boosts to them and penalties to others
  • Victory Conditions (including hidden ones) based on the achievements of the whole server
  • The ability of the system to naturally make maximum efficiency and rush at singular people less valuable, also incentivizing them to focus on other things than the excel sheet with the efficiency mechanics requiring Upgrade X before useful production. (We heard a few times that players would like to do something else, but are caught in this)
  • The ability of the system to potentially make play more fair for different playtime players and prevent early death by rush away, leave in dust and anti-cooperative behaviour.

Also consider the following that wasn't noted in the original post:

  • The global world progression would show the contributions from different settlements, potentially splitting down to singular players - this both allows players with less time to see they are having impact by fulfilling personal tasks and collaborating in their local setting as well as more experienced and / or time players to chase something that isn't detrimental to other players.
  • At the end of the game, the victory screen would also show the above.
  • Administrators (or settlements, but with strict limitations due to abuse) could add custom goals into the system on demand, like "Finish North-South main road".

I guess it's obivous that it is a bit inspired by civ-esque games, as was the case for settlements to begin with.

7 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by szaybus

OK so I powered up the PC to write this one and I hope I don't get downvoted into oblivion.

To mitigate solo players tryharding into one advanced field and creating a monopoly we could:

  1. Make research and unlocking skills consume more time and resources. Even the basic resource skills would require research.

  2. Create an modifier to research speed and amount of resources required based on a settlement cultural value (culture bonus for nice architecture plz), ecological impact, population, mechanical power, electricity and other factors you can think of to make researching while being citizen of an settlement attractive.

  3. Make knowledge transfer organically from the first person that unlock it to his settlement and beyond. This way the tech will not get "locked" until another person researches it again or buys a skill scroll. The more goods made with that skill you sell the faster it becomes "common domain". After reaching some threshold all citizens of the settlement can unlock the skill without research. Citizens of different settlements transfer knowledge silently in the background when trading. Technology also gets transferred up and down to country and federation albeit much more slowly.

  4. If implemented and fine tuned this would possibly result in specialized settlements that would exchange knowledge with time. So one settlement can specialize in woodworking, other in mining/smelting and so on. Even if one of their citizens quits another can take his place almost immediately filling their place. Basic skills would spread so they would be readily available for someone that joins the server mid-game - just join a settlement and learn from the community. Late game the basic "zero level" skills would be public domain.

  5. Settlements would organically "level up" from resource production focus to manufacturing ready goods. Carpentry research would require a lot of processed wood to research - something possible with a group effort of lumberjacks but completely abstract for someone buying wood of the market.

  6. This solution does not lock the whole server behind a glass wall of era change. Even a group of tryharding players would be sooner or later required to trade with others and share their knowledge in the process or be forced to put in extreme effort trying to unlock everything by themselves.

Just my five cents

So you basically want to avoid the "hard" gate in server progress that the idea has? I guess it could be possible to balance spread mechanics in a way that power players are sufficiently migitated, but I think that would be very hard - especially when thinking of the system needs to work on different server sizes and with different compositions of players.

The general idea of knowledge spread between settlements is something I also considered, though, so thanks for that feedback :)

7 months ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Jheda

I played on the Ember servers that did this and it really did encourage more play for a longer amount of time during seasons, so I'm excited at the prospect of this being natively within the game!

Mind noting in detail what parts they did and how they implemented that via current systems? (I guess some manual admin interaction would be part of that?)

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