almost 2 years ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link
almost 2 years ago - Strange Loop Games - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s Colombia
6s today we are going to do a stream to
9s talk about some features that we have
10s been working uh really excited to to
13s show some of these features as I have
15s been personally working on them a lot
16s and today with us we have Tony and James
19s do you want to introduce yourself Toby
23s yeah hi everyone
25s that's that's all I got you've seen me
27s before I'm Toby from Australia
31s without you yeah and you've seen me in a
34s couple of streams as well here now I'm
36s Jan's from Sweden working as game
38s designer for strange Loop games
41s well that's that's nicest enough
44s information I guess
46s okay so to display the
50s to talk about the camera
52s features so I'm going to share my screen
55s uh this should be it
59s and also as always we have a survey I
63s mean you can find it on the top of of
65s the screen where we can we are open to
69s to get feedback for these features that
72s we have been working on
75s um let's say complete so
78s no okay that's basically so we have been
82s working on including a camera to the
85s game so players can take pictures we are
88s really excited about this feature
89s because we would really love to see the
91s kind of pictures that you take I mean
93s there is all kind of funny on
95s interesting pictures that that are
99s available I mean sceneries that are
101s available to to take the pictures
103s so once you have this this item the
106s uncle camera you can use it as any tool
109s I'm sorry as any tool it requires that
113s that you are not hungry
116s and once you use the the camera let me
121s admit my my game once you use use the
125s camera you get this interface where you
128s can take different pictures
131s all the pictures that you take are
134s stored on your computer so you can go
137s and press
138s the folder icon to see where they are
141s store and here I can check all the all
145s the pictures that I have been taking
147s today
149s so I have a bunch of different pictures
150s I'm going back here again but how we
153s have to over there
156s so in case that you're wondering like oh
159s is that going to use uh
163s a lot of
165s uh images on your computer you can
167s always limit the amount of images I mean
169s you can say zero and you're not going to
170s get any computer so on your local
172s computer or you can increase to one two
175s three Etc having a small book there
177s sorry but if you go to the ideas of
181s you're going to have an option to have
183s an unlimited amount of photos to store
185s on on your computer right now it's
188s displayed as means one but it will be
191s improved the UI of this so
194s so now when I select the camera now we
198s know that we can take pictures but it's
200s not only that we can similar to the
204s hammered in building system you can
207s press F to get the all the options so
211s for example I can use Flash for my
213s pictures so now it will look brighter or
216s I can turn on flash if I like how the
218s lighting is I can also select the aspect
221s right here so I can decide using for
226s three or completely square or we can go
229s for a portrait Style
231s but is it not only that we can also zoom
234s using the scroll wheel or you can also
237s use the this slider
241s and
242s you can also update the type of field
246s meaning that I can blur what is on the
249s background so for example here I'm going
251s to blur what is behind Toby and take a
254s picture that may look a little bit more
257s cinematic I guess
260s you can take all kind of pictures here
262s and it's really interesting uh how it
265s works with the different values that you
268s can take so for example I can take a
270s picture of tomatoes or if I want to
272s focus the Cornwall I can move that again
274s to a longer Edition and stuff like that
277s I mean we are really happy to see you
279s all kind of Creations that people come
281s up to these we have also been working a
284s lot of having improving the transition
287s so when the player gets the camera close
289s to the face that it works fine for first
292s until person and another kind of stuff I
296s mean it's a work on progress but we are
298s happy how it is getting so far
301s so this is what I wanted to show about
303s this feature we are going to see that is
307s that we are planning to have different
310s cameras but Toby is going to tell you
311s more about that
313s so I'm going now to switch to topic
316s screen and I'll check the questions that
319s are so far
324s hello can you see my screen
326s yeah it should be visible now
328s nice
329s yeah
330s um this one we don't have in the game
331s just yet but this is kind of like a an
334s initial camera that you'll you'll be
335s able to get so you can place it down
336s it's on a tripod
339s um
340s and Geo's also been working on a really
344s cool like CPA data for it so you get
346s like old-timey photos look old-timey and
349s then as you get you know better and
351s better cameras you can get different
353s sort of pictures that's the idea at
355s least so I mean all of this stuff like
358s leave your thoughts in the in the survey
360s of what you'd like to see with this sort
361s of thing like
363s um and I I personally like
366s I've got a couple of cameras that I use
368s in real life so it's I'm excited about
371s the ideas of like interchangeable lenses
374s and like sort of fisheye lenses
378s um like really telephoto sort of things
380s being able to play with depth of field
381s and aperture and stuff like that be
383s really cool and I don't know if that's
385s like Overkill so if you want to see that
387s as well
387s put it in the survey so
390s yeah I don't know if Geo if you want to
394s show are you ready to show your CPL
396s filter oh yeah okay sure so right now
401s the I'm using the same camera because we
404s haven't uh do all this setup on the
406s ultimate camera
408s there are some some gameplay
410s implications because the ultimate camera
412s has a tripod so so we have considered
415s that maybe it should be not a tool but
416s uh we're objects so we still need to
419s figure some stuff before getting to work
421s but the idea is that when you use the
423s camera you get like these old-timey
427s sensation when you take the pictures
429s right now we only have implemented the
432s first part and that is taking like some
434s the photos will come by default on the
437s old-timey camera with a CPA filter and
440s once again you can check it those on
444s your computer and
446s you can see how they kind of we look
449s with the ultimate camera there are still
452s some stuff that we want to improve but I
455s hope that this really gives some idea of
458s what we want to achieve with this
460s feature and and have all sort of ideas
463s like imagine having uh you you will find
467s a contract when they are hiring a
469s photograph or doing an investigation and
471s you use these uh ultimate filter and
474s really take some interesting pictures to
477s display about what's happening I mean
479s that's the results of sort of options
481s with these audience is going to to
482s mention later but I really hope that
485s that it help us get an idea what's
487s happening
488s before we go back to tovi that's going
492s to show us uh something about the
494s printers I'm going to answer some of the
496s questions that we have found on the on
499s the chat so far so
502s um when this camera is going to be
504s available this is a feature that is
506s planned to be on the 10 version of the
510s game so it's going to be a viable Zoom
513s literally speaking I mean we still need
515s to to figure a couple of stuff but what
517s uh what we are going to have already for
519s the for the official launch of the
522s Eco 10 version the there is another
526s question that the pictures are say
529s permanently so
531s the pictures you can save them locally
534s but once you press the save button you
538s will also be able to save the save them
541s on the server so they can be sync for
545s everyone
546s this part is a little bit tricky so so
549s there are going to be some
551s server parameters related to this please
554s correct me if I am bron James but as far
557s as I understand uh each server admin
559s would have the possibility to reject
562s what photos are of lower to a server is
565s is it like that
568s um there's a there's a distinction
570s between the camera feature but also the
573s the user textures that we'll go in
575s through
576s um here in a bit but essentially what we
579s would want for configuration wise is to
583s allow the server kind of the alternative
586s of setting how many pictures a single
589s user is able to provide to the server
592s but also be able to kind of allow the
595s user himself if there is a limit to that
598s to remove the pictures he's provided
600s that is uploaded but there's a lot of
603s technical
604s technical issues or kind of hurdles that
608s we need to go over and make sure that
611s you can't just have a single user to
613s just like flood the server storage or
616s something so there's a couple of
617s significant management input
621s um config options that we're looking at
625s um to kind of help mitigate any any kind
628s of griefing to either Hardware or
631s management side of things
634s I can probably take a couple of these
636s other questions since we're talking
638s about general questions
641s um yeah sure
643s the last one and you can go they there's
646s one I'm sorry I misunderstood when that
649s is going to fix because I misunderstand
651s the question there is one that asks if
653s this first story in in what is the
655s format that is used to store the photos
657s right now we use a JPG as we don't need
663s transparency and it's our extremely
665s cheap format but we are always open to
667s feedback so there is a reason someone
670s thinks that we should do something
672s different sure go ahead and let us know
675s what you think on the survey and now
677s back to to gen so he can answer the the
679s questions Origins for the interruption
681s yeah no worries
683s um at which part of the game of the game
686s the the tech of cameras comes into play
689s uh right now we've got the old timing
691s camera planned for early stages
694s mechanical era so kind of before your
697s steam tracks and and all that so fairly
700s fairly soon as soon as you start to kind
702s of unlock
703s a bit of technology and the tier 2 kind
707s of Step
708s and then you're looking at the Modern
710s camera which is plastic and oil products
713s production based so requiring a bit more
717s more technical
719s technical components and
722s yeah so kind of kind of mid game and
724s then late game to get these nice
727s additional option
731s can I poke around with uh
734s armored Stone coming up with can we
737s record videos
739s and I believe
742s we could potentially do it but there's
744s also a technical issues and
749s um kind of presentation wise
752s probably going over to you and you and
755s Toby for that in regards to like if we
757s would be able to toggle like a record
759s mode and then it would save the
760s recording on the PC but not necessarily
763s to display it in game perhaps
766s yeah I think I I think the best quality
770s for that would be to use something
771s external like
773s um using
774s like unity's recorder and things like
776s that it's you don't get a lot of control
778s over the the quality of the video that
780s comes out unless you're actually
782s recording in something like prores but
785s um
786s like you could potentially tap into that
789s and have like a
790s a video camera but
794s yeah
795s that'd be fun I like shooting video as
797s well so
798s it's definitely something we should look
799s into
800s at some point yeah my initial opinion is
803s the same I mean there are professional
805s software that are built for that like
809s the Nvidia recorder or OBS that is the
812s one that we actually use for this stream
815s um I imagine there is a feature that a
817s lot of people want we can work on
819s something like that but it's not on on
821s our initial plans to to allow players to
824s record videos
826s uh are there more questions Gents yeah I
830s got aside from cameras any low-tech
833s alternative with painting and I believe
836s on
838s on the topic of if we decide to go with
842s the the tripod camera as like a
845s placeable
847s um object that you then interact with to
850s kind of take a picture around the world
852s it could potentially be something we
855s would look at uh perhaps with like an
857s easel that you place down and then you
860s get
861s you do kind of photo
864s setup but then it comes out as an actual
867s like painting with
870s um
871s not as you know color perfect picture
873s but rather as a you know like an oil
875s painting if you will on a crude level
879s could be interesting what do you think
881s yeah
882s yeah I'm in for that yeah oh no no yeah
884s go ahead to me
886s yeah I was just gonna say like that's
888s yeah that's a good idea and we we have
890s actually
891s um got an easel object done sorry
894s it wouldn't be too hard
898s um I work on a on uh this small
901s demonstration a small preview of a demo
903s where we could have like a
905s more of like artistic style instead of
908s the realistic style of the of the photos
911s that would be cool to have on on
913s something like the kind of paint that
916s that would be really cool also for for
918s the Creations I mean it's not on strong
920s on the plans but we agree that it's a
922s nice idea
923s yeah um and then we got can I be an
926s incognito mode so no one takes pictures
928s of me and uh
932s that's that's complicated I mean
935s um how how it works is that it like it
939s literally like read all the pixels from
941s the camera and and store them so
946s I mean there is not in the current
948s version version an alternative to to do
951s something like that but I'm really
952s curious why someone want to be Incognito
955s and not being on the on the pictures I
959s can't think of a good reason for that
962s but but I mean I understand that there's
964s gonna be some some preferences maybe
966s what you need to to get a law where
969s people can get a picture of you without
971s your permission or I mean they can get a
972s picture but not use it politically
974s something more like a like it works on
977s real world when you when someone takes a
980s picture of you in public they can't use
982s it unless you gave the signed permission
984s for that but I don't know if if though
986s your genes have different opinions on
988s that no I I I think I agree that's
993s um we got we're just gonna say that's
995s another use for paper is we could make
997s release forms people
1001s uh the uh there is one more then we can
1005s probably move on to the next because
1006s some of the questions are related to
1007s Features along in the Stream and that is
1010s do other players see The Flash and this
1012s is something that uh I raised concerns
1015s with when we first started talking about
1018s having a flash system for the camera to
1021s make sure that you can't get too
1023s obstructive you can't run up to players
1025s and kind of annoy them with
1028s um having bright flashes continuously
1029s pop up in your face or medical issues
1033s such as epileptic epilepsy and you know
1037s kind of photosensitivity and what we're
1040s looking at is adding kind of a small VFX
1044s so other players won't see the entirety
1047s of The Flash but they'll see that a
1050s flash is happening due to some some kind
1052s of particles that aren't really ready
1055s yet
1056s yeah I'm I'm sorry I forgot to mention
1059s we already have like the sound effects
1061s for for this for the camera and I mean
1064s there is a small sound that is done when
1067s when the picture is on that for example
1068s is for all the players so you will be
1070s able to hear when someone takes the
1072s picture
1073s we have to think of different emotions
1076s as James mentioned but as he said we all
1079s agree that having a lot of flashes for
1081s for the people to be like really
1083s uncomfortable so right now when you have
1085s the Flash and you see um is like uh
1089s really shiny here uh but when you when
1092s you take a picture it you can see the
1094s like by yourself but it'll be really
1096s comfortable for for all the players
1098s um and and going back to to the question
1102s of the Incognito now that we have
1104s someone else on the team that has been
1106s working on this feature to check in on
1109s that uh he mentioned that there would be
1112s a chance to for example hide in the
1114s players while while the picture is taken
1117s I don't know if that's really something
1118s that we want but but feel free to use
1120s the survey if a lot of people want the
1123s one that feature that made something
1124s that we can take a look at
1127s uh answering another question out of
1130s focus we haven't considered that to be
1132s honest it may be interesting once again
1135s survey is the right place to to suggest
1138s that
1139s and we always like that everything we do
1142s is is valuable so that's part of the
1145s plans that we have but it's not
1147s something that is being done right now
1153s I I don't know if you want to to go
1156s ahead and show the the printers
1160s yeah I can show that
1162s nice
1163s um
1164s yeah so this is
1165s the new printing press
1167s um I say new but it's been done for a
1169s little while but we've got a use for it
1170s now so good
1174s so you can go into the UI here and you
1176s can actually
1177s browse your
1180s your PC to load up images
1183s I don't want to
1185s I don't think I'll open that mystery
1186s image one that might be
1189s something we should show later
1192s that's
1194s yeah I'll give myself some up hang out
1198s I haven't got any paper so
1203s just cheat
1206s um
1208s with the paper you can print these
1210s images
1213s yes you get like a little preview here
1214s as well
1219s my screen lagging a lot is it I'll try
1222s and move smoothly
1224s I think the video feed is showing it's
1226s it's australianism unfortunately I can
1229s see that yeah
1231s um well enjoy the SlideShare
1236s yeah I'm just checking out the stream
1238s it's really chugging sorry
1240s maybe I should turn my camera off or
1242s something like that
1246s um
1247s anyway we've got these picture frames as
1250s well which you can see hopefully
1254s I don't know if um
1256s Geo you wanted to jump in here after the
1258s show this and you could have a run
1261s through and look at the different frames
1262s it might be a bit smoother on your end
1265s that's that's a good idea it's uh I'm
1267s learning again the the server that has
1269s he had disconnected like in two minutes
1272s I can go back
1273s yeah no worries
1275s it's basically in the frames you can
1277s drag in a different image that you've
1279s got and it will
1280s updates
1283s and we've got so these are the the sort
1286s of basic wooden ones there's actually a
1288s few other variants on this for like
1291s four by three and three by four sort of
1293s so there's five different sizes for the
1296s frames
1298s some of them are just sort of rotated
1299s but
1300s yeah
1302s um I think we missed it but when uh to
1305s clarify it there because there's a
1306s little confusing here I think but when
1308s you take it when you take an image with
1310s the camera and you get you've selected
1313s your aspect ratios and and all of that
1315s and and you're nice and you're happy
1316s with it you hit save on the photo and it
1319s stores it and saves it but it also pops
1321s out as an item in game
1323s and that is what you can interact with
1326s these things with so you drag it onto a
1329s frame and that'll pop in the image you
1332s just took and be able to display it on
1335s um
1336s on anything that you'd like that has
1338s this Frame slot
1340s yeah oh
1342s see if I can show that uh
1345s nope that doesn't seem to be working for
1347s me just yet but that is how it should
1348s work
1351s maybe Geo can show that it might be
1353s working for him
1365s a while
1368s I'm sorry sorry everyone
1371s don't blame me
1374s um
1374s yeah we've got a couple of more
1376s questions just in the meantime while
1378s we're waiting um will cameras be mod
1380s able in any way
1384s so the the idea is that everything we do
1386s on the game should be
1389s I mean it should be possible to to
1392s create mods around it for cameras should
1394s not be deception but I'm aware that as
1397s the as the
1399s feature this right now is not possible
1401s to do mods around that but we have that
1403s in mind
1405s um we would really like to to talk with
1407s with our super modes models like Kai um
1415s they can't remember the name I need uh
1419s because we would like to to see what
1420s ideas they have and what do they need to
1422s make them actually work on with mods but
1426s yeah as it is no but is in our plans
1430s yeah and and I also think that when it
1433s comes to like General if the question is
1435s more leaned towards the general
1437s like camera functionalities there are
1440s some inherent kind of blockers when it
1443s comes to client-side moddings in
1445s particular like UI like larger UI
1448s changes or UI features and things like
1451s custom scripts that needs to be run on
1454s the client side isn't possible
1458s um but you know as we work fairly
1461s closely with our models and try to cater
1462s as much as possible if they do have
1465s certain features or certain requests
1467s when it comes to these scripts that is
1469s needed in the base game
1472s we try to get them in
1475s um to as much of an extent as we can
1478s to allow this sort of customizability
1484s we also had some storage uh and there's
1488s also a couple of questions here with
1490s being able to sell images
1493s I believe right now it it is a bit
1495s tricky in regards to
1498s kind of how the store handles items
1501s because these are going to be unique
1503s items
1504s across the board and it we don't really
1507s have a good way to represent or to show
1509s off what what specific image you're
1511s buying in the store
1513s um so it's a bit of a lottery at the
1516s moment or a roulette table trying to buy
1518s it
1519s but it is something that I'm looking
1522s from how we want to be able to do it if
1525s we want to be able to say
1526s sell or buy them through the actual
1529s picture frames
1530s as an alternative but
1537s it's uh it's a tricky it's a tricky
1541s thing to kind of work around and we are
1544s we're looking into it but we don't
1546s really have a definitive
1548s answer to it at the moment
1551s there is a question that you kind of
1554s answer a moment ago but maybe it needs
1557s more information and it is about if it
1560s is possible to disable the the feature
1562s so as someone is conserved on the full
1566s the server fold their clock up with the
1568s endless photos
1570s yeah and that was part of the server
1573s configs that we're looking on to just
1575s allow a server to prevent photos in
1578s general if they don't want the camera
1580s mode active on their server they can
1582s disable that
1583s but at the same time we also want to
1586s kind of give more customizability so uh
1589s we're looking at a say a a memory
1592s threshold per client or
1595s a certain quantity of images but
1598s uh there's nothing really set in stone
1600s and decided on that yet and it's still
1603s something that we're you know
1605s speculating a little bit about but also
1607s experimenting and making sure that it
1609s it's options that fit us
1611s but at the same time allowing the
1613s customizability that server admins needs
1616s to be able to
1617s maintain a healthy setup
1625s okay nice they are there additional
1628s questions genes that you need to answer
1630s just in case I am sharing my screen now
1633s to show the how the frames look on the
1636s game uh it should be like
1638s I think we can keep going with showing
1641s off some of the some of the images and
1643s frames and
1645s okay so it should be it should be a
1647s little bit is better here so what okay
1651s actually you can keep talking and I'll
1653s follow your character yeah actually
1655s maybe start down the bottom here
1659s that's a good photo that one I don't
1661s know if you saw that gent but
1666s yeah so you get the as I was saying
1668s before you got the kind of basic frames
1670s like wooden and iron
1673s um
1674s these ones here if we go up a little bit
1676s we've got some more ornate frames with a
1679s little bit more fanciness
1683s um same sort of layout in terms of
1685s aspect ratios that are available they
1687s match the camera so you know you can get
1690s whatever aspect ratio you take the photo
1692s of you can pop into a frame
1695s so we've got some more ornate iron ones
1696s here and some ornate wood ones
1701s and then if we go up the top here we've
1703s got the really fancy frames
1708s that's nice yeah it's a nice photo of
1711s some friendly farmers
1714s you know from either side of the fence
1716s there
1717s having a chat
1720s um
1720s yeah so there's the same sort of aspect
1723s ratio options for these frames as well
1724s there's just
1726s I ran out of room so
1729s but we have the famous as lender Fox
1733s render Fox yeah a rare sighting
1739s nice museum
1742s yeah if you want to see Slender Fox back
1744s as well just put that in the survey
1748s just just let us know if enough people
1750s want it we can put it back
1755s we also need to add portals on the on
1758s the photos like on Mario
1761s I can remember the it was for
1764s for the 64 console the I can't remember
1767s yeah yeah
1768s [Music]
1770s we'll try I think eaten by the image and
1773s just soak it up in there that's nice
1775s okay so that's some really nice frames
1778s oh I can go and show you the printer box
1780s just in case yeah but before that we did
1784s have a question regarding the the kind
1785s of pictures in general and the photos
1787s and there is a question kind of sneaking
1790s into the settlement system that people
1792s are asking about so I believe you should
1795s be able to just open up the image uh or
1797s open up a frame
1799s and there should be a sneaky button
1802s there I believe
1805s um no just
1807s I don't even see grabbing grabbing
1809s another image just in case
1811s saving the house in case it explodes
1813s when you when you open up the frame
1816s yeah I think that for some reasons
1820s so it seems like we have a technical
1822s issue in the frame wasn't
1823s store on after they take a picture
1829s that's fine it's fine
1835s yeah uh yeah sorry about that okay uh
1838s but we can also create the the item with
1841s the with the printer there we go but no
1842s stuff I I think that's because of the
1844s Australian server it takes a long time
1846s before it actually reacts to you taking
1847s an image so it pops up as as approval
1851s rating
1852s um
1853s but if you
1854s yeah so we have you can go over the the
1857s user images
1858s where
1860s we've got a feature now for that we
1863s hooked up to the printing press and it
1866s allows you to upload the textures
1869s directly to the server
1872s and this of course goes to
1874s goes through the whole um approval
1877s process but also there's server
1878s configurations to disallow this
1880s completely and there's also a data size
1884s limiter so you can set how big the
1886s pictures are allowed to be uploaded and
1888s some other current configs but we're
1892s you know any any concerns you have in
1895s terms of
1896s management of like data limitations and
1901s uploads to the server please fill them
1903s out in the survey as well because I
1905s believe we have some custom fields in
1906s there that allows you to free type of
1908s any specific thing that you're
1911s you wanted to see
1914s uh yeah and obviously one of the quick
1919s ones being the the not safe for work
1922s kind of pictures and there is a default
1925s if you have the feature enabled you have
1928s a configuration option that is enabled
1931s by default which is approval and that is
1935s something where a user texture is never
1937s allowed into the gameplay until a server
1941s admin has reviewed it
1943s through an improval or reject system so
1947s um
1948s should pop up for Toby I guess since
1951s he's admin on the server but
1953s if you give jio admin well I guess he
1957s has admin as well yeah should pop up on
1959s the side
1960s essentially popped up a UI that you can
1963s enter
1964s and you list through all the all the
1967s textures and everything that is uploaded
1968s on display and you can just click on it
1971s and go approve your reject
1975s um ask for the the images himself if you
1978s open up a photo frame
1981s you can see that we have a button called
1984s rate picture in it okay yeah
1989s um
1990s the on the frame itself so when you have
1992s an image slotted in there you can rate
1994s the picture
1996s and
1998s you can
2000s I think you can click it it should be
2002s safe it shouldn't explode too much and
2004s it gives you an option that currently
2006s just has the placeholder for reputation
2009s so you you essentially give Fame to that
2013s image
2014s and that ties into the cultural system
2017s for the settlements which
2020s is a source of culture
2023s but the
2025s tricky thing at the moment is that you
2028s can only give culture cultural
2030s reputation to images that you don't own
2033s so you can't just
2035s feed yourself with a lot of points
2037s freely but you have to be
2039s you have to be given these points by
2041s someone else
2044s and cultural value is also what's
2047s promoting and helping your town grow in
2049s terms of influence and
2051s other things that we'll go into on on
2052s the settlement stream
2056s okay they should be able to just click
2058s click just click one of those I think
2060s you should be able to yeah pop up that
2062s window
2063s seems like not but but yeah we can see
2066s here that I get the notification of the
2068s uh that the pictures that I tried to
2072s upload to the server are waiting for the
2074s for the notification I are waiting for
2076s the approval I'm sorry
2078s but but yeah that's like like the like
2081s the concept of that and it's really
2084s important the The Raid system because it
2086s will really I mean imagine having a
2088s result the most famous picture of This
2090s Server that's really cool
2095s okay so yeah this for instance uh
2098s working the to open it not sure why but
2102s yeah
2104s button below the notification oh the the
2107s second one the the the second UI button
2109s ah okay yeah sorry there we go yeah
2114s um sorry once you open up it it takes a
2118s little while because it's it's on a
2120s remote server uh yeah and it and it
2123s loads loads in all the images that is
2125s uploaded and then
2126s you have a hotkey for unreviewed photos
2129s versus approved ones
2132s and you can hit
2135s oh Improvement lead and on delete it
2137s should remove it from the storage so it
2140s completely vanishes
2144s yeah that's that's really interesting
2146s wow
2149s and then as as through that you can also
2152s see the action so if someone does upload
2154s inappropriate images you can outright
2156s bam them from that UI
2158s so you don't need to chase down who
2160s actually uploaded it it has the user
2162s linked to that image
2166s yeah you can see here the the options to
2168s to bind the outdoor just in case it's
2171s someone that's already always rolling in
2173s your server
2175s in I mean you know that it will prevent
2178s him from uploading additional pictures
2183s yeah that's really cool uh anything uh
2187s other additional questions James
2192s uh will there be bigger picture frames
2195s or is this something mods can do
2198s uh I believe this is it's just a matter
2202s of adding the component to whatever game
2203s object you want and then you can set up
2206s the
2207s uh probably more for you Toby since
2209s you're the one that's yeah
2211s all the frames it should be fairly
2213s modable
2215s um but also
2217s some of those
2218s um like fantier frames
2221s I think some of those might actually end
2223s up being a bit larger than they are at
2224s the moment but so we would want to add
2228s some like massive ones for you know if
2230s you've got an art gallery you could have
2231s a really big frame but yeah they they'll
2234s be um
2236s multiple as well definitely
2240s nice do we have more questions
2247s uh can you look at photos without
2250s putting them in a frame and will the
2252s item icon match the photo that's an
2255s interesting one
2256s we have you can see there are a lot of
2258s different options for these but as as we
2262s have mentioned this is a work in
2263s progress so we still have some decisions
2264s to make and and we hope that this Orbee
2267s help us to to make the decisions that's
2269s obviously the most important is the the
2272s community opinion so right now the item
2276s itself is not possible to see a picture
2277s if you can you can all I'm sorry you can
2280s always go to the pictures on your
2282s computer if you allow them to
2286s to be sure and this is probably the this
2289s is option that that we have right now
2291s that's allowed to to see the the photos
2294s but we have considered additional
2297s elements to include in the game for
2299s example to include a like a photo album
2302s so when you take photos they go to a
2305s photo album and the photo album is an
2307s item that you can review and check the
2309s different photos similar to a gallery on
2313s your smartphone that you take a picture
2314s and you can go to a gallery and check
2316s the ambrosity photos they have taken but
2318s it's something that that we have been
2319s considering but probably would be post
2323s temp version as we still need to do a
2327s lot of Polish we would rather have a
2329s good functional feature that that a lot
2332s of different broken ones
2335s [Music]
2337s anything else about that
2340s so good
2342s yeah that's
2344s good summary
2347s and
2348s we've got some other with paper Milling
2351s finally a job question mark and
2354s I have some more things cooking
2356s um rather than just
2358s the images but
2361s um this is kind of our first step into
2362s making paper a more more used commodity
2366s as a lot of people probably been
2368s wondering when that would ever happen
2370s and
2371s uh it's on the horizon we've got
2374s some things in here but
2376s um
2377s can talk about that in a little bit here
2381s autofocus was answered we're probably
2383s gonna look at something like autofocus
2385s but at the moment I believe the range so
2389s when you open up the camera and you have
2390s the focal lens what you're seeing in the
2393s numbers represented is the tiles
2395s distance from your position
2400s um
2401s and
2403s going to to do like using the
2407s uh the uh the raycast of the camera or
2411s on the Avatar to kind of see and Target
2413s and and pinpoint and then kind of give
2416s you a spacing of three four tiles would
2418s probably not be impossible that's on
2420s jio's table
2422s you know it should be should be doable
2425s also I hope that that you enjoy if
2427s someone wants to know what what it feels
2429s to
2430s like when you need to wear glasses and
2433s you don't wear them that's that's
2434s something like that that you're going to
2436s see I mean for example in my case when I
2438s don't wear my glasses I'm kind of at
2441s this point it's better but but not that
2443s far from this
2444s but yeah we will take a look on the on
2446s the autofocus uh feel free to to give us
2449s that and any other features for the
2451s camera that you want to to include
2454s uh we got another one with with the sort
2458s of higher tech level imagery and
2461s something that's on a lot of people's
2464s media reception here in regards to
2467s either news reporting or just videos in
2470s general being drone cameras so being
2473s able to kind of have an object that you
2475s remotely control to be able to overview
2477s or take say you know higher elevation
2481s photos without having admin powers or
2484s things like that
2491s yeah like I'd be excited for that as
2494s well like having really modern cameras
2497s um and then being able to Branch out
2498s into drones and things like that would
2500s be really cool
2503s gets used and like how much we want to
2505s flesh it out but you could you could
2507s take it a long way
2508s before yeah especially yeah like you
2512s know people could become journalists
2513s basically on their server and be like
2516s attending events and taking photos
2519s um and then you know selling that to the
2521s news and things like that
2524s yeah I mean the the vehicles I mean we
2527s already have a vehicle system but we
2529s don't have any flying vehicles so we
2532s probably would start by by adding that
2534s kind of Records the game before thinking
2537s of flying drones but I think it's a
2538s really cool idea and sorry James that I
2540s interrupt you gotta go ahead you know I
2542s I think on the on the drones things I
2544s think that if everyone takes a lot of
2546s images and there's a lot of a lot of
2549s interactions with it and a lot of people
2550s find it enjoyable and we see yeah just
2553s general activity around it and and
2555s people are requesting it
2557s uh it's it's gonna be
2560s probably more incentivized to add and
2563s flesh out more functionalities to it
2566s because there is a lot of a lot of
2569s features that we're working on and a lot
2570s of things that kind of need attention uh
2572s things like the animals and the
2574s ecosystem and
2576s a big big kind of reworks that we're
2579s looking at doing that to fix up a lot of
2581s these things
2583s cameras gives you
2585s a good
2587s feel of being able to kind of give give
2591s a bit of history of your world as it's
2593s evolving
2595s but also give you more General
2597s activities to do while playing instead
2600s of just focusing on you know progression
2602s and Tech unlocks
2604s uh and just industrialization but
2607s something that allows people to just you
2609s know chill back relax
2612s um
2613s and even things and even if you lose the
2616s game you will have a unique chance to
2618s take a picture of a closer picture to a
2620s meteor that's a really cool experience
2625s [Music]
2628s selfies
2630s in general I believe we have something
2631s cooking in that regard for uh with the
2635s avatars in general
2638s um so there's something something coming
2640s up with that but not really
2643s something that they're ready to show off
2645s here
2646s but there is some stuff in the works for
2648s it yeah but if just in case if anyone
2651s wants to know what's like the progress
2653s on selfies can check the the stream that
2656s we did for for avatars it was done by by
2659s tobian Milenko and you can see a preview
2662s of what we have in mind for taking a
2664s selfie is with like a similar system to
2666s what they show when on the Avatar
2669s creation
2671s yeah that is that is true you can check
2673s that out
2674s uh we got on the subject of photos on
2676s walls world map objects I'm guessing
2680s like a bigger an ability to kind of post
2684s the um the rendition of the the world
2687s map that we have on the um
2690s uh what's it called Helping here
2693s uh the Regis the um
2697s real estate desk that's what it's called
2699s having a brain brain freeze there for a
2701s bit
2702s yeah I've actually just done that
2704s locally I put the the that can print it
2707s onto the one of the frames and
2710s yeah that works you can display the map
2712s on in like a picture frame if you want
2714s to have like a massive like beautiful
2716s pitch frame with the world map in it
2718s that updates that that works
2721s we could do that pretty easily I don't
2723s know about like starting the borders and
2726s settlement sort of stuff but
2729s um I'm sure that wouldn't be
2731s too tricky
2735s nice we have uh a question that is
2738s really interesting and I think that we
2739s haven't talked about it and is what is
2742s the recipe recipe for the first camera
2748s um
2750s the recipe for the first camera is it's
2753s under mechanics I believe I left it at
2756s but
2757s if you give me half a second here I can
2760s actually
2761s have a look and
2765s leave it was related to glass bulbs and
2769s you see here tools
2772s the
2775s I pulled the camera is currently using a
2780s Glass Lens light bulb some leather
2783s Heights and some metal bars
2788s nice I think that was the question I
2790s don't know if we have additional
2792s questions on the chat that we want to
2794s check or we can go and return to the
2797s questions after you start talking James
2798s about the feature of paper that you
2802s already give a size a really small
2804s introduction about that
2808s uh yeah I think there are some general
2811s questions and some of them are poking in
2813s more to like the cultural affection on
2816s on the cameras and and like how how the
2819s art galleries and the image owners and
2821s and so on and the culture is tied to the
2825s image itself
2826s so you rate the picture that data is
2829s stored on that picture uh in the game so
2831s you can trade it to another settlement
2833s for
2834s you know big bucks
2836s uh if it's if it's high value or you
2839s know high high worth of a commodity
2842s and
2844s so there's a there's a big potential
2847s black market for
2849s High cultural prices between towns and
2852s between between countries that could
2855s could spark some interesting economical
2857s rivalries
2858s um
2859s and other shenanigans that people can
2861s get up to when they
2862s have the ability to do so
2868s nice any other questions you want to
2871s check before going or maybe Toby needs
2874s to show something else before going
2876s ahead with the rest of the paper I
2880s information
2882s now I think I'm I'm okay
2885s I don't want to show my shopping stream
2887s again anyway so
2889s it's real good
2892s okay then so so I think that you you
2895s should go ahead and tell us about what
2897s you have in mind for that
2900s um yeah so with cameras in mind and with
2904s images in mind something that we started
2907s discussing was
2909s how can we add more things into the game
2912s and more you know kind of social aspect
2915s and utilize this system more in
2920s in a gameplay environment or you know
2923s some something that could have players
2925s have an interaction have some creativity
2928s as well as kind of get more usage out of
2931s the image system and
2933s retailing of
2936s um
2937s some of those things to be able to
2939s contract and you know just more more
2941s General socializing and one of the
2943s things that we kind of started looking
2946s at is
2948s images are all nice and dandy and it's
2951s nice to be able to post them up on
2953s frames and be able to kind of interact
2955s with them and store them and save them
2956s but what else can we do with images
2958s and one of the things that images are
2962s part really important part of is telling
2965s a story
2967s and also presenting you with news and
2970s facts so we started to really
2973s look in deeper into things like
2976s newspapers and other type of
2979s Representative media where
2981s you can have a use for these things and
2984s I started kind of cooking up something
2986s for newspapers
2988s which
2990s isn't really super
2992s uh
2994s detailed as of right now so there's
2996s still a couple of questions that I need
2998s to go over and make sure that they work
3000s well it's also something that is planned
3002s for post 10.
3004s but it is
3005s kind of an interesting development out
3009s of something that we just initially took
3011s as this nice little cool Gadget that
3013s could impact towns and and things
3016s um
3017s and sort of ran with it and see where we
3019s could lead with a fun interactive
3021s gameplay
3023s and we'll have more on that once we sort
3026s of get
3027s through 10 and we have some more things
3030s to kind of tangibly present as
3034s one thing leads into another and you can
3037s get into a very slippery slope of I want
3039s to add this feature and this would be
3041s very cool and then and we could add this
3043s one and then expand on it this way and
3046s it just kind of you can kind of keep
3048s running with it until you hit a brick
3050s wall and realize that oh boy we have
3053s we spent way too much time on this where
3056s we could you know
3058s add more things into
3061s more end game content or you know
3065s fix up the animal systems and things
3067s like that so there's
3069s it needs to also be kind of contained
3071s and rained in a little bit because it's
3073s very dangerous to just
3075s keep going
3078s yeah I I understand completely that but
3081s like an um opposite
3085s idea if on your hand people are excited
3088s to see these kind of features and have
3090s multiple ideas of what they would like
3092s to do with the photo system uh please
3095s feel free to to comment on the on the
3098s survey I mean we have a lot of ideas
3100s that would be really cool but it doesn't
3103s make sense to just do to implement the
3106s ideas that we have we obviously want to
3108s work on what the community needs or the
3111s community would like to see in the game
3113s so for example if you if you think like
3116s oh it'd be really cool to have like
3117s official photography contest on on
3121s servers so you compose your picture and
3125s there are different categories funny
3126s animals and stuff like that or no I
3128s would like to see like uh photography as
3131s a full-time profession that you can hire
3134s a photographer to find people that are
3136s littering on take the pictures to show
3139s the evidence and stuff like that we are
3142s really open to to all sort of ideas so
3144s remember to that we have the survey and
3146s feel free to to give us all the
3148s information you have in that
3150s back to you agents for the other
3153s questions
3154s yeah we got we got a couple of a couple
3157s of questions to kind of close out with
3159s unless we have a lot of other things
3162s um
3163s and some of them being can you clone
3166s pictures and the answer would be yes to
3170s that
3171s I think you can do it with the um you
3173s can do it with the user textures and I
3175s believe you should be able to do it with
3176s the pictures as well not entirely sure
3179s how we're looking at with that
3181s feature about the essential being the
3183s same you Chuck it into the printing
3184s press and you add paper and
3187s you know you can make copies out of it
3189s that are blank that doesn't hold the
3191s properties of the parent image so you
3193s can't take an image give it a bunch of
3196s points and then copy it and get a bunch
3198s of points on that image so it would be a
3200s new thing
3202s and
3204s what else do we have here
3207s um
3209s cultural thing being kept on the image
3211s if the image change owners yes I believe
3213s I answered that one
3215s um got the old ones and if two people
3219s have the same picture the culture rating
3221s can be the same on both it won't it
3224s won't be duplicated so it will be
3226s that unique image would have that
3231s kind of property
3236s and
3238s thirdly on that would be if will the
3241s fame of a portrait tie into the housing
3243s value at all no at the moment it's only
3246s affecting cultural value
3249s but
3251s it is potential that that will change it
3253s is still heavily under development still
3256s and
3258s um
3259s I think that's the thing that might be
3261s more prominent to to test out and give
3264s feedback on once if we move into staging
3266s and play testing for it
3268s to give more of a
3271s honest Hands-On answer of it
3276s so we have another question that we have
3279s already answered but just in case it's
3281s about the the selfie system system so we
3283s are also working on selfies and there is
3287s a preview for that on the arbitrary
3288s stream that we did where you can take a
3291s picture of your navatory when creating
3293s it
3295s okay naturally if there are more
3297s questions to be urgents that you have
3299s seen and want to answer
3303s um we got regarding regarding the whole
3306s photography and and speaking of of
3309s shenanigans and taking picture of people
3310s that are dumping tailings out of a of a
3313s cliff or garbage in your backyard
3316s um
3317s I had a question about if
3320s you could take pictures and the camera
3323s be revealing kind of evidence regarding
3325s something that has happened
3328s um
3329s it is an interesting Prospect and I
3332s think it might be something that we'll
3333s look into into the future but
3336s uh nothing that we have planned at the
3338s moment at least
3339s um but it it wouldn't surprise me if
3341s that's something that get heavily
3342s heavily looked into from the modding
3344s perspective to kind of
3347s get ahead of us in that department
3350s um
3353s something else that could be cool with
3354s that is like
3355s using infrared to identify like crops
3359s that uh kind of start dying that sort of
3361s thing that's like used heavily in
3363s farming like now that farming is getting
3365s a lot more modernized they're like using
3368s drones with infrared and
3371s um yeah that'd be kind of interesting
3373s different visualization sort of
3375s modes like temperature and infrared
3381s yeah that's an interesting aspect
3384s we'll we'll keep it under
3388s yeah under under investigation when we
3391s uh poke at the the
3394s farming in general I think
3396s maybe some interesting high-tech tools
3398s that would allow you to kind of
3399s visualize where things are going bad if
3401s your crops are dying yeah but that's
3403s that'll be an interesting one
3411s I think that's
3414s I think that's everything we had for
3415s this stream on us yeah anyone has
3418s anything else I think that would be all
3420s the last question that I saw let's see
3421s if if there's going to be an option to
3423s add a watermark we haven't considered
3426s that but I think that's a good idea I
3428s mean some some of the questions about
3431s features uh are features that we we
3434s didn't consider on the original planning
3437s so feel free to add those questions in
3440s front of suggestion on the on the survey
3443s and we will try to to check what options
3446s are really common and try to really
3448s focus our work on that yeah so yeah I
3451s think that would be I think that would
3453s be all uh thank you everyone for
3457s watching the stream and I hope that we
3460s can answer we have we have been able to
3462s answer all the questions

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