12 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
12 months ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s audio hello everyone and welcome to
3s another Friday evening
6s here at strange Loop games my guns
9s working as lead game designer here and
12s today we'll go over a little bit more on
15s Ultra as it's
18s still a little bit in depth towards the
21s adjacent areas of influence orders
26s impact and kind of
29s the gauged game implication it will have
33s and
35s hoping that everyone will enjoy it and
37s if you have any questions just popping
39s them in chat and I'll answer them as we
41s go through and as you can see I am once
45s again
47s unsupervised we were gonna have Toby
50s here but unfortunately and got a bit
52s preoccupied and couldn't participate so
55s we'll see if we get him into a future
57s stream
58s with that
60s Australian charm of his
63s uh so I think we can just go straight
67s ahead and
69s flip over to some gameplay footage here
74s oh yeah true when I have done is
76s speaking tabs on the chat
78s helping out with some moderation there
80s as well
82s if we just do that and we can transition
84s into some gameplay footage just right
88s off the bat
90s uh flip over the time so we can see
93s something
96s so
97s we went over culture a bit about how you
100s acquire culture and how you
103s and a deal with it in terms of adding it
105s as another type of property layer we had
109s some difficulties really showing it off
112s correctly due to
115s claims didn't really want to change out
117s property type so that has been fixed on
120s staging so now we can add more cultural
122s properties and kind of give this more of
124s a go through
126s I think there's nothing really to it
129s other than just kind of going at it
133s so
135s from the world map here I set up two
138s towns and two different nations or
141s countries
142s and they are as you can see quite
144s substantially different in scale and
147s size
148s and the reason for this is their
150s cultural impact and the value they've
152s acquired is completely different towards
154s one another and that's why you can see
156s the big one is starting to eat
159s um
160s we kind of clash into and and envelop
163s the middle here
166s so
167s we have grand otoria which is the pink
170s slash white one and then we have
172s concrete land which is the white one
177s and if we go into the towns you can see
179s that each of these have one of one one
181s of their own separate towns and they are
183s fairly similar in scale and one of that
187s one of the reasons for that is that
189s there's Christ solely by
192s a singular claim
194s and
196s this claim is is then uh limited to
202s being the soft cap to the materials of
204s the room
205s both of these are kind of equal in in
208s terms of their strengths I mean counts
210s in Ultra
212s and that is a little bit about what will
215s make sure that people have a good grasp
217s on why it's important how it's done and
220s also the kind of settings that you're
223s really kind of
225s in depth to tweaking out the um the
228s server settings to make sure that you
230s get the size appropriation that you want
232s to have where talents can scale up to a
235s certain width and
237s our culture kind of passes from a town
240s to a country to a federation and then
244s moving through kind of the ecos
250s so if we have where we want to start
253s here
255s go through
257s go through the process straight from
261s from left here we have the small
265s alterville we formed here with
269s a few other objects here and as well
271s that are properly working as well that
274s is kind of go over
276s the camera is still a little bit
279s inaccurate
281s um it does have it still has some minor
284s issues which is
287s on this one here
290s so if you are on staging we are aware
292s that it's not working a hundred percent
296s and hopefully we get the fix fairly
298s shortly for this if you have some images
302s and they'll contribute to culture based
305s on
309s this
315s here so inside the picture frames
319s you have the rate picture
321s that is allowing you to give reputation
324s to your picture and this will pass into
331s this little pass into by the reputation
335s for the artist so this is the person who
338s uploaded the texture or who took the
340s picture and then generated the game
342s object itself
344s as this is its own kind of thing and it
347s retains its information so this can be
349s sold and kind of passed over to another
351s town and so on so forth
353s and we went over a little bit on the
355s other stream for this
356s but here we have it actually working
358s properly now
359s so this gives you a value of culture and
363s this is these values are something that
365s we are looking into
367s making sure that they fit towards the
369s scale of
372s and I'm making sure that it builds the
374s correct size and it builds to the
377s turns a radius so you have
379s a good impact on your pictures so you
382s don't need to have a whole bunch of them
383s versus
387s some craftable objects that contains
389s culture value and then and offset this
393s to give sort of a competitiveness but
395s still allows people to have
397s a good player impact
400s but they are hampered when you place
402s them in your own settlement
405s which means you can't just have a group
407s that belongs to the same town and then
409s they just give each other a whole bunch
411s of reputation and then it kind of scales
413s up but if you're contained within the
416s settle the same settlement hierarchy you
418s will get penalties for
420s making pictures and adding reputations
422s to these sort of In-House if you will
428s and with the culture added here this
431s will work similar to a regular housing
434s object so
436s as you can see here we're getting 1.37
438s from this one and then we're getting
440s 2.04 from this one and then we're
441s getting 20 from the foundation it's
444s being soft capped because of the room
445s material and this kind of builds into
448s it's really really critical for your
451s towns and
454s um the foundations in particular but
457s also the adjacent
459s ruptures of cultural types where you
461s really want to make sure that you keep
463s upgrading the housing value by making
466s sure that you replace the material the
468s house is made out of because they will
470s soft cap
472s um
473s going through tier 234 making sure you
475s get that Dash learning composite or flat
477s steel or
479s you know whatever whatever really it's
481s the aesthetic of your town if you have
484s any kind of restrictions so on
488s so that's just a quick summary of
490s where culture kind of comes from and
493s this is summarized into
497s do this we have a whole bunch of
500s information and then the
502s tooltip description for the different
504s settlement tiers we have how much or how
507s many actual plots are contained within
509s its influence sphere
511s we have the total culture the settlement
513s is comprised of as well as the actual
516s plots that are claimed
519s and then we have of course how many
520s settlement how many citizens it has if
523s if it has uh if the the leader position
526s in this town is held by someone
529s and of course it's treasury as all towns
532s has their own treasury right now
536s um and the influence sources for this
539s settlement so this is where it will list
541s if you have multiple cultural properties
544s on the deed and that's
547s go over here as well I think we might do
548s that on on the next year up just because
550s I have it set up already
553s I asked a question popped in here with
555s can you see the towns and countries on
557s the map at the same times you can see
559s which town belongs to which country
562s at the moment they are just kind of
565s merging in because this is only showing
567s you the actual influence of the town
571s or its appropriate settlement here so in
574s this case we have towns selected then
576s this is the border and
579s the influence range of this town so any
582s law that is created in here is only
584s going to be affected inside this area
588s and distance scales to countries as well
591s so if I select countries you'll see that
594s it it joins up with
596s the other one because this is belonging
599s to that town where this town is
601s belonging to that country
604s um which then extends its influence over
606s that area
607s so you don't really at the settlement
610s levels you don't really have a clear
612s distinction as to what is a town and
614s what is the country in regards to most
617s aspects of this
619s as Town laws are only affecting towns
623s themselves and Country laws are
625s affecting the whole country regardless
626s if you're a town or not so
629s um
630s if there is
633s a sort of a big interest in terms of
637s being able to
639s discern
641s what or sort of what towns are
644s comprising inside this or see like a
646s small border Gap in here
649s um
650s something we might look at but
653s it is also kind of complicated because
655s of the fact that this is basic influence
657s and not really
659s there's no there's no real other thing
662s revolving
665s um
666s how to depict importers if you will
668s because in a in a country there is no
670s Town borders if that makes sense
673s um
674s from the country's perspective a country
676s will will be comprised of whatever is
678s below it regardless if it's a homestead
681s or if it's a town or or whatnot it's
683s just
684s um it'll just apply anything that is
686s affecting it
688s and on the cultural acquisition we have
692s he
698s it is working
699s um so here we have the grand Oriole
705s and here we have some new information
706s here where you are seeing that we are
709s getting an infinite source of the
711s authorville foundation deed so this is
713s listing the source that is coming from
715s the town and I'm holding control now and
717s that's why it's kind of Shifting in
719s between these puddles
722s um
724s you have the foundation deed for the
726s authorville which is adding influence
729s and adding
730s um adding both culture and adding both
732s influence to the nation
734s we've got the foundation deed itself for
737s the country and then we have a deed that
739s I claimed
741s just on top of it
743s and as you can see you're only getting a
745s little bit here because the foundations
747s themselves are inherently fairly
749s powerful just to make sure that they're
751s always generating a decent amount of
754s radius to be able to kind of cover the
757s initial homesteads and allowing you to
760s get started off grow inside of things
765s and so we're here so something that we
768s failed to do last time but it is working
770s now inside
773s a claim
775s by going through the actual deed of it I
778s can switch over from a residential as
780s you can see it is no longer a cultural
782s property it all the points it was giving
785s and got removed
786s if I switched switch this over the
789s culture
790s it gives me a total of 1.5
794s and that is because I have a decorative
797s anchor which is giving no points at the
799s moment
800s but if I do this and I have some tests
803s up if instead I've been playing around
805s with
816s and then we just drop down a cube here
818s that is behaving like a cultural object
821s so in this case it is giving me an
823s varnish value
826s and
830s there I think it's slightly limited here
833s you can see that
837s uh
838s the first deed is now giving us a whole
841s lot more influence radius
843s and it grew outwards
849s and it also gave us a lot more culture
856s don't really have a super clean way of
859s doing this at the moment
863s thank me
868s so here you have inside the government
870s tab
872s you can see the different structure and
874s how they relate and this is something
875s that's being reworked at the moment so
878s this will look a bit differently
881s as well as the annexation and everything
882s that will go over in a later stream
886s and here you can see the total tally of
888s culture and different cultures for these
891s things so here you can actually go in
892s and check
894s the
896s opposing Nations that might be super
899s close in Border and how they relate to
901s you and how many properties they have a
903s culture on and how their overall
905s influence is looking compared to yours
909s just as a
911s neat little way to kind of
913s fetch it
916s and as you can see here so why is this
919s country humongous compared to this
921s little one well
924s I swapped this out to do two things one
927s it has a second floor
930s um so
931s cultural properties work pretty much the
934s same way as housing
935s where you have cultural value that is
938s capped to the material of the room it is
940s capped to the different types of
943s Furnishings that you have in the room in
945s the the in the very much same way so if
948s you have multiple rooms on the same
950s property you'll be able to vastly
952s increase the cultural value of it
955s because each room only gives you a set
958s amount before you're starting to get
959s diminishing values
961s so you might have this amazing epic
964s painting that gives you a ton of points
967s but
968s it's only going to give you so many
971s points and you don't want to put in
973s another epic painting because you're
974s going to be exceeding the value
976s so many
979s um and if we give us another another one
982s here so in in this case here we've got a
985s test object that gives us 10 points and
987s we're already soft capped a little bit
990s so if we drop another one down here
993s and you can see if I just pick this up
995s again
996s might be a bit difficult to see on the
997s stream but you can see on the minimap
1000s that we are growing the Border when we
1003s are placing it
1005s and this is not a centrally growth
1009s existence so it's not constantly adding
1012s to the central point of the property it
1015s is adding to or to the town it is adding
1018s to the central property of the
1021s place that or the deed that you have the
1024s cultural building at so if you would
1026s build
1028s actually do that well
1031s as if you added a few more commands for
1033s admins to do this so I believe it's
1038s slash
1040s uh clean papers same Stakes
1044s slash add Lane takes
1052s that's supposed to be
1065s Billy doesn't want to let me do this
1071s was to just add claim Stakes
1077s [Music]
1080s really doesn't want to
1086s oh don't don't even start one soon don't
1089s don't give Nemo something else
1091s yeah it needs a settlement ID it's it
1093s was originally doing
1096s the um
1098s the command was initially proposed to be
1102s just point on
1104s yes it is complaining why am I not
1107s getting oh there we go
1110s oh yeah
1112s it is yeah it needs it needs decimal and
1115s then it needs the settlement so we need
1117s Grand
1120s did I call it
1126s mandatory that's what I was that that's
1129s what I called it
1133s here we go as you can see we also have
1135s an interesting little pop-up that says
1137s you know this might break stuff
1143s and that gives you
1146s um flame stakes and then we have one for
1148s claim papers that gets linked to the
1149s property so this is mainly an admin only
1152s use at your own risk kind of thing at
1155s the moment until we proved it a little
1156s bit
1158s now that I have a property claim that
1161s belongs to this deed as you can see I
1163s can only place it inside this border
1165s radius
1166s I drop it down over here
1175s Let's do an ashlar building just because
1177s we can here
1186s wants to let me
1189s not wanting to do that
1191s it's fine
1195s there we go
1199s now we're cooking
1201s replace this
1203s little guy outside
1211s rename it just to make sure that we have
1213s a
1215s good idea what's what we're doing I'm
1217s gonna name this ice
1220s board
1222s and now we can right click this and find
1225s it in my list of Deeds
1227s like that one
1231s or am I gonna be suffocating under the
1233s town issue we're currently having a
1236s slight issue with
1238s beads and being placed in countries that
1242s aren't really belonging to
1244s oh boy yeah there's there's a mishap
1247s there
1251s I
1260s uh some stuff isn't really working
1262s properly yet as you can see and this is
1265s why it's still
1267s not really available for a broader
1270s testing in terms of our public play test
1276s but we
1280s around here
1282s that you
1287s make sure that stuff doesn't explode
1289s completely
1293s did who knows
1297s this is belonging to
1300s all the area
1304s it might be so one of the reasons why
1307s things are misbehaving a little bit is
1309s that I've been using commands to kind of
1310s override requirements and override
1312s settings and drifting around
1315s myself
1317s that's probably why
1318s [Music]
1323s let's just do that
1325s yeah see I will still
1329s I will still part of the other claim
1332s which was in correctly allowing me to do
1335s things I wasn't supposed to do because
1339s using admin commands can give you a bit
1341s of unpredictive Behavior hence why
1345s always make sure when you're doing this
1347s that you're not doing it on a live
1350s server unless you're absolutely 100 sure
1353s that it won't break things
1355s in terms of just the general command
1358s used is good to have in your uh
1364s back in your head when you're doing
1365s things on a live server which is why I
1367s leave most of the very destructive
1370s command usage to uh
1372s one of our GMS
1375s they are
1377s a lot quicker on doing it at this point
1380s because I think I can transitioned over
1382s to to do more design things rather than
1386s direct gameplay elements
1390s just name it here
1394s and
1397s now we can claim properly
1400s it's giving me a bit of an error message
1402s that it's not
1406s not really 100 accurate but that is fine
1408s we got what we came for we have a
1413s bit of a house
1418s here we go
1421s now we can add some walls and we are
1424s adding a functionality to make sure that
1427s you can move these
1429s same Stakes which I've seen a few
1433s concerns and crop UPS about hey you know
1436s what if we can't what if we place our
1439s Foundation or base our flame stick in a
1442s really bad spot after we building and
1445s realize that oh this this this was a bad
1447s decision I want to move it but then when
1450s I try to move it
1451s it wants us to just rip out all of our
1454s property
1456s as we're you know we're picking it up
1459s and we're destroying the object
1461s so you will have a special keybind or
1463s moving it rather than picking it up or
1466s um
1467s rather from instead of picking it up
1469s straight up
1470s and that is something that we're also
1472s looking at
1473s expanding onto vehicles to kind of help
1475s out a bit in terms of
1478s you know you drive your cart off a
1480s bridge or
1483s you drove your car off a cliff
1486s instead of you having to kind of dump
1488s down a bunch of stockpiles and kind of
1492s teleport stuff out of the vehicle onto
1494s the ground and then picking up the
1495s vehicle and then placing it down again
1497s and refilling it
1499s so we're looking at adding something for
1503s making sure that you can kind of move
1505s things rather than destroying them
1508s so now we have a new property here why
1511s with a little bit of circumvention and a
1513s bit of inconvenience
1516s we can now switch over this to cultural
1519s property
1520s and it says that I can't
1522s because
1524s at the moment there are residents on it
1526s and this brings us to the question of
1529s a multi-room cultural building
1533s being a source of both housing value and
1536s cultural value yes and no yes you can
1539s just
1540s you know
1541s which in between if you have an amazing
1543s house and
1545s you build a completely different
1547s structure somewhere else and you want to
1549s move your your housing residential deed
1552s over there
1553s but you still want to have a use for
1555s this old property that you might not it
1558s could have a bunch of furniture it could
1559s have some decent
1561s housing value but you feel like you
1564s don't want to hassle with you know
1565s renting it out to other people or or so
1567s on so forth you could switch it over to
1569s a cultural property
1571s and as long as you are out of
1574s residency of it
1577s and switch this to cultural and then
1580s most Furniture types will amplify the
1584s value of a cultural property
1588s so if I add this here it'll turn into a
1591s cultural room and as you can see the
1592s borders expanded quite significantly up
1595s here
1597s or at least a good chunk and as you can
1600s see here now we have this here
1602s that added influence to it
1606s and
1610s and if we go into the tooltip of
1612s cultural value or a cultural property
1614s you can see that we're still gaining
1615s from seating decoration and lightning
1618s same as any other type of room so
1621s culture is a room category same as
1624s living room or or bathroom and so on so
1627s forth so you can add a bunch of
1628s supplementary furniture
1630s kind of amplify it
1632s to do
1633s Lumber bench
1636s and then we do
1641s label
1650s door lamp yeah format
1655s Irvine
1656s because they are modular
1659s place down
1662s so we add in as you can see here we have
1666s a cultural value of 10
1670s do this and we add this in here
1674s people are gonna hate me because this is
1675s a tiny tiny room
1683s pretty nice there we go thank you
1687s and now you can see that it expanded
1689s quite significantly more because we
1691s added these additional Furniture types
1694s so now that we are seeing
1698s the value bumped up by the tables value
1700s the bench value up to seating support So
1704s seating support as
1706s as seen before is
1708s allows you to upgrade the value of the
1711s room up to 50 of the total value of the
1715s category score so in this case I could
1717s add seating value up to five since
1720s that's 50 of 10.
1723s as well as lighting lighting is up to 30
1726s percent so I this is capped out if I
1729s added another lamp it would
1732s just
1733s diminish the value as it beats the 30 of
1737s the total value
1740s and ask the question for would a kitchen
1743s item help no as as you realized
1746s um kitchen all the kitchen type
1748s Furniture are a room category type and
1751s not a support Furniture so those would
1753s be a kitchen
1755s hence why they're not valid in a
1757s cultural property
1760s um so with that as you can see now we
1762s awesomely expanded this and kind of grew
1765s in this area and now
1767s uh
1769s do this
1770s now you can see that oh boy that was
1773s very uh very shiningly pink
1777s foreign
1796s this is the new
1799s the new um
1802s color shading we were planning on just
1804s turning the world pink and then just you
1806s know rolling with it
1808s see if anyone notices
1812s um but no on on a serious note though
1815s um so this is the influence range and
1817s inside this you could place new
1820s properties and you could add a cultural
1821s property over here and you can keep
1823s expanding it or you could beef up this
1825s house to have you know a bunch of
1827s different more rooms and quadruple the
1831s um
1832s quadruple the uh the radius of this by
1835s just adding more value to it it'll keep
1837s expanding
1839s and that's kind of how you grow and
1840s influence land and kind of push out the
1842s borders
1845s so how will this
1847s kind of Impact gameplay on a real level
1851s well
1852s the most obvious one is if you had a
1855s court
1856s your population inside this border is
1858s going to be voting on it
1860s and this means you have direct control
1863s and direct accessibility to make sure
1865s that
1867s as Farmers have been
1869s pointing out and been very concerned
1871s about in terms of property management
1873s and
1875s um
1876s terraforming for Farmland is usually one
1879s of the most expensive in terms of land
1881s ownership
1883s it comes in like a heavy industrial
1884s buildings can always be built in a
1886s fairly
1888s fairly dense populated area in some way
1892s or shape or form but Farmland does
1894s require specific biomes specific areas
1898s and
1900s owning large swaths of land to cover
1903s this and allowing them to build these
1907s big farms is gonna be more of a
1909s governmental property ownership
1912s and a relationship in between you can
1915s you can still absolutely do things like
1920s um adding a zoning desk for instance and
1922s adding a
1924s arming district and then only allow say
1928s Farmers to do things like
1931s um
1933s only allow gatherers of a certain level
1936s skill level to harvest this or only
1939s allow gatherers in this town to do it or
1942s even go so far as to the attacks and or
1948s um
1949s what's the opposite word of it
1952s help me out here
1957s total total blank here
1959s um
1960s paying people to speed
1964s um
1964s and so on to give more of a governmental
1967s impact on the food supply
1970s but this is also something that could be
1972s a case of you have a couple of people
1974s that are you know you have a group that
1976s forms a small town and they just apply
1979s you know all permissions in the town is
1982s only related to the people in the town
1984s and creating these commune society and
1987s groups that
1988s anyone is able to do anything inside
1990s this territory but they need to belong
1992s to the territory yeah subsidize thank
1994s you very much that was the word I was
1995s looking for
1998s um so you might see more of a
2004s subsidizing versus taxing of harvesting
2007s planting where
2009s the government bodies gets more involved
2012s in Land Management which is part of the
2015s push for this
2017s and
2019s we are trying to kind of move away from
2021s everyone has access to a whole heat load
2024s of land claims
2025s as you do with skill Scrolls as well as
2028s kind of the
2030s the notion of
2033s more people generate more planes and
2036s more
2037s available properties but we also wanted
2040s to kind of move away from the
2043s the Reliant on technological progression
2047s for this in in one way
2050s you still have a threshold where you
2052s generate papers for the town you
2054s generate papers for a country and then
2056s when a country kind of upscales into
2057s Federation Federation dumps out papers
2060s equivalent to all the people in
2063s um
2064s the levels below it so once you reach a
2067s federation it could dump out like you
2068s know 600 1200 claim papers
2073s um depending on how many people you have
2075s in the towns and in the countries up to
2077s that stage
2078s which then gives you a whole heap load
2080s of land to
2082s add more cultural properties to or
2086s build giant farmlands and then renting
2088s them out to Farmers or telling them to
2091s the farmers
2092s so that's one approach I'm hoping that
2095s people will enjoy to kind of get their
2096s hands on
2099s uh
2104s beastians can I have a house in one city
2106s and in another
2108s it depends on the rules and regulations
2110s so you could own property
2113s in one town
2117s at the moment
2121s I believe we are kind of restricting it
2124s so you could rent it in a separate town
2127s but you can't own it in another town
2130s due to influence levels
2134s because right now influence for
2136s properties are based on your
2140s your relationship to the town
2143s so if a citizen is a member of the this
2147s pink town here
2149s any property they have would
2151s be
2153s subjugated to the influence of this town
2159s um
2161s yeah so there's not really a whole lot
2164s more on that at the moment we are still
2166s work in progress as hoping that
2170s thing at the top is still visible
2173s and
2175s we are still you know kind of making
2178s sure that everything is working the way
2180s we want them to be working and we're
2182s also happy to take suggestions or
2184s concerns where
2185s things might work out completely
2188s different from what we expect them to as
2190s with all game development
2193s where players do something completely
2195s crazy with what they get their hands on
2197s once we reach that stage
2199s um
2200s and we're just you know trying to
2202s eliminate as much as possible in terms
2204s of both bugs but also
2206s inconveniences and making sure that we
2208s reach a level of quality of life where
2210s we're happy with the added complexity
2212s versus the change in Behavior
2216s and just trying to make it this as
2218s honest as possible
2222s there was something else I wanted to
2225s kind of rough on on
2228s note on the question for
2231s the uh properties with different
2233s cultural values against each other to be
2237s able to capture another
2238s country's cultural properties and so on
2242s we do have an annexation stream that is
2245s planned
2246s which will cover that whole mechanic
2248s because it is a bit in-depth and it's
2250s also optional as a server setting just
2252s to make sure that that's known as well
2257s um
2259s and we get laws or treaties to not allow
2262s culture borders to cross certain piles
2265s that one is probably not
2271s well I shouldn't say not possible
2273s because at a certain level it is
2276s probably possible to do but loss
2279s only apply inside the cultural borders
2283s without the cultural border existing
2285s there the law wouldn't apply
2289s so basically any law doesn't know
2291s anything about anything outside of that
2294s range
2298s dropped on a building here just
2303s do let me extend it
2308s that make a fancy little building here
2311s on top
2314s this is big enough to the small ones
2331s oh
2334s for the ad
2338s there we go
2341s so one of the things we did with quartz
2344s as
2347s I think I've shown
2349s um we changed out so you now have a
2352s small cord and you have a large cord
2358s where the small court is basically the
2361s chord object that has all the kind of
2363s Superfluous objects away from it
2367s which also has a change
2371s volume of loss and interactions
2377s yeah
2378s here
2379s I just wanted to make sure that it was
2381s on the same property as the foundation
2387s which is what you know
2389s roughing this in here in this amazingly
2392s quality building that I'm sure half of
2394s you
2395s are super impressed with how
2399s brand as it can look
2404s amazing in Pitch back pitch Blackness
2406s here
2408s as I am a member of this country now I
2412s have the option of being able to
2415s create laws and in here
2419s on the game effect
2423s we've got
2425s the settlement of jurisdiction that you
2427s can choose so in this tab is where you
2431s select what area of influence you are
2433s going to impact with this specific law
2436s and the same thing goes for everything
2437s that kind of
2440s Civic related so be it
2443s um an amendment to the Constitution
2445s you're going to be pointing towards the
2447s constitution of a town or a country
2450s based on what you select the
2452s jurisdiction of the object to be and
2453s this is only selectable by
2455s valid areas you can place it in so if
2458s this is if this small court is placed
2462s inside a town
2464s here and as Dennis pointed out I can
2466s just override it
2468s through this let's add it inside here
2473s restriction to add
2476s role
2479s of this in here
2481s enable
2483s oh
2485s apparently not
2496s nope Dennis I can't do it it's broken
2503s why is it not wanting me to select big
2506s enough it's going to be good
2511s there we go let's just dump it in here
2514s there we go so here you can see that
2516s this is inside the town
2519s as we saw here so this is the town
2521s radius we're placing this inside the
2524s town
2525s um inside the country
2527s that's why I have access to both the
2529s town and the country so if I select this
2532s one here
2534s and I create civics
2537s changes or laws that relate to that
2540s jurisdiction once these have passed
2543s you can no longer change their
2545s jurisdiction for this object and this
2547s chord will only apply to that specific
2550s layer
2552s so if I draft the law here and says
2556s let's do a
2560s dick
2562s actually since we were talking about
2563s farming let's let's do Harvester hunt
2567s so any specie any tool used and then we
2571s just do
2572s you know
2574s we can we can do revoke citizenship and
2576s like if you're hunting Alters in
2578s alterville you can revoke citizenship of
2579s them
2582s always fun
2585s so we do prevent and
2588s run
2593s notice that I'm not giving it any
2595s specific other conditions
2598s and this is also so
2601s if it's not super clear on when you're
2604s creating
2606s Civic interactions or laws and and so on
2609s so forth once you've created the draft
2611s you're happy with you add the new law to
2613s an election
2615s it adds it in the
2617s um
2618s as an election draft inside the
2621s election sidebar which is this one here
2625s and that is where you actually started
2626s so once you click once you've clicked
2628s this button there is no going back
2630s unless the election either passes fails
2633s or is vetoed assuming someone has
2636s permission to do that
2638s so we do start the election and just
2641s flip through it with Quick Command
2645s and now we're completely preventing all
2647s harvesting inside our country
2650s and this sounds like an awesome idea
2653s we're protecting all the species and
2654s everything and protecting all the
2656s turtles
2659s um
2660s uh so if I do a slash
2663s oh
2669s Arrow
2671s oh
2672s two eyes sorry I have my microphones in
2675s the way a little bit so I
2677s have a bit of a difficult being the left
2679s side of the
2681s yeah so if I do this
2684s it should up me
2687s in the notifications they're hidden off
2689s the side so it's not helping anyone
2694s do I have a Wolfie here
2697s there you go
2700s and as you can see here now we have a
2703s law active inside this settlement
2708s and if I go
2711s into another settlement
2714s as you can see a new settlement new area
2716s no loss applying
2718s and
2720s same thing for
2722s if I'm outside the area completely I'll
2725s hit the turkey it'll take damage
2728s if I can hit the turkey his pathway and
2730s he's just
2732s too awesome for me
2733s and could pick him up and everything is
2736s working Dandy and then once moving back
2738s into this town or this country it is all
2742s affected by the same law
2745s and if I'm moving into the town it you
2748s can also see that
2753s it is not really working the way we want
2755s it to as you can
2757s probably tell from the amazing
2759s description there with the item name
2762s but
2765s yeah the item I think it's yeah I think
2769s it's in regards to
2771s you lost being activated in properties
2774s with both towns and settlements but uh
2778s anyway if I'm shooting things that's
2779s outside the borders it won't proc the
2782s law if I'm inside it will proc the law
2785s that is how
2788s influence is going to impact loss and
2790s the layers of depth in terms of
2793s what you can kind of do with things
2798s nope we're stuck with the item name I'm
2801s sorry it doesn't want to go away
2802s anywhere
2805s um and now I'm breaking even more things
2807s so
2810s I think I'm just gonna
2813s yeah
2815s um
2816s peculiar is the word I'd use
2823s from both the main menu see if that
2827s alleviates the problem Maybe
2830s or if I broke the client
2833s I think we might be good it didn't
2835s follow me out here at least
2838s uh do you have anything any other
2841s questions that people feel like oh
2847s I think everyone is seemingly quite
2849s happy
2850s um
2851s like I said in the in the beginning if
2852s you have you know huge concerns about oh
2855s this is going to break everything for me
2858s um just let us know and we'll see
2862s um if we're actually breaking it or if
2866s there's something that we
2868s and I also want to include or
2871s change and adapt things to
2877s they'll seemingly wanted to let me come
2879s in here
2881s um wondering about how two countries
2883s will compete with each other well
2886s the general notion is countries should
2890s be sort of competing with each other in
2891s terms of
2892s acquiring property and land they want to
2895s reach or expanding to the level they
2898s want to reach at and that is kind of
2900s where
2901s citizen activity comes into yeah client
2904s widescreen of death I think it's just
2907s it it really doesn't like me today
2912s uh
2919s go
2921s now we're ending world no
2924s um as Zach was saying here concern being
2927s that someone will just be able to start
2928s a settlement next to someone else and
2930s Conquer it all in one night well
2934s um first off I would
2936s kind of clarify that by default unless
2939s servers do something
2941s in terms of changing out the default
2943s election processes which is what's being
2946s used for the spawn of settlements so
2948s when you first create a town you'll
2951s always have that the old election type
2954s from the capital that you're used to so
2956s anytime you want to start a new town
2958s it's always going to be a 24 hour
2962s um
2963s pass from the fact that you place the
2965s foundation to that you can found it it
2967s always needs to go through that approval
2969s process
2972s um
2973s with the exception of
2975s like everyone is all agreeing you can
2979s kind of push down fairly quickly
2981s but at that time you're also going to be
2983s looking at you need to have enough
2985s culture to
2988s to expand it to that degree and some of
2992s it is going to be locked in terms of
2993s text some of it is going to be locked in
2995s terms of just time required to build up
2999s the resources to do that
3001s s
3003s you are aware that this needs to be
3005s housed they also have restrictions and
3008s it is really not letting me do that
3011s uh
3013s foreign
3035s [Music]
3036s where were I yeah so
3040s you're always going to have that kind of
3041s Gap in where you can't just join a
3044s server and pop down a foundation and
3047s create the town off the go without
3050s setting up a manufacturing on your own
3053s and setting up kind of
3055s did I break the server there
3061s Bowie
3071s fill on it just doesn't really want to
3074s connect
3077s and I think that
3081s oh really we will not when I terminate
3085s the server then it starts to load okay
3089s is that one
3091s um
3092s but I am I believe I'm screen sharing
3095s everything yeah so
3098s um on the culture and salvaging the
3101s situation here a little bit with
3104s um culture and its kind of effects and
3106s how this is
3111s um handled in terms of limitations and
3114s and kind of
3117s on the topic of how culture grows and
3119s how it can kind of poke out
3123s um you've got this input Half-Life
3125s versus output limit so anytime a
3129s cultural value of
3130s a settlement here reaches this point
3134s it'll go to 50 towards the next level of
3137s the limitations
3139s so as you reach higher scale and higher
3143s values of culture range you are gonna
3146s hit a cap
3148s so that town border won't expand
3151s indefinitely as long as you keep
3153s plugging in more culture and the same
3155s thing so once you kind of reach that
3157s level you have to transition over to a
3159s country a country consists of multiple
3162s towns it requires a certain amount of
3164s minimum settlements or a minimum amount
3167s of settlements and a minimum amount of
3170s citizens inside those settlements so you
3174s do have a kind of safety net in regards
3176s to
3177s the concern of being kind of enrolled by
3181s a single cohesive group of players for
3184s instance which I'm guessing is part of
3187s that concern
3190s uh
3193s and
3196s how do contracts work within this are
3199s they still the same well contracts are
3201s kinda
3203s um they're kind of their own little
3204s thing if we're talking about
3207s the actual contracts and not the work
3209s parties while the work parties are also
3211s kind of individual as well where
3214s they're not
3216s really inhibited by the settlements as
3219s these are
3221s it really broke for me now I I think I
3224s might have broken the server somehow so
3225s I think
3227s oh oh no no are we getting in we are
3230s getting in
3231s El my we are getting in it's amazing
3235s I didn't break it
3238s quite proud of myself considering how
3240s much I've been messing around with
3240s commands
3247s there we go we are back on the server
3250s uh apparently the mouse over on the
3252s settlements and and the law active is
3255s calls were concerned for some of it
3259s um
3262s yeah now that we have
3264s actually do that now that we have a
3268s all active in here and we have it tied
3270s to fiction
3274s you can see that if I'm trying to switch
3276s it out
3277s it can't change Associated settlements
3279s while they're active or proposed loss in
3281s state
3289s and yeah as Dennis answer there if
3293s there's a way to prevent if there is a
3296s way for servers to prevent work parties
3297s across the globe when there is no Global
3300s government
3302s um no it's any
3304s any on a server that relies on a global
3310s predetermined
3312s settlement will need to adjust some of
3315s the variables for
3317s the Federation and use that as their
3320s kind of mock-up government to make sure
3323s that they have Global coverage from the
3324s start
3327s um
3328s and if there's if there's admins that do
3330s need help to to kind of get their heads
3332s wrapped around how that works when we
3335s get to that stage just
3337s send me a DM or
3340s um
3342s ask about it in
3344s either the update 10 channels or the
3348s server help once once it's out on stable
3356s would I be able to make a work party
3358s with the criterias of you needing to be
3361s a citizen of X yes absolutely so
3365s work parties
3367s they all still have the same log game
3369s values and
3371s you can still get some of those
3375s from uh let's actually see if that works
3379s um fire
3381s you have something
3385s right
3407s a bunch of corn and
3412s we link that up
3416s like that
3419s then we do
3421s here so inside work parties and we've
3425s got that short corn
3428s General requirements here
3432s and shank4 is citizen of settlement and
3435s you can just select
3438s countries or settlement or
3441s whichever specific one you need
3444s and if the citizen is a member of that
3446s settlement
3448s it is all right you cannot do this
3454s so this is something that you could add
3459s as a general requirement to to do your
3461s work parties hey you only your work
3463s parties only applicable or
3466s your town citizens
3469s um you could do that and then anyone
3471s that is not a member of your town is not
3472s going to be able to do it
3474s so that's one way to kind of discern if
3477s you want only townies to be able to
3481s apply for your work parties
3486s uh
3490s do you have any any other questions here
3492s in the line I think we're we're pretty
3494s much cleared out
3499s can you have a federation without the
3502s countries yes if you change out the
3504s values for it
3507s um so as sa is it is that a setting
3510s yes sort of right now it's still not
3513s exposed as
3516s um a config config but it is inside the
3519s settlement definitions
3522s um as you can see maybe
3525s um
3525s that a little bit even the tool tip is
3527s not really thoroughly expanded
3530s um so inside mods in inside the server
3532s mods folder and core systems
3535s you're looking at settlements
3537s definitions
3539s and in here
3541s you have these values for the arrays and
3544s this is looking like a lot of jungle
3547s as Dennis points out you can force
3550s enable a federation to just override all
3552s values and settings and configuration
3554s requirements
3557s but you can do things like minimum
3559s cities to maintain the settlement
3561s minimum cities to found the settlement
3563s and these are in three increments
3567s so you're looking at how many citizens
3569s it is required to start a town how many
3572s citizens it is required to be in a total
3575s value across all of those towns or just
3578s under the country itself to form that
3580s and then the amount of citizens you need
3582s to actually form a country
3585s and same thing for the amount of
3587s settlements as well so this is
3589s specifying that this needs two count or
3592s two towns to found a country and it
3594s requires two countries to found a
3595s federation
3598s and then you've got the maximum ranges
3600s that you can be from
3602s the center point
3605s with your homesteads when you start
3607s these different tiers
3610s so
3612s someone on their own could create a
3615s federation Foundation it could place it
3617s down
3618s but he wouldn't be able to start a
3620s federation until he has
3623s enough countries inside it so he could a
3627s solo person could place it down build a
3629s nice little house and then invite nearby
3632s countries to join his Federation and
3634s start it from there
3637s versus someone that is holding a country
3640s that is automatically added to the
3643s Federation
3652s I'm hoping that
3654s for Server admins
3657s yeah there's there's a couple of
3658s variable names here that are quite long
3660s but we're also trying to keep them as
3663s descriptive as you can get them
3666s so there's no confusion as to what
3668s they're actually
3670s representing because when you're
3673s um
3675s the variables when you're looking at
3677s them from a perspective of a notepad or
3679s something
3680s you kind of need to know what these are
3682s related to because adding comments for
3685s all of these gets very cluttered in in
3688s code when you're trying to actually see
3690s them from a modding or a server admin
3692s perspective rather than
3694s just being able to look up
3697s inside a an IDE
3700s a just like backtracking code
3704s um
3705s yeah
3709s I feel that we're probably coming up to
3712s the close of this where
3714s up on an hour
3716s ask here
3718s um I'm quite happy if there's if there's
3720s no other
3723s uh
3724s I said I was saying if there's no other
3726s question we can probably wrap this up
3728s but
3730s alpen came up here with could we also
3732s mod an extremely high cultural item to
3736s make the Federation cover the worlds and
3737s normal federations can still occur
3739s naturally to carve out their own areas
3744s um
3745s I think Dennis answered it somewhat
3748s um
3749s but it is
3751s as he did answer
3753s with
3755s um like you can only have one Federation
3756s that they've been given at any given
3758s point of influence it's a relation to
3761s when you found the Federation it'll have
3764s a set influence radius
3766s so for example I can't place a town
3769s inside a town I can't place a country
3773s inside the influence radius of a country
3775s because it wouldn't be able to be funded
3781s same thing for federations I can't place
3783s a federation
3784s if it's inside the radius of another
3786s Federation however
3788s if you don't have a global
3792s um if you haven't changed out so you
3795s have a global Federation from the start
3797s by like admin admin imposed Global
3802s encompassing of the world
3804s you could have multiple federations
3806s assuming that first Federation hasn't
3809s just gobbled all of the settlements as
3812s any settlement that joins it wool
3816s um
3818s wall kind of bunch up and build outwards
3822s so if I do here as a finishing thing
3831s if we add this thing here keep it set to
3835s oh no
3844s so this is what he's talking about when
3846s they when when you're forcing it of
3848s course enabling it it's just completely
3850s ignoring all of the requirements for say
3852s a room tier value
3854s how many countries you need how many
3856s settlement or economy citizens you need
3858s and then the total amount of culture
3860s required
3863s so with Force enabled running you can
3866s admin assign
3868s but you can't
3871s you can't place like an admin Federation
3874s on top of player federations
3878s so you're gonna need to do
3881s one or the other
3883s they do this here
3886s start ratification
3887s [Music]
3888s uh and that just popped because I'm of
3892s course enabling it
3894s and we do this and then we go united
3900s the
3903s deal and
3906s record Blue and felt
3912s woohoo
3913s and now
3916s you see the default because I'm
3918s overriding it and it doesn't have a room
3920s it it's not
3921s objected to the restrictions of
3925s housing value which is why it's giving
3928s its full maximum potential value
3930s straight out of date
3933s and as you can see here it's cut out
3936s because none of these towns are a part
3938s of this Federation
3942s and if I go in here and I add these two
3948s the force enable administrator mode
3950s so I just grab these make sure that all
3952s of them are part of me
3955s only need the countries
3958s there we go
3959s and now you can see that
3962s all of these are kind of gobbled up and
3964s are subjected to the Federation rate
3971s here
3975s there's still a couple of wonkiness
3977s things here with
3981s add these in
3988s um
3990s so there's there's still a couple of
3991s hiccups where
3993s it's not properly sending
3996s I I stole
3998s I stole the um the towns out of the
4001s countries so the countries no longer
4002s have towns in them
4004s which is why this radius here is no
4006s longer a part of this country and this
4007s is no longer part of this country
4009s and this is what I'm referring to when
4011s I'm saying be careful with commands or
4015s in a shortcuts from then we use for QA
4018s as well as
4020s game master
4022s Shenanigans or the public servers
4024s because this can be very detrimental and
4027s very destructive for your save game
4032s but as you can see here now the
4034s Federation is having all of these areas
4037s that they are subjugated and the radius
4040s the default radius is something that I'm
4043s tinkering with to kind of give us an
4046s appropriate scale
4048s and it's also not properly inherent in
4052s culture as you can see here it's only
4053s getting 30 culture this is supposed to
4055s get the culture of all the sub
4057s settlements so this should be
4059s or in the the 200 range so probably
4063s twice the size
4066s um but yeah I think information overflow
4069s there's a lot to take in uh it's a very
4071s complicated subject and
4075s um
4077s yeah I I think that's probably
4080s what we have time for tonight
4083s um
4085s and
4092s I think we are
4095s do we have any any last
4098s questions here now
4100s is there any plan to have influence be
4103s impacted by terrain so higher
4106s pathfinding costs for influencer on
4108s oceans or over mountains and so on
4114s it's an interesting idea I think but
4118s it also
4120s because of how the core systems are
4123s working in terms of layer and like it's
4126s basically generating it on a flat 2D map
4130s um
4131s there could be some interesting
4133s implications where our settlements would
4135s be able to kind of push up against the
4137s mountain
4138s um
4141s it definitely deserves some thinking too
4143s but
4145s for 10.0 I don't think that that'll be
4148s something that we want to change the
4149s moment at least but it is definitely a
4152s good idea
4155s as for when the update will be released
4159s that will be something that Dennis
4160s announces when it's stable
4164s enough to actually be released
4166s I think it's a good
4168s ending note
4171s um
4173s and with that I am going to
4176s thank everyone for watching and having
4179s the patience to sit through this long
4182s session of just
4185s um a ton of Civic information and I know
4187s everyone is super hyped for some more
4189s interesting gameplay footage and some
4191s reaction that is happening but we do
4195s have a couple more Civic streams coming
4197s up
4198s um and we also have an avatar one
4201s with some cool changes and some updates
4204s on how that progress is going and
4208s that'll be announced when
4211s when they're upcoming and
4215s yeah
4217s that will be all for me tonight I thank
4219s you once again for watching
4222s and I will see you next week perhaps