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I've recently been discussing with friends that I play Eco with that I'd like to play a new game of Eco and potentially host a server. However, the only thing discouraging me is that I am aware that 9.0 is on the horizon. I understood that 9.0 was delayed and was expected this month, do we have any idea when it may launch?

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over 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by montious

Mainly some quite large government changes. Last time I read an update they had talked about having multiple levels of government that woud supercede each other. Think Local Government (Town/City Level), Then National Government (Country Level) and then Global Government (Planet Level). Other than that, I am unsure of what other changes were planned, but I know that was one of the big ones.

That was actually part of 10.0.