2 months
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It is not a secret Eco is focused around play on medium to large public servers which tend to provide the best play experience and are most akin to how we intended Eco to be played - the settlement system should provide a good insight into that. The development currently - as we had already shown in the Roadmap to 1.0 - has a major focus around resolving issues that lead to player dropoffs on such servers that are often related to economical issues caused by the fact that there is no constant need for player's professions beyond the early game - the singular most common feedback currently.
Addressing that is complicated and requires a holistic approach consisting of many different changes. The new repair system is a step in that, as is the maintenance feature and there is multiple more changes to come that have been widely requested by both players and server admins. Both features have adjusted settings on lower collaboration levels (which since Update 11 also automatically adjusts a ton of other settings to make configuration easier) and can be freely configured to one's personal liking beyond the presets as well - including notably decreasing durability loss and allowing repairs to be done by anyone (which is the default on anything below high collaboration), addressing what was criticized here for servers with lower collaboration settings. It is vital that smaller servers make use of these configurations.
Official servers due to their average player counts run on high collaboration, but they don't always get the same amount and type of players in regard to available playtime and commitment - with the population vastly differing in all directions, even more so when groups are playing. It is unfortunately not possible to predict what the audience on any given cycle will be and many players have an interest to especially play when everything is fresh and hence like to restart on a new server regularly - or do so, because they could not participate in the community and / or market to the degree they wished for. The reason we are doing these changes.
Most people don't play on the vanilla official servers, but on the typical populated community servers that have adjusted the settings to fit their specific audience, while the official servers need to provide a baseline experience that is much more dependant on the players playing that cycle. We have always openly recommended to play on community servers for multiple reasons - the official servers cannot provide an adjusted play experience specifically suitable for specific audiences and are not having any creative concepts. We are nontheless monitoring those cycles after each Update for a while and then decide on if we deploy different settings for them. The latest update just released, though.
As I already said a few times, feedback is neither only nor majorly taken from White Tiger which for playtests mostly serves for stress testing. Nontheless it is fully correct that we focus around creating a game that supports large servers with intricate, collaborative systems. Assuming that White Tiger is magically not facing the same issues as other servers do just due to a higher population wouldn't be correct either - in some regard they are even bigger due to some of the ways it tries to address issues. It is nontheless a great place to test concepts with its focus on trying to have more casual and more commited players be on the same server and both having a great time, which should be the default for any vanilla server. That is also the goal of many community servers out there, which employ their own concepts to tackle the issues with the means the game currently offers, often successful.
It will also be used for testing a general concept of research eras that in the future may make it into the base game as a dedicated game feature. A common problem still is that Eco is played at a pace that is much, much faster than we ever had intended - leaving players with less commitment behind. The exhaustion system is a support system that allows to migitate the issue a bit, but isn't a solution in gameplay mechanics.
It actually also was feedback from there that led to the repair bounty system being reworked to allow repairs of the parts and a profession being introduced in the next Update that will allow making all and any repairs without requiring the specific skill if the setting is turned on. The needs for smaller servers and bigger servers can sometimes be vastly different, but that is why we make every new feature configurable and have in Update 11 also adjusted the Difficulty presets to not only take rates into account, but also feature settings.
Addressing that is complicated and requires a holistic approach consisting of many different changes. The new repair system is a step in that, as is the maintenance feature and there is multiple more changes to come that have been widely requested by both players and server admins. Both features have adjusted settings on lower collaboration levels (which since Update 11 also automatically adjusts a ton of other settings to make configuration easier) and can be freely configured to one's personal liking beyond the presets as well - including notably decreasing durability loss and allowing repairs to be done by anyone (which is the default on anything below high collaboration), addressing what was criticized here for servers with lower collaboration settings. It is vital that smaller servers make use of these configurations.
Official servers due to their average player counts run on high collaboration, but they don't always get the same amount and type of players in regard to available playtime and commitment - with the population vastly differing in all directions, even more so when groups are playing. It is unfortunately not possible to predict what the audience on any given cycle will be and many players have an interest to especially play when everything is fresh and hence like to restart on a new server regularly - or do so, because they could not participate in the community and / or market to the degree they wished for. The reason we are doing these changes.
Most people don't play on the vanilla official servers, but on the typical populated community servers that have adjusted the settings to fit their specific audience, while the official servers need to provide a baseline experience that is much more dependant on the players playing that cycle. We have always openly recommended to play on community servers for multiple reasons - the official servers cannot provide an adjusted play experience specifically suitable for specific audiences and are not having any creative concepts. We are nontheless monitoring those cycles after each Update for a while and then decide on if we deploy different settings for them. The latest update just released, though.
As I already said a few times, feedback is neither only nor majorly taken from White Tiger which for playtests mostly serves for stress testing. Nontheless it is fully correct that we focus around creating a game that supports large servers with intricate, collaborative systems. Assuming that White Tiger is magically not facing the same issues as other servers do just due to a higher population wouldn't be correct either - in some regard they are even bigger due to some of the ways it tries to address issues. It is nontheless a great place to test concepts with its focus on trying to have more casual and more commited players be on the same server and both having a great time, which should be the default for any vanilla server. That is also the goal of many community servers out there, which employ their own concepts to tackle the issues with the means the game currently offers, often successful.
It will also be used for testing a general concept of research eras that in the future may make it into the base game as a dedicated game feature. A common problem still is that Eco is played at a pace that is much, much faster than we ever had intended - leaving players with less commitment behind. The exhaustion system is a support system that allows to migitate the issue a bit, but isn't a solution in gameplay mechanics.
It actually also was feedback from there that led to the repair bounty system being reworked to allow repairs of the parts and a profession being introduced in the next Update that will allow making all and any repairs without requiring the specific skill if the setting is turned on. The needs for smaller servers and bigger servers can sometimes be vastly different, but that is why we make every new feature configurable and have in Update 11 also adjusted the Difficulty presets to not only take rates into account, but also feature settings.