about 6 years ago - StrangeLoopGame - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

6s alright hey everybody welcome to the Eco
10s 8.0 stream so today we have me I'm John
15s Kay designer of eco CEO strange loop and
18s we have Walker programmer extraordinaire
21s and we'll a product manager on you go as
26s well as like I'm going other things so
28s yeah here we go we're gonna show some of
32s the new stuff in an 8.0 over streaming
36s on twitch YouTube and Facebook so feel
41s free to ask us questions there and we'll
45s we'll answer those
46s so first big news we've announced the
48s launch date for 8.0 and then it's gonna
51s be February 6th which is our one-year
54s anniversary to eco so that's kind of a
57s cool cool time to release it and it's
60s gonna have a ton of new stuff in it so
61s today we're going to show first single
64s show is a new banks so if you if you
67s don't fly over to one of these banks
68s we've dropped a couple in the scene here
70s so currently in the game everyone has a
74s default bank account so if you're not
77s super familiar with Eco later in the
80s game currency becomes really important
81s as you're trading with each other and
82s deciding you know what to build based on
85s what the economy needs and then it gets
88s more complex where you have taxes
89s they're taking money from people and you
92s know putting it in towards different
93s uses so we're continuing to evolve that
95s system and we've added where you can
96s have separate bank accounts so
98s eventually this will be taxes can go
99s directly into a bank account so this is
102s what the bank object looks like kind of
104s repurpose the Treasury which will change
107s is something else and if you use that
111s you can see that you now have a list of
115s the accounts you have access to so go
119s ahead and create an account and then if
121s you click on that account you can see
124s who are the managers and who are the
127s users so account managers can add new
130s users and take out funds and account
133s users can take out funds but not change
136s that you
137s and the nice thing about thieves and 8.0
140s is that you can have demographics in
144s there as well so if you go to account
146s users you could specify world leader so
149s this could be a bank account that only
150s the world leader accesses or you could
153s specify citizen for example so then this
158s would be like a global bank account that
160s any citizen can access and a citizen is
162s someone who's played it for for two
164s hours or more and then then you count
166s managers you can change that if say you
170s wanted the world leader to be able to
171s change it as well you can kind of give
172s them access to it there are user yeah so
176s you can you can move them to intro and
179s one cool thing with this is you can
180s actually create locked bank accounts
183s that cannot be changed so for example
185s say you wanted an account that only the
187s world user could ever use and nobody
190s else can ever change that so if you
192s remove the citizen from account users
194s and then
195s move Octavio Rex which is the current
198s player it'll give you a warning that
201s you'll lose an access immediately but
203s it's like yes to that
204s now that account still exists but it's
206s only accessible to the world leader so
209s you actually have the ability just like
210s permanently lock down stuff like this an
213s admin could still change it but but in
216s general that's that's the lockdown for
217s good so let's see we have many stores in
221s the world yet see about spawning an
224s economy
226s [Music]
229s you are deaf commands
231s [Music]
235s killed it off
238s [Music]
243s so yeah we'll answer some questions
245s while it's reloading we did a def
247s command that managed to kill it
250s someone dragon supremacy asks so they
255s point oh you mentioned how world yen is
257s customizable does that include stuff
258s like determining what the Train
259s generator islands like if you're going
261s to one island for biome yeah there's a
265s ton of new settings for that that you
266s can actually specify like what percent
268s of the land is which biome how big the
271s islands are how many islands there are
274s so there's not like a pretty user
277s interface on that now but it fancy user
279s can get in and like manipulate all those
281s numbers and make you know make whatever
285s kind of world you want that's something
286s I'd like to have a nice front end on so
288s you can spend a lot of time like
289s crafting the interesting world if you
290s want to live in someone else's this
294s replaces a Treasury no it doesn't
295s replace Treasury Treasury is actually
296s going to be a different object now but
298s this one suited up Bank more so it looks
302s like Swannack long it's been working me
303s if you just drop a store down owner
315s claim right
316s [Music]
323s so that's not your store though so so
327s the way that you leaves bank accounts in
328s stores is you'll actually select which
330s bank account suspended from so you'll
332s have a few options let's go to go to the
335s economy fear actually so here you have
340s all the bank accounts you have access to
342s why don't you add a few in the bank and
344s I'll show up there just like at two or
348s three yeah cool so we've added this new
352s transfer dialogue here so you can see
355s all the bank accounts you have and how
356s much money is in each how many
357s transactions have happened in them so
360s you get this nice record of everything
361s that's happened even if you're offline
362s say you made a bunch of sales in your
364s store so go ahead and open that transfer
367s dialogue so previously you do this with
370s chat commands but now you have this nice
372s pretty interface we can choose source
374s and target this really help you know
377s specific features with the economy
380s like say transferor choose the
382s destination bank account change it now
385s she's intuitive like the only transfer
387s between your two accounts you know you
389s can put any currency so each bank
392s account can hold as much currency as you
394s want so there's a lot more flexibility
396s and kind of dividing up where money is
398s stored and who has access to one which
401s is a big theme of the game that
403s you know thinking of these resources as
407s kind of deciding where time is spent
409s where energy is spent and how capital is
411s distributed is a big part of that so
413s pretty interesting and fun edition I
416s think it's been really cool and
418s playtesting you turn the music down a
421s little bit yeah already did
422s tool so let's take a look at the
428s actually go back to the store for a
430s second I think he has something new in
432s there go to credit yeah there we go so
437s now there's this new bank account
438s drop-down so this determines where the
440s money for your store comes from so you
442s can actually section off bank accounts
444s and say I only want this much money to
446s be spent in this store so it gives you a
448s lot more flexibility and kind of
450s choosing how that works so let's check
454s out the Registrar
467s we have a bunch of different biomes in
469s the game I'm not sure the exact number
471s right now but you could you know reduce
474s those just set percent to zero for
476s specific biomes if you wanted to all
480s right so here's a registrar it's pretty
481s sweet-looking objects were first yeah
486s like oh we got in there so the idea with
489s this is it introduces the idea of titles
492s into the game so the title is it's kind
496s of like a permission system so if you
499s open it up and we make a new title the
506s Czar title so it picks all these random
507s names for just click on that one and now
510s you can choose who is allowed to add and
513s remove users to this title and who or
515s who's actually on the title so you can
518s have only one user on the server right
520s now at avi or Exocet yourself and then
523s you can change it to the pointers at in
526s the world leader and remove yourself
532s so now you've created this title that
536s you no longer have access to but the
538s world leader can change it so and now
540s that's gonna appear in all the
541s permissions dialog so if you go back to
544s your bank say it's run back over to our
547s bank and open one of those accounts you
552s have access to and you can change who
554s accesses it you can say we should have
559s czar in there somewhere
560s try the Amana Jers okay well as a book
564s but make it so the czars in there so
567s basically that you can create these new
569s divisions of authority right that the
571s world leader decides who this you know
574s the Minister of Transportation for
575s example has access to the transportation
578s funds bank account and you can have
580s taxes that go into there so it's a lot
582s more flexibility in assigning not just
586s the visions of money but like who can
588s access that money and how to do it so
591s we're really taking an approach where we
592s just give a lot of tools to the player
593s and let them you know decide how that
597s works
604s yep any player who accesses the object
607s can use it so whoever builds it decides
609s if it's public or not so it can be
613s something the whole server uses it can
614s be limited off so it really depends on
616s how it's how it's used in the game
618s there's a lot of flexibility yeah Jeff
629s grub was from ventureBeat and gave us
633s Game of the Year which is pretty awesome
634s yeah this is really cool experience with
637s the Finance of the game so he's gonna be
641s I hear he's putting together some new
643s streamers that are gonna do another
645s stream once 8.0 starts so not an
648s official announcement but that should be
650s pretty cool to see
652s so to clear something on the title see
654s my friend from GRS
656s he says so it ends up with players
658s giving them self joke titles not exactly
661s because once you have titles to find you
664s will be able to pass laws that can be
667s applied to some of the specific titles
669s so somebody with a certain title they'd
672s be granted taxes or land rights or any
676s account so they do have any use and you
679s can also have multiple people on a title
681s I think use referring to people like
683s making trolling titles or just like
684s spamming it with that but that's
686s something that you can lock down with
688s the admin tool and there's a limit to
689s the number of titles you can actually
690s make alright let's take a look at some
694s of these biomes we've seen you do some
696s of the new animal behaviors here we have
698s like little bunnies chilling out there's
700s one sleeping over there this guy so lots
706s of new animal behaviors lots of new
708s animals in the game a different biome so
711s we've added a ton of new just natural
713s resources to the game and it's you know
717s they're found in all these different
718s biomes so if you pull up the world map
721s you can see these big sections of land
724s that have different biomes and you might
726s need you know some resource that's only
729s available in one like granite or
732s aluminum or something and so then you'll
735s have to travel to that region to get it
737s so there's a lot more reasons to like
739s travel around the world it used to be
741s that they were all the resources are
742s kind of scattered randomly everywhere
745s more or less uniformly but now there's
749s like a reason to have this outpost a
751s village near like a gold mine or
753s something and that just makes everything
755s transportation in the world more
757s important and having these different
760s villages you know finding these
762s opportunities where you find this
763s resource and you can sell to a town on
764s the other side of the world and get hire
766s people to transport it for you so
768s there's always kind of economic
769s opportunities made by like actually
771s spreading out these resources and it's
773s all based on real biome so you'll find
775s the types of resources that are actually
777s in those biomes so here's a look at a
780s jungle
781s this is our new rainforest biome you can
784s see a lot of the palm trees we got
787s papayas actually we can chop those down
789s if you want to just whack one of those
791s down enjoy can you explain to actually
795s the difference of creating titles and
796s demographics yeah so titles are user
801s assigned demographics are automatically
804s assign nice so palms are a new source of
811s wood which it's not as useful typically
814s another wood but you could get some food
815s items from palm trees but yeah so the
819s pigeon titles of demographics titles the
821s user will set who has access to it or
824s demographics are automatically defined
825s like the citizen demographic says if
828s you've played for two hours and you're a
829s citizen whereas the you know czar title
833s that we just made it just depends
834s whatever that player is science to it so
837s they both were kind of similar that you
838s can assign permissions to them but it's
842s just different in how that happens so we
847s got a question will there be more
849s transportation options like boats and
850s trains because we need to travel more
852s there will eventually definitely be
854s boats trains still a maybe on I would
859s love to get that someday but boats we
861s will definitely have before eco 1.0
863s which you know it's still still a ways
866s off but I'm hoping we might even
869s consider for an eco 9 so we'll see
874s it looks like sandy knows the big Miren
876s chief yeah we have a lot of new animals
879s I mean oh yeah then the trait have tree
885s seats propagate don't get any tree seat
888s so I can see the new debris this is
889s debris you get from the palms and if you
894s see down there in the bottom left we
896s have a little experience icon so that's
899s part of the new skill system which we're
901s gonna be showing next week it's a little
903s messed up in this this build we have
905s right now but next week we got a whole
908s new UI for that new tutorials and we'll
910s be able to show you how that's gonna
912s work it's gonna be a pretty different
913s and interesting system I think you guys
915s will like it a lot
919s just fly around and kind of yeah there
922s we go so there's a new palm tree we
923s planted a little baby tree cyber wolf
931s asks I've heard with 8.0 update existing
933s worlds will get a deadlock how will help
936s label with these old worlds be we are
938s gonna support migration so you should be
941s able to load all your old 8.0 worlds are
945s sorry you'll be able to load all your
947s previous worlds in 8.0 they won't have
951s the new biomes you'll have to regenerate
953s a new world to get that but you'll get
956s access to the new features like banks
958s registrar's and the new skill system and
961s I believe we're going to for spawn in a
964s bunch of needed plants and animals
967s because there's for research and things
968s like that you actually a lot of these
970s new species are gonna need to harvest
972s them so that'll be added oh we get some
975s crazy mushrooms there lots of new fungus
978s in the game let's see
984s well the old servers be wiped or it
986s would be still be able play a poem no
988s they won't be why he'll still be able to
989s play them I mean depends of server
991s owners want to open it up or not I think
994s we could show off some Tundra we've also
1001s done a ton of performance improvements
1004s know if you can tell on the screen but
1006s the game is running much smoother as a
1008s much farther a few distance and actually
1014s has the lighting settings increased as
1016s well so there's a lot more performance
1020s as well as quality to it
1025s DHG defiance as well iron only be found
1030s in one biome uh I'm not sure that's key
1034s in which biome are putting iron in but
1038s I'm not sure how many different biomes
1040s it'll be in but it won't be in all
1042s biomes you know that said it'll be
1044s spread out and I'll have to come and
1045s look for it which will be another thing
1048s that can help stimulate trade because
1051s now people will just by chance of where
1054s they landed maybe have more ownership
1058s over certain resource and thus there's a
1062s reason to build roads and trades instead
1064s of the economic networks
1067s someone asks ducks asses the animal
1070s population simulated I know in the
1073s previous video you talk about invasive
1074s species yep
1076s they are simulated that's they rely on
1079s the plants and species that they consume
1083s to be in the area so those died off for
1086s example if you pollute the area and kill
1087s off a bunch of plants the animals that
1090s rely on those plants will drop in
1092s population or even die and if their
1094s populations completely go to zero then
1096s they'll become extinct so here we got a
1098s couple of mountain goats and sandy s is
1103s something hard with the new my I it's a
1106s little bit different animals have new
1108s behaviors now they can sleep and it is
1111s possible to sneak up on an animal and
1115s sort of depending on how you're walking
1117s up on it you just Shaun actually added
1120s headshots into the game so there is some
1124s extra skill too few hunting now yeah
1127s it's a big part where hunting at nights
1129s typically recommended because you can
1131s catch them unawares versus trying to
1133s sneak about one in the daytime they're
1134s typically faster than you and can't
1136s always hit as easily so yep the new
1140s biome see deserts appear directly next
1141s to tundra or is there some kind of
1142s realism climate zones yeah it's a it
1146s assigns these different biomes and then
1147s it chooses the temperatures based on
1149s that so the system the actual
1152s temperatures of the world and the
1153s rainfall reflect what the biome is so
1157s you will have you know accurate
1159s simulations there and if that changes
1160s the biome will actually change
1163s so we've through you create too much co2
1165s you could raise the temperature of an
1167s area and like that biome could transform
1170s into something else
1174s you know I love these new mountains
1176s looking really nice just the nice big
1180s thing about a point oh it just feels
1181s like so different as you walk through
1183s the world every place feels very like
1186s unique you know there's different
1188s landscape different plants different
1190s animals different vistas so it just
1194s feels like so much more of a living big
1197s world which i think is gonna be one of
1199s the biggest impacts of this is is that
1202s feeling of it's no longer this
1203s monoculture it's there's all this
1205s diversity in this world that you're
1207s building in that can go away you know
1209s that if you're not careful you can make
1211s a lot of these species disappear whether
1216s it be some comfort updates as well as
1217s biomes example left control left like to
1220s take things from treasure chest
1222s etc yes so we've done a lot of just
1225s random quality of life stuff that
1228s example ctrl-click to bring stuff over
1230s to your inventory it's gonna exist so
1233s yeah it's something we've been focusing
1235s on just getting it polish as we work
1238s through our throu early access and it's
1240s been great having everybody's feedback
1241s on you know features like that that you
1244s know they're tiny but they make a big
1246s difference so we're definitely balancing
1248s you know the big features like biomes
1249s with continuing to polish everything up
1253s will there ever be swimsuits for diving
1255s that would be cool I mean right now you
1258s can just swim it definitely I think it'd
1260s be nice if you like you can't just swim
1262s across an ocean especially when we had
1264s boats you know like there's something
1265s that prevents you from doing that
1270s Oh else can we show
1274s do I show the burgers yeah oh let's do a
1277s look at Lake Lakes are one of the
1289s coolest new biomes and one of the easier
1294s ones to get polluted as well see this
1301s one it's really cool just seeing the
1304s fish swimming around and a lake
1308s everybody loves the control clicks will
1315s we be able to recycle items we don't
1317s want to use again
1318s Nana asks we don't have a specific
1322s recycling system yet but that is
1325s something that we'd like to add there we
1328s go there's a nice lake Shiki down by the
1331s banks
1336s see new fishies in there so one second
1340s ago but disappeared out there is nice
1344s tuna so one nice thing about Lakes is
1350s that they give you access to water which
1353s you can use for the new plumbing systems
1358s so you if you build next to a lake it's
1361s gonna be a lot easier to supply our
1363s village with water and that's something
1366s that we've added to a number of objects
1368s you have to actually have to hook up
1369s pipes to them that are supplying water
1371s and then they have output wastewater
1374s something we showed in our last stream
1376s if you want to take a look dr. Jones
1382s asks are we going to be showing how the
1385s new pipes work we did show pipes in a
1388s previous stream but we could probably
1390s just get a quick look at those again if
1392s you want to do you think that's gonna
1394s work
1395s looked earlier okay also what a doctor
1404s yep there we go so here we got some
1410s water pumps see and then close it again
1416s to get this water pump so these this is
1422s our debo commander just spawns water
1423s sources so you hook up these water pumps
1425s to a water source and then you can
1429s follow the plumbing and connect that to
1432s different objects in the game so this
1435s one here goes underground actually I can
1437s fly in there kind of see the underground
1439s plumbing it's kind of cool to look at so
1441s you'll actually have to you know connect
1444s these pipes to your buildings whether
1449s that's underground or above-ground or
1450s ever you want to do it it becomes this
1451s kind of group construction challenge so
1454s the village will need to have this joint
1456s project where you're providing plumbing
1458s for all of the the houses in the
1461s neighborhood and it just kind of give
1462s you a lot of things like certain crap
1464s tables require it like this is a little
1466s pest table that requires it different
1469s housing objects required so you'll get
1471s like a major bonus point if you have
1472s housing options that uses water that
1475s will up your ears guillotine quite a bit
1477s and and then you have to deal with the
1481s pollution of it so it's really great
1483s feature that connects to a lot of the
1485s themes of eco and you have that
1487s collaborative aspect where every
1489s you have that environmental impact where
1493s there's sewage water and wastewater that
1495s you have to treat or deal with and how
1497s to handle that as as a community because
1500s there is a cost to that so we're looking
1503s forward to how this starts to affect the
1506s way that cities are built in a way the
1507s communities collaborate well here's a
1510s here's a water filter different spawn
1512s inside of this tree right now you can
1514s see that it's outputting including
1518s sewage and it's outputting water that's
1520s because the status tab on that guy so
1524s this filter is actually pulling the
1525s sewage out and building compost blocks
1529s in that stockpile another life Pelini
1533s blocks in size so eventually that will
1535s fill up and stop the water filter these
1537s these compost blocks which will be able
1540s to use for fertilizer eventually apply
1541s enough 48.0 that's
1544s planet to do is that you can turn this
1546s waste into a positive this is a good
1547s example of recycling things we were
1549s chatting about over there so we
1556s we don't have so the lakes and rivers
1558s are infinite source of the water right
1560s now long-term though I would love to
1563s have water be more of a deeper
1565s simulation some thought about we should
1569s show the blast furnace there - yeah this
1579s is our debug stuff we have a whole bunch
1580s of tests where we just feel like spawn
1582s plumbing and it spawns a whole village
1583s full honey great for making sure that
1586s everything is working oh yeah here just
1588s look last furnace blasting away fly
1591s above it should be able to see it
1592s spitting out smoke at the table and we
1597s kind of open all these tests up to
1599s modders as well so people they wanted to
1601s make their own plug in they can have you
1603s know these tests that make sure their
1605s stuff works adding all kinds of new
1607s stuff you see some really cool mods out
1608s there says he's way more excited ready
1614s here we are - excellent yeah sweet yeah
1620s let's just fly around and look at stuff
1622s maybe I fly over the river
1629s really excited to show you guys skills
1632s next week so we're still putting that
1634s together but that's gonna be you know a
1638s pretty big diversion from what we had
1640s existing where you choose specialties
1643s and then you level them up by doing
1644s stuff so you'll notice right away that
1650s the river is not just a crazy Canyon
1653s anymore it's incredible now beautiful
1658s thurmier green
1659s yeah rivers I've got got a lot of love
1662s this update Eric made the the river
1664s banks you know a lot more
1666s natural-looking there it used to be only
1670s canyons you would see but now it's kind
1672s of a mix of different ones so you can
1674s follow these up and these will be really
1676s useful for transport eventually as well
1678s as we add like little river boats or
1679s canoes or kayaks and things like that
1681s something we'll do in a future update
1684s and yeah you'll see rivers starting to
1688s form little towns from around them based
1690s on their transport abilities things like
1693s that there's a river source there you're
1700s planning to add other languages yep we
1702s already support a bunch of different
1703s languages we're working on our Asian
1706s language build we can use help with
1708s translators for that so if anybody
1709s speaks Chinese Japanese or Korean you
1712s know get in touch with us we have a lot
1715s of other languages that are already
1716s mostly translated so that is something
1718s that we're you know actively supporting
1722s Jamie yes he says I want to steep a roof
1725s towers at setting
1727s that's something I've heard before but
1729s it's something we can look into and I
1732s know that we do want to you know have
1734s housing materials have a lot of
1736s different interesting looks in the
1738s future and stiva Ruth is probably
1740s something that can be a possibility if
1742s there's a interest in it yeah one thing
1745s we're planning 49.0 is to have a lot of
1747s like government stately buildings so
1750s making stuff out of marble making these
1751s big column structures and things like
1753s that yeah
1761s you can see all these like different
1762s kinds of minerals you find in the water
1764s a lot of things are gonna need the
1767s different rocks you find in throughout
1769s the world so you might need to go find
1771s sandstone over for a certain recipe or
1773s granite so there's a lot more reason to
1776s like explore and you know help others
1778s with where where you're finding these
1780s different resources you can chop up one
1783s of those we can see some pumpkins here
1786s too that's new a lot of new fruits and
1789s vegetables as well yep so that we got
1799s new new material Sam stones one of them
1801s and see all the new recipes that are
1802s gonna be using that so really fleshing
1806s out of this ecosystem to be just a lot
1808s richer and that just has so many more
1809s effects on everything else in the game
1812s you know it affects trade it affects
1814s transport I don't think we mentioned
1818s just the new tall grass no just walking
1821s through those grasslands feels way
1823s different now a tall grass about as tall
1825s as you
1825s yeah you know so we got this it's called
1828s blue grass your notes and blue stem
1831s something rather even though it's purple
1834s so yeah you just get this much more
1837s feeling and much bigger feeling of like
1839s a wild nature and that as this becomes a
1842s town and you start to feel a really big
1843s difference in a way that the world
1846s progresses
1849s do you think against disruptive players
1851s or those that break eco made rules
1853s somehow face consequences to be a police
1855s force that is something I want to do is
1857s allow people to break laws right now the
1859s server just prevents laws from being
1863s broken but that is something that we we
1867s talked about is having it you know a
1869s server could say laws can be broken on
1871s the server but then there's a way to be
1873s caught and punished so if you're trying
1874s to like skirt the rules you might you
1877s might get caught for it and that opens
1879s up the door for like criminal justice
1882s careers in the game we can specialize
1884s and like being a detective so someone
1889s should post a madre can pose a statue
1891s and build it yeah actually that's
1893s something I wanted you to is have art in
1895s the game so you can build like you know
1898s it's not just all labor you can actually
1900s create like works of art and things like
1902s that that add value to the town did a
1905s certain way you consider changing mining
1913s to always break it into four pieces that
1915s yellow block that sweet dig in is
1916s annoying I think that's actually a skill
1918s upgrade that you're gonna be able to do
1920s is so you don't have to hit that last
1923s yellow yeah
1925s yeah check out our stream next week
1927s we're gonna demo the new skill system
1929s that's one of the talents that you can
1930s unlock is better mining as well as a
1932s whole bunch of other stuff so I think
1935s the skill system I think you guys gonna
1936s like it's a lot more specific choices
1939s that you're making and kind of flows a
1945s lot better I think so that's gonna be
1946s really cool like that new rock shapes
1950s really varied look to the game can you
1954s build a dam in the game
1956s our that's a good idea not currently no
1960s but yeah that's definitely something
1963s think about for a water update down the
1964s road right in everybody please keep
1967s sending in ideas like that like the more
1969s we hear if everybody wants a dam and
1972s there's good chunks of could happen in
1974s the future so we'd love to hear your
1976s feedback about what works and what you
1978s love and what you want to see seven ask
1983s well this games will be playable for
1984s like three people or ten only I
1985s understand the big concept but we play
1987s games without currency because we just
1988s like it more in that way creating an
1990s unlimited amount of tailings takes 60%
1992s of game time at the line yeah you can
1994s still play it with any number of people
1996s you can change the settings as to how
1998s much collaboration you want in the game
2000s you know how many specialties you can
2002s take so you get a lot of the interesting
2006s features when you play it with more
2008s people because then you get an economy
2009s and you get like more reasons to use the
2011s government but a lot of people just like
2013s to play solo or with a small group and
2015s that works just as well and there's
2017s still plenty you'll need to like figure
2020s out and conquer in single-player
2027s let's see earlier said there'd be more
2029s consumables in the game so there's more
2031s trade is anything like that gonna be an
2032s eight oh nine oh well food is the
2034s biggest consumable tools are also
2037s consumable because you have to repair
2038s them so that's gonna continue to be a
2042s big part of the game we don't have
2043s anything new specific on that front I
2046s would like to have world objects wearing
2048s down over time too so that could be
2050s another consumable and yeah feel free to
2053s hop in our discord and you know shoot me
2055s a message on there I'm John cake message
2057s me anytime or just chat at the community
2060s and share ideas and talk about you know
2064s things you want to see in the game or
2067s really open up player feedback and it's
2070s been really great having this for the
2071s community is we we build this out so
2074s we're gonna be presenting kind of our
2076s plans for of the year and starting to
2078s lock down some timelines somebody asked
2080s if the e-coat 1.0 build it's gonna be
2084s this year and yes as a goal towards the
2087s end of the year I want to do a few more
2088s updates then probably eight nine ten and
2091s then 1.0 but that's not defined yet so
2095s we'll be we'll be fleshing out more
2096s specifically what those are gonna be as
2099s we build up to that and even past eco
2101s 1.0 we want to keep working on this keep
2103s adding to it but one big thing we're
2105s doing this year is starting our school
2108s support so we have a lot of features in
2111s this game where you can generate
2113s curriculum based on what's happening in
2115s the world so you know the species is
2117s endangered it can like generate this
2118s virtually that you use in class right so
2121s you just have these really interesting
2123s context for what you're learning and if
2126s we're gonna start talking to schools we
2127s already have a lot of schools that are
2128s using this but we want to keep expanding
2130s it so the idea is like a classroom would
2132s get their own world that they have you
2136s know private to their class and then
2137s they have to achieve these goals but in
2139s the process they can pollute the
2140s environment in a and they make
2141s discussions they you know they have the
2143s civic discussion which the teachers
2145s involved in so that's one of the big
2147s directions we want to take you to in in
2150s addition to the
2151s you know the steam side you know it'll
2153s pretty much be the same game just adding
2155s that like classroom functionality so
2157s looking forward to share a lot more of
2159s that with you guys yeah so as we call it
2166s a stream showed you a lot of cool new
2169s stuff thanks everybody for coming out
2171s and we're gonna start doing these weekly
2173s so feel free to to join us each week and
2176s catch us on discord or send us an email
2178s and yeah I'll see you next time okay bye
2182s everybody
2183s and yeah I'm will on this quarter you
2185s can message me also thanks for all your
2187s questions and look for more feedback
2190s cool see ya see