over 5 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello welcome to the Eco dev stream I'm
5s John Kay designer and eco CEO strange
7s loop to my left I have Craig he's a
10s programmer and designer on eco and today
13s we're gonna be talking about a few
14s things we're going to be talking about
16s our 8.0 release what features are in
20s there kind of shown you what's what's
22s the latest then we're gonna get into the
25s changes coming in 8.1 which is a few
28s weeks out which is mostly improvements
32s and bug fixes and performance
34s improvements and then we're gonna talk
37s about what's happening in a 9.0 get a
40s little teaser of that it's still a long
42s ways off for that but we've got some
44s really cool stuff for building for that
45s and then we're going to answer questions
49s from the streams here and that we've
51s collected on discord over the past
53s couple weeks so yeah let's take a look
57s so here is this is an 8.0 world and one
63s of the major features we've added in 8.0
65s is just all these different biomes so
67s it's kind of a grassland biome here and
69s everybody homes got new plants and new
71s animals in it so you see this giant
74s redwood here this is one of the new
76s trees we've added these things are
78s massive so these is like old-growth
80s forest and if you chop down one of these
82s it's not really gonna grow back in any
85s span of you know human timeframes so
89s these are massive amount of wood that
93s you get from these but they come at
96s destruction of the environment that's
97s kind of irreplaceable so it's kind of a
99s cool new thing we've added that you know
101s most of the ecosystem has been pretty
104s capable of regenerating but there is
106s some specific stuff like these
108s old-growth forests that don't really
111s regenerate on any kind of reasonable
113s time frame and we wanted to capture that
115s in the game a lot so these these
117s redwoods do that there's kind of other
119s resources we'll plan for that like oil
121s will be something that
123s not renewable and yeah just kind of
127s gives another another aspect to the
129s renewable nature of these ecosystems oh
132s we should go check out that Lake or
134s looking at yeah so lakes are another
139s feature we've added so in addition to
141s rivers we've got these lakes and these
144s will spawn you know in wooded areas or
146s grassland areas and it's just kind of a
148s nice little spot where you can set up a
150s village but it also provides access to
153s water specifically fresh water which is
157s gonna be a feature in a later version
159s and so that works really well with the
161s new pipe system we've added so that you
163s can create like sewage systems for your
166s buildings and that's one of the main new
169s features in 8.0 also so if we want to
171s show some of those pipes now so this is
175s a blast furnace rigged up we can show
177s the pumps will show the lake of starting
180s pumps there we just have debug objects
183s now but there's two different kinds of
184s pumps there's mechanical and there's
186s electrical pumps and so these are all
188s hooked up to a water source if you can
190s see that and kind of spawn these in and
193s then they are pumped out and piped into
196s these buildings here so I'm kind of
200s follow you know debug fly through the
201s world and see that we've hooked up all
204s this plumbing underneath the world to
207s connect these objects so a lot of
209s objects now will consume liquid and
212s later oil so you can see here that it's
215s inputting water at this rate from these
218s ones at four different pumps and it's
221s outputting sewage at about the same rate
224s and in addition to the smog that's
226s outputting at the top so it's another
229s important element to creating these
231s buildings in villages is having this
234s sewage system and what I really like
236s about it is that it
237s it's kind of a public thing like you
240s have to create it as a group and share
242s it among the village so as an individual
245s that's really difficult to do but as
247s part of a you know tax funded government
249s society it's something that you have a
251s lot more ability to accomplish so any
254s more features like that is a priority
255s for us like the things you do in the
257s game should really benefit from taxes
259s and collaboration and yeah that's
262s definitely a theme of the features we
264s want to add so what kind of objects do
266s you expect to have sewage just like
268s everything yeah um it kind of depends
272s maybe you want to talk about the ones
273s that we've added for it so right now I
275s guess we've mostly focused on the later
277s game objects actually in 8.0 we don't
281s have the two different types of pumps so
283s always kind of mostly regularly or
285s mostly just a your game objects but
287s since we've added the new mechanical and
289s the electrical pump we can kind of allow
293s that to enter the game of it earlier so
296s and yet so what do I like the treatment
299s of sewage yeah do you want to show a
301s world that Sue is just going to fly
303s under the whirling sea look like John
304s pipes you have set up like your water so
309s yeah can you sure that like different
311s sewage pipes that are going into it why
313s under the landscape there we go yeah so
317s you can see there's we have two
318s different types of the input pipes and
319s the output types if you just go straight
323s down you'll see both of them there we go
326s kind of fly back a little bit that's
328s cool to see them from the side
335s and then we go to get a nice look at the
337s plumbing system here you can see all the
340s gray ones are the input pipes copper
343s ones so you can imagine as you're
344s building these things you're having to
346s you know you don't have to put them
347s underground but it's a good way to kind
349s of hide them away so it provides us
350s really interesting different elements of
352s building you got to think about not just
354s for your buildings gonna go but how it's
356s gonna be rigged up so I think it as well
360s as like being an interesting
361s collaborative project it makes building
363s more interesting too so you can see that
365s like for example here we have the
367s workbench which is in putting water out
370s putting sewage and if we follow that
373s sewage we see that's going to this
375s underground water filter so this water
379s filter here is taking sewage as an input
384s instead of an output and outputting
386s clean water and if you go over to the
389s status panel so as it filters that it
392s builds compost so you can see this
394s compost block slowly building up as its
397s as water is being filtered and let me
400s see the yeah here's the the compost
403s blocks and you can actually use these in
405s fertilizer recipes so you take this
407s pollution and you're able to use it for
409s something useful for your farming you
411s see if it's piling up here I think it's
413s under can water here yeah this is a big
415s mound of compost right there well here
420s it is there we go compost blocks
423s yeah yeah so that's the fertilizer
426s system which Craig put together so how
429s would you use that once you you know so
431s fertilizer right now is something that
433s needs to have like a little bit of work
436s on but currently you can kind of take
438s the compost and you can just process
441s into a fertilizer which will improve the
442s nutrients of the soil which is something
444s that gets depleted sort of as you farm
447s and it's definitely something as far as
450s like compost goes if we want to work it
451s into like a bunch of different things
453s like maybe biofuels stuff like that like
455s there's a lot of different herbs we
456s could go with that and I think this is
458s kind of like the first step towards the
459s whole like sewage Network and building
462s that out a little bit the giant redwoods
468s that stick out like that so yeah ton of
471s work on the art side and we've had a ton
473s of different plants and animals for this
474s so lots of new stuff to see there so
477s yeah I couldn't want to touch on what
479s we're what's gonna come out in this like
481s new update that's coming out in a couple
482s weeks sure I know it's a lot of bug
484s fixes and stuff but is there anything
485s specific you want it's mainly focused on
488s performance bug fixes you know getting
492s the frame rate up for everything just
494s optimizing and it should be quite a bit
497s faster or respecting to remove basically
499s all the leg that you would see when you
502s know you're just running a server
503s normally that freaked him out so yeah
508s that's just it's just the full focus on
510s polish so we're not planning to add any
512s new features just fixing bugs and then
517s after that we're gonna move on to 9.0
518s over we'll have some really big features
520s so at least for a point one from this
523s gills side which is kind of what I
525s worked on you know there's like a big an
527s 8-point others are kind of a pretty big
528s shift and how the skills are implemented
531s and in 8.1 there's gonna be a bunch of
534s changes I'm not like not master changes
537s but like small changes I should make it
539s a little bit more playable as we've gone
540s through and seen kind of the effect
542s the system currently like the
545s self-improvement skill currently
547s provides kind of an excessive bonus
549s that's being changed pretty
551s significantly there's a couple of bugs
553s with the system where certain things
555s didn't work properly those were being
556s fixed prior to releasing it we kind of
561s have like two different competing
562s systems where we had things locked down
566s in some trees and things unlocked
567s another is just kind of to see which one
569s would do better which one just had a
571s better gameplay impact so I think when a
574s poor one comes out you'll see a little
576s bit more of the recipes locked behind
578s skill levels so hopefully players will
580s find their specialties a little bit more
581s meaningful again so for people who
584s haven't played the latest update with
586s 8.0 we change a skill system so that you
589s are rather than unlocking lots of
592s individual skills inside of a single
594s tree or unlocking these kind of larger
595s specialties which you then level up as
598s you go so you gain specialties from your
600s food and housing and you get these stars
602s and then you choose which which
605s specialties under which professions you
606s want so here you can see can you take
609s the log and special to you do you have
610s any good a hewing one here so hewing I
615s have leveled up to level seven so you
617s have all these like efficiency bonuses
619s it makes it much better and then at
621s levels three and six you get these
623s talent unlocks so you get to choose
625s between these two you know special
628s abilities that you kind of unlock as you
629s go so another way to kind of customize
633s your character as you go and that's
635s something we're gonna be expanding on
636s these and making them do more stuff and
639s yeah really letting you differentiate
642s yourself even within a single specialty
644s you can have you know a kind of sub
645s specialties so we're gonna be keep
648s keeping iterate on in the iterating on
651s the new skill system looking forward to
653s see what what Craig's got in there yeah
657s what's next so I'm pretty sure he will
660s probably pretty excited to you about
660s what's gonna happen like obviously this
663s is a lot further in the future right
664s because their next batch is gonna be a
666s bunch of bug fixes but past that like
668s what we're looking to add so I know you
669s have a lot of yeah
671s so 9.0 I've been working on that quite a
673s bit and it's going to be focused on laws
677s and just kind of civics in general so
681s one of the major things are going to be
682s adding is a constitution so right now in
685s the game when you start the game you
687s already have access to voting
689s I'm elections and those work in a very
693s specific way but with 9.0 the the
696s community is gonna decide how that works
697s so you'll actually create a constitution
699s that has articles and one of those
701s articles might say this is how an
703s election runs how long it takes this is
705s who can vote this is who can veto it
707s this is who can impeach this person so
710s you have ton of flexibility in setting
712s up government positions like you know
715s the Minister of Transportation you know
717s all kinds of different things whatever
719s you want to do and letting players
722s really not just participate in a
725s government which is kind of what we've
727s had previous the 9.0 but actually create
730s a government so this is something that
732s I've been really excited about from the
733s beginning of eco and I think it'll uh
736s it'll really add a new layer to the game
739s some of the other things they're going
740s to go along with that are just having
743s elections being a lot more flexible so
746s rather than just electing a person or a
748s law you can elect you can decide what
751s civic actions require elections so maybe
754s creating a district requires an election
756s of Representatives or a certain class of
758s citizens and you'll have a lot more
761s flexibility and how demographics work so
762s you can decide you know active citizens
765s versus inactive versus people who are
767s minors who have certain sets of skills
770s who have a certain amount of wealth and
773s really structure these societies in just
775s infinite ways so I'm super excited to
779s get this one out and see what kind of
781s things players are gonna do so it and
785s another big feature of 9.0 is the the
787s tax system upgrade so right now taxes
791s all go into the Treasury which means
793s your government is pretty simple you
794s just have this one guy
795s humph of money but with 9.0 you'll be
798s able to create we can already create
800s bank accounts but you'll be able to
802s divide up where those taxes go into
804s which bank account you know which
806s leaders can use it how can they use it
809s what can they apply it to and those bank
813s accounts can be tied to the elected
815s position so if somebody gets impeached
817s they lose access immediately to those
820s those bank accounts that they have
822s so the system is super flexible and so
825s it's pretty complex so I also want to
827s put a lot of time into just making it
829s accessible like you can you know it
832s feels fun to like create this government
834s it doesn't feel overwhelming you know
836s you're making these interesting
837s decisions with the other people on your
838s server so yeah that's kind of a brief
841s discussion of it and we'll have lots
843s more to show over the coming months and
846s I'll start start doing blogs we have a
848s new Friday blog that we do every week
850s that just talks about feature in
853s specific detail so I'll probably start
855s writing about 9.0 features soon um so as
859s far as 9.0 things that aren't exactly
862s related to just economy or week planning
864s on anything else we're still kind of
867s working it out I know I you probably
869s have a lot of stuff you don't know when
871s skills still yeah so I think just
875s continued balancing continued
876s performance optimizations yeah and the
880s full feature set will be be worked out
882s over time but yeah there's a lot more to
885s come and we also have a lot more biome
887s stuff we want to get in like insects and
890s invertebrates is a big one so we have a
893s couple of those like we have butterflies
897s and we want to add more things like that
899s that function is like an indicator of
901s the ecosystems health so if you're
903s seeing a lot of these creatures around
905s you know it tells you something about
906s the ecosystem is there not there then
908s that's something else so another way to
911s like understand what's happening in
913s there
913s also sound as good a big update to our
916s gonna bring on a new sound designer and
921s start building the audio experiences so
923s that you really have this feeling of
925s being in nature or being in a village
926s being in society so that's kind of thing
930s that like you don't really notice until
932s it's there but it makes a massive impact
933s just creating that ambience alright
939s should we answer some questions oh yeah
941s sure so we're gonna answer the questions
943s that came to us through discord first
944s and then we'll go through all the ones
946s I've noted from the chat so if you guys
948s have questions just feel free to write
950s them in chat and hopefully we'll get to
951s them so the first question is will be
955s possible to die in the future for
956s example bad nutrition falling from a
958s high place getting attacked by a wolf
960s board or taking aspirin to the face all
964s right
964s you pretty much immortal right now I
968s think I would like to do that I think
970s that would be a good addition but in a
972s way that makes sense for the game and
975s that means that it has some kind of
977s collaborative application so I really
979s like the idea of like illnesses or
980s doctors or injuries so that you know if
983s you get injured there's some specialty
986s that can help you right so you can
989s become healthier with the addition of
990s like doctors or professions that are
992s focused than that so yeah it's not in
996s the immediate timetable but that is
997s something long-term I think would be
998s great yeah I don't really think like we
1002s talked before about like having calorie
1004s damn doing this sort of in the game
1005s already in terms of that one mushroom
1007s and like as far as falling damage that's
1010s like in I mean even diving right if you
1012s stand her water too long you leave your
1013s calories in or do you think the health
1016s system being expanded could totally lead
1017s to something
1018s like in this vein but I feel like when
1022s people ask this question a lot of times
1023s they're talking well actually this
1024s question specifically is worded not this
1026s way but a lot of times when this is
1027s brought up people want to ship each
1028s other with bows okay alright our second
1036s question is are we going to update the
1039s mod cave for water pipes I think the
1041s answer that yes in 9.0 yeah so that
1045s would be the ability for objects to use
1046s them yeah yeah that's definitely
1050s something I would love to have people
1051s make more use of yeah especially because
1053s it's going to be a more integral part of
1055s the game especially later on in the game
1056s people make mods for all sorts of stuff
1058s some pretty cool stuff and having them
1060s be able to like integrate into base a
1062s pretty crucial system seems pretty
1064s important dissing general mods are a
1065s huge focus of our long-term goals for
1068s this game as we want it to you know
1070s someone could do a total conversion on
1071s this and make it really interesting
1073s different type of game I think it's
1076s really gonna help but just what's the
1077s like you know 10 years out of longevity
1079s of this game and like future games that
1081s we do having that ability to really get
1084s in there and change stuff okay question
1090s are water
1091s realistic water physics it's like our
1095s last game vessel yeah I already did that
1098s but it's a much different situation and
1101s yeah oh we have kind of like very basic
1103s water physics where it'll flow a little
1104s bit the trick is the like get something
1108s realistic that doesn't just kill your
1110s performance so I think in ways that it
1114s contributes to the
1115s core pillars of the game like sewage is
1119s a good example of how our using water
1121s you know rather than having water that
1123s flows an interesting way like you have
1124s its collaborative project and that's
1127s really the focus so we'll probably
1128s continue in that direction I could see
1130s us upgrading water making just behave
1132s nicer in general though yeah I think
1134s that's what people really want the just
1136s like it doesn't need to be like
1137s perfectly yeah well in water right but
1140s it behaves in a predictable way that
1142s like they can kind of control especially
1144s when they're doing these work projects
1145s right they want to be able to like make
1146s sure the water doesn't just like yeah
1150s absolutely
1152s this will have like fresh water salt
1154s water and polluted water will have
1156s different effects oh yeah for sure like
1158s a different liquid types again yeah
1159s right now you can use them
1161s interchangeably but in the future you'll
1163s need to pay attention to that so if you
1164s pollute your water supply for example
1165s that can be a big problem it's the next
1169s questions about the skills UI so we are
1171s making changes to this skill you I just
1173s kind of continual improvements and we
1177s added this this new thing oh yeah we
1179s have the new specialty tracker you can
1182s track your exp oh here we go
1189s yeah this is your specialties that you
1191s have now and you can see the different
1195s XP that it goes so for example if I chop
1197s down a tree then you already max level
1200s so okay one shot this guy you can see
1205s that why because I didn't have tell you
1212s why
1214s and if you take that specialty then
1217s you'll start earning in scale so just
1218s it's a way to like understand the system
1220s better for people who aren't familiar
1221s with it and also be a nice little
1222s tracker and if you don't like it you can
1225s turn it off too so it's really just a
1227s nice little display that it shows the
1230s extra complexity in the system
1232s yeah so somebody's starting to sort of
1236s fall up to the water thing they're
1237s talking about something mentioned like
1239s sewage liquid and that is something we
1241s want to have like eventually we want to
1243s be able to have like sewage pools in the
1245s right yeah rather than because right now
1247s all right I just talking goes into a
1248s pollution layer kind of disappears but
1250s ideally it would turn into like soo much
1253s liquid and then you could have sewage
1254s ponds and you could like show that into
1256s your river and it would like yeah that's
1259s that's kind of what we're what we would
1262s like to expecially was like other
1264s liquids like oil oh yes oil like oil
1266s spills would be cool yeah there's a lot
1269s of that can be done within the whole
1270s life big weights thing possible would it
1272s change but yeah all right so the next
1275s question is any plans to expand the
1277s gameplay or iteration of it this is sort
1281s of like after they complete the meteor
1284s right now it's it's a little bit awkward
1285s because different people playing for the
1287s mouse they completely game at different
1288s rates but generally this is actually
1291s another person ask this question about
1292s like getting kind of like the coolest
1295s tools right kind of just before you
1296s defeat the meteor so like you kind of
1298s want more time to play with them yeah I
1300s know in the past we've talked about
1302s maybe having other disasters I know
1305s that's not close to like be a future
1308s future kind of feature yeah but it is
1311s definitely something that we're going to
1312s add and we actually have some prototypes
1316s and some things we've been working on
1317s for that it's still far future but you
1320s can expect that like the meteor won't be
1323s the end of the game in the final version
1325s will have other stuff which we're kind
1327s of not talking about yet but yeah you
1331s might be able to get some ideas of that
1332s direction that's gonna go so should be
1335s pretty exciting and as far as just for
1337s like the length of the game in terms of
1339s balancing um there's a lot of variables
1341s we can play with and that we kind of
1344s have to because of like the varying
1345s amount of players in the amount of time
1347s commitments the amount of each
1348s individual do some people takes too long
1350s to complete any task some people do it
1351s in like a day so yeah there's a lot of
1355s tweaking to be done there for sure and
1356s that's something we're gonna continue on
1358s in 29.0 with I also think that like even
1361s if there's once you've destroyed the
1362s meteor there's a lot of just interesting
1365s effects you can get from running this
1366s society I can make the economy itself
1369s building an economy it's
1370s or researching so there's all kinds of
1372s like you know things that can be
1375s interesting without a threat even I'd
1378s like to expand okay so the last question
1382s is about mining it's sort of about
1385s basalt and just like kind of the
1388s difficulty of mining in 8.0 so in 8.0
1391s just for those who haven't played it we
1393s introduced a tier system for pickaxes
1395s and it's kind of the first straight
1398s stair system we had for any of the tools
1401s and it's sort of like a test run to see
1403s if this is the direction we want to go
1405s and introduce some problems in certain
1409s areas of the game so at least for 8.6 we
1413s have changed it slightly to where the
1416s rocks can be destroyed
1418s they just have health similar to kind of
1419s how you would do trees how you cut down
1421s trees then rocks will now be more
1425s difficult to destroy with the weaker
1426s pickaxe so you try and mind the salt
1428s with your stone pickaxe it's going to be
1430s extremely difficult it may need a lot of
1432s calories it's gonna slow you down a lot
1434s so this sort of avoids the problem of
1439s people getting locked out of being able
1440s to do anything you can now kind of
1443s settle in a place where you only have
1445s access to the salt and still do your
1446s stone working it's just very difficult
1449s it also allows you like if you happen to
1451s need to like currently if you wanted to
1453s build a house like right here and this
1454s stone was in your way you could at least
1456s get rid of it now yeah sort of what
1460s we're heading in that direction
1461s I don't think that we can count out
1465s having these tier Locke things for good
1468s I think it might come back but for now
1470s this is the direction we chosen go to
1471s see how this plays out as well I also
1474s talked about having like some of the
1475s resources you can't harvest until later
1477s like me oh yeah the big redwoods you
1479s can't chop down on the first day right
1481s like you have to build yeah sure and I
1484s think that's well more likely come into
1486s play soon I think at least with the tow
1489s system we proved the candidate can
1490s definitely work we just need to be
1493s careful about how we
1495s [Music]
1497s so a couple people asked about trains
1499s and it rains pretty popular among people
1502s yeah definitely want to have trains in
1505s the game yeah that's it's one of our
1507s long-term features but you know as I
1511s think about eco is like we can keep
1513s adding fidelity and more depth to the
1517s simulation forever like as long as the
1519s game has the support of the community
1520s we're gonna keep developing it so trains
1524s are definitely something I would love to
1525s see in the game I think it goes great
1526s with the transportation mechanic we have
1529s which is a huge part of the game so it
1530s makes sense to kind of level off your
1532s transportation up to trains being a huge
1534s one so yeah it's not not on the radar
1537s yet but it is something in our future
1540s okay and somebody had a question about
1542s fish recipes which just in cooking in
1544s general fish are a little bit underused
1547s they're definitely going to get just in
1551s general
1552s a lot of the cooking is going D an
1554s update especially with biomes we added
1557s so many new ingredients there's just a
1560s lot of new things that need to be
1561s utilized and hopefully I should have
1563s happy you like farming all the different
1565s kinds of resources not just wheat grass
1568s lands yeah we've been talking about
1570s adding that crafting tag system yeah
1573s that work so tie crafting is sort of
1576s this idea that instead of all of our
1578s recipes taking very specific ingredients
1581s like you know if you played a point on
1584s you know that now we have a recipe that
1585s breaks the stone down into generic stone
1587s and this was done because we didn't want
1589s to introduce massive recipe bloat and we
1591s added these different rock types so the
1594s idea of Montague crafting is that you
1595s could then instead of recipes taking the
1598s specific items they would take tags so
1600s to make a stone chair it would require
1602s like hard stone which that would be
1604s basalt or something like that but it
1606s would exclude something like shale and
1608s that way we can you know keep the recipe
1610s list pretty small but still allow you to
1614s look have like these different resources
1615s that can be used for different things
1616s and kind of fleshing out the world that
1618s way would help a lot with cooking
1620s especially because if anyone's cooked a
1621s lot in the game they know that there's
1622s recipes they don't require like
1624s extremely specific things when they
1626s could be a little bit more generic we
1627s have like four different recipes for
1629s some of the salads like that's just sort
1633s of how it goes yeah and hopefully when
1636s that comes in
1637s we'll also be able to sort of
1638s differentiate like the tree types and
1640s stuff like really what the stone showed
1642s us is that we do need a system like this
1644s we want to kind of expand like this and
1645s we really do to kind of make the world
1647s more unique in different areas let's you
1651s have like you know luxury materials that
1654s will still work for the basic stuff but
1656s yeah create something really cool with
1658s them - for sure
1659s we should go chop down a big redwood
1662s you're gonna max scale it is a lot I can
1666s do with the chains on seconds but the
1667s chainsaw bow so we're not animal
1672s husbandry I know that's something else
1673s the site's pretty far in the future but
1675s that is something we're interested in
1677s having - yeah the whole life really we
1679s have a lot we want to add I just sort of
1682s that's in the trains yes
1684s update animal husbandry update will be
1686s two big content drops that we'll do at
1689s some point maybe post 1.0 we'll see but
1693s yeah that's another you know it's just
1695s so critical to human society and growth
1699s of civilization so something great to
1701s include so we mentioned bigger mining
1704s machines I don't know if we have any
1708s more plants and those sorts of things I
1710s always wanted to add that giant like
1712s grinders oh yeah like those stick huge
1714s like - like buckets on a wheel things
1716s are crazy looks like 100 200 meters high
1719s or something
1721s yeah that's something that'd be cool to
1723s add someone should mod that and yeah as
1729s far as linking directly to a stock pile
1731s you couldn't drop from like the student
1734s stuff directly stock pile
1737s red blood does things give so much wood
1742s yeah it's like yeah let's see more
1752s building shapes sort of into
1754s construction
1755s I know Qian really does is interested in
1757s working on builders we have a lot of
1759s like we're getting a lot of new
1763s materials basically like building
1764s materials especially with eight you saw
1766s are the International sorry Vegas the
1768s split really a more than stone into its
1770s different types which gives you a little
1773s bit more freedom in terms of look like
1775s the color if you're building we're sort
1776s of what it looks like
1777s despite them all being the same to you
1780s and I think as we sort of flesh out the
1783s world and we make these sort of
1784s different resources like the trees can
1786s have different resources and we can have
1787s like sort of what happened to rocks
1789s happen to trees where we have like
1791s different wood types and stuff like that
1793s where people sort of you can customize
1796s your building in that way we have the
1800s system for the hammer setup too so yeah
1802s it's pretty easy to add like new forms
1804s in there so we can just say add a ton of
1806s new content little things I want to do
1807s 49.0 is add like very stately looking
1810s buildings so we don't like marble
1812s columns and you know something is you
1814s can build something looks like a capital
1815s that has all your like government
1817s facilities in there I think that'll be a
1820s huge part of the game too
1826s so one of the lots of questions I saw
1829s was about shrinking animal populations
1831s which is that's something we're sort of
1832s trying to address right now in just it's
1836s basically an issue with world generation
1838s and how the game tries to predict what
1840s the animal relations should be and what
1842s they end up actually being in the game
1844s that's something that we were looking
1847s forward to fix but it's where you I did
1852s we it is an issue your animal population
1856s died out completely and if that's the
1857s case
1859s she's probably opened a bug but they
1863s will shrink because of because
1865s essentially the game thinks that there
1867s should be more but there can also
1868s putting a lot of new animations in for
1870s the next animal babies yeah baby your
1874s updates we're just gonna look a lot
1875s better in general they should behave
1878s better tunes let pets at some point
1886s yeah I mean we're pretty much right on
1889s time - yeah before we close up I think
1894s that's good so we got a blog coming out
1896s today so Friday watch for those we'll
1898s mail those out and yeah we got some some
1903s more big updates here to be coming soon
1904s next week they'll probably do a blog
1906s about the future of eco and where we
1908s want to take it and our whole like
1910s education angle - so where do that and
1913s 8.1 that's gonna be a big performance
1916s boost so yeah lots of cool stuff coming
1921s great thank you guys for tuning in
1923s yeah thanks for joining us see you next
1926s time and always message us on discord
1929s okay bye guys

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