Transcript (by Youtube)

444s there we go I
446s think see if this is working hello
448s everyone
453s and I think I have everything
455s operational and
457s going uh yeah
460s so here we are
465s again uh welcome to another Friday
468s stream here and uh my name is jent and I
472s will be running you through our white
475s tiger server play test and some of the
478s changes in 110 and and also going to be
482s showing up a little bit of a sneak peek
484s with some concept art for some objects
488s and um new stuff that
491s is coming in with the animal husbandry
494s that we're working on in the background
496s and kind of parallel to uh to the other
500s minor SL major updates along the
504s way uh
507s yeah it's going to be nice uh hope
511s everyone is going to have a good time
513s and uh we do have a
516s slight potential hiccups like a bit in
519s depending on we have
521s a uh bit of an
524s off uh update push happening so we'll
528s see if stuff keeps us connected or if it
531s dies off we we'll see um we'll deal with
533s that if that happens um but yeah so
536s Friday stream here at strange Loop games
538s and uh here at as your lead game
542s designer and
545s uh think we'll just kind of roll with
547s roll with take it away and and go on I'm
550s going to drop down chat uh pop in here
553s yeah so anything in everything you see
556s here is stuff that is work in
559s progress um it's been a while since our
562s last stream with John in it um and I
567s completely missed to actually hide an
570s element from
572s that which is my bad uh give me that was
577s slightly annoying I can't unsee it now
580s that I see
582s it
585s uh which one of you are it there we go
590s yeah there we go uh stuff blocking the
593s mini map
601s uh yeah so where are we now um well
604s we're on white tiger as mentioned here
607s we've got the Federation cooking um so
612s this server is our
615s more kind of directed government concept
619s with Constitution already preset and um
623s a lot of things kind of in order that
625s has been reiterated on
628s to help
631s to kind of a server that utilizes
635s everything Eco has to offer in
637s customization loss and the whole
640s thing so we have a
643s preset preset government open up the
646s gtab no not that thing this
650s thing uh oh my UI scale is way way off
653s the
655s sharts there we go that might work
660s yeah so it has a preset government and
661s it
662s has um a constitution with a bunch of
665s elective titles it's got pretty strict
669s setup laws and articles to deal with any
672s and all factors that has been running
674s around um for oh Danny started it ages
679s ago it it's been it's been a project
683s um but yeah so since the tiger server is
688s as complex as it is
690s it is a
691s superb uh playground for us to do things
695s like testing out the Civic system more
698s rigorously where we have a kind of a
701s player base that uh hops in helps out
705s and deals with that on a much broader
707s scale than your
708s average uh single single run
712s servers suggest using more of the
715s things and you can see a lot of people
717s are just going czy crazy at it we see
720s some farming going
722s on so this popped up at 6:00 I think it
726s is so 3 hours
730s ago toiling hard away at the dirt
736s um we're going to grab somewhere to to
740s reside
744s um and then we can Shuffle on about some
747s of the big balance changes that are
749s coming with the 110 update some are
752s still kind of pending but most of them
754s are pushed into this play test build now
758s if you played on the seaotter one
761s previously um we got some block cost
764s reductions and some other big
768s changes
770s um maybe do
779s do a desert thing no let's maybe just
782s straight out in the middle of the
785s grassland that's going to be
788s fine backpack
790s is over here there we
794s go
797s uh while I make my way over there let
800s me where where did my notes
804s go I had
807s notes uh
813s let's grab
815s those I like those those are
818s nice um so for major block cost changes
823s um a lot of the the mid TI late game
825s blocks have gotten their cost
828s reduced um so we have uh corrugated
831s steel has basically halfed in price um
834s it's gone from two steel cost to 1.5 and
838s I you it has twice the yield now so it
841s drops out two blocks instead of
843s one uh reinforced concrete has been
846s increased its yield to five from
850s four uh cement has replaced uh ashar
855s blocks instead of mortar so that's going
858s to be a big change however they also
861s have their output increased to two and
867s uh so a lot of them has basically been
869s half in cost um composits are still
872s staying the
874s same
876s um from the previous play test we've got
880s a increase in base paint
882s yield um some lubricants been added to
885s different
887s vehicles and we also have a new kind of
891s early tier
893s rug for U
896s Hunters so we got some some nice stuff
899s that the um the rug also have some
901s Marketplace replaceables that we can
903s look into as well here in a
906s bit do I want to
914s go we do
917s just Limestone
920s Quarry and roll with
925s it really want to build that over there
934s that's some Homestead that's some
936s Homestead and these guys seems to have a
940s plan yeah let's let's head over there
943s and then let do a side thing here
946s markers drop a
949s market
951s uh no we do not have a total list for
954s changes for like the full 110 um those
956s are compiled once everything's kind of
958s finalized
961s um but yes the Adobe is in
964s um we also have a new object for housing
968s which is the uh plaqu that allows you to
971s give reputation to uh give direct
975s housing kind of benefits uh and or
978s culture benefits depending on if it's a
981s cultural property or if it is a um
984s regular residential property
990s a lot of fla so
993s far think we'll
995s do
997s Little Harbor thing going
1004s on do want to look over some of that
1007s plant
1011s generation helloo monsters hope you're
1014s having a good time and welcome to the
1016s Stream
1020s uh love the changes to version 10 play
1023s three wipes very consistently yeah we
1025s have there's a lot of things coming um
1028s not just in this update but I've got a
1030s lot of things cooking and some of it is
1033s going to be more impactful than
1036s others um animal husbandry and and big
1040s hunting and Butchery work is obviously
1042s going to be a huge thing for later on um
1045s and it's kind of in its own separate
1047s update um that deserves more space than
1051s we can do for a smaller update it also
1053s deserves more time to it um so art is
1056s working on a
1058s whole shipload of um objects and assets
1065s worth and I got some con I got some
1068s concept art for you to uh have a look
1071s see uh later on
1075s here uh where do we want we just want to
1079s plop it down here on the
1081s coastline yeah let's just let's just do
1083s that let's let's do since doia is on the
1086s topic as well
1090s um here we go yes so that pop up is some
1096s of the new kind
1098s of introductionary things where and I
1102s think that the other one might also be
1104s involved here um let me grab some
1108s tools let grab that shovel pickaxe
1110s hammer and axe we can we can expand our
1114s property a little bit here we want to
1118s grab
1119s this
1122s this and we want to grab
1125s these and then we just want to kind of
1128s continue going downward here I think
1144s yeah we'll do kind of a garden
1151s thing Let's do let's do a thing
1158s here and there is a little bit of a
1160s choppiness to it with performance- wise
1162s that we're looking into see what's going
1165s on here we go so if we're looking at the
1167s map we have this little buck Co thing
1169s here so we'll
1170s do a little bit of a crafting thing a
1173s little bit of a garden
1174s thing um as one of the new things that
1177s we have added with it is an outdoor
1181s room and Outdoor Room allows you to
1186s either amplify culture or amplify um
1190s Regular housing points if I can grab
1193s housing objects so we have this new
1196s category which some of the already
1197s existing things have been moved out
1199s because they weren't making sense to
1200s have
1202s indoors um decoration still
1209s works um but yeah so some of the things
1212s that you're familiar with um they're not
1215s giving actual value to being
1218s outdoor um there's also
1221s a general reduction of it because the
1224s IND the industrialization of a property
1227s or if you place industrial objects on it
1230s it will uh cancel out any housing points
1233s that that room would give including
1237s outdoor which means if you want to have
1239s power plants or generation or crafting
1242s tables overall you're going to have to
1244s have them confined or on a different
1250s property uh yes we grab it's a little
1254s bit of a tri but
1259s grab some of those juicy tomatoes with
1261s us cut on a tree get some tree get some
1264s Stone and then we can get some work
1266s tables
1272s going can also get some Oak seeds to
1275s plant some Oaks nearby um yeah backo um
1281s in regards
1282s to being able to convert mechanical
1285s energy to electrical energy probably not
1287s going to happen in the way you
1289s think um but we are we are looking at
1295s ways to be able to
1298s acquire uh or kind of move over and
1301s transition the power use to
1306s electrical um rather than you being able
1308s to convert mechanical
1310s to um electrical with with like a Dynamo
1314s transition thing or an external Dynamo I
1316s should say
1320s um but it's definitely on the agenda to
1323s deal with when you have that Tech
1326s progression over time you don't get
1328s stuck
1329s in having to rely on windmills or or
1332s water
1333s wheels when you're rolling around with
1336s excavators and skid steers and and
1338s pouring out oil
1356s uh so the crafting UI is getting some
1358s more polish to it uh
1361s we're figuring out a bit about what we
1365s want to do with the project listing and
1366s how we want to deal with scaling project
1369s lists as well as some of the general
1372s information
1374s so have a bit of an oversight but we
1377s appreciate any all feedback
1381s it but it is something that is being
1383s actively tinkered with and one of the
1386s big feedbacks that we saw very quickly
1387s was where did my time go
1394s um we need some Stone and we need some
1396s more wood
1403s there speaking of where did things
1406s go uh I think the server is slightly
1409s under heavy load
1411s however uh I think it is it is coming
1415s together quite nicely because we
1417s are I think it's 100 people on the
1419s server
1422s now someone can probably give me an
1424s accurate head count on uh from the
1428s server
1431s browser I think it was fairly close to
1433s something like that when I jumped
1436s in so performance is still a pretty high
1440s factor for us
1442s and as you can see it is running a lot
1445s smoother even though you have that huge
1447s quantity of people yeah thank you El
1449s yeah we're we're at 100
1452s now
1455s and um can we now choose different kind
1457s of wood Stone by crafting by simply
1459s clicking on the wood stone icon um
1461s variations have a separate slot for it
1464s but for selecting specific material type
1468s for for tagged
1470s items um not for this
1474s update but we do have some room for
1477s General improvements further along for
1480s the crafting UI
1482s and improving the quality of life
1485s surrounding tag usages is something that
1487s we want to
1490s do so it's really in there
1493s with
1496s um the uh I had I had to thing out um it
1501s it is up there with a lot of the other
1503s things that we have planned for now we
1506s have a
1512s campfire I believe believe that was it
1514s yeah so a new thing that was added um
1518s you can help out if you're starting a
1521s new or if particularly for new players
1524s coming into the
1526s game um it will be this feature will be
1531s toggled the the warning um will be
1535s unchecked by default which means it will
1537s show you if you're trying to play
1539s something and the property is unowned it
1541s will give you a bit of a a hint warning
1544s about it um that can be just toggled off
1548s by the check boox it will also ask you
1550s when you try to play something on
1552s unknown property with a warning saying
1555s placing it on unknown land anyone can
1557s take it and you'll have the manually
1559s Link in the stores and then you can just
1563s check that proceed and then you don't
1565s see the
1570s warning which hopefully helps out a bit
1574s for the new players coming in that might
1578s not
1579s uh help out a bit in terms
1584s of uh reducing ear early theft from ERS
1589s I think it's the
1591s uh warning kind of Landing
1595s into yeah so there is there is an
1598s alternative for it so we have that with
1600s the warning and then we also have this
1602s which has a fix coming it's not supposed
1605s to be read all over the place just as a
1607s warning um so with that
1610s checked it'll highlight any property
1612s that you own when you're trying to place
1614s it on it so you can see hey I'm I'm you
1617s know placing it on my property
1619s no I'm not placing it on my
1622s property um so there are some some
1625s features in here that were we're
1627s experimenting a little bit with uh both
1629s the visual feedback for it but also kind
1632s of how the player perceives it how it
1634s smoothly you can transition in between
1635s the two
1639s um so just adding more customizability
1642s for the clients
1644s to um can I get around some of those
1648s problems
1652s um any plans to add guns for hunting in
1654s the future no at the general
1658s answer uh Firearms is generally
1660s something that we we stay clear of
1666s for a few factors
1671s um one generally lays in the whole kind
1674s of it it's very disruptive in terms of
1679s making noise and and clunking around
1682s with you know kind of having this semi-
1686s relaxed environment and then it's 10
1688s minutes later it sounds like a
1690s Battleground because 20 people are
1691s running around with
1693s rifles so there is sort of a
1696s a um a feeling to the game that we want
1700s to
1701s preserve um which unfortunately hunting
1705s is taking the um
1708s the bigger bite out of because Firearms
1711s is not a
1713s thing um we are looking at dealing with
1720s additional
1721s um General upgrades for hunting one it's
1724s going to get like a general overall
1726s profession
1728s overhaul um but it is also going to get
1734s um more crafting stations more stuff to
1737s do and a bit of a bit of
1747s everything so here we have one of
1750s the one of the things kind of want to
1753s shift this around this is also on the
1755s subject of stuff being a bit
1759s experimental um the new crafting UI
1762s supports custom lists and
1765s filtrations so you can have you can add
1768s your own
1769s custom
1771s preset you call it
1774s that and then when you have that um
1778s enabled you can add different things to
1781s that
1788s list do that and then I can select that
1791s custom preset and it'll list me only the
1793s things that I have selected on
1796s it so I don't need to search for things
1799s if I have you know once I'm involved in
1802s the game and I have more these are the
1804s four main items I'm always crafting I
1806s don't want to have to search for them I
1807s don't want to have to look for them Etc
1809s you can just select them on a preset
1812s list or you can just select the
1814s craftable and that will show you
1815s anything that you have resources
1817s available for in your inventory as well
1818s as your like um Link Storage as
1823s well but we're still kind
1826s of figuring out where we want to have
1829s some of these bars where the buttons are
1831s going to have sort of a
1834s smoother smoother General flow in the
1837s UI so this thing might be shuffled
1840s around it might be just a toggle show
1842s the the scroll bar completely there's
1844s still quite a b quite a lot of space
1846s surrounding it um but yeah so plenty of
1850s room to improve and further enhance the
1852s new crafting
1854s UI um and we're doing we're adding
1857s revisions and do things along the play
1859s test
1860s and um get a lot of good feedback
1862s surrounding it that we're working
1869s on now that we get some tomatoes in
1873s here actually do some let's do some
1881s fish grab that thing here we'll do some
1885s some Shard fish as well
1890s let that run while we get some more
1901s wood I have another another kind of big
1905s thing is as a as a little bit of a sneak
1908s thing for hunting uh previously we have
1912s you have the statues or the the stuffed
1915s versions of them you also have the
1917s mounts that you can make and we're
1922s introducing um a new Pelt type which is
1925s essentially a
1926s rug but it's available far earlier
1930s and um made from
1935s hunting and I don't think the icons are
1937s hooked up for it
1941s yet uh to do that go here
1948s where did I throw them I throw them in
1950s here should probably be in Furniture
1954s but
1957s yeah we have Wolf Pelt bison Pelt fox
1959s pelt and a
1961s deer so they are uh alternative versions
1965s of the hair Pelt they have the same
1966s stats the same resource costs uh or
1971s carcass car cost in relation um
1982s uh what other professions are on the
1984s road map you can talk about o
1989s um I
1991s mean ranching is a new profession that's
1994s going to be coming with the animal
1995s husbandry um sneak peak a little bit
1998s about that with my uh design flowchart
2001s for animal husbandry way way a few
2004s streams ago um so I think that's that's
2006s sort of in the revealed box
2009s um we do have another one that is going
2011s to be going under a scientist that isn't
2014s really ready to be real yet so I'm I'm
2017s going to keep a lid on that but it's
2020s going to be some more stuff in there
2021s which is why some items are being
2023s shuffled
2026s around um so some cool things coming
2032s um see if we can we should be able to
2038s workbench let's get a stock pile
2041s open
2042s uh oh yeah and something for the play
2046s test people as well um there is a
2051s temporary kind of recipe
2054s um to deal with scrap in this case Tools
2059s in
2061s particular and it'll scrap any tool that
2064s you
2066s have which is on
2070s uh with the tools being fully degradable
2072s to the point where you kind of need to
2074s replace
2075s them um you need to have a way to get
2078s rid of the tools and at the
2080s moment um you deal with them by
2083s scrapping them now for a future update
2087s might not be the next
2089s one um I am looking at
2096s recyclability um and yes so bringing
2100s bringing that on mention do we do are we
2102s going to have some way to deal with wet
2104s tailings um sort of yes so one of the
2109s things that I want to touch on there is
2111s General garbage
2113s pollution
2115s um waste and
2120s recyclability
2123s um so that should be uh that should be
2126s good stuff
2129s um hey Pondo uh hope you're doing well
2132s any updates to the plan skill star
2134s system revamp targeted 1.0 it will
2137s potentially happen prior to
2140s that um I'm working
2143s on on some general things I've been
2146s breaking
2148s down probably have maybe 70%
2153s of the skills sorted out design wise we
2157s can of what effects they have what
2160s benefits what bonuses what they're what
2162s they're intended to do what they're
2163s intended to use to be used for
2168s um but the the general notion is that
2171s crafting talents overall will still be
2174s just related to crafting either if it's
2178s recipe unlocks reduction in calorie
2181s recre increase in calorie reduction in
2183s um time increase in time um and so on so
2188s forth so the idea there is open up a lot
2189s more variables to be used in runtime um
2194s to allow moders to do a lot more cool
2196s things but also just overall add more
2198s flavor to the crafting talents as a
2205s whole look at that beautiful fried up
2211s fish uh mow bed what is in this new
2215s update what is going on what are we
2216s doing well we have Adobe blocks which we
2219s going to start off here with in a second
2223s now that we have a tool bench I think I
2225s have a tool bench built almost have a
2226s tool bench buil need some more
2229s Stone so we have first up for starting
2233s off you have um two CR critical new
2237s things um Adobe blocks which is
2240s completely replacing the
2242s previous Half and Half Baked tier one uh
2246s building materials
2248s so you are no longer starting out with h
2250s logs you're no longer starting out with
2252s Mason uh Mason masonry
2256s Stones uh you have a brand new material
2259s to deal with
2260s that uh you also have degradable
2263s durability on
2266s tools and also as a as a nice surprise
2269s we now have a new look for the tool
2272s workbench
2282s um there on will we ever take a pause on
2285s adding new stuff and go back and fix
2286s some of the things that's been broken
2287s forever like the logging skills
2290s well uh funny you should mention
2294s that
2296s um I am working on redesigning a lot of
2299s the talents effects so the majority of
2303s the interactive craft U like the inor
2306s talents um so talents for things like
2309s hunting
2312s um uh Mining and so
2315s on generally stay the same um for the
2320s majority of them there are a few that I
2322s am looking at completely
2324s overhauling um there's been a few
2327s experimentation with some of the some of
2330s the talents surrounding
2332s logging um it's been a bit back and
2335s forth up and down
2339s um and I'll have I'll have a separate
2342s stream for that but it is one of the
2345s main focuses going forward from 11.0 to
2349s deal with a lot of that kind of Remnant
2352s Remnant stuff that's been lingering on
2355s that we just haven't
2357s really like they
2359s never it it feels a bit wrong to say
2362s they're not really high
2364s priority on the grand scope of things
2366s because that's it feels very unfair to
2368s the
2370s players um but from the from the
2374s development
2375s side the logging talents re the the tier
2379s six logging talents never really worked
2382s the way we wanted them to work uh one of
2384s them never worked at all since the
2387s talent system was reorganized and
2390s introduced
2391s um but it's still very unfair to players
2395s to say that so I'm kind of
2399s trying to be a bit diplomatic in terms
2401s of like design point of it as well as
2404s development time um kind of what gets
2407s prioritized uh but the talents are
2409s having a very high
2411s priority uh moving
2419s forward
2420s um that hopefully will bring some light
2423s on it
2425s and I have some cool things for the the
2428s um the logging talents in mind so
2432s hopefully people will be pleased with
2434s them once they do come
2437s out um as for the plans skill star
2440s system it's kind of tied in with talents
2442s so that'll be that will be kind of a
2444s cohesive update um I'm also looking into
2448s research as a whole um that may take
2451s some twists and turns but we'll
2454s see um
2458s a lot of things happening and they're
2459s happening fairly
2465s quickly
2467s uh yeah they uh it's stream time so now
2471s they woke
2474s up
2477s uh let's see here let's grab so with
2480s that new stone what that new workbench
2483s we can go through and show some of that
2487s some of those things so in here with the
2490s inside the new tool bench we have a new
2494s recipe which is course stones and core
2497s Stones is one of the overhauls that I've
2500s done to deal
2502s with um repairability and consumption in
2507s the long term of server tools so
2510s previously you just throw in a tool to a
2513s black or a blacksmith in 10.2 but
2518s uh previously just be U smelter or
2521s Advanced smelter and then you Chuck it
2523s in there it gets repaired it gets
2524s shipped out but the volume of tools is
2528s finite so a world may only need 400
2532s pickaxes crafted and then that's it done
2534s you no longer have to craft another item
2537s of that type
2539s again
2540s and these kind of static finite
2545s scenarios is part of the reason why
2548s economies in the game tend to stagnate
2549s and kind of die off later on and uh
2553s there's two aspects of that being
2555s addressed in 10 uh 10 formerly 10.3 I'm
2559s still juggling the numbers around um
2561s what is this particular update being
2565s 11.0 U formerly known as
2569s 10.3 uh there's two aspects of that
2572s finite economy that we're trying to
2574s eliminate and one of them is maintenance
2578s on um crafting table as well as
2581s maintenance on tools and that On Tools
2586s is manifesting in a way of tools are no
2590s longer 100% fully repairable
2594s anymore every time you repair a tool
2597s it'll degrade its durability giving you
2599s less and less uses per
2604s repair um
2608s this is
2610s also
2611s um this is doing a few things for us one
2614s we can kind of alternate what we want
2616s stuff to be repaired with so previously
2618s you would have uh stone tools being
2621s repaired with stone and then iron tools
2623s being repaired with Iron and Steel tools
2625s being repaired with steel and so on so
2627s forth um now you
2630s have um any number of materials that
2634s is repairable
2638s uh can be applied to that tool so at the
2640s moment we only have course Stones
2643s unlocked but you do have polishing paste
2647s sharpening steel and some other items
2649s that
2650s will more efficiently repair your
2653s tools so you lose less durability with
2656s that repair by investing more into the
2659s cost of repairing now anyone can make Co
2663s Stones um this also means that we can
2665s allow anyone to repair
2672s no one is saying anything about the
2678s music have it in the background toned
2680s out don't need to voice over
2682s it
2687s um there we go padman comes in can you
2689s lower the in game music yes yes I can it
2692s is
2694s done
2695s um so yeah the
2698s the repairability of tools is no longer
2699s linked to a specific item but can be any
2703s any number of
2707s items we also have repairability and
2710s repair penalties tied in with specific
2713s professions as well for the benches so
2715s the tool bench as a neutral anyone can
2718s access it anyone can use
2720s it um it has a skill impact from the
2723s self-improvement skill so as you level
2726s off self-improvement
2728s you're going to get reduced repair
2730s penalty at the tool bench the grindstone
2734s which um people familiar with the
2737s blacksmith profession is one of the tool
2740s manufacturing benches the grindstone
2742s repair capacity is improved by the
2745s actual blacksmith skill and it has a
2748s higher percentage so if you are a
2750s skilled blacksmith you're going to be
2752s repairing tool at a better rate than if
2755s you were not a blacksmith
2759s uh and not just on material cost but the
2762s actual durability loss as
2766s well uh so right here we need two core
2769s stones to repair it and it will per it
2772s will take the correct percentages as
2774s well so you don't have to use up a tool
2778s completely to avoid losing
2781s durability
2785s um I actually have up
2789s material uh here we
2791s go bam
2795s and we are going to change out so we
2797s have like a red bar that represents lost
2802s durability and a cat Cat in box on the
2806s desk so now the stone axe has gone from
2808s 250 durability to 235 so each time I
2812s repair it it's going to get slightly
2815s worse um
2822s yeah so on that there'll be on on the
2826s scrapping thing in the workbench um the
2830s intention is for us to implement a new
2833s kind of scrapping methodology but
2835s that'll be revolving the garbage
2840s update um so that'll be more of a
2842s distinct recyclability thing um it would
2846s just not enough time to deal with that
2848s in this update um so temporarily you
2851s have a scrap tool recipe on the
2854s workbench and it'll take any tool so do
2857s be slightly careful about what you have
2860s this linked
2863s with but it'll
2866s take um it's on 01 garbage per tool so
2870s you can scrap up to 10 tools for one
2873s garbage and the garbage you can
2875s incinerate
2877s um in a blast
2880s furnace so you turn the scrap tools into
2883s garbage and then you just kind of burn
2885s them um to get rid of
2892s them uh are you guys considering
2894s releasing an OST I think it's been asked
2896s a few
2897s times
2901s um I cannot remember what the official
2905s answer on it so I'm gonna say it's been
2908s looked
2910s at but I think it's been kind of a
2915s a bit of a mix between who who owns the
2918s actual kind of Licensing rights to the
2930s music uh but yeah hopefully that
2932s answered the um the tool scrapping stuff
2936s um so now what on Earth am I doing I am
2939s doing this
2944s and let's
2947s build how much do we need 25 so let's do
2953s 250 it's a little bit too
2957s much 200 maybe let's 200 100
2967s so we need for the new Adobe
2970s blocks you need dirt and you need
2975s wood
2977s so it
2979s is quite a bit cheaper than the previous
2982s Hume blocks were in terms of wood
2988s requirements uh Bob yes so at the moment
2992s um as I just showed there is a scrap
2994s tool recipe on the workbench that is
2997s sort of a
2998s placeholder um there will be a way to
3000s deal with that in the future where it
3002s will know kind of what type of tool it
3005s is and it'll
3008s um um it'll kind of refund materials
3011s based on the type of tools and and so on
3014s but there was just not enough time to go
3017s over um some of the things that I wanted
3019s to get in uh to make that work
3025s properly so at the moment you get a
3027s little bit of a a sad placeholder recipe
3029s for just scrapping tools so they don't
3032s overp populate
3034s inventories uh will burning the junk
3036s make extra pollution um it's you burn it
3039s in a blast furnace and it has a bit of a
3041s longer burn time for the actual crafting
3044s recipe so the the blast furn need to run
3046s for a longer time which then means more
3055s pollution yeah you're causing air
3057s pollution which then gets transformed
3059s into temporary ground pollution when it
3060s settles
3078s down see now with a bunch of dirt in
3082s there let's go grab some more trees
3093s let's get the cllean tool out of the way
3095s so we don't toggle in between
3099s that
3101s now most clever thing I have done is not
3105s settling
3106s nearby conveniently chopp trees as the
3110s Oaks takes slightly longer to cut down
3122s but it's not too
3130s bad probably need to look at that
3134s audio that is a bit
3138s weird
3142s uh I wonder I wonder while I run back
3146s and forth and some trees just to kind of
3149s fill up these Adobe that's being
3152s built maybe I should switch
3156s to
3159s maybe it was getting a bit
3166s dark
3167s multi
3169s multitasking of plenty
3179s uh where where was I on the subject
3182s maintenance so you saw the tool thing um
3185s you have tools they degrade now so you
3188s don't have infinite tools um which
3190s hopefully gives a a big business boom to
3193s the blacksmith I know a lot of feedback
3195s surrounding that profession introduction
3198s in 10.2 has been yeah it's a little bit
3200s lackluster doesn't really have anything
3202s to do outside nails and that initial
3204s kind of tool provision
3207s um it was always intended to go along
3212s with tool maintenance and Tool
3214s degradation as a main thing so that
3217s would be its main source of
3220s income
3222s um it was just one of those things that
3224s we really didn't have time to fit it in
3226s 10.2 so it got pushed out um now it's
3230s coming with 10.3 uh or
3232s 11 and I'll keep referencing it to 10.3
3236s so don't
3238s don't quote me too much on it
3246s um U so yeah hopefully that should
3249s uh satisfy the
3253s uh Workshop
3257s residents uh let see if we get we need
3260s some more dirt in there I think we need
3262s more
3263s labor um so one of the things with Adobe
3267s that was really important was for me at
3269s least was to separate it
3271s out
3275s 10.1.3 um so one of the things that we
3278s for me was really important when it came
3280s to the Adobe separation was to have a
3283s way
3284s for um like the starting scene of being
3288s able to get a house rudimentary stuff up
3291s fairly
3293s quickly um to the point where you can
3295s start doing research you can start
3297s placing down your carpentry table or mry
3299s table pick your skills and kind of get
3301s stuff rolling out without too long time
3306s investment
3309s um and it also allowed us to disconnect
3313s it from the general economy because if
3315s we made hun logs super cheap we'd need
3318s to scale that up with ridiculous amount
3321s of unog costs for the later recipes so
3326s we we were we kind of in a in a catch 22
3328s of we can't make it cheaper so it's
3330s easier to kind of get going and and get
3333s familiarized with them um so we decided
3336s we needed a new starter block to shuffle
3339s things around and the Adobe was the
3342s thing that turned that it turned
3345s into
3347s um and it also has a crush recipe um so
3352s once you're kind of transitioning over
3354s away from Adobe you do have recipe to
3357s compost it with
3360s farming uh or on the farmer table with
3362s fertilizer as it's turning directly into
3364s compost
3366s fertilizer um and this is a this is a
3369s balance balance in progress so it's
3372s slightly overpowered in terms of cost
3374s relation to that fertilizer recipe but
3377s there is going to be coming out a
3379s tweak uh sometime during next week to
3383s adjust that
3387s uh but yeah so you once you're done with
3389s your do blocks you compost them out and
3391s you can use them as fertilizer um you
3393s get some of the dirt
3396s back um and hope hopefully that just
3400s helps ease ease the axis of the early
3402s game a bit
3407s more let's get some of that dirt in here
3411s um and it's also kind of Midway
3413s transitions in
3415s between getting rid of some of the dirt
3417s you're terraforming
3419s around
3421s um it still kind of allows you to get
3424s some building going
3427s um so here we have the do and let's
3432s get still want to build on top here and
3434s then we just raise the terrain yeah I
3437s think
3439s so let's do let's do that
3442s cheeky grab markers we want to grab that
3445s property and we want to show the proper
3446s in the
3451s world uh the the the placeable adob is
3454s looking like
3455s this so it has those little kind of
3459s bricks format uh so this is what it
3461s looks like when it's in a stock
3465s pile it just the reflectiveness is a
3468s little bit off right now which is why
3469s they're weird and green
3478s so let's grab I wanted to have that
3481s here maybe
3485s do maybe maybe maybe I want to do
3489s floor let's grab the dirt version and
3491s just I'm just going to just going to
3493s outline the property a bit so I can see
3496s it without having to
3498s uh have the actual colorization on
3514s there we go and then we can disable that
3517s we don't need to have that super green
3519s Hue in
3527s there let's grab
3530s that Let's do let's do a
3533s little little bit of a a here let's do
3538s line over down
3544s here we get a bit bit of a
3547s bigger little bit of a bigger base going
3550s on
3561s here and then we grab that how far in do
3565s we want to build it we want to do do the
3566s whole thing or
3568s just yeah let's let's do that we don't
3570s have the whole property covered by
3575s it uh that's
3590s fine that is a very upset cat in the
3594s background do not mind him he has been
3598s fed he is just making noise because he
3601s wants attention right
3603s now and somehow streaming is is not
3607s giving him
3612s attention oh I'm too hungry to do that
3616s uh I may or may not have run out of
3622s food eat the raw tomato because I was
3625s careless
3633s we want to
3636s do add some work on that and then we do
3639s the other
3641s fish I
3644s know
3646s blasphemy I just add that labor we get
3649s the stuff and then we can shule things
3652s around so we want food in a small stock
3654s pile nowhere else actually grab the
3660s campsite we going to grab stuff out of
3662s the campsite and only deposit it in the
3664s campsite and you do not touch the
3667s campsite at
3674s all
3679s beautiful now I should probably secure
3682s some food source here
3685s but uh
3687s um as you can see here there is already
3690s a whole heap load of
3693s stuff we have things available yeah we
3696s have we have things available not a lot
3698s of things is available in
3701s stores other than plant fiber sandstone
3704s and and black stems apparently the
3706s gathers are already going
3710s crazy which is quite nice there we go
3714s let's actually let's do filter food
3720s select all and then we filter on the
3722s food so we have a whole bunch of
3725s mushrooms we have a whole bunch of Shard
3729s mushrooms how far away are
3732s you you are 700 M away that is slightly
3736s too
3739s far can we can we find a store that's
3742s not 700 M away no
3746s think all of them are click you where
3749s are you on the map
3751s oh yes I'm over
3754s here and that store is over
3758s there that is bustling with
3770s activity
3773s yeah I think that'll that'll be on its
3777s own for a
3779s while let's just continue building
3789s here want to get our little a little
3792s flat going here
3811s um didn't expect 10.3 to become 11 oh so
3814s fast comparatively 10 10.0 felt
3817s shortlived um yeah I
3821s think the part of the reason for that is
3825s 10.0
3827s was craz huge in terms of
3832s content and it kind of widely grew out
3836s out of what the original intention for
3839s it
3841s was
3843s um so there was a and and there was a
3845s lot of upgrades going into it
3848s um a crazy amount of such while 110
3854s has a whole bunch
3856s of new upgrade system system stuff Unity
3860s version upgrades vwise version upgrade
3864s um major over over huls and complete
3867s rewrite of the alt system um which is
3870s another reason for why we cannot do a
3872s major version bump like this um so there
3875s just's quite a lot of backend systems
3877s that have been well
3880s rebuilt
3882s um it was way out of scope for still
3886s calling it a minor
3890s update um hence why we opted
3893s to just kind of call it a major update
3896s is that's what's that what that was more
3898s fairly accurate to what it
3903s is uh so let's get some uh let's get
3907s some building going here we do some some
3910s outline of of the
3913s house we want some windows
3917s here let's
3923s do it's not make it to one two three
3927s four one one two
3933s three not really even in any way shape
3936s or form
3938s but it'll
3941s do that will be one room that'll be one
3944s room and then we have two more rooms
3947s here we're going to need more
3951s dope very clearly
3970s so one of the things that you are going
3971s to notice building with this is the
3974s walls are not really autoc connecting
3976s the way you might be used
3978s to and one of the reasons for that is we
3980s are experimenting a bit with more player
3983s autonomy in how they are or how you guys
3986s are building
3988s and
3990s um shapes and adjacency
3994s requirements in the autoc constructors
3996s gets really rigid really tough to allow
4000s the the kind of freedom and flexibility
4002s that a lot of people are looking for
4004s when they're doing creative
4005s builds um so as a response to that we're
4009s opting now towards more of
4012s a build build it with the shapes you
4015s want in the in the directions for the
4017s shapes you
4019s want so they are more of a nature on you
4024s place the blocks however you want and so
4028s they're not going to form up against
4030s other blocks and so on which also means
4034s you need more autonomy in which block
4036s types you can select and more pieces
4039s surrounding it so if you want corner
4042s pieces uh like such you're going to need
4046s to have to select that corner piece and
4048s build it now not everyone is going to be
4051s super thrilled with
4054s that
4057s um but I think it's one of
4061s those we kind of have to
4064s allow that autonomy and
4067s freedom in favor of it because we do
4070s want people to be able to express their
4072s creativity in
4074s it um and you can still do pretty
4077s rudimentary boxes
4079s as as seen
4082s here without too much
4085s uh time spent on thinking about how you
4088s want to build it
4109s uh where can I find any info about
4111s update 11 um we do not have a patch note
4114s release yet um that usually happens just
4117s prior to it actually being released so
4119s we can have detailed accurate
4122s information for it but um kind of the
4125s big giveaways is we have an in-game
4128s Marketplace um you have tool durability
4131s now decays on each
4133s repair there is a new object or allowing
4136s you to rate properties so you can gain
4139s culture or housing
4141s bonuses uh by giving reputation points
4143s to actual
4146s buildings uh you have crafting a lot of
4149s the crafting tables now require a
4152s consumable item to
4154s run uh Wonder did I have need some
4159s doors four doors six doors four doors
4162s let's go with
4164s that do I have have enough food I have
4167s some more
4169s food I'm going to be going to be not and
4171s just consume all the
4173s tomatoes no regrets tiger no
4181s regrets um yeah so maintenance is going
4184s to come in four parts essentially you
4186s have the first one which is in 10.3 now
4191s 11 um and that is tools and crafting
4194s benches
4196s the second part of it is going to be
4198s vehicles and then the third one is going
4200s to be World objects um so including like
4204s Power
4205s Generation Um housing furniture and so
4209s on
4210s um and there's going to be different
4213s different degrees of effects um it's
4216s also customizable towards and this
4218s should have
4219s been this should have been a
4223s t um there are there are two new
4227s settings for Server wise that allows you
4229s to adjust these um you can also
4236s do uh for the modding side of it you can
4239s override recipes you can adjust the
4242s specific rate for recipes
4244s individually so if you want to have say
4247s the final goods have super high
4250s durability
4252s drain you should get a Miner's Helmet or
4255s oil
4256s that well maybe along further down the
4260s line uh one two three one two three
4264s four it it is true it is a little bit
4269s dark I mean I can always I can always do
4271s this how bright do we get it a little
4274s bit too Blended out
4280s but at least you guys can see it now
4283s right
4289s uh I think we're do I want to do that
4292s yeah let's
4294s let's
4296s uh let's do that
4300s uh as I promised you there there is some
4304s of the things that we are working on in
4308s the background so this is this is stuff
4310s that's going to be coming out in
4313s relation to the hunting and Butchery and
4315s and all of that stuff for the the animal
4318s husbandry upgrade so I have a couple of
4321s Concepts as well as some of the early
4324s Renditions of objects in
4326s game
4329s um which is let's just pull them in here
4332s I'm probably going
4333s to chew out from from Toby for showing
4336s you guys these
4338s um but
4340s uh yeah some of the bigger some of the
4344s bigger more complex assets that is
4346s revolving what will be skinning and
4350s Tanning um so the whole leathery leather
4354s work preparation kind of
4358s stages um so you're going to be going
4361s through the process of you're butchering
4362s the carcass you're you're grabbing
4364s different pieces you're going to have to
4366s process uh the Raw Hide through
4369s different steps to kind of get the
4372s finalized usable fur SL leather
4376s and these comes in different scales so
4378s this is more of the
4382s industrialized um midstage later stage
4386s as you can see from the the steel
4388s bin um and the other part is some of
4391s that kind of tanning
4394s rack uh processing as well
4399s over some of the new kind of kind of how
4402s those barrels are getting used and what
4405s is what their kind of purposes
4406s surrounding it and and their General
4408s kind of bits and pieces that goes into
4410s the full asset so this is how some of
4413s those concept Arts goes from being kind
4416s of I come up with an idea of I want this
4419s object this is what it's supposed to be
4421s doing um if it's a a pure real life
4426s equivalent item I'll pull up some some
4428s reference images over how these
4430s different Machinery is looking in
4432s different countries um pass that over on
4435s the art side art comes up with some
4438s amazing cool concepts for how to turn
4441s that idea into a visual item goes
4445s through the concept stages and then once
4447s they have once they have kind of a final
4449s concept that they're happy with they'll
4451s start making that into practical pieces
4454s um in blender
4456s and getting that into into the game um
4460s so here we have some of
4462s those
4464s early uh
4467s models of these kind of playing around
4470s and testing them out and seeing how they
4471s work in game and and how what degree of
4474s detailing we want for them and so on so
4479s forth so some cool some cool
4482s new scaled up things for that'll go into
4486s like ranching hunting Butchery stage of
4489s the game um to mitigate kind of
4492s transition you over from not just
4494s hunting indefinite throughout the entire
4496s cycle but you are going to go over to
4499s both doing hunting as well as doing uh
4502s farmable
4505s animals so hopefully
4507s that Sates some what is going on what
4511s are we working on um post this update
4515s looking
4523s like we're starting get the foundations
4526s here in
4528s place uh I might be tempted to do some
4532s some kind of follow up post streams
4535s surrounding this as well as we're
4537s getting through the play test because I
4539s am going to have to
4542s uh play around a bit and see what's
4544s going on oh yeah we have the there there
4547s is a slight bug right now with with the
4549s repair once a once a tool is completely
4552s broken it won't actually tell you the
4554s repair costs
4557s um it's being looked
4563s at
4565s um so General content in 110 we have the
4569s new Adobe blocks that I'm building my
4571s little palace with there we have tools
4574s degrading
4576s completely uh we have workbenches that
4579s is needing new consumable parts those
4583s initial parts are in the the initial
4586s recipe for the workbench so once you
4588s place the workbench it'll have that
4590s starting part so it'll you you don't
4593s have to buy a workbench and then go
4596s chasing after stuff to make it work
4598s it'll work the second you place it down
4600s from the
4602s get-go um you have two new server
4605s settings to change out the cost and
4607s ratio for that maintenance
4611s cost
4613s um we have else we we have a whole bunch
4616s of balance changes we have reduction in
4619s cost for some of the late tier blocks
4621s corrugated steel reinforced
4623s concrete um ashore has all had their
4626s cost
4629s reduced um we also have a new steam
4634s tractor
4636s attachment
4639s um which I don't think it's mentioned
4641s that much um and unfortunately we're on
4644s tiger here so we're not going to see
4645s that in action but it's it's essentially
4647s a mechanics
4651s era skid steer functionality for the
4655s steam
4656s tractor and of course the
4659s painting full block
4662s painting that you can drop down a mixing
4665s station gather some powders mix together
4668s colors and you can fully paint over
4671s blocks built blocks I should say not
4673s natural Terrain
4675s uh with a color out your choice from the
4678s entire RGB
4689s Spectrum tumbling group called The do
4696s acrobots see here let's get some tool
4700s repairs up running
4708s there we go um so the cost for repairs
4711s and the usability please feel free to
4713s come with feedback on it if you are on
4715s the play test um still tinkering a
4719s little bit about it now that we have um
4723s now that we have that fully degradable
4725s tool durability I can scale down the
4728s cost on General per item
4731s repair
4733s um so there's a lot of Le way there and
4735s I'm kind of tinkering with numbers on it
4738s so if you have feedback on it just drop
4740s me a message or post it in play uh
4743s posted on the Discord play test
4749s Channel
4754s um uh don't you think the amount of
4756s stone needed to repair tool is a bit
4759s excessive seems like it's better to
4760s craft a new tool instead yeah that's
4762s what I was saying um some of those
4764s numbers numbers are just kind of split
4767s over from the old repair
4769s costs um so they'll definitely be
4772s reduced in some of these
4775s capacities
4780s um and there's also the
4785s um still need two
4791s more
4793s um but yeah I agree the they are they
4797s are slightly they're also very too long
4800s to craft I think I'm going to cut them
4801s down by a larger
4809s amount probably reduce it to like two
4812s pieces to
4817s repair and then reduce the cost of them
4819s by half I think there there's some
4821s balancing tweaks going on here which is
4823s why we're doing this in play test so
4825s these these costs will kind of update in
4829s runtime uh throughout the play test
4833s um as I'm adjusting and addressing some
4836s of them that I see so if
4839s you uh yeah if you
4843s uh want to help me out in spotting some
4847s of those things like I said just drop me
4848s a message or give me an nudge now why no
4851s one has giving me an nudge regarding
4852s that repair cost for the entire seor
4855s play test um is a bit of a
4864s mystery look at that an adobe
4871s door
4874s Beautiful People scrutinize on streams
4876s better a yeah I I think that might be
4878s the case or it's just here's a direct
4881s line of feedback now you can voice your
4883s opinion
4885s um so maybe it's just more approachable
4889s while when it's live um rather than
4891s trying to
4893s uh I don't know bother me on
4898s Discord
4900s um which I don't
4903s mind said just if you have feedback just
4906s drop it in there um preferably in a
4910s structural constructive manner it
4912s doesn't matter if it's negative feedback
4913s or positive feedback just
4921s generally all feedback is good feedback
4923s in that
4926s manner do we have that adobe recipe
4928s still going yes and we almost have
4930s it there we go completely filled out
4933s with
4938s labor hoping to just kind of get that
4942s get the building completely done before
4945s hopping
4946s off uh we've been going on for about 1
4949s and a half hour I
4952s think
4955s uh but I think since it is kind of a a a
4958s little bit of a a wrap up thing I might
4960s actually just hop in host locally so I
4964s can show off some of these other things
4966s just quickly before we can to end the
4969s stream as a bit of a re
4973s thing um
4976s yeah I think so what what are we up on
4977s we're up on an hour 23 minutes let's
4980s just let's just do that I'm just going
4982s to hop
4984s out uh go over here and let's do a
4988s fantastic Splendid name for a
4995s server hope everyone
4999s really really uh saw the vital
5001s importance with naming that one
5004s correctly
5009s move that thing around
5011s here uh there we
5013s go makes it a little bit easier to read
5015s all the
5022s comments any unofficial
5027s ETA um not really I
5031s mean as soon as possible is the enal
5034s thing um a lot of it is going to boil
5036s down into the general feedback we get
5039s from white tiger as that is our kind
5043s of really the big play test Gauntlet to
5046s see if and catch any general breakage
5050s especially when it comes to the database
5052s interactions optimizations and and just
5056s bigger chunk volumes and stress
5059s testing
5061s um I'd probably have a more definitive
5064s answer once the white tiger play test
5066s has
5067s ended
5070s um I would just advise to stay around
5074s the Discord and keep an eye out for
5077s updated posts um because it is kind of
5081s going to boil down into if the white
5083s tiger play test just runs smoothly
5085s everything works things are going to be
5087s done
5089s quicker um if we run into a lot of snags
5092s and find a lot of problems with certain
5094s things or get a lot of feedback on some
5096s items that we might really feel like oh
5099s boy you know we really have to fix this
5102s this is this is a a really significant
5104s concern for players and we also
5107s acknowledge that this is something that
5108s we are finding
5110s frustrating that is going to be taken
5112s into account which would you know
5114s further can of push out and delay
5117s things um so it's hard to
5120s say
5122s um at this moment in time really really
5125s um especially on the first day of the
5127s play
5131s test
5133s uh station table it's
5138s table
5141s no there we go we do this and then we
5143s just kind of level off so we have a
5146s playground here um so Recaps over some
5150s new settings that will alert you when
5152s you first start playing on a server that
5155s hey this plot is unowned if you're
5157s placing it here anyone can just steal
5160s it um and then you can toggle off and
5163s ignore that check and it'll be looking
5166s like you are used
5169s to uh when you're trying to play stuff
5173s again so the paint mixing station is
5175s kind of our our big customization thing
5179s uh you
5180s just store
5183s just um and also speaking of changes
5187s that haven't really been
5189s super um obvious
5194s uh so we have a new chest
5197s type and it is this wallmounted version
5201s of a
5203s chest now the wallmounted
5206s version
5208s has a slightly bigger storage
5215s which in in in in
5218s hindsight it
5220s is a bit of a sneaky thing um so I do
5224s apologize for not kind of bringing that
5226s up to light
5228s earlier um but it does have another
5231s eight slots now it does take up more
5234s room um do this for example
5238s Bam um it's not going to let me place it
5242s because the wall mounted chest is taking
5244s up those full
5247s Stacks uh wall mounted chest isn't the
5249s store R we promised no no so th those
5251s things are still kind of in the pipe
5255s Works um but now you have the storage
5257s chest kind of needs to be placed on the
5259s ground and one of these
5262s days we are probably going to do
5265s something with the general status tab of
5271s it um so you won't be able to access it
5274s inventory if it is not firmly planted on
5279s whatever it's supposed to be planted
5283s on um but it is something that we're
5286s experimenting a little bit with and kind
5289s of poking around with if it would work
5291s or or how that would look and so
5294s on um so this the Satsuki was saying the
5299s the wall mounted chest isn't just a
5302s um premium thing either no so there is a
5305s variation of that um so get
5308s workbench
5310s um so in here we have do chest we have
5316s that wall mounted chest so it has a
5318s default vanilla recipe that anyone can
5320s access and it is slightly more pricey
5323s which is it's leading
5325s into
5326s um as an option later
5330s on and it
5332s has uh same costs for it but it has a
5336s slightly slightly different
5340s look which is in here and we do
5345s this see if this
5349s works uh go that
5353s and oh yeah it it still still dealing
5357s with that actual placeable start stuff
5360s that's not properly updating in in
5362s runtime
5366s um so there's hence why things are still
5368s in play test they're still work in
5371s progress uh premium blocks Furniture
5374s ready for
5375s demonstration uh the farest Lumber has
5380s most of it done uh there's still there's
5383s still the icons for the block forms are
5385s still missing and there's a couple of
5388s blocks I believe that are still missing
5390s some textures but they are mostly done
5393s so if you do want to test them out and
5396s see how they look um you can do that on
5399s the play test at the
5401s moment
5404s um so you have a whole array of
5409s different kind of wall pieces sections
5412s um looks to
5418s them um on that whole subject of just
5422s allowing more patterns allowing more f F
5425s ability um and creativity for it and
5429s we're also kind of utilizing a new way
5431s to do block sets internally and
5435s structurally um so the Far East Lumber
5438s set has also been kind of
5441s a a template guide that we're working on
5444s for how we want to add new block sets
5447s and how we want to rework B block sets
5449s to also work similarly too um moving
5453s forward
5458s and it has a lot of lot of just cool
5461s different shapes to it got some flat
5463s roofs some some squares
5469s um yeah so this is a replacement SL
5474s variation of lumber blocks so this is a
5477s uh tier three with the changes with the
5482s doe so these are coming coming in in
5485s Sawmill
5488s Sawmill
5494s uh so these are coming in here yeah so
5497s tier the new tier three is the old tier
5501s two and anything that is a store uh a
5507s paid asset SL store purchased item is
5510s also having a little indicator on it it
5512s also has a blueprint um uses either
5516s either it uses the original item in its
5518s recipe or it uses the exact same
5520s ingredients um so there's no stat
5523s difference from it just kind of Outlook
5525s and design of
5532s them uh painting table let's enable
5537s it uh painting table on it you add
5541s colorant and you add base paint and it
5544s will
5546s output um it'll output that
5549s type so you mix up colors and shades to
5553s the way you want them to you can save
5555s them up so they're saved in a pallet so
5556s you can do something else and then you
5559s can SWAT swap around and it'll remember
5562s how many of them you were saving them
5565s with quick multiplier if you want to
5567s make a whole bunch of buckets similar to
5570s them um once you have a bucket of paint
5578s let's
5579s do uh paint Dev
5585s tool give me paint tool give me the
5588s paint
5590s tool give me
5592s paint give me
5594s a what is the thing called I can never
5597s remember the format of it paint Dev
5600s tool Dev Dev paint tool
5606s there we go the paint tool that is the
5608s order of it um are there multiple ways
5611s to create the basic pigments to give
5613s alternative sources of getting paints at
5615s the moment I just have them from one
5617s single source so you have some that are
5619s flowers some that are
5622s minerals um they're not just all
5625s minerals or all plants they are a
5627s mixture of them but I am looking at kind
5631s of what source ingredients I want to
5635s allow multiple different types of
5638s sources for one specific
5642s color um so yellow at the moment has
5645s Creo
5647s or um
5649s sunflowers magenta is coming from
5651s urchin's cyan um doesn't have a natural
5656s recipient of it so it is made from a
5658s mixture of the
5661s powders uh blue is coming from
5665s huckleberries and green is coming from
5667s copper and red is coming from
5670s Iron and and white is coming from
5673s trillum black is
5678s charcoal um I am also leading on to just
5681s dropping in regular coal in here as well
5683s as an alternative
5684s recipe um but I kind of like the idea of
5687s having shal
5689s be kind of a unique purpose for it
5694s um rather than
5696s just another like coal dump kind of
5700s thing um but yeah so once you have some
5704s color uh you would drag the color into
5707s uh into the slot for paint and you can
5711s change out the thickness SL coating of
5713s it which will change out the
5715s transparency of the paint type and then
5718s this is only for the dev tool so just as
5721s a kind of a creative hot selection thing
5725s um we just grab red for example and we
5728s go to these things and then it's just a
5731s matter of painting it over and then
5734s depending on the opacity you have
5735s selected or the cating it will
5739s gradiently change
5741s out the thickness of
5750s them and now now the brightness is
5753s hurting us a little bit
5756s there we go don't need glowy glowy
5761s red so if you just want a slight tint
5764s and
5767s reinforcements you can change it out um
5771s and the same thing and as you have the
5774s whole color spectrum when you're mixing
5775s tables it can go absolutely crazy um now
5779s one of the restrictions or limitations I
5782s should say um in this up is that we're
5785s only adding the block functionality for
5789s it um we are intending to also extend it
5793s to objects so you'll be able to do
5794s colorization for vehicles and World
5796s objects as well so you know crafting
5799s stations the whole the whole
5803s shebang
5811s um uh did we determine if painting has a
5814s trigger if it will um it it will have a
5817s trigger
5819s I it's on the board somewhere not sure
5822s who who has it assigned
5825s but um I'll make sure that we have a
5828s painting trigger for
5830s it you can uh you can prevent it we also
5833s have Mike is working on a bit of a a
5836s shuffle around in the store that does
5838s some cool magic for determining which
5841s paint you're selling so it'll associate
5843s the color with a name um similar to how
5847s it's dealing with it in the painting
5848s table so here it it kind of pulls it
5851s together as gray it pulls it together as
5853s slate and it'll switch around depending
5855s on
5856s which Nuance it is or which Huey it is
5860s closest
5861s to and then adjust that name type for it
5864s so that is how it it will be presented
5867s in the store in a way so it'll be you
5870s know Plum and then you'll be able to
5872s look over gradients of
5876s selections for that uh but that's that's
5878s currently in the works and not yet
5879s deployed on the play
5882s test um so that's kind of the painting
5884s thing in
5886s in in a blitz uh now that we have the
5889s saw meil here I can show you the
5891s maintenance
5892s part so any any of the
5895s later uh yeah help help color blenders
5898s and educate people how to express colors
5900s accurately yeah um so for for generally
5904s the more the more modern crafting tables
5906s I the ones past the initial tier one
5908s stuff so masonry table doesn't have it
5911s uh carpentry table doesn't have it but
5914s the later professions do like Butchery
5916s table has uh coar Stones as ingredients
5919s and uh most of these have
5923s them and they simply work by you grab it
5927s slot it in um as mentioned once on the
5930s first placement of the object it will
5932s come with one of these
5935s um it's a set durability reduction per
5939s hour and this is adjustable by the
5941s server so there is a multiplier for it
5944s and there is the hourly rate percentage
5947s for it um from a modding perspective you
5949s can also override it and do specific
5953s recipe increases as
5956s well um so once once it's running and
5959s and crafting it'll keep burning up that
5961s durability once that durability is out
5963s you're going to get notification saying
5964s hey this crafting table has run out of a
5967s part
5971s um would Parts modules also change the
5973s tiers of the table
5976s um it'll be related to the
5979s module but it is not yet in that's
5983s something that is going
5985s to it's a bit technical to do and
5989s it's it it's
5991s been it's been on the board for a while
5994s but we might have some leeway in time to
5995s start getting into that
5998s um and for for anyone that's being
6001s rather confused about it it's um a
6004s planned module rework where when you
6007s slot in upgrades they'll be permanently
6008s locked to the table instead and it'll
6011s change out the properties or
6013s requirements of the
6014s table uh but as
6017s mentioned it's not yet
6021s uh being worked on actively I should say
6026s say as the main focus right now is just
6028s bug squashing and polish for this update
6032s and then we'll have some follow-up
6033s streams and I think I think the um
6036s there's a lot of topics that is coming
6038s up that I think a lot of players are
6040s going to be stoked for
6042s so a lot of fun things coming um now it
6046s went dark end time
6049s noon giveing me back daylight thank
6052s you uh
6054s uh we have let's see here we got some
6057s recipe some overall balance changes we
6059s got recipe changes for vehicles now
6062s require lubricant which is a new item
6064s produced by uh Butchery from Tallow or
6068s oil production
6070s from uh one give
6074s refiner pop one of these bad boys
6077s down um we have this
6081s here um lubricant will also be one of
6084s the major Essentials in the vehicle
6086s maintenance later
6088s on
6090s um which if any modder is interested in
6093s it the system do
6096s support adding parts to the vehicles but
6099s once the part runs out it'll completely
6101s disable the
6102s vehicle
6104s um which is why it's not in in the
6106s update because the intention is that
6108s it's just depending on which part of
6111s that vehicle breaks down it's supposed
6114s to just worsen the performance of the
6116s vehicle not just outright stop the
6119s vehicle um but that's that's
6122s on on the board and worked on and is
6127s part of that second batch of Maintenance
6128s features that is going to be raining in
6131s the vehicle part of
6133s it uh speaking of vehicle steam
6136s tractor
6138s um but part of that vehicle maintenance
6140s stuff so you don't have that once you
6142s reach skid steer X exavator suddenly you
6145s have no cost for resource acquisition um
6147s which is a major
6150s problem oh look at that we even had the
6152s icon in uh
6157s fuel uh so one of the big quality of
6159s life changes that is coming
6161s in is a new vehicle attachment for the
6163s steam tractor
6166s now there has been a mod um a steam skid
6170s steer mod floating around for quite a
6172s while um and and having more utilitarian
6176s attachments for the vehicles that have
6178s modules to them just made sense to me um
6182s and
6183s it's something that I've been wanting to
6186s do for a long time and thankfully
6189s Gabriel helped out on sorting out our
6191s vehicle
6193s controls um because the module system
6195s and the tool components were not playing
6200s nice but now we finally have a
6203s attachment on the tractor that allows
6205s you to do some basic
6209s terraforming um where you can dig in and
6212s you can dig through and do some dirt
6215s stuff um now there are a few a few
6220s limitations with this that I want to
6222s bring up and one of the things is on the
6225s play test right now it does not have its
6227s full restrictions but it is not going to
6230s be able to dig minable material so
6234s you're not going to be able to use it
6235s exactly as you do with the skid steer or
6239s excavator uh but it is going to be able
6241s to take up anything that is
6243s diggable which means general
6247s Overworld terraforming road construction
6250s and everything else is going to be a lot
6252s more
6253s smoother um and we teased a little bit
6257s about technology that'll be going along
6261s with it later on and that
6264s explosives that is going to be kind of
6266s complimenting this in a future
6268s update with the idea there is that you
6271s get into a hillside here you drop down
6273s some some Dynamite you blow it up and it
6276s turns into uh gravel and then you can
6279s just scoop it up with the tractor and
6281s you can do some significant quick
6283s terraforming without being obstructed by
6286s the fact that it's minable materials so
6288s there's a lot of a lot of cool fancy
6290s things planned and
6292s coming uh
6294s um there's another quality of life
6297s upgrade for all three of these diable
6301s Machinery um that is underway at the
6305s moment uh yeah Pondo it it's it's one of
6310s those one of those kind of materials
6312s that
6313s is it's high value but digging over a
6316s prolonged period of the time people
6318s didn't really like it
6321s um and it's it's generally always been
6325s kind of
6327s a a tedium same thing for mining overall
6331s which is also why we're looking at
6333s explosives
6334s seriously
6337s um with the increase of clay requirement
6340s um as well as general resources overall
6343s and it adds that big kind of resource
6348s resource Gathering Improvement in the
6350s middle stage that's really lacking say
6353s you go from doing pickaxe actions from
6356s day
6356s one
6358s um to being excavator and you have no
6363s General upgrade in between same thing
6365s for shovel you go shovel shovel shovel
6367s bam excavator suddenly tdum is gone but
6372s we're seeing kind of a big player drop
6375s off in between there which is why we're
6378s we're focusing a lot on just content
6380s addition and filling out a lot of the
6381s blanks that we're having um partially
6384s because some of it has been placeholder
6386s some of it we've been wanting to fill
6388s with content but haven't really been
6389s ready to work on aspects that's
6392s necessary for
6394s it uh but hopefully this will make it
6397s feel like you know we are looking at a
6400s lot of the feedback
6402s and maybe convince some people that we
6404s you know we are we are acting on the
6407s feedback we are getting and it is
6409s something that is important to us
6415s um so yeah that that's going to be a lot
6419s of fun and as I mentioned there is also
6421s going to be another quality of life
6422s thing that's going to be added in and
6425s hopefully that gets merged in the next
6429s week um Works similar as as the rest of
6433s them um you have two three blocks
6435s depending on how wide you go um but as
6439s mentioned it is it is not going to be
6441s digging mables it is only going to be
6443s dealing with um crushed stuff it can
6446s pick up robable and whatnot so you can
6448s just go nuts on with a pickaxe and then
6450s just collect
6452s stuff um but it has some future
6455s Tech uh in a later update that'll assist
6458s with dealing with
6461s MBL um but yeah so one one one teeny
6465s little upgrade to the excavator skid
6467s steer and steam tractor scoop will be
6469s popping out on the play test hopefully
6472s next week um
6474s and I'll I'll give a nudge on when that
6475s is out on the Discord so keep in tune
6481s there uh have anything else on the board
6485s in general yeah
6487s so uh lubricant being a thing in all the
6490s general vehicles um this includes the uh
6494s the wood cart as
6495s well uh we got some new ingredients here
6498s for the repairs and everything
6500s surrounding that um Pol po pingg paste
6504s and uh the sharpening steel is kind of
6507s the Prime things for Tool Repair without
6511s losing dur ability on
6513s them um and then we
6518s have we also have a significant change
6521s to milling and paper requirement on the
6525s research table
6527s which laboratory I can't remember if
6530s it's on the laboratory if it's on the
6531s research table itself
6535s uh I'm running with I'm I'm running with
6538s the tiger mods since I was testing out
6542s stuff
6545s um do we have them in here yeah so any
6548s and all research papers are going to be
6552s um for the modern tier is going to be
6554s requiring Inc and
6557s paper um ink is made in the paint mixing
6561s workbench
6567s um
6570s grab go with the ink recipe there we
6573s go um so it is using charcoal glass and
6579s oil and that means that you're going to
6582s have some pretty pretty hefty
6584s requirements on some of the later Tech
6588s from a little bit of a wider um
6591s perspective and ignore the garbage it
6594s will come but it's not not in
6598s yet uh which paper was a tier one skill
6601s and implemented earlier um yeah but I
6604s have some ideas for research in general
6605s so that's that's its own entire
6608s different past and
6609s stream
6611s um but for now I'm just kind of filling
6614s in and adding some of these requirements
6616s for the later stuff to uh kind a back
6619s fill and that makes sense
6625s uh oh yeah actually actually actually do
6628s server UI since I'm on the local one
6633s now there we go so inside difficulty
6636s settings uh is that merged yet it's
6640s there we go on balance though um so on
6643s balance in
6645s craftting on balance in crafting you
6647s have a maintenance Decay percentage
6650s which is that percent rate for hourly
6652s decay K of crafting stations and you
6654s also have a direct multiplier for it and
6657s the reason why there is a multiplier for
6659s any server admins and whatnot is this
6661s only changes out the base value so the
6665s default value that is set on everything
6667s but you can from a modding perspective
6670s also make adjustments for recipe per
6673s recipe
6675s requirements um and the multiplier just
6677s allows you to globally affect all of it
6679s regardless if it is a custom change or
6682s not
6685s um so that is two new variables that is
6687s going into the balance config it'll be
6689s noted on the patch notes as well um but
6693s that's in there and now I have a very
6696s restless cat that decides that the power
6698s cord to the TV is something that should
6700s be poked at
6708s do uh yeah so we have the painting stuff
6711s is a seeo
6713s CM
6715s y
6718s WK white black
6721s stuff um as well as RGB so you have both
6725s the the positive removal and the
6728s positive additive and the negative
6732s removal uh yeah I I think that is
6737s generally what we got in store there's a
6739s lot of lot of crazy things um
6748s think of the farmer table and the mill
6751s um the mill will get a power
6755s upgrade um it's not in yet but I will
6759s have a look and
6761s see if the asset is actually ready if
6765s the asset is ready I might drop it in
6769s the update as
6771s well um
6776s maybe
6778s um but yeah there there is a there is a
6781s gasoline SL liquid fuel powered version
6786s that um art has had in store for a
6789s while
6791s um maybe maybe we'll see maybe maybe
6796s it'll come in as a surpris and shock to
6797s everyone oh look at that Mill gets a you
6801s know tier five requirement
6803s um we'll
6805s see we still have a bunch of things to
6808s go through for the play
6809s test um I might do some more frequent
6813s streams now that the play test is
6815s running um to shat some of chat with
6819s some of the other stuff maybe I'll get a
6821s guest uh or one of the other deps on
6824s we'll see um but for now thank you all
6828s for watching and hope you all have a
6830s wonderful weekend and uh I know I'm
6834s going to be absolutely sore tomorrow
6836s after an airsoft game
6838s so need to get some uh prep done for
6841s that and some sleep so
6843s uh catch you all on the next one and
6848s uh hope you have a a wonderful weekend I
6851s said take
6854s care and good night

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s welcome to another Friday stream here
3s and uh my name is jent and I will be
6s running you through our white tiger
9s server play test and some of the changes
12s in 110 and also going to be showing up a
16s little bit of a sneak peek with some
18s concept art for some objects and uh new
23s stuff that
25s is coming in with the animal husbandry
28s that we're working on in the background
29s and kind of
31s parallel to uh to the other minor SL
34s major updates along the
38s way uh
40s yeah it's going to be nice uh hope
45s everyone is going to have a good time
46s and uh we do have a
50s slight potential hiccups like a bit in
53s depending on we have
55s a uh bit of an
58s O uh update push happening so we'll see
62s if stuff keeps us connected or if it
65s dies off we we'll see um we'll deal with
67s that if that happens um but yeah so
70s Friday stream here at strange Loop games
72s and uh here at as your lead game
76s designer and
79s uh I think we'll just kind of roll with
81s roll with take it away and and go on I'm
83s going to drop down chat uh pop in here
87s yeah so anything and everything you see
90s here here is stuff that is work in
92s progress um it's been a while since our
96s last stream with John in it um and I
101s completely missed to actually hide an
104s element from
106s that which is my bad uh give me that was
111s slightly annoying I can't unsee it now
113s that I've see
115s it
119s uh which one over you are there we go
124s yeah there we go uh stop blocking the
127s mini
134s map yeah so where are we now um well
138s we're on white tiger as mentioned here
141s we've got the Federation cooking um so
146s this server is our
149s more kind of directed government concept
153s with Constitution already preset and um
157s a lot of things kind of in order that
159s has been reiterated on
162s to help
164s do can of a server that utilizes
168s everything Eco has to offer in
170s customization loss and the whole
174s thing so we have a
177s preset preset government open up the G
180s tab no not that thing this
184s thing uh oh my UI scale is way way off
187s the
189s charts there we go that might
193s work yeah so it has a preset government
195s and it
196s has um a constitution with a bunch of
199s elective titles it's got pretty strict
202s setup laws and articles to deal with any
206s and all factors that has been running
208s around um
210s for Danny started it ages ago it it's
213s been it's been a project
217s um but yeah so since the tiger server is
222s as complex as it is it is a
225s superb uh playground for us to do things
229s like testing out the Civic system more
232s rigorously where we have uh kind of a
235s player base that um hops in helps out
238s and deals with that on a much broader
241s scale than your
242s average uh single single run
246s servers so just using more of the
249s things and you can see a lot of people
251s are just going crazy at it we see some
254s farming going
255s on so this popped up at 6:00 I think it
260s is so 3 hours
264s ago toiling hard away at the dirt um
270s so we're going to grab somewhere to to
274s reside
278s um and then we can Shuffle on about some
281s of the big balance changes that are
283s coming with the 110 update some are
286s still kind of pending but most of them
288s are pushed into this play test build now
292s if you played on the seaotter one
294s previously um we got some block cost
298s reductions and some other big
302s changes
304s uh maybe
312s do we want to do a deser thing no let's
316s we just straight out in the middle of
317s the
319s grassland that's going to be
322s fine backpack
324s is over here there we
328s go uh
332s while I make my way over there let
334s me where where did my notes
337s go I had
346s notes let grab
349s those I like those those are
352s nice um so for major block cost changes
357s um a lot of the the mid tier late game
359s blocks have gotten their cost
362s reduced um so we have uh corrugated
365s steel has basically halfed in price um
368s it's gone from two steel cost to 1.5 and
372s I it has twice the yield now so it drops
375s out two blocks instead of
377s one uh reinforced concrete has been
380s increased its yield to five from
384s four uh cement has
386s replaced uh ashar blocks in of mortar so
391s that's going to be a big change however
393s they also have their output increased to
397s two and
400s uh so a lot of them has basically been
403s halfed in cost uh composits are still
405s staying the
408s same
410s um from the previous play test we've got
413s a increase in base paint
416s yield um some lubricants been added to
419s different vehicles
422s and we also have a new kind of early
425s tier rug for um
430s Hunters we got some some nice stuff that
433s the um the rug also have some
435s Marketplace replaceables that we can
437s look into as well here in a
440s bit uh do I want to
448s go we do
450s just Limestone
453s Quarry and roll with
459s it really want to build that over
467s there that's some Homestead that's some
470s Homestead and these guys seems to have a
474s plan yeah let's let's head over there
477s and then then do a side thing here
480s markers drop a
483s market
485s uh no we do not have a total list for
487s changes for like the full 110 um those
490s are compiled once everything's kind of
494s finalized um but yes the Adobe is in
498s um we also have a new object for housing
502s which is the uh plaqu that allows you to
505s give reputation to uh give direct
509s housing kind of benefits uh and or
512s culture benefits depending on if it's a
514s cultural property or if it is a um
518s regular residential
522s property a lot of flag so
527s far think we'll do a
530s little Harbor thing going
538s on do one to look over some of that
541s plant
545s generation helloo monsters hope you're
548s having a good time and welcome to the
552s stream uh love the changes to version 10
556s play three wipes very consistently yeah
558s we have there's a lot of things coming
561s um not just in this update but I've got
564s a lot of things cooking and some of it
567s is going to be more impactful than
569s others
571s um animal husbandry and and big hunting
574s and Butchery work is obviously going to
576s be a huge thing for later on um and it's
579s kind of in its own separate
581s update um that deserves more space than
585s we can do for a smaller update it also
587s deserves more time to it um so art is
590s working on a
592s whole shipload of um objects and assets
597s worth
600s and I got some con I got some concept
602s art for you to uh have a look see uh
606s later on
609s here uh where do we want we just want to
613s plop it down here on the
615s coastline yeah let's just let's just do
617s that let's let's do since the doe is on
620s the topic as well
624s um here we go yes so that popup is some
630s of the new kind
632s of introductionary things where and I
636s think that the other one might also be
638s involved here um let me grab some
641s tools let's grab that shovel pickax
644s hammer and axe we can we can expand our
648s property a little bit here we want to
651s grab
653s this
656s this and we want to grab these
660s and then we just want to kind of
662s continue going downward here I
675s think
678s yeah we'll do kind of a garden
685s thing Let's do let's do a thing here
692s and there is a little bit of a
694s choppiness to it with performance- wise
696s that we're looking into see what's going
698s on here we go so if we're looking at the
700s map we have this little Buckle thing
703s here so we'll
704s do a little bit of a crafting thing a
707s little bit of a garden
708s thing um as one of the new things that
711s we have added with it is an outdoor
715s room and Outdoor Room allows you to to
720s either amplify culture or amplify um
724s Regular housing points if I can grab
727s housing objects so we have this new
730s category which some of the already
731s existing things have been moved out
733s because they weren't making sense to
734s have
735s indoors um decoration still
743s works um but yeah so some of the things
746s that you're familiar with um they're now
749s G actual value to being
752s outdoor um there's also
755s a general reduction of it because the
757s IND the industrialization of a property
761s or if you place industrial objects on it
763s it will uh cancel out any housing points
767s that that room would give including
770s outdoor which means if you want to have
773s power plants or generation or crafting
776s tables overall you're going to have to
778s have them confined or on a different
784s property uh yes we grab it's a little
788s bit of a tri
791s but let's grab some of those juicy
794s tomatoes with us cut on a tree get some
797s tree get some Stone and then we can get
799s some work tables
806s going can also get some Oak seeds to
809s plant some o it's nearby um yeah backo
814s um in regards
816s to being able to convert mechanical
819s energy to electrical energy probably not
821s going to happen in the way you
823s think um but we are we are looking at
829s ways to be able to
832s acquire uh or kind of move over and
834s transition the power use to electrical
840s um rather than you being able to convert
843s mechanical
844s to um electrical with with like a Dynamo
848s transition thing or an external Dynamo I
850s should
852s say
854s um but it's definitely on the agenda to
857s deal with when you have that Tech
860s progression over time you don't get
862s stuck
863s in having to rely on windmills or or
866s water
867s wheels when you're rolling around with
870s excavators and skid steers and and
872s pouring out
889s oil uh so the crafting UI is getting
892s some more polish to it uh
895s we're figuring out a bit about what we
899s want to do with the project listing and
900s how we want to deal with scaling project
903s lists as well as some of the general
906s information
908s so have a bit of an oversight but we
911s appreciate any all feedback surrounding
915s it but it is something that is being
917s actively tinkered with and one of the
919s big feedbacks that we saw very quickly
921s was where did my time
923s go
928s um we need some Stone we need some more
930s wood
936s there speaking of where did things
940s go uh I think the server is slightly
943s under heavy load
945s however uh I think it is it is coming
949s together quite nicely because we
951s are I think it's 100 people on the
953s server
956s now someone can probably give me an
958s accurate head count on uh from the
961s server
965s browser I think it was fairly close to
967s something like that when I jumped
970s in so performance is still a pretty high
974s factor for us
976s and as you can see it is running a lot
979s smoother even though you have that huge
981s quantity of people yeah thank you El
983s yeah we're we're at 100
985s now and
990s um can we now choose different kind of
991s wood Stone by crafting by simply
993s clicking on the wood stone icon um
995s variations have a separate slot for it
998s but for selecting specific material type
1002s for tagged
1004s items uh not for this
1007s update but we do have some room for
1011s General improvements further along for
1013s the crafting UI
1015s [Music]
1016s and improving the quality of life
1019s rounding tag usages is something that we
1021s want to
1024s do so it's really in there
1027s with
1030s um the
1032s uh I had the thing out um it it is up
1035s there with a lot of the other things
1037s that we have planned for now we have a
1045s campfire I believe believe that was it
1048s yeah so
1050s a new thing that was added um you can
1053s help out if you're starting a new or if
1057s particularly for new players coming into
1059s the
1060s game um it will be this feature will be
1065s toggled the the warning um will be
1069s unchecked by default which means it will
1071s show you if you're trying to play
1073s something and the property is unowned it
1075s will give you a bit of a a hint warning
1077s about it uh um that can be just toggled
1081s off by the check boox it will also ask
1084s you when you try to play something on
1086s unknown property with a warning saying
1089s placing it on unknowned land anyone can
1091s take it and you'll have to manually Link
1093s in the stores and then you can just
1096s check that proceed and then you don't
1099s see the
1104s warning which hopefully helps out a bit
1108s for the new players coming in that might
1112s not
1113s uh help out a bit in terms
1118s of uh reducing ear early theft from
1122s beginners I think it's the
1125s uh warning kind of Landing
1129s into yeah so there is there is an
1132s alternative for it so we have that with
1134s the warning and then we also have this
1136s which has a fix coming it's not supposed
1138s to be all over the place just as a
1141s warning um so with that
1143s checked it'll highlight any property
1146s that you own when you're trying to place
1148s it on it so you can see hey I'm I'm you
1150s know placing it on my property no I'm
1153s not placing it on my
1156s property um so there are some some
1159s features in here that we're we're
1160s experimenting a little bit with uh both
1163s the visual feedback for it but also kind
1166s of how the player perceives it how it
1168s smoothly you can transition in between
1169s the two
1173s um so just adding more customizability
1176s for the clients
1178s to um can I get around some of those
1185s problems um any plans to add guns for
1188s hunting in the future no at the general
1192s answer uh Firearms is generally
1194s something that we we stay clear of for
1201s a few factors
1205s um one generally lays in the whole kind
1208s of it it's very disruptive in terms
1211s of making noise and and clonking around
1216s with you know kind of having this semi-
1220s relaxed environment and then it's 10
1222s minutes later it sounds like a
1223s Battleground because 20 people are
1225s running around with
1227s rifles so there is sort of a
1230s a um a feeling to the game that we want
1234s to
1235s preserve um which unfortunately hunting
1239s is taking the
1241s um the bigger bite out of because
1244s Firearms is not a
1247s thing um we are looking at dealing with
1253s additional
1255s um General upgrades for hunting one it's
1258s going to get like like a general overall
1260s profession
1262s overhaul um but it is also going to get
1268s um more crafting stations more stuff to
1271s do and a bit of a bit of
1281s everything so here we have one of
1284s the one of the things kind of want to
1286s shift this around and this is also on
1289s the subject of stuff being a bit
1293s experimental um the new crafting UI
1296s supports custom lists and
1299s filtrations so you can have you can add
1302s your own
1303s custom preset you call it
1307s that and then when you have that um
1311s enabled you can
1313s add different things to that list
1323s do that and then I can select that
1324s custom preset and it'll list me only the
1327s things that I have selected on
1330s it so I don't need to search for things
1332s if I have you know once I'm involved in
1335s the game and I have more these are the
1338s four main items I'm always crafting so I
1340s don't want to have to search for them I
1341s don't want to have to look for them Etc
1343s you can just select them on a preset
1346s list or you can just select the
1348s craftable and that show you anything
1349s that you have resources available for in
1351s your inventory as well as your like um
1354s linked storage as
1357s well but we're still kind
1359s of figuring out where we want to have
1363s some of these bars where the buttons are
1365s going to have sort of a
1368s smoother smoother General flow in the
1371s UI so this thing might be shuffled
1373s around it might be just a toggle show
1376s the the scroll bar completely there's
1378s still quite a about quite a lot of space
1380s surrounding
1381s it um but yeah so plenty of room to
1385s improve and further enhance the new
1387s crafting
1388s UI um and we're doing we're adding
1391s revisions and doing things along the
1393s play test
1394s and uh get a lot of good feedback
1396s surrounding it that we're working
1403s on now that we get some tomatoes in here
1409s do some let's do some
1413s [Music]
1415s fish grab that thing here we'll do some
1418s some short fish as
1423s well let that run while we get some more
1431s wood
1435s uh I have another another kind of big
1439s thing is as a as a little bit of a sneak
1441s thing for hunting uh previously we have
1446s you have the statues or the the stuffed
1448s versions of them you also have the
1451s mounts that you can make and we're
1455s introducing um a new Pelt type which is
1458s essentially a
1460s rug but it's available far earlier
1464s and um made from hunting
1470s and I don't think the icons are hooked
1471s up for it
1475s yet uh that go
1481s here where did I throw them in I throw
1483s them in here should probably be in
1485s Furniture
1487s but
1491s yeah wolf Bel bison Pelt fox pelt and a
1495s deer so they are uh alternative versions
1499s of the hair Pelt they have the same
1500s stats the same resource costs uh or
1505s carcass Cara cost in relation
1515s um uh what other professions are on the
1518s road map you can talk about o
1523s um I
1525s mean ranching is a new profession that's
1528s going to be coming with the animal
1529s husbandry um sneak peak a little bit
1532s about that with my uh design flowchart
1535s for animal husbandry way way a few
1538s streams ago um so I think that's that's
1540s sort of in the revealed box um we do
1543s have another one that is going to be
1545s going under a scientist that isn't
1548s really ready to be revealed yet so I'm
1551s I'm going to keep a lid on that but it's
1553s going to be some more stuff in there
1555s which is why some items are being
1556s shuffled around
1561s um so some cool things coming
1566s um see if we can we should be able
1571s to have workbench let's get a stock pile
1575s open
1576s um oh yeah and something for the play
1580s test people as well um there is a
1585s temporary kind of recipe um
1589s to deal with scrap in this case Tools in
1595s particular and it'll scrap any tool that
1598s you
1600s have which is
1602s on uh with the tools being fully
1606s degradable to the point where you kind
1607s of need to replace
1609s them um you need to have a way to get
1612s rid of the tools and at the
1614s moment um you deal with them by
1617s scrapping them now for a future update
1621s might not be the next
1623s one um I am looking at
1630s recyclability um and yes so bringing
1634s bringing that on mention do we do are we
1636s going to have some way to deal with wet
1638s tailings um sort of yes so one of the
1643s things that I want to touch on there is
1645s General garbage
1647s pollution um
1650s waste and
1654s recyclability
1656s um so that should be uh that should be
1659s good
1662s stuff um hey Pondo uh hope you're doing
1666s well any updates to the plan skill star
1668s system revamp targeted for 1.0 it will
1671s potentially happen prior to
1674s that um I'm working
1677s on on some general things I've been
1679s breaking
1682s down probably have maybe 70%
1687s of the skills sorted out design wise
1691s kind of what effects they have what
1693s benefits what bonuses what they're what
1695s they're intended to do what they're
1697s intended to use to be used for
1702s um but the the general notion is that
1705s crafting talents overall will still be
1708s just just related to crafting either if
1711s it's recipe unlocks reduction in calorie
1714s recre increase in calorie reduction in
1717s um time increasing time um and so on so
1722s forth to the idea there is open up a lot
1723s more variables to be used in runtime um
1727s to allow moders to do a lot more cool
1729s things but also just overall add more
1732s flavor to the crafting talents as a
1735s whole
1740s look at that beautiful fried up
1745s fish uh mow bed what is in this new
1749s update what is going on what are we
1750s doing well we have Adobe blocks which
1753s we're going to start off here with in a
1756s second now that we have a tool bench I
1758s think I have a tool bench built almost
1760s have a tool bench built need some more
1762s Stone so we have first up for starting
1767s off you have
1769s um two CR critical new things um Adobe
1773s blocks which is completely replacing the
1776s previous Half and Half Baked tier one uh
1780s building
1781s materials so you are no longer starting
1784s out with h logs you're no longer
1785s starting out with Mason uh Mason masonry
1790s Stones uh you have a brand new material
1793s to deal with
1794s that uh you also have degradable
1797s durability On Tools
1801s and also as a as a nice surprise we now
1803s have a new look for the tool
1815s workbench um there's on will we ever
1818s take a pause on adding new stuff and go
1820s back and fix some of the things that's
1821s been broken forever like the logging
1823s skills
1824s well uh funny you should mention that
1830s um I am working on redesigning a lot of
1833s the talents effects so the majority of
1836s the interactive craft uh like the inor
1840s talents um so talents for things like
1843s hunting
1846s um uh Mining and so
1849s on generally stay the same um for the
1854s majority of them there are a few that I
1856s am looking at completely overhauling
1859s um there's been a few experimentation
1861s with some of the some of the talents
1865s surrounding
1866s logging um it's been a bit back and
1869s forth up and
1872s down um and I'll have I'll have a
1875s separate stream for that but it is one
1878s of the main focuses going forward from
1881s 11.0 to deal with a lot of that kind of
1885s Remnant Remnant stuff that's been
1887s lingering on that we just haven't
1890s really like they
1893s never it it feels a bit wrong to say
1896s they're not really high
1897s priority on the grand scope of things
1900s because that's it feels very unfair to
1902s the
1903s players um but from the from the
1908s development
1909s side the logging talents re the the the
1913s tier six logging talents never really
1916s worked the way we wanted them to work
1918s one of them never worked at all since
1920s the talent system was reorganized and
1924s introduced
1925s um but it's still very unfair to players
1929s to say that so I'm kind
1931s of trying to be a bit diplomatic in
1935s terms of like design point of it as well
1937s as development time um kind of what gets
1940s prioritized uh but the talents are
1943s having a very high
1945s priority uh moving forward
1954s um that hopefully will bring some light
1957s on it
1959s and I have some cool things for the the
1962s um the logging talents in
1964s mind so hopefully people will be pleased
1968s with them once they do come
1971s out um as for the pl skill star system
1974s it's kind of tied in with talents so
1976s that'll be that will be be kind of a
1978s cohesive update um I'm also looking into
1982s research as a whole um that may take
1985s some twists and turns but we'll
1987s see
1991s um a lot of things happening and they're
1993s happening fairly
1999s quickly
2001s uh yeah they uh it's stream time so now
2005s they woke up
2011s uh let's see here let's grab so with
2014s that new stone with that new workbench
2017s we can go through and show some of
2020s that some of those things so in here
2023s with the inside the new tool bench we
2026s have a new
2027s recipe which is coar stones and coar
2031s Stones is one of the overhauls that I've
2034s done to deal
2036s with um repairability and consumption in
2041s the long term of server tools so
2044s previously you just throw in a tool to a
2047s black or a blacksmith in 10.2
2050s but uh previously it just be smelter or
2055s Advanced smelter and you Chuck it in
2057s there it gets repaired it gets shipped
2058s out but the volume of tools is finite so
2063s a world may only need 400 pickaxes
2066s crafted and then that's it done you no
2069s longer have to craft another item of
2071s that type
2072s again
2074s and these kind of static finite
2079s scenarios is part of the reason why
2081s economies in the game tend to stagnate
2083s and kind of die off later on and uh
2087s there's two aspects of that being
2089s addressed in 10 point uh 10 formerly
2092s 10.3 I'm still juggling the numbers
2094s around um what is this particular up
2098s taping 11.0 U formerly known as
2103s 10.3 uh there's two aspects of that
2106s finite economy that we're trying to
2108s eliminate and one of them is maintenance
2112s on um crafting table as well as
2115s maintenance on tools and that On Tools
2120s is manifesting in a way of tools are no
2124s longer 100% fully repairable anymore
2129s every time you repair a tool it'll
2131s degrade its durability giving you less
2133s and less uses per
2138s repair
2141s um this is
2143s also
2145s um this is doing a few things for us one
2148s we can kind of alternate what we want
2150s stuff to be repaired with so previously
2152s you would have uh stone tools being
2155s repaired with stone and then iron tools
2157s being repaired with iron and steel tools
2158s being repaired with steel and so on so
2160s forth um now you
2164s have um any number of materials that
2168s is
2171s repairable uh can be applied to that
2174s tool so at the moment we only have
2175s course Stones
2177s unlocked but you do have polishing paste
2180s sharpening steel and some other items
2183s that
2184s will more efficiently repair your tools
2188s so you lose less durability with that
2190s repair by investing more into the cost
2193s of repairing now anyone can make coarse
2197s Stones um this also means that we can
2199s allow anyone to
2205s repair no one is saying anything about
2207s the
2211s music have it in the background toned
2214s out don't need to voice over
2216s it um
2222s there we go padman comes in can you
2223s lower the in- game music yes yes I can
2226s it is
2227s done
2229s um so yeah the the repairability of
2232s tools is no longer linked to a specific
2235s item but can be any new any number of
2240s items we also have repairability and
2244s repair penalties tied in with specific
2247s professions as well for the benches so
2249s the tool bench as a neutral anyone can
2251s access it anyone can use
2254s it um it has a skill impact from the
2257s self-improvement skill so as you level
2259s up
2260s self-improvement you're going to get
2262s reduced repair penalty at the tool bench
2266s the grindstone which um people familiar
2271s with the blacksmith profession is one of
2273s the tool manufacturing VES the
2275s grindstone repair capacity is
2278s improved by the actual blacksmith skill
2281s and it has a higher percentage so if you
2284s are a skilled blacksmith you're going to
2285s be repairing tool at a better rate than
2289s if you were not a
2291s blacksmith uh and not just on material
2294s cost but the actual durability loss as
2300s well uh so at here we need two core
2303s stones to repair it and it will perent
2306s it it will take the correct percentages
2308s as well so you don't have to use up a
2312s tool completely to avoid losing
2315s durability
2319s um I actually have enough
2322s material uh there we
2325s go bam
2329s and we are going to change out so we
2331s have like a red bar that represents lost
2336s durability and and I cat Cat in box on
2339s the desk so now the stone ax has gone
2342s from 250 durability to 235 so each time
2345s I repair it it's going to get slightly
2349s worse
2355s um yeah so on that Dural on on the
2360s scrapping thing in the workbench um the
2364s intention is for us to implement a new
2367s kind of scrap methodology but that will
2369s be revolving the garbage
2373s update um so that will be more of a
2376s distinct recyclability thing um it would
2380s there just not enough time to deal with
2382s that in this update um so temporarily
2385s you have a scrap tool recipe on the
2387s workbench and it'll take any tool so do
2391s be slightly careful about what you have
2393s this linked with
2398s but it'll
2400s take um it's on 0.1 garbage per tool so
2404s you can scrap up to 10 tools for one
2407s garbage and the garbage you can
2410s incinerate um in a blast
2414s furnace so you turn the scrap tools into
2417s garbage and then you just kind of burn
2419s them um to get rid of
2426s them uh are you guys considering
2428s releasing an OST I think it's been asked
2430s a few
2431s times
2435s um I cannot remember what the official
2438s answer on it so I'm I'm going to say
2440s it's been looked
2443s at but I think it's been kind of a
2449s a bit of a mix between who who owns the
2452s actual kind of Licensing rights to the
2454s music
2465s uh but yeah hopefully that answered the
2466s um the tool scrapping stuff um so now
2470s what on Earth am I doing I am
2473s doing this
2478s and let's
2481s build how much do we need 25 so let's do
2486s 250
2488s it's a little bit too
2491s much 200 maybe it's
2500s 200 so we need for the new Adobe
2503s blocks you need dirt and you need
2509s wood
2511s so it
2513s is quite a bit cheaper than the previous
2516s Hume blocks were
2518s in terms of wood
2522s requirements uh Bob yes so at the moment
2526s um as I just showed there is a scrap
2528s tool recipe on the workbench that is
2531s sort of a
2532s placeholder um there will be a way to
2534s deal with that in the future where it
2536s will know kind know what type of tool it
2539s is and it'll
2542s uh um it going to refund materials based
2546s on the type of tools and so on but there
2548s was just not enough time to go over um
2552s some of the things that I wanted to get
2554s in um to make that work
2559s properly so at the moment you get a
2561s little bit of a a sad placeholder recipe
2563s for just scrapping tools so they don't
2565s overp populate
2568s inventories uh will burning the junk
2570s make extra pollution um it's you burn it
2572s in a blast furnace and it has a bit of a
2575s longer burn time for the actual crafting
2578s recipes so the the BL bur need to run
2579s for a longer time which then means more
2589s pollution yeah you're causing air
2591s pollution which then gets transformed
2592s into temporary ground pollution when it
2594s settles down
2613s see now with a bunch of dirt in there
2616s let's go grab some more
2626s trees let's get that cling tool out of
2628s the way so we don't toggle in between
2632s that
2635s now most clever thing
2638s I have done is not settling
2640s nearby conveniently chopp trees as the
2644s Oaks takes slightly longer to cut
2653s [Music]
2655s down but it's not too
2664s bad probably need to look at that audio
2669s that is a bit
2671s weird
2676s uh I wonder I wonder while I run back
2679s and forth and cut some trees just to
2682s kind of fill up these Adobe that's being
2686s built maybe I should switch
2690s to
2693s maybe it was getting a bit dark
2701s multi
2703s multitasking of
2713s Plenty where where was I on the subject
2716s maintenance so you saw the tool thing um
2719s you have tools they degrade now so you
2721s don't have infinite tools um which
2724s hopefully gives a a big business boost
2727s to the blacksmith I know a lot of
2729s feedback surrounding that profession
2731s introduction in 10.2 has been yeah it's
2734s a little bit lackluster doesn't really
2735s have anything to do outside nails and
2738s that initial kind of tool
2740s provision um it was always intended to
2744s go along with tool maintenance and Tool
2748s degradation as a main thing so that
2751s would be its main source of
2754s income
2756s um it was just one of those things that
2758s we really didn't have time to fit it in
2760s 10.2 so it got pushed out um now it's
2763s coming with 10.3 uh or
2766s 11 and I'll keep referencing it to 10.3
2769s so
2771s don't don't quote me too much on it
2780s um see yeah hopefully that should
2783s uh satisfy the uh
2788s Workshop
2791s residents uh see if we get we need some
2794s more dirt in there I think we need more
2797s labor um so one of the things with ad
2800s doobe that was really important well for
2803s me at least was to separate it
2805s out 10.
2809s 11.3 um so one of the things that we for
2812s me was really important when it came to
2814s the Adobe separation was to have a way
2818s for um like the starting scene of being
2822s able to get a house rudimentary stuff up
2825s fairly
2826s quickly um to the point where you can
2828s start doing research you can start
2831s placing down your carpentry table or
2832s messenger table pick your skills and
2834s kind of get stuff rolling out without
2837s too long time
2840s investment
2843s um and it also allowed us to disconnect
2846s it from the General economy because if
2849s we made hun logs super cheap we'd need
2851s to scale that up with ridiculous amount
2855s of unog costs for the later recipes so
2860s we we were kind of in a in a catch 22 of
2862s we can't make it cheaper so it's easier
2864s to kind of get going and and get
2866s familiarized with them um so we decided
2870s we needed a new starter block to shuffle
2873s things around and the Adobe was the
2876s thing that turned that it turned
2879s into
2881s um and it also has a crush recipe um so
2886s once you're kind of transitioning over
2888s away from Adobe you do have a recipe to
2891s compost it with
2893s farming uh or on the farmer table with
2896s fertilizer as it's turning directly into
2898s compost
2900s fertilizer um and this is a this is a
2903s balance balance in progress so it's
2905s slightly overpowered in in terms of cost
2908s relation to that fertilizer recipe but
2911s there is going to be coming out a
2913s tweak uh sometime during next week to
2917s adjust
2920s that uh but yeah so you once you're done
2923s with theob blocks you compost them out
2925s and you can use them as fertilizer um
2927s you get some of the dirt
2930s back uh and hope hopefully that just
2933s helps ease ease the axis of the early
2936s game a bit more
2942s let's get some of that dirt in here um
2945s and it also kind of Midway transitions
2947s in
2949s between getting rid of some of the dirt
2951s you're terraforming
2953s around
2954s um that still kind of allows you to get
2958s some building going
2961s um so here we have the ad do and let's
2966s get still want to build on top here and
2968s then we just raise the terrain yeah I
2971s think
2972s so let's do let's do that
2975s cheeky grab markers we want to grab that
2979s property and we want to show the
2980s property in the
2985s world uh the the the placeable Adobe is
2988s looking like
2989s this so it has those little kind of
2992s bricks format uh so this is what it
2995s looks like when it's in a stock pile
3000s it just the reflectiveness is a little
3002s bit off right now which is why they're
3004s weird and
3011s green let's grab I wanted to have that
3015s here maybe
3018s do maybe maybe maybe I want to do
3022s floor let's grab the thirt version I'm
3025s just I'm just going to just going to
3027s outline the property a bit so I can see
3030s it without having to
3032s uh have the actual colorization
3047s on there we go and then we can disable
3051s that we don't need to have that super
3053s green Hue in there
3062s let's grab
3063s that and Let's do let's do a
3067s little little bit of a a thing here
3071s let's do line over down
3077s here we get bit bit of a
3081s bigger little bit of a bigger base going
3084s on here
3096s and then we grab that how far in do we
3099s want to build it we want to do the whole
3100s thing or just yeah let's let's do that
3104s we don't have the whole property covered
3105s by
3109s it uh it's fine
3124s that is a very upset cat in the
3128s background do not mind him he has been
3132s fed he is just making noise because he
3135s wants attention right
3137s now and somehow streaming is is not
3141s giving him attention
3147s oh I too hungry to do that uh I may or
3151s may not have run out of
3156s food eat the raw tomato because I was
3166s careless we want to
3170s do add some work on that and then we do
3173s the other
3175s fish I know
3178s the
3180s blasphemy I just add that labor we get
3183s the stuff and then we can Shuffle things
3185s around so we want food in the small
3187s stock pile nowhere else actually let
3190s grab the
3194s campsite we're going to grab stuff out
3195s of the campsite and only deposit it in
3198s the campsite and you do not touch the
3201s campsite at all
3212s beautiful now I should probably secure
3216s some food source here
3219s but
3220s um as you can see here there is already
3224s a whole heap load of
3226s stuff we have things available yeah we
3230s have we have things available not a lot
3232s of things is available in
3235s stores other than plant f fiber
3237s sandstone and and black stems apparently
3239s the gathers are already going
3244s crazy which is quite nice there we go
3248s let's actually let's do filter
3253s food select all and then we filter all
3256s the foods we have a whole bunch of
3259s mushrooms we have whole bunch of Shard
3263s mushrooms how far away are you
3267s you are 700 M away that is slightly too
3273s far can we can we find a store that's
3276s not 700 M away
3279s no all of them are click you where are
3283s you on the map
3285s oh yes I'm over
3288s here and that store is over
3292s there that is bustling with activity
3307s yeah I think that'll that'll be on its
3310s own for a
3313s while let's just continue building
3323s here want to get our little a little
3326s flat going going
3344s here um didn't expect 10.3 to become 11
3347s oh so fast comparatively 10 10.0 felt
3351s shortlived um yeah I
3355s think I think part the reason for that
3358s is 10.0
3361s was crazy huge in terms of
3366s content and it kind of widely grew out
3370s of what the original intention for it
3375s was
3376s um so there was a and and there was a
3379s lot of upgrades going into it
3382s um a crazy amount of such while 110
3387s has a whole bunch
3390s of new upgrade system system stuff Unity
3394s version upgrades vwise version upgrade
3398s um major overhauls and complete rewrite
3401s of the alt system um which is another
3404s reason for why we cannot do a major
3406s version bump like this um so just
3409s there's quite a lot of backend systems
3411s that have been well
3414s rebuilt um
3417s it was way out of scope for still
3420s calling it a minor
3423s update um hence why we opted
3427s to just kind of call it a major update
3430s as that's what's that what that was more
3432s fairly accurate to what it
3437s is uh so let's get some uh let's get
3441s some building going here we do some some
3444s outline of of the house
3447s house we want some windows
3451s here Let's
3457s do let's not make it to one two three
3461s four one
3467s two not really even in any way shape or
3470s form
3471s but it'll
3475s do that be one room that will be one
3478s room and then we have two more rooms
3480s here we're going to need more
3485s dope very
3503s clearly so one of the things that you
3505s are going to notice building with this
3506s is the walls are not really autoc
3509s connecting the way you might be used
3511s to and one of the reasons for that is we
3514s are experimenting a bit with more player
3516s autonomy in how they are or how you guys
3520s are building
3522s and
3524s um shapes and adjacency requirements in
3529s the autoc constructors gets really rigid
3532s really tough to allow the the kind of
3535s freedom and flexibility that a lot of
3537s people are looking for when they're
3538s doing creative
3539s builds um so as a response to that we're
3543s opting now towards more of
3546s a build build it with the shapes you
3549s want in the in the directions for the
3551s shapes you
3553s want so they are more of a nature on you
3558s place the blocks however you want and so
3561s they're not gonna form up against other
3564s blocks and so on
3567s which also means you need more autonomy
3569s in which block types you can select and
3572s more pieces surrounding it so if you
3575s want corner
3576s pieces uh like such you're going to need
3580s to have to select that corner piece and
3582s build it now not everyone is going to be
3585s super thrilled with
3588s that
3590s um but I think it's one of
3595s those we kind of have to
3598s allow that autonomy and
3601s freedom in favor of it because we do
3604s want people to be able to express their
3606s creativity in
3607s it um and you can still do pretty
3611s rudimentary boxes
3613s as as seen
3616s here without too much
3619s uh time spent on thinking about how you
3622s want to build it
3643s uh where can I find any info about
3645s update 11 um we do not have a patch note
3648s release yet um that usually happens just
3650s prior to it actually being released so
3653s we can have detailed accurate
3656s information for it but um kind of the
3659s big giveaways is we have an in-game
3662s Marketplace um you have tool durability
3665s now decays on each
3667s repair there is a new object for
3669s allowing you to rate properties so you
3672s can gain culture or housing
3675s bonuses uh by giving reputation points
3677s to actual
3680s buildings uh you have crafting a lot of
3683s the crafting tables now require a
3685s consumable item to
3688s run uh Wonder did I have need some
3693s doors four doors six doors four doors
3696s let's go with
3698s that do I have enough food I have some
3701s more
3702s food I'm going to be going to be not and
3705s just consume all the
3706s tomatoes no regrets tiger no regrets
3716s um yeah so maintenance is going to come
3718s in four parts essentially you have the
3721s first one which is in 10.3 now
3725s 11 um and that is tools and crafting
3729s benches the second part of it is going
3731s to be vehicles and then the third one is
3734s going to be World objects um so
3737s including like Power
3738s Generation Um housing furniture and so
3742s on
3744s um and there's going to be different
3747s different degrees of effects um it's
3750s also customizable towards and this
3752s should have
3753s been this should have been a
3757s t um there are there are two new
3760s settings for Server wise that allows you
3763s to adjust
3764s these um you can also
3769s do uh for the modding side of it you can
3773s override recipes you can adjust the
3775s specific rate for recipes
3778s individually so if you want to have say
3781s the final goods have super high
3784s durability
3786s drain you should get a Miner's Helmet or
3789s oil lamp at well maybe along further
3792s down the
3793s line uh one two three one two three
3798s four it it is true it is a little bit
3803s dark I mean I can always I can always do
3805s this how bright do we get it a little
3808s bit too Blended out
3814s but at least you guys can see it now
3821s right uh I think we're do I want to do
3826s that yeah let's
3828s let's
3830s uh let's do that
3834s uh as I promised you
3836s there there is some of the things that
3839s we are working on in the background so
3842s this is this is stuff that's going to be
3845s coming out in relation to the hunting
3848s and Butchery and all of that stuff for
3850s the the animal husbandry upgrade so I
3853s have a couple of Concepts as well as
3856s some of the early Renditions of objects
3859s in
3860s game
3863s um which is let's just pull them in here
3866s I'm probably going
3867s to chew out from from Toby for showing
3870s you guys these
3872s um but
3874s uh yeah some of the bigger some of the
3877s bigger more complex assets that is
3880s revolving what will be skinning and
3884s Tanning um so the whole leathery leather
3888s work preparation kind of
3892s stages um so you're going to be going
3894s through the process of your butchering
3896s the carcass you're you're grabbing
3898s different pieces you're going to have to
3900s process uh the Raw Hide through
3903s different steps to kind of get the
3906s finalized usable fur SL leather and
3910s these comes in different scales so this
3912s is more of the
3915s industrialized um midstage later stage
3920s as you can see from the the steel
3922s bin um and the other part is some of
3925s that cannot tanning
3928s rack uh processing as well
3933s over some of the new kind of kind of how
3936s those barrels are getting used and what
3938s is what their kind of purpose is
3940s surrounding it and and their General
3942s kind of bits and pieces that goes into
3943s the full asset so this is how some of
3947s those concept Arts goes from being can
3950s of I come up with an idea of I want this
3953s object this is what it's supposed to be
3955s doing um if it's a a pure real life
3960s equivalent item I'll pull up some some
3962s reference images over how these
3964s different Machinery is looking in
3965s different countries um pass that over on
3969s the art side art comes up with some
3971s amazing cool concepts for how to turn
3974s that idea into a visual item goes
3979s through the concept stages and then once
3981s they have once they have kind of a final
3983s concept that they're happy with they'll
3985s start making that in into practical
3987s pieces um in blender
3990s and getting that into into the game um
3994s so here we have some of
3996s those
3998s early
4000s um models of these kind of playing
4003s around and testing them out and seeing
4005s how they work in game and and how what
4007s degree of detailing we want for them and
4009s so on so
4013s forth so some cool some cool
4016s new scaled up things for that'll go into
4020s like ranching hunting Butchery stage of
4023s the game um to mitigate kind of
4026s transition you over from not just
4028s hunting indefinitely throughout the
4029s entire cycle but you are going to go
4031s over to both doing hunting as well as
4035s doing uh farmable
4039s animals so hopefully
4041s that Sates some what is going on what
4045s are we working on um post this update
4049s looking
4057s like and we're starting to get the
4060s foundations here in
4062s place uh I might be tempted to do some
4066s some kind of follow-up post streams
4069s surrounding this as well as we're
4071s getting through the play test because I
4073s am going to have to uh
4077s play around a bit and see what's going
4078s on oh yeah we have the there there is a
4081s slight bug right now with with the
4083s repair once a once a tool is completely
4086s broken it won't actually tell you the
4088s repair costs
4091s um it's being looked
4097s at
4099s um so General content in 110 we have the
4103s new Adobe blocks that I'm building my
4105s little palace with there we have tools
4108s degrading
4110s completely uh we have workbenches that
4113s is needing new consumable parts those
4116s initial parts are in the initial recipe
4121s for the workbench so once you place the
4122s workbench it'll have that starting part
4125s so it'll you you don't have to buy a
4128s workbench and then go chasing after
4130s stuff to make it work it'll work the
4132s second you place it down from the get-go
4137s um you have two new server settings to
4139s change out the cost and ratio for that
4142s maintenance
4145s cost
4147s um we have else we have a whole bunch of
4150s balance changes we have reduction in
4153s cost for some of the late tier blocks
4155s corrugated steel reinforced
4157s concrete um ashar has all had their cost
4162s reduced um we also have a new steam
4168s tractor
4170s attachment
4172s um which I don't think it's mentioned
4175s that much um and unfortunately we're on
4178s tiger here so we're not going to see
4179s that in action but it's it's essentially
4181s a mechanics
4185s era skid steer functionality for the
4189s steam
4190s tractor and of course the
4193s painting full block painting
4197s that you can drop down a mixing station
4200s gather some powders mix together colors
4202s and you can fully paint over blocks
4206s built blocks I should say not natural
4208s terrain um with a color out your choice
4211s from the entire RGB
4223s Spectrum a tumbling group called the
4225s dough back
4229s robots see here let get some tool
4233s repairs up
4240s running there we go um so the cost for
4244s repairs and the usability please feel
4247s free to come with feedback on it if you
4248s are on the play test um still tinkering
4253s a little bit about it now that we have
4256s um now that we have that fully
4258s degradable tool durability I can scale
4261s down the cost on General per item
4265s repair
4267s um so there's a lot of leeway there and
4269s I'm kind of tinkering with numbers on it
4272s so if you have feedback on it just drop
4274s me a message or post it in play uh post
4277s it on the Discord play test
4282s Channel um
4289s uh don't you think the amount of stone
4290s needed to repair tool is a bit
4292s excessive seems like it's better to
4294s craft a new tool instead yeah that's
4296s what I was saying um some of those
4298s numbers are just kind of split over from
4301s the old repair
4303s costs um so they'll definitely be
4306s reduced in some of these
4309s capacities
4314s um and there's also the
4318s um still need two
4325s more
4327s um but yeah I agree the they are they
4330s are slightly they're also very too long
4334s to craft I think I'm going to cut them
4335s down by a larger
4342s amount probably reduce it to like two
4346s pieces to
4350s repair and then reduce the cost of them
4353s by half I think there there's some
4355s balancing tweaks going on here which is
4357s why we're doing this in play test so
4359s these these costs will kind of update in
4362s runtime uh throughout the play test
4367s um as I'm adjusting and addressing some
4370s of them that I see so if
4373s you uh yeah if you
4378s want to help me out in spotting some of
4381s those things like I said just drop me a
4382s message or give me a nudge now why no
4385s one has giving me a nudge regarding that
4386s repair cost for the entire seal play
4390s test um is a bit of a
4397s mystery look at that an adobe door
4408s Beautiful People scrutinize on streams
4410s better a yeah I I think that might be
4412s the case or it's just here's a direct
4415s line of feedback now you can voice your
4418s opinion um so maybe it's just more
4421s approachable while when it's live um
4424s rather than trying to
4427s uh I don't know bother me on
4431s Discord
4434s um with which I don't
4437s mind said just if you have feedback just
4440s drop it in there um preferably in a
4444s structural constructive manner doesn't
4446s matter if it's negative feedback or
4447s positive feedback
4452s just
4454s uh generally all feedback is good
4456s feedback in that
4459s manner do we have that adobe recipe
4462s still going yes and we almost have it
4465s there we go completely filled out with
4471s labor hoping to just kind of get that
4476s get the building completely done before
4479s hopping
4480s off uh we've been going on for about one
4483s and a half hour I
4486s think
4488s uh but I think since it is kind of a a a
4492s little bit of a a wrap up thing I might
4494s actually just
4496s hop in host locally so I can show off
4499s some of these other things just quickly
4501s before we G of end the stream as a bit
4505s of a re
4507s thing
4509s um yeah I think so what where are we up
4511s on we're up on an hour 23 minutes let's
4514s just let's just do that I'm just going
4516s to hop
4518s out uh over here and let's do a
4522s fantastic Splendid name for a server
4530s hope everyone
4533s really really uh saw the vital
4535s importance with naming that one
4541s correctly move that thing around
4544s here uh there we
4547s go makes it a little bit easier to read
4549s all the comments
4557s any unofficial
4560s ETA um not really I
4564s mean as soon as possible is the enal
4568s thing um a lot of it is going to boil
4570s down into the general feedback we get
4572s from white tiger as that is our kind
4576s of really the big play test Gauntlet to
4580s see if and catch any general breakage
4584s especially when it comes to the database
4586s interactions optimizations and and just
4589s bigger chunk volumes and stress
4593s testing
4595s um i' probably have a more definitive
4598s answer once the white tiger play test
4599s has
4601s ended
4604s um I would just advise to stay around
4607s the Discord and keep an eye out for
4611s updated posts um because it is kind of
4615s boil down into if the white tiger play
4617s test just runs smoothly everything works
4620s things are going to be done
4623s quicker um if we run into a lot of snags
4626s and find a lot of problems with certain
4628s things or get a lot of feedback on some
4630s items that we might really feel like oh
4633s boy you know we really have to fix this
4635s this is this is a a really significant
4638s concern for players and we also
4641s acknowledge that this is something that
4642s we are finding frustrating
4645s that is going to be taken into account
4646s which would you know further kind of
4648s push out and delay
4650s things um so it's hard to
4653s [Music]
4654s say
4656s um at this moment in time really um
4659s especially on the first day of the play
4665s test
4667s uh station table it's
4672s table no
4675s there we go we do this and then we just
4678s kind of level off so we have a
4680s playground here um so Recaps over some
4684s new settings that will alert you when
4686s you first start playing on a server that
4689s hey this plot is unowned if you're
4691s placing it here anyone can just steal
4694s it um and then you can toggle off and
4697s ignore that check and it'll be looking
4700s like you are used
4703s to um when you're try to play stuff
4707s again so the paint mixing station is
4709s kind of our our big customization thing
4712s uh you
4714s chest store
4716s just um and also speaking of changes
4720s that haven't really been
4723s super um obvious
4728s uh so we have a new chest
4731s type and it is this wall mounted version
4734s of a chest
4738s now the wallmounted
4740s version
4741s has a slightly bigger
4748s storage which in in in in hind
4752s site it
4754s is a bit of a sneaky thing um so I do
4757s apologize for not kind of bringing that
4760s up to light
4762s earlier um but it does have another
4765s eight slots now it does take up more
4768s room um so I do this for example
4772s Bam um it's not going to let me place it
4776s because the wall mounted chest is taking
4778s up those full
4780s Stacks uh wall mounted chest isn't the
4783s store rack we promised no no so th those
4785s things are still kind of in the pipe
4788s Works um but now you have the storage
4791s chest kind of needs to be placed on the
4793s ground and one of these
4796s days we are probably going to do
4799s something with the general status tab of
4804s it um so you won't be able to access
4808s inventory if it is not firmly planted on
4813s whatever it's supposed to be planted
4817s on um but it is something that we're
4820s experimenting a little bit with and kind
4823s of poking around with if it's would work
4825s or or how that would look and so
4828s on um so this the as Satsuki was saying
4832s the the wall mounted chest isn't just a
4835s um premium thing either no so there is a
4838s variation of that um so
4842s workbench
4844s um so in here we have do chest we have
4850s that wall mounted chest so it has a
4851s default vanilla recipe that anyone can
4854s access and it is slightly more pricey
4856s which is it's leading
4858s into
4860s um as an option later
4863s on and it
4866s has uh same costs for it but it has a
4870s slightly slightly different
4873s look which is in here uh we do
4879s this see if this
4883s works uh
4885s go that
4887s and oh yeah it it still still dealing
4890s with that actual placeable start stuff
4894s that's not properly updating in in
4898s runtime um so there's hence why things
4901s are still in play test they're still
4903s work in
4904s progress uh premium blocks Furniture
4907s ready for
4909s demonstration uh the Far East Lumber has
4914s most of it
4916s uh there's still there's still the icons
4917s for the block forms are still missing
4921s and there's a couple of blocks I believe
4923s that are still missing some
4924s textures but they are mostly done so if
4927s you do want to test them out and see how
4930s they look um you can do that on the play
4933s test at the
4934s moment
4938s um so you have a whole array of
4943s different kind of wall pieces
4945s sections um looks to
4952s them um on that whole subject of just
4956s allowing more patterns allowing more
4958s flexibility um and creativity for it and
4963s we're also kind of utilizing a new way
4965s to do block sets internally and
4969s structurally um so the Far East Lumber
4972s set has also been kind of a
4976s a template guide that we're working on
4978s for how we want to add new block sets
4981s and how we want to rework old block sets
4983s to also work similarly too um moving
4991s forward and it has a lot of lot of just
4994s cool different shapes to it got some
4996s flat roofs some some squares
5003s um yeah
5005s so this is a replacement SL variation of
5009s lumber blocks so this is a uh tier three
5012s with the changes with the
5016s doe so these are coming in in saw
5022s saw
5028s uh so these are coming in here yeah so
5031s tier the new tier three is the old tier
5033s two
5036s and anything that is a store uh a paid
5041s asset SL store purchased item is also
5044s having a little indicator on it it also
5046s has a blueprint um uses either either it
5050s uses the original item in its recipe or
5053s it uses the exact same
5054s ingredients um so there's no stat
5056s difference from it just kind of Outlook
5059s and design of them
5067s uh painting table let's enable
5071s it uh painting table on it you add
5075s colorant and you add base paint and it
5078s will
5080s output um it'll output that
5083s type so you mix up colors and shades to
5087s the way you want them to you can save
5088s them up so they're saved in a pallet so
5090s you can do something else and then you
5092s can swap swap around anything
5095s remember how many of them you were
5097s saving them
5099s with quick multiplier if you want to
5101s make a whole bunch of buckets similar to
5104s them um once you have a bucket of
5110s paint let's
5113s do uh paint Dev
5119s tool give me paint tool give me the
5122s paint
5123s tool give me
5125s paint give me
5128s a what is the thing called I can never
5131s remember the format of it paint Dev
5134s tool Dev Dev paint
5136s [Music]
5139s tool there we go the paint tool that is
5142s the order of it um are there multiple
5145s ways to create the basic pigments to
5146s give alternative sources of getting
5148s paints at the moment I just have them
5150s from one single source so you have some
5153s that are flowers some that are
5156s minerals um they're not just all
5159s minerals or all plants they are a
5161s mixture of them but I am looking at kind
5165s of what source ingredients I want to
5169s allow multiple different types of
5172s sources for one specific
5176s color um so yellow at the moment has
5179s Creo
5181s or um
5182s sunflowers magenta is coming from
5185s urchins cyan um doesn't have a natural
5190s recipient of it so it is made from a
5192s mixture of the
5195s powders uh blue is coming from
5198s huckleberries and green is coming from
5200s copper and red is coming from
5204s Iron and then White is coming from
5207s trillum black is
5212s charcoal um I am also leading on to just
5214s dropping in regular coal in here as well
5216s as an alternative
5218s recipe um but I kind of like the idea of
5221s having charcoal
5223s be kind of a unique purpose for
5227s it um rather than
5229s just another like coal dump kind of
5234s thing um but yeah so once you have some
5238s color uh you would drag the color into
5241s uh into the slot for paint and you can
5244s change out the thickness SL coating of
5247s it which will change out the
5248s transparency of the paint
5250s type and then this is only for the dev
5253s tool so just as a kind of a creative hot
5257s selection
5258s thing um we just grab red for example
5262s and we go to these things and then it's
5265s just a matter of painting it
5266s over and then depending on the opacity
5269s you have selected or the coding it will
5272s gradiently change out
5276s the thickness of
5284s them and now now the brightness is
5287s hurting us a little
5289s bit there we go don't need glowy glowy
5294s red so if you just want a slight tint
5298s and
5301s reinforcements you can change it out um
5305s and the same thing and as you have the
5307s whole color spectrum when you're mixing
5309s tables it can go absolutely crazy um now
5313s one of the restrictions or limitations I
5315s should say um in this update is that
5318s we're only adding the block
5321s functionality for
5323s it um we are intending to also extend it
5327s to objects so you'll be able to do
5328s colorization for vehicles and World
5330s objects as well so you know crafting
5332s stations the whole the whole
5337s shebang
5345s um uh did we determine if painting has a
5348s trigger or if it will um it it will have
5351s a trigger
5352s I it's on the board somewhere not sure
5355s who who has it assigned
5359s but um I'll make sure that we have a
5361s painting trigger for it
5364s you can uh you can prevent it we also
5367s have Mike is working on a bit of a
5370s shuffle around in the store that does
5372s some cool magic for determining which
5375s paint you're selling so it'll associate
5377s the color with a name um similar to how
5381s it's dealing with it in the painting
5382s table so here it it kind of pulls it
5385s together as gray it pulls it together as
5387s slate and it'll switch around depending
5389s on
5390s which Nuance it is or which Huey it is
5393s closest to
5395s two and then adjust that name type for
5398s it so that is how it it will be
5400s presented in the store in a way so it'll
5403s be you know Plum and and and you'll be
5406s able to look over gradients
5408s of selections for that uh but that's
5411s that's currently in the works and not
5413s yet deployed on the play
5416s test um so that's kind of the painting
5418s thing in
5420s in in a blitz uh now that we have the
5423s saw meal here I can show you the
5424s maintenance
5426s part so any any of the
5429s later uh yeah help help color blend this
5432s and educate people how to express colors
5434s accurately yeah um so for for generally
5437s the more the more modern crafting tables
5439s I the ones past the initial tier one
5442s stuff so masonry table doesn't have it
5445s uh carpentry table doesn't have it but
5448s the later professions do like Butchery
5449s table has uh coarse Stones as
5452s ingredients and uh uh most of these have
5457s them and they simply work by you grab it
5460s slot it in um as mentioned once on the
5464s first placement of the object it will
5466s come with one of
5467s these um it's a set durability reduction
5472s per
5473s hour and this is adjustable by the
5475s server so there is a multiplier for it
5478s and there is the hourly rate percentage
5480s for it um from a modding perspective you
5483s can also override write it and do
5485s specific recipe increases as
5490s well um so once once it's running and
5492s and crafting it will keep burning up
5494s that durability once that durability is
5496s out you're going to get a notification
5498s saying hey this crafting table has run
5500s out of
5501s apart
5504s um would Parts modules also change the
5507s tiers of the table
5510s um it'll be related to the module
5514s but it is not yet in that's something
5517s that is going
5519s to it's a bit technical to do and
5523s it's it it's
5525s been it's been on the board for a while
5527s but we might have some leeway time to
5529s start getting into that
5532s um and for for anyone that's being
5535s rather confused about it it's um a
5538s planned module rework where when you
5540s slot in upgrades they'll be permanently
5542s locked to the table instead
5545s and it'll change out the properties
5547s requirements of the
5548s table uh but as
5551s mentioned it's not yet
5554s uh being worked on actively I should
5559s say as the main focus right now is just
5562s bug squashing and polish for this update
5565s and then we'll have some follow-up
5567s streams and I think I think the um
5570s there's a lot of topics that is coming
5572s up that I think a lot of players are
5573s going to be stoked for
5576s so a lot of fun things coming um now it
5580s went dark again time
5582s noon giving me back daylight thank
5586s you uh we have let's see here we got
5591s some recipe some overall balance changes
5593s we got recipe changes for vehicles now
5595s required lubricant which is a new item
5597s produced by uh Butchery from Tallow or
5602s oil production from
5604s uh give
5607s refer pop one of these bad boys
5611s down um we have this
5614s here um lubricant will also be one of
5617s the major Essentials in the vehicle
5620s maintenance later
5622s on
5624s um which if any mod is interested in it
5628s the system do
5630s support adding parts to the vehicles but
5633s once the part runs out it'll completely
5635s disable the
5636s vehicle
5637s um which is why it's not in in the
5640s update because the intention is that
5642s it's just depending on which part of
5645s that vehicle breaks down it's supposed
5648s to just worsen the performance of the
5650s vehicle not just outright stop the
5653s vehicle um but that's that's
5656s on on the board and worked on and is
5660s part of that second batch of Maintenance
5662s features that is going to be raining in
5665s the vehicle part of it U speaking of
5668s vehicle steam
5670s tractor um but part of that vehicle
5674s maintenance stuff so you don't have that
5676s once you reach skid steer excavator
5678s suddenly you have no cost for resource
5680s acquisition um which is a major
5684s problem oh look at that we even had the
5686s icon in uh
5690s fuel uh so one of the big quality of
5693s life changes that is coming
5695s in is a new vehicle attachment for the
5697s steam tractor
5700s now there has been a mod um a steam skid
5703s steer mod floating around for quite a
5705s while um and having more utilitarian
5710s attachments for the vehicles that have
5712s modules to them just made sense to me um
5716s and
5717s it's something that I've been wanting to
5720s do for a long time and thankfully
5723s Gabriel helped out on on sorting out our
5725s vehicle
5727s controls um because the module system
5729s and the tool components were not playing
5734s nice but now we finally have a
5737s attachment on the tractor that allows
5739s you to do some basic
5743s terraforming um where you can dig in and
5746s you can dig through and do some dirt
5749s stuff um now there are a few a few
5753s limits limitations with this that I want
5755s to bring up and one of the things is on
5759s the play test right now it does not have
5760s its full restrictions but it is not
5763s going to be able to dig minable material
5767s so you're not going to be able to use it
5769s exactly as you do with the ski steer or
5773s excavator uh but it is going to be able
5775s to take up anything that is
5777s diable which means general
5781s Overworld terraforming road construction
5784s and everything else is going to be a lot
5786s more
5787s smoother um and we teased a little bit
5790s about technology that'll be going along
5794s with it later on and that being
5798s explosives that is going to be kind of
5800s complimenting this in a future
5802s update with the idea there is that you
5805s get into a hillside here you drop down
5807s some some Dynamite you blow it up and it
5810s turns into uh gravel and then you can
5813s just scoop it up with the tractor and
5814s you can do some significant quick
5817s terraforming without being obstructed by
5820s the fact that it's minable materials so
5822s there's a lot of a lot of cool fancy
5824s things planned in
5826s coming
5828s um there's another quality of life
5831s upgrade for all three of these diable
5835s Machinery uh that is underway at the
5839s moment uh yeah Pondo it it's it's one
5844s one of those one of those kind of
5845s materials that
5847s is it's high value but digging over a
5850s prolonged period of time people didn't
5852s really like it
5855s um and it's it's generally always been
5859s kind of
5861s a a tedium same thing for mining overall
5865s which is also why we're looking at
5866s explosives
5868s seriously
5870s um with the increase of clay requirement
5874s um as well as general resources overall
5877s and it adds that big kind of resource
5882s resource Gathering Improvement in the
5884s middle stage that's really lacking since
5887s you go from doing pickaxe actions from
5889s day
5890s one
5892s um to being excavator and you have no
5897s General upgrade in between same thing
5899s for shovel you go shovel shovel shovel
5901s bam excavator suddenly TDM is gone but
5906s we're seeing kind of a big player drop
5908s off in between there which is why we're
5911s we're focusing a lot on just content
5913s addition and filling out a lot of the
5915s blanks that we're having um partially
5918s because some of it has been placeholder
5920s some of it we've been wanting to fill
5921s with content but haven't really been
5923s ready to work on aspects that's
5926s necessary for
5927s it uh but hopefully this will make it
5931s feel like you know we are looking at a
5933s lot lot of the feedback
5935s and maybe convince some people that we
5938s you know we are we are acting on the
5941s feedback we are getting and it is
5943s something that is important to
5948s us um so yeah that that's going to be a
5953s lot of fun and as I mentioned there is
5955s also going to be another quality of life
5956s thing that's going to be added in and
5959s hopefully that gets merged in the next
5961s week
5964s um Works similar as as the rest of them
5967s um you have two three blocks depending
5969s on how wide you go um but as mentioned
5973s it is it is not going to be digging Mina
5975s bles it is only going to be dealing with
5978s um crushed stuff it can pick up robable
5981s and whatnot so you can just go nuts on
5983s with a pickaxe and then just collect
5985s stuff um but it has some future
5988s Tech uh in a later update that'll assist
5992s with dealing with Mina bles
5996s um but yeah so one one one teeny little
5999s upgrade to the excavator skid steer and
6001s steam tractor scoop will be popping out
6003s on the play test hopefully next week um
6007s and I'll I'll give a nudge on when that
6009s is out on the Discord so keep in tune
6015s there uh have anything else on the board
6019s in general yeah
6021s so uh lubricant being a thing in all the
6023s the general vehicles um this includes
6026s the uh wood cart as
6029s well uh we got some new ingredients here
6032s for the repairs and everything
6034s surrounding that um polish polishing
6037s paste and uh the sharpening steel is
6041s kind of the Prime things for Tool Repair
6044s without losing durability on
6047s them um and then we
6052s have we also have a significant change
6055s to milling and paper requirement on the
6059s research table
6061s which laboratory I can't remember if
6064s it's on the laboratory if it's on the
6065s research table
6067s itself
6069s uh I'm running with I'm I'm running with
6072s the tiger mods since I was testing out
6075s stuff
6079s um do we have them in here yeah so any
6082s and all research papers
6084s are going to be um for the modern tier
6087s is going to be requiring ink and
6091s paper um ink is made in the paint mixing
6097s workbench
6101s um
6104s grab go with the ink recipe there we
6107s go um so it is using charcoal glass and
6112s oil
6114s and that means that you're going to have
6116s some pretty pretty hefty requirements on
6120s some of the later Tech from a little bit
6123s of a wider um perspective and ignore the
6127s garbage it will come but it's not not in
6132s yet uh which paper was a tier one skill
6135s and implemented earlier um yeah but I
6138s have some ideas for research in general
6139s so that's that's its own entire
6142s different past and stream
6145s um but for now I'm just kind of filling
6147s in and adding some of these requirements
6150s for the later stuff to uh and a back
6153s fill and that makes
6157s sense
6159s uh oh yeah actually I actually do server
6163s UI since I'm on the local one now
6166s uh there we go so inside difficulty
6170s settings uh is that merched yet
6174s there we go on balance though um so on
6176s balance in
6179s crafting on balance in crafting you have
6181s a maintenance Decay percentage which is
6184s that percent rate for hourly decay of
6187s crafting stations and you also have a
6189s direct multiplier for it and the reason
6191s why there is a multiplier for any server
6193s admins and whatnot is this only changes
6196s out the base value so the default value
6200s that is set on everything but you can
6202s from a modding perspective also make
6205s adjustments for recipe per recipe
6209s requirements um and the multiplier just
6211s allows you to globally affect all of it
6213s regardless if it is a custom change or
6218s not um so that is two new variables that
6220s is going into the balance config it'll
6222s be noted on the patch notes as well um
6227s but that's in there and now I have a
6229s very restless cat that decides that the
6232s power cord to the TV is something that
6234s should be poked at
6241s do uh yeah so we have the painting stuff
6245s is a CM CM
6249s y
6251s WK white black
6255s stuff um as well as RGB so you have both
6258s the the positive removal and the
6261s positive additive and the negative
6266s removal uh yeah I I think that is
6271s generally what we got in store there's a
6273s lot of lot of crazy things
6281s um think of the farmer table and the
6284s mill um the mill will get a power
6289s upgrade um it's not in yet but I will
6293s have a look and
6295s see if the asset is actually ready if
6299s the asset is ready I might drop it in
6303s the update as
6305s well um
6310s maybe
6312s um but yeah there there is a there is a
6314s gasoline SL liquid fuel powered version
6320s that um art has had in store for a while
6325s um maybe maybe we'll see maybe maybe
6329s it'll come in as a surprise and shock to
6331s everyone oh look at that Mill gets a you
6335s know tier five
6336s requirement um we'll
6339s see we still have a bunch of things to
6341s go through for the play
6343s test um I might do some more frequent
6347s streams now that the play test is
6349s running um to chat some of chat with
6353s some of the other stuff maybe I'll get a
6355s guest uh or one of the other deps on
6357s we'll see um but for now thank you all
6362s for watching and hope you all have a
6364s wonderful
6365s weekend uh I know I'm going to be
6368s absolutely sore tomorrow after an
6370s airsoft game
6372s so need to get some uh prep done for
6375s that and some sleep so
6377s uh catch you all on the next one and
6382s uh hope you have a a wonderful weekend I
6385s said take
6387s care and good night