almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by GetoBoi


Btw, maybe I'm the last one still using old reddit on this sub but the header still says

Eco Beta 7.4.0 update is now available on Steam! View change list here.

Maybe you want to update that.

No, old reddit is no longer being updated here, sorry :)

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by ElSatan

I would also like to download the Linux server. The link on the page does not work atm.

Nevermind the link is working now

If that doesn't work, SteamCMD works - you just need to use an account that owns Eco for login, anonymous is currently not working.

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by goertzenator

Yeah, I see it too and it gives the sub an abandoned look. Just remove it altogether.

Did that. But we're not going to update any of the info on 'old reddit' anymore. It's fine if you still want to use an ugly and outdated page, but it's like with Windows 7 - support needs to end at some time. No matter how many downvotes i get for that ;)

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by f0rkz

Much like your docker containers?

Sorry, small team extremely busy on release day. Actually, those docker containers aren't even meant for the public, they're internal for our Cloud Worlds. We just don't mind if you use them, but they're not really targetted at public use :D (I believe Simon updated them in the meanwhile, though)

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xartin

So far this 9.x server update for Linux is a major improvement. Bravo nicely done to your programmers.

world gen with a 400x400 or 16km2 map generation is only single threaded which i guess makes sense but that completed processing in 5 minutes. same server used as the last tests. 20c/40t 3GHz E5-2690v2 xeon

No mono needed, native linux server. Impressive work other games couldn't be arsed to consider worthwhile.

The terrain generator is running now and that's definitely multithreaded :)

Here's the startup log results generating a new 400x400 map. Note this is also while running a twitch stream in chrome, apache webserver, two database servers, PO3 modded minecraft server and two qemu kvm virtual machines.

Overall result running beta

[02:05:06] [Server Initialization]... Finished in 5,435,554.2ms  

Startup log

[12:34:54] Initializing WorldGeneratorPlugin...
[12:34:54] Generating world 16km²...
[12:39:28] Generating terrain...
[01:13:00] Generating terrain... Finished in 2,010,942.9ms  
[01:13:00] Spawn terrain blocks...
[01:21:06] Spawn terrain blocks... Finished in 486,521.3ms
[01:21:06] Placing water...
[01:21:21] Placing water... Finished in 15,088.6ms  
[01:21:21] Caching world data...
[01:24:49] Caching world data... Finished in 207,495.8ms
[01:24:49] Generating special features...
[01:24:49] Generating special features... Finished in 141.3ms
[01:24:49] Extruding cliffs...
[01:26:06] Extruding cliffs... Finished in 77,396.6ms  
[01:26:06] Ticking (Pass 1)...
[01:44:48] Ticking (Pass 1)... Finished in 1,122,125.6ms
[01:44:48] Initializing world layers...
[01:45:40] Ticking world layers...
[01:46:18] Ticking world layers... Finished in 38,040.6ms
[01:44:48] Initializing world layers...
[01:45:40] Ticking world layers...
[01:46:18] Ticking world layers... Finished in 38,040.6ms
[01:52:09] Initializing world layers... Finished in 440,250.7ms
[01:52:09] Ticking (Pass 2)...
[01:53:29] Ticking (Pass 2)... Finished in 80,004.8ms
[01:53:29] Computing stats...
[01:53:47] Computing stats... Finished in 18,145.6ms
[01:53:47] Determining visibility...
[01:53:51] Determining visibility... Finished in 3,986.5ms
[01:53:51] Compressing...
[01:56:45] Compressing... Finished in 174,034.5ms
[01:57:05] Generating world 16km²... Finished in 4,931,120.1ms
[01:57:05] Initializing WorldGeneratorPlugin... Finished in 4,931,141.2ms

Computing stats and Determining visibility consumed 100% cpu on 40 threads. This new eco server build likes the threads.

Caching world data

Side note: This new Linux server build may benefit from a configuration setting that limits how many process threads are permitted for some systems.

Thanks. SteamCMD should now also work with 'anonymous' login again.

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by yodatak

Eco linux client don't download NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.EcoLinux_v0.9.0.1-beta.zip9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Linux and Mac Clients aren't available yet.

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by Kumagor0

Maybe it's time to update this subreddit's top bar

I removed the notice on the old reddit, not going to be updated any further.

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by yodatak

Changelog is outadated for now

Web-Team is busy with the move to the new website, will be updated when they're done with the more pressing issues.

almost 4 years ago - /u/SLG-Dennis - Direct link

Originally posted by xartin

Hey Dennis is the 9.x Linux client available?

I tested downloading using steam client on Linux and steamcmd without an anonymous login and both are still providing 0.8.x versions. I also attempted to force steam client to install 9.0.1 beta and it was still providing an 0.8.x client version.

No, Linux and Mac clients are unfortunately not yet available: