about 1 year ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
about 1 year ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
about 1 year ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello everyone and welcome to another
4s strange Loop games stream here in
7s preparation for update 10.
9s and we finally have a Friday stream
12s again uh hopefully we're back on a more
15s normalized schedule and we don't have a
17s two directions going on for the uh
21s just the general streams coming up
23s and today we have an interesting subject
27s that we haven't really talked about much
29s in either
31s public notifications and
34s the um just a general chatter uh until a
37s couple of days ago
39s and that is our changes to how plants
42s are initially spawned when you create a
44s new world
46s and
48s I'm cutting directly into it
52s we have had or during the process of 9.0
57s development
58s we've had a
61s and I'm overflow and abundance of wild
63s crops due to changes to the World
65s Generation when we transitioned over
67s from 8.3 up to 9. and we had some some
71s accidents going into 9.0 and into 9.1 if
75s you do go back and check those versions
79s but
80s through the transition of nine and then
82s through our development up to 10 we kind
85s of agree with all the players notion in
87s that
88s um this whole blanket coverage that we
90s have right now is not really something
91s that we find acceptable from our side so
95s um 410 here we decided to kind of rework
97s that and make sure that it feels a lot
99s more natural and a lot more
101s approachable and
103s just it feels more
107s um like an environment you would expect
109s to find
110s rather than something that just at this
113s porn all over
116s and I think there's just not really a
119s whole lot to say other than
121s just getting getting straight into it
124s let me just find where I
128s like that
130s or that we're spawning a new world as
131s well
133s so there's a couple of new restrictions
136s with the new spawner
138s that is something that we wanted to make
140s sure that players have access to and
142s then or admins in general
144s um
145s they can tweak these settings and they
147s can manipulate and edit them as they
149s require
150s so there is a lot of user access
154s I mean just this and we can refer to
160s the Eco background while the server is
161s starting up again
164s so
165s when I'm saying clusters
169s we are looking at
171s just general
173s zones of crops availability so we are
176s moving away from the whole idea of
177s everything is available in all biomes
181s and
183s you will have areas say grassland for
186s instance where you don't have these
188s crops versus other areas where they will
191s where they will be more of a dense area
193s of them
196s um
197s almost ready here
202s maybe possibly
205s uh
207s yeah it's just taking a bit longer
212s we have
214s um
217s changes to water mechanics are planned
221s they they just didn't fit in with the
223s scope of 10 we do have some ideas
226s or how we wanted them to be
228s having more
232s in terms of like flowing water the the
235s altitude level differences are supposed
237s to be more
239s curved slash linear rather than this
241s kind of Blocky nature of it
245s uh
250s um yeah I think it's it
254s just gonna be looking at all a lot nicer
256s sorry for
258s and I got caught up with some
260s pre-testing and making sure that the
262s resolution changes for the stream is
264s working I hope everyone is
267s um
267s having a good visual point of it which I
271s changed out so it's not limited to 1080
273s anymore it should be
274s um 144.
277s um so do let me know in chat if there is
279s something that
280s or if it's not if it's not working or if
282s it's you know being misbehaving
287s um yeah I think Dennis helped me go
289s through and make sure that it kind of
291s worked but when it comes to the
292s multi-stream place where we're streaming
294s out to Facebook and
297s beam and all of the other platforms
300s we can't really do dry tests of that so
303s we we kind of
305s test it locally for some of them
307s um in private mode but for twitch for
309s instance it doesn't allow that we kind
311s of
312s you're kind of left to open and make
315s sure that that works so
318s we have a default
320s biased 0.52 kilometer world so this is
323s the regular
324s regular start spawning that we'll be
327s showing off here for a little bit but
329s I'll go through
332s all the different changes as we move
334s through it and also showing off the new
336s debug command that admins have access to
339s to be able to determine how things are
341s spawning
343s yeah thank you for the feedback it seems
345s like it's working on those twitch and
346s YouTube all right
350s it wants to let me in here
354s uh yeah so
357s um crops have been switched around
360s um
361s I'm sort of in the process of making a
362s PR to make sure that it goes in as
364s quickly as possible for the play test
367s but we have moved some crops over
370s the wetlands for instance as I've shown
373s on Discord no longer has all the
375s mushrooms
376s and the the fly Caps or the Amita
379s mushrooms have been moved over to the
381s warm forest and the bullied over into
383s the cold Forest
386s um and the crimini is more
389s prone to
392s change out the
394s layer here
397s so this is something that hopefully
398s everyone is convenient yeah
402s uh
404s uh this is something that I'm hoping
406s everyone is kind of
408s adjusted to in terms of visual
411s [Laughter]
413s the new spawn system so when you join in
416s on a server
417s you get these nice little clustered
420s notifications as to where you can spawn
422s and
424s what these locations are providing and
426s this is something that
427s we want more feedback on
430s um and we're kind of trying to refine
433s these to make more to be in both
435s location wise making more sense but also
437s be more approachable for General users
441s so here we have
443s a quite clean map we've got a decent
446s sized desert to kind of show off all
448s that the generation is working we've got
449s a Wetlands going on here there's a
451s different temperature variations
453s and we got warm Forest covering the
455s wetlands and then over to the rainforest
458s but if we start here over in
461s the grassland
464s flying here
467s you carved it tutorial
471s I forgot to change the pants on the
473s character so
474s we do have some issues with some
476s glitching Avatar clothing when you're
478s flying
480s um that it shows up some of the some of
482s the textures are rendering through so
485s you bear in mind that it is a work in
487s progress and
488s that specific issue right now is only
490s affected too if you're using admin
492s flight
495s um so yeah here we have
497s images of the new grassland which as you
500s can see there is still you know a
502s concerning amount of corn here you might
505s think
506s that there is
507s there's some bunchlings here and general
511s aesthetic changes
513s and we also have some beets tomatoes
516s but as you can see these are now
520s properly grouping in small
525s and a reference
527s mistaking a bit sometimes I like I can
529s sometimes refer to these as clusters but
531s they are defined as groups on the server
535s and a cluster contains of multiple
538s groups so in this case we have
541s the patch here in front and then we have
543s the one on the right here that is a
545s small group
546s and then these are set as
549s these are variables set on the the um
552s the actual land script
554s so you can set how many you want to be
557s spawning at a low range in a group and
559s then a cap of how many you want to top
561s on in a group and then it'll randomize
564s in between those place the group and
566s then it'll
567s we had a bit of a limit three and a
570s range limit on
571s how often it can place groups and how
573s what are the proximity in between this
576s so this is the grassland and this is
579s somewhere where we have quite an
581s abundance of corn
583s so if we grab
585s the map here and we can hop up to
591s head over North and just to kind of
593s clean off the grassland
599s um the ice that spawns randomly in the
602s desert is
604s an oddity
606s um it's sometimes the temperature ranges
609s doesn't really seem to be working
612s the way we want them to be working
614s if we go into temperatures
619s um I think it's because it freaks out a
622s little bit in terms of like it caps out
624s the temperature so
625s it's um whole temperature ranges is
629s something that I'll be looking over as
632s we go through the play test as well to
633s kind of minimize those issues
636s um
637s yeah basically it's like it goes up to
639s one and then it kind of freaks out and
641s doesn't really know what to do
643s with that temperature
646s so as we move along here in the
648s grassland you can see you're no longer
649s seeing corn
651s and that is because the corn has a
653s cluster that it's spawned regionalized
656s at the bottom there
661s [Music]
662s um
663s any plans for transitioning biomes I
667s believe you're thinking of like
669s intermediary biomes where you have like
671s a
673s um
674s like a hybrid between a grassland and a
677s cold forest for instance
680s um there is some
681s some experimentations towards that but I
684s believe it's gonna be more inclined to
686s be like proper sub type biomes
690s um you kind of deal with that
691s tic-tac-toe situation where you can't
693s have a grassland
695s towards a tundra for instance under is
700s always covered about
702s um
704s if I show you on the map here
707s or biomes you can see that the Thunder
710s for instance is always this kind of
711s bordering around
713s the actual Frozen ice biome
717s and then it kind of trickles down into
719s Tega and then into cold Forest kind of
721s evens out at the temperature as you're
722s going down
725s and this is where the rules and
727s regulations of this comes into play
729s you have a bit of overlap here as you
732s can see with Vega biome kind of
734s trickling down into the cold forest and
736s this is areas where you're going to be
738s able to see these kind of overlap in
740s either three types that are growing into
742s other biomes even though they're not
744s actually allowed to be that
748s um
749s and more of these kind of rule sets will
752s help refine the the biome generator but
755s at the same time
756s the more rules you're adding onto the as
760s restrictions onto which biomes can be
762s adjacent to which biomes
765s you're also making the world less unique
768s as they'll be more similar to each other
771s the more rules you have so we are trying
774s to keep it somewhat realistic
777s at the same time
780s trying to kind of keep it somewhat of
785s a unique map every time you generate it
789s but more biome types will possibly
793s happen
794s um but there is a risk of us
797s only using them for larger preset Maps
801s so you might not have all biome Types on
803s smaller Maps just because the world
804s generator gets really
807s cranky when you have two all of a
810s confined space and you need to disperse
811s enough biomes inside that space
817s um ask for
819s biome changes
821s um they will happen
823s so this is something that is not super
826s almond
828s it's also not super
831s often it does happen
833s but if you have temperature increases in
835s the world due to pollution
837s at the moment it's currently flooding
839s the world way faster than we would like
841s it to so that's something that I'll be
843s taking a look at here after I'm done
845s with these plan changes
847s where if you rise up the temperature and
851s it heats up it'll start killing off the
853s plants
855s and as it's killing off the plant it
857s reduces the amount of pollution these
859s plants can take care of which then kind
861s of escalates the situation of
864s um world temperature rising crops die
866s off
867s but if the World's temperature rises in
869s grassland for instance it will start to
871s transition over into biome
874s and into sort of a desertification
877s as the temperature now Hills off the
881s grass plants
882s and allows for desert plants to start
885s growing there because it still has
887s enough moisture
889s um in certain areas but it'll be dry and
892s temperate enough for the cacti and kind
894s of the yosho and those kind of brush too
897s red in there but that's something that's
899s always worked it's just been an issue of
903s pollution may not have been affecting
905s the world too much you might have had
906s too few players for a big enough world
908s so you don't pollute it enough through
911s your play cycle
914s which is something that is really touchy
916s from a balanced perspective
919s where
921s we change out the values for pollution
924s requirements or pollution vulnerability
927s at a certain level you have a server
929s that might be the same size with 10
931s people
933s as a server with 100 people and then
936s you've got the server with 100 people
937s they instantly vaporize their world and
940s causes it to become a desert Wasteland
943s within a couple of days versus the one
945s with 10 that never even sees the change
948s so finding a good balance in between
951s player population versus impact of
953s environment is really tricky and it is
955s something that takes time
957s um
958s and something that we do want to kind of
960s move into more as well
962s but I digress a little bit so back on
964s the plants
966s as was asked for about the corn
969s because corn is such an amazing
971s versatile crop we also wanted to biome
976s um it's locked two being planted in
978s grassland or Forest adjacent because of
981s the temperature and humidity
982s requirements so that's still a case
985s however as you can see there's not a
987s corn inside
988s and that is because if we use this fancy
991s new debug command
993s and we have world and then species and
996s then you can specify which species you
998s want to take a look at how it spawned
999s and how it's looking this is an admin
1002s command
1004s if we do this
1005s and we do
1007s that and it'll show you
1013s um how these clusters have spawned
1017s and it'll also show you the groupings
1020s inside the cluster
1022s and then it will show you the range it's
1024s allowing to place new groups so corn is
1027s a bit of a tricky plant
1029s um
1031s and I see that I would have liked a
1032s bigger cluster for it I'd pick another
1034s plant
1035s um I'll be help later
1038s but here you can see that corn has been
1040s planted here and you've got a couple of
1042s clusters here and over on this island
1044s over here but
1046s the entirety of the rest of the area is
1048s completely corn free
1050s so what this has done is
1052s a couple of things really it's one made
1054s sure that resources even inside the same
1058s biome is regionalized so you don't have
1061s access to all crops regardless of the
1065s biome
1067s um
1068s specification
1070s and if we compare it to
1074s um let's grab say
1076s uh
1079s white person
1082s as you can see here we have one of the
1084s filler crops that is planted inside the
1088s desert
1090s and it's spawning inside and around the
1092s desert area where it's high enough
1094s moisture that it is liking that
1097s situation but here you can also see the
1099s cluster so this is a cluster radius
1102s where inside this area it's allowing to
1105s spawn the groups based on the distance
1108s and the distance is limiting how many
1111s groups can be placed and these are
1113s overlapping in between the Clusters and
1116s I do apologize for the kind of
1119s technical rant here
1122s but as you can see here for instance we
1124s have a group that is spawned
1127s from this cluster here
1130s that is in the middle and then we have
1131s another one that spawned on the edge of
1133s the one cluster here
1135s and then we have a third one that is
1137s spawning here which is allowing these
1139s three to coexist way closer than they
1141s would normally do
1144s but it is making it enough of kind of a
1147s flavor event that it looks more natural
1150s and it feels more natural when you are
1153s walking around in the world
1157s and that's kind of true for everything
1159s and there's a couple of technical
1162s kind of technical hacks that you can do
1164s from a balanced perspective with dealing
1167s with these different variables and kind
1169s of these new criterias for plants so
1173s gonna clarify on this is not changing
1176s out or this system in itself is not
1179s changing out how plants can propagate or
1183s be planted or farmed
1186s it what it does is it's simply changing
1188s the behavior on how the they initially
1190s gets populated into the world which in
1193s turn has a massive impact on the
1196s availability the year location and
1199s the preference to where people want to
1201s live or generally kind of
1205s visit and explore more to be able to get
1208s all the crops that they need
1214s so
1215s as you can see here you got a couple of
1217s clusters you got a couple of groups
1219s and what if we have plants that we might
1223s not want to limit to specific clusters
1225s well
1226s we have a couple of those that we have
1230s set up from the start
1232s which one of them being a couple of the
1235s three variations
1237s that you kind of want to guarantee that
1239s they're always covering the whole biome
1241s rather than just pieces of the biome
1244s as well as the kelp for instance for
1247s the ocean
1250s so for kelp
1252s and I did the other thing and I will be
1254s showing a tech spreadsheet here in
1258s during this as we promised spreadsheets
1260s for a long time now in the different
1262s streams but haven't really lived up to
1263s it
1265s um
1266s here we have kelp for instance where
1268s I've set the entirety of the world to be
1271s one cluster
1273s and then it's simply spreading these
1275s groups in different variation sizes
1279s along the entire water
1282s so these are spawning in clusters and
1284s you don't have them randomly spawning in
1286s in a giant bread of patches so
1291s we go into the water here you see you
1293s have a couple of loose ones spawning
1296s um and that's also a variable that we
1299s can show off as well that's working
1302s so that you do have like
1304s piece here and there and a couple of
1306s things overall and then you have these
1308s bigger
1310s kind of groupings of them
1315s rather than having the entirety of this
1318s ocean to be just crammed with them
1322s and this has been sort of an ongoing
1324s experimentation
1327s um to make sure that we have these kind
1329s of kelp forests looking things
1332s I am aware that the kelp is looking a
1334s bit sad but we have
1336s we have something cooking for it and
1338s I've
1339s talked it through with Milenko and he
1342s has some ideas on how to do it from the
1344s art side so we might see some
1346s improvements for those later on as well
1351s yeah you have a lot more
1353s kind of environmental Randomness to
1358s how these crops are spawning and how the
1360s plants are kind of propagating and then
1362s going off in terms of the initial world
1365s eating
1368s and as we follow that you can see the
1370s desert here it's not a
1373s massive Yoshua Forest anymore
1378s but the desert is a lot more scarce
1381s which means you can't build
1384s the infinite amount of
1386s giant wooden structures without actually
1388s going back to the forest and kind of
1390s importing or transporting it over it and
1392s this was also one of one of the
1396s big important
1398s changes that we felt that we really
1400s wanted to happen
1403s where you just the desert just contained
1406s too much and I think that's partially
1409s true for all of the biomes
1412s and we have some
1415s some prickle pairs that likes to live on
1417s the edge here uh
1420s we're closer to uh
1422s to the wet areas of the biome
1425s we have the barrel cactuses are now
1428s spawning in small groups as well
1430s and personally I think everything just
1433s it just feels more
1436s um it feels more even with less
1439s that makes sense
1444s yeah that's that's desert and we got the
1446s grassland you can see we're back in the
1448s corn area
1450s and one of the risks that is kind of
1454s analyzed risk
1456s um as we've we've had versions of eco
1458s prior that were really really really
1461s scarce in terms of resources where
1465s it it turned into brutal brutal PVP
1468s almost where people would scavenge crops
1471s as soon as they could just because they
1473s really wanted to make sure that they got
1475s all the huckleberries on the map
1477s so people would claim land next to them
1481s hoping that it would spread to their
1482s property to be able to get access to it
1484s because they had
1485s vicious economical Monopoly on them
1491s and moving towards
1493s that level is probably not something
1495s that we are
1497s particularly
1499s gunning for but at the same time we also
1503s realized that it is really hard to kill
1505s off the crops and and plants in general
1507s and not just because there's too much of
1509s them in the world
1511s so
1512s we're trying to kind of Meet the middle
1514s ground there where they're scarceed
1516s enough to be really important to keep
1520s um producing and then keep making sure
1522s that they um
1524s expand and are available to the general
1527s population that is coming in maybe day
1529s two day three day four
1531s but at the same time if someone is
1533s really determined to really go out to
1535s grab all the beats in the world
1538s or if there's a collaborate effort to
1540s just make sure that
1542s they have all the uh all the corn or or
1545s something else
1547s that should also be kind of an option
1551s and then obviously you know laws and
1553s rules and regulations kind of come into
1554s that as well where they might be able to
1557s incentivize repopulation of that crop in
1560s that area because the animals are
1562s dependent on those crops
1565s so somewhere you might see a poor elk
1568s dying off because there's not enough
1570s barriers to eat or
1573s um
1574s things in those ranges where we're
1576s moving more
1577s animal dependency on certain crops
1581s and
1586s here we have a next
1589s next kind of biome that I've spent
1592s they kind of finished tweaking
1594s making sure that the rice was playing
1596s nice I was having some issues with the
1598s temperature gauging of it
1600s but now you got
1602s I'm clustering of the cotton I'm got the
1605s Button Bush being clustered up as well
1607s and and kind of spreading out you do
1609s have more gaps in between
1612s and as you can see it is completely
1614s devoid of the mushrooms
1617s and
1619s I said we've got the crimini mushrooms
1621s that are spawning radically inside the
1623s grassland
1626s and they are bordering a little bit into
1628s the forest here
1630s and you've got pumpkins spawning in the
1633s worm Forest so they'll be spawning
1635s around
1637s that my moistured areas you've got the
1639s canvas bulbs here as well giving a bit
1641s of a
1642s flowery look to it and some some breakup
1645s in the um
1647s green monotony color
1653s but as you can say as you can tell it is
1659s it is more clean
1660s um it is more sporadic in terms of where
1663s you can find the crops
1666s yeah I know that's one plant isn't the
1669s um the mushroom land anymore
1671s you've got some Amanita mushrooms there
1675s and this is true for all the biomes so
1678s I did want the warm Forest to kind of
1681s have this Lush Greenery point to it
1684s which makes it it at the moment it's
1687s kind of difficult to gauge whether or
1688s not you're going from grassland into
1690s warm Forest but that's also art of
1694s the aesthetic
1696s um that I've wanted with it
1699s so you don't have this distinct huge
1702s order
1703s Gap where it's just like completely
1706s changed up
1708s and so if we head over into the Tega
1711s area past the desert here
1714s move on to the opposite end of the
1716s grassland where we're moving into the
1717s cold forest and
1719s we've got the bullied mushrooms that are
1721s coming in here and the salal plants
1724s and this is where you get more of a
1725s scarcity due to the cold weather
1732s you've got
1734s and fern is one of the common plants so
1736s that does grow in both Forest types
1739s and then you've got the beans here you
1742s also have huckleberries
1745s um which are more a lot more scarce than
1748s they were before
1750s so I am expecting farmers and gatherers
1753s to kind of coexist a little bit in
1756s agreeing between
1757s consumption of wild plants versus
1760s propagating and farming and making sure
1762s that you get Fields going because they
1764s will
1765s read and populate on their own of course
1768s but it is
1771s um you know you imagine you're following
1774s through here and you've got
1775s 20 30 40 different players that all
1778s wants to consume the same amount of
1779s resources
1781s if you're not careless on the initial
1784s days in terms of making sure that you
1787s get some of those forms going you might
1789s actually run out of these crops and
1791s you'll start to struggle which is part
1794s of the design goal we want to make sure
1796s that it's
1798s gonna
1799s pushed towards more sustainable arming
1803s and sustainable consumption
1805s and that we really haven't had in nine
1807s at all so that's something I'm looking
1809s forward to this feedback on and
1812s you know screenshots from either great
1813s successes or horrible failures
1817s and also cut down some of the plants in
1820s the Tega biome to make sure that it kind
1822s of reflects and looks the same way as
1824s the rest of them
1827s uh just moving along here
1830s and I'll skip over into the really
1832s technical things
1834s yeah it's really a matter of picking
1837s short making sure that you're picking
1838s the crops before you fell the trees
1840s because you can't be completely
1842s irresponsible to
1844s like you know all but there's there's
1845s 200 other corn over there so I'll just
1847s you know don't care about these two
1849s those two might save your life here
1852s foreign
1854s but yeah I know I'm I'm quite happy with
1859s um how it turned out and I'm hoping that
1861s it's gonna be a
1864s a huge impact on everyone's gameplay
1866s um for hopefully mostly positive
1869s experience
1871s and uh
1876s yeah it's it's been a it's been a ride
1879s trying to get this planned stuff to work
1881s and making sure that it looks all right
1883s and
1885s it's populating
1887s um
1892s or you kind of go on to the plant thing
1896s so
1898s just to kind of reiterate that this is
1900s something that we did to
1902s we did this to make sure that the
1905s initial plant worldly unspawn Works
1907s nicely and kind of fits into the world
1910s eyes scale so
1913s these clusters that we shown you here
1917s uh let's see if we're gonna do
1920s what do we want to do let's do Beats
1923s so these clusters
1926s are dynamically scaling in size with the
1929s world size so if you make these if you
1932s generate a lot bigger world
1935s um these will be a lot bigger to kind of
1937s compass and and be affected by that
1941s and that in itself will allow more
1943s groups to be spawned
1946s um
1947s into it
1948s um
1950s B here
1953s um the world is a default nice one so
1955s this is 0.52 kilometers
1959s and I can grab an example here from
1965s if we grab got a screenshot from
1968s a
1971s do that
1975s so this is
1978s that too
1980s much here this is a scale on
1985s um a white tiger
1989s 2.56 kilometers so this is at the moment
1991s our our biggest supported worlds
1995s and this is how corn has spawned on that
1998s one and I've done no changes to the corn
2002s from my small world and I have right now
2005s um to
2007s this one in itself so this covers you
2009s know like a sixth of the grassland
2012s um and it works the same way this was
2014s just
2015s before we uh we
2017s did the additional range limit view on
2020s the Clusters but here you can see the
2022s different variation sizes in the
2023s Clusters
2026s um and they spawn a different amount in
2029s each grouping of course
2032s and if you compare it to where we're at
2035s now
2039s you have these kind of you know they're
2041s they're proportionally the same size
2043s depending on the world scale
2049s hoping that
2051s answers that question
2057s and where were I
2063s the seats for decorative plants um are
2066s you talking about making them like
2070s actual pickable and crafting into seeds
2073s so you can like plant them further or
2077s is to kind of clarify that
2079s um
2080s they don't have specific items or or
2084s um like when you pick a flower
2086s it turns into plant fiber because there
2088s is no specific item for that specific
2091s plant
2093s um so it's not really
2096s breathable in that sense
2100s it is some it is a good idea and we do
2102s want more kind of decorative
2104s environmental plants so it might be
2106s something that we take up
2110s um but not for 10 as it's going to
2112s require more assets and icons and Myriad
2115s of other things and we're gonna
2117s kind of swamped in terms of our workload
2119s for that so
2121s um quite possible for post them
2128s um
2130s uh I mean these the seeds do kind of
2133s exist in code so it wouldn't be too
2135s far-fetched if
2137s you would create just a small recipe mod
2140s for say turning plant fibers into these
2142s different seeds
2144s um but from a vanilla implementation
2147s point
2148s probably not gonna happen until after 10
2152s has been released
2156s um yeah I think I've I've rented on
2158s quite a bit over how
2160s how these things have been changed and
2163s how they're looking I kind of wanted to
2164s go over the technical details for
2168s how to calibrate this
2172s um if you do wanted to change it
2174s yourself or from a server management
2177s perspective
2180s [Music]
2181s um
2184s we can bring up this this monstrosity
2186s here
2187s so this is my
2191s spreadsheet that we're working on for
2193s when we're editing
2196s when we're editing these plants and then
2198s all the items in the game and
2201s Excel sheets
2203s um when we're doing changes to different
2206s things that are automatically generated
2208s which is what's referred to as content
2210s inside the autogen folder
2213s um or the server
2216s all of this is kind of fetched and kind
2218s of printed automatically which is why
2220s we're using in Excel to kind of keep all
2222s the data structure correctly
2223s and for the new plant system
2227s we have these what is it like
2230s 12 things I think it is
2234s um which
2236s kind of going over here in a second but
2239s um this is kind of how it's looking when
2240s I'm setting these up so you've got
2242s temperatures and everything and the cell
2243s the dayline levels and all that
2246s and then you have all of these kind of
2248s variables that gets plugged in and this
2250s will be determining how it's spawning
2251s where it's spawning
2253s which biome it's deferring to the size
2257s of the cluster the radius size in all
2259s accounts and
2262s um
2263s all of that kind of things
2265s so how is this looking inside the actual
2268s ripped well
2270s do this here
2276s do that let me know if it's legible
2280s hard to tell on my preview
2285s so inside
2287s plant folder or the the specific plant
2291s that you are looking into
2294s which is inside the server mods or
2297s folder altogen and then the plant folder
2301s um hold plant types now have this new
2305s generation
2306s or previously it just had the height for
2309s it but now it has all of these new
2311s parameters that allows you to kind of
2313s dictate how you want these to be working
2316s so you've got the chance to be spawned
2319s outside of the group and this is a
2321s percentage
2322s one to zero
2325s um
2326s on the frequency chance that a plant
2329s decides to not be a part of a group and
2332s just spawn outside the group somewhere
2334s in the valid area
2337s and then you have minimum distance
2339s between the groups
2340s so that is
2343s um
2344s doing this as reference and at the same
2347s time
2349s with the kelp yes
2353s the valid distance between the groups is
2355s between these two points
2358s and this is in tile radius
2360s so this is going to be 25 tiles up to a
2364s maximum distance of 40 tiles
2367s as the center the distance between the
2370s center points of these two groups
2374s and then you have the direct amount of
2376s actual crops allowed to be planted in
2379s that group so this is a low value to a
2381s high value same as the other ones
2384s and this is allowing us to be making
2386s sure that it is a minimum of eight rice
2389s plants
2390s assuming that it is
2392s habitably safe for those eight plants it
2395s might be a little bit lower if it
2397s decides to not
2398s be able to spawn all of those eight
2401s plants
2403s and then up to a top number of 16.
2406s and then for the rice
2409s um
2410s because I needed to make sure that the
2412s rice is contained inside the wetlands
2415s there's a combination of things
2417s happening here
2418s that if we grab
2421s the pumpkin
2427s as the pumpkin has actual Aster's asset
2432s so here you can see that the counter
2433s cluster is three to seven and that is
2436s the amount of big blobs that the groups
2439s can spawn in which is a fantastic
2440s technical term I promise you
2444s and
2446s that is
2448s um
2449s pumpkin
2451s if we grab this for instance
2453s um
2454s you see that we've got three clusters
2456s going on here
2458s and these are overlapping a little bit
2460s and that's perfectly fine
2463s and so it spawned the minimum amount of
2465s clusters that it can on this map
2468s and then it can spawn an excess
2471s and then you've got the radius of the
2473s group which is the
2475s the conference of the actual group
2479s so this if you do want to be changing
2481s this and kind of testing it around you
2483s might need to be tweaking this a little
2485s bit back and forth and testing it
2487s and then you have the total percentage
2490s world scale
2492s these clusters are sized in
2495s and this is where
2498s um and of course you've got this start
2500s biome which is a way to determine
2504s that a plant is only allowed to start in
2507s this biome
2508s but it may be habitably
2511s acceptable in multiple biomes so the
2514s mushrooms for instance they can be
2516s placed and planted in four different
2518s biomes but because
2521s um because this is set to warm forest
2524s for one of them and cold forest or the
2526s other they're simply not allowed to
2528s initially spawn here
2532s um
2533s so for
2535s and and this is I'll be going over three
2537s different ways to make sure that
2541s um
2543s uh these numbers before scaling for
2546s World size yeah so this is the value for
2548s the world size so
2551s um
2552s we take corn for instance
2558s I think I had this slightly I had to add
2560s it on five and a routine so
2562s this value here is the size of the
2565s cluster in the world and as you can see
2567s I have slightly different variables for
2568s the counter clusters
2570s as well as the minimum distance on the
2572s groups to make sure that they're they're
2574s a bit further apart
2577s but this is scaling because from from
2580s zero to one and
2584s if we go into the rise you can see that
2586s I have this set as one to one and that
2589s is because I wanted the rice cluster to
2591s cover the entire planet
2594s um just to make sure that I covered the
2596s whole biome and not just a random chance
2599s of a piece of the biome um and this was
2602s specifically for the rice in the
2603s wetlands because Wetlands is just a sub
2606s biome
2607s um
2608s if we're looking at Rice
2613s you can see that the entire world is
2615s blue
2617s that is because the entire world is a
2619s singular cluster
2621s and then it's spawning the rice
2624s um inside the biome that is available
2627s and limited to in that
2630s order point
2633s so I'm only allowing it to start in
2635s Wetlands if I'd remove this it would be
2637s spawning all over the place in both the
2640s the warmer Forest as well as the
2642s grassland which
2645s which is a new thing
2648s in terms of restrictiveness so
2651s previously a lot of the plants were
2653s temperature balanced to be forced to
2657s spawn into certain biomes so
2660s things would have a range of a specific
2664s habitability to make sure that it's only
2667s available to spawn inside a certain
2669s biome type
2671s whereas now we can well we can pull back
2674s a bit on that and allow more plants to
2676s be spawned in different biomes because
2678s we have this new variable that allows us
2680s to completely limit where things are
2683s kind of cropping up in the initial push
2687s and then kind of let these dynamically
2689s grow and spread as they
2691s um habitably can or by players that
2694s wants to be farming this
2696s elsewhere
2701s uh
2703s yeah chemical as a question being modern
2706s chemical industry relies on a multitude
2708s of strange and rare plants
2711s um
2712s it is a prospect
2715s but it's also kind of part of a whole
2718s and a segment of
2720s um
2722s like a a completely different set of
2727s um industrial Branch if you will
2732s rather than mechanical Branch it's it's
2734s a whole different subject so that would
2736s be
2738s um
2739s an interesting aspect and an area to
2741s kind of look into
2745s um but it is also really really big
2747s because it's something that wouldn't be
2749s touched lightly
2751s um it is
2753s um it has an in a unique
2755s importance but at the same time it also
2758s has some unique impacts which we do
2761s would want to reflect properly so
2766s like things like that is always kind of
2769s rotating around in terms of design and
2772s on the planning board and kind of
2773s debated and then
2775s pushed around
2777s but it is something that we also don't
2778s want to touch until we know that we can
2780s do it correctly and in a way that we
2782s want to be representative in the game
2786s um
2789s another question being is there any
2792s plans to change slash buff the wild
2794s Gathering talents on gatherers
2798s um there will likely be some Talent
2800s changes
2801s along the way because we do have some
2803s ideas for
2805s the general Talent upgrade
2808s um
2809s want to add some new unique ones for the
2811s crafting rather than
2813s a copy pasting over from one to another
2815s but it is
2817s it there are there are plans for them
2821s um but I'm not gonna be uh
2825s not gonna go into them too much here
2827s because of
2829s um just want to finalize plans and make
2832s sure that
2834s I'm not speaking out of terms into what
2837s we have planned versus what might not
2838s happen so I'm just gonna
2842s not go into that at the moment
2847s um yeah so
2850s got lost there
2852s um where were I
2856s um so there's kind of three ways to go
2858s about this uh one being you had the
2861s general kind of cluster and these are
2864s spawning and propagating in different
2865s areas as we saw I've seen we've seen
2868s with the corn
2870s and then you have this way of
2872s um you have the entire world
2873s representative as one biome or one
2875s cluster and then filters out where it's
2878s allowed to prop up uh based on the biome
2882s selection
2884s and then you have something that
2886s visually doesn't really look nice on
2887s that map
2889s um but it is necessary nonetheless
2892s and that is if you specify to make sure
2895s that it doesn't exist any cluster in the
2898s world at all
2900s and then you just
2901s allow it allow the plant to override the
2904s cluster functionality completely which
2907s then makes it behave a bit more like the
2909s old land system
2912s I believe it was
2915s let's actually check
2921s did I do
2923s I got the couple ones here so we've got
2925s here lichen and desert Moss
2929s here
2933s we got this for instance where I'm
2935s overriding the cluster restrictions and
2937s it's allowed to just spawn anywhere at a
2940s random rate
2942s inside the um
2945s Old Forest or the the tiger Tundra area
2949s as you can see it this map doesn't
2951s really help you in a lot in terms of
2954s like how it's spawning the groups
2955s because the entire thing is like random
2957s groups all over because it doesn't have
2959s any restrictions
2961s but it is a
2962s another way to kind of make sure that
2964s you have these
2967s um
2968s here
2970s you're kind of making sure that you have
2971s this layer coverage of the entire biome
2975s where you don't have any restrictions
2977s you want to impose on it other than
2979s you know it gets shopped out of the way
2981s when you have other plants cropping up
2983s but you want to
2985s make sure that it is available all over
2988s the place
2989s without any specific kind of
2992s superficial restrictions on it
2997s and I I did choose herbal plan to kind
3000s of showcase it because it's murky green
3002s on murky green apologize for that
3007s um
3008s but we got the desert Moss being the
3010s same
3011s um first do same thing as well but I
3013s think fur might be looking a little bit
3015s more horrendous on the map
3018s here we go
3020s so as you can see here it's kind of
3022s propagating it and it looks kind of
3025s um it looks kind of even but it is also
3028s randomly placing it adjacent inside
3030s these borders so they're not
3033s they're not symmetrical even though they
3036s might be looking like it so this is a
3038s bit of a
3040s it looks a bit false
3046s but as you can see here they're not
3047s really
3048s they're not really straight and it's
3050s kind of planted where they make sense
3051s for the rest of the habitability
3053s restrictions
3055s as well as the um you specify how many
3059s plants you're looking at and that'll
3061s kind of
3062s throw kerbals into it and make it more
3064s natural looking
3068s huh yeah we're running up to
3071s close to an hour of me just babbling on
3074s about plants which I guess is a positive
3077s effect that considering the um
3080s title of the game so we are
3083s as you can tell with this one we are
3084s moving back more in towards focusing on
3088s some of the environmental changes some
3090s of the worldly unchanges
3094s and
3096s or into just just the environment in
3099s general
3100s we've got a lot of things in Civics that
3103s is coming we've got a lot of things and
3106s attacked away and finalized in during
3109s our
3110s update progression through the entire
3112s nine series
3115s um so we are kind of happy to to do more
3117s focus on to
3118s just plants and
3121s General environmental balance so
3125s more Focus to that
3127s um
3127s and uh yeah I think we've got one or two
3132s more questions and then I'm probably
3133s gonna
3134s wrap this up for the evening
3138s um in what what is the order for
3141s inter-species plants to spawn in case of
3143s overlapping which one will be decided to
3146s be spawned uh it does a bit of a tug of
3149s war
3151s so depending on and this is something
3154s that kind of gets calibrated in with the
3156s with these settings as well
3159s use the um the straight code just
3161s because it looks neat sneaker than the
3162s Excel I think for visualization
3165s so for a group you set the specific size
3170s of the group itself
3172s and then you specify
3174s how many plants are allowed to randomize
3178s generate inside that group setting
3181s so if your lowest sized group
3185s contains less plants than your highest
3188s count plants in group
3191s then you are gonna end up with kind of
3193s these very symmetrical squared patches
3198s because the entire tile is filled with
3201s plants
3202s and that will allow
3204s that'll just prevent other plants from
3207s kind of intertwining and be mixed in a
3209s bit with it
3210s though I do recommend that
3213s you can keep a little bit of a curb on
3216s it so you you do end up with something
3218s similar to this here
3220s where this whole thing is a group
3224s but because it's not completely packed
3226s it it does allow
3228s some general mix in between
3231s um
3233s as for which group would take precedence
3236s I believe it
3240s it's not really
3243s um
3246s I will Almost Say alphabetical I can't
3248s really tell for sure
3251s because there is some hidden magic where
3253s it kind of loops around and
3256s thus multi-passes and it also depends on
3258s which biome it's in
3260s um so you know it might generate the
3262s desert and then it starts propagating
3264s and then checking the habitability
3265s levels
3268s um
3269s but I'd strongly recommend to not try to
3271s do this like super filled things
3275s um
3277s and other than other than the general
3280s super Reliant like the the superimposed
3282s rules and regulations for the groupings
3284s the plant spawning system in itself is
3287s still working
3289s fairly similar to how it's always worked
3291s before
3292s it does check for things like capacity
3296s it checks or habitability the moisture
3298s level the temperatures so that's your
3301s and a regulatory factor in terms of
3304s where plants would like to spawn
3307s and then you have these kind of group
3309s dynamic settings that overrides it
3312s um
3313s and adds a layer of restrictions on top
3317s of it to make sure that it spawns in
3319s these groups and not just willy-nilly
3321s all over the place
3325s uh
3327s foreign
3331s plans for other weapons besides both
3334s were hunting no
3336s I know that's not something that a lot
3338s of people wants to hear but we do have
3340s kind of a standpoint on
3344s um
3346s just generally things like firearms and
3348s and so on so forth It's been discussed
3350s quite a lot in in the modding Community
3352s as well as being requested quite a few
3354s times over on General Discord
3357s about the official General standpoint is
3359s that it's not gonna happen if someone
3362s wants to mount them in and kind of
3364s you know run with them on their server
3366s and do their own thing that's perfectly
3369s fine
3370s but it's not something that's going to
3372s be added from vanilla standpoint at
3373s least
3376s it just just kind of goes against what
3380s what the general design idea is and it's
3383s really disruptive
3385s even if even at kind of a muffled
3389s level it is kind of a nuisance if you
3392s suddenly start to hearing 40 people
3394s trying to run around in the forest
3396s shooting things with Firearms rather
3398s than just
3399s during a muffled little arrow going off
3404s uh will we be able to influence moisture
3407s and temperature with canals and
3409s greenhouses
3410s um greenhouses isn't a thing in vanilla
3415s um you do have some of it from the
3417s modding community
3419s and
3421s at the moment at least we feel like it
3424s is from our point of view at least it's
3428s an essential to get these core
3430s functionalities going first and
3433s making sure that the general environment
3436s impact is high enough
3439s if we're kind of poking into that more
3443s um
3443s moisture and temperature levels with
3446s canals and greenhouses or the just the
3448s canals in general is
3452s it's part of
3453s something that I'm conceptualizing for
3457s more subtype biomes as talking about
3460s biome generation and so on I do want to
3463s be
3464s having more of a general impact so
3467s instead of just reverse arbitrarily
3470s cannot drops down
3474s um on to the world I would like them to
3476s be their own type of biome that kind of
3479s gets
3480s um
3482s buckled through on the world so anytime
3485s you have a river you have a more
3487s impactful kind of greenery around the
3490s specific
3491s area but it's not something that's
3495s um likely go into 10 but it is it is a
3498s constant Improvement and something that
3500s is
3502s um
3503s it's something that we constantly see
3505s from when we're doing improvements to
3507s the environmental
3508s um
3509s out of things
3513s um as for animal husbandry I do have a
3516s stream where we talked a little bit over
3518s it
3520s um went over some some of the some of
3522s the flow shorts with some ideas and
3524s drafts for it so it is it is being
3527s planned for
3529s there hasn't really been anything
3531s starting for it but it is outside of
3534s Canada
3536s Drafting and planning and and you know
3538s from my end making sure that it we cover
3541s our Corners in terms of what we want to
3544s accomplish with it how it's supposed to
3546s be interactive in terms of gameplay
3549s um and another role it's supposed to
3551s fill in
3554s um in its impact in the environment and
3558s um
3558s kind of the cycle of improvements from
3561s back and forth
3567s um and yeah that and uh
3571s goes into the um
3575s um the answer for a question regarding
3577s industrialized scale the production of
3579s things like meat slash wool and and all
3583s produce and
3584s protein acquisition and so on so forth
3593s um
3599s it actually might
3602s I'm kind of terrified to test it now
3603s because it might explode I do know that
3606s um it I think it's limited to plants it
3608s would be
3610s um but there is
3612s there is an interesting side effect
3613s because the the clams and urchins are
3616s actually plants in terms of code so you
3619s could check clamps and
3621s um
3622s urchins there
3625s um but we will be adding more of these
3627s kind of debug commands that
3629s are available to users or to admins when
3632s it makes sense and when we have things
3634s that you can manipulate that
3636s would make those commands useful
3639s and animals will will get a proper pass
3642s when we do go into the animal husbandry
3644s and not working on it real
3649s um yeah
3652s I believe that's kind of everything I
3655s had to say about plants for this time
3659s um hope everyone enjoyed it hope it
3660s answered a few questions
3662s maybe it made it
3666s kind of arose a few others
3668s and so what will be coming
3671s um but yeah so one of the sneak features
3673s that we're kind of doing some major
3674s overhaul improvements down to
3677s pretend
3680s and with that I will
3683s say good night and hope you have a
3686s continued great weekend and
3689s um
3690s wish you well take care